Construction Update Valley Brook Road Intersection Project PE TE RS TOWN SH I P NE WS eters Township We are happy to announce that this project is complete. The Township wishes to thank all our residents and motorists for their patience and cooperation during this project. Photo courtesy of Peters Township Chamber of Commerce Gas Line Storm Sewer Projects Venetia Road Columbia Gas temporarily suspended their project on East McMurray Road. Working at night was becoming too difficult due to availability of asphalt. They will restart in the spring and will be working during the daytime. We will keep you informed once we get more details. Strnisha Construction is currently working on storm sewer projects on Maple Lane, and Meadow Street. Dom Folino Construction is renovating 3 stormwater management ponds (Starwood, Crossings and Canterwood Manor). A project will be let for a storm sewer replacement on Clubview Drive. So what big road project is next? PennDOT plans to replace the bridge on Venetia Road at the border of Peters Township and Union Township. This project may start in 2015, depending on right of way acquisition. PennDOT had scheduled a public viewing meeting in late September, so we expect to have additional information available in the next issue. Peters Township Council Members Frank Arcuri 8 Peters Township David M. Ball James F. Berquist Vice Chairman Chairman Meghan Jones-Rolla Robert Lewis Monica R. Merrell Gary J. Stiegel, Jr. Budget Schedule The Township must deal with many areas of service to address the needs and wants of our residents and businesses. As part of that process, we must also spend time looking at long range planning issues. Currently, the Township is in the midst of a number of studies relative to improving our position in the future. Peters Township recently awarded two contracts that look to improve our community in the future. The first contact was issued to Pashek Associates to help develop a comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan, which will assess all of our facilities and programs to see how they meet the needs of our community. In addition, we will examine what new facilities and programs that the public would like to see. The Parks & Recreation Board will take the lead role in this process with the assistance of additional community members on a steering committee. There will be significant input sought from the community through on-line surveys and public input meetings. The information will be helpful to Council in developing the capital improvement program. Council also awarded a contract to Mackin Engineering Company to assist in developing new Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The Township recently adopted a Comprehensive Land Use plan. Now, we have to implement that plan. A key implementation tool is the revising of our Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances to create new districts and regulations that will be in conformance with the Comprehensive plan. This will be an involved process that will include rezoning of property, which is always a controversial issue. We will again be seeking considerable public input during this process. At the same time, a parallel look at our zoning ordinance is being conducted to revise our gas drilling regulations to comply with the State Supreme Court decision on Act 13. The Peters Township Sanitary Authority is nearing the completion of the planning and design for a new sewage treatment plant on West McMurray Road adjacent to the existing “Donaldson’s Crossroads Plan.” The current plant has reached its lifespan and has both organic and hydraulic capacity issues. The new plant will permit the Township to continue to grow at a reasonable pace and accommodate the ever-changing commercial needs on the Route 19 corridor. The Township is also working with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission to have a regional study conducted to examine traffic planning and solutions to the additional traffic anticipated between I-79, the new Southern Beltway connection from the Pittsburgh Airport to I-79 and Route 19. The additional expansion of the Southpointe area is also a part of the study. We believe improved connections are needed as well as major improvements to the Donaldson’s Crossroads intersection and other intersections to permit a safe and efficient flow of traffic. Spending time now on these planning efforts will only improve the long term viability of our community, maintain property values and provide a quality livable environment for our residents. Township Manager Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 9 724.941.4180 The Township has commenced the 2015 budget process. Council will be conducting a public hearing on December 1, 2014. Prior to that, 4 Workshops will be held. They are currently scheduled for October 6, October 21, November 3, and November 18. The budget will officially be available for review on November 17. The adoption is scheduled for December 15. Information will become available on our website and a special action line section will be created for comments and suggestions. Peters Township Continues to Plan for the Future P E TE RS TOWN SHI P N E WS 10/3&4 Haunted Trail 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. 10/27 Leaf Collection begins (details on page 11) 10/31 Trick or Treat 6 – 8 p.m. 10/31 Third quarter Earned Income Tax due Last day to pay School Real Estate Tax at Face Value. 11/1 EQB Special Recycling 9 a.m. – Noon 11/2 Daylight Savings Time ends 11/4 Election day (see details page 10) 11/11 Veterans Day 11/27 Thanksgiving Day Municipal Offices, Rec Center, & Library All Closed No Garbage Pickup - Delayed Till Friday 11/28 Municipal offices closed garbage pick up on Saturday 12/1 Last week for Leaf Pickup 12/1 Budget Hearing 12/7 Frosty’s Funhouse 2 – 4 p.m. at CRC Tree lighting/holiday party 6 p.m. at Library Peters Township OCT NOV DEC MANAGER’S MESSAGE DATES TO REMEMBER PE TE RS TOWN SH I P NE WS eters Township Deer Management n Day o i t c e l E der Remin The Peters Township Deer Management Program is in its seventh year. This program is approved by the Township and supervised by officers of the police department. All archers must complete a criminal history check (P.A.T.C.H.) through the Pennsylvania State Police and a records check by the PA Game Commission, take the “Successful Bowhunting” class offered by the PA Game Commission, and successfully pass a skills test. Authorized archers will be afield on both Township and private properties beginning Saturday, September 20, 2014. This archery program is designed to cull the deer population and reduce human-deer conflict. These archers annually supply approximately 1650 pounds of venison to “Hunters Sharing the Harvest,” a program of providing meat to local food banks. Additionally, the police department has noted a 20% reduction in vehicle-deer crashes during the hunting season. Residents who continue to have deer issues on their properties are encouraged to contact the Police Department to determine if this program may be of service on their property or in their neighborhood. Residents are reminded that Election Day is November 4, 2014. The polls are open from 7am to 8pm. There are 12 voting precincts in Peters Township. The voting precincts and poll locations are A-1 & A-3 The Bible Chapel (Gallery Drive), A-2 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (Washington Road), B-1 Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church (Brookwood Road), B-2 & D-1 Community Recreation Center (Meredith Drive), B-3 Wright’s United Methodist Church (Venetia Road), C-1 & C-2 St. Benedict the Abbot Church (Friar Lane), C-3 Center Presbyterian Church (Center Church Road), D-2 Faith Community Church (Waterdam Road), D-3 Crossroads Church of Christ (Waterdam Road). DEP Reminds Owners of Swimming Pools They Should Take Caution The DEP would like to remind citizens about important precautions to take as they are closing their pools. Pool wastewater, if not disposed of properly, can contaminate local waterways. When chlorinated water is drained from a swimming pool into a storm sewer, it can quickly make its way to a stream or other body of water, where aquatic life can be damaged or killed. The discharge of swimming pool water to local waterways without a permit is a violation of the Clean Streams Law. Property owners and pool companies must obtain a permit from their local municipality before disposing of any pool wastewater. This includes pool backwash water, neutralized pool cleaning wastewater and standing water. Pool wastewater should be discharged into the local sanitary sewer system, if possible. If sanitary sewers are not available, the wastewater should be hauled off-site for disposal at an approved treatment facility or otherwise discharged according to the department’s Swimming Pool Wastewater Discharge Guidelines. For more information, or to view the Swimming Pool Wastewater Guidelines, visit www.dep. keyword: pool wastewater. 