WHISPERS WHISPERS is the official newsletter of Adventist Aged Care, Wahroonga September-October 2014 Edition Compiled by Irene Corbett Recreational Activities Co-ordinator Hello and welcome to the September-October edition of Whispers: The Newsletter designed to keep the residents and their loved ones updated with current events and important information about Elizabeth Lodge & Esther Somerville. Adventist Aged Care, Wahroonga We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Mr Ray Neal and Mrs Jean Neal They join us here in Elizabeth Lodge. LOGO Chapel Sabbath will be on the ground floor in the new dining room. Sabbath from 10.00am-‐11.00am The corporate identity for the Seventh-‐day Adventist Church reflects our deep and abiding belief in Jesus Christ as the centre of our lives and our faith. The logo reflects the core values of the Seventh-‐day Adventist Church. Its foundation is the Bible, the Word of God, shown open because its message should be read and put into practice. Central to that biblical message is the cross, which is also a central feature of the logo. Above the cross and the open Bible is a burning flame that represents the Holy Spirit, the messenger of truth. THE SECOND COMING The lines at the top of the design suggest upward momentum symbolizing the resurrection and ascension to heaven at Christ's second coming, the ultimate focus of our faith. THE FLAME This is the shape formed by three lines encircling an implied sphere. The lines represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling the globe and our commission to take the gospel to the entire world. The overall shape forms a flame symbolic of the Holy Spirit. THE CROSS The symbol of the cross, representing the gospel of salvation, is positioned in the centre of the design to emphasize Christ's sacrifice, which is the central theme of the Adventist faith. THE OPEN BIBLE The Bible forms the base of the design and represents the biblical foundation of our beliefs. It is portrayed in a fully open position suggesting a full acceptance of God's word. Sign in and Out Please remember to sign in and out when you leave the facility as it is important that we know who is in the facility in the case of emergency. The s igning book is found in the foyer on Level 1 near the main entrance. Clothing labels: When the fire alarm goes off residents are advised to stay in their room. Please remember that residents who have their clothing laundered on site should have all garments labelled with either ironed-on or sewn-on labels. If new clothing is brought in, please give it to the supervisor for labelling before it is worn. All clothing that is not adequately labelled will have the residents’ label ironed on, and the cost (at .50c per label) will be charged to the resident’s account. Labels are printed in sets of 10 or more. We ask that residents and/or families check wardrobes regularly for unlabeled or incorrectly labelled clothing. If clothing is incorrectly labelled, a replacement label will be printed and stored. There will be no cost to the resident for that label. Thanks you for understanding. Communal NEWSPAPER Attention Residents: Please remember the Newspapers located in the Lounge room are paid for by the facility and are for all residents use. Please do not remove these papers from the lounge areas. Thank you for your cooperation. Prescriptions Families that have any scripts given to them from a doctor for their relative must be brought back to the hostel and handed in to the Sister in charge or the Hostel Supervisor or handed into Florence pharmacy to be dispensed. Florence pharmacy will then liaise with the hostel. Blue forms Blue forms are found just at the entrance of Esther Somerville and on each floor of Elizabeth Lodge. Please use these forms to compliment, suggest or lodge a grievance. Our Continuous Improvement Officer, Julie Cutler will respond to your blue form. This is an important part of our process to ensure we are always improving what we do . Signing Forms At the last board meeting the board has again confirmed that staff should not witness any documents for residents and families. This is for the protection of staff and the facility. The reason is that if there is Court case, person can say by signing the staff has implied that the resident is capable of signing COMMUNICATON OF CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS To reduce risk of possible confusion, if you have any concerns that are related to your health, medications or care, please ask Registered Nurse or