Sacred Heart Parish 120 Jefferson Street ~ Swedesburg, Pennsylvania, 19405 We are the “HEART” of Bridgeport, King of Prussia, Swedeland and Swedesburg Saint Augustine Sanctuary Sacred Heart Church Our Pastoral Staff Rev. Timothy F. O’Sullivan Founding Pastor Rev. Msgr. George A. Majoros Parochial Vicar Rev. James J. Shea, Sch. P. Weekday & Sunday Ministry Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sanctuary Our Mother of Sorrows Sanctuary Our Parish Mass Schedule,‘Pro Tem’ Saturday evening at 4:00pm in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Saturday evening at 5:30pm at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Worship Site Sunday morning at 8:00am at Our Saint Augustine Worship Site Sunday morning at 10:00am in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Sunday evening at 5:00pm in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Monday through Friday at 6:30am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Campus; Monday through Saturday at 8:00am in Sacred Heart Church. (Masses on National Holidays will be celebrated at 9:00am. This will be announced in our Parish bulletin.) The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is celebrated on the third Sunday of the month at 12 Noon and on the fifth Sunday of the Month during the 10:00am Mass. Before selecting a Baptism date, parents should secure letters of eligibility for their selected Godparents and present them at the rectory. Parents should also plan on Attending our Parish’s Pre-Jordan program before setting a Baptism date. All baptisms are celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. The Sacrament of Confession Saturday afternoon: 3:00pm – 3:45pm. Wednesday morning: Immediately following the 8:00am Mass. By appointment at the rectory anytime. The Sacrament of Confession is celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. The Sacrament of Marriage Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros at least six months before your anticipated Wedding date. Couples should not make any celebratory arrangements until after they have met with Father or Monsignor at our Parish. The Sacrament of The Sick Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros if you or a family member wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. It is always appropriate to receive this Sacrament before surgery, during a serious illness or in the final stages of life. Our Parish Mass Intentions November 1-2, 2014 – ALL SOULS’ DAY 4:00pm (SH) 5:30pm (MC) 8:00am (AU) 10:00am (SH) 5:00pm (SH) Mary Cushman Joseph Wagner The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed November 3, 2014 –SAINT MARTIN DE PORRES 6:30am (MC) Catherine Januzelli Requested by Kenneth & Sandra Nadwodny 8:00am (SH) Catherine Toth Requested by her Family November 4, 2014 –SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO 6:30am (MC) Robert & Viola Hanson Requested by their Daughter, Eileen & Son, Robert 8:00am (SH) November 5, 2014– WEDNESDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6:30am (MC) Marie Lewandowski Requested by Andy & Marie Evan Thomas Sabol Requested by Ed Dybicz November 6, 2014 – THURSDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6:30am (MC) Salvatore, Carmela & Pasquale Lenzi Requested by Silvana & Family 8:00am (SH) Come, Let Us Worship The Lord! On the Weekend of October 11-12, 2014 223 people joined us at our 4:00pm Mass; 120 people joined us at our 5:30pm Mass; 144 people joined us at our 8:00am Mass; 217 people joined us at our 10:00am Mass; and, 54 people joined us at our 5:00pm Mass. Cheryl & Leonard DeStefano Requested by Their Family 8:00am (SH) Join fellow parishioners for a new tradition in our Parish – “Friendship Sunday”. On the 3rd Sunday of each month, join us after the 10:00am Mass in Sacred Heart School Hall for coffee, donuts, bagels and (most importantly) to meet new parishioners! Our first “Friendship Sunday” is November 16th! Angeline Picariello Requested by Helen Cabrey November 7, 2014 – FRIDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SACRED HEART PARISH FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Our newly formed Parish Fundraising (and FUNraising) Committee will meet on Monday, November 17th at 7:00pm in Sacred Heart School Hall. All members of our Parish are welcome to join us as we plan new and exciting events for our new Parish. 