ST. LOUIS CHURCH October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DAILY MASS READINGS Sunday Tuesday Monday 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday All Saints Day All Souls Day Exodus 22: 20-26 Ephesians 4:32-5:8 Ephesians 2: 19-22 Ephesians 6:1-9 Ephesians 6: 10-20 Philippians 1: 1-11 Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 Wisdom 3: 1-9 Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51 Psalm 1:1-4, 6 Psalm 19:2-5 Psalm 145: 10-14 Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10 Psalm 111:1-6 Psalm 24:1-6 Psalm 23: 1-6 1 John 3:1-3 Romans 5: 5-11 Matthew 5:1-12 John 6: 37-40 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 Luke 13:10-17 Luke 6:12-16 Luke 13:22-30 Luke 13:31-35 Luke 14:1-6 What is Lectio Divina? While reading sacred scripture, read the words with a love and sense of discovery until something seems to strike home. Sit with the passage as one would with a good friend-not just thinking or analyzing, but instead remaining in a quiet, listening spirit, so the word can nurture and challenge you. Call to Prayer: “Let us take a moment The Word of God: Choose one of next Sunin the midst of all our activity to prepare day’s readings. One person reads the scripture aloud as others are attentive to a word, phrase, ourselves for prayer.” or theme that is meaningful to them. Allow for a Excerpts from SNOW FALLING ON SNOW minute of silent reflection. Have another person Copyright 2001 by Robert J. Wicks read the same scripture a second time. Used with permission of Paulist Press Faith Sharing: Begin with an open ended question such as “What strikes you from this reading?” and/or you can use the “Reflection Question” found on our website or bulletin. Allow time for reflection & sharing. Closing Prayer: At the end of the faith sharing, invite participants to pray aloud for any particular petitions or praises they may have. Feel free to close with: The Lord’s Prayer or Spontaneous prayers or a faithbased song. Reflection Question for Next Sunday, November 1, 2014 The options for the readings for All Souls’ Day are quite extensive, since so much of Scripture speaks to our deepest hopes, fears and longings. And our deepest fear is death: the enemy which tears soul from body and our loved ones from our embrace. Perhaps the “Communion of Saints” is a phrase in the Apostles’ Creed that just slips off your tongue without a whole lot of thought. IMAGINE! Those who have gone before us into God’s embrace even now surround us with their love and attention. God promises that Life, not death, will have the final word. Dear Parishioners: I wish to sincerely thank the following individuals who greatly enhanced our Stewardship efforts last weekend by offering their personal comments about their experience and love for our parish: Joe and Cindi Korpacz, Anthony Rosso and John Comberiate. Each of them touched our hearts with their words and especially with their witness to the love for the Lord as they live it out here at Saint Louis. A big Saint Louis THANK YOU to each of them. It sure feels good to be able to use our 1889 Chapel again. You may have noticed a few new safety features that have been added to the entrance: new steps and a much needed landing at the front doors with railings and enhanced lighting over the entrance. In addition the curb has been removed to allow easier access for us “elderly” folks!! Two items still remain to be installed: the new front doors (which have been ordered in the style of the original 1889 doors) and the new exterior windows which will protect the stained glass (which will match those of our new church). In addition to the above, the entire “re-do” of the exterior of the chapel includes a totally new roof, new pointing of all the stone, a new bell tower, new window frames, the repair and restoration of all the stained glass windows and a new bell ringer with the ability to not only ring the Angelus at 9:00am, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm followed by beautiful hymns but also rings 5 minutes before and at the beginning of each weekend Mass. My deepest thanks to each of those who have supported this effort. Msgr. Luca THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK A person should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. --Alexander Pope (1688-1744) SOME OF THE GOOD DEEDS OUR CHILDREN OFFERED TO GOD THIS WEEK: Gabriela prayed for her friends’ father who is deployed; Marianne cleaned the household; Owen cleaned up; David was helpful at the Webelos camp-out; Jane made a cake for her friends; Mary made her brother a bracelet for breast cancer awareness; Amanda set the table without being asked; Julia was nice; Caleb took care of his brother. ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS: The flowers used to decorate our church altar, shrines, and chapel altar are available to honor a loved one who is living or deceased, as an expression of gratitude to God on special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays or other significant events. Flowers for the Shrine of St. Louis, Shrine of St. Joseph or the Blessed Mother are $50 each; Pieta is $75; Altar flowers are $75; and Chapel Altar are $75 . Arrangements may be made by calling the parish office (410-531-6040) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. All who are honored will be acknowledged in the bulletin. SACRAMENTAL OR OTHER RELIGIOUS GIFTS PURCHASED through MajesticWorks Liturgical Rewards program enables you, your relatives and friends to purchase religious gifts while reducing the parish’s cost to purchase church goods. Sign-up at account/login/. Then simply select St. Louis Church on the bottom left corner of the My Profile page. Start shopping and earning money for our parish today. Or if you prefer, contact MajesticWorks’ representative Drew Weidner at 1-877-635-2244 x3. ST. LOUIS FAMILY FUN NIGHTS, a one-hour fun-filled time for all elementary children whether they attend St. Louis School, religious education or home school, to learn something new about the Bible and Jesus while participating in hands-on activities. At least one parent is required to stay as they will be partnering with their child. There will be a limit of 25 children at each Family Fun Night, so please sign up soon for the October 30 activity by sending an RSVP to Linda Jennings at [email protected]. (Please RSVP no earlier than 2 weeks for future Family Fun dates.) Attending a Family Fun Night will count as a required “activity” for families who participate in “Faith in the Family”. We hope to see you there! Family Fun Nights will be held on Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the Howard Bishop Rooms. Upcoming Family Fun Nights: 10/30: Bible Fun (Team games using our Bibles) 11/13: Saints (Holy Men & Women who are amazing examples for us) 12/11: Justice (Craft- making cards for prison ministry) MEETINGS/EVENTS THIS WEEK ACTS Women’s Retreat Return Reception Sunday, October 26, 2014 Social Hall 1:45 PM Monday ACTS SCC Monday, October 27, 2014 Room 304 7:00 PM Miraculous Medal Novena Monday, October 27, 2014 Chapel 7:30 PM Sharing Christ Monday, October 27, 2014 Social Hall 7:30 PM Women's Bible Study Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Room 301 9:30 AM Theology of the Body Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Room 301 7:00 PM ACTS SCC Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Room 306 7:30 PM KoC Open Meeting Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Social Hall 7:30 PM Science and Religion Forum Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Social Hall 7:00 PM RCIA Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Room 301 7:00 PM Treble Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 30, 2014 Room 306 5:00 PM Children's Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 30, 2014 Room 305 5:30 PM Good News Rehearsal Thursday, October 30, 2014 Room 305 6:30 PM Thursday ACTS SCC Thursday, October 30, 2014 Room 303 6:30 PM Untold Blessing series Thursday, October 30, 2014 Social Hall 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Thursday, October 30, 2014 Room 305 8:00 PM 1st Saturday ACTS SCC Meeting Saturday, November 01, 2014 Room 305 7:00 AM Altar Server Training Saturday, November 01, 2014 Church 10:00 AM CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE MILITARY LIST: Pray for our troops and their families, especially: J. Adams R. Adams D. Canaday Bain D. Breville R. Cafiero S. Cooper J. Danko C. Daugherty L. Draughn P. Evans B. Gallagher N. Gladfelter B. Green D. Haack J. Helfrich J. Henry K. Holland O. Hughes D. Joyce M. Lark M. Mangus, Jr. K. McLin T. Musselman Fr. A. Ochalek A. Parrish J. Parrish S. Parrish K. Purser D. Reccardi K. Remick