Prince of Peace Lutheran Church November 2014 Love God - Follow Jesus - Invite All All Saints Sunday – November 2 “For all the saints, who from their labors rest—” With deep thanksgiving, we remember those who have gone before us and are now alive in the fellowship of all the saints. Stewardship Sunday – November 16 All members are invited to place at the altar cards with an estimate of their giving for 2015 toward the work of the Lord and in gratitude for God’s many blessings. Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again, Pass the Word around: loaves abound! (ELW 674) 50-Year Member Recognition On Sunday, November 23, at all services, we will recognize those who have been active members of Prince of Peace for 50 years or more. We are blessed that many people have continued to love God and follow Jesus at Prince of Peace for half a century! Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service th November 26 “Blessings of Peace” Pastor Allen Eaton, preacher In these times, when war, violence, and hatred appear in many places, we join with neighbors and people of faith to thank God for the blessings of peace, reconciliation, and understanding. Choirs of various faith communities will join to sing as one combined choir. Pie fellowship following the service! The Pastor’s Page by Pastor Peter Hellstedt This past week, when the Nobel prizes were awarded, I was thrilled to hear that the Nobel Peace Prize would be awarded to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager who was shot by the Taliban for promoting education for girls. Malala has been justly celebrated for her courage and her advocacy for human rights. Recently, a friend shared with me a new biography of another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who won the award in 1952. Schweitzer has long been a hero of mine, though the time is long past since he was a household name around the world. Let me share a brief story from his life. In the fall of 1914—exactly 100 years ago—Dr. Schweitzer had just set up the jungle hospital at Lambarene in what is now Gabon, Africa, where he and his wife would become world famous for their medical mission work. He was brilliant man: already by age 25 he had 2 doctorates, in philosophy and theology, was Europe’s foremost authority on the works of J.S. Bach, and was a renowned organist. Then, at age 30 he stunned his friends and colleagues with the announcement that he was giving it all up for the rest of his life. He entered medical school so that he could spend the rest of his life as a jungle doctor, following what he believed to be the call of Jesus. He and his wife had barely been in Africa a year when World War I broke out; they were detained for a while as prisoners of war and forbidden to practice medicine. Prices went sky high and the hospital had to shut down. One night in November 1914, when it seemed things were just getting back on track for his hospital start-up, Schweitzer sat with his African co-worker, Joseph, who was venting some of his frustration: “How can it be, Doctor? Your people have brought to this nation the message of God’s love, of Christ and his compassion and mercy? But now they are killing each other. They are not following the instructions of Jesus Christ.” It was a tough question to answer—even if you have 3 doctorates! And Schweitzer became very sad, wondering how many other Africans were similarly disillusioned trying to reconcile the contradiction between the message of Christ and the spreading darkness of war. He said to Joseph, “I cannot explain it. We stand before something terrible, something incomprehensible. Yet, as long as there are those who continue to manifest mercy, kindness, and the love of Christ, hope will remain.” Perhaps Schweitzer’s message is just what we need to hear at Thanksgiving. It’s not just that God has blessed us with material abundance and plenty. We also are blessed with a spiritual abundance and the power to show mercy and kindness and Christ’s love in the world, in the belief that this power is able to overcome the darkness of war and violence, terror and hatred. Thanks be to God for people of peace, and for the abundant mercy and love God is able to pour out, even through us. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new church website, please go to and see the wonderful new redesigned website! Then go to the “Member’s Login” tab and get registered today! 2 Faith Confirmed for the Ages By Glenda Klein Mali Board of Evangelism There are times when I worry about the future of Christianity. Not only in the Middle East where Christianity is rapidly being extinguished (with surprisingly mild protest from Christians world-wide) or Western Europe where less than 10% of the population in most countries attend church on any regular basis (Churches and cathedrals are entered and admired for their art and architecture), but also here in the United States where secularism takes precedence over any form of "religiosity" and church attendance continues to decline. I wonder about future generations, their priorities and faith commitment. However, at Prince of Peace I am bolstered by knowledge of a strong Sunday School program, youth education, Vacation Bible School, retreats and mission trips. I observe each as young people of all ages help during services with ushering, communion, assisting ministry, technology challenges, instrumental/vocal music, and as welcoming greeters. I arrived one Sunday morning to find a young girl managing the Name Tag Table with great organization and enthusiasm! While assisting with communion one Sunday, I asked a young boy if he took communion and he said, "No, but I want to." I replied, "You will soon." I realize it is up to us as a church family to role model, mentor, encourage and guide young people in their faith journey. It is up to us to show friendly and genuine interest, to engage in conversation by asking and answering questions including their doubts and concerns, to utilize their gifts and talents, of which there are many. These are formative years from which everyday activities, situations, and relationships influence who you become as an adult, including your values and spiritual life. I fondly remember my Sunday School teachers, pastors, and Luther League leaders during childhood, but I also recall other adult conversations and interactions with church members who shared humor, warmth, sensitivity, and wisdom that showed me the way. I continue to watch others and respect what is happening around me in our church community. That process never stops and