Invitation / Danish Royal Visit to Germany Hamburg & Munich, 19 - 21 May 2015 Photo by: Franne Voight Danish Business Delegation to Germany 1 VISIT TO GERMANY BY THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE CROWN PRINCE COUPLE OF DENMARK From 19 to 21 May 2015, an official Danish business delegation will travel to Hamburg and Munich on the occasion of the visit by TRH The Crown Prince Couple of Denmark. A substantial part of the visit will focus on strengthening commercial relations between Denmark and Germany, and you are invited. Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world and by far the largest market for Danish exports. In 2014 exports of goods hit record high 109,2 billion DKK, an increase of 7.4 per cent compared to 2014. When adding services the total exports reached close to 150 billion DKK. However, the German market holds much more potential for Danish companies. The visit is an excellent opportunity to further expand the strong Danish platform in Germany and create new business and exports. Companies new to the German market can evaluate the market potential and establish business contacts, whereas companies with German experience can nurture existing business partners and pursue new market opportunities. ORGANIZERS SECTORS TARGETED The royal visit as well as the business delegation will be conducted under the umbrella “Danish Living / Dänisch Leben”. Activities, seminars and events during the visit will primarily take place under the below headlines (relevant sectors mentioned below). However, companies operating within other sectors are also welcome to participate. • Sustainable Living Architecture, construction, building materials, city planning, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environment related technology • Healthy Living Pharmaceuticals, rehab, medical devices and technology • Tasty Living Food, beverage, gastronomy, dining and tourism • Stylish Living Fashion, design, furniture and interior decoration 2 WHY GERMANY? Germany’s economy is doing well. The country has emerged from the global economic crisis relatively unharmed compared to other European economies. The economy has likewise shown to be stable throughout current international tensions and uncertain economic climate in the Eurozone. In 2014 Germany’s GDP rose with a total of 1.5 %, the highest growth rate since 2011. The high growth rates are partly due to strong exports and high domestic demand caused by increasing wages and low unemployment. These factors are expected to contribute to a positive growth also in 2015. With more than 80 million inhabitants Germany is characterized by a highly developed and export oriented industry, easy market access and cultural similarity with Denmark. Germany is by far the largest market for Danish exports. In 2013 Danish companies exported goods for a total amount of 103 billion DKK, an increase by 10.6 % compared to 2012. When adding services the total exports reached close to 140 billion DKK. Danish exports to Germany are divided among a number of sectors. Food, energy, machinery, and industrial products are the main export sectors. Tourism is another important sector as Germany is the largest outbound tourism market in the world. The Danish presence in Top 10 of Germans’ favourite destination places Denmark in front of countries like Greece and Portugal. The Northern federal states hold a large commercial potential and a well-developed industrial production. For many small- and medium sized companies this part of Germany is seen as an obvious starting point for business with Germany. This is reflected in the exports statistics. Thus, Danish exports to the Northern federal state Schleswig-Holstein amount to approximately 7000-8000 DKK per capita. Some Danish companies may tend to overlook the Southern parts of the country that host a considerable number of the strongest German companies and clusters and have residents with an extraordinarily high disposable income. At present, Danish exports to Bavaria only amount to 500 DKK per capita. Trends in the German society and among consumers in Germany match Danish strongholds and solutions. The royal visit and the business delegation will target these areas of common interest and focus on high potential opportunities. Flying without Wings, Munich. Photo by: Frankenspotter Photography 3 PARTICIPATION FEE AND WHAT IS INCLUDED Participation fee will be DKK 20,000 + VAT assuming export promotional support is being granted for the delegation through the Trade Council of Denmark. The participation fee includes the following standard package elements for up to two company representatives: • Company presentation in the official brochure • Targeted invitation of German partners to participate in relevant events • Welcome briefing in Hamburg • Grand Opening of business delegation in Hamburg as well as in Munich • Participation in one sector business seminar / presentation at each destination • Participation in one sector site visit, mini conference or event at each destination • Informal networking opportunities • Participation in cross sector seminar in Munich on “Doing Business in Southern Germany” • Possibility of showcasing individual company products at seminar events • Three seats at business lunches with the Crown Prince Couple at both destinations (for company officials and German guests) • Three seats at the Grand Dinner with the Crown Prince Couple, in both Hamburg and Munich (for company officials and German guests) • Transportation between most of the business events in Hamburg and Munich • Wrap-up reception and debriefing in Munich Staatsarchiv Hamburg. Wandsbek - Photo by: crosslens Guaranteed Company Exposure To ensure that participating companies receive the greatest possible exposure to the German business community, the Danish diplomatic missions in Germany will target German partners and relevant stakeholders to invite for business seminars, business lunches, grand dinners, and networking activities. Each invited local guest will receive an invitation package containing an invitation letter and the official visit catalogue introducing all participating companies and organizations. Significant media coverage is expected. Invited German guests will include persons targeted according to Danish company requests within the following categories: • Existing company contacts in Germany • Relevant potential local agents, distributors, and customers • Officials from relevant German ministries, authorities and organizations • Representatives from German universities and research institutes • Media 4 SECTOR SEMINARS & EVENTS Sector seminars & events within the four main tracks of the business delegation provide participating Danish companies a platform to present and promote their products and solutions to relevant potential German clients, partners and stakeholders. With the inclusion of selected German speakers Danish participants will benefit from information on trends and developments in the German market. The exact programmes for the Sector Seminars will be made based on the composition of the participating Danish business delegation and input from business organisations in Denmark. ADD-ONS Adding to the standard package participating companies can individually or in groups enter into a dialogue with the Trade Council in Germany on additional services. These could include: Informal dinner 18 May for participating Danish companies Extra company representative in the business delegation The fee for an extra company representative is DKK 2000 plus DKK 600 per business lunch and DKK 2000 per grand dinner (if seats are available). Extra sector seminar Should you wish to participate in more than one of the sector tracks, the price is DKK 2000 per additional sector. Pre-arranged B2B meetings The Trade Council in Germany can set up targeted and pre-arranged B2B meetings based on your needs. Please contact the Embassy in Berlin for assistance and pricing. Extra seats for the Grand Dinners Each participating company can request additional seats for the Grand Dinners. The seats can be booked at a fee of DKK 2000 per seat (per dinner) on a first come first served basis. There is a limited number of seats. Product Display A business lounge will to the extent possible be established at the venue of the Sector Seminars, Business Lunch and Gala Dinner as an informal meeting place for companies and participants in the events. Danish companies may have a product display in the business lounge. Please contact the Embassy in Berlin. Targeted Company Seminars / Presentations / Promotional Events Your company can make a company presentation or promotional event to a targeted group. Please contact the Embassy in Berlin. Sponsorship of selected Premium events, e.g. culture or music event If your company is interested in sponsoring special Premium events, please contact the Embassy in Berlin. Exhibition of Danish fashion, design and interior decoration in Stilwerk, Hamburg Special offer for companies within Stylish Living. Please see the section on Stylish Living. 5 SUSTAINABLE LIVING With specific focus on: Anticipated programme elements include: Architecture, construction, urban planning, renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmentally related technologies Monday May 18 – Hamburg Sustainability is gaining ground in many spheres of German society providing interesting opportunities for Danish solutions. The German federal government has set ambitious targets to transform its economy into one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly economies, while still guaranteeing energy security. The green transition in Germany, the Energiewende, represents significant market opportunities for Danish companies with innovative technologies and energy efficient solutions. Danish companies have a strong reputation of leading know how and flexible solutions within German priority