MINAR OULU SMART CITY SE ITY DEVELOPMENT & INTELLIGENT COMMUN TION SMART MARKET CREA lu, Finland 4th - 6th May, 2015, Ou Welcome Smart City Seminar is first of its kind in Finland and globally. Cities become more and more important actors in societies. And they have to be smart to meet the needs of their citizens of today and tomorrow. To be a smart place requires a lot. The city has to be smart in business opportunities, education, health services, transportation, housing - actually in everything that the citizens need. The cities cannot ask for more and more money from the tax payers. That requires smart governance. All these issues are on the tables when a great number of smart people from businesses, from city organizations, from the central government, from the EU, from universities and research institutes, from some lobbying organizations as well as from the media get together in Oulu from the 4th to the 6th of this May. Several smart organizations have also made a smart decision to have important meetings in connection with this seminar. We are inviting to join our seminar all those people who are interested in developing cities and local communities to be smarter places for people, business and all. This seminar gives a great opportunity learn from others, to share ideas and even to great new ideas for future development. The interactive working method of the seminar is designed to enhance the births of new ideas. The Smart City Seminar in Oulu will start a new era in city development in Finland. I am very much looking forward to seeing and actively participating in the coming event! Pekka Kess, Professor, Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu Seminar President 17.00 18.00 19.00 Opening of the Smart Exhibition and Demonstration Corridor 18.30 Sputnik Reception, Oulu City Hall Departure at 18.30 from the hotel Sightseeing tours by Potnapekka At 13.00,14.30 and 16.00 Departure from the hotel 16,00 15.00 SITE 2 Hiukkavaara SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 7 Kastelli 13.30 14..20 15.15 16.30 SITE 6 Smart site visits Departure at 13.00 in front of the hotel 14.00 Sputnik SITE 5 SITE 8 Registration Seminar info desk open SITE 1 13.00 SITE 9 Smart sites 13.00 12.00 1. Modern Learning and Research Environments 2. Universities’ Entrepreneurship Hubs 3. Hiukkavaara Arctic Smart City Living Lab 4. 3D Cave Theater and Organ Hall in OUAS 5. Valopaa Järvennuotta Led Lighting Case 6. Green Wave and Kivisydän Bedrock Parking 7. Kastelli Community Centre of Oulu 8. VTT and Yritystakomo 9. Future-Power Business Simulation Game, POHTO Monday May 4th, 2015 Venue: Hotel Scandic Oulu, Saaristonkatu 4 Tuesday May 5th, 2015 Interactive Sessions Moderator: Anna Sorainen, Ground Communication Venue: Plaza 1 12.00 - 13.00 8.00 Registration - Morning buffet available in Torilla 9.00 Opening: 30 years of cooperation 10.15 Keynote session: Smart market creation 11.30 Coffee available in Sputnik 11.30 – 14.00 Lunch available in Torilla 11.30 – 14.00 12.00 Interactive Sessions Vaunukamari 1 Fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurships coffee break in Torilla 15.00 Keynote session: Intelligent community development 16.15 Mayors debate: Smart mayors lead smart cities 17.45Closing 18.00 Six City Cocktails 20.00 Gala Dinner Kamarineuvos Kamarineuvos Kivitaneli Open and agile smart cities Creative economy ecosystems Innovation policy - Implications of new business logic Vaunukamari 2 Kamarineuvos Kivitaneli 13.30 - 14.30 Vaunukamari 1 IoT for renewing industries Exhibition 14.30 Vaunukamari 2 Smart city business models Citizen participation, crowdsourcing and social media Living Lab as an engine of growth Wednesday May 6th, 2015 8.00Registration - Morning buffet available in Torilla 9.00 Smart cities as innovation ecosystems Enabling technologies for smart cities 10.30Break 11.00 Kivitaneli Wacklin Vaunukamari 1 Vaunukamari 2 Kamarineuvos Mobility in smart societies Rural broadband economy Digital health and care Business in built environment Digitalization in education Panel discussion: Unlocking the potential of the rural economy Digital health business Sustainable building 12.30 Lunch in Torilla 13.30. Intelligent transport projects 14.30 15.00 16.30 Coffee in Torilla Panel discussion: Mobility as a service Kamarineuvos Group discussion: Seizing the opportunities Panel discussion: My Data - my business Matchmaking Cocktails - Highlights of the Seminar: Journalists’ Message Workshop: Smart city living lab REGISTRATION AND SEMINAR INFO 12.00 SMART SITE VISITS 13.00 You can join into the afternoon smart site visits – or select two, even three short visits or just have a sightseeing tour within Oulu by Potnapekka. Potnapekka tours at 13.00 – at 14.30 – at 16.00 Departure front of the hotel Scandic Oulu Smart Sites 1. Three modern learning and research environments: UBIKO – learning environment, LeaForum - learning & interaction observation forum, and 3D Cave in CIE Center for Internet Excellence 2. Universities’ entrepreneurship hubs: Business Kitchen and Oulu Game Lab training and development program for the gaming industry 3. Hiukkavaara Arctic Smart City development environment creating possibilities for Smart City cooperation and Living Labs. 4. 