J. Ryan J. Scheler T. Settle J. Six M. Spies A. Stone R. Stone S. Stone E. Surrette B. Urena P. Wallace A. Wassell Fr. T. Wood K. Zaumseil MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday 10/25 Sunday 8:00AM Jennie Rose Jeppi & Paul Douglass 4:00PM Doris Queenin & Frank Curran 5:30PM Morgan Happ & Margaret Kelly 6:45AM Paul Douglass & Dr. Thomas Mastroianni 8:00AM Margaret Kelly & Frank Curran 9:30AM Jane Gossage & Jack Finnegan 11:15AM Maria Ann Rybarczyk Williams & Special Intention of the Williams & Rybarczyk Families 12:45PM Thomas Stadler and Elizabeth Mackey SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Confessions will be heard on Saturday, November 1 by Fr. Pete Literal. BAPTISM: The next Baptism Preparation Session will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 in Room 301 of the Pastoral Center from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office at 410-5316040 to register. CHILDRENS LITURGY: Children grades 2-high-school are needed to be Hospitality Ministers for the November 1, 4:00pm Children's Mass. Please contact Mary Theresa Suhar at [email protected] to volunteer. PRAYER LIST: To have your name or that of a loved one put on our Prayer List for a three month period, call the parish office at 410-531-6040. Pray for all who need prayers, especially: Anne Behrendt Mya Hostutler Cathy Owles Margaret Biro Anita Jeppi Georgiana Podniesinski Larry Boarman Dan Johnson Aaron Reick Joan Boehm John Kaulfuss Louise Ricci Manuel N. Borromeo George Kuegler Jason Richardson Diane Burbank Virginia Kovalyak James Sczepanski John Christman Dave Kraus Rodney Seabolt Ernest Colvin Tom Lahocki Mark Slebodnik Maria Bochniewicz & Dr. Thomas Mastroianni Veronica Costerioto Sydney Livingston Robert Tabler Buster Fields Dan Lunardi Sherre Taylor Al Fitch Mary Lynch Jennie Thompson Cornelius Flynn Margaret Martin Paul Trainor Carter Furey Mary Martin Enrique Valencia Jane J. Gonzalez Margaret Miller Melody Walsh Mark Haney Leo Mortimer Patricia Walsh Lillian Held Myron Ondracek Geraldine Washburn Monday 7:00AM Special Intention & Sue Kerr (SI) Tuesday 7:00 AM Frank Curran & Margaret Kelly Wednesday 7:00 AM Peg Whyte (SI) & Dr. Thomas Mastroianni Thursday 7:00AM Sarah Lynn & Joseph Parker Friday 7:00AM Frank Curran & Janet Warden Saturday 8:00AM Mary Beth Weaver & Special Intention PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DEPARTED FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: 4:00PM All Souls Novena Sister Mary Edith Hirsch, RSM, aunt of Peg Whyte 5:30PM Margaret Kelly & Joseph Gallagher (SI) denotes a Special Intention for a living person or persons. James Vorce, father of Joan Chall and Teresa Butler, grandfather of Julie Winters and Laura Butler, and great-grandfather of Kaylee, Connor, and Colin Winters and Maximus Eitel. CHURCH ALTAR LINENS AND CLEANING TEAM SCHEDULE 11/1 11/8 11/15 11/22 Altar Linens Ms. Dolores Gill Ms. Fran Justice Ms. Mariah Tavary Ms. Willa Tranchitella Church Cleaning Team 6 Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 FEASTS OF ALL SOULS AND ALL SAINTS: Since the feast of All Saints falls on Saturday (November 1) this year, it is not a Holy day of Obligation. The regular 8:00AM Mass on Saturday will be the Mass of All Saints. The Cemetery Chapel will be open from 11:00AM to 1:00PM for private prayer to remember those we love that have passed. There will be no formal prayer service on All Souls Day. St. Louis School is currently conducting a fundraiser with the popular KidStuff Coupon Books! Each book is $25, and offers hundreds of discount coupons to local restaurants, activities, and stores! Both local and out-of-area books are available. We will be in the Narthex after Masses and have books ready for viewing and sale. Please contact Jen Morabito at [email protected] or 443-545-6982 for more details. Don’t forget our Welcome Wednesday Open House, November 5, from 9:30–11:00AM. Come by to meet our administrators, learn more about our programs and activities, and take a parent-led tour of our campus! We are looking forward to meeting you! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA PRESENTATION: Everyone is invited to hear Monsignor John L. Fitzgerald, a retired Captain from the US Navy Chaplain Corps, give a presentation on the Church’s outreach to the tens of thousands of seamen who pass through the Port of Baltimore each year. The majority of these men are Catholic. We will meet in the Social Hall on Tuesday 10/28 at 7:30PM. Donations of magazines, toiletry articles and religious articles would be appreciated. Light refreshments will be served. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. For more information contact Leo Mortimer, 410-730-4844. The elementary office is closed on Mondays. You may visit our web site: to download forms & view our 2014-2015 calendar. Important Religious Education Dates: 10/27: Monday Rel. Ed. 7:00-8:30 11/1: No Saturday Rel. Ed. Classes 11/2: No Wee Praise Classes 11/3: No Monday Rel. Ed. Classes YOUTH MINISTRY Join me in praying for this new season and for the awesome changes in temperature and nature! AUTUMNAL TEA: Join us for a fun afternoon of sweets, savories and socializing. The Tea will be held on November 2, doors open at 2:00PM. Information is available at the Hospitality Table. Tickets are $25 and will be sold after Masses this weekend (October 25/26) or by contacting Daria at 410-4421853 (home), 410-935-8966 (cell) or at [email protected]. Sponsored by the St. Louis Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2579. O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons. As we embrace these autumn months, may the earlier setting of the sun remind us to take time to rest. May the crunch of the leaves beneath our feet remind us of the brevity of this earthly life. May the steam of our breath in the cool air remind us that it is you who give us your breath of life. May the scurrying of the squirrels and the migration of the birds remind us that you call us to follow your will. We praise you for your goodness forever and ever. Amen. I’LL BE PRAYING FOR YOU! MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY: 10/28 Please mark your calendars for the SECOND ANNUAL ST. LOUIS PARISH ACTS GALA benefiting ACTS retreat scholarships. Event begins at 7:30PM on Friday, November 7 at the Sheraton Columbia Town Center. Tickets are $75 per person. For further information, send an email to [email protected]. 11/2 6-7PM MS CYM Youth Council Service Project 7:15PM MS CYM Parent Meeting in the Youth Room BRUNCH at Grassroots Homeless Shelter. Contact [email protected] Teen Discovering Christ Retreat: November 2 from 10AM-5PM at the Shrine of St. Anthony. Open to all high school students, even if you haven't attended the Discovering Christ Course! Mass & lunch are included. Visit the CYM website for permission form. Contact Katie Erskine with questions: [email protected]. Teen Discovering Christ Retreat Fundraiser this Sunday at Anthony's Pizza and Pasta House in Clarksville between 5 & 9PM! ADULT FORMATION SCIENCE & RELIGION FORUM: Wednesday, October 29 at 7:00 PM in the Social Hall for a video presentation, “What the Bible Can Contribute to an Understanding of Divine Creation”, by Dr. Robert D. Miller, followed by group discussion. RSVP by October 22 to [email protected] with SRF2 as the subject, include names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of participants. Questions? Contact John/Regie Tesk at 301-854-9727; Mike/Carmella Leumas at [email protected] or 410-290-8290; or Helmut/Banashree Seifert at [email protected] or 301-854-2259. IN JOYFUL HOPE: PLANNING FOR THE END OF OUR LIVES. All are welcome to join us at a panel discussion of the medical, spiritual, financial, practical, and legal issues surrounding end of life care on Thursday, November 13, at 7pm in the parish center. Fr. Michael DeAscanis; Lisa Stone, Senior VP from Stella Maris; Elena Boisvert, JD, elder law attorney; and Johanna Coughlin, Archdiocese of Baltimore Respect Life Office. A variety of relevant topics will be explored including the attack on Maryland to legalize physician assisted suicide and Euthanasia. If possible, kindly RSVP to [email protected], (410) 707-9842, injoyfulhopepanels OR you are also welcome and encouraged to attend with or without responding. ST. LOUIS PARISH BOOK CLUB: Our next book will be Mike Aquilina's Good Pope, Bad Pope: Their Lives, Our Lessons. Learning about the good and bad popes in our church history will illustrate "how Christ kept his promise to his bride, the Church--not only in her health but also in her sickness...even in its darkest moments, the story of the papacy is the story of triumph." This book can be purchased on as well as any Catholic book store. The