areas and the German market provides an excellent platform for increased Danish exports. Similarly, Danish companies will find interesting opportunities in the German construction sector that is seeing solid growth rates with new construction and renovation projects dominating many of the major cities in Germany. There is a strong focus on energy efficient buildings and sustainable construction that matches the strongholds of Danish architects, construction companies, urban planners, building material and technology providers. · Welcome briefing (for participating Danish companies) · Informal dinner (for participating Danish companies – own expense) Tuesday May 19 – Hamburg · Grand Opening · Sustainable Living sector seminar/trade fair and informal networking · Business Lunch with possibility to invite German guests · Two parallel mini conferences: I. Energy efficiency in buildings, construction and architecture II. Wind energy · Grand Dinner Wednesday May 20 – Hamburg and Munich · Individual activities · Departure for Munich · Cross sector seminar “Doing Business in Southern Germany” · Grand Dinner Thursday May 21 – Munich · Grand Opening · Sustainable Living sector seminar/trade fair and informal networking · Business Lunch w/ invited German guests · Two parallel site visits: I. Visit to Siemens HQ, focus on construction, architecture and urban planning II. Visit to München Stadtwerke, focus on district heating and EnergieWende · Debriefing 6 HEALTHY LIVING With specific focus on: Anticipated programme elements include: Pharmaceuticals, rehab, medical devices & technology Monday May 18 – Hamburg Germany is among the top spenders in the world when it comes to the health sector, using more than 10 % of GDP on health. Not least due to an ageing population the health expenses are expected to grow further in the coming years. Thus, the focus will be on making processes more efficient and increasing quality. This transformation provides multiple opportunities for Danish companies, especially for providers of products and services that support efficient and evidence based solutions in German healthcare. · Welcome briefing (for participating Danish companies) · Informal dinner (for participating Danish companies – own expense) Tuesday May 19 – Hamburg · Grand Opening · Healthy Living sector seminar “Rethinking Healthcare” and informal networking · Business Lunch with possibility to invite German guests · Site visit at hospital, incl. meeting with German stakeholders · Grand Dinner Wednesday May 20 – Hamburg and Munich · Individual activities · Departure for Munich · Cross sector seminar “Doing Business in Southern Germany” · Grand Dinner Thursday May 21 – Munich · Grand Opening · Healthy Living sector seminar “Rethinking Healthcare” and informal networking · Business Lunch with possibility to invite German guests · Site visit to the headquarter of Fraunhofer Institute · Debriefing 7 TASTY LIVING With specific focus on: Anticipated programme elements include: Food, beverage, gastronomy, dining and tourism Monday May 18 – Hamburg Germany is the biggest market for Danish food exports. The food market in Germany has seen significant growth in recent years. German consumers are increasingly focusing on healthy life-style, bio/organic products, high quality and food safety. Danish food and beverage have a strong brand in Germany among consumers who appreciate high quality products. The German tourism market is also very important to Denmark. Approximately 60 per cent of all foreign commercial bednights in Denmark are German, which makes the German market by far the biggest. · Welcome briefing (for participating Danish companies) · Informal dinner (for participating Danish companies – own expense) Tuesday May 19 – Hamburg · Grand Opening · Short presentations on Danish food and tourism, Cooking Show with Danish Chef Thorsten Schmidt and German Chef Jens Rittmeyer, and informal networking · Two parallel site visits: I. Visit at conventional supermarket, incl. dialogue with decision-makers II. Visit at food wholesale company · Grand Dinner Wednesday May 20 – Hamburg and Munich · Individual activities · Departure for Munich · Cross sector seminar “Doing Business in Southern Germany” · Grand Dinner Thursday May 21 – Munich · Grand Opening · Combined Tasty and Stylish Living event, incl. short presentations on Danish design, food and tourism, Cooking Show with Danish Chef Thorsten Schmidt and German Chef Jens Rittmeyer, and informal networking · Business Lunch w/ invited German guests · Two parallel site visits: I. Visit at organic supermarket, incl. dialogue with decision-makers II. Visit at food wholesale company · Debriefing 8 STYLISH LIVING With specific focus on: Anticipated programme elements include: Fashion, design, furniture and interior decoration Monday May 18 – Hamburg Both Hamburg and Munich are in the top 10, when it comes to places in Europe with the highest purchasing power. People living