20 /11/ 2012 NATIONAL ROOT CROPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, UMUDIKE 2012 Report. Annual National Agricultural Extension Review And Planning Meeting (NAERPM) 19th – 23rd November, 2012. 1 10 Participation in 2012 REFILS Activities: Diagnostic/Thematic Survey: None States covered (List) NA Participating Organizations (List) NA Pre-Season In-Service Training: Nil Total numb of participants ............................. Date................................. Numb of ADPs participating........................................ Hosting ADP Other Stakeholders................................ Value chains Covered 2. ON FARM ADAPTIVE TRIALS (OFAR) (Farmer-managed): S/N STATES NUMBER OF OFAR 1 Abia 3 VALUE CHAINS COVERED On farm evaluation of two improved cassava in cassava/yam/maize intercrop On-farm evaluation of the productivity and profitability of homestead fish farming with plastic tanks in a monoculture system On-farm evaluation of the acceptability of 2 improved storage method for cocoyam 2 Akwa Ibom 1 (one) 3 Anambra 3 4 Bayelsa Nil Agro-forestry (On farm evaluation of locally available feed materials for growth performance of edible land snails (Achatina achania). Fisheries. Agro-forestry , Crops Nil 5 Cross River Nil Nil 6 Ebonyi Nil Nil 7 Enugu Nil Nil 8 Imo 1 9 Rivers Nil On farm evaluation of the performance of three improved varieties of maize in cassava /maize intercrop Nil 3. MANAGEMENT TRAINING PLOTS/PENTS/PONDS/DEMOSTRATIONS (MTPS): /SPAT S/N STATES NUMBER OF MTPS 1. Abia 1 1 1 29 28 30 2. Cassava/maize/swe etpotato Cassava/maize telfairia Cassava/maize/Egu si Akwa Ibom 2 3. VALUE CHAINS COVERED Cassava/maize/coc oyam Yam/maize cassava/Telfairia Yam/maize/cassava Anambra Yam/maize 3. 4. Anambra 2 Yam/maize 3 Cassava/maize 3 1 Upland rice production Cassava vegetable 2 Sheep and goat 68 103 Earthen fish pond farming Concrete fish pond 27 Glass fish pong 45 Snail farming 3 Bee keeping 194 Nursery establishment for oil palm Rabbit keeping Cross River 41 312 Sheep goat 144 Poultry production 16 Yam minisett 25 Yam/m//c/Telfairia 52 Sole cassava 35 Cassava/maize 22 162 Cassava/sweetpotat o Late maize 30 Late cassava 66 Y/m/c/t 91 Y/m 130 Sole cassava 41 Vegetable gardening 81 C/M/E/T 53 Processing and utilization of cassava Group formation 353 27 2 5. Ebonyi nil 14 16 32 6 . Enugu Establishment of home gardens Establishment of school garden 82 52 Yam/cassava/maize /egusi orTelfairia Yam minisett/maize Yam/Cassava/maiz e intercrop Sole maize Dry season vegetable production 10 6 . Enugu 6 Late cassava/ maize/cowoea Upland rice 15 Swamp rice 26 46 Sheep and goat production Pig production 35 Poultry production 22 Concrete homestead fish farming Bee keeping 8 10 Plantain/banana/co coyam 7 10 Snail farming 1 Grass cutter domestication Bee keeping 13 48 8 Imo 16 Forest vegetable (‘Ukazi’) production Erosion control 18 Banana/plantain intercrop Rabbit production 41 Poultry production 47 Artificial brooding of local birds Pig production 11 63 40 53 Rearing and management of sheep and goat Homestead fish farming Yam/cassava/maize /egusi alternate row 7 48 186 42 34 1 2 45 47 1 12 Yam/cassava/maize /egusi conventional planting Cassava/maize/Egu si Cassava/maize/coc oyam Production of seed yam through yam minisett technique Late maize/cassava/cow pea intercrop Dry season/home gardening Processing cassava into high quality cassava flour(HQCF) Processing cassava into high quality cassava fufu Processing cassava into high quality cassava starch Processing maize into malted maize drink 7 5 4 17 17 16 Rivers Zero Processing of fruits into juice/jam Use of oil palm bunch in soap making Formation of girls’ club MTPHIV/AIDS prevention/nutritive care Group formation 4. MONTHLY TECHNOLOGY REVIEW MEETINGS (TO-DATE): S/N STATES NUMBER. 