Bulletin: [email protected] Web: www.sfassisi.org 3791 Pike Road, Longmont, Colorado 80503 The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Lit. Wk. 49 November 2, 2014 Phone: (303) 772-6322 Fax: (303) 772-9415 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LONGMONT Mission of the Church “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Mt 28:19-20 Welcome to Our Guests Deacon’s Corner Thank you for visiting with us today. If you would like to join our parish please fill out a registration form found in the pamphlet rack. Welcoming packs are also available in the parish office during the week. Office Hours Ray Falce, Dennis Graham, Jeanne Kuhn, Arleen Mack, Richard Mandile, Lola Swedbergh, Reg Valencia All Saints Day 11/1 The earliest certain observance of a feast in honor of all the saints is an early fourth-century commemoration of "all the martyrs." In the early seventh century, after successive waves of invaders plundered the catacombs, Pope Boniface IV gathered up some 28 wagonloads of bones and reinterred them beneath the Pantheon, a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods. The pope rededicated the shrine as a Christian church. According to Venerable Bede, the pope intended "that the memory of all the saints might in the future be honored in the place which had formerly been dedicated to the worship not of gods but of demons" (On the Calculation of Time). But the rededication of the Pantheon, like the earlier commemoration of all the martyrs, occurred in May. Many Eastern Churches still honor all the saints in the spring, either during the Easter season or immediately after Pentecost. How the Western Church came to celebrate this feast, now recognized as a solemnity, in November is a puzzle to historians. The Anglo-Saxon theologian Alcuin observed the feast on November 1 in 800, as did his friend Arno, Bishop of Salzburg. Rome finally adopted that date in the ninth century. This feast first honored martyrs. Later, when Christians were free to worship according to their consciences, the Church acknowledged other paths to sanctity. In the early centuries the only criterion was popular acclaim, even when the bishop's approval became the final step in placing a commemoration on the calendar. The first papal canonization occurred in 993; the lengthy process now required to prove extraordinary sanctity took form in the last 500 years. Today's feast honors the obscure as well as the famous—the saints each of us have known. “After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands.... [One of the elders] said to me, ‘These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb’” (Revelation 7:9, 14). Have you prayed to your patron Saint lately? Read more of the Saints at americancatholic.org, catholic.org, ewtn.org or Butler lives of the Saints. More of Him; less of me Deacon George Upcoming Events Prayer Corner Last Safe Environment Class..Nov. 5, 6:30 pm Gift Fair...Nov. 8, 8 am-3 pm Liturgical Ministry Training Make-up...Nov. 8, 1:30 pm Knights’ Breakfast...Nov. 9 Help and Hope for the Holidays...Nov. 13, 6:30 pm Meat and Greet Potluck…Dec. 6, 5:30 pm Please pray for: Our Church Leaders; Open Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Mass Schedule Saturdays: 4:30 pm* Sundays: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, & 5:00 pm Tuesdays - Fridays: 8:00 am First Fridays: 8:00 am First Saturdays: 8:30 am Holy Days: to be announced *Confessions at 3:30 pm Sacraments Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation: Preparation classes are required. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:30 pm or by appointment. Matrimony: Call Fr. Frank eight months in advance. Communion to Homebound: Call Helen Herman. Sacrament of the Sick, Funerals: Call Fr. Frank. We Have... Stephen Ministry: Caring lay ministers who offer supportive listening. Call Deacon George at 303-801-7670. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children: Call Becky. Adoration: On Thursdays from 8:30 am - 7:30 pm. Cenacle: On Thursdays 7:30-8:15 pm. Two rosaries before the Blessed Sacrament, and on First Saturdays at 9:00 am. Bulletin: E-mail articles to [email protected] by Monday November 3rd at noon for the November 9th bulletin. Pulpit announcements: E-mail articles by Thursdays at noon to [email protected]. Staff Phone: 303-772-6322 ext: Pastor: Rev. Frank Maroney…[email protected]…. 