10 Peters Township DO NOT BURN YOUR LEAVES! Pennsylvania’s leaf recycling law requires residents in communities with populations over 5,000 to recycle - not burn - their leaves and yard waste. The Township’s burning ordinance restricts open burning of acceptable debris to four days per week - Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. LEAF COLLECTION SCHEDULE FOR 2014 Again this year, collection of Leaf Waste will occur on the same day your garbage is collected. Once all of the garbage is collected, Waste Management will make a second pass through the community to collect your leaves. Your leaf waste will continue to be composted at the municipal compost site. The weeks designated for leaf collection are: Leaf Collection Weeks The Waste Management collector will first collect garbage and then come back later in the day for the leaf bags. These dates are also noted on the Peters Township calendar. Please note that there is no leaf pick up the week of Thanksgiving (November 24-28). REMINDER: Leaves in plastic bags will not be picked up. All bags must be at curbside by 6 a.m. If you have any questions about the leaf collection policies, please call Tom Gromek, Manager’s Assistant at 724.260.5758. As an alternate means of helping residents get rid of their annual leaf waste, Council has again authorized the Public Works Department to offer a leaf vacuuming service on a subscription basis. As in previous years, residents may purchase service coupons in advance for $55 each. Each coupon is valid for one collection service. Coupons can be purchased directly at the Public Works Department located at the entrance to Peterswood Park or at the Business Department located on the second floor of the Municipal Building. The last day to purchase a coupon is November 26 and the last vacuum pickup will be December 1, weather permitting. Pickups requested for the week after Thanksgiving will cost $75. For more information on purchasing by mail, call 724.941.6161 or 724.941.4180. When you are ready to have your leaves collected at curbside, please call a day in advance to have pick-up service scheduled. Leaf collection days will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Because the public works department has only one vacuuming machine, service scheduling will be made on a firstcome, first served basis. Leaves are to be raked or moved to the curb and formed in a long row approximately four feet wide. The machinery that collects the leaves cannot reach any farther than four feet from the gutter-line or edge of the street. Do not place the leaves on the street surface. Residents on some streets will not be able to take advantage of the vacuuming service because the equipment cannot be turned around on streets with small cul-de-sacs or with no turn-around area at all. It also will not be offered to residents on East or West McMurray Road and Waterdam Road because of the high volume of traffic. Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 11 724.941.4180 Oct. 27-31 Nov. 3-7 Nov. 10-14 Nov. 17-21 Dec. 1-5 LEAF VACUUMING AVAILABLE P E TE RS TOWN SHI P N E WS RECYCLE. Many residents are already planning to escape the chill of winter by taking an extended vacation to the south. If you will be away at least three months, you are eligible to have your garbage service and the accompanying bill suspended. By taking a few simple steps, you can save yourself money while enjoying your vacation. To qualify you must call the Township office at 724.941.4180 prior to leaving. You will be asked to provide: 1. Your name and address 2. The date you wish service to be suspended, and 3. The date you wish to have service reinstated. Peters Township SNOW BIRD GARBAGE COLLECTION POLICY School Bus Safety for Drivers PE TE RS TOWN SH I P NE WS eters Township As the school year begins, we urge all motorists to exercise more caution during their travels. Children of every age are heading off to catch their bus and all too often aren’t thinking about safety when walking along or crossing streets. If it was your child on that street, wouldn’t you want alert and cautious motorists looking out for your child? Just two days into the start of the new school year, the Police Department has already received two calls regarding motorists passing school busses with their flashing lights. The law requires all motorists to stop when a school bus is stopped and has its flashing lights on and safety arm extended. The only exception to this rule is on a divided highway, which we do not have in the 12 Peters Township P E TE RS TOWN SHI P N E WS Peters Township Harry J. Fruecht, Chief of police Township. Therefore, when you encounter a school bus that is stopped with their flashing lights on, you are required to stop. This is the law; and it is for the safety of our youngest residents. While it can be frustrating to be behind a school bus making stops when you are late for work or an appointment, we urge you to do the right thing. Stop. Don’t take chances with our kids. The best and simplest advice is: If in doubt, “STOP”. In an effort to make this as clear as possible these two pages clarify what is required. 724.941.4180 Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 13 Peters Township Public Library 616 E. McMurray Road / McMurray, PA 15317 724.941.9430 / Library Hours Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday (Sept. – May) 12 noon – 4 p.m. Close at 5 p.m.: Wednesday, November 26 Closed: Thursday, November 27 PE TE RS TOWN SH I P L I BR ARY NE WS eters Township Flipster The library has subscribed to Flipster, an online magazine service. Flipster offers full text access to 18 magazine titles (including Consumer Reports and People magazine) and is available 24/7 with no waiting times, overdue charges or limits on the number of issues checked out. You can view magazines through your Internet browser, or you can use the Flipster app to download and read digital magazines offline. Flipster is easy to use and available at the library’s website with our Digital Media collection. Contact the library with any questions about accessing Flipster. Enjoy … 2015 Coupon Book available at the library The Friends of the Library are sponsoring the sale of the “Enjoy… 2015 Coupon Book.” Coupon books, available at the circulation desk, are $30 each. Proceeds benefit the library. 14 Peters Township The Finch Has Landed! What is a Finch? A Finch is a small robot designed for computer science education for students as young as 8 years old. It was created after four years of study at Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE lab. The library is the first location in Pennsylvania to launch a program lending the Finch to adults with a library card in the WAGGIN (Washington and Greene Greater Information Network) system. During a two-week checkout period, any patron, including families with children in elementary grades through high school, can experience a userfriendly introduction to computer science learning and programming. A Finch can quickly be programmed by a novice to say “Hello, World,” or do a little dance, or make its beak glow blue in response to cold temperature or some other stimulus. The robot includes temperature and light sensors, a three-axis accelerometer and a bump sensor. It has color-programmable LED lights, a beeper and speakers. With a pencil inserted in its tail, a Finch can be used to draw pictures. It can be programmed to be a moving, noise-making alarm clock. It can even be used as a 3-D mouse to control a computer display! Twenty Finches are available for circulation and are located at the library’s circulation desk. To learn more about the Finch, please visit The library will be offering a “Finch Robotics Workshop” on Saturday, October 18 from 3–4 p.m. for children ages 6–12. Please see the Children’s Programs listings to read more about the workshop. New! Self-Checkout Machine The library now has available a self-checkout machine located at the circulation desk. You will need your valid library card and pin number to use the machine. Pin numbers are automatically created when you register for a library card and are typically the last four digits of your home phone number. Circulation desk staff will be glad to help if you have any problems using the machine. Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Party Sunday, December 7, 2014, 6 p.m. Join us at the library for the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Party, held in partnership with the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department. Festivities will include lighting and decorating the outdoors township tree at 6 p.m., followed by holiday caroling. Refreshments, visits with Santa, and holiday crafts for children will also be offered in the library. It’s a wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit and spend time with family and friends! Batman Visits the Library! On July 26 the library celebrated Batman’s 75th birthday with stories, games, crafts, classic Batman cartoons and a surprise visit from Batman! Holiday Programs for All Ages Halloween Story-time: Get Spooked! Wednesday, October 29, 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Come to our oooky spooky storytime … just in time for Halloween! Thanksgiving Story-time Tuesday, November 25, 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Gobble-Gobble! Come count your blessings at our Thanksgiving storytime! A non-perishable food donation for our local food pantry is requested. Family Ornament Night American Girl Costume Party Saturday, October 25, 2014 10 – 11:30 a.m. Edible Holiday Treats Thursday, December 11, 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Make beautiful and edible holiday treats with your family. Santa never had better taste or tasted better! Holiday Family Movie Night Wednesday, December 17, 6 – 7:45 p.m. Join us for a screening of The Muppet Christmas Carol. ........................................................... For Babies Through Kindergarten… Regular fall session