The formula to building a profitable business online comes down to implementing strategies that drive results and knowing the right tools to use. As an Internet marketer your priority is to drive traffic to your site, capture leads, and develop a relationship with those leads to turn them in to buying customers. But what tools do you use to grow your Internet business and make it a success? The list of products and services complied in this free report provide a foundation on which to build your online marketing business. Tools are designed to help you accomplish two things: run a more efficient and productive business. There are a number of tools, applications and systems available for the budget conscious newbie and established veteran... Some of them are free and others are paid services. But instead of wasting time, money, and effort shifting through tool after tool, we are going to share with you, right here, right now, which tools have the highest potential for driving profits to your business. Knowing the best tools to support your business will not only save you money, but multiple your profits. ... and that is why I am sharing them with you! This list covers a number of leading products and services that will help you get the job done, including WordPress themes, website hosting services, social media, screen capture, webinar hosting, keyword research, lead capture, automation software, content creation, outsourcing, mindmapping, email marketing management, file management, shopping carts, and more. Brought To You By WORDPRESS WHAT IS WORDPRESS? WordPress started as just a blogging system, but has evolved into a full content management system, providing thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes. That is the beauty of this free software, free meaning not only price but also the freedom to have complete control over it. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED WORDPRESS Blogging is considered to be one of the most effective branding and marketing tools for internet marketers in promoting their business while generating income through the use of advertisements or affiliate links. Your blog is the “hub” for your Internet marketing business and brings you instant credibility and authority, automatically positioning you as a leader and an expert, which gives you the leveraging power to successfully market and sell any products or services you choose. As you connect with new people in the social networking communities, their first glimpse into what you are all about is usually through your blog, the place where you give valuable, free content and blog posts for them to learn from. Your blog gives you the opportunity to build long-term relationships and loyal followers because your visitors find comfort in the fact that you’re giving something to them instead of trying to take from them. A blog is interactive and continually changing… a place to your readers can come to give insight, share opinions and connect with other followers. If your blog over delivers on valuable content, people will automatically want to follow you and they’ll continue to return every time you post something new. KEY FEATURES FLEXIBILITY Tap into hundreds of plugins that extend what WordPress does, so the actual functionality is nearly limitless. You are also free to do whatever you like with the WordPress code, extend it or modify in any way or use it for commercial projects without any licensing fees. NO NEED TO BE TECH SAVVY WordPress comes with a full theme system which makes designing everything from the simplest blog to the most complicated webzine a piece of cake, and you can even have multiple themes with totally different looks that you switch with a single click. Have a new design every day. COMMUNITY Visitors to your site can leave comments on your blog, which create a sense of community and allow you to develop a relationship wit your readers increasing awareness of your value and brand. Brought To You By BLUEHOST WHAT IS BLUEHOST? Bluehost provides your complete web hosting solution. View a listing of what we offer below or try our services for yourself by accessing our online demo site. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED BLUEHOST Signing up for BlueHost web hosting not only gives you access to the best web hosting solutions, but also some amazing free web hosting features. As an internet marketer building a business online you want to count on a reliable web hosting services that is affordable, offers great customer service and can give you Easy-to-Use Tools and Website Templates that get you up and running quickly. KEY FEATURES UNLIMITED WEB HOSTING With Bluehost you can purchase all the domain names that fit your business and park them all on one site. There are no additional charges no matter how many domains you park. So in order to protect your Web presence sign up for Bluehost and then purchase every domain that is relevant to your business. That way customers will always be driven to your Website and you will save a lot of money. FREE SITE STATS Not all web-hosting companies give clients Website stats for free. Bluehost gives clients more than just stats. Bluehost offers a free comprehensive stats package that tells you in an easy to read format where your customers are coming from, where they go on your site, how long they spend on your site, what search terms they used to find your site and more. This comprehensive package is a great tool to help plan your marketing and advertising campaign and it’s totally free. FREE SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSION When other cheap web hosting providers charge you around $20 to submit your website to all the major search engines, BlueHost does it for free. You absolutely need to have your website submitted to these search engines so that it can get spidered. Brought To You By AWEBER KEY FEATURES WHAT IS AWEBER? Aweber provides do it yourself tools to create, manage, analyze and optimize your email marketing. Email marketing brings prospects and customers directly to you at a price that is affordable and fits perfectly with social media. