ICIAR 2014 Program Details October 22, 2014 (Wednesday) 8:00-17:00 8:45 Registration Opening Paper ID 9:00 Title Authors WED-or-01: Robot Vision Room: Altair 331 Adopting Feature-Based Visual Odometry for Resource-Constrained Mobile Devices Michal Fularz, Michal Nowicki, Piotr Skrzypczynski Oral 338 Biologically inspired vision for indoor robot navigation M. Saleiro, K. Terzic, D. Lobato, J.M.F. Rodrigues, J.M.H. du Buf Oral 206 Strategy for foldling clothing on the basis of deformable models Yasuyo Kita, Fumio Kanehiro, Toshio Ueshiba, and Nobuyuki Kita Oral Coffee Break 10:00 10:30 WED-or-02: Learning Methods Room: Altair 227 Improving Representation of the Positive Class in Imbalanced MultipleInstance Learning Carlos Mera; Mauricio Orozco-Alzate; and John Branch Oral 240 DropAll: Generalization of Two Convolutional Neural Network Regularization Methods Xavier Frazão and Luís A. Alexandre Oral 376 Transfer Learning Using Rotated Image Data to Improve Deep Neural Network Performance Telmo Amaral, Luís M. Silva, Luís A. Alexandre, Chetak Kandaswamy, Joaquim Marques de Sá, Jorge M. Santos Oral 382 Conversational Interaction Recognition based on Bodily and Facial Movement Jingjing Deng, Xianghua Xie, and Shangming Zhou Oral Mário Figueiredo 11:50 12:50 Type Invited Talk 1: Optimization Algorithms for Sparse Representations: Some History and Recent Developments Lunch Break 1 of 9 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Portugal 14:20 WED-or-03: Classification Methods Room: Altair 172 Handwritten Digit Recognition Using SVM Binary Classifiers and Unbalanced Decision Trees Adriano Mendes Gil, Cícero Ferreira Fernandes Costa Filho, Marly Guimarães Fernandes Costa Oral 202 Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Gender Classification Jordi Mansanet, Alberto Albiol, Roberto Paredes, Mauricio Villegas, Antonio Albiol Oral 223 A Visual-based Driver Distraction Recognition and Detection using Random Forest Amira Ragab, Celine Craye, Mohamed Kamel, and Fakhri Karray Oral 15:20 WED-po-01: Poster Session 1 165 Path Descriptors for Geometric Graph Matching and Registration Miguel Amável Pinheiro and Jan Kybic Poster 166 Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fourier Transform Evanthia Mavridou, James L. Crowley, Augustin Lux Poster 178 Catalogue-Based Traffic Sign Asset Management: Towards User's Effort Minimisation Kelwin Fernandes, Pedro F. B. Silva, Lucian Ciobanu, Paulo Fonseca Poster 179 Structural simialrity-based approximation over orthogonal bases: Investigating the use of individual component functions S_k(x,y) Paul Bendevis and Edward R. Vrscay Poster 180 Some "Weberized'' L2-based methods of signal/image approximation Ilona A. Kowalik-Urbaniak, Davide La Torre, Edward R. Vrscay and Zhou Wang Poster 181 Scalable Prototype Learning using GPUs Tonghua Su, Songze Li, Peijun Ma, Shengchun Deng and Guangsheng Liang Poster 197 Energy Minimization by α-erosion for Supervised Texture Segmentation Karl Skretting and Kjersti Engan Poster 216 Multiple Object Detection with Occlusion using Active Contour Model and Fuzzy C-mean Sara Memar, Riadh Ksantini, Boubakeur Boufama Poster 219 Perceptual Evaluation of Demosaicing Artefacts Tomasz Sergej, Radoslaw Mantiuk Poster 225 QR Code Localization Using Boosted Cascade of Weak Classifiers Péter Bodnár and László G. Nyúl Poster 249 Iterative Sparse Coding for Colorization based Compression Suk-Ho Lee, Paul Oh, Moon Gi Kang Poster 254 Automatic Classification of Human Body Postures Based on Curvelet Transform N. Zerrouki and A. Houacine Poster 2 of 9 270 Meta-learning For Adaptive Image Segmentation Aymen Sellaouti, Yasmina Jaâfra, Atef Hamouda Poster 341 Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace Learning applied for Background Modeling and Subtraction Andrews Sobral, Christopher G. Baker, Thierry Bouwmans and El-hadi Zahzah Poster 348 Dynamic Multiple View Geometry with Affine Cameras Cheng Wan, Yiquan Wu, Jun Sato Poster 349 Fuzzy Integral Combination of One-Class Classifiers Designed for Multi-Class Classification Bilal Hadjadji, Youcef Chibani and Hassiba Nemmour Poster 350 On tracking and matching in vision based navigation Adam Schmidt, Marek Kraft, Michal Fularz Poster 358 ALOE: Augmented Local Operator for Edge Detection Maria De Marsico, Michele Nappi, Daniel Riccio Poster 360 2D