ABSTRACTS/PAPERS Prospective participants may submit soft copies of abstracts for oral or poster presentation on success stories, case studies or significant research findings on any of the conference themes to [email protected] or [email protected] by 31 October 2014. The abstracts, not more than 500 words, should be typed in MS Word in Times New Roman font of 12 size. The abstracts should include heading, authors, institutional affiliation, keywords, rationale, methodology, results/ important outcomes to enable the scientific committee to review and recommend the same for oral or poster presentation. The authors whose abstracts are recommended by the scientific committee for presentation would be requested to submit full length papers (as per format of The Indian Forester) by 15 November 2014. Papers selected for presentations would be published as a special volume after the conference. REGISTRATION The participants are required to fill the attached registration form and send the same to the organizers along with the registration fee as given below. Registration fee will include registration kit and working lunch. Registration fee Delegate Student/ Res. Scholar Accompanying person Before 31 Oct. Rs. 2000/Rs. 1000/Rs. 1000/- ABOUT THE VENUE Celebrating150 years Forest Research Institute is situated on the DehradunChakrata road about 8 km from the Dehradun railway station, 15 km from the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) and 35 km from the Jollygrant airport. The weather in November would be cold and light warm clothing would be needed. After 31 Oct. Rs. 2500/Rs. 1200/Rs. 1500/- OF ORGANIZED FORESTRY IMPORTANT DATES Registration fee may be paid in the form of demand draft in favour of the Director, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun payable at Dehradun. It should be sent by post to Dr. R.K. Aima, Head, Silviculture Division, Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin-248006, or mail to: Email: [email protected] or ombir@ icfre.org ACCOMMODATION Submission of Abstracts 31.10.2014 Submission of Full Paper 15.11.2014 Limited on-campus accommodation at government rates is available at FRI, Dehradun and can be provided to the participants on request on first come first served basis. Economy hotels are also available at Dehradun. For details kindly visit www.fri.icfre.gov.in NATIONAL WORKSHOP NATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS MEET NATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS MEET Role of Technology in enhancing Bamboo use Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants and NTFPS Trees Outside Forests and Wood Based Enterprise Forestry and Mining: Forest Mining Interface in service of nation 25-26 NOVEMBER, 2014 26-27 NOVEMBER, 2014 27 NOVEMBER, 2014 28 NOVEMBER, 2014 National Advisory Committee Organising Committee Contacts Patrons Dr. R.K. Aima, Head, Silviculture Division, FRI Dr. R.K. Aima, Head, Silviculture, t.: +91-135-2224322, 2757579 e.: [email protected] Dr. S.S. Garbyal DG (Forests), GoI Dr. Ashwani Kumar, DG, ICFRE Co-Patrons Dr. G.S. Goraya, DDG (Res.), ICFRE Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid, Director, FRI Dr. N. S. K. Harsh Scientist G/GCR, FRI Dr. Ombir Singh Scientist D, Silviculture Division, FRI Dr. Manisha Thapliyal, t.: +91-135-2224467 e.: [email protected] Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Pin 248006. www.fri.icfre.gov.in 13 th SILVICULTURE CONFERENCE Xpressions: 9219552563 Doc. No. XPS060914111 NATIONAL SEMINAR NOV. 24-28, 2014 FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE,DEHRADUN INDIAN COUNCIL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH & EDUCATION, DEHRADUN BACKGROUND THEMES Started in 1918, the successive National Silvicultural Conferences have been providing an important forum for forest managers, forest scientists and other stakeholders of the country to come together, discuss issues of mutual interest, highlight emerging issues and concepts related to forest management, report research results and new techniques, identify gaps and underline the research needs, strike collaborations, and stay updated on developments in the field of forest management. Foresters, scientists, farmers, wood based traders and industrial entrepreneurs, miners, and other related stakeholders have found these conferences and their outcomes to be a valuable source of information on current and developing trends in silviculture and for guiding management of forests. The 13th National Silviculture Conference, being organized at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun from 24-28 November 2014, is another step in our endeavour towards making forest management in the country more effective and more responsive to the changing demands on forests. In keeping with synchronic issues, the theme of the conference is “managing forests for their multiple functions”. Ever since the forests in India were brought under organised management, major focus of such management has been on sustainable 'wood' production through following tree-centric management practices. Of late, however, forests have, globally and nationally, come to be seen more for their other functions such as their being crucial habitats for organisms housing roughly 90 percent of the world's terrestrial biodiversity; important store house for carbon dioxide; regulators of hydrologic flow and conservers of soil making significant contribution in mitigation of natural hazards like floods and in continuous provision of water; providers of clean air; and above all the livelihood source for millions of rural households and a major contributor to socio-economy. The issue also forms the central theme of the National Forest Policy, 1988, which enjoins that good natural forests be conserved for biodiversity, as source of clean air and water, for conservation of soils, and to meet bonafide domestic needs of the tribals