Eastern Oregon University Presiden2al Search Oregon University System Chancellor’s Office Roy Koch Presidential Search Liaison November 6, 2012 Presiden2al search process • Outcome: Select the next president of EOU who will take of8ice on (or about) July 1, 2015 • Approach: A transparent process that engages the EOU community in all phases of the search including: ▫ The development of the position description, ▫ The identi8ication and nomination of candidates, ▫ The evaluation of candidates through representation on the search committee, ▫ Participation in the on-‐campus interview of 8inalists – providing feedback to the search committee Authori2es and responsibili2es • State Board of Higher Education ▫ Sole responsibility to select and appoint the President ▫ Charges Chancellor to conduct the search and bring forward 8inalists to the Board ▫ Selects from among the 8inalists • Chancellor ▫ Appoints the search committee (in consultation with Board and campus leadership) and selects search ▫ Appoints coordinator for the search from chancellor’s of8ice and on the campus ▫ Interviews 8inalists and brings 8inalist forward to the Board with recommendation (ranked list) Authori2es and responsibili2es • Search committee ▫ Assist the Chancellor by identifying, recruiting and evaluating possible candidates ▫ Select 8inalists to participate in a public interview process ▫ Compile and synthesize input from the interviews ▫ Chaired by a member of the Board of Higher Education • Search Firm ▫ Assists in creating the position description and placing announcements ▫ Assists in recruiting candidates ▫ Manages the applications and assists in the evaluation of candidates ▫ Assists in checking references Timeline Activity Date Selection of search 8irm September Appointment of search committee October 1 Campus conversations/development of position description October Placing of announcements, recruiting October/November Review of applications November/ December Selection and interview of semi-‐8inalists January/February Selection of 8inalist February Campus interviews March/early April Recommendation to the State Board Late March/April Appointment of new President April/early May Search Commi>ee • Represent leadership from constituent groups • General composition ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Board Member – Chair (David Nelson) President from an OUS or partner institution 4 faculty 2 administrators (one academic, one administrative) 1 unclassi8ied staff member 1 classi8ied staff member 1 student 1 alumni 4-‐6 community members (external to EOU) Special considera2ons • Transitional nature from OSBHE to EOU Board ▫ Representation of EOU board on the search committee ▫ Engaging the new Board in all aspects of the process ▫ Successful conclusion – OSBHE, EOU board and EOU campus are in agreement on the 8inal selection • Con8identiality ▫ Search committee will not reveal the names of any applicants until the announcement of the 8inalists ▫ Only the committee chair and Chancellor see the result of references – summary is shared with search committee Campus conversa2ons • Identify the “challenges and opportunities” that exist and the characteristics the campus and community want in a new president • Conversations with various leadership groups (administration, faculty, board) and open forums • Typical questions: ▫ What is special and/or unique about EOU? ▫ What are the top few agenda items for your next president? ▫ What are the qualities, experiences and credentials that are essential for the next EOU president to be successful in addressing these issues? Thanks you OUS search coordinator: Roy Koch OUS Presidential Search Liaison [email protected] Campus search coordinator: Heather Cashell [email protected]
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