discussion will be scheduled in and time to be announced soon. Contact Mary Dan at 410-531-6571, or email [email protected]. SHRINE OF ST. ANTHONY Recurring Events: x Daily Mass, Sunday through Saturday, 12 PM ( Tuesday Mass includes the Novena to St. Anthony) x First Friday Healing Mass, 7:30 PM x Third Sunday & Last Sunday Healing Mass, 12 PM x Adoration, Thursday—Quiet Adoration after the 12 PM Mass until 4:30PM; Evening prayer from 4:30-5:30PM x Confession, Monday—Saturday, 11:30 AM and Wednesday, 4 PM-5 PM A Night with the Saints! October 31, 2014 6:00-9:00PM. Bring the kids dressed as their favorite saints and biblical figures to get loads of candy and hear the life stories of some of the most popular Franciscan Saints of all times. Bring a bag of candy to share. Please RSVP at 410-531-2800 or [email protected]. Don't forget your flashlights and rosaries! The Fifth District Volunteer Fire Department will host their annual COUNTRY BREAKFAST Sunday, October 26, from 8:00AM–12:00PM at Ten Oaks Ballroom. Come over after Mass for hot coffee, juice and a full course breakfast. Adults $9, children $5. Stop by and support our community firefighters and ambulance team. DISCERNING A VOCATION TO THE DIACONATE? Come to one of the following information sessions to learn more: Saturday, November 8, 2014, 10:15AM, St Mary Seminary & University, 5400 Roland Avenue, Baltimore MD 21210 or Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 7:00PM, St Joseph Parish, 17630 Virginia Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Contact Cindy Orr, the Office of Clergy Personnel at [email protected] to register for either session or for more information if you are interested but cannot attend. Wives are encouraged to attend as well. A list of general admission requirements can be found at deacons/admission-requirements.cfm. FOOD DRIVE NEXT WEEKEND: Next week (November 1/2) is our monthly food drive. Please help us help the hungry by bringing a “St. Louis Bag of Food” to church next weekend. This is what is in our bags: 1 box of cereal, 1 box of powdered milk, 1 box of spaghetti, 1 jar of spaghetti sauce, 1 jar of peanut butter, 1 can of green vegetables, 1 can of fruit, 2 boxes of macaroni and cheese, 2 cans of tuna fish, 2 cans of soup, 2 cans of baked beans, 1 jar of jelly. Bring a bag or part of a bag. It all helps and goes the next day to the poor. OUR PARISH CELEBRATES LIFE! Baby Bottle Fundraiser: Did you pick up a bottle last weekend? Remember to fill with coins, bills or checks and return on November 1&2 or 8&9. Your gifts will enable the pregnancy center to continue providing free services to mothers to be, the unborn and new mothers and their little ones. Please make checks payable to the Columbia Pregnancy Center. All donations are tax deductible. The CALIX SOCIETY is an association of Catholic alcoholics maintaining their sobriety through affiliation with and participation in Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet for prayer, fellowship, and discussion at Our Lady of Perpetual Help’s Parish Office in Ellicott City every Saturday at 9AM. All are welcome, whether you are struggling with this addiction or are the friend or family member of someone who is. Please contact us at [email protected], or Jim O. at [email protected] or 602-689-7437. You can also simply show up to one of the meetings! FAITH WORKING THROUGH LOVE Love your neighbor as yourself. These words come from Jesus as second in importance only to the command to love the Lord with one's whole heart, soul and mind. In Christ's answer to the testing by the Pharisees he summarized the entirety of the law and prophets contained in the Hebrew Scriptures. While the scholars of the law knew that the wrath of God would visit them if they preyed upon widows, orphans, aliens and their poor neighbors, they did not understand the law as a command to love their neighbor. Jesus' words reach us today as a reminder that a person in need is our neighbor and we have a duty to address those needs. St. Paul praises the Thessalonians for taking the message of the Gospel to heart and serving each other in faith and love. As we contemplate the words of our Lord, may his light show us the path to the Kingdom. PARISHIONER SPOTLIGHT: ALTAR FLOWERS UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS October 25/26 November 8/9 November 15/16 Building & Maintenance