228 Deacon: George Thierjung………[email protected]…. or 303-801-7670 Tues.-Fri. 9am-5pm or VM 100…. Secretary: Marilyn Fleming………………………………...221 Office Manager: Louise Kubier...…………..……………....222 Director of Adult Formation: Becky Singer……………….223 Family Ministry Coordinator: Judy Cabrera…..VM 102....223 Music Director & Facilities Manager: Michael Kilcoyne...224 Youth Director: Dan Aedo…...…………………………….225 Director of Religious Ed for Children: Helen Herman……226 Religious Ed. Assistant: Cristina Crossman…....VM 101…...226 Maintenance: Greg Harris…………..VM 103…………………. E-mail at [email protected] as listed. Pastoral Council The sick: Emilie DelFosse, Nancy Krische, and all those listed in the Book of the Sick; 2 And those in harm’s way: Tyler DeBarris, Jacob Kingsley, Andrew Mazzarelli, Billy O’Donnell, Nicholas Shallcross, Chase E. Stoner, and all babies in the womb. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me... -Jn 6:37 Scripture Readings Pastor’s Corner For the Week of November 2, 2014 Wis 3:1-9/ Ps 23:1-6/ Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9/ Sun. Jn 6:37-40 Phil 2:1-4/ Ps 131:1-3/ Lk 14:12-14 Mon. Phil 2:5-11/ Ps 22:26-32/ Lk 14:15-24 Tues. Phil 2:12-18/ Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/ Lk 14:25-33 Wed. Phil 3:3-8a/ Ps 105:2-7/ Lk 15:1-10 Thurs. Phil 3:17-4:1/ Ps 122:1-5/ Lk 16:1-8 Fri. Phil 4:10-19/ Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 8-9/ Lk 16:9-15 Sat. Next Sun. Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/ Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/ 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16, 17/ Jn 2:13-22 This weekend we are celebrating two feasts, All Saints Day on Saturday and All Souls Day on Sunday. On All Saints Day we rejoice with all the people of God who have gone before us and rest in God’s peace in heaven. On All Souls we pray for all the faithful who have died and not yet completed their purification before entering the presence of God. We commonly refer to these as the souls in purgatory. We might ask why they are undergoing this purification? It is because to abide in the presence of God requires the removal of all remnants of sin on our souls. The remnant of sin on our soul is the temporal punishment due to sin that has not been remitted, even sins forgiven in confession. To put it simply and bluntly, all sinners have to pay the price for sin because of God’s perfect Justice. Remember we have mentioned in the past that God’s infinite Mercy and perfect Justice go hand-in-hand. God’s infinite Mercy has already been attained for us sinners through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Therefore, the eternal consequences of sin have been fully paid by Jesus for our salvation. All we have to do is repent and ask for God’s mercy and we have salvation. But all sin also has temporal consequences because of perfect Justice. When our sins are forgiven in the sacrament of reconciliation through our repentance, we have salvation (assuming we have made a good confession). But we still have to make up for the consequences of sin in time. This is because all sin damages or breaks the bond of the relationship of love between us and God and between us and our neighbors. Jesus repairs the damage with God; we are responsible for repairing the damage between us and our neighbors. We pray today for the souls in purgatory because our prayers are acts of charity that help repair the damage of sin even in others. We do this because we are trying to learn to Love as Jesus taught us. May God bless us in this sacred duty. Amen! Priest Mass Intentions Sat. 11-01 4:30 pm Holy Souls in Purgatory By the Reeds 11-02 8:00 am †Dr. Rafael Ortiz Sun. By Don Phillpotts 10:00 am The People of St. Francis of Assisi 5:00 pm †Bob Fobes By Jeanne Krische Tues. 11-04 8:00 am †Dr. Rafael Ortiz By Shirley Reyes & Family Wed. 11-05 8:00 am †Catherine Ehrmann By the Parish Steve Jones By the Breakfast Club Terry Williams By the Reeds 12:00 pm †Joe Domko By the Medearis Family Thurs. 