1. Abia 1 2 Akwa Ibom 5 VALUE CHAINS COVERED Livestock: Domestication of cane rat (grass cutter) Land preparation and cultural and practices and in yam cassava based intercrop. Seed yam production through minisett technique Health management in pigs and small ruminants Hutch construction and maintenance in rabbit production Pond construction 2 Akwa Ibom 5 3 Anambra 3 4 Bayelsa Nil Pre-stocking, fattening stocking of culturable fishes Production of body cream Sit selection, land preparation and maintaining of plantain/banana. Management of bee hive colonies Cassava processing into garri,chips, flour,etc Soil conservation methods - 5 Cross River 3 - 6 Ebonyi Nil - 7 Enugu Nil - 8 9 Raising of pullets Imo 7 Rivers Nil Best practices for sweetpotato production Control of leaf curl in telfairia Control of leafspot disease in telfairia Compouding of floating fish feed 5. ZONAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGS: ZONE S.E. AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONE QUARTER NO. PARTICIPATING NARIS 2 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS FIRST QTR NO. PARTICIPATING STATE 6 SECOND QTR Nil - - THIRD QTR Nil - - FOUND QTR. Nil - - Nil 6. ZONAL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS: ZONE. QUARTER 1ST HALF 2ND HALF NO. PARTICIPATING STATE Nil NO. PARTICIPATING ADPs Nil OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Nil Extension Services Programe 7. EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS TYPEOF EXT PUBS. NO GUIDES 20 VALUE CHAINS REMARKS. COVERED Cassava production & In circulation & being processing, yam distributed. production, sweetpotato production & marketing, cocoyam production, potato production, Ginger production & marketing, Rizga production, Improved Bee Keeping. Recipes for Yam, cassava, Sweetpotato & cocoyam BULLETINS OTHERS (Posters) 12 Trainings on NRCRI Technologies, Yam production, Cassava technologies, Ginger production, Potato production, Adopted Accepted & presented in International & national conferences. 8. FARM BROADCAST TYPE OF BROADCAST RADIO NAME OF PROGRAM BROADCAST STATIONS OUR FARMER (English VISION AFRICA & Pidgin English) 104.1 FM, UMUAHIA Ginger Drink Production Snail Farming Climate Change & Agriculture Improved Cocoyam Production NDEWONU NDI ORU UBI Uzo esi akoputa ji I Uzo esi akoputa ji II FREQUENCY OF BROADCAST/yr Each 3 times OTHERS… S/N ACTIVITIES MEDIA FREQUENCY/YR 1. News items Radio/TV 32 2. Feature Articles 3. Interviews 4 Instructional TV Programmes Newspaper Clips BCA Radio and Television, FRCN Network programme, Vision Africa 104.5 and Pacesetter FM 103.4, AIT TV. and NTA Institute Newsletter. National Digest. Ambassador Newspaper. Nation Newspaper. Daily Champion. Radio & TV - Institute’s Media, AIT, FRCN, Guardian Newspaper, BCA. NTA 21, Umuahia Guardian, the Nation, Daily Independence, Leadership, Vanguard, Daily Trust, Daily Champion, Rising Sun, 30 5. 15 10 40 9. ADOPTED VILLAGES & AROC VILLAGES VALUE CHAIN Ubaha Oriendu, Umuahia North LGA Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam Amawom, Ikwuano LGA Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam Akoli Imenyi, Bende LGA Cassava TECHONOLGIES PROMOTED cassava/Maize/Melo m, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. cassava/Maize/Melo m, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. Improved Cassava adoption REMARKS Activities are on going Activities on hold for 2012 due to land dispute Ongoing 10. SECONDARY SCHOOLS OUTREACH PROG SEC. SCHOOLS VALUE CHAINS Ibeku High School, Umuahia North LGA. Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam Santa Cruz Sec Schl. Olokoro, Umuahia South LGA Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam Weslyey Seminary, Ndoro, Ikwuano LGA Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam TECHONOLGIES PROMOTED cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. REMARKS AROC in focus AROC in focus AROC in focus Training of Rural Women And YouthsOn value Addition To Roots and Tuber Crops in the South East Agro – Ecological Zone CHALLENGES Inadequate funding to accomplish targets. High cost of broadcast in the mass media Conflicts/Problem of group cohesion in some of the villages Sometimes elite capture in the development process WAY FORWARD Prompt release of fund to meet targets. Special fund allocation to meet media houses charges. Extending to other adoptable technologies outside Institute’s mandate. Transfer of ownership Vs exit strategy. Project component to include Advocacy, mobilization and capacity building Supplemental Empowering the communities through loans/grants Honouring commitments agreed upon by Govt Agency, 2013 WORKPLAN: REFILS, SOUTH EAST AGROECOLOGICAL ZONE s/no. 1 2 Activity Total cost Diagnostic Survey in 9 states of S E. Agro-ecological zone I. Production of 1,800 900,000 questionnaire I. Administration of 1,800 26,010,000.00 questionnaire, data collection, data collation data analysis and report writing, and production for all 9 states On farm adaptive Trial OFAR (Researcher- managed) Farmer participatory trial on evaluation of improved cassava varieties for yield and value addition. i) Planting materials for 9 states i) Establishment of trial(local 45,000.00 1,440,000.00 2013 WORKPLAN: EXTENSION SERVICES PROGRAMME EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS TYPEOF EXT PUBS. NO GUIDES 18 8 VALUE CHAINS COVERED Cassava marketing, yam mini & micro tuber production, sweetpotato marketing system, cocoyam processing & marketing, True potato seed production & marketing, Ginger production by tissue culture, Rizga marketing system, Recipes for value addition to Yam, cassava, Sweetpotato & cocoyam. Budget (N) 3 million. 2 million RADIO & TV PROGRAMMES FARM BROADCAST Type of broadcast Name of program Broadcast stations RADIO & TV OUR FARMER (English & Pidgin English) VISION AFRICA 104.1 FM, UMUAHIA. Cassava Salad making PACESETTER 103.5 FM, UMUAHIA. Value addition to root & tubers NTA Umuahia. Seed yam production Rapid Multiplication of cassava stems through two-node cuttings Seed Yam production BCA, Abia State Frequency of broadcast/yr Each 3 times Budget (n) 30 million. OTHER MEDIA ACTIVITIES S/N ACTIVITIES MEDIA FREQUENCY/YR BUDGET 1. Feature Articles 12 1 million 2 Instructional TV Programmes Newspaper Clips Institute Newsletter. National Digest. Ambassador Newspaper. Nation Newspaper. Daily Champion. NTA 21, Umuahia 30 2.5 million Guardian, the Nation, Daily Independence, Leadership, Vanguard, Daily Trust, Daily Champion, Rising Sun, Business Daily, Daily Sun. BCA, NTA, Pacesetter FM 103.5 Umuahia 30 2 million 6 10 million 3. 4. Coverage & Publicity of trainings on value addition DEMONSTRATION FARMS 20 Demos, 4 each in the 5 S/E States N2.5 million TRAINING OF RURAL WOMEN & YOUTHS ON VALUE ADDITION TO ROOT & TUBER CROPS AND NRCRI TECHNOLOGIES, Item Amount (N) Ingredients for Value addition 300,000 Baking materials – stoves, pans,etc. 800,000 Production of Certificates 300,000 Vehicle Fuelling & Transportation for staff 400,000 Training/lecture materials 600,000 Sub-total = 2,400,000 DTA for Training Resource Persons per team Trainers No. of Days Duty Tour Allow/Day Team / Value Addition Leader Value Addition Mixer 12,000 Value addition Assistant Humar Bus drivers 48,000 3 16,000 3 36,000 32 72,000 3 12,000 Hilux Driver for Coordinator NRCRI Media Reporter NRCRI Camera/videoman 36,000 48,000 36,000 192,000 