Hostel Supervisor or ADOC, Lin Lo. This will ensure you get the most up to date and accurate information. BUS OUTING Monday bus outings are leisurely outings to parks and cafes, from 1-‐3pm except on public holidays On Tuesday there is a shopping bus that takes residents to Pennant Hills Shopping village. If you are interested in these please see Irene or call on 94870679. We would like to wish a Happy Birthday Trevor Barnett, Mrs Moya Ryan, Mrs Joan Hlubucek, Mr Eric Clayton, Mrs Minnie Chow, Mr Mrs Jean Robinson, Mrs Geneva Smith, Mr Ian Cameron, Mrs Lorna Wright, Mr Arthur Duffy, Mrs Martha Pontey, Mrs Barbara Jameson, Mr Ross Mattinson, Mr Linley Davies, Miss Lorraine Miller, Mrs Emily Banks, Mrs Phyllis Marriott and Mrs Martha Olivier All the staff at Adventist Age Care Wish you health and happiness We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Esther Somerville Janis Brodie -Grant, Dorothy Byrne, Walter Maconachie We would also like to wish a very warm welcome to our new residents Dates to remember for Esther Somerville Birthday afternoon tea Residents meeting Bus outing Wednesday13th August, 2:00 pm th Tuesday 28 October, 2:00pm Thursday28th August, 2014 We would like to wish a very happy Birthday to Mrs Wanda Hill, Mrs Margaret Setton, Mrs Dorothy Bramble, Mrs Patricia Archer and Mrs Coreena Buckle All the staff here at Adventist Aged Care Wish you all health and happiness. Esther Somerville has their bus outing the last Thursday of the month it is enjoyed by all. In House Television We now have in house Television on Channel 351for advertising, this shows Channel350 for Chapel e.g. Sabbath, programs and any other news at Wahroonga this is available on all television (in your rooms, at reception, in the lounge room). Where ever there is a television. Call Bell in Esther Somerville Call Bell in Esther Somerville for families to communicate with the RN on care concerns. This call bell is at the nurse’s station. If you cannot locate an RN, please use this to call the RN and discuss any care issues you may have. Hand Towels Hand towels in resident bathroom are to be put in bins not in the toilet as this will block our toilets, only toilet paper for toilets please Residents Auxiliary This is our resident’s auxiliary cupboard with gifts, donations, and crafts that residents and family have given, for us to raise money. This cupboard is situated at reception and is available Monday to Friday 1 The first milestone has been reached. The new lounge on the ground floor is complete. But we will use this as a temporary dining room while the work is done on middle floor. The lounge area will also be used for worship services as residents will not have access to the chapel for a while. Some problems were encountered during the renovation of the ground floor that resulted in a six week delay to complete that area. The builders will make up two of the six weeks. This means the project will now be finished in December 2014 (not November) Area Start date Completion date Extend car park 28 January 2014 31 March 2014 Renovate Ground Floor 2 Build lift shaft and fire stairs 3 Renovate Middle floor (lounge) 4 30 June 2014 10 March 2014 22 October 2014 7 July 2014 21 August 2014 Renovate Top floor 21 August 2014 20 October 2014 5 Build Admin block 15 August 2014 5 December 2014 6 Resurface entry road and new car park 6 December 2014 12 December 2014 Highlighting indicates they have started or finished Bereavements It is with great sadness that we announce the following resident’s have passed away Mrs Joan Welsh, Mrs Joyce Keeler We have brand new Computers available for the residents in Level 1 – Coffee Shop if they wish to navigate on the internet? We’ve moved the Broadband for senior’s kiosk to Level 1 – Coffee Shop. This computer is funded by the Government – Broadband for senior’s project. It has internet and Windows 8. Thank you! Tick any of these options to receive our newsletter by free and return this section to us. □ I would like to receive whispers by email. My email address is:………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… □ I don’t have an email address but I would like to receive whispers by mail. Name: ………..………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. Address: ……………….…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………. We respect your privacy; should you no longer wish to receive newsletters from Adventist Aged Care, Please contact Irene – RAO (02) 9487 0679 or notify by email [email protected]
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