and other poor living within and near forests. Efforts are also ongoing at increasing the forest cover through rehabilitation of all waste lands and bringing these under tree cover. In view of the shift in the objectives of forest management from sustainable production of wood to sustainable harnessing of multiple functions, it is imperative that the existing 'tree-centric' silvicultural practices are suitably adjusted and oriented to manage composition, health, and quality of forests to meet the contemporary objectives. This conference envisages encouraging the participants towards sharing their concerns on the subject, sensitizing them about the complexities involved in such management and exposing them to different methods of silviculture that have evolved across the globe to meet these diverse needs sustainably. There will be open house presentations by State Forest Departments on specific silviculture related issues pertaining to different states. Research issues like natural and artificial regeneration of conifer and broad-leaved forests; intermediate treatments; Canopy and middle storey manipulation for optimum yield of multiple values; growth and yield statistics; water quality; forest health; impacts of forest fires and their management; economic value of multiple functions; etc. will also be discussed during the conference. Silviculture as a tool for enhancing forest resource productivity Policy imperatives for sustained forest management Adaptive forest management techniques for multiple value functions Restoring forests through silviculture for realizing multiple values Opportunities for sustainable livelihoods through adaptive silvicultural practices International instruments: implications on silviculture in India Scientific approaches to optimum resource utilization Silviculture for sustenance and livelihood generation in fringe forests Main aspects of themes would be addressed through key note addresses by experts representing various forestry sectors including industry and research organizations; sharing of knowledge through paper and poster presentations; and open house discussions by participants. WHO SHOULD ATTEND The Silviculture Conference would be very useful to forest managers, researchers, NGOs, nursery and plantation owners, students, policy makers, etc. engaged in forestry sector. NATIONAL SEMINAR ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN ENHANCING BAMBOO USE ABSTRACTS/PAPERS India has one of the richest bamboo resources in the World, second only to China. There are 136 species of bamboo in 30 genera occur in India out of which only about 10 species are of commercial value. Bamboo is an excellent alternate structural material, has many advantages over wood like fast growth and short maturity periods. Bamboo is widely utilized for a variety of purposes, as it possesses excellent bending and tensile strength properties. It is used in housing construction, furniture, handicrafts, fencing and as poles. Many technologies have been developed for bamboo processing in the country such as treatment for enhancing its service life, chemical seasoning of round bamboo for avoiding surface cracks and for using bamboos in many different ways through composites. A priority requirement for harnessing its economic potential would be to draw up a well coordinated multilateral approach through technological interventions. The Seminar is being organized by the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun to address these issues. Prospective participants may submit soft copies of abstracts (not more than 500 words) on success stories, case studies or significant research findings on any of the above mentioned themes in MS Word file. Abstracts should be submitted to [email protected] or [email protected] by October 31, 2014. Abstracts would be included in seminar proceedings. Authors, of selected abstracts would be invited for presentation. REGISTRATION THEMES Registration fee Delegate Student/ Res. Scholar Accompanying person Before 31 Oct. Rs. 2000/Rs. 1000/Rs. 1000/- After 31 Oct. Rs. 2500/Rs. 1200/Rs. 1500/- Registration fee may be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of the Director, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun payable at Dehradun. It is to be sent by post to Dr. Sadhna Tripathi, Scientist F, Forest Products Division, Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin-248 006. Bamboo composites DATE: 25-26 NOVEMBER, 2014 VENUE: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, DEHRADUN Forest Research Institute is situated on the Dehradun-Chakrata road about 8 km from the Dehradun railway station, 15 km from the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) and 35 km from the Jollygrant airport. The weather in November would be cold and light warm clothing would be needed. The participants are required to fill the attached registration form and send the same to the organizers along with the registration fee as given below. Registration fee will include registration kit and working lunch. Bamboo processing technologies (treatment, seasoning, product making, modern bamboo processing machineries) These themes would be addressed through key note addresses by experts representing various sectors including industry, research organizations, NGOs and bamboo growers; sharing of knowledge through paper and poster presentations; and open house discussions. ABOUT THE VENUE ACCOMMODATION Limited on-campus accommodation at government rates is available at FRI, Dehradun and can be provided to the participants on request on first come first serve basis. Economy hotels are also available at Dehradun. For details kindly visit www.fri.icfre.gov.in Bamboo for diverse uses (technical gradation of bamboos for diverse uses, bamboo multiplication, cultivation and harvesting technologies, biotechnologies) WHO SHOULD ATTEND The national seminar would be very useful