HBC Alive Sunday, Nov. 2 Daylight Saving Time Ends Fall Back One Hour! Class 101 10:05 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Parlor 2015 Budget Presentation 6 p.m. Fellowship Hall Sunday, Nov. 16 Annual Business Dinner and Meeting 5 p.m. Fellowship Hall I want to recommend a book I’ve been reading, compiled and written by Matt Boswell, titled “Doxology and Theology.“ It’s a great insight on how our worship shapes our view of God and vice versa. Each chapter is written by a different worship leader and covers a different topic. In a chapter on the Trinity by Zac Hicks, I came across a passage I’ve read and claimed many times, but the way it was referred to in this book made me see it in a different light. In Romans 8:26-27, Paul writes “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” It’s that word “weakness” that has colored my view of this scripture. I’ve gone to this verse countless times when I was uncertain of the future, when I was grieving, when I needed courage to do what God had asked of me. But perhaps my biggest “weakness” was when I didn’t consider the truth of this verse. The times when I thought “I have this covered” or when I thought I knew exactly how things would go. Too often that’s my take on what we all call the everyday life – the ordinary. But I was missing out. The truth is that this scripture has huge ramifications for every moment of our lives. It explains the difference between life and the “abundant” life Christ spoke of in John 10. For as much as we learn about ourselves and about God in this world, we will never know more about either subject than God himself. And the Spirit is God’s chosen messenger of His Truth. Since the Spirit intercedes for us, we can live in freedom. We don’t have to have all the answers if we are seeking His Truth. We don’t have to worry about how to talk to God if we humbly come before Him. We don’t have to worry about using just the right words to share the gospel if we are doing it in the name of Christ. The Spirit takes care of all these things for the heart that is yielded to God. And maybe most important of all, the Spirit expresses our innermost needs and desires in the moments when we think we have it all together. Grace, Jimmy 2014 Annual Business Meeting Agenda Sunday, November 16, 2014 Christmas Bible School Saturday, Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Give your child the gift of attending HBC's Christmas Bible School! All children of the community who are Happy Birthday age 3 (as of July 1, 2011 and potty Jesus! trained) through grade 5 are invited to attend the morning of fun activities focused on the real meaning of Christmas, God's gift of love, Jesus. The children will be celebrating “Birthday of the King” with Christmas stories, crafts, games, music, snacks and video. Parents or guardians are welcome to join the musical closing at 11:50 a.m. in the sanctuary. Children will be released to their parent or guardian at 12 noon at the close of our celebration of Jesus’ Birthday Party Program in the sanctuary. Beginning Monday, Nov. 3 you will be able to register online at the church website. Also forms will be available at the Info Desk beginning Sunday, Nov. 2. If you would like to volunteer to help with this exciting ministry sign up on the Communication Card or contact Cathy Lawrence at 433-2089. The 2014 Annual Church Business Dinner and Meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov. 16. The meal will begin at 5 p.m. followed by the business meeting and Neil Showalter Awards presentation. Childcare will be available for children under the age of 6. Please sign up on the Communication Card if you plan to attend the dinner and if you’ll need childcare. • Missions Celebration 2014 • Recognition of Those Members Lost by Death This Year • Vote on Deacons • Vote on Trustees • Vote on Church Officers • Vote on 2015 Budget • Review of Annual Audit Report • Recognition of 145th Church Anniversary • Pray. Dream. Act.ing in 2015 • Trustee HALO Proposal • Update from the Pastor Search Committee • Neil Showalter Award Presentation • Announcement of Vote Results • Closing Prayer and Song This year for our Adult Christmas Cantata we are asking for congregation participation. We often ask, How can we bring gifts to the Christ child as the wise men did? The Scriptures give us the answer: And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to the one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40 NRSV). Bethany United Methodist Church (Cindy Kite’s home church) has a food pantry opened every Monday and serves a hot meal every third Monday. We are asking that you bring a canned food or boxed item on Sunday, Dec. 7. During the song As We Bow Before the King you will be asked to bring forth your gift for the Christ child. There will be instructions for you to know exactly when to come forth. Boxes will be available for your “gift.” Thank you so much for “helping the least of these my brethren.” Blessings, Annette The Knights of Columbus are raising funds to purchase a new ultrasound machine for AVA Care of