11-06 8:00 am †Castelo Valdez By the Parish Fri. 11-07 8:00 am †Dr. Rafael Ortiz By the Carl Schnoebelen Family Sat. 11-08 4:30 pm †Rose Tilton By Yvonne Merrell Next Sun. 11-09 8:00 am †Ludwika Baka By Anna Kucharski 10:00 am †Michael Turner By the William Fink Family 5:00 pm The People of St. Francis of Assisi LITURGICAL MINISTRY TRAINING: There will be a make-up session on Nov. 8 at 1:30 pm in the Church for all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, altar servers, or lectors who couldn’t make it to the Annual Liturgical Ministry Training on Sept. 27. 3 POINSETTIA FUND-RAISER: RE will have a Poinsettia sale to raise money towards our Building Fund. Robert Duran of Duran’s Garden Center is graciously providing us with beautiful high quality poinsettias in time for Christmas. Advance orders are required as Robert cannot take unsold plants back. Plan your order now. Please consider donating one to the church if you can’t have one in your home. Order Forms are available in the pamphlet rack in the Narthex, or call Helen. Help with this fund-raiser would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Helen. Thank You! ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LONGMONT ST. FRANCIS of assisi GIFT FAIR Saturday, November 8th Doors open at 8 am St. Clare Hall Children’s Shopping Hours Noon to 2 pm Special 20% Discount Door Prize Drawings throughout the day! 4 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 2, 2014 -Would you like to get to know other parishioners? -Are you new to Saint Francis? “Meat and Greet” Potluck meals in homes will begin in January. To get the party started and answer any questions plan to attend the group kick-off potluck on Saturday, December 6 at 5:30 (after Mass) in the parish hall. We look forward to some fun as we gather and get to know other adults in our St. Francis community. When: one meal in each of these months: January, February, March and April. What I need to do: So easy, just one of those months you will have the meal at your house and be the host. The other months you bring your assigned dish. If you can’t host, sign up to substitute. What if I am busy during one of the months: We will have a substitute list. The host is responsible for getting the sub, so tell the host quickly if you cannot come. Please Note: Meat and Greet meals are for adults only. Sorry, but many homes cannot accommodate large numbers. The parish plans other meals throughout the year that include families. Contact: Janice Mandile 303 652 3067 [email protected] or Maggie Seguin 720 841 8011 [email protected] Sign up by November 23, 2014 by phone or email. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Weekly Schedule Sat./Sun. 11-01/02 After masses Book Club/ ClRms 9 & 11 am Coffee and Donuts/ SCH Sun. 11-02 6:15 pm HS Youth/ SCH Mon. 11-03 6:45pm Acts of the Apostles/ SCH etc. 7:00 pm 33 Days to Morning Glory/ Church 7:30 pm Cantata Rehearsal/ Church Tues. 11-04 8:00 am Morning Mass/ Church 9:00 am Knitting Ministry/ Adult Ed 12:30 pm Acts of the Apostles/ SCH etc. 4:30 pm RE,Parent Class/ClRms,Adult Ed 6:15 pm RE,Parent Class/ClRms,Adult Ed 6:15 pm Middle School/ SCH Wed. 11-05 8:00 am Morning Mass/ Church 9:45 am TORCH/ SCH 11:00 am TORCH Adoration, Confession/ Church 12:00 pm TORCH Mass/ Church 1:00 pm TORCH/ SCH 4:30 pm RE, Parent Class/ClRms,Adult Ed 6:00 pm SM Training/ Music Rm 6:30 pm Safe Environment/ 4th Gr. ClRm 6:30 pm Science and the Church/ 5th Gr. ClRm 7:00 pm ENDOW St. Catherine/ Adult Ed. 7:30 pm Choir/ Church Thurs. 11-06 8:00 am Morning Mass/ Church 8:30 am- Adoration/ Church 7:30 pm 12:30 pm ENDOW/ Adult Ed 6:00 pm SM Supervision/ Music Rm 7:00 pm RCIA/ Adult Ed 7:30 pm Cenacle/ Church Fri. 11-07 8:00 am Morning Mass/ Church Sat. 11-08 7:00 am Men’s Group/ Adult Ed 8am-3pm Gift Fair/ SCH 1:30 pm Lit. Minister Training/ Church Sat./ Sun. 11-08/09 After Book Club/ ClRms Sun. 11-09 Masses 9&11am Knight’s Breakfast/ SCH 3:15 pm Confirmation Class/ SCH 6:15 pm HS Youth/ SCH Attention Adorers: We are in need of a permanent Adorer on Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 November thru May. Please call Cece @303-682-1032 if you can help. Thank you to all of our Adorers. You are Awesome! YOU ARE INVITED: Learn more about Sacred Heart of Jesus School at an optional information session for prospective families. Any parish family that brings a potential school family to the session will receive free dinner tickets for you and your potential family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club Spaghetti Dinner