for bamboo growers, bamboo industry, researchers, NGOs, nursery and plantation owners, financial institutions, students, etc. engaged/interested in bamboo processing techniques and utilization. Marketing of bamboo and bamboo products Future technological interventions: Constraints and opportunities National Advisory Committee Patron Dr. Ashwani Kumar, DG, ICFRE Members Organizing Committee Contacts Dr. Sadhna Tipathi, Scientist F, FRI Dr. Sadhna Tripathi, Scientist and Head Forest Products Division t.:0135-2224398, e.:[email protected] Dr. Ajmal Samani, Scientist, Forest Products Division, t.: 0135-2224613, f.: 0135-2756865 e.:[email protected] Shri D. P. Khali, Scientist, Forest Products Division, t.: 0135-2224451, e.:[email protected] Mrs. Ismita Nautiyal, Scientist, Forest Products Division e.:[email protected] Co-Patrons Shri Sanjay Kumar DDG, National Bamboo Mission Dr. Kishan Kumar, V.S. Scientist F, FRI Dr. G.S. Goraya, DDG (Res.), ICFRE Dr. A. K. Bhattacharya, CEO, MP State Bamboo Board Dr. N.K Upreti, Scientist F, FRI Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid, Director, FRI Shri S. T. S. Lepcha Ad. PCCF, UK Forest Dept. Shri Sandeep Kujur, IFS, FRI Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Pin 248006. www.fri.icfre.gov.in NATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS MEET FORESTRY AND MINING: FOREST MINING INTERFACE IN SERVICE OF NATION ABSTRACTS/PAPERS Mining has been considered as a major contributor to the economic growth of the country. Although mining is linked with welfare of country, however environmental degradation i.e., air, water, noise, soil and depletion of natural resources through loss of forest cover and adverse impact on livelihood of local communities due to mining has been a major concern for conservationist and natural resource managers. The high environmental cost which has been associated with years of unregulated mining and mineral processing activity made it realized to strike a balance between mineral developments on one hand and greening of environment on the other. The rational use of land resource is possible only by adopting integrated land use policy which involves prevention of land degradation and restoration of degraded lands. The restoration of mined lands implies full understanding of ecological process and their role in ecosystem stability. The interdependence of these aspects has led to the need for deliberations on the causes, the challenges and opportunity to mitigate long term consequences of mining on loss of resources, habitats and biodiversity. For sustainable use of land resource management and strategies to meet the environmental and ecological challenges of the day, the institute has planned to organize stakeholders meet to envisage on constraints, challenges and opportunity of mined land rehabilitation and its social impact. The meet will provide a common platform for the academicians, researchers, foresters, industrialist, field restoration experts and other stakeholders to share their experiences to handle the problem of mined land degradation and its management. Prospective participants may submit soft copies of abstracts (not more than 500 words) on success stories, case studies or significant research findings on any of the above mentioned themes in MS word file towards paper or poster presentation. Abstracts should be submitted to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] by October 31 2014. Abstracts would be included in Meet proceedings. Authors, whose abstracts are selected by the Committee, would be invited for presentation also. THEMES Mineral resources & forests REGISTRATION Forest Research Institute is situated on DehradunChakrata Road about 8 km from the Dehradun railway station, 15 km from the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) and 35 km from the Jollygrant airport. The weather in November would be cold and light warm clothing would be needed. The participants may fill the attached registration form and send the same to the organizers along with the registration fee as given below. Registration fee will include registration kit and working lunch. National policies and legal framework Mining restoration and environmental responsibility Registration fee Before 31st Oct. After 31st Oct. Delegate Student/Res. Scholar Accompanying person Rs. 2000/Rs. 1000/Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2500/Rs. 1200/Rs. 1500/- WHO SHOULD ATTEND Registration fee may be paid in the form of demand draft in favour of the Director, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun payable at Dehradun. It should be sent by post to Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Registrar, FRI (Deemed) University P.O.I.P.E., Kaulagarh Road Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin-248195. Community and social concerns and their role in ecological restoration The National Stakeholders Meet would be very useful for the academicians, researchers, foresters, industrialists field restoration experts and other stakeholders to share their experiences to handle the problem of mined land degradation and its management. ACCOMMODATION Regulatory constraints Limited on campus accommodation at government rates is available at FRI, Dehradun and can be provided to the participants on request on first come first serve basis, Economy hotels are also available at Dehradun. For details kindly visit www.fri.icfre.gov.in. Restoration success criteria and ecomonitoring These themes would be addressed through key note addresses by experts representing various sectors including industry and research organizations through paper and poster presentations; and open house discussions by participants. ABOUT THE VENUE Bio-fertilizers, Biotechnology and Restoration Measures of soil and water conservation DATE: 28 NOVEMBER, 2014 VENUE: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, DEHRADUN Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation National Advisory Committee Organising Committee Contacts Patron Dr. Ashwani Kumar DG, ICFRE Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Registrar and Scientist-F, FRIDU Dr. H. B. Vasistha, Scientist-E, Forest Ecology and Environment Division, FRI Shri. Nirmal Ram, Head, Forest Ecology and Environment Division, FRI Dr. Mridula Negi, Scientist-C, Forest Ecology and Environment Division, FRI Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Registrar and Scientist-F, FRIDU t.: 0135-2224439, 0135-2751826, e.:[email protected] Members Sh. D. K. Shrivastava PCCF, Jharkhand Co-Patrons Dr. Saibal Dasgupta, DDG (Extn.), ICFRE Sh. P. N. Padi PCCF, Odisha Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid, Director, FRI Sh. R. K. Sharma, Secy. General, FIMI Dr. H. B. Vasistha, Scientist-E, t.: 0135-2224477 e.:[email protected] Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Pin 248006. www.fri.icfre.gov.in NATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS MEET TREES OUTSIDE FORESTS AND WOOD-BASED ENTERPRISE ABSTRACTS/PAPERS Prospective participants may submit soft copies of abstracts (not more than 500 words) on success stories, case studies or significant research findings on any of the above mentioned themes in MS Word file towards paper or poster presentation. Abstracts should be submitted to [email protected] and [email protected] by October 31, 2014. Abstracts would be included in Meet proceedings. Authors, whose abstracts are selected by the Committee, would be invited for presentation also. Trees outside forests have come to play an increasingly important role in meeting the industrial requirement of wood, enhancing agricultural income and helping conservation of natural forests. Trees outside forests already form a significant proportion of the country's tree cover and are contributing in carbon sequestration and mitigation of the climate change impacts. The country has a huge potential to enhance the number of trees outside forests, as (a) the demand of industrial wood is slated to increase, and (b) vast expanses of lands outside forests are lying either uncultured or fallow and could be brought under trees without compromising the yield of other crops. As the country moves into next phase of promoting trees outside forests, there is a need to review the prevailing patterns and practices of short rotation tree farming; status of planting stock improvement programs; management of diseases and insect pests; usefulness of various varieties and clones from productivity and industrial use perspective; market linkages; adaptation of emerging wood-use technologies; policy issues; and status of research, extension and networking. The proposed stakeholders meet envisages looking into these issues, bringing out gaps and research needs and developing a strategy and action plan for development of the sector. THEMES REGISTRATION Forest Research Institute is situated on the DehradunChakrata road about 8 km from the Dehradun railway station, 15 km from the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) and 35 km from the Jollygrant airport. The weather in November would be cold and light warm clothing would be needed. The participants may fill the attached registration form and send the same to the organizers along with the registration fee as given below. Registration fee will include registration kit and working lunch. Registration fee Delegate Student/ Res. Scholar Accompanying person Lessons from field Before 31 Oct. Rs. 2000/Rs. 1000/Rs. 1000/- After 31 Oct. Rs. 2500/Rs. 1200/Rs. 1500/- Registration fee may be paid in the form of demand draft in favour of the Director, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun payable at Dehradun. It should be sent by post to Dr. H. S. Ginwal, Scientist F, Genetics and Tree Propagation Division, Forest Research Institute, P.O. IPE, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin-248195. Species diversity and plantation models under short rotation tree-farming Wood industry and wood-use issues ACCOMMODATION WHO SHOULD ATTEND The national stakeholder meet would be very useful to farmers, wood merchants, forest managers, researchers, NGOs, nursery and plantation owners, financial institutions, students, policy makers, etc. engaged/ interested in tree farming and associated with wood-based industry. Limited on-campus accommodation at government rates is available at FRI, Dehradun and can be provided to the participants on request on first come first served basis. Economy hotels are also available at Dehradun. For details kindly visit www.fri.icfre.gov.in Marketing of wood from trees outside forests These themes would be addressed through key note addresses by experts representing various sectors including agro-forestry, industry and research; sharing of knowledge through paper and poster presentations; and open house discussions by participants. ABOUT THE VENUE Planting Stock Improvement Programs under implementation Future strategy for development of the sector DATE: 27 NOVEMBER, 2014 VENUE: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, DEHRADUN National Advisory Committee Patron Members Dr. Ashwani Kumar, DG, ICFRE Sh. Kuldeep Lomis, MD, Punjab Forest Corporation Co-Patrons Dr. G.S. Goraya, DDG (Res.), ICFRE Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid, Director, FRI Dr. S. S. Jattan, PCCF-cum- MD, Haryana Organising Committee Contacts Dr. H.S. Ginwal, Scientist F, FRI Dr. H. S. Ginwal, Scientist F, t. +91-135-2224382, 2755473 e.: [email protected] Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Scientist F, FRI Dr. P. S. Rawat, Scientist E, FRI Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Scientist F, t. +91-135-2224610 e: [email protected] Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Pin 248006. www.fri.icfre.gov.in
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