Background In this spirit, OFID was established in January 1976 by the then 13 member countries of OPEC. Initially, it was called The OPEC Special Fund. The idea was that OFID’s resources are additional to those already made available by OPEC states through a number of bilateral and multilateral channels. The supreme authority of OFID is the Ministerial Council, made up of finance ministers of member countries. The Council issues policy guidelines followed by the Governing Board, which oversees the general operations. The Director-General, who is appointed by the Council, is Mr. Suleiman Jasir AlHerbish (Saudi Arabia). Mr. Al-Herbish is also the institution’s Chief Executive Officer. The resources of OFID consist mainly of voluntary contributions by OPEC member countries and income derived from OFID’s investments and loans (interest and service charge). OFID’s operations were launched in August 1976 with initial resources of about US$ 800m. These resources have been replenished four times. The last replenishment of US$1 billion was approved by the Ministerial Council in June 2011 as a direct response to the increasing needs of developing countries and the negative impact of the financial crisis on their economies. All developing countries, with the exception of OPEC member countries, are in principle eligible for OFID assistance. The least developed countries, however, are accorded higher priority and therefore receive a large share of OFID’s assistance. OFID has over the years spread its presence to 134 countries, of which 53 are in Africa, 43 in Asia, 31 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7 in Europe. In the public sector, OFID has implemented eighteen lending programs since its inception. The 19th lending program, approved for a three-year duration, became effective January 1, 2014. As of January 1, 2014 close to two-thirds of the outstanding loans were with Low Income Countries and half of all commitments were to Africa. Under the Private Sector Facility, established in 1998, 214 operations have been approved in support of private entities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. By the end of Sept. 2014, US$ 2,266m had been committed and US$ 1,302m disbursed. Profile October 2014 In 2006, a Trade Financing Facility was launched. By the end of Sept. 2014, US$ 2,080m in lines of credit and US$ 2,250m in risk-sharing guarantee programs had been approved and US$ 1,778m had been disbursed. In the framework of grants, assistance is extended to humanitarian aid and social development operations through six grant programs; Technical Assistance, Research & Similar Activities, Emergency Relief Aid, HIV/AIDS, Energy Poverty and the Palestine Program. OFID has also established a special grant account to respond to specific global needs such as the grants for the establishment of CFC10 and IFAD11. By the end of Sept. 2014, 1,608 grants, amounting to US$ 596m, had been extended. In addition, OFID channelled US$ 972m of OPEC members’ contributions to two international institutions: first to the initial capital and first replenishment of IFAD and second to the Trust Fund of the International Monetary Fund. OFID’s total approved commitments12 (including grants and contributions to other institutions) as at the end of Sept. 2014, stood at US$ 17,546m, of which US$ 11,522m has been disbursed. Focus on Energy Poverty. In November 2007 during the OPEC Summit in Saudi Arabia, OFID was mandated to align its programs with energy poverty eradication. In 2008 OFID, in implementing the above mandate, started action on the “Energy for the Poor” initiative. To enhance these efforts the OFID Ministerial Council in its June 2012 Declaration committed a minimum of US$ 1 billion revolving, which was announced by OFID Management at Rio +20. ______________________________________ 10 11 12 Common Fund for Commodities International Fund for Agricultural Development Further details are found in the OFID Annual Report as well as various other publications, obtainable through the OFID website. Design Pic Inc/Alamy OFID was conceived at the Conference of the Sovereigns and Heads of State of member countries, held in Algiers, Algeria, in March 1975. A Solemn Declaration “reaffirmed the natural solidarity which unites OPEC countries with other developing countries in their struggle to overcome underdevelopment,” and called for measures to strengthen cooperation between these countries. Since its 2010 Inaugural Summit in London, One Young World has aimed to connect the young to share their vision and ideas for creating practical