3D Cave Theater and Organ Hall in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences 5. Valopaa Järvennuotta modern led lighting case 6. Fully automatic green wave traffic signal pre-emption system for emergency vehicles and Oulu’s large underground Kivisydän bedrock parking facility. 7. Kastelli community centre of Oulu offers day care, preschool education, primary and secondary school education, youth, library and sports services as local services to the residents of the area as well as opportunities for cultural and leisure services from “babies to pensioners’ 8. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: PrintoCent Pilot Factory environment, the energy self-sufficient test apartment, and D´CLOUD concept. Yritystakomo innovation enterprise 9. Future-Power Business Simulation Game, POHTO OPENING 17.00 Smart exhibition & demonstration corridor RECEPTION, OULU CITY HALL 19.00 Departure at 18.30 from the hotel Scandic Oulu Smart Exhibition & Demonstration Corner Sputnik REGISTRATION 8.00 Exhibition open trough out the whole seminar. Host: Harri Haapasalo, Professor, University of Oulu Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand 1: Lewel Group 2: ITS Factory 3: OIA – Oulu Innovation Alliance 4: Dimenteq Ltd 5: Adminotech Oy 6: Technopolis 7: Nokia 8: Oulu University of Applied Sciences 9: Sanmina 10: Lähitapiola Pohjoinen 11: Oulu City Theatre 12: BECSI 13: University of Oulu Honorary Chair: Jay Gillette, Professor, Ball State University, Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair, University of Oulu Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1: Bothnian Arc 2: Valopaa Ltd 3: Nortal 4: EIT ICT Lab 5: Rambol 6: Haltian 7: OuluHealth 8: Kempele municipality 9: Nordic innovation ••• OPENING 9.00 - 10.15 Moderator: Anna Sorainen, Managing Director, Owner, Ground Communication 30 years of cooperation Oulu Innovation Alliance Partners: - Matti Pennanen, Mayor, City of Oulu - Jouko Niinimäki, Rector, University of Oulu - Erkki KM Leppävuori, CEO, President, VTT - Jouko Paaso, CEO, Rector, University of Applied Sciences - Juha Juntunen, COO, Technopolis Plc - Lea Kauppi, Director General, Finnish Environment Institute What about the next 30 years? Pertti Huuskonen, Board Professional, Academic Adviser and Investor ••• SMART MARKET CREATION 10.15 - 11.30 Chair: Pekka Kess, Professor, University of Oulu Market creation in future cities: Barriers and opportunities Catherine Mulligan, Head of Digital Strategy and Economics, Future Cities Catapult; Research Fellow, Imperial College, London Social innovation for smart city Glen Koskela, CTO, Fujitsu Nordic Smart implementation of e-identity and interconnectivity framework Priit Alamäe, CEO, Nortal Open Helsinki as a Platform for Smart Market Creation Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki ••• COFFEE AVAILABLE – SPUTNIK 11.30 - 14.00 LUNCH AVAILABLE – TORILLA 11.30 - 14.00 ••• INTERACTIVE SESSIONS 12.00 - 14.30 Session 1: Open and agile smart cities Chair: Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium Helsinki; President, European Network of Living Labs; Vice-chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities Network Session 2: Fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship Chair: Ville Heikkinen, Partner at Butterfly Ventures Session 3: Smart city business models Chair: Catherine Mulligan, Head of Digital Strategy and Economics at Future Cities Catapult and Research Fellow at Imperial College, London Session 4: Internet of things for renewing industries Chair: Heikki Ailisto, Research Professor in Mobile Interaction Technology, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Session 5: Creative economy ecosystems Chair: Johannes Helamaa, Executive Director, PROTO – The Designers’ Association of Northern Finland Session 6: Citizen Participation , Crowdsourcing and Social Media Chair: Tom Laine, CEO, Innopinnon Session 7: Innovation policy - implications of new business logic Chair: Vesa Harmaakorpi, Professor of Innovation Systems at Lappeenranta University of Technology Session 8: Living lab as an engine of growth Chair: Reijo Kohonen, Professor, Managing Partner, Kasvutehdas KATE ••• TEKES COFFEE BREAK IN TORILLA 14.30 - 15.00 ••• INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 15.00 - 16.15 Chair: Jay Gillette, Professor, Ball State University, FulbrightNokia Distinguished Chair, University of Oulu European smart city development – Top-down and bottom-up Markku