that follows the information session. Information Session: Saturday, November 15, 4:00pm Spaghetti Dinner: Saturday, November 15, 5:00 to 8:00pm Questions(?): Call Jennifer Wilcomb, Director of Admissions 303 447-2362. LONGMONT BELL RINGING FOR THE SALVATION ARMY: The Longmont Unit of The Salvation Army is looking for volunteer bell ringers to support the annual Red Kettle Campaign. All funds raised in the kettles stay local to help residents of the greater Longmont area with rent, utilities, shelter, prescriptions, and disaster services. Please sign up on the sheets on the new white-board in the narthex. For more information, contact Elaine Klotz at 303-772-5529 or [email protected]. This year we have two weekends at the King Soopers at 17th and Pace... Fridays, Dec. 5 and 12 from 5-9 pm Saturdays, Dec. 6 and 13 from 9 am-9 pm Sundays, Dec. 7 and 14 from 10 am-6 pm OPERATION Christmas Child: We need toothbrushes with cases, toothpaste, bars of mild soap, stuffed animals, hard candy, socks, gloves, t-shirts, combs, brushes, hair accessories, calculators, small toys (yo-yos, cards, jump ropes, cars, dolls, puzzles), ziploc sandwich bags, wrapping paper, and tape. Cash and gift cards are also appreciated. All items must be in by Thurs., Dec. 4th. Helpers are also needed. Please call Jeanne or Brent at 303-772-9247. GIFTS FOR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS: We are collecting money in order to buy gifts for residents of a local nursing home. Deadline is Sun., Dec. 7th. WARM AND COZY COLLECTION: In support of the OUR Center please bring in NEW: blankets, hats, gloves, mittens, sleeping bags, coats, pajamas, bedding, socks, sweaters, sweatshirts, adult backpacks, boots, pants and jeans esp. teen/adult. Gift card donations for clothing and food are also requested, as well as money for rent or utility assistance. Donations are due Sun., Dec. 7th, to be taken to the OUR Center by Dec. 12th for distribution. Please place all cash or gift card donations in an envelope, clearly marked for the Outreach you wish to support, and place in the Collection Basket at Mass, or drop it off in the office. If supporting more than one outreach, writing separate checks and/or providing exact change for each would be appreciated. WOMEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED: St. John the Baptist Altar and Rosary Society would like to invite women from St. Francis parish to join their group on Wednesday, November 5th, at 12:00 noon. They will pray the Rosary together in the chapel and then show the DVD Signs from God: Miracles and their Meanings. The DVD presents information on a bleeding statue of Christ in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and of a Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The DVD lasts about one hour. There will be light refreshments. All are welcome! CALLING ALL MOMS! Please join us for a morning of fun, food, and fellowship. We will be meeting on Thursday, November 6th, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in Benedict Hall. Judy Cabrera will be speaking to us on "How to Talk to Kids About Marital Intimacy". As always, babysitting will be available and new members are welcome anytime! Contact Janelle Phillips at [email protected] for more information. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Religious Ed Helen Herman 303-772-6322 x 226 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Adult Ed Becky Singer Intentional Discipleship, the True Disciple: “Intentional discipleship is not E-mail: [email protected] accidental or merely cultural. It is not just a matter of ‘following the rules’. A disciples’ primary motivation comes from within, out of a Holy Spiritgiven hunger and thirst for righteousness. All things serve and flow from the central thing: the worship and love of the Blessed Trinity with one’s whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.” Forming Intentional Disciples p. 66 GOOD NEWS - NEW RE CLASS & TIME CHANGES New early Tues. class–Grades 1-3 ONLY–from 4:305:45 pm Tues. evening class–Grades K-5–from 6:15-7:30 pm (later time) 4th grade Tues. is closed! Wed. class–Grades K-5, from 4:30-5:45 pm (same time) TO REGISTER for RE: Come to the Parish Office where forms are located in the pamphlet rack in the Narthex, or go to our Parish web-site. All late