we continue "to grow up" with our generosity and compassion. I subscribe to The Christian Century. It is a liberal mainline Protestant magazine subtitled Thinking Critically, Living Faithfully. One month the editor wrote about his granddaughter Eleanor who was asked by the pastor to write a statement of faith as part of her confirmation experience. Eleanor wrote, "Everyone is a child of God - even if you don't believe in God, you still are. I believe you can see God in anyone. I believe Jesus was God's son. Through the friends I have made and the discussion in my circle group, I have never seen God more clearly. I have been going to church all my life, but I never thought about God in a deep way . . . This year I loved going to church and the sense of community I feel. The most significant thing I learned this year is to love my neighbor just as Jesus taught us." Eleanor concluded by saying she wanted to be a part of the wonderful things the church does. After reading this, I felt hope for the church and my heart was full of gratitude. Pass the Word Around - Loaves Abound The Board of Stewardship requests the honor of your presence at a dinner to celebrate God's abundant goodness! Our “Loaves Abound” dinner will start at 6:00 pm on Saturday, November 8th. This evening of food, fellowship, children’s activities and Bible reflection will conclude with the Holden Evening Service. Please sign up and plan to join us. 3 by Scott Uddenberg Music Notes... "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing." Psalm 100:1-2 This Psalm of David is listed as a Psalm of Thanksgiving. It is a favorite of choral directors! It's the perfect choice to lead off my article this month because November is filled with worship, song, and thanksgiving. All Saints Sunday, November 2nd, is a celebration of all the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are members of the body of Christ. Within this service, we remember our baptism, remember those who have come and gone before us, and share in the Lord's Table with the faithful of every time and place. It is a special service in our church year at Prince of Peace. All Saints' weekend has also been the time when we have shared in another special event over the last few years, our combined choral concert with our sister congregation Christus Victor. The idea for this time of music and fellowship between our two congregations came from former Senior Pastor Don Myrom. Pastor Don spent some time in service at Christus Victor after his service here at Prince of Peace was completed. Over a shared meal, Don made mention of the fine choir at Christus Victor, and that he thought it would be wonderful if our two groups would get together to sing a program. He also mentioned it to Christus Victor's choral director George Gentes. George, spent many years as Hoffman Estates' choral director and began the annual Choral Classics concert held in our Worship Center in April. Another dinner meeting with George, and behold, a new tradition was born. Our concert is going to be held this year at Christus Victor on Sunday, November 2nd at 7:00pm. All are most welcome to share in this concert of worship in song! November also brings Thanksgiving Day and with that our annual Community Thanksgiving Eve Service. This year it falls on November 26th and will once again be at 7:30 pm. Cantor Ilana Axel will bring her choir from Temple Beth Tikvah and join our choir on a combined anthem. The choirs also gather together for a rehearsal on Tuesday evening at Beth Tikvah, a wonderful time of fellowship. Many others will participate in our service, but the large number of singers, from different faiths, which has continued to grow each year, coming together through the healing presence of music is most special. This blending is needed now more than ever. It’s a powerful way to finding understanding and peaceful co-existence. Place these special events on your calendar and make sure to share in them. The Christmas Extravaganza will be held December 7th - add it to your Christmas activities! Come and join in making this program special by playing music or acting in a skit! Talk to Scott about the right part for you! “It’s a Wonderful Life” So, you’re considering NOT joining a committee or lending a hand this year – Let’s take a “wonderful life” approach to this… Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful, but the altar area at Prince of Peace was anything but bright. YOU didn’t get up early to light the candles that point our eyes upward. YOU slept in and the altar was not prepared for communion. Stephen Uhl had the music ready, but YOU weren’t there to sing God’s praise. People came in, expecting a warm greeting, but again, YOU weren’t there to offer a welcoming handshake. Fast forward to Sunday school hour. The children are gathered to hear the stories of our Lord and Savior; stories of our faith; but YOU felt someone else could do a better job. Guess the children won’t hear your faith story today. Warm coffee and lots of loving, supportive conversations happen in the Fellowship Hall, but again, YOU were not there to help, support, and visit with friends. The contribution YOU were planning to bring to the food pantry didn’t make it to church today because YOU didn’t. The point of all this? Without U, our church and our comm_nity are missing a valuable piece. Our church needs all of our members to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Christ’s vision for YOU at Prince of Peace means a “wonderful life”, but we need YOU to help accomplish all that can mean. Find a way to share your gifts. God’s Work, Our Hands. 