Harrisonburg. The Supreme Council will match funds raised up to $15,000. AVA Care of Harrisonburg is a medical non-profit that provides free pregnancy testing and confirmation to women facing unintended pregnancy. Many of the women that walk through the doors at AVA Care believe that abortion may be their only option. We are able to provide valuable services to these women including pregnancy testing, pregnancy confirmation, client advocacy, and nurse consultation. Pregnancy confirmation is performed through limited obstetric ultrasound. This procedure not only provides a “window to the womb” for the woman, in which she can see her unborn child, but it also answers three important questions. Those questions are: Is the pregnancy intrauterine? (not ectopic), How far along am I? and Is there fetal cardiac activity? Being able to provide this valuable service to a woman free of charge opens the door for AVA Care to minister to a woman in a very unique way. In 2013 alone, AVA Care performed 389 ultrasounds. This machine is currently 7 years old and is in dire need of replacement. If you would like to make a personal contribution or if you know of a civic or religious group that would like to make a donation, please contact Brett Sinclair at 540-908-6765 or [email protected]. The First Impression Team hopes you have taken notice of the fellowship hall floor. Please take a minute to browse upstairs in the Kids Alive area, the nursery, and stairwells leading to the first and second floors. The floors are clean and bright and will certainly make a good “first impression!” Please help our team as well as the Premises Committee by using only painters tape on floors. Masking and scotch tape leave a tacky adhesive residue. Also it would be helpful to keep our hallways and classrooms free of supplies, equipment and additional clutter. Worship Attendance Oct. 12 Oct. 19 9 AM Traditional Service 120 142 11:10 AM Contemporary Service 107 135 Sunday School 127 137 Class 101 (Newcomer’s Class) is for anyone new to HBC for those interested in church membership and for anyone who wants to learn more about HBC. The next class will be held Sunday, Nov. 2 from 10:05 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. in the Parlor. Participants and their families are invited to lunch with Stacy and Luke Nowell. Please sign up on the Communication Card or contact Stacy Nowell for more info at [email protected] or 433-2456. The next Wednesday Night Supper will be held on Nov. 5 at 5:15 p.m. The menu will be baked chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, rolls and pineapple cake. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children with a $20 max per family. Please sign up on the Communication Card for monthly or permanent reservations. Prayer List Church Family—Elma Cobb, Bob Lambert and Audrey Rose; Jeff Jones (son of Sam and Sue Jones); Julie & Alan Diehl (daughter and son-in-law of Dale & Anne Wright); Corena Huffman (daughter-in-law of Sam and Susan Huffman); Stacy Melton (niece of Julie Aittama); and Cindy Kite (HBC Office Administrator). Nursing Homes—Sunnyside Retirement Community: Dutch Simmons; Stuarts Draft Retirement Community: Annie Eddins; VMRC Afton: Martha Ludholtz; VMRC Crestwood Assisted Living: Leary and Beverly Baker and Ressie Bateman; and Willow Estates: C.W. Messinger. We express Christian sympathy the family of George Rose upon his death on Oct. 10 and to Brenda Beierle upon the death of her father. Just a reminder there will be no December Wednesday Night Supper due to the Christmas Dinner on Dec. 10. Remember Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, Nov. 2. Address Change Carol Morrow 1710 Park Road, Apartment C Come "fall" inside of a great book at HBC's library, located on the second floor, and just to the left off the elevator. The library is open on Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and will also be open on Wednesday evenings from 5 - 6:30 p.m. beginning in November! New and fascinating titles are being added daily for every age and interest! So, come on in, as you won't want to "leave" without a great new read in hand! Terrie Childress Church Librarian Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Clocks should be set back one hour on Saturday evening, Nov. 1. Also check the batteries in your smoke detectors. We want to thank Frank Sprinkel and Terry Butcher for taking down and storing the outdoor stage that was used this summer for 11:10 a.m. worship. Thanks also to members of the Premises Committee and First Impressions Team for all the indoor/outdoor improvements to the church building. (landscaping, cleaning of floors, painting) Our church family is so blessed that we have members that use their talents and time to serve here at HBC. I may be the face and voice of Operation Inasmuch, but there are so many people to thank. If you have written a check or prayed a circle around October 18 and the vision and ministry of Inasmuch, thank you! If you got up early and served on a team, thank you! A loud and special thank you to Frank Sprinkel for being