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED AWEBER Aweber consistently tops the list of the most recommended autoresponder by bloggers and internet marketers. Aweber will probably become an indispensable part of your online business. It’s the foundation of email marketing campaigns and will allow you to reliably reach your subscribers and provide valuable content to them. In turn, helping you to build a loyal following of fans that will share your brand and help you sell your product, services and opportunities. PROFESSIONAL EMAIL MARKETING Tap into hundreds of plugins that extend what WordPress does, so the actual functionality is nearly limitless. You are also free to do whatever you like with the WordPress code, extend it or modify in any way or use it for commercial projects without any licensing fees. HIGH EMAIL DELIVERABILITY RATES We get your emails to the inbox, not junk folders, with deliverability rates exceeding 99 percent. EASY TO USE The Aweber Setup Wizard helps you set up your account in minutes! We also have an online Knowledge Base filled with FAQs, step-by-step guides and videos, free live webinars and an award-winning, frequently updated blog. EMAIL NEWSLETTERS AND AUTORESPONDERS You set the date and time you want your newsletter to be sent, and we’ll get it delivered. Autoresponders will be automatically delivered at the intervals you specify. EMAIL AND WEB FORM TEMPLATES Choose from over 150 easy to customize templates, with single and multiple column designs. Create effective web forms in just three simple steps with templates that match the email templates, and start getting subscribers from your website. ANALYTICS Find out who is (and isn’t) opening, clicking, downloading and buying from your emails. You can use this information to improve future sends, create new targeted groups of subscribers and find ways to improve your results. Brought To You By NINJA AFFILIATE WHAT IS NINJA AFFILIATE? Ninja Affiliate is WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically convert keywords on your blog into money-making affiliate links in seconds. KEY FEATURES EASY AFFILIATE LINK MANAGEMENT You can easily give each affiliate link an easyto-remember name and create professional looking redirect links that let your prospects know you're a pro marketer. PREVENT "AFFILIATE THEFT" WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED NINJA AFFILIATE Ninja Affiliate offers complete affiliate link management and tracking from one central location. Using Ninja Affiliate, you can automatically convert any keyword in your blog to an affiliate link instantly helping to boost your sales on autopilot. You can also cloak your affiliate links, track them and manage them right from your WordPress text editor. Take about easy! Cloak your affiliate links to prevent link theft and affiliate sabotage. No one will ever steal your hard-earned commissions again. INSERT AFFILIATE LINKS DIRECTLY Add your affiliate links directly for your Wordpress blog editor - you'll never have to hunt for links again TRANSFORM KEYWORDS TO LINKS Automatically turn keywords in your blog to affiliate links. You can set a limit too, so your posts don't look like a spam blog Brought To You By WOO THEMES WHAT IS WOO THEMES? Woo Themes delivers top quality, cutting edge WordPress themes and superior customer support. Give your WordPress powered website a professional new look, and be up and running in no time at all. Woo Themes offers dozens of WordPress themes for all types of website purposes including, Personal blogging sites, Business and Marketing Blogs, magazine style websites, ecommerce sites and more. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED WOO THEMES KEY FEATURES SHORTCODES Woo Themes offers shortcuts that with simple shortcodes, you can split a post or page’s content into columns. One of my few grievances with WordPress is the limitations in styling the layout within a post or page. The shortcodes features goes toward solving this grievance. This is a very nice feature. CREATE CUSTOM MENUS You can create custom menus very easily. You can mix and match pages, categories, and posts. Check out the following videos. CUSTOM SIDEBAR TECHNOLOGY Take your WordPress blog to another level at an affordable price. Woo Themes is one of the premium theme developers that offers free themes. With a variety of themes and cutting edge features you’ll be able to create a clean, professional blog that not only makes a statement but makes you more money. Custom sidebar technology enables you to create new sidebars, which you can designate to display on particular posts and pages. The layout and navigation flexibility this gives any website is huge. Brought To You By OPTIMIZEPRESS WHAT IS OPTIMIZEPRESS? Optimizepress allows marketers to build professional, high converting lead-capture pages in minutes. An online marketing a lead capture page, also known as a landing page, is a single web page that gives your visitors an opportunity to subscribe or opt-in to your site by collecting their contact details, such as a name and email address. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED OPTIMIZEPRESS Many of the World’s top Internet Marketers, Experts, Speakers and Coaches choose OptimizePress to build their sales pages, launch funnels, membership sites or squeeze pages. Optimizepress provides modern, do it yourself capture pages that can be linked to social media, email campaigns or search engine marketing campaigns in order to enhance the effectiveness of the product or service you are promoting. Optimizepress will increase your conversions and turn them into sales. KEY FEATURES BUILD HIGH CONVERTING SQUEEZE PAGES AND PRODUCT LAUNCHES Choose from over 10 tested and proven designs for your squeeze pages or landing pages to increase your optin rate and build your list fast. Build your launch sequence inside OptimizePress and use our advanced features to increase your visitor response and make your launch a great success. BUILD SALES LETTERS, BONUS PAGES, ONE-TIME OFFER PAGES & MORE Create sales letters & offer pages based on proven & tested designs, so you can give your pages a boost before you even start writing your sales copy! ADD VIDEO TO YOUR PAGES IN SECONDS OptimizePress makes adding video to your pages a breeze. You can use your own video hosted at Amazon S3 or on your server, or use our built in fields for embedding videos from YouTube or services like Easy Video Player or EZS3 Brought To You By WISHLIST MEMBER WHAT IS WISHLIST MEMBER? Just unzip and upload the plugin, and within minutes you’ll have your own membership site up and running… complete with protected, members-only content, integrated payments, member management, and so much more! KEY FEATURES FLEXIBLE AND UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIP LEVELS You can easily give each affiliate link an easyto-remember name and create professional looking redirect links that let your prospects know you're a pro marketer. EASY MEMBER MANAGEMENT WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED WISHLIST AFFILIATE Membership sites are a great way to generate income through infoproducts, but you need to have an easy to use system that allows you to manage your members. Wishlist eliminates virtually ALL of the technical aspects of creating and managing a membership site which leaves you do more of really matters, make money. View your members, their registration status, membership level, and much more. Easily upgrade members, move them to different levels, pause their membership, or delete them entirely. INTEGRATES WITH YOUR WORDPRESS SITE Whether you’re building a new site or integrating with an existing WordPress site, installing WishList Member is a breeze. Just unzip the file, upload to your plugins folder and activate! SHOPPING CART INTEGRATION Seamlessly integrates with the most popular shopping cart systems, including PayPal, ClickBank, and many more. Plus, WishList Member now integrates with Cydec and Infusion. Brought To You By CLICKY WHAT IS CLICKY? Clicky Web Analytics is simply the best way to monitor, analyze, and react to your blog or web site's traffic in real time. The Real Time Analytics will allow you to constantly evaluate current information rather than evaluating information that is received in chunks up to 24 hours later, as with Google Analytics. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED CLICKY There are dozens of different functions available on Get Clicky and if you use these features properly you will have a full understanding of the demographics of your visitors, which you can use to attract even more visitors. Above all the aforementioned reasons, Get Clicky is easy to use and navigate. Knowing exactly where you visitors are coming from, what pages they are browsing most, and how long hey are staying on your site can give you valuable insight into what’s working and what’s not. When you can make the necessary adjustments, you’ll see your opt ins and profits will increase as well. KEY FEATURES TRACKING OF OUTGOING LINKS If you are running any sort of advertising or affiliate program on your site I’m sure you’ll be intrigued to find out if people are actually clicking on those ads, and who they are. With the pro version of get clicky you can trace exactly which links people are clicking on, and trace just about anything to do with the person that has clicked that link. Of course, like Google analytics, you can also tell where clicks into your site are being sent from. However, another great feature is that you can set up a landing site to check how efficient your ads are one other sites. CLICKY ANALYTICS SPY If the dashboard isn't real-time enough for you, the Clicky spy feature gives a very simple but cool overview of the traffic coming in to your site. with this feature you can tell if someone is on your site at any specific moment. You can also tell what country they’re from, what page they are on, how they arrived to your site, and so much more. BREAKDOWN OF SOURCES Very simply Get Clicky breaks down the sources of your traffic into the categories of Social Media, Direct, Links, Searches, Email, and RSS readers. This will give you a great idea of which sources have been the most effective in drawing traffic to your site. Brought To You By CAMTASIA KEY FEATURES WHAT IS CAMTASIA? Camtasia is a screen capture software available for PC and Mac computers, that allows you to record, edit and share videos. Making it easy for marketers to demonstrate a product, service or idea, Camtasia makes it easy for internet marketers to train, teach, and sell. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED CAMTASIA When it comes to producing professional-looking videos, training presentations and products demos from your computer screen, TechSmith's Camtasia continues to be the internet marketer’s screen capture tool of choice. Use it to train, teach, sell and blog. VERSATILITY With Camtasia Studio’s flexible recording options, you can choose to capture full screen, window or region. Add in music tracks, microphone, your computer's audio, plus picture-in-picture with your video camera, and you've got a world-class screencast. RECORDING With Camtasia Studio’s flexible recording options, you can choose to capture full screen, window or region. Add in music tracks, microphone, your computer's audio, plus picture-in-picture with your video camera, and you've got a world-class screencast. EDITING MADE EASY Once you have your content recorded, polish it up and turn it into a professional screencast. Camtasia boasts multiple features such as cursor effects, callouts, title slides, TechSmith's exclusive SmartFocus technology and much more. SHARING IS A SNAP With just one click, your video is on its way to YouTube or, TechSmith's video hosting service. Brought To You By MLM PLR STORE WHAT IS MLM PLR STORE? MLM PLR Store is a resource store for buying content for a blog or website. This article will provide you with a complete MLM PLR Store review. PLR or Private Label Rights WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED MLM PLR STORE Writing quality content for your blog or website isn’t an easy job especially when you’re also consumed with the day to day responsibilities of growing a business. These days, many online marketers hire content writers or buy quality content online. MLM PLR Store is a resource store for buying content for a blog or website. This article will provide you with a complete MLM PLR Store review. KEY FEATURES HIGH QUALITY CONTENT AT AFFORDABLE PRICE As the demand for quality content increases online MLM PLR Store makes obtaining and using high quality marketing content at affordable prices possible. LIMITED NUMBER OF LICENSES The MLM PLR Store differentiates itself from others by capping the number of times an article is distributed before closing its sale. It ensures that each article is sold and distributed for only a limited number of times, keeping the redundancy of the material published throughout the web at a minimum. GENERATE MORE LEADS The high quality content available in MLM PLR Store creates more leads for internet marketers by showing potential readers and prospects the expertise and knowledge of a certain topic or niche. Brought To You By ELANCE & ODESK and WHAT IS ELANCE AND ODESK? When it comes to outsourcing and hiring freelancers to get your projects done, Elance and oDesk are two of the top spots online. Utilizing these platforms, businesses can connect with and hire remote workers with skills such as programming, graphic design and writing. Freelance professionals create online profiles and portfolios, submit proposals for jobs that interest them, and manage both work and receive payment through the site. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED ELANCE AND ODESK Along the way to becoming a successful Internet marketer, there comes a point where you can’t do everything yourself. You just have too many projects or marketing campaigns on to manage that it becomes too overwhelming for you to handle things alone. That’s where an outsourcing site like Elance and oDesk can help lighten your load. But don’t just think about who you can hire think about who can hire you. As Internet marketers - many of you have talents and skill sets of value. Use Elance and oDesk to market your skills as a professional and create an additional stream of income for your business. KEY FEATURES LARGE POOL OF TALENT An incredible amount of choice for employers and providers LOW FEES It is free to post jobs and the fees Elance and oDesk take are minimal WORK TOGETHER AS IF YOU'RE IN THE SAME OFFICE Pay only for time verifiably spent working for you so you know that time billed is time worked. Brought To You By 99DESIGNS WHAT IS 99DESIGNS? The #1 marketplace for graphic design, including logo design, web design and other design contests. It relies on the concept of crowd sourcing in bringing together a pool of designers from all over the world and small to medium-sized businesses, which needs design solutions. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED 99DESIGNS If you need something designed, 99designs can help you. Project categories include logos, web design, banner ads, and even merchandise design for things like tshirts and clothing. KEY FEATURES ECONOMICAL WAY TO GET DESIGN PROJECTS ACCOMPLISHED 99designs is definitely an invaluable site for anyone trying to start up businesses. The site runs on crowd sourcing – designers compete to win your business. The amount you will end up paying for the winning design (listing fee, 10% of the prize and the offered prize) will usually be cheaper compared to the amount you will be paying for hiring a professional designer, plus you get to see way more variety of designs. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This feature is available if you opted for holding a regular contest. With any regular contest, if you do not like any of the submitted designs, you have the option not to choose one and you get your money back. EASY TO USE The project creation area for contest holders is very intuitive and quite simple and user-friendly. One nice feature I like is how it gives you an estimate of the expected number of submissions based on the budget you entered. HUGE POOL OF QUALITY DESIGNERS Crowd sourcing is not crowd sourcing without a crowd. If there is one thing particularly impressive with 99designs, it is that you get a lot of designer participation. 99designs has a HUGE pool of actively participating designers, many who are quite good In fact; a guaranteed prize contest can have as much as 1100+ entries. This in itself beats paying one overpriced in-house designer. Brought To You By MINDMEISTER WHAT IS MINDMEISTER? MindMeister is an online mind mapping software that allowed users to visualize their thinking using the proven mind mapping method. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED MINDMEISTER Mind maps can be used for many different projects – including to-do lists, brainstorming, social media campaign planning, research, content creation, and project management. Mind maps can be used to map our info-products, blog posts, etc. and is an essential tool to improving productivity. KEY FEATURES EASY TO USE Get up and running with MindMeister in 60 seconds or less! Our award-winning interface features simple, well-designed functions - no training required. REAL-TIME BRAINSTORMING Work simultaneously with colleagues on the same project and see changes as they happen. ACCESS ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Users of an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch or Android device can access their mind maps from wherever they are, using our native mobile applications . Maps are stored securely online in the cloud. Users of our Pro Plan can upload and access attachments (files, images, etc.) from anywhere, at anytime. Brought To You By HOOTSUITE KEY FEATURES WHAT IS HOOTSUITE? HootSuite is a social media communications dashboard used for online brand management Rather than being a social network, HootSuite allows you to connect to multiple social networks from one website. It publishes to websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and more. It also publishes to Flickr, Tumblr, and YouTube via HootSuite Apps. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED HOOTSUITE Hootsuite is a favorite tool for saving time on social media. While you will NOT build a following just sending out automated messages and never responding - it is important to send out your own messages as wellhopping on and off social media sites all day can be a major blow to productivity. Pre-scheduling your content will free up valuable time so you can focus on building your business. PUT YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ON AUTOPILOT Schedule messages quickly and easily using the "Schedule Message" button. Ninja marketing tip: schedule updates and tweets ahead of time that promotes your business and send people to your site. This can be links to freebie content or simply pick your best blog posts. HOOTSUITE ANALYTICS This provides social analytics, which consists of a variety of presets, which can be used for report generation, and it consists of provision to share this report with a group of members you defined for hootsuite group messaging. Show off your social media success. Create custom reports from over 30 individual report modules to share with clients and colleagues. Track brand sentiment, follower growth, plus incorporate Facebook Insights and Google analytics all without leaving the dashboard. The HootSuite University program is designed for marketers seeking to increase their HootSuite skills and learn other social media tools and tactics. The multi-faceted program is ideally suited for agencies, consultants, and inhouse marketing teams looking for advanced techniques for managing social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Brought To You By AMAZON s3 WHAT IS AMAZON S3? Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Solution) is a great way to store and retrieve large amounts of data. It’s cheap, fast, and reliable. It provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED AMAZON S3 If you’re like most Internet marketer, your web host has limited storage space restriction. If you have a bunch of small pictures or just a few large videos, it can quickly consume your available disk space. To combat this, you can use Amazon S3 or install the Amazon S3 plugin for WordPress. Instead of uploading files to your web server, it instead uploads them to your Amazon S3 account and automatically links to them, all within the WordPress admin interface. KEY FEATURES CREATE BUCKETS Easily and securely create buckets to store your objects. Choose the region where your objects are stored to optimize latency, minimize costs, or address regulatory requirements. UPLOAD OBJECTS Upload files from your computer to Amazon S3 so they are durably stored and available from any location. Manage Your Resources Browse the contents of your Amazon S3 buckets. Configure access control for buckets and objects. Brought To You By EASY VIDEO PLAYER WHAT IS EASY VIDEO PLAYER? Easy Video Player is a video hosting site that lets you build your lists on