in Hamburg have a distinctive attitude to life whereas the Bavarian lifestyle is a “live and let live” approach combined with stylish elegance. Due to a trending interest in old values and craftsmanship of high quality as well as a focus on luxury and high profile, the German consumers have grown fond of Danish design. The German market for design and fashion can be challenging to enter, but is very stable for companies able to adjust to the competitive landscape. In combination with the positive prospects for consumption, make Hamburg and Munich very interesting for Danish producers of fashion, design, furniture and interior decoration. · Welcome briefing (Danish delegation only) · Informal dinner (for Danish delegation – own expense) Tuesday May 19 – Hamburg · Grand Opening · Sector seminar: Slow Luxury and Slow Fashion · Business Lunch w/ invited German guests · Opening of one-day exhibition “The Danish Design Days” in STILWERK for invited buyers and local press · Possibility of participating in 14 days exhibition or 3 months pop-up shop in Stilwerk (cf. Add-ons) · Possibility of participating in a guided blogger trip to create more mentioning and attention (cf. add-ons) · Grand Dinner Wednesday May 20 – Hamburg and Munich · Individual activities · Departure for Munich · Cross sector seminar “Doing Business in Southern Germany” · Grand Dinner Exhibition of Danish fashion, design and interior decoration in Stilwerk, Hamburg Apart from the one-day exhibition included in the official programme, there is the opportunity to exhibit in the halls of Stilwerk in a period of 14 days from the 11th to the 27th of May. As Stilwerk is a nexus for the design interested consumer, the companies will expose their products to a relevant target group and at the same time benefit from the attention created by the official business delegation. For even more attention and the possibility of creating sales, an available shop in Stilwerk can be used for a pop-up shop for at least three months from May 1st. The shop can potentially be shared by more companies. In relation to the exhibition – regardless of whether companies chooses 1 day, 2 weeks or a pop-up shop for three months – they can be a part of a guided trip for bloggers, where special attention is paid to this target group. Finally, we are helpful if any of the participating companies need assistance identifying the partners. Please contact the Embassy in Berlin. Thursday May 21 – Munich · Grand Opening · Combined Tasty and Stylish Living event, incl. presentations on Danish design and food, Cooking Show, and informal networking · Opening of Danish design hot spots in Munich · Business Lunch w/ invited German guests · Tours to Creative Hot Spots downtown Munich – possibility of planning bilateral meetings · Debriefing 9 PRACTICALITIES Hotel and travel information The participation fee does not include airfare and hotel accommodation. Upon registration, you will receive a travel proposal from BCD Travel for your convenience. Should you need further assistance, please contact BCD Travel regarding travel arrangements, tel: +45 39 15 46 60, email: [email protected]. Contacts: Annette Paludan and Susanna Vazquez Further information about Germany Denmark in Germany – Website of the business delegation – Registration Please complete the online registration form no later than Wednesday 11 March 2015. As there has been a massive pre-interest in the business delegation and a limit to the total number of participating Danish companies has been set, early registration is highly recommended. Should the number of interested companies exceed the maximum limit of persons that can be accommodated, priority will be given to companies whose main business activities fall within the targeted sectors. Go to our website Upon registration you will receive a confirmation of your participation. For questions about registration, please contact the Danish Embassy in Berlin. 10 ORGANIZERS CONTACT INFORMATION DI / Confederation of Danish Industry Helle Bundgaard +45 3377 3065 | +45 2949 4637 [email protected] L&F / Danish Agriculture & Food Council Mette Jasper Gammicchia Anemette Hansen +45 3339 4268 | +45 2724 5668 +45 3339 4381 | +45 5167 1551 [email protected] [email protected] Dansk Erhverv / Danish Chamber of Commerce Nynne Norman Scheuer +45 3374 6515 | +45 5230 6006 [email protected] Dansk Byggeri / Danish Construction Association Anita Kurowska Larsen +45 7216 0294 | +45 2381 2105 [email protected] VisitDenmark Lars Ramme Nielsen +49 40-32021142 [email protected] Håndværksrådet / Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Jens Kvorning +45 3393 2000 | +45 3059 0686 [email protected] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark: Claus Hofmann Frisch +45 33 92 10 77 | +45 25 26 76 52 [email protected] Royal Danish Embassy in Berlin Thomas Jørgensen +49 30 5050 2100 | +49 175 5792281 [email protected]
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