HBC's liaison and construction leader! Special thanks to the following people both from Eastside, Elkton Presbyterian and HBC for leading a team--Dustyn Miller, Daphne Almarode, Emily White, Adam and Kim Showalter, Kimberly Bruce, Deb Douglas, Erin Morgan, Donnie and Missy Brubaker, Todd Dofflemyer, Terry Butcher, Frank Sprinkel, Phil Douglas, Dan Hylton, Jeannie Petit, Matt Lohr, Sarah Northern, Rosemary Lonberger, Don Aittima, Elisabeth Sarco, Katelyn Belcher and Norm Gerber. Every year, Inasmuch has "historical" significance as we grow. In April 2013, 135 volunteers and October 2013, 80 volunteers served. In April and October 2014, we had 200 volunteers for each OIAM event. Last year, "history" was made by honoring our dream and commitment for having two events in the same year--a first. This year, "history" was made by having four churches partner in April, and then 6 partner this month. The JMU and EMU student group serving outnumbered any partnering church. Amazing! As we welcomed Laurel Hill Baptist and St. Stephens UCC, I was thrilled at not only the idea of, but the dream of churches working together, pooling resources and serving in unison. I can't honestly fathom how overjoyed our Heavenly Father is at the sight of us working in His name side by side. I don't know about you, but I simply can't wait to do it again! Save the Date for our spring OIAM … Saturday, Apr. 18, 2015. Until then, check often for updates on various ways to serve with area churches! Blessings, Cindy Parks Missions Committee Chair October is annual membership renewal time for the Virginia Baptist Historical Society and I wanted to extend an opportunity to you to join our membership roll. The Society is composed of churches, district associations and individuals who believe its mission is vital. Our members receive our publications including the annual journal which is now in the hands of the printer. The 2014 journal will tell the story of the 300th anniversary of Baptists in Virginia … about our earliest beginnings as a people as well as about the ways in which the Civil War affected the Virginia Baptist churches. Established in 1876, the Society is the oldest and largest and most active of the various state Baptist historical organizations in America. One of its most significant services is its repository of Virginia Baptist congregational records. We have over 4,000 original church record books in the collection. We have helped preserve Virginia Baptist church records through microfilming and other forms of preservation. We share our resources by aiding several hundred researchers each year. Our publications are used for the education of individuals as well as congregations. Please enroll as an annual member and in doing so join our unique ministry through history. The cost of membership is $25 individual and $35 per family made payable to VBHS and mailed to Virginia Baptist Historical Society, P.O. Box 34, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173. Fred Anderson Executive Director Praise the Lord give thanks to the Lord for he is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1 (NIV) It’s time to think about your offering envelopes for next year. To help reduce spending, envelopes will again be delivered to the church to be picked up instead of being mailed directly to members’ homes. There are three options to consider before ordering your envelopes. Please notify Cindy Kite ([email protected] or 433-2456) of your choice or indicate your choice on the Communication Card. Option 1: If you are a weekly giver, you will need to check the weekly boxed set. This is a set of boxed envelopes … one for each week of the year along with special offering envelopes throughout the year. Option 2: If you are a monthly giver, meaning you give just once a month, you need to check the monthly set. A monthly set will have one offering envelope for each month plus special offering envelopes throughout the year. Annual Christmas Dinner and Children’s Program Wednesday, Dec. 10 6 p..m. Mark your calendar! The Christmas dinner will be once again be catered by Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant. Tickets are required to be purchased in advance and will be on sale next month. Totals must be turned into Mrs. Rowe’s no later than seven days before the event. The children’s musical will be presented following the dinner in the sanctuary. Option 3: If you give online, with stock donations or use envelopes that are in the back of the pews, you can opt out of receiving any envelopes. 7 p.m. Missions Celebration Special Guests Pastor Boots and Jackie Marsh of Standing Rock Reservation Thursday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m. Linden Heights Baptist Church (Staunton) This is sponsored by Augusta Baptist Association and WMU. Donations of children’s winter hats and gloves will be collected. Refreshments will be served. Please call 540-886-1138 or email [email protected] if planning to attend. It is difficult to believe we are less than a month away from ending our 2014 Operation Christmas Child Campaign! Thank you to all who donated soap, washcloths, combs and toothpaste. Our focus item for November is toothbrushes (only 3 weeks to collect). Please bring all items to the Missions Table in the elevator foyer. Don’t forget to pick up a shoebox to fill yourself and return to the Missions Table by Sunday, Nov. 16. Remember to include $7 per box for shipping. A Packing Party will be held on Friday, Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All are invited to come help us pack shoeboxes! 