tekijä / author Alexander, Nobes Anderson et al Appleyard & Field Baird Barley Bazerman, Moore Blanchard et al. Bodie et al. Bowie Branch Brealey & myers Brealey & myers Brealey & myers Brealey et al Casu Casu et al. Casu et al. Casu et al. Casu et al. Casu et al. Crane & Matten Drury Drury Eilifsen et al. Englund et al Garibaldi Gold et al. Goolsbee et al. Greiner Greiner Gustafsson et al Hamel Hamel Hamel Hamel Helminen Helminen Helminen Hemmo Hoffer et al Hoppu & Hoppu Horngren et al. Howells & Bain Howells & Bain Howells & Bain Howells & Bain Howells & Bain Husted Husted Husted, Melvin Ikäheimo et al. Ikäheimo et al. Ikäheimo et al. Jacques Jacques Jobber, Lancaster Johnson Joutsenvirta et al Karjalainen Karjalainen et al. Katerinov KHT sarja Kortetjärvi-Nurmi et al. Kortetjärvi-Nurmi et al. Laine Landes & Posner Legge Lehtonen Lehtonen Lehtonen Lehtonen Lehtonen Lehtonen, Niemi Kirjan nimi / The name of the book Financial accounting, an international introduction An Introduction to Management Science International Economics Managerial Decisions under Uncertainty Gurus, hired guns and warm bodies Judgement in managerial decision making Macroeconomics European perspective Investments Business Ethics Export practice and management Corporate Finance Corporate Finance Fundaments of Corporate Finance principles of corporate finance Introduction to banking Introduction to banking Introduction to banking Introduction to banking Introduction to banking Introduction to banking Business Ethics Management and Cost Accounting Management and Cost Accounting Auditing and assurance services Konsernitilinpäätös kirjanpitolain mukaan Personnel Economics Human Resource Development, Theory & Practice Microeconomics Contemporary consultant The contemporary consultant Retailing logistics Johtamisen tulevaisuus Johtamisen tulevaisuus Johtamisen tulevaisuus The future of management Finnish international taxation Kansainvälinen tuloverotus Kansainvälinen tuloverotus Sopimusoikeus I Modern Systems Analysis and Design Kauppa- ja varallisuusoikeuden pääpiirteet Cost accounting The economics of money, banking and finance The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance International Economics International Economics International economics Yrityksen laskentatoimi Yrityksen laskentatoimi Yrityksen laskentatoimi Mathematics for economics and business Mathematics for economics and business Selling and Sales management Exploring Corporate Strategy Vastuullinen liiketoiminta kansainvälisessä maailmassa Arvopaperimarkkinalaki Arvopaperimarkkinalaki Italamania livello intermedio Introduction to financial statements in Finland Yrityksen viestintä Yrityksen viestintä Verkkokauppaoikeus The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law Human Resource management Talousmatematiikan perusteet Talousmatematiikan perusteet Talousmatematiikan perusteet Talousmatematiikan perusteet Tilastollisia kaavoja ja taulukoita Tilastollisia kaavoja ja taulukoita painos / edition 4. 12.ed. 2008 2014 ? 7ed 2009 1. painos 6th edition 2002 4. edition 9. 9. 2nd 2011 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2004 7th 2008 7th edition 2. ed 2010 2005 2006 2. (2013) 2013 2005 2005 1. edition 2007 2007 2. edition 2007 2008 2009 2009 2003 5th 2008 2008 14th 2012 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 8. ed. 8. ed. 7. edition 2005 3. ed 2009 5. ed 2012 5. edition 6th edition 6. 