programs are currently in session. Winter session: 9 weeks, January 5 – March 6, 2015 (Registration begins December 8 for residents, December 15 for non-residents.) Book Babies Ages: Birth – 12 months with an adult Tuesdays, 10 – 10:20 a.m. Mother Goose Story-time Ages: 12 – 24 months with an adult Tuesdays, 11 – 11:20 a.m. Toddler Tales Tiny Tunes Music Ages: 2 – 3½ with an adult Mondays, 11 – 11:30 a.m. OR Wednesdays, 10 – 10:30 a.m. Ages: 2 – 5 with an adult Mondays, 10 – 10:30 a.m. OR 1 – 1:30 p.m. Preschool Story-time Fake Blood Science October Ages: 3½ - 5 Tuesdays, 1 – 1:45 p.m. OR Wednesdays, 11 – 11:45 a.m. Kindergarten Storytime: Ocean Motion Ages: Kindergartners and 5-year-olds Thursdays, 10 – 11 a.m. OR 1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Bodies in Motion Ages: 2 – 5 with an adult Fridays, 11 – 11:30 a.m. OR 1 – 1:30 p.m. Ages: 2 and older with an adult (siblings welcomed) 4 weeks, October 9, 16, 23, 30 Thursdays, 6 – 6:20 p.m. Enrollment limit of 25 per class. Sweet Science November Ages: 2 and older with an adult (siblings welcomed) 3 weeks, November 6, 13, 20 Thursdays, 6 – 6:20 p.m., Enrollment limit of 25 per class. Magic Tree House Book Club Grades: Kindergarten and up October 4: Good Night for Gorillas, November 1: Carnival at Candlelight, December 6: Ghost Tale for Christmas Saturdays, 10 – 10:45 a.m. Imagine you had a magical tree house that could take you to another time and place! You can travel with Jack and Annie in their magic tree house when you read a great Magic Tree House book by Mary Pope Osborne. Join us for a discussion and activities based on these great books! Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 15 724.941.9430 Dress up your American Girl doll and come to a costume party! Girls are welcome to dress up too! Enjoy an American Girl story, video, game, treat and craft. Registration is required. Please register in the Children’s Department. Thursday, December 4, 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Make special ornaments with the whole family for the holidays. Add some sparkle to your holidays and your holiday gift giving! P E TE RS TOWN SHI P L I B R ARY N E WS Please register in the Children’s Department unless otherwise noted. Peters Township Children's Programs Children's Programs Please register in the Children’s Department unless otherwise noted. Programs for Grades 1 and up Finch Robotics Workshop Grades 1 and up Saturday, October 18, 3 – 4 p.m. Limit: 10 Presented by: Peters Township High School students Roy Wang, Matt Gummersbach, and Delaney Wehn Are you interested in computers? Do you want to increase your reasoning skills? Join us for the Finch Robotics Workshop! The Finch robot is a simple to program, fun-filled robot that allows kids of all ages to learn about computer programming. The workshop will include an introduction to basic programming with Snap! as well as prizes for winning contests. In this day and age, computers are becoming more and more important, begin to learn how to master them! Please note: participants must bring a laptop that has a USB port. PE TE RS TOWN SH I P L I BR ARY NE WS eters Township Girls’ Book Club Girls in grades 3 – 6 October 13: The Thing About Luck by Cynthia Kadohata, November 10: The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank, December 8: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Mondays, 6 – 7 p.m. It’s a girls’ night! Enjoy reading together and sharing in this special girls’ only book club! Snacks provided. Paws for Reading Paws for Reading Grades 1 and up Saturdays, October 18, November 8, December 13, 10 – 11:20 a.m. Visit with a registered therapy dog at the library to gain self-confidence and fluency by reading to these attentive animals. Sign up for your 20-minute slot. Legos Builders Club Grades 2 and up 4th Monday of the month, 6 – 7 p.m. Join fellow Lego enthusiasts to create what is only limited by your imagination. Lego’s will be provided or feel free to bring your own! The library will gratefully accept Lego donations for our club! Programs for All Ages Wild Kratts Wednesdays Wednesdays, October 1 – 29, 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy a Wild Kratts Episode with Miss Linda! Congratulations Cindy! Cindy Hsieh completed 200 hours of volunteer service at the library to receive a Gold Level President’s Volunteer Service Award. A brochure explaining the award process can be viewed at the library’s website by clicking on the “Forms and Brochures” button on the homepage. Cindy is pictured with Richard Easton, Library Board President, Carol Adler, Library Board Vice-President, and Pier Lee, Library Director. Family Movie Night Ages: For kids and parents of all ages! October 15: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, November 19: James and the Giant Peach Wednesdays, 6 – 7:45 p.m. We supply the popcorn – you supply your pillow! In October and November we will be celebrating renowned children’s author Roald Dahl with movies adapted from his books. Art Programs Sculpey Clay Ages: 6 ½ - 13 4 weeks, October 7 - 28 Tuesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m. Limit: 15 children Cost: $15 plus supplies Students will learn techniques with Sculpey clay with some Halloween designs incorporated into the classes. Register at the library’s circulation desk; please see supply list when registering. Watercolor Colored Pencils Ages: 6 ½ - 13 4 weeks, November 4 - 25 Tuesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m. Limit: 15 children Cost: $15 plus supplies Students will learn basic techniques with watercolor colored pencils and will create some festive winter cards (instructor will supply cardstock). Register at the library’s circulation desk; please see supply list when registering. 16 Peters Township Programs (Keep checking our Teen Facebook page for additional programs!) Halloween Costume Party Monday, October 27, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Join us for games, snacks, and prizes as we celebrate Halloween in the Teen Room. Prize given to best costume! Hunger Games Marathon Saturday, November 15, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Excited to see the new Hunger Games movie Mockingjay? Join us for a marathon of the first two Hunger Games movies along with trivia, games, food and MORE! May the odds be ever in your favor! On-Going Programs Trading Card Club Puzzles and More Mondays, 3 – 5 p.m. Build a puzzle or challenge yourself to some trivia! Fridays, 3 – 5 p.m. Like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh? Join us for casual trading card games. Movies and Books Club Teen Afternoon Movie 1st Monday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. Join us as we compare YA books and their movie adaptations. We’ll discuss the book and then watch the movie. Upcoming titles: October 6: The Book Thief, November 3: I Am Number 4, December 1: Vampire Academy Teen Crafternoons Tuesdays, 3 – 5 p.m. Love to make things? Join your friends as we create neat crafts! Sundays, 1 – 3 p.m. This fantasy role-playing game is led by teens. Registration at the Children’s Reference Desk is requested. Youth Advisory Council 1st Saturday of the month, 11 a.m. – 12 noon Share your opinion to help your library provide classes and materials that interest you. Your honest feedback is needed! Also, be the first to hear about new volunteer opportunities. Pretty Little Liars Book Club Ping Pong Challenge Dungeons and Dragons 1st Friday of the month, 4 – 6 p.m. Check at the Teen Facebook page for movie titles. Wednesdays, 3 – 5 p.m. Challenge your friends and peers to a pick-up game of Ping Pong. Gamers Unite Thursdays, 3 – 5 p.m. Love video games or board games? Challenge your friends to a tournament! 1st Saturday of the month, 1 – 2 p.m. Do you love watching PLL? Read the series that started it all! Each month we will be discussing a book from the Pretty Little Liar series. Join us for discussion, trivia, and of course episodes! Upcoming titles: October 4: Flawless; November 1: Perfect For all free programs, please register online at the library’s website ( through EventKeeper or by email at [email protected] (please include name of program, name of participant, and phone number). You may also register at the library’s circulation desk, by telephone at 724.941.9430. For those programs with fees, registration must be completed in person at the circulation desk; registration is not complete until payment has been received. Re-Energize Yourself at Work Thursday, October 16, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Robert O’Friel of O’Friel Coaching & Consulting Stuck in a career rut? Tired of seeing others advance ahead of you? During this interactive discussion, we will explore ways you can jump start your career, fight your own negativity, and achieve your professional goals. Get re-energized by using any, or all of the five different ways we will discuss during this exciting seminar. It will get you started! Playing St. Barbara: an Author Talk by Marian Szczepanski Tuesday, October 21, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Join us as Marian Szczepanski discusses her debut novel Playing St. Barbara. Inspired by her family background and her work at a Houston domestic violence hotline, her novel focuses on how the secrets, struggles and self-redemption of a Depression-era coal miner’s wife and three daughters play out against a turbulent historical backdrop of Ku Klux Klan intimidation and the 1933 Pennsylvania Mine War. Their