solutions for a positive change in their communities. OFID has supported the OYW Summit since inception and has contributed significantly in ensuring the world’s under-represented and non-represented youth are present at this global forum and is proud to be a sponsor of the 2014 OYW Summit, taking place in Dublin, Ireland, from 15 - 19 October. _____________________________________ The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) Parkring 8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Email: [email protected]; as at 30 Sept. 2014 US$ m The OPEC Fund for International Development 3 Disbursements 10,243 724 333 281 50 11,632 5,752 714 312 263 50 7,091 Commitments Date Established January 28, 1976 Start of Operations August 9, 1976 Headquarters Vienna, Austria Member Countries Algeria Ecuador Gabon Indonesia Iran Iraq Kuwait Mandate Libya Nigeria Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE Venezuela To reinforce financial cooperation between OPEC member countries and other developing countries and promote South-South solidarity. Beneficiaries All developing countries other than OPEC member states, with priority given to the less developed among them. Resources (January 1, 2014) in US$ m Contributions1 4,261 Reserve 2,624 Total Resources 1. Public Sector Operations Project Financing Balance of Payment Support Program Financing HIPC Initiative PRGF Trust5 Sub-total 2. Trade Finance Operations6 2,080 * 1,778 3. Private Sector Operations4 2,266 1,302 4. Grant Operations Technical Assistance Emergency Relief Aid Research & Similar Activities HIV/AIDS Program Energy Poverty Program Food Aid Special Grant Account Grant Program for Palestine Special Contribution to IFAD Common Fund for Commodities Sub-total 5. IFAD 7 7 6. IMF Trust Fund TOTAL 163 72 22 86 16 147 72 19 81 6 20 113 20 84 596 20 101 20 42 508 861 732 111 111 17,546 11,522 OFID may also act as an agent on behalf of OPEC member countries in their relations with other international financial institutions. _______________________________________________ This amount excludes US$ 972m in contributions from OPEC Member Countries channelled through OFID to IFAD and the IMF Trust Fund. Total Number of Approved Operations Public Sector Loans Private Sector Operations Trade Finance Operations Grants 1440 214 105 1608 Total 3367 Balance of Payment Support Project Loans 4 6,885 Means: OFID is empowered to engage in all functions necessary or incidental to the achievement of its objective, including the following: Extending concessionary financial assistance in the form of loans for development projects and programs and for balance of payments support. Participating in the financing of private sector enterprises located in developing countries. Supporting developing countries’ trade with lines of credit and guarantees. Providing grants in support of social & humanitarian development projects, capacity building, research and similar activities, HIV/AIDS operations as well as emergency food and relief operations. Contributing to the resources of other development institutions whose work benefits developing countries. 1 Regional Distribution o f P u b l i c S e c t o r O p e r a t i o n s (US$ m) 8 Cumu l ativ e Ac t iv it ie s 2 OFID Program Loans HIPC Loans Africa 4,872 430 195 230 5,727 Asia 3,579 176 64 0 3,820 1,524 118 74 51 1,767 268 0 0 0 268 10,243 724 333 281 11,582 LAC 9 Europe Total Sectoral Distribution of Public Sector Project Loans ( % b y va l u e ) Energy Transportation Agriculture Education Health 21 32 14 8 6 Water & Sanitation Development Banks Industry, Telecom. Multi-sectoral Total 53 Asia Latin America & Caribbean Europe 43 31 7 Total Europe & MultiRegional 5% Latin America & Caribbean 7% Asia 37% 134 ______________________________________________________________________ 2 Due to rounding, totals may not add up. Gross Approvals by Governing Board. 4 Part of these operations is in €, which has been converted into US$, excluding US$150m credit guarantees. 5 Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Fund. 6 Excluding US$ 2,250m in risk-sharing guarantee programs. 7 Contributions from Member Countries channeled through the OFID. * Additionally US$625m have been renewed for TFF operations. 3 9 2 1 7 100 Regional Distribution of OFID’s Commitment to the Education, Health & Social Sectors US$ 1.66 billion Number of Beneficiary Countries Africa Total _________________________________ 8 9 Excluding the PRGF, which is a multi-regional facility. Latin America and Caribbean Africa 51%
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