Registrations will require a one week waiting period prior to attending class. Kindergartners & 1st graders, it is important to begin learning about your faith before your Sacramental year. RE VOLUNTEERS: We can always still use Substitute Catechists & Aides. They are a tremendous help. NEXT BAPTISM CLASS Sunday, November 23, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Call to register at 303-772-6322. Your last opportunity to take the “SAFE ENVIRONMENT” training here at your home parish. This class is for all adult volunteers who work with children in any ministry. REGISTER FOR FIRST COMMUNION: To register for a Sacramental Class a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate is due at the time of registration. Registration is not complete without it! (Your child won’t be put in a class without their Baptism Certificate.) Classes fill up quickly so please register now. Last Class at St. Francis: Wed. Nov. 5, 6:30-8:30 pm– 4th Gr. Room The “Safe Environment” class is required by the Archdiocese of Denver for staff & adult volunteers who work with, or volunteer with children in any capacity within the Archdiocese. This class is for Adult Learners only. Requirements include: Reading and signing the “Code of Conduct” and submitting paperwork for a Background Check. Reservations are required for attendance – class limit of 14. Please call Helen – 303-772-6322 x 226. First Communion: It’s not the end of your child’s religious education, it’s part of the whole journey!! We sincerely hope your child will continue their education. See you in 3rd and 4th and continuing grades! SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR GRADES 3-12: This is a 2 year process. If your child has completed year 1, they will now enroll in RE/Middle School/High School, plus the Sacramental Prep. Class. The Sacramental Preparation class will meet the first Tuesday of each month from 4:30-5:45 pm. (See above.) “SAFE ENVIRONMENT” REFRESHER COURSE: If you have previously taken the “Safe Environment” class you may renew your cerƟficaƟon on-line. Please call Louise Kubier for informaƟon to go on-line. TILLIE AND MAIZEY: – Tillie was remembering her Grandma Molly when they went to church on All Souls Day to pray for their family who had died. Grandma Molly was a small, quiet, but funny lady, who loved to go to church and to pray. Tillie liked to spend Saturday night with grandma & grandpa, and get up very early for mass. They would walk the few blocks in the quiet early morning to go to 6:00 mass. Most people were still in bed. Tillie wondered why people would get up so early just to go to church. She usually fell asleep at that early mass, but never snored. BRINGING COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND AND NURSING HOMES: If you or a loved one are unable to come to Mass, or are in a care facility, we have wonderful ministers who would be happy to bring Holy Communion to you, whether it is for a short term, or longer term. We are here for you! Ways we have ministered: We have given hope to those going through a crisis, have given families comfort, and brought the love and strength of Jesus to the weary; and have prayed with someone who was dying. Please call Helen Herman for a Communion Minister to visit you. Be sure to leave your name and phone number. RE Challenge – Remember those family & friends who have died. Talk about what they meant to you in your life. Today’s Smile – Why did the ghost cross the road? To get to the other side. 5 OUR Center: Thank you Judy Cabrera and your team of volunteers for serving lunch at the OUR Center last Saturday. You are greatly appreciated. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LONGMONT Respect Life Stewardship Healing from Abortion: You are not alone in your search for healing from the trauma of abortion. There are several programs both locally and around the Archdiocese, for women and men, that can help start this process of healing. We have listed a few of these programs below with contact information and their websites for more information. Project Rachel is a post-abortive healing ministry of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Denver. Although it is a Catholic outreach ministry, it is open to all who have been impacted by an abortion. Contact phone#: (720) 377-1351 or (855) 377-1351 Website: www.hopeafterabortion.com Rachel’s Vineyard is a weekend retreat which offers a healing opportunity for anyone, man or woman - even family members - who have been affected by the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. Contact: Edie @ (303) 410-1710 Website: www.rachelsvineyard.org Forgiven and Set Free is a study and small sharing group offered by Longmont’s Life Choices. The group meets weekly over 10 weeks in a confidential location right here in Longmont. They offer a warm, safe environment for men and women to explore unresolved feelings and conflicts and to find healing. Contact: Lisa Koets (303) 651-2050 Website: www.lifechoices.org SEPTEMBER OFFERTORY:.…...... $69,461.67 (4 weeks) If you need offertory envelopes, please call the office. If you would like Electronic Fund Transfer go to our website and follow the prompts (leave envelope number blank). Our website is www.sfassisi.org. This weekend there will be a second collection for the Archdiocese of Denver Seminaries Appeal. The weekend of November 15/16 we will have a priest from Food for the Poor celebrating our Masses. BUILDING LOAN BALANCES 09/30/14 Building $2,427,384 Land Monthly Payments $538,391 $19,300 Updated quarterly Payments start in 2018 GIFT CARD SALES FOR SEPTEMBER Gift Cards/Scrip King Sooper’s Reload PrestoPay Proceeds Basil Flats Night Grand Total Sales 11,165.00 21,359.12 1, 200.00 1,165.00 34,889.12 Earnings 838.15 1,067.96 41.00 607.00 2,554.11 Hello Everyone! Thank you for being such wonderful stewards of our church and community. We are so blessed to have so many of you, our parish family, helping at church and throughout Longmont. You volunteer at the hospital, the OUR Center, HOPE, St. John’s Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, to name a few. Please check the bulletin and Narthex for ways to help our brothers and sisters in Christ during the Christmas season and throughout the year. God bless you! Keep up the good work! Love & Prayers, Stewardship Council WE WANT YOU! Looking for volunteers to help with Ladies Christmas Tea - two (corrected) dates this year!!! Thursday: Dec. 11 6:15-8:30pm & Sunday: Dec. 14 12:45-3:00pm Ladies to decorate tables or help on committees. Men of St. Francis of Assisi to serve the ladies. Teens this is great way to get your community service hours! Contact [email protected] or 858.755.2111 SPECIAL PROJECT – NEED HELP: Someone donated to our parish several religious items that had belonged to a family member. Several of the items are older, and need a little repair work. Most of them need a good cleaning! If this is something you can help with, please call Helen. Thank you! Help and Hope for the Holidays: Is the “Happy” in “Happy Holidays” missing for you since you experienced the loss of a loved one? NEEDS A RIDE: A man in independent living at Hover Community, 1401 Elmhurst Dr., could use a ride to either the 8 am or 10 am Sunday Mass. If you could help, please call the office. Join us on Thursday, November 13 from 6:30 –8:00 pm. We will: • Gather to give support and receive support from others. • Discus facing the holidays without your loved one. • Tips on ways to honor your loved one even though they are not here to celebrate with you. • Coping strategies to ease the pain and emptiness of the holidays. Knights of Columbus Council 1313 is hosting their monthly breakfast in the Parish Hall after both Sunday morning Masses next Sunday. All are welcome! Sign up in the Narthex or call the office for more information. 6 BEN AND FAMILY: We can partner with the Schumanns in their missionary endeavors prayerfully and financially. Go to http://schumannfamily.fmcmissions.com. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 2, 2014 • • Nov.2 “Be a Rebel” Nov. 4 Facing the Final Judgment “Eternity, Heaven, & Hell” Nov. 9 “The Quest for Happiness” Nov. 11 The Great Trilogy “The Paschal Mystery” Nov. 16 “Stinkin’ Thinkin’” Nov. 23 No Youth Group Nov. 18 Rise Up! “The Ascension” Nov. 25 Break No Youth Group Junior High (F.O.S.) Program will run from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm on Tuesday Nights High School (C.O.R.) Program will run from 6:15pm - 8:00pm on Sunday Nights March for LIFE in Washington, DC St. Francis High School Youth — Marching for LIFE in D.C. January 2015. If you are a current Sophomore