1st Johnnie Mattichak 4th Alma Spitzer 6th Constance Via Hayley Simmons Hayley May 8th Karen Folsom Sarah Northen 9th JoAnn Michael Lou Holsten 10th Helen Stroop Mac McBride 11th Randy Shenk Walter Sellers Jarod Manness 12th David Lawrence Sheila Dart 13th Libby Keihn 21st Melissa Wright 25th Gracie Armstrong Liah Phaga Cindy Kite 27th Tony Graham Phil Douglas 30th John Childress Happy Birthday! Thanksgiving Eve Community Service First Presbyterian Church Wednesday, Nov. 26 7 p.m. Just a reminder … all Wednesday Evening Activities are cancelled for Nov. 26. The church office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 27 and Friday, Nov. 28 for Thanksgiving. Phil Douglas is the deacon of the week beginning Oct. 26. He and his wife, Debbie, have been members since 2011. He is employed by Dynamic Aviation. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Phil teaches the Legacy Adult Sunday School class and is a member of the Adult Choir. B.J. Poland is the deacon of the week beginning Nov. 2. She has been a member since 2001. B.J. is a member of the Decorating Committee and First Impressions Team. “HBC Alive” A Publication of Harrisonburg Baptist Church 501 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540) 433-2456 www.hbcalive.org Ron Crawford, Interim Pastor Stacy Nowell, Associate Pastor Jimmy Via, Minister of Worship & Media Annette Sprinkel, Choir Director Katelyn Belcher, Associate Youth Director Sam Jones, Senior Adult Chaplain Newsletter Deadline: Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 Please submit articles to Amy Cyzick at [email protected]. Our mission is to go and make passionately devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 11am Bag Lunch JMU Homecoming Weekend 2 Daylight Saving Time Ends 9am Traditional Worship* 10:05am-12:10pm Class 101 (Parlor) 10:05am Sunday School* 11:10am Contemporary Worship* 6pm 2015 Ministry Plan Presentation (Fellowship Hall) 3 4 1:30pm Team Meeting 7pm Leadership Team Meeting (Room B-4) No Scouts 6:30am Men's Prayer Breakfast 6-7pm Bells Practice 7pm Plenti-nine Book Study (Rm. B-4) 5 6 10am Ladies Prayer Group 5:15pm Family Night Supper 7:30-9pm 6pm AWANA/Children's Choir Praise Band 6pm FPU & Generation Change Practice 6:30pm Adult Discipleship Classes 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice 7 12 10am Ladies Prayer Group 13 6pm AWANA/Children's Choir 6pm Youth (Clothes Closet) 7:30-9pm 6pm FPU Praise Band 6:30pm Adult Discipleship Classes Practice 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice 14 8 Jimmy Via (MOC) 11am Community Bag Lunch 7pm College Night of Praise at BCM 6-8pm Youth Supper & Frontline 9 9am Traditional Worship* 10:05am Sunday School* 11:10am Contemporary Worship* 12:15pm College Luncheon (Fellowship Hall) 6-8pm Youth Supper & Frontline 10 1:30pm Team Meeting 7pm Scouts 11 6:30am Men's Prayer Breakfast 6-7pm Bells Practice 6:30-8:30pm Fellowship Hall Reserved BGAV Annual Meeting—Nov. 11 & 12 at Hampton Convention Center 16 Deadline for Oper. Christmas Child 17 9am Traditional Worship* 1:30pm Team Meeting 10:05am Sunday School* 11:10am Contemporary Worship* 7pm Scouts 5pm Church Business Dinner & Meeting (Fellowship Hall) 6-8pm Youth Supper & Frontline Newsletter Deadline 23 Communion 9am Traditional Worship* 10:05am Sunday School* 11:10am Contemporary Worship* 2-6pm Kachin Baptist Church 6-8pm Youth Supper & Frontline 30 Advent Begins Guest Speaker—David Holland 9am Traditional Worship* 10:05am Sunday School* 11:10am Contemporary Worship* 2-6pm Kachin Baptist Church 6-8pm Youth Supper & Frontline Newsletter Deadline 18 6:30am Men's Prayer Breakfast 6-7pm Bells Practice 6pm Plenti-nine Quarterly Dinner and Meeting (Aroma’s) 24 25 1:30pm Team Mtg. 6:30am Men's Prayer Breakfast 7pm Finance Rm. B—4 6-7pm Bells Practice 7pm Scouts 6:30pm Operation Christmas Child Packing Party (Fellowship Hall) Stacy Nowell (MOC) 15 11am Community Bag Lunch 19 20 6:30pm 21 10am Ladies Prayer Group A Team 6pm AWANA/Children's Choir (Support Group) 6pm FPU & Generation Change (Rm. B-4) Jimmy Via 6:30pm Adult Discipleship Classes (MOC) 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice 7:30-9pm Praise Band Practice 22 26 29 27 Thanksgiving No Wed. Evening Activities 7pm Thanksgiving Eve Service (First Presbyterian Church) 28 Stacy Nowell (MOC) 11am Community Bag Lunch 11am Community Bag Lunch Church Office Closed Deacon of the Week Nov. 2 B.J. Poland Nov. 9 Matt Lohr Nov. 16 Ron Smith Nov. 23 Judy Embrey Nov. 30 Sherry Miller *Nursery Provided MOC (Minister on Call)
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