intertwined lives eerily mirror the 7th century legend of St. Barbara, patroness of miners, and each woman writes her own courageous ending to St. Barbara’s story. Copies of her book will be available for purchase and signing after the program. Ms. Szczepanski was raised in Greensburg and is the granddaughter of immigrant coal miners. She has an MFA in fiction from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and a BA in American Studies from the University of Notre Dame. Her short fiction garnered the de Maine Award for an Emerging Writer from Clackamas Literary Review. She has been recognized by the Houston Press Club for magazine feature writing, and the Houston Press named her to the 2014 list of “100 Houston Creatives.” Read more about her at Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 17 724.941.9430 Adult Programs P E TE RS TOWN SHI P L I B R ARY N E WS Programs for young adults in grades 6 - 12 unless otherwise noted; please register at the Children’s Reference Desk unless otherwise noted. The Teen Room is open for gaming, music, and socialization during all library hours unless scheduled for library programs. Peters Township Young Adult Programs Adult Programs (continued) PE TE RS TOWN SH I P L I BR ARY NE WS eters Township Wednesday, October 22, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Paul Manfredi Have you ever wanted to attend a TV show taping in Hollywood? Have you ever wanted to take a tour of a major movie studio? Join us as we welcome Paul Manfredi, a current member and former vice president of education of Pittsburgh Toastmasters Club 144, a former Dale Carnegie course trainer and a frequent visitor to Hollywood, CA. Hollywood VIP Tour is Paul’s personal backstage tour of Hollywood Boulevard, Universal Studios Hollywood and other movie studios, sharing his personal photo collection. Paul shares behind the scenes stories and recollections from many show tapings that he has attended including: The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, Mom, The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Evening Shade, Coach, Mad About You, Mike and Molly, According to Jim, 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, Empty Nest and many more. Enjoy the entire experience of how to become an audience member and what to expect including seeing big stars blow their lines and cause many retakes. Learn behind the scenes stories of the making of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” and the career of Abbott and Costello. Rock Star: the Making of Musical Icons from Elvis to Springsteen Sunday, October 26, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Presented by: David R. Shumway, Author and Professor of English and Literary and Cultural Studies at Carnegie Mellon University “All stars are celebrities, but not all celebrities are stars,” states David Shumway in his introduction to Rock Star: The Making of Musical Icons from Elvis to Springsteen. In his most recent book published September 2014, Shumway looks at rock icons including Elvis Presley, James Brown, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead, Joni Mitchell, and Bruce Springsteen. In a review of the book in the blog New Books, Marshal Zeringue writes David Shumway’s Rock Star “will appeal to anyone interested in modern American popular culture or music history.” During his presentation, Shumway will focus on how the media offered rock stars the opportunity to thrive on many stages including recorded music, concert performance, dress, cover art, films, television, video, print and others. He also will show how 18 Peters Township changes in American Society elevated rock stars as political figures impacting our popular culture. The talk will be illustrated with photographs, video, and music. David Shumway teaches courses on American literature, film, and popular culture and in literary and cultural theory. He has written several books including John Sales, for the Illinois Contemporary Film Director Series published in 2012. He recently received a Fulbright award to lecture in Barcelona in the spring of 2013. Dr. Shumway is a member of the Board of Trustees, Pennsylvania Humanities Council and the founding Director of the Humanities Center at Carnegie Mellon University. A book signing and reception will follow the program; books will be offered at a special price for the program. Ghost Stories for Grown-Ups Tuesday, October 28, 7 – 8 p.m. Presented by: Alan Irvine, Storyteller Join us for an hour of scary ghost stories, with an emphasis on scary! Master storyteller Alan Irvine will share a variety of ghost stories, including traditional ghost stories and legends, stories adapted from literary sources, “true” ghost stories, and some of his original stories. A great way to prepare for All Hallows’ Eve! Alan Irvine has performed at numerous festivals, including the Three Rivers Storytelling Festival, the Toronto Festival of Storytelling, the Smoky Mountain Storytelling Festival and many others. In addition to performing, Alan teaches workshops and classes on storytelling. In 1988, he helped found the storytelling group StorySwap. He has produced numerous storytelling shows, and was the chair of the 2006 National Storytellers Conference, held in Pittsburgh. Alan has numerous recordings, several of which have won Storytelling World and NAPPA awards. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear ghost stories told by a true master of the art. A cookie reception will follow the performance (to calm the nerves!). Pittsburgh: Whiskey Rebellion, Prohibition, and the Restoration of a Pittsburgh Tradition Thursday, October 30, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Meredith Grelli, co-owner and co-founder of Wigle Whiskey American Whiskey was born in Pittsburgh and the city’s history – from frontier town to industrial center – was shaped by whiskey. At this program you will learn how Pittsburgh made America’s original drink and how Wigle Whiskey, the city’s first whiskey distillery since Prohibition, is bringing our heritage back home. Meredith Grelli is co-owner and cofounder of Wigle Whiskey. When she’s not at the distillery, she teaches New Product Development in Chatham University’s Food Studies Program. Before Wigle, Grelli worked in brand management at the Heinz Company, went to business school at Carnegie Mellon University, cooking school at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, worked in Urban Redevelopment efforts and studied urban history at the University of Chicago. Wigle Whiskey is named for a goodnatured gentleman who was sentenced to hang for his unsinkable love of whiskey. In 1794, Phillip Wigle defended his right to distill in a tussle with a tax collector. He unwittingly helped spark the Whiskey Rebellion, which pitted Western Pennsylvania distillers against George Washington’s troops. Wigle Whiskey is working to restore a Pennsylvania tradition championed by these rebellious distillers. They make spirits much the same way Phillip Wigle and his friends did when Pittsburgh was the center of American Whiskey – with a copper pot and fresh local, organic ingredients. Peters Township Public Library Cooking Club – 2014 Fun for Foodies Series Food Lovers’ Guide to Pittsburgh Tuesday, November 4, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Join local authors Julia Gongaware, Amanda McFadden, Sarah Sudar, and Laura Zorch (the four ladies behind as they dish on the local food scene, as well as talk about their two books: The Food Lovers’ Cayla Zahorn Hollywood VIP Tour Guide to Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Chef’s Table. The second edition of the Food Lovers’ Guide to Pittsburgh is the go-to Pittsburgh book for all the best places to eat, drink, and buy food in our fair city. This handy travel book will help you decide where to eat, and, best of all, it’ll help inform folks from all corners of the US that Pittsburgh is the bees knees in terms of eateries. Plus, you’ll find 12 recipes in the back from the chefs that make this city awesome. Pittsburgh Chef’s Table is part cookbook, part biography and all around awesome. 100% Pittsburgh, it features over 80 recipes from 50 of the city’s hottest chefs. A book sale and signing with light refreshments will follow the program – both titles will be available for purchase. Please note: there is no charge for this program but registration is required. Tuesday, November 4, 7 – 8 p.m. Presented by: Betty Robison, MSN, RN-BC, Gerontology Educator at the Aging Institute. Six out of ten seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia exhibit wandering type behaviors. Unfortunately three out of ten will become lost when they wander away. This behavior can result in serious consequences because if the individual is not located within eight hours, they are at high risk for serious injury or death. This presentation will focus on recognizing and preventing wandering behaviors, maintaining a secure environment, search and rescue information along with location devices, and having an appropriate plan of action in place should it become necessary. A question and answer period will follow the presentation. Library Continues Civil War Programming as part of 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War Gettysburg and Lincoln: the Aftermath and the Address Trinity Bell Choir Tuesday, December 2, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: The Trinity Bell Choir of Trinity United Methodist Church Join us for a relaxing hour of beautiful holiday bell music. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library after the performance. Liven Up Your Holidays with Fresh Greens Wednesday, December 3, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Debie Carso from Crossroads Florist Celebrate the season with a touch of nature. Designers from Crossroad Florist will demonstrate several ideas to use live evergreen and boxwood to create beautiful holiday decorations. Did you ever wonder how to make a door swag using fresh cut evergreen? They will show you how simple it is to create a door piece that will last throughout Affordable Care Act 101 Monday, November 24, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Jennifer Grybosky, Western Region Healthcare Navigator, Mental Health America of Westmoreland County This workshop will discuss how the Affordable care Act law works, who it helps and what it means for you. It will provide a brief overview of the history and current status of the U.S. Healthcare system. It will also explain how the Affordable Care Act impacts consumers. A brief overview of the application process will be provided as well as the Health Exchanges. Find out how to get assistance in paying for monthly premiums. Also discuss real life barriers to healthcare access and possible solutions to the problems. Participants will have the opportunity to schedule a free session at a later date to enroll in a health insurance plan provided by the Affordable Care Act. Open enrollment for 2015 begins November 15, 2014 and ends February 15, 2015. the season and make your entry sparkle. The designers will also create a festive tabletop tree using live boxwood. This program is a demonstration only but bring any questions or ideas you may have. As time permits, other decorations may be made. Library Hosts Local Author Event as Part of Pennsylvania Library Association “PA Forward Speak Up! – Authors & Illustrators Speak Up for Libraries” Pick-Up Lines That Work: Powerful Openings in Young Adult Books Thursday, November 6, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Facilitator: Stephanie Keyes, local author of young adult books Participating local authors of young adult books: Joshua David Bellin (Survival Colony 9), Patricia Harrison Easton (Summer’s Chance), Stephanie Keyes (The Star Catcher), Carla Mooney (Samson’s Tale), and Leah Pileggi (Prisoner 88) All ages are welcome to join local authors Joshua David Bellin, Patricia Harrison Easton, Stephanie Keyes, Carla Mooney, and Leah Pileggi as they explore powerful openings in young adult books and what makes readers want to turn to page two. Authors will discuss some of their favorite books with the audience, focusing on powerful protagonists, what drives the characters, and other gems that make the beginning of a book work. Participants are welcome to bring one of their own favorite reads to this event. Following a panel discussion, the audience will break into groups for a review/ discussion of opening paragraphs. A Q&A session will follow. This special “PA Forward Speak Up!” event celebrating authors and libraries will conclude with book signings and light refreshments. Tables will be set up in the library lobby. Please see the program listing on the library’s website to learn more about these accomplished local authors. You can also read about them at the following online sites: Joshua David Bellin:; Patricia Harrison Easton: patricia.easton.969?fref=ts; Stephanie Keyes: http://www., Carla Mooney: www.carlamooney. com, Leah Pileggi: Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 19 724.941.9430 Thursday, November 20, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Rea Andrew Redd In recognition of the 151st anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s most famous speech, Rea Andrew Redd presents a program at the library. The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War, the Union victory ended General Robert E. Lee’s second and most ambitious invasion of the North. Gettysburg was the Civil War’s bloodiest battle and was also the inspiration for President Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”. Of the 165,000 soldiers at the battle, 46,000 were killed, wounded, captured or missing which is 28 out of every 100 soldiers. Burying the dead, caring for the wounded and prisoners, and Lincoln’s cemetery dedication speech will be covered. Redd will also present on the Battle of Gettysburg’s emergency medical situation, the farms used as hospitals, and the creation of the national cemetery at Gettysburg. Canonsburg-native Jonathan Letterman, known as the pioneer of battlefield emergency medical care, will be discussed. Redd will also show and discuss an American Civil War surgeon’s equipment. Rea Andrew Redd is a native of Washington County, Pennsylvania. He received a Master’s Degree in History at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a Master’s Degree of Library Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently he is the Director of the Eberly Library, Waynesburg University, where he also serves as an Instructor of American History. Since 1993 Rea Andrew Redd has reenacted the American Civil War as a Federal Infantry, A Federal Medical Service Captain, and as President Lincoln. P E TE RS TOWN SHI P L I B R ARY N E WS Lost: When Wandering Turns Dangerous Peters Township Adult Programs (continued) Art Programs Introduction to Crochet 4 weeks, October 6– October 27 Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cost: $30 per 4-week session (includes a start-up kit with crochet hook and yarn) Instructor: Cathy Layton Join us for a 4-week class to learn the basics of this old, now-new-again art of crochet. We’ll enjoy learning about the originality of this craft and see how to use it in decorative and creative ways that are limited only by your imagination. It’s not just about afghans! Library Ongoing Programs For more information, please see the library’s website. Afternoon Book Club for Adults 3rd Wednesday of every month, 1 -2:30 p.m. Evening Book Club for Adults 2nd Wednesday of every month, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Mystery Book Club for Adults Last Tuesday of every month, 1:30 – 3 p.m. Writer’s Workshop Computer Programs All computer classes require a $5 fee (unless otherwise noted), and require basic mouse and keyboarding skills. There is a limit of 12 students per class, unless otherwise noted. All classes occur on Tuesdays from 7 – 8:45 p.m., unless otherwise noted. * PE TE RS TOWN SH I P L I BR ARY NE WS eters Township Tech Times @ the Library (no charge) Every Saturday, 11 a.m. – 1p.m. Every Monday, 5 – 7 p.m. Receive help with your technology questions from knowledgeable high school students. Drop by the patron computer area on the 2nd floor of the library for assistance. Books To Go – eBooks and eAudiobooks (no charge) October 7 Limit: 10 PowerPoint Presentations * October 14 20 Peters Township Word Processing 1 October 21 Word Processing 2 October 28 Word Processing 3 November 4 * Social Networking November 11 Limit: 10 Doing Research on the Web November 18 Introduction to Photoshop Elements November 25 Limit: 25 Producing a Newsletter December 2 Computers 101 December 9 Mondays, 7 – 9 p.m. OR Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cost: $20 per month The Writer’s Workshop meets weekly at the library and focuses on writing for children and teenagers. Adult Writing Workshop 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. 2nd Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 12 Noon; 4th Tuesday 6:30 – 9 p.m. Adult writers of all skill levels and genres are welcome. Cooking Club Date and time to be announced Love to cook? The Cooking Club needs you! We are looking for professional or home cooks who would like to spend a few hours sharing their knowledge about a particular cuisine or culinary skill through a program at the library. The Cooking Club meets at the library in the Meeting Room. A date and time can be selected at your convenience, and you will be reimbursed for food costs. Please email caweaver@ptlibrary if you are interested or for more information. For more information about upcoming Fun for Foodies programs at the library, sign up to receive e-mails through the library’s e-newsletter subscription available at the library’s website ( Any other questions, please email the club at [email protected]. Beading Club 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. Ages: 12 and up Instructor: Karen Krohner Chess Club Every Thursday, 7 – 8 p.m. Facilitator: Roy Wang Peters Township High School Senior Roy Wang offers tips on playing a great game of chess. All ages are welcome, beginners too! Register at the library’s circulation desk. Coupon Club 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. Facilitator: Brenda Moore Please register at the circulation desk. Crochet Club Every Monday, 6 – 8:45 p.m. Facilitator: Cathy Layton Join us at the library for all things crochet! Bring your new or unfinished projects to work on while spending time with others who share your interest. The club is not intended for beginners – for those wanting to learn how to crochet, please consider attending an Introduction to Crochet class offered periodically (usually in September, October, April and May) throughout the year. GO Green Club 3rd Monday of the month, 7 – 8:45 p.m. For more information or to join the club please email [email protected] or call 724.941.9430. No meeting in October. Laughter Club Thursdays, September 18, December 18, 10 – 11 a.m. Facilitator: Julie Ann Sullivan, Certified Laughter Leader Photo Club 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7 – 9 p.m. Cost: $15 (annual dues) “Roots” Genealogy Club 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1 – 3 p.m. Facilitator: Christi Harriger Stamp Club 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Facilitator: Richard Landa Wii Sports for Adults Wednesdays except for last Wednesday of the month, 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon World War II Discussion Group Last Wednesday of every month 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Facilitator: George Dvorznak A monthly discussion series featuring topics pertaining to World War II. New members always welcome! COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday 1 – 5 p.m. CRC CLOSED for the respective holiday Thanksgiving Break: November 27 and 28 Christmas: December 24 and 25 New Year: December 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015 SESSION 6 Easy ways to register: What if a program is cancelled? Please register for programs at least one week prior to the start date to avoid cancellation. All classes must meet a predetermined minimum number of participants to be held. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel, combine or change any aspect of a program it deems necessary. Residents are given first priority during the registration process for events and classes. Sports programs are open to residents only. Refund policy: Full refunds will be given if requested more than Online: 7 days before a class begins. All refunds requested by Walk in: cash/check/Visa/MasterCard accepted participants less than 7 days before a class begins Mail in: check and registration form to the will be assessed a $5 processing fee, plus any supplies Parks and Recreation Department, already purchased. Refunds will not be given after the 700 Meredith Drive, Venetia, PA 15367 second class. Sorry, but refunds are not offered for special one-day classes or events, unless canceled. Call 724.942.5000 for information regarding day trips. Class and Event Registration: Registering at the first class is risky. Please allow 2-4 weeks for refunds to be processed. (6 weeks) November 6 – December 20 Registration begins October 20 * C EI TTE Y RS OF TOWN MC KESHI E SPPOR T N ESWS P PARK & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS 700 Meredith Drive / Venetia, PA 15367 724.942.5000 / McKeespor t Peters Township Reading, Rec & More Parks and Recreation Department Special Events . . . First Fish - Aaron Martire Most Fish - Trevor Day Biggest Fish - Nico Campagna Smallest Fish - Parker Smith Thank you to the McMurray Rotary for their support and hard work! Also, thank you to all the businesses that donated give-aways and prizes! McMurray Rotary, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Carnegie Science Center, Mm! Mm! Pizza, Wet Pets & Friends, McDonald’s - McMurray, Wendy’s – McMurray, Arby’s – McMurray, Heisler’s Market, Burger King - McMurray and Sports Clips. We appreciate your support, it has made this program a huge success! Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 21 724.942.5000 2014 FISHING DERBY WINNERS FLU SHOTS Seasonal Flu and Pneumonia shots will be available at no charge with Medicare Health Insurance Coverage. * Must present Medicare Part B health insurance card at time of vaccination. Individuals requesting vaccinations that are not enrolled in Medicare will be required to pay $ 28 fee (cash or check) for flu shots / $90 for pneumonia shots. Day: Monday, October 20 Time: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Location: Recreation Center classroom More Special Events ... Volunteers Needed for Frosty’s Funhouse and Tree Lighting This is a great family event. If you are looking for some community service hours or just need something to do, contact us for information. FROSTY’S FUNHOUSE (AGES 10 AND UNDER) Minimum 8 – Maximum 20 Kick off your “hometown holidays” with our two events in Peters Township. First, Frosty’s Fun House at the Community Recreation Center for some holiday crafts. Let your children come and create a masterpiece that you will enjoy forever. Children ages 10 and under invited. Parents must remain with their children during the event. Day: Sunday, December 7 Time: 2 - 4 p.m. Fee: $5 Resident / $8 Non-Resident (per child participating) Location: Recreation Center PE TE RS TOWN SH I P PAR KS & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS eters Township TREE LIGHTING Come to the Peters Township Municipal Complex to see Santa arrive in his shiny red fire truck and enjoy the sounds of the season, followed by a visit with Santa, a craft and refreshments in the library immediately following the Tree Lighting ceremony. All ages are welcome. Come and enjoy the evening and meet and greet old and new friends. Day: Sunday, December 7 (Library) Time: 6 p.m. Fee: Free PRESCHOOL MOMMY AND ME (AGES INFANT – 6 YEARS) Minimum 8 – Maximum 20 Your child can come to YOUR yoga class. Kids are encouraged to do as much or as little yoga as they want. A powerful yoga practice designed to increase strength, flexibility and endurance. No experience needed. All ages welcome. Instructor: Yoga Innovations Day: Tuesday Time: 9 – 9:45 a.m. Fee: $49 Member / $74 Non-Member STRETCH-N-GROW (AGES 3 – 5 YEARS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 Come Stretch-N-Grow with us! The Fabulously Fun Fitness & Nutrition program for children. Each class involves group activities, music kid’s love and equipment for all! When kids learn to move, they move to learn; healthy living! Instructor: Jamie Hummer Day: Monday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $60 Member / $90 Non-Member KIDS DANCE PARTY (AGES 3 – 5 YEARS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 Your kids will have a BLAST as they learn to MoVe-n-GrOve & RoCK-n-RoLL! No one will want to sit down! This is a Crazy, FUN and energetic exercise class to age appropriate music great for boys and girls. Instructor: Jamie Hummer Day: Wednesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $60 Member / $90 Non-Member FROZEN PARTY SILVI’S ART STUDIO FOR KIDS DROP N SHOP (AGES 5 – 8 YEARS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 15 Need some time to shop without the Kids? Use this time to start your shopping or finish up! Register your children at the Recreation Center. They can have fun while you do some shopping. Activities include games, crafts and a light snack. Day: Saturday, December 13 Time: 1 – 4 p.m. Fee: $10 Resident / $15 Non-Resident Registration Deadline: November 30 22 Peters Township (AGES 3 – 12 YEARS) Minimum 15 – Maximum 30 Your kids will have a BLAST at the Frozen Party. At our Frozen themed party the children will make Olaf painting, woodcraft, bracelet, and have a Frozen themed snack. Elsa and Anna will make a will make a special appearance. We encourage children to dress in frozen themed attire. Instructor: Silvi Labovitz Day: Saturday, November 22 Time: 2 – 4 p.m. Day: Saturday, December 6 Time: 2 – 4 p.m. Fee: $35 Member / $53 NonMember KIDS IN THE KITCHEN (AGES 6 – 12 YEARS) Minimum 4 – Maximum 12 Meet at the Peters Township Community Room to learn a new cooking or baking technique each week. All supplies and ingredients are included and the children will bring their products home each week. Recipes range from snacks and bread to cake, cookies, pie and candy. Instructor: Kirsten McGrath Day: Monday Time: 5 – 6:30 p.m. Fee: $98 Member / $147 Non-Member JUNIOR PASTRY ARTS (AGES 12 AND UP) Minimum 4 – Maximum 12 We will gather in the Peters Township Community Room to learn fun techniques for use in pastry arts. We will work with items like modeling chocolate, fondant, candy clay and pastries. Each student will get to keep their creation from each session. Instructor: Kirsten McGrath Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m. Fee: $83 Member / $124 Non-Member CRAZY CHEM WORKS! (AGES 6 – 10 YEARS) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 Shake up a flask of fun in the lab as a junior chemist! This program is packed solid with cool reactions! Instructor: William Cody, Mad Science of Pittsburgh Day: Friday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $78 Member / $117 Non-Member YOGA FOR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE (AGES 8 YEARS AND UP) Minimum 5 – Maximum 10 Whether part of a team or looking to improve fitness, this yoga class will be on overall athletic fitness, linking yoga benefits to the particular sport(s)/recreational activity of attendees (youth and adults) emphasizing strength, balance, flexibility, focus, and injury prevention. Instructor: Anne Chaikowsky, At OM Yoga Day: Monday Time: 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Fee: $45 Member / $68 Non-Member P E TE RS TOWN SHI P PAR K S AND R ECR E ATI ON NE WS CHESSMATE CHESS CLUB (AGES 6 – 18 YEARS) Minimum 5 – Maximum 50 Meet at the Peters Township recreation center to learn chess 1 hour of instruction with a half hour of supervised play. Instructor: Eric Berthoud Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m. Fee: $38 Member / $57 Non-Member Peters Township YOUTH AND TEEN ADULT FITNESS PILATES INSANITY Minimum 4 – Maximum 15 INSANITY is a Maximum Interval Training workout that keeps your body working at maximum capacity, burning more calories in less time. It is set up in 30 sec intervals with built in recovery periods and modifications for all