6:30am (MC) Kenny Ostroski Requested by Jeff & Diane Bush & Family 8:00am (SH) Wanda Smith Requested by Diane Moser November 8, 2014 – SATURDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am (SH) Terence Cabrey Requested by Wife, Helen November 8-9, 2014 – THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA IN ROME 4:00pm (SH) Edward Novitski Requested by Wife, Lucy & Children 5:30pm (MC) Angelo & Adele Armenti Requested by Family 8:00am (AU) The Living & Deceased Members of the Holy Name Society 10:00am (SH) Helen E. Grib Requested by Niece, Kathleen 5:00pm (SH) The Living & Deceased Members of The Ancient Order of Hibernians / Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Please Pray For All Who Protect Our Country Through Their Military Service, especially… Matthew D. Baxter (Senior Airman, U.S. Air Force), Grandson of Peg Palmer; Matthew Capaldo (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), son of John and Connie Capaldo; Devon Kantz (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz; Gregory Kantz (Captain, U.S. Air Force), grandson of Rose Kantz; Stephen Kantz (Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz; Matthew McNulty (Warrant Officer U.S.M.C.), son of Irene McNulty; John Orendorff (Captain, U.S. Army), grandson of Ed & Gertrude Connor; Jonathan D. Palmer (Sergeant, U.S. National Guard), Grandson of Peg Palmer; and Lawrence H. Palmer, Jr. (Sergeant, U.S. National Guard), Grandson of Peg Palmer. #143 Page 2 – Sacred Heart Our Parish Office Information Sacred Heart Rectory 120 Jefferson Street Swedesburg, Pennsylvania Sacred Heart Rectory office is open: Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am – 12 Noon Sacred Heart Rectory Telephone: 610-275-1750 Sacred Heart Rectory Fax: 610-275-0480 Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] FOR OUR FORTY HOURS DEVOTIONS: Sunday, November 23rd to Tuesday, November 25th Our Parish will celebrate our First Forty Hours this November. Please make plans to join our Parish as we celebrate this joyous time of devotion and adoration! Join us to pray that the Lord will continue to bless all that we do! MEMORIAL MASS All are welcome to join the Holy Name Society members as they join together in prayer to remember their deceased members at a Remembrance Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Worship Site on November 6th at 7:00pm. ETERNAL REST, GRANT UNTO THEM O LORD! In your kindness, please pray for the happy repose of the souls of: FRANCIS BRADY (Former St. Augustine Parishioner) Who passed away on October 19, 2014 Let Us Serve The Lord With Gladness! The following Ministers are scheduled for our Parish Masses. Saturday evening, November 8th: 4:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Melonie Mitchell, Tom Krizovensky, John Simmons, Barbara Fromm Lector: Connie Capaldo Music: Helen Surman & Cathy Middleton Servers: Ania Niemiec, Asia Niemiec, MaryCatherine Murphy 5:30pm at Our Mount Carmel Worship Site Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Tom Kavanagh, Sean Courtney, Larry Kilian, Shirley Funkhouser Lector: LeAnn McCloskey Music: John Bednar & Erica Rigler Servers: Yadira Macedo, Ysalane Rojas Sunday, November 9th: 8:00am at Our Saint Augustine Worship Site Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Joe Saboe, Dolores Burton, Connie Hunt, Mary Eads Lector: Lisa Pagnotti Music: Mary Estright & Janice Sbei Servers: Caitlin & Jennifer Estright 10:00am in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Marge Pruskowski, Lee Ann Kinckner, Janet Kita, Mary Ellen Kester Lector: Michelle Efthimaidou Music: Theresa Mann & Barbara Roskos Servers: Jeffrey Kinckner, MaryCatherine Murphy 5:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Pat Moletzsky, Terry Kelly, John Simmons, Tom Kavanagh Lector: David Swedkowski Music: Theresa Mann & Sarah Agnew Servers: Tyler Klicka, Jake Pruskowski, MaryCatherine Murphy DANIEL VALERIO, SR. (Husband of Eleanor) Who passed away on October 22, 2014 FRANCIS COLAHAN The Bread & Wine used in our Parish this week was donated In Loving Memory of Wanda Smith #143 Page 3 – Sacred Heart Our Parish Financial Information Sunday Collection for October 11-12, 2014.. .$8,516 Collection for October 12-13, 2013*........... .$10,122 (*This amount reflects a combined total of the Sunday collections for this weekend from Sacred Heart, Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parishes.