Thinning Algorithms with Revised Endpixel Preservation Gábor Németh, Péter Kardos, Kálmán Palágyi Poster 377 A New Landmark-Independent Tool for Quantifying and Characterizing Morphologic Variation SM Rolfe, LL Cox, LG Shapiro, TC Cox Poster 389 Face Image Super-resolution Based on Topology ICA and Sparse Representation Yongtao Liu, Hua Yan, Xiushan Nie, and Zhen Liu Poster 16:50 19:00 WED-or-04: Sparse Representation & Image Representation Room: Altair 297 Low Light Image Enhancement via Sparse Representation Konstantina Fotiadou, Grigorios Tsagkatakis, and Panagiotis Tsakalides Oral 333 Noise Modelling in Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Variational Approach Adrian Martin and Emanuele Schiavi Oral 384 A new compressor for measuring distances among images Armando J. Pinho, Diogo Pratas, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira Oral 385 A method to detect repeated unknown patterns in an image Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira, Armando J. Pinho Oral Location: Hotel Vila Galé Ampalius Reception October 23, 2014 (Thursday) 3 of 9 8:00-17:00 Registration Jean-Luc Starck Head of CosmoStat Laboratory Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU) France Invited Talk 2: Morphological Diversities in Astrophysics 9:00 Coffee Break 10:00 10:30 THU-or-05: Image processing Room: Altair 226 An examination of several methods of hyperspectral image denoising: over channels, spectral functions and both domains Daniel Otero, Oleg V. Michailovich, and Edward R. Vrscay Oral 228 Unconstrained Structural similarity-based optimization Daniel Otero, and Edward R. Vrscay Oral 316 An Evaluation of Potential Functions for Regularized Image Deblurring Buda Bajić, Joakim Lindblad and Nataša Sladoje Oral 319 Reflectance-based segmentation using photometric and illumination invariants Jose-Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Begoña AchaPiñero, Carmen Serrano-Gotarredona, Theo Gevers Oral 11:50 THU-or-06: Motion Analysis and Tracking Room: Altair 173 Adaptive Feature Selection for Object Tracking with Particle Filter Darshan Venkatrayappa, Désiré Sidibé, Fabrice Meriaudeau, Philippe Montesinos Oral 244 Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imaging for Motion Filtering Nico Hoffmann, Julia Hollmach, Christian Schnabel, Yordan Radev, Matthias Kirsch, Uwe Petersohn, Edmund Koch, and Gerald Steiner Oral 383 Exploiting color constancy for robust tracking under non-uniform illumination Sinan Mutlu, Samuel Rota Bulo, Oswald Lanz Oral Lunch Break 12:50 14:20 Panel: Sparse Representation for Image Analysis and Recognition: trends and applications 15:20 THU-po-02: Poster Session 2 4 of 9 183 Weight Estimation of Pigs Using Top-view Image Processing Mohammadamin Kashiha, Claudia Bahr, Sanne Ott, Christel P.H. Moons, Theo A. Niewold, Frank O. Ödberg, Daniel Berckmans 204 SASCr3: A Real Time Hardware Coprocessor for Stereo Correspondence Luca Puglia, Mario Vigliar, Giancarlo Raiconi Poster 209 Improving fire detection reliability by a combination of videoanalytics Rosario Di Lascio, Antonio Greco, Alessia Saggese, Mario Vento Poster 231 Automatic interpretation of remotely sensed images for urban form assessment John Mashford, Felix Lipkin, Charlelie Olie, Mailys Cuchennec, and Yong Song Poster 236 Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM based Ultrasonic Tank Roof Inspection Christian Freye, Christian Bendicks, Erik Lilienblum, Ayoub Al-Hamadi Poster 245 Automatic Annotation of an Ultrasound Corpus for Studying Tongue Movement Samuel Silva, António Teixeira Poster 257 A Spatio-Temporal Approach for Multiple Object Detection in Videos Using Graphs and Probability Maps Henrique Morimitsu, Roberto M. Cesar-Jr., Isabelle Bloch Poster 260 Segmentation-free Keyword Retrieval in Historical Document Images Irina Rabaev, Itshak Dinstein, Jihad El-Sana and Klara Kedem Poster 263 Handwritten and printed text separation: linearity and regularity assessment Sameh Hamrouni, Florence Cloppet, Nicole Vincent Poster 265 Character-Level Alignment using WFST and LSTM for Post-Processing in MultiScript Recognition Systems - A Comparative Study Mayce Al Azawi, Adnan Ul Hasan, Marcus Liwicki, Thomas M Breuel Poster 266 Drawing Parrots with Charcoal A. Alsam and H.J. Rivertz Poster 272 Accurate Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction for Cost-effective Plant Phenotyping Lu Lou, Yonghuai Liu, Jiwan Han and John H. Doonan Poster 278 Delineation of Martian Craters Based on Edge Maps and Dynamic Programming Jorge S. Marques, Pedro Pina Poster 280 A hybrid CRF/HMM approach for handwriting recognition Gautier Bideault, Luc Mioulet, Clément Chatelain and Thierry Paquet Poster 289 3D Spatial layout propagation in a video sequence Alejandro Rituerto , Roberto Manduchi, Ana C. Murillo and J. J. Guerrero Poster 302 Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of Ultrasound Speckle Reduction Fernando C. Monteiro, José Rufino, Vasco Cadavez Poster 5 of 9 Poster 304 An Efficient Self-recovery and Tamper Detection Using Fragile Watermarking Sajjad dadkhah, Azizah Abd Manaf, Somayeh Sadeghi Poster 322 Person re-Identification using Region Covariance in a Multi-feature Approach Volker Eiselein, Gleb Sternharz, Tobias Senst, Ivo Keller, Thomas Sikora Poster 328 Automatic method for visual grading of seed food products Pierre Dubosclard, Stanislas Larnier, Hubert Konik, Ariane Herbulot and Michel Devy Poster 329 Relevance Assessment for Visual Video Re-ranking Javier Aldana-Iuit, Ondrej Chum, Jiri Matas Poster 344 Multi-script Identification from Printed Words Saumya Jetley, Kapil Mehrotra, Atish Vaze, Swapnil Belhe Poster 356 Image Mosaicing by Camera Pose Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter Alper Yildirim, Mustafa Unel Poster 365 Truncated Signed Distance Function: Experiments on Voxel Size Diana Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Philipp Werner Poster 386 Parallel Layer Scanning Based Fast Dot/Dash Line Detection Algorithm for Large Scale Binary Document Images Chinthaka Premachandra, H. Waruna H. Premachandra, Chandana D. Parape, Hiroharu Kawanaka Poster 16:50 THU-or-07: Biometrics Room: Altair 224 Multispectral Iris Recognition Using Patch Based Game Theory Foysal Ahmad, Kaushik Roy, and Khary Popplewell Oral 282 Face and Palmprint Recognition Using Hierarchical Multiscale Adaptive LBP with Directional Statistical Features Ghada Shams, Mohamed Ismail, Sohier Bassiouny and Nagia Ghanem Oral 291 Adaptive Haar-Like Features for head pose estimation Nam-Jun Pyun, Halima Sayah, Nicole Vincent Oral 309 Multi-biometric Score-level Fusion and the Integration of the Neighbors Distance Ratio Naser Damer, Alexander Opel Oral 19:00 Departure to the Banquet 20:00 Banquet 22:30 Return to Vila Moura Location: Pousada Palácio de Estoi 6 of 9 October 24, 2014 (Friday) 8:00-15:00 Registration Invited Talk 3: Sparse Stochastic Processes with Application to Biomedical Imaging 9:00 Michael Unser Biomedical Imaging Group Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland Coffee Break 10:00 10:30 FRI-or-08: Retinal Image Analysis Room: Altair 163 A Robust Algorithm for Optic Disc Segmentation from Colored Fundus Images Anam Usman, Sarmad Abbas Khitran, M. Usman Akram and Yasser Nadeem Oral 298 Automatic Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Geometric Features Isabel N. Figueiredo and Sunil Kumar Oral 315 Automatic Robust Segmentation of Retinal Layers in OCT Images with Refinement Stages Ana González-López, Marcos Ortega, Manuel G. Penedo, Pablo Charlón Oral 363 Optic Nerve Head Detection via Group Correlations in Multi-Orientation Transforms Erik Bekkers and Remco Duits and Bart ter Haar Romeny Oral 11:50 FRI-or-09: Medical Image Processing Room: Altair 368 Nerve detection in ultrasound images using median Gabor binary pattern Oussama Hadjerci, Adel Hafiane, Pascal Makris, Donatello Conte, Pierre Vieyres, and Alain Delbos Oral 371 3D multimodal visualization of subdural electrodes with cerebellum removal to guide epilepsy resective surgery procedures Nádia Moreira da Silva, Ricardo Rego, João Paulo Silva Cunha Oral 374 Automatic Localization of Skin Layers in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Eduardo Somoza, Gabriela Oana Cula, Catherine Correa and Julie B. Hirsch Oral Lunch Break 12:50 14:20 FRI-or-10: Medical Image Segmentation Room: Altair 311 On the automatic normalization of plaque regions in ultrasound images of the carotid José Rouco, Jorge Novo, Aurélio Campilho Oral 314 Statistical-based Segmentation of Bone Structures via Continuous Max-flow Optimization Jose-Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Carmen Serrano