SUNDAY, October 26, 2014 MASS INTENTlONS THIS WEEK All Souls Day is November 2nd. Mass remembrance envelopes are available in the Church lobby. The names will be present on the Altar for Today, Sunday, October 26th 8:30 a.m. - People of the Parish 10 a.m.— Ray Hirt, Michael Gigante, Donald Greenland 12 Noon — Michael Diem Monday, October 27th 9:00a.m. –Rev. Benedict Groeschel Tuesday, October 28th 9:00 a.m.— Maybel Fink Wednesday, October 29th 9:00 a.m.— Ryan Paul Steppacher Thursday, October 30th 9:00 a.m. – Loretta Messina Saturday, November 1st 5:00 p.m.— Ely Calderon Carbajal, Denise Rodriguez, Jimmy Kinley Next Sunday, November 2nd 8:30 a.m. - People of the Parish 10 a.m.— Peggy Ripp 12 Noon — Jean Fortunato the month of November. Wedding Banns 2nd Time Kelly Thomson— St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Anthony Benevento— St. Elizabeth Ann Seton *** Nicole Dunne—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Eric Freese— Holbrook *** Albert Martucci—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Tiana DiMaria- Resurrection, Farmingville CELEBRANTS Weekend of Nov 1st & Nov 2nd SATURDAY, November 1st 5 PM: Fr. Patrick Okafor (Deacon Joseph Maffeo preaching) SUNDAY, November 2nd 8:30 AM: Msgr. Daniel A. Picciano 10 AM: Msgr. Daniel A. Picciano 12 PM: Fr. Patrick Okafor (Deacon Dave Vallone preaching) WEEKLY SACRIFICE for the PARISH Last Week = $6,676.50 # of Envelopes returned: 296 Expenses paid: $7,890.00 Expenses include: salaries, cables & phones for church and rectory, water for Church, etc.. We accept Credit Cards (Visa/MC/Discover/AMEX) WE NEED YOUR HANDS It is time again to assembly our mailing for the annual Christmas Raffle. If you are available on Wednesday, November 5th at 7:15pm to help stuff, seal and sort envelopes, please contact Paul Buffa @ 846-9160. THANK YOU! THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FOR THE RIDE HOME First Reading: Ex 22: 20-26 Second Reading: 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Gospel: Mt 22: 34-40 When you heard the Pharisee's question to Jesus, did you know what the answer would be? If not, now would be a good time to learn the answer by heart. Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus quotes the law of love in two parts. First we must love God with our entire selves. Out of that love of God grows the love of others. We must love our neighbors with as much care and concern as we have for ourselves. Does it seem very easy to love? As we try to do it, we will find it can be very difficult. Why do you think most people say that this is the most important teaching of Jesus? Why is it called the "law of love"? How does this sum up the ten commandments and other teachings of Jesus? Join Us With Mary LOOKING FOR HELP—Children’s Christmas Pageant We are looking for someone to coordinate the Children’s Christmas Pageant this year. If you are available and would like to take on this wonderful event for the children of the parish please call the office at 737-4388. THANK YOU! BAPTISMS Cassandra Rose Lo Verde, Kevin Paul Woods Luke Glen Buechman, Justus Durham Antonio Roldan, Stefan Anthony Marzovilla Kevin Patrick Coan, Carter Thomas Berberich, Daniel Timothy David Henry Youth Group All parishioners from 6th grade to 12th grade are welcome. If anyone is interested in joining and is not on our email list already, please email [email protected] You can also follow the youth group instagram which is stelizabethyouthgroup to keep up with upcoming meetings and events. Every Wednesday after 9:00 AM Mass (at 9:30), you are invited to join us as we pray the rosary to ask for her help and guidance and to thank her for her abounding love and intercession. RELIGION & ROCK "Religion and Rock," a nationally syndicated radio program with Msgr. Jim Vlaun of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, airs every Sunday from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. on WBAB-FM 102.3 or 95.3 on the East End. And Saturday evenings at 11pm on "The Catholic Channel" on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 159 and XM Satellite Radio channel 117. Next Sunday’s (November 2nd) theme is “The Saints in Our Lives” Next weekend Daylight Saving Time ends. Remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday, Nov 1st-Nov 2nd On Sunday, October 26th the Youth Group will be having a Bake sale after all Masses. Prayer Blanket Ministry Next meeting is Saturday, November 8th 9:30am-12:30pm Please come join the "Ladies of the Wool" as we create scarves, blankets, baby hats & more! We donate to Hospice, nursing homes, hospitals and other places that are in need. We are always looking for new members of all ages and will teach you if you don't know how to knit or crochet. We meet twice a month on Saturdays from 9:30am-12:30pm. Donations of yarn are always welcome and appreciated! You can contact Parish Outreach for more information. SUNDAY, October 26th, 2014 Celebrating Family & Faith at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton For more insight into our Faith Formation program, please go to: and click on the Faith Formation link. COMING SOON…… NATIONAL RELIGIOUS ED. WEEK THE FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER Find out about Faith Formation in the parish And the wonderful formation our young people receive. WE NEED YOUR HELP….. We have two high school age students who need to be prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you enjoy young people and want to assist in helping them be confirmed, please contact Michele Hahn at the Parish Office for more details. LEVEL 7 PARENT & STUDENT MEETING Join with Fr. Dan and our Spirit Night Leaders this Monday, Oct. 27th at 7 PM in the Hall for a short discussion about this year’s program and the Sacrament of Confirmation. NOW THAT THE YOUNG PEOPLE ARE SETTLED IN CLASS WHAT ABOUT THE ADULTS? Are you Baptized, received First Communion but not Confirmation??? Is that you? If you answer Yes, then our Adult Confirmation group is for you! Adults meet once a week beginning at the end of January on Thursday evenings. Confirmation would then take place here at the parish on the feast of Pentecost in the late Spring. Sound like something you would be interested in? Please contact Michele Hahn, Director of Faith Formation for more details. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH OUTREACH Christmas Craft Fair –December 7, 2014 OUR PARISH COMMUNITY IS VERY GENEROUS IN HELPING MANY FAMILIES WHO ARE IN NEED OF FOOD AND THEY ARE VERY THANKFUL FOR YOUR CARE AND SUPPORT. AS THE HOLIDAY SEASON COMES UPON US, LET US CONTINUE TO REACH OUT IN LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP TO ALL WHO SEEK OUR ASSISTANCE. IN ORDER TO PREPARE FOR THE MAKING OF OUR THANKSGIVING BASKETS, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COULD BE DONATED BY THE WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 15/16, 2014. Its hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. We are in the process of planning our annual Christmas Craft Fair. Once again we come to our very talented and generous parishioners for items to be raffled. If you would like to donate any new item (s), please bring it to the church office by November 13th as we will begin selling raffle chances on the weekend of Nov. 15-16. Or you may contact Marilyn Grynewicz at 631-846-9823 for more information. As always, we are grateful to all of you who give so generously of your time and talent. Vendors needed! -POTATOES (INSTANT) -VEGETABLES-CORN, PEAS, GREEN BEANS, CARROTS, YAMS -GRAVY, STUFFING, CRANBERRIES -APPLESAUCE, CANNED FRUIT -APPLE CIDER, OR APPLE JUICE -MINTS, NUTS, OR CANDY IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE A TURKEY, PLEASE CALL THE OUTREACH OFFICE AT 737-4416. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Many times when an individual looses a loved one, they may find it helpful to participate in a Bereavement group. In order to extend this healing to those here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Outreach is seeking an individual to facilitate a Bereavement Ministry. What is most needed is compassion and understanding for individuals who have lost a loved one. As well, a social work or psychology background in bereavement would be most beneficial. If anyone feels called to this ministry, please contact Mary Ann O'Connor at Parish Outreach, 737-4416. 7th ANNUAL SUPER DAILY BONANZA DRAWING October $25 winners Sunday 10/19 #00791 M. Cleary Mon, 10/20 #11865 Paul & Susan Spateri Tues, 10/21 #13528 Robert Geary Wed, 10/22 #01952 C. Hillenbrand Thursday, 10/23 #02085 Ray Thomson Friday, 10/24 #03879 Rob & Mary Jo Marrazzo Saturday, 10/25 #16287 M/M Partridge CONGRATULATIONS! MASS OF REMEMBRANCE THE CONSOLATION MINISTRY INVITES ANYONE WITHIN THE PARISH WHO HAS LOST A LOVED ONE THIS PAST YEAR TO ATTEND OUR PARISH COMMUNITIES MASS OF REMEMBRANCE. THE CELEBRATION WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 AT 11:00 AM. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AFTERWARD. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND, PLEASE CALL MARY ANN O'CONNOR, 747-4416. Employment Opportunities Available—AHRC Suffolk Serving Children and Adults with Intellectual & Other Developmental Disabilities 2900 Veterans Memorial Highway, Bohemia, NY 11716 Contact the recruiting office of AHRC: Andrea De Loney, HR Recruiter at 631-585-0100 ext. 240 Or visit our website: ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Many parishioners support St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in the weekly collection and we do not have them listed in our census. We would like to make sure you are given proper credit for your donations. Please fill in the bottom of this page and we will send you a registration form. ***You are not automatically registered if you received a sacrament in the parish, i.e. Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, etc. NAME__________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
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