Fund Education of Seminarians Christmas Flower Memorials DID YOU FORGET TO BRING YOUR CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPE THIS WEEK? There is an easy remedy...Electronic Contributions!! For more information or to make changes to existing electronic contributions, please call Tracy Mayer in the parish office at 410-531-6040 or download a contribution form at Do you always admire the beautiful flowers that you see on the altar each week? Do you ever wonder where they come from and who puts the arrangements together? Well, the answer is right here in the parish. Parishioner, Rose Marie Condon, has been artfully arranging the flowers for Mass each week for over 25 years and she loves serving the parish in this ministry. Many years ago, she was asked by a fellow parishioner to help out and after making her first arrangement, our then Pastor, Monsignor Sauerwein, asked her to continue. Every week, Rose Marie drives into Baltimore to pick up the flowers from the wholesale florist and every Saturday morning, she, along with assistance from parishioner, Hilda Mathieu (who has been helping Rose Marie for four years), spend most of their Saturday arranging the altar flowers in time for the 4:00PM Mass. Rose Marie also does the arrangements for Christmas and Easter, when she is assisted by another group of volunteers, and for parish funerals that also include the bereavement luncheon centerpieces. Saint Louis Parish is blessed to have Rose Marie and her assistants serving in the ministry that gives thanks to God by keeping the altar looking beautiful. Do you have a special talent? Be a good steward of your gifts and share it with Saint Louis Parish. PARISH CENSUS PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: As part of the parishwide census taking place this year, Saint Louis is publishing a Parish Photo Directory. This a great opportunity for you to get an 8x10 family photo before the Holidays (this year's Christmas Card, anyone?) and help the Pastoral Staff and Ministry Chairs get to know you better. Photographers will be at the Pastoral Center on November 3, 4 & 5 to take your photo. Sign-up will be available on-line and through a link to the parish website. For more details, email [email protected]. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF REMEMBERING SAINT LOUIS IN YOUR WILL? LEAVE A LEGACY THROUGH A PLANNED GIFT TO SAINT LOUIS: Planned gifts are funded from accumulated assets of your lifetime. When you make a planned gift to Saint Louis Parish, it typically does not impact your current income. In fact, there are several types of life-income gifts that can actually supplement your income for the rest of your life. Planned gifts are generally used to build an endowment, which is vitally important for the long-term health of the church. Endowment funds empower ministry beyond what is possible through annual operating funds. They provide future parishioners with the means to continue to worship, learn, and serve the community and the world as we have been blessed to do. Planned giving is a powerful opportunity to ensure your most sacred values and commitments are part of your legacy. Your planned gift represents your hope for the future mission of Saint Louis and your faith in future generations. MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: ALTAR SERVERS If you are entering the fifth grade or older, you are eligible to serve at the altar during Mass. There will be five sessions for ALTAR SERVER TRAINING –11/1 from 10AM to 12PM, 11/6 from 7 to 9PM and 11/15 from 1 to 3PM - in the main church. Attendance at one or more of the sessions is required, along with passing a written test, to begin serving. Sessions are limited to 5 people each to ensure the practice is hands-on. Please email Deacon Scott Lancaster at [email protected] and indicate which session you will attend. WELCOME TO SAINT LOUIS PARISH! At the October 19 New Parishioner Welcome Session, we welcomed the following new individuals and families to the parish. Ileana & John Doten Family Jessica Ngo Valerie Gordish Family Isabel & Matthew Orris Family Jeannine & Sean Grantham Family Maria & Robert Park Sanjay & Achamma Gulati Family Mary & Ming-Chen Shih Amber Hotchkiss Family Loan & Todd Tang Family Hildegard Napiorkowski Valerie Fen & Gene Whipps Family
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