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH! Our Upcoming Second Collections: In your generosity, please remember: November 8-9, 2014 Our Parish Maintenance Fund December 6-7, 2014 The Religious Retirement Fund December 13-14, 2014 Our Christmas Flower Collection Do you suffer from Celiac disease? Our parish offers a special low-gluten host for those who join us for Mass, either during the week or for Sunday Mass. The low-gluten hosts we offer contain .01% gluten. According to the magazine, Gluten-Free Living, experts from the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland call the host, “Perfectly safe”, stating, “you would have to eat 270 wafers every day to reach the danger point.” (However, it is recommended that any Celiac suffers who wish to receive these hosts consult with their physician before usage.) The low-gluten hosts we use are individually made and packaged in a wheat-free environment. They are packaged and shipped separately from any wheat products and are kept separate from other wheat products in our sacristy. These low-gluten hosts meet stipulations set forth by the Roman Catholic Church and are fully endorsed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Anyone who may be interested in receiving Holy Communion with a low-gluten host is asked to call the rectory for instructions on the procedure we will follow for Mass. HELP WANTED! A parishioner is looking for someone to sit with an elderly parent on Saturdays, from 8:00am to 4:30pm (hours are flexible), preparing meals & companionship. If interested, please call Jackie, 610-331-3357. In Your Kindness, Please Pray For Our Family & Friends Who Are Sick… Baby Michael Yi (Great-nephew of Joan Schloth); Baby Ryan VanBuskirk; Tom Burke; Baby Theodore Kocher (Great-Nephew of Michael & Eileen Bralski); Baby Madelyn Grace Kavanagh (Granddaughter of Denise & Tom Kavanagh); Rosemarie Grabowski (Cousin of Floyd Pachella); Crystal Fiorentino; Teresa Fiorentino; Alberta Hamaday; Dora Delmoro; Armando Delmoro; Antoinette Hildebrand; Dolores Simmons; Philomena Pishock; and Madeline Dobbs (Granddaughter of Joseph & Dolores Saboe). We are happy to keep your loved ones on our Parish prayer list for four weeks. If they would benefit from remaining on our prayer list after this period of time, please call the rectory and we will happily keep them on our prayer list. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE The Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council #3327 will join together on Thursday, November 13th at 7:00pm in Sacred Heart Church to pray for their deceased members. Light refreshments will be served following the Mass in the Sacred Heart School Hall. All are welcome to join us for this Memorial Mass to pray for the happy repose of the souls of Knights who have gone before us in faith. O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine! Our Parish is looking for a person (or persons) willing to coordinate Wednesday as a Day of Eucharistic Adoration. Father O’Sullivan would like to begin Exposition immediately following our 8:00am morning Mass, continue Exposition throughout the day and conclude the Day of Adoration with a simple Benediction service at 6:30pm. However for this to happen, we need a coordinator (or coordinators) to facilitate the schedule of the day to ensure that parishioners are always present in our Church during the hours of Exposition. Anyone interested in helping to make this Day of Adoration a reality for our Parish is asked to call the rectory and speak with Father O’Sullivan. #143 Page 4 – Sacred Heart #143 Page 5 – Sacred Heart 1.The decree of the First Council of Baltimore (1846) promulgated The Blessed Mother, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, as the Patroness of the United States. 2. Maria Goretti was killed by Alexander Serenelli, a friend of the Goretti family. Who later repented of his crime and was present at the canonization of Saint Maria Goretti in 1950. 3. Before his conversion, Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of Christians. Saul experienced an extraordinary conversion and, after his conversion and Baptism, Saint Paul became of the greatest evangelists of our Church. 4. Saint Catherine of Siena was declared a ‘Doctor’ of the Church in 1970. A ‘Doctor’ of the Church is a saint who, even while they lived were known for their holiness of life and whose writings have positively affected the life of the Church. It is also necessary that the Pope confer this honorary title upon them. 5. Saint Francis of Assisi had an extraordinary love for all creatures; because of this, he is the patron saint of animals. 6. Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, asking that a Church be built in her honor. 7. Saint Thomas More was made Chancellor of England in 1529 and advisor to King Henry VIII, but when he refused to agree with King Henry VIII’s revolt against the Catholic faith, he was beheaded for treason. He is acknowledged as a martyr for our faith because he refused to renounce his Catholic faith when demanded by the King. 8. Saint Monica is the mother of Saint Augustine. It was by the grace of God, and through her prayers and holiness of life that Saint Augustine eventually converted to the Christian faith. 9. Saint Patrick was not born in Ireland. He was (most likely) born in England and was first brought to Ireland as a slave. He later returned to Ireland and spread the Christian faith as a bishop. 10. Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, commonly known as Padre Pio, was the first priest to receive the stigmata. (Saint Francis of Assisi is well known for bearing the Stigmata on his body, but he was never ordained a priest.) 11. Saint Peter was the first Pope. Named as head of the Church by our Lord Himself. 12. TRICK QUESTION! Saint Frances Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized in 1946, although she was born in Italy; Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first Saint born in the United States (she was born in New York City and canonized in 1975); Saint Rose of Lima (Peru) of South America, was canonized in 1671. 13. Saints Cyril and Methodius were the principal Christian missionaries to the Slavic people. 14. Saint Andrew was the first Apostle called by the Lord. Andrew went and told his brother, Saint Peter, about the Lord. 15. Saint Nicholas of Myra, a fourth century bishop who has a great love and concern for poor children, is the patron saint of children. We know him more commonly as Santa Claus – Dutch for Saint Nicholas. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE SAINTS? 1.Who is the Patron Saint of the United States of America? 2.Who was the young Italian Saint who was martyred defending her purity? 3. What Saint was involved in the martyrdom of Saint Stephen, the first martyr? 4. Who was the first female saint declared a ‘Doctor’ of the Church? 5. Who is the patron Saint of animals? 6. Who did Our Lady appear to in 1858 in a small town in southern France? 7. Who was the Chancellor of England under King Henry VIII, but was later beheaded by King Henry VIII for treason? 8. Who is the mother of Saint Augustine? 9. What Saint actually arrived in Ireland first as a slave, but then later was ordained a priest and bishop and is known as the Apostle of the Irish? 10. Who was the first priest to receive the stigmata – the marks of our Lord’s wounds, on his body? 11. Who was the first Pope? 12. Who was the first American Saint? 13. Who are the “Apostles to the Slavs”? 14. Who was the First Apostle called by the Lord? 15. Who is the patron Saint of children? Dear Friends, We begin each November with the Solemnity of All Saints Days – A Church celebration honoring all the Saints, who now live in the eternal presence of the Lord. Learning about the saints was a part of every Catholics education, whether in a Catholic School or in a Religious Education Program. I thought it would be ‘fun’ and maybe educational to offer you in my column this week a trivia test of the Saints. I included the answers to the questions below. However, if you are tempted to cheat, pray to Saint Joseph of Cupertino, he is the patron saint of test takers! Through the intercession of Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, may we always be United in the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Fr. O’Sullivan Serving the community since 1941 Keith J. Murphy Supervisor Funeral Director Bernard S. Gutkowski Funeral Home Bernard S. Gutkowksi Funeral Director 305 Jefferson Street • Swedesburg, PA 19405 610-275-6385 Founders Bernard S. Gutkowski, Sr. Pauline H. Gutkowski 1915-1966 Walter Gutkowski 1911-2007 1941-2012 Little Sicily Pizza Gregory W. Philips PA Lic. #006806 "A Pizza Connoisseurs' Favorite Place" RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. 279-3702 26 Crooked Lane • Bridgeport WE DELIVER Attorney at Law ZONING • FAMILY LAW WILLS & ESTATES PERSONAL INJURY "I MAKE HOUSE CALLS" 610-323-1400 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 Get in. Get out. Get well. Urgent Care 107 Town Center Rd. 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