Markkula, President, the European Committee of the Region Intelligent community development – Past, present and front Robert Bell, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum Digital whispers: What can technologies tell us about humans and cities? Vassilis Kostakos, Professor, Director, Community Imaging Group, University of Oulu Great ideas grow better under zero – Innovating in smart, cold and rural regions Anna Ståhlbröst, Associate Professor, Information Systems, Luleå University of Technology ••• SMART MAYORS LEAD SMART CITIES 16.15 - 17.45 Chair: Bror Salmelin, Adviser for Innovation Systems at the European Commission Visions on intelligent community development Rob van Gijzel, Mayor of Eindhoven, Chairman of ICF Foundation Panelists: Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki Jukka Mäkelä, Mayor of Espoo Anna-Kaisa Ikonen. Mayor of Tampere Kari Nenonen. Mayor of Vantaa Matti Pennanen, Mayor of Oulu Aleksi Randell. Mayor of Turku Yvonne Stålnacke. Mayor of Luleå Jens-Johan Hjort. Mayor of Tromsø ••• CLOSING 17.45 ••• SIX CITY COCKTAILS 18.00 - 19.00 Moderator: Lauri Salovaara, CMO, FilmMe Mieskuoro Huutajat - Screaming Men's Choir, conducted by Petri Sirviö Hosts: Six City Mayors Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki Jukka Mäkelä. Mayor of Espoo Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Mayor of Tampere Kari Nenonen, Mayor of Vantaa Matti Pennanen, Mayor of Oulu Aleksi Randell, Mayor of Turku ••• SMART DINNER, MAIKKULA ESTATE 20.00 REGISTRATION 8.00 ••• PARALLEL SESSIONS 9.00 - 10.30 SMART CITIES AS INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS Venue: Plaza 1 Chair: Juha Ala-Mursula, Director, BusinessOulu Modern innovation approach as driver for prosperity Open European innovation ecosystems Bror Salmelin, Adviser for Innovation Systems at the European Commission ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART CITIES Venue: Plaza 2 Chair: Matti Latva-aho, Director, Centre for Wireless Communications, Professor, University of Oulu Networked society Erik Kruse, Strategic Marketing Manager and Networked Society Evangelist, Ericsson Added value of cross-border ecosystems for innovation Martin Guillermo Ramirez, General Secretary, Association of European Border Regions 5G for the programmable world Lauri Oksanen, Vice President, Research and Technology, Nokia Developing concepts for global innovation hubs Martti Launonen, Chairman, Chief, Hubconcepts Internet of Things for Smart Cities Zach Shelby, Vice President of Marketing for IoT, ARM The Brainport model and the innovation strategy of our region Joep Brouwers, Vice Director, Brainport Development, Eindhoven Enabling ICT for smart, cold and rural regions Christer Åhlund, Professor, Luleå University of Technology Maximize value creation through innovative collaboration Peter Larsson, Managing Director, Luleå Science Park Emerging technologies that could radically transform our cities Risto Linturi, Futurist, Executive Catalyst, Sovelto Plc PARALLEL WORKSHOPS 11.00 - 16.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: MOBILITY AS A SERVICE MOBILITY IN SMART SOCIETIES Moderator: Jukka Lintusaari, EiR, ITS Factory, University of Tampere Host: Kari Kankaala, Executive Director, Economic and Urban Development, City of Tampere Chair: Pekka Leviäkangas, Chief Research Scientist, VTT The promise of driverless transport and robotized logistics Risto Linturi, Futurist, Executive Catalyst, Sovelto Aviapolis - Modern logistics hub Kari Nenonen, Mayor, City of Vantaa Smarter corridors with smarter traffic Anna-Mari Ahonen, Project director, Growth Corridor Finland EIB funding for innovation Neil Valentine, Head of division, Roads, EIB – European Innovation Bank Modern transport policy Marko Forsblom, Ministry of Transport and Communication INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT PROJECTS European perspective for traffic evolution Juha Lehtonen, Director, Siemens Mobility Division Baby steps towards best practices Jukka Talvi, Traffic Engineer, City of Oulu Buses going electric - Case Tampere Elli Kotakorpi; Project Specialist, City of Tampere Open city data Seppo Haataja, Project Director, Tredea Finnish winter maintenance ecosystem Aki Aapaoja, Research scientist, VTT Funding smart city solutions Raine Hermans, Head of Strategic Programmes, Tekes Mobility as a service Sampo Hietanen, CEO, ITS-Finland Other panelists Jaakko Aho, CEO, AC2SG Software Oy Kimmo Ylisiurunen, Managing Director, Infotripla ltd Heikki Karintaus, CEO, Taipale Telematics Oy THE RURAL BROADBAND ECONOMY Host: Suvi Linden, UN Broadband Commissioner, former Communications Minister, ICF Visionary of the Year The rural broadband economy: From local to global Robert Bell, Co-Founder, ICF PANEL DISCUSSION: UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF THE RURAL ECONOMY An insight into