autopilot. Create video sales pages at the touch of a button and skyrocket profits! Finally breaks down all barriers to video marketing so you can start to make money today! WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED EASY VIDEO PLAYER Video is key to many online marketing ventures. While video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo can be great for driving traffic and boosting your SEO, there are cases where you need more control, and it makes more sense to host videos yourself. This is where Easy Video Player comes in. KEY FEATURES VIDEO ON STEROIDS Easy Video Player allows you to place clickable overlay buttons, “Buy Now” buttons and opt in forms in your video PLATFORM DESIGNED TO INCREASE SALES Easy Video Player makes it easier to convert viewers to customers with timed content display, buttons, text, etc., right below a video. Create a whole webpage for a video and Auto-redirect to webpage (shopping cart) after video finishes playing. Powerful feature for monetizing your video marketing. PERFORMANCE TRACKING Complete reporting dashboard on video plays and sales performance as well as the ability to Split test videos to determine which video is most responded to by visitors. Brought To You By PAYPAL WHAT IS PAYPAL? PayPal is an online payment service that allows individuals and businesses to transfer funds electronically. It’s a fast, safe way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED PAYPAL PayPal has a comprehensive list of tools designed to help Internet marketers buy and sell efficiently online. No online marketer can afford not to offer PayPal. If you don’t provide a PayPal payments option you are leaving money on the table. It’s as simple as that. Having PayPal, as a payment option not only allows you to get paid instantly it will increase your sales. KEY FEATURES CUSTOMER FAMILIARITY PayPal is the standard. Whether we like it or not, PayPal is the de-facto, it’s what everyone uses, everyone has an account and everyone knows how the system works. SHOPPING CART The PayPal shopping cart lets your customers browse your selection and buy multiple items off your website. CUSTOMERS DON’T NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT Make signing up for a PayPal account optional for your buyers, and watch customer satisfaction and completed sales increase. Brought To You By PREMIUM WEB CART WHAT IS PREMIUM WEB KEY FEATURES CART? EASY TO USE SHOPPING CART Premium Web Cart (technically it's called PremiumWebCart) is a modern entry to the shopping cart field. It provides marketers a number of marketing solutions under one roof, Branding, Customer service, promotion, distribution, Selling of products and services. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED PREMIUM WEB CART As a marketer your goals should be to always monetize your content, products and services. To do so you need a reliable shopping cart that you can integrate into your overall business strategy. If you are looking to integrate your website with the best shopping cart to carry out your business with ease and precision, then you should certainly consider integrating your website with Premium Web Cart, a sensation in the arena of Internet marketing today. The Premium Web Cart software allows you to help the customer ease through the checkout process. The exquisite feature of 1 Click Up Sell that provides ultimate flexibility for your customer is embedded in the shopping cart. In addition to this feature the shopping cart is incorporated with impeccable software that performs the task of variable billing as well. SIMPLE AUTOMATION CRM management and Integrated Auto Responder embedded in the system enables you to improvise your marketing technique to a large extent. There are various levels of membership offered to you by PWC. You will do well to pick the package that suits your business needs and business level. You can very well change your membership as and when your business is taken to the next level. The advanced level of membership offers the maximum number of features including advanced CRM, sales path automation and project manager. It all just depends on what you are looking for within your own web cart system. CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGAGEMENT One of the finest aspects of Internet marketing that can take your business to the next level is the incorporation of live chat system to your business website. This feature enables you to boost your sales by way of engaging your customers. Premium Web Cart also has an instant answer ticket system, which reduces your burden of answering all questions raised by the customers. Instead you would allow the system to answer the questions on your behalf. Brought To You By Meeting Burner WHAT IS Meeting Burner? Meeting Burner was recently introduced to the marketplace and is a newly released affordable self-hosting webinar platform that makes it easy to set up and deliver an online conference. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED MEETING BURNER! Webinars are a great way to build your list and explode your network marketing business. Use webinars to build your email list, create social buzz and promote your products and services. As Internet marketers, social media is the perfect platform to promote your webinar. Create a video, facebook note, or other text snippet by re-purposing some of your webinar content. Share it throughout the social media communities to create some buzz around your webinars and give your friends and followers a taste of the amazing value you have in store for them. KEY FEATURES UNLIMITED WEBINARS With GoToWebinar you can present an unlimited numbers of webinars and invite up to 1000 attendees per webinar. USE WEBINARS FOR MARKETING Generate and nurture leads by educating your target market. With GoToWebinar you can reach prospects in a wider geographic area. And you can record your webinar – including all phone and computer audio – for future review and reuse. EASE OF USE Once you start your webinar, it's easy to share your presentation slides or your entire desktop. The pen, highlighter, spotlight and arrow tools help you interact with attendees. Once the webinar has started, ask the attendees to tweet about the awesome nuggets they are learning by using a special hash tag have reserved for your webinar or ask them to update their Facebook status to create more buzz around your brand. Brought To You By GODADDY WHAT IS GODADDY? GoDaddy is a one-stop shop for all of your web hosting needs. From registering your domain name to hosting your individual or business presence on the Internet, GoDaddy has it all. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED GODADDY A domain is a unique website address, a link that is used to direct people to your website. Every online or home-based business should have a web address. A domain name is like a street address on the Internet. It’s the best way for people to find you and learn about your products, services and other offerings. You will want to purchase your own name if it is available so that you can brand YOU on your blog. KEY FEATURES EASY DOMAIN SEARCHING FEATURES GoDaddy has some of the best domain searching features available – if a domain you want to purchase is no longer available, Go Daddy can put it on back order. HELP & SUPPORT This web hosting service has a wide range of useful help and support options available, which are accessible at any hour of any day. EASE OF USE Go Daddy is very easy to use. The file manager, domain manager and database manager are all fantastic Brought To You By POP UP DOMINATION WHAT IS POP UP DOMINATION? Pop Up Domination is a premium plugin that can be used on any website or blog, not just WordPress blogs, that allows you to create attractive, eye-catching pop up forms that effectively and tactfully help you increase your subscribers. WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED POP UP DOMINATION Just the act of tweaking your opt-in form can double or triple your daily lead generation. The money is in the list and the more people on your list, the more money you can make online. How could an extra 5 leads a day, 30 leads a week, 1500 leads a year impact your profits? How much more money could you be making a day, a week, yearly just by changing your blog’s opt-in form? What makes Pop Up Domination so attractive is its versatility. Popup Domination supports a number of autoresponders including Aweber, iContact, Mail Chimp, GetResponse and many more. Create a new autoresponder webform, cut and paste the html code for your new form and the plugin does the rest for you! KEY FEATURES ATTRACTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL Pop Up Domination provides a number of styles and design choices, over a dozen different color combinations, which offer a more professional web form as compared to get response or aweber. EASY TO USE Extremely simple to install and setup. There is even a video tutorial to walk you through the installation steps CUSTOMIZATION In 5 minutes or less: you can customize your form in less than 5 minutes by choosing your style, colors and filling in some key data fields. Brought To You By EMPOWER NETWORK WHAT IS EMPOWER NETWORK? KEY FEATURES On a basic level, the Empower Network is a viral blogging platform. But if you dig down deeper, it is actually more than that. And if you have the ability to promote it properly, it really has the potential to make you a lot of money. PLUG IN PLAY BLOGGING PLATFORM WHY INTERNET MARKETERS NEED EMPOWER NETWORK 100 % AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS Empower Network can be used as a lead generation, funded proposal type of system. Simply add highly targeted, keywordrich articles to your blog – and promote each post to rank well on the search engines. With Empower Network you can begin to generate daily leads on demand, pocket a few extra affiliate commissions and back end your primary opportunity, products and services. A basic membership to the Empower Network gets you access to the viral blogging platform and it will cost you $25 a month. Essentially, it is a hosted platform for you to blog on, similar to or It fact it uses WordPress on the backend, so it should be familiar to most of you already. If anyone signs up via your link, you get 100% commissions, sent instantly and directly to your bank account. So if someone you refer purchases a basic membership you will get $25 a month recurring commissions as long as you have purchased the product yourself. BACKLINKING In the Empower Network training, they encourage you to write a post to your blog every day. So in theory, every member is doing this and building links to their content and trying to get their posts ranked higher. And as more and more links are being built, the platform becomes more and more of an authority site helping it’s members get better rankings in the search engines. Brought To You By
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