300,000 Training Monitoring & Evaluation 36,000 2nd Value addition Assistant R&T technologies resource person 48,000 Training Coordinator/Supervisor 48,000 Vehicles repairs & servicing Production of training Manuals 12,000 3 16,000 3 12,000 Sub-total = 12,000 3 3 Sub-total = DTA for Drivers and Cameraman Communication cost 3 36,000 3 12,000 16,000 16,000 252,000 For the 3 Concurrent Teams = 756,000 130,000 250,000 672,000 Office supplies and services, Audivisual equipment & accessories 2,052,000 TOTAL (Five Million Naira per training) FOR 5 TRAININGS IN A YEAR FOR 2013 = N25 MILLION 300,000 Sub-total = 5,000,000 ADOPTED VILLAGES, 2013 VILLAGES VALUE CHAIN Ubaha Oriendu, Umuahia North LGA, Abia State Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam, Poultry & Fisheries Umumbo, Ayamelu LGA, Anambra State. Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam Poultry & Fisheries Akoli Imenyi, Bende LGA, Abia state Cassava, Poultry & Fisheries Alor, Idemini LGA, Ananmbra State Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato & Cocoyam, Poultry & Fisheries TECHONOLGIES PROMOTED cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. Poultry & Fisheries cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production. Poultry & Fisheries Improved Cassava adoption, Poultry & Fisheries cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved BUDGET (N) 20 million To be assisted by WAAPP 20 million To be assisted by WAAPP 20 million To be assisted by WAAPP 20 million To be assisted by WAAPP SECONDARY SCHOOLS OUTREACH PROGRAMME, 2013 SEC. SCHOOLS VALUE CHAINS Ibeku High School, Umuahia North LGA, Abia State. Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato, Cocoyam, Poultry & Fisheries Santa Cruz Sec Schl. Olokoro, Umuahia South LGA, Abia State. Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato, Cocoyam, Poultry & Fisheries Weslyey Seminary, Ndoro, Ikwuano LGA, Abia State. Cassava, Yam, Sweetpotato, Cocoyam, Poultry & Fisheries. Osina Technical College, Cassava, Yam, TECHONOLGIES PROMOTED cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production, Poultry & Fisheries. cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production, Poultry & Fisheries. cassava/Maize/Melom, Yam minisett maize intercrop, Improved Sweetpotato, Improved Cocoyam production, Poultry & Fisheries. cassava/Maize/Melom, BUDGET (N) 15 million To be assisted by WAAPP 15 million To be assisted by WAAPP 15 million To be assisted by WAAPP 15 million FIELD DAYS AND EXHIBITION: To be held in the 6 Sub-Stations each N1 million = N6 million ADOPTION & IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Five different adoption studies to be held in 3013: = N2.5 million. Evaluation of extent of adoption of whitefly resistant sweet potato varieties disseminated and spread in the DFID whitefly sweet potato pilot states. Evaluation of Youths and Farmers Participation In Demonstration of Technologies across Locations In South Eastern Nigeria. Assessment Of The Constraints Militating Against Effective Transfer And Adoption Of Root And Tuber Crops Technologies In South Eastern Nigeria. Impact of the training on value addition to root/tuber crops conducted by NRCRI from 20052010 in the Communities trained. Impact of Information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the dissemination of root and tuber technologies. NAQAS/FARMERS’ HELPLINE ICT SUPPORT FOR EXTENSION DELIVERY = N2 Million EXTENSION SUPPORT SERVICES FOR PRINT & ELECTRONIC MEDIA & PUBLICATION N3 Million. GRAND TOTAL BUDGET FOR EXTENSION SERVICES PROG. = N275.8 Million Summary: REFILS = N88.308 Million Extension services = N275.800 Million GRAND TOTAL = N364.108 Million
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