Gotarredona, Cristina SuárezMejías, Begoña Acha-Piñero Oral 7 of 9 352 15:20 An Improved Segmentation Method for Non-Melanoma Skin Lesions Using Active Contour Model Qaisar Abbas, Irene Fondón , Auxiliadora Sarmiento, M. Emre Celebi Oral FRI-po-03: Poster Session 3 157 Coupled Parallel Snakes For Segmenting Healthy and Pathological Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images Nicolas Lermé, Florence Rossant, Isabelle Bloch, Michel Paques, Edouard Koch Poster 196 Automatic arteriovenous nicking identification by color fundus images analysis Carla Pereira, Diana Veiga, Luís Gonçalves, Manuel Ferreira Poster 205 Reliable lung segmentation methodology by including juxtapleural nodules J. Novo, J. Rouco, A. Mendonça, A. Campilho Poster 218 Fully Automatic 3D Glioma Extraction in Multi-contrast MRI Pavel Dvorak, Karel Bartusek Poster 234 Degradation Adaptive Texture Classification: A Case Study in Celiac Disease Diagnosis Brings new Insight Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Vécsei Poster 241 Periodic background pattern detection and removal for cell tracking Tiago Esteves, Ângela Carvalho, Fernando Jorge Monteiro, Pedro Quelhas Poster 248 Grading cancer from liver histology images using inter and intra region spatial relations Mickaël Garnier, Maya Alsheh Ali, Johanne Seguin, Nathalie Mignet, Thomas Hurtut, Laurent Wendling Poster 268 Exemplar-based Human Action Recognition with Template Matching from a Stream of Motion Capture Daniel Leightley, Baihua Li, Jamie S. McPhee, Moi Hoon Yap and John Darby Poster 275 Gait analysis from video: Camcorders vs. Kinect Hoang Anh Nguyen; Jean Meunier Poster 279 Automatic Tear Film Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Region Growing Beatriz Remeseiro, Katherine M. Oliver, Eilidh Martin, Alan Tomlinson, Daniel G. Villaverde, Manuel G. Penedo Poster 299 Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures based on Submovement Sharing Ryo Kawahata, Yanrung Wang, Atsushi Shimada, Takayoshi Yamashita, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi Poster 323 An automated level-set approach for Identification of aortic valve borders in short axis windows of transesophageal echo sequences (TEE) César Veiga, Francisco Calvo, Emilio Paredes, Pablo Pazos, Carlos Peña, Andrés Iñiguez Poster 326 Computer aided hearing assessment: detection of eye gesture reactions as a response to the sound A. Fernández, M. Ortega and M.G. Penedo Poster 336 Image warping in dermatological image hair removal Alexandra Nasonova, Andrey Nasonov, Andrey Krylov, Ivan Pechenko, Alexey Umnov, Natalia Makhneva Poster 8 of 9 347 2D Appearance Based Techniques for Tracking the Signer Configuration in Sign Language Video Recordings Ville Viitaniemi and Matti Karppa and Jorma Laaksonen Poster 351 A New Visual Speech Recognition Approach For RGB-D Cameras Ahmed Rekik, Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Walid Mahdi Poster 361 A Portable Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU based Vertebra Localization in Sagittal MR Images Mohamed Amine Larhmam, Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi, Mohammed Benjelloun, Said Mahmoudi and Pierre Manneback Poster 364 Thermal Signature Using Non-Redundant Temporal Local Binary-based features Adnan AL ALWANI, Youssef CHAHIR and Francois JOUEN Poster 16:50 FRI-or-11: Applications Room: Altair 283 Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Extraction in Historical Documents Rafi Cohen, Itshak Dinstein, Jihad El-Sana, Klara Kedem Oral 162 Detection of Hemorrhages in Colored Fundus Images using Non Uniform Illumination Estimation M. Usman Akram, Sarmad Abbas Khitran, Anam Usman, Ubaid ullah Yasin Oral 168 A fast plain copy-move detection algorithm based on a structural pattern and 2D Rabin-Karp rolling hash Kuznetsov Andrey Vladimirovich, Myasnikov Vladislav Valerievich Oral 195 Multi-Sensor Acceleration-based Action Recognition Florian Baumann, Irina Schulz, Bodo Rosenhahn Oral 258 eFis: A Fuzzy Inference Method for Predicting Malignancy of Small Pulmonary Nodules Aydın Kaya, Ahmet Burak Can Oral 308 Exploring the impact of inter-query variability on the performance of retrieval systems Francesco Brughi, Debora Gil, Llorenç Badiella, Eva Jove Casabella and Oriol Ramos Terrades Oral 9 of 9
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