abilities. Instructor: Nicole Murray AGES 18 AND UP Day: Thursday Time: 6 – 6:40 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member AGES 16 AND UP Day: Thursday Time: 6:45 – 7:15 p.m. Fee: $23 Member / $34 Non-Member AGES 18 AND UP Time: 9 – 9:50 a.m. Day: Saturday Fee: $38 Member / $57 Non-Member T’AI-CHI CH’UAN (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 T’AI-CHI CH’UAN gives you the tools to RELAX and MOVE. As you practice… you will find balance, develop co-ordination, concentration and leg strength. Proven to be an excellent exercise for STRESS, Arthritis, Heart Disease, and many other ailments. Instructor: Tamara Stark Day: Wednesday Time: 1:45 – 2:45 p.m. Fee: $45 Member / $68 Non-Member TAI CHI CONTINUED BEGINNING (AGES 18 YEARS AND UP) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 This class is a continuation for the beginning student. Previous Tai-Chi experience is recommended. Instructor: Tamara Stark Day: Wednesday Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Fee: $45 Member / $68 Non-Member KICKBOX INTERVAL (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 20 This interval-style class has been proven to be the ultimate metabolism and fat burning workout. We will alternate between cardio, kickboxing work and strength training drills. You will build core power, muscle and strength – guaranteed. Instructor: Suzie Bode, AFAA certified for Kickboxing Day: Monday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $38 Member / $57 Non-Member Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 23 724.942.5000 (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 8 – Maximum 20 Focus on strengthening and lengthening movements targeting the smaller and stabilizing muscles. Most of the class is conducted while lying down or seated. A dynamic practice designed to build muscle, tone the core, and increase flexibility. No experience needed. Instructor: Yoga Innovations Day: Monday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $49 Member / $74 Non-Member ADULT FITNESS BOOT CAMP 60 (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 20 Kick it up a notch with this 60 minute class that WILL challenge your body and soul to become stronger, leaner and more powerful. All types of equipment and challenges are utilized! Modifications will be shown. Instructor: Suzie Bode, AFAA certified Day: Monday OR Wednesday Time: 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. Fee: $38 Member / $57 Non-Member BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE YOGA (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 This class offers a blend of various styles of yoga – Kripalu, Ashtanga, Sivananda and Yin yoga. Increase strength, flexibility and endurance and reduce the effects of stress using breath work, meditation, and yoga posture. YOGA MAT REQUIRED! Certified Yoga Instructor: Terry Gustas, Certified R.Y.T. Day: Tuesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $42 Member / $63 Non-Member PE TE RS TOWN SH I P PAR KS & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS eters Township CARDIO SCULPT FUSION (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 We will blend basic, low-impact cardio moves with challenging strength exercises, to create the total body workout. Non-stop class will challenge every muscle, using the resistance band, weights and ball. Reach all of your fitness goals with this one hour class! Certified Instructor: Jennifer Alexander with over 20 years of experience. Day: Monday OR Friday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member 20/20/20 (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 This class will keep you moving, two 20 minute segments of cardio exercise and 20 minutes of total body sculpting. Each class will offer different segments to challenge you without boring you with the same weekly routine. Certified Instructor: Jennifer Alexander with over 20 years of experience. Day: Tuesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member PIYO (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 4 – Maximum 20 Combines the muscle-sculpting, corefirming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility advantages of yoga. And, we crank crank up the speed to deliver a true fat-burning, low-impact workout that leaves your body looking long, lean, and incredibly defined. Certified Instructor: Nicole Murray Day: Saturday Time: 10 – 11 a.m. Fee: $45 Member / $68 Non-Member DANCE IT OUT! (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 5 – Maximum 25 A total body cardio dance workout, created by Billy Blanks Jr. Includes Hip Hop, Country, Bollywood, Disco, Latin, and more! No experience required. For all fitness levels. Get in YOUR best shape, and have FUN doing it! Certified Instructor: Ashley Wilson Day: Sunday Time: 1 – 2 p.m. Day: Wednesday Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Day: Thursday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $34 Member / $51 Non-Member EVENING YOGA (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 8 – Maximum 35 An all level class including Sun-Salutation, standing and seated poses, breathing techniques, and ending with a deep relaxation. Yoga is proven to increase your strength, flexibility, balance and mental focus. Yoga mat required, yoga blocks suggested. Instructor: Lynn Duda, LMT, E-RYT Day: Tuesday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $45 Member / $68 Non-Member ZUMBA (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 75 ZUMBA is a fusion of Latin and International music and dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system. Certified Zumba Instructor: Debbie Colditz Day: Tuesday Time: 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. Day: Wednesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Day: Friday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $38 Member / $57 Non-Member ZUMBA (90 MINUTES) (AGES 16 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 75 This is the one-hour Zumba class followed by an additional 30 minutes of Zumba Toning. It is a total body workout that will elevate the participant’s fitness regime. Bring 1 - 3 lb. hand weights or Zumba Toning sticks. Certified Zumba Instructor: Debbie Colditz Day: Friday Time: 9 – 10:30 a.m. Fee: $57 Member / $85 Non-Member 24 Peters Township (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 8 – Maximum 15 This Hatha Yoga class joins the breath (prana) to the postures (asanas) to create a flowing practice. This class is designed to increase strength, flexibility and balance for overall health, well being and harmony. Instructor: Gayle Zacharia, Certified RYT Day: Wednesday OR Thursday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $42 Member / $62 Non-Member H.I.I.T 30 (PREVIOUSLY DIRTY 30) (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 20 High Intensity Interval Training. Take your 30 minutes to a new level of training. This method of exercise is a scientifically proven way to be the most effective fat burning, endurance improving and muscle building workout. This challenging class will take you through all types of high intensity intervals that will prove that you can get the work done, in 30 minutes. Modifications will be shown for all skill levels. Instructor: Suzie Bode, AFAA certified Time: 9:30 – 10 a.m. Day: Thursday Fee: $19 Member / $29 Non-Member INTRODUCTION TO BALLROOM DANCING INTRODUCTION TO HOME IMPROVEMENT (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 Students will learn how to use the most common hand tools and power tools of the trade to complete basic home improvements and repairs. Learn how to safely operate a circular saw, jigsaw, reciprocating saw, screw gun, drill, and more. Instructor: Michael R. Wetmiller Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Day: Monday, November 10 Fee: $39 Member / $59 Non-Member HOW TO FRAME A WALL (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 Framing skills are a must if you plan to open walls, add-on, or finish a basement. Students will learn about tools and materials for framing, layout, measuring, cutting, and how to frame a wall with a window and a door. Instructor: Michael R. Wetmiller Day: Sunday, November 16 Time: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $39 Member / $59 Non-Member DRYWALL 101 (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 For the DIYer about to embark on an interior renovation project, drywall will most certainly be needed. Students will learn tools and materials for drywall, how to estimate drywall material and how to properly install (hang) and finish (tape) drywall. Instructor: Michael R. Wetmiller Day: Sunday, November 23 Time: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $39 Member / $59 Non-Member INTERIOR TRIM BASICS (BASE, CASING AND CROWN) (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 Installing interior trim adds the finishing touches to a remolding project. In this workshop, students will learn about types of materials for trim, planning and estimating material, and how to install baseboards, window and door casing, and crown molding. Instructor: Michael R. Wetmiller Day: Monday, December 8 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Fee: $39 Member / $59 Non-Member WOOD AND LAMINATE FLOORING ESSENTIALS (AGES 18 AND UP) Minimum 10 – Maximum 25 With so many flooring products on the market today, you need to have a clear understanding of the materials available before starting your project. Students will learn about the materials and