broadband economy Jay Gillette, Fullbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair, University of Oulu Keynote Interview Sini Wiren, Director of Communications Services, Ministry of Transport and Communications, interviewed by Robert Bell. Jarmo Heiskanen, Manager of Information Services, Regional Council of North Karelia Mikko Väisänen, Manager for Research and Development, Council of Oulu Region Tommi Linna, CEO, Netplaza Merja Louet, CEO, Siikaverkko Ari Alatossava, Municipal Manager, Ii PANEL DISCUSSION: UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF GROUP DISCUSSIONS: SEIZING THE OPPORTUNITIES Small group discussion based on the Master Class content and seeking to identify the biggest three challenges for ICT-based economic development for the region and the three greatest opportunities that government, business, institutions and citizens can pursue. DIGITAL HEALTH AND CARE Host: Kyösti Oikarinen, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu Chair: Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director, Centre for Health and Technology Delivering health and care in a digital age Laura Ryan, Medical Director of the Scottish Centre for Tele-health and Telecare Impact of health and care innovation initiatives at the European region level Toni Dedeu, Dr, Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research, DHI and Chair at EUREGHA Finland´s innovation strategies in the health field Antti Eskola, Commercial Counsellor at Ministry of Employment and the Economy DIGITAL HEALTH BUSINESS Science and engineering: Realizing the potential of connected health Oliver Harrison, Senior Vice President, Healthways International mHealth and personal health systems: Challenges to research and the healthcare services Per Hasvold, Section Leader, Norwegian Center for Integrated Care and Telemedicine Digital health revolution Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director, Centre for Health and Technology PANEL DISCUSSION: MY DATA - MY BUSINESS Moderator: Anssi Mikola, Chairman, Wellbookers Ltd, CoFounder, Senior Advisor, Megaklinikka; Nordic Healthcare Group Mikael Rinnetmäki, Founder, Sensotrend Jouni Ruoppa, CEO, Medieta Oy Jarmo Järvenpää, CEO, iStock Harri Kylmänen, CEO, Introme Oy Mika Rantakokko, Vice Director, CIE DIGITALIZATION IN EDUCATION Host: Piia Rantala-Korhonen, Deputy Mayor, City of Oulu Chair: Janne Länsitie, Lecturer, Oulu University of Applied Sciences Closing the innovation divide - Potential pioneering activities in education Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of Regions Developing solutions for 21st century learning Suvi Sundquist, Programme manager, Tekes Physical and virtual learning environments Pasi Mattila, CEO, Finpeda Ltd Dream School goes international Allan Schneitz, Director, Elisa Learning Environments, Coordinator, Dream School Game education through the Lab Model and its influence in the market Patricia Zanardi de Toledo, Lecturer, Oulu University of Applied Sciences WORKSHOP: SMART CITY LIVING LAB Chair: Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Dean, Oulu School of Architecture University of Oulu Smart city living lab – Business model for human wellbeing in the built environment Workshop leaders: Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Dean, Oulu School of Architecture Sari Hirvonen-Kantola, D.Sc., Postdoctoral researcher, Oulu School of Architecture Petri Ahokangas, Associate professor, Oulu Business School BUSINESS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT Host: Matti Matinheikki, Deputy Mayor, City of Oulu Chair: Kirsi Aaltonen, Research professor, University of Oulu Smart Cities Miimu Airaksinen, Research professor, VTT Managing Megaprojects: comparing Heathrow Terminal 5 and the 2012 London Olympics Tim Brady, Professor, CENTRIM, University of Brighton Business in built environment Harri Haapasalo, Professor, University of Oulu SUSTAINABLE BUILDING UMEÅ and sustainable Ålidhem Albert Edman, Strategic development officer, City of Umeå Case Karjasilta, Oulu - Regenerating with systems intelligence Tero Vanhanen, Development director, Hartela Ltd 500 years old houses Markus Haapsaari, CEO of Kanttia 2 Architects WORKSHOP: SMART CITY LIVING LAB Chair: Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Dean, Oulu School of Architecture University of Oulu Smart City Living Lab – Business model for human wellbeing in the built environment Workshop leaders: Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Dean, Oulu School of Architecture Sari Hirvonen-Kantola, D.Sc., Postdoctoral researcher, Oulu School of Architecture Petri Ahokangas, Associate professor, Oulu Business School ••• MATCHMAKING COCKTAILS – HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEMINAR: JOURNALISTS’ MESSAGE 16.30 Welcome to participate! 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