Senior in High School and are interested in STANDING for LIFE - Please Contact Dan, Youth Minister—ASAP. We will be joining over 400,000 Pro-LIFE Marchers and ParƟcipaƟng in the Mass for LIFE at the Immaculate ConcepƟon Cathedral along with Youth Rallies and YOUTH MASS for LIFE… +dan, Youth Minister [email protected] FALL IS CALLING!! Please remember to get your gift cards for all your fall cleanup projects. We have Lowe's, Ace, and Home Depot in $25 denominations. You can order $100 (or higher denominations for Lowes and Home Depot) for your large projects. For Fall sports, we have Sports Authority and Dick's. Finally for any hunters, we have Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops. Please stop by the gift card table and get the card that meet your needs. YOU COULD GET LUCKY WITH A GREAT OFFER FROM MACY'S! Place an order including at least $100 in Macy's gift cards from November 1 7 and you'll be entered in a drawing for a chance to have Macy's reimburse you for the cost of your order, up to $200. Six families will be randomly selected to win, and one of those will also be chosen to win free shipping for their organization for six months! Extra Special Specials: Stop by the gift card window and buy/order the following gift cards for your shopping or gift giving needs while St. Francis receives an increased return! Product/ Bonus Normal Start End Denomination % % Date Date Red Robin all 11 9 11-01 11-14 Restaurant.com $50 65 50 11-01 11-28 SUPPORT THE K OF C FUNDRAISER Wed., Nov. 12, 4-10 pm at Texas Roadhouse. Bring the inserted flier and K of C will receive 10% of total bill. Use Texas Roadhouse gift cards and St. Francis gets 8% back! What do we have besides $10 and $25 Denominations? Basil Flats $5 McDonald’s $5 ITunes $15 Little Caesars $20 Jiffy Lube $30 King Soopers $50 reloadable Lucky’s $50 Safeway $50 reloadable Sprouts $50 Did you hear the news?? There's $100 gift card chances going on now until the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. For each $100 of gift cards purchased, you get 1 chance for the drawing. So, if you purchase $200, that's 2 chances and so on. This is a great time to "try out" the program and see what it's all about. If you already are purchasing gift cards regularly, you know how easy it is to use them. THANK YOU for all the support of the scrip/gift card program!! Good luck! 7 Lucky’s $100 Safeway $100 Sprouts $100 Vitamin Cottage $100 Amazon.com $100 Kohl’s $100 Macy’s $100 Target $100 Walgreen’s $100 Walmart $100 JACK P. WOLFE Jim Marty & Associates, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW Certified Public Accountants & Consultants 1714 Duchess Dr. 303-776-0880 749 Tanager Circle Construction, Real Estate, Corporate Estate Planning • Wills & Probate Helen Herman Family Owned & Operated Since 1950 303-651-0304 Sales • Service • Toro & Sthil Repairs – All Models • Parts Sharpening Service Trimmers, Tillers, Blowers, Etc.… www.jimmarty.com Knights of Columbus Don’t Let Your Problem Skin Frighten You M a r y K a y W i l l Treat Y o u r S k i n W i t h T L C Longmont Pick-up & Delivery 303-776-7679 Jody Whitmore Council #1313 Meetings Held the 1st Thursday of each month At St. Francis of Assisi Church M-F 8-5:30 • Sat 9-2 3695 Frontier Ave. 303-443-7598 REALTOR® www.kofc1313.org Handmade Rosaries, Bibles, Books, Crucifixes, Jewelry, Statues, Baptism, 1st Communion, and much more! Ahlberg Cell: (720) 530-4142 Direct: (303) 684-7773 St. John’s Gift Shop St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 323 Collyer St., Longmont Hours: Wed & Th. 8-3 Fri. 9-12 Sat 3:30-5 Sun 8-12:15 303-776-0737, ext. 134 Funeral Chapel and Crematory [email protected] 303-776-2313 601 S. Bowen St., Longmont, CO 80501 www.ahlbergfuneralchapel.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ............... 24/7 HELP ............... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SINCE 1898 303-776-2434 www.howemortuary.com SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact DEBBIE GEORGE today at (800) 833-5941 [email protected] Commercial General Contractors Mark Pilkington 303-776-7643 Dan Krische ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 952928 St Francis Assisi Church www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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