installation of solid wood, engineered wood, and laminate flooring. Instructor: Michael R. Wetmiller Day: Wednesday, December 17 Time: 7 – 8:45 p.m. Fee: $39 Member / $59 Non-Member Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 25 724.942.5000 (AGES 14 – ADULTS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 24 Learn ballroom for exercise, cruise, wedding, social etiquette, school dance or just for fun!! This course gives an introduction to the most popular dances requested at this time. It includes the slow and fast social dances in Ballroom and Latin styles. Instructor: Kathy Burchill of Dryden Dance Center BALLROOM I Learn basic steps and patterns in the four most used dances; Foxtrot Swing/Freestyle, Waltz and Cha Cha Cha/Salsa Day: Tuesday Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Fee: $60 Member / $90 Non-Member BALLROOM II (BALLROOM 1 REQUIRED) Review dances in Ballroom 1 and add new patterns. Day: Tuesday Time: 7:30 – 9 p.m. Fee: $60 Member / $90 Non-Member DO IT YOURSELF PITTSBURGH P E TE RS TOWN SHI P PAR K S AND R ECR E ATI ON NE WS MIXED LEVEL – YOGA FOR EVERY BODY Peters Township PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES HEALTHY PREGNANCY, HAPPY BIRTH Minimum 2 – Maximum 7 Couples learn about birth options in all settings to support a happy, healthy birth. Includes information on nutrition, exercise, labor, procedures, meditation, positions and breastfeeding. Appropriate for all types of births, at any stage in pregnancy. BirthWorks curriculum. Instructor: Michelle Zoric Chenevert Day: Sunday Time: 1:30 – 4 p.m. Fee: $175 Member / $263 Non-Member REIKI Minimum 5 – Maximum 15 Reiki, a Universal Energy healing method, is helpful for stress, emotional issues and even cancer. Local hospitals offer this treatment. You can learn Reiki easily and help yourself and others. Instructor: Lois Reich, Master Reiki Teacher Day: Sunday, November 2 Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Fee: $15 Member / $23 Non-Member FOOT REFLEXOLOGY PE TE RS TOWN SH I P PAR KS & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS eters Township Minimum 5 – Maximum 15 Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. Reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and promotes balance in the body. Basic information and hands-on treatment. Instructor: Lois Reich, Licensed Massage Therapist and Reflexology Trainer Day: Sunday, November 9 Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Fee: $15 Member / $23 Non-Member ADULT VOLLEYBALL (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 Interested in playing recreational volleyball? Join us in this adult program that is open to all skill levels and be ready to have some serious fun! Previous knowledge of the game is a plus and you must register before playing. Coordinator: Dave Davis Day: Thursday Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Fee: $15 Member / $23 Non-Member LIL’ DRAGON KARATE / ALL AGES TAE KWON DO Minimum 4 – Maximum 20 Martial Arts training with curriculum that includes hi-energy drills and skills designed to build and condition each student’s attitude, behavior and character development. Programs teach valuable life skills that focus on Goal Setting, positive attitude, relationship building, communications and leadership. Instructor: E. Jeffrey Jox Day: Thursday LIL’ DRAGON: AGES: 3 – 6 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. TAE KWON DO: AGES: 7 AND UP Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $72 Member / $107 Non-Member Uniform: $25 orders placed at first class DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES SMALL DOG /PUPPY BASIC OBEDIENCE PART 1 LARGE DOG/PUPPY BASIC OBEDIENCE PART 1 (6-WEEK COURSE) Maximum 8 dogs A basic obedience class tailored to the special needs of small dogs and puppies. Basic obedience commands using gentle-style training helping you accomplish the Canine Good Citizen title. Safety, bite inhibition and housebreaking will be topics in this class. This class is for puppies of 10 weeks to 1 year of age that will mature less than 25 pounds. Day: Thursday, November 6 - December 18 (No class on November 27) Time: 7 – 8 p.m. No dogs the first week. Fee: $90 Resident / $135 Non-Resident ($30 Audit fee attending within the family of a registered dog) (6-WEEK COURSE) Maximum 8 dogs This is a basic obedience class for puppies/dogs 10 weeks to 1 year of age that will mature over 25 pounds. Basic obedience skills, bite inhibition. Housebreaking using gentle style techniques will be offered. This class is based on skills needed for the Canine Good Citizen title. Day: Thursday, November 6 - December 18 (No class on November 27) Time: 8:15 – 9:15 p.m. November 6 will be a seminar at 7 p.m. (No dogs the first week) Fee: $90 resident / $135 Non-Resident ($30 Audit fee attending within the family of a registered dog) IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ALL DOG CLASSES: All dog classes are held at the Peters Township Community Room located at 200 Municipal Drive. (Police Building rear entrance) Dogs must be at least 10 weeks of age and in good health. No aggressive dogs. All students come for a seminar November 6 at 7 p.m. NO DOGS at the seminar. No children under the age of 16. November 6 will be a seminar at 7 dogs. 26 Peters Township (AGES 50 PLUS) Minimum 5 – Maximum 12 On Jan. 1, 2014, AARP Driver Safety launched the new and improved AARP Smart Driver™ Course, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. Classes review rules of the road not to mention other useful information. We are offering a refresher course (if you have taken an 8 hour course prior) and an 8 hour course if you are a first timer. Day: Refresher Wednesday, October 29 Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (must bring certificate & AARP card) Day: 8 hour 2 day class November 6 and 7 Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fee: $15 AARP Member / $20 AARP Non-Member Registration Deadline: October 24 SENIOR LUNCHEONS BEDFORD SPRINGS Minimum 35 – Maximum 52 A little driving tour of Bedford, a stop at Founders Crossing, guided tour of Omni Bedford Springs Resort and Spa, Lunch at Bedford Springs, visit an 1806 Log Cabin Church, Gravity Hill, Boyer Orchard, view a few covered bridges of Bedford County and shop at Fishers County, and you can nap on the drive home! Day: November 13 Departure Time: 7 a.m. Return Time: 7:15 p.m. Fee: $135 per person Registration Deadline: October 6 PICKLEBALL Minimum 6 – Maximum 16 Looking to improve hand-eye coordination, balance and agility? Ever heard of Pickleball? If so, bring your friends and tennis shoes to play this low-impact mini-tennis sport that uses a wiffleball and paddle. Open to all adult ages and skill levels. Day: Monday Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fee: $15 Member / $23 Non-Member SILVERSNEAKERS® YOGA STRETCH AND MUSCULAR STRENGTH & RANGE OF MOVEMENT CLASSES: (AGES 65 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 30 MUSCULAR STRENGTH & RANGE OF MOVEMENT - Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Handheld weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; a chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Free to select Medicare/local health care plan qualified participants. Day: Monday and Wednesday Time: 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. YOGASTRETCH - Move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Instructor: Suzie Bode Day: Thursday Time: 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. Fee: $60 Member / 90 Non-Member (fee, if not covered by health insurance); this includes all classes offered in the session. CARD GROUPS AT THE CRC BRIDGE We are looking for new players! Group meets September through May. For more information call Joan Knoll at 724.743.1767 Fee: $15 per year used for supplies and a charitable donation. Location: Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive, in the back of the Police Station (off of McMurray Road, near the Library) • Marathon Bridge: 1st Tuesday of every month from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. • Duplicate Bridge: 3rd Tuesday of every month from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. 500 BID Card Players meet the 4th Tuesday afternoon of the month at the Recreation center from 1 – 4 p.m. Drop-ins welcome. No pre-registration required. Men and women of all ages are welcome. Beverages and snacks are provided. Donations welcome. For more information call Rae Helman at 724.941.1081. Peters Township | October/November 2014 | 27 724.942.5000 Luncheons are held at the Recreation Center on the second Wednesday of each month. We ask that you bring a covered dish and share with others. The second hour we provide entertainment or a lecture. Contact Lisa at 724.942.5000 for more information. Day: November 12 Time: Noon – 2 p.m. Day: December 10 Time: Noon – 2 p.m. Fee: Free (smiles required) CHRISTMAS MEMORIES Minimum 25 – Maximum 52 Treat yourself to lunch and a show, relax before the holidays get here! Lunch at the Ramada Inn and a Latshaw Pops Christmas Memories show at the Palace Theater located in Greensburg. Get your tickets fast, we only reserved so many! Day: December 9 Departure Time: 10 a.m. Return Time: 5:30 p .m. Fee: $115 per person Registration Deadline: November 3 P E TE RS TOWN SHI P PARK S & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS AARP SENIOR DRIVERS SAFETY PROGRAM Peters Township PROGRAMS FOR MATURE ADULTS
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