2008 1st 2011 2008 2005 2009 5. revised 2003 2003 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 3.edition 2006 6.edition hinta / price 28 40 25 35 30 40 35 40 20 25 50 30 45 30 20 50 40 40 40 39 35 45 35 45 40 35 18 25 55 62 32 40 35 35 30 45 40 40 70 15 25 40 30 55 60 54 60 25 25 28 5 18 28 25 30 10 25 25 60 40 34 12 30 25 45 32 20 5 15 15 5 5 2 Lehtonen, Niemi Leppiniemi & Kykkänen Levine et al. Levine, Krehbiel, Berenson Levine, Krenbiel, Berenson Levine, Krenbiel, Berenson Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw Mankiw and Taylor Mankiw and Taylor Mankiw and Taylor Martin Metters et al. Mintzberg Mishkin Mishkin & Eakins Mishkin & Eakins Morgan et al. Munter Munter Munter Munter Myrsky ja Linnakangas Naughton Nelson & Quick Nicolini et al. Niskakangas Niskakangas Niskakangas Niskala Orr Pindyck & Rubinfeld Pindyck & Rubinfeld Pohjonen Pohjonen Puusa, Juuti, Reijonen, Laukkanen Rahnasto Rahnasto Raiffa Raiffa Raiffa Raiffa et al. Raiffa et al. Rigg et al. Robertson Robertson Rushton et al Simon & Blume Sorensen & Whitta-Jacobsen Stock & Watson Stulz Stulz Tilastollisia kaavoja ja taulukoita Kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja tilinpäätöksen tulkinta Business Statistics - A First Course Business Statistics - A First Course Business Statistics Business statistics: A first course Economics Economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Principles of economics Economics Economics Economics Sustainable marketing Successful Service Operations Management Strategy safari The economics of money, banking and financial markets Financial markets & Institutions Financial markets & Institutions Microeconomics Guide to Managerial Communication Guide to Managerial Communication Guide to Managerial Communication Guide to Managerial Communication Verotusmenettely ja muutoksenhaku The Chinese Economy Orgb2 Knowing in Organizations Veropolitiikka Veropolitiikka Veropolitiikka Yhteiskuntavastuun raportointi Talking about machines Microeconomics Microeconomics Ennakoiva sopiminen Ennakoiva sopiminen Akatemiasta markkinapaikalle Intellectual property rights Intellectual property rights, external effects, and anti-trust law Negotiation analysis Negotiation analysis Nogotiation analysis Negotiation analysis Negotiation analysis Critical Human Resource Development Food Packaging Food packaging Handbook of logistics and distribution management Mathematics for Economists Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics Introduction to econometrics Risk management and derivatives Risk management and derivatives 7. edition 2013 4. painos 5. edition 3. painos 5.painos, 2010 2007 3rd 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3. edition 3rd 2003 2006 2006 2006 2012 2006 2005 7. edition, 2004 2012, 7th edition 7th 2011 2006 2006 7. ed 2006 9. ed 2012 9. ed 2012 2007 2010-2011 edition 2003 2011 1. edition 5 40 50 15 30 60 48 5 40 40 50 40 45 40 35 40 50 35 45 40 50 40 40 50 39 28 50 30 45 26 64 64 25 74 10 21 42 25 65 5 10 35 35 30 35 14 25 24 30 20 20 40 2009 1996 2009 10 25 28 2002 2002 2012 2003 1. ED 2003 30 40 25 80 20 33 35 2007 2002 2002 1. (2007) 1993 2. edition 3rd 2006 1. ed 1994 2005 3. 2003 1.edition 30 35 35 35 30 60 25 25 25 35 15 35 Sutela Sydsaeter Tidd & Bessant Tiitinen & Kröger Turban & Volonino Turban et al. Turban et al. Verbeek Verbeek Verbeek Wooldridge Wooldrigge Zeithaml and Bitner The Russian Market Economy Essential mathematics for economic analysis Managing innovation Työsopimusoikeus Information technology for management Information technology for management Information technology for management A guide to modern econometrics A guide to modern econometrics A guide to modern econometrics Economics Introductory Economics Services marketing 4. 4th 2012 2009 20 25 35 4. edition 8th 2012 2010 7th edition 2. (2004) 2. (2004) 2. (2004) 5th 2013 2006, 3rd edition 2003 60 45 45 35 45 49 55 35 25 35
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