4 Prince of Peace (PPC) Boards – What Do We Do? Ever wonder what the Parish Planning Council (PPC) and Boards do? This is part of a series of articles outlining the various Board responsibilities. There are 10 Boards on the PPC. Each Board has a Director and subcommittees with teams of volunteers. These groups work with the Executive team and Church staff to assist in handling the decisions and activities surrounding the operation of Prince of Peace. It is more blessed to give than to receive by Rosemary Dyson Board of Serving Ministries In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35-38 As the Church we are called to love one another and one way that we do that is by helping others. Scripture tells us over and over again exactly what Jesus would do. Our lord was committed to healing the sick, reaching out to scorned and outcast people and feeding the poor. The members of Prince of Peace continue to reach out to our neighbors who need a helping hand in Schaumburg, Chicago and beyond. As a member of the PADS program Prince of Peace offers shelter to those who are homeless in our community. PADS is an emergency shelter program. The goal of PADS is to provide hospitality, food and overnight shelter to the homeless between October 1 and April 30 seven days a week (including holidays). There are over 3,000 reported cases of homelessness in suburban Cook County. In the Northwest suburbs alone, there are 1,200 homeless people accessing shelters with approximately 400 additional homeless people residing on the streets, in cars and throughout forest preserves. Please contact Bonnie Wagner, Prince of Peace PADS liaison if you feel called to this crucial ministry. Prince of Peace Stephens Ministers provide one-on-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life, such as divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation or separation due to military deployment. If you want to get involved with Stephen Ministries, contact Mary Simonis for more information. Each month Prince of Peace members contribute food for Elijah’s Pantry which operates out of St. Luke Lutheran Church in the Logan Square neighborhood on the northwest side of Chicago. Elijah’s Pantry supplies food to 500 to 600 families each month. Prince of Peace gives lifesaving benevolence support to Mary Beth and Bayo Oyebade who serve at Mashiah Foundation, Bezer Home in Jos, Nigeria. Thorough their ministries they serve orphans and HIV/AIDS victims by providing Christian counseling, food and medical care, vocational training and education for children. The ministries listed above are just the tip of the iceberg. Prince of Peace collects school supplies for students and participates in the Read to Learn Literacy volunteer program, Coats for Kids and Moms and Tots Reading Class for ESL (English as a Second Language) Students. We continue to look for ways to serve those in need. 5 Youth News First Communion Instruction for Third Graders in February The regular First Communion retreat for third graders and their parents will be held on Friday, February 6th in the evening and on Saturday, February 7th in the morning. First Communion will be received at a 5:00 p.m. service on Saturday, February 7th. Mark this date on your calendar now and share this information with your family and friends. Registration information will be mailed to the homes of third graders in January. Prince of Peace Prayer Partner Pillow Project During the 9:45 worship service on Sunday, November 23rd, first graders and their parents and junior or senior high prayer partners will be called to the communion rail and linked in a mentoring project called the Prayer Partner Pillow Project. The partners will commit to praying for each other, and prayer pillows will be presented to the first graders. First graders and their parents have received a special mailing with details. Instruction for this Stepping Stone will be held during the regular Sunday School class on November 2nd, 9th and 16th with students and parents learning together. Prayer Partners will be able to meet on Sunday, November 16th. Please call Karen Wagner at church, 847–885–7010, if you have questions. There will be NO Sunday School classes on Sunday, November 30th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Extravaganza News Sunday School classes (3 year olds through 4th grade) will be preparing for the Sunday, December 7 church wide Extravaganza program during the Sunday School opening times in November. There will also be a practice on Saturday, December 6th. The Extravaganza will be on Sunday, December 7th at 4:00 p.m. Add these important dates to your calendar now and invite family and friends to this wonderful program of music and drama, followed by a time for food and fellowship. Ultimate Lock-In Ultimate Lock-In for Junior High and High School, Friday and Saturday, November 7 & 8— 8:15 p.m. to 5:20 a.m. Registration is due November 4th. th Christmas Bake Sale and Craft Fair December 6 , 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. & December 7th from 8:30 –11:30 A.M. Come for Christmas cookies and craft items for your Christmas giving. On Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th, youth ministry will be having a bake sale and craft fair to raise funds for the Summer Mission Trip, the National Youth Gathering and other youth ministry events. We need donations of cookies and homemade items that can be purchased as Christmas gifts or decorations. Please bring them to Prince of Peace by December 6th. Thank you for your generous donations which help support our youth ministry at Prince of Peace. For more information, contact Linda Billhymer - [email protected]. 6 Early Childhood Programs at Prince of Peace By Lisa Isaacs What a fun time of the year it is in the preschool and kindergarten. We have had a wonderful start to the 2014-2015 school year. The children have been busy with learning about many things, among them are colors, harvest, trees and the beautiful world God has blessed us with. In November, the children are busy preparing for Thanksgiving, learning about pilgrims and many other exciting things. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families to serve and their children to teach at Prince of Peace Preschool and Kindergarten. We want to wish all of you a wonderful and bountiful Thanksgiving and are so thankful for your support of the Early Childhood Ministry. On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank Pastor Peter, Lynne Benson and the preschool board, as well as the Prince of Peace Church congregation for helping make the teacher commissioning a wonderful day for the Preschool/Kindergarten staff. The bake sale was a big success. We raised $475 for the school programs. Thank you to all who supported us so generously. Registration for the 2014-2015 School year. We will continue to register children throughout the school year. At Prince of Peace we offer preschool classes for many ages, kindergarten and an Extended Day Enrichment (EDE) program after morning classes on M-W-F. Registered members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church receive a 10% discount on preschool tuition. Registration packets are available outside the church office, at the Information Desk and the Welcome Center. For additional information, please call (847) 885-7036. Grandparents’ Day – Monday, November 24th This very special day gives Grandparents an opportunity to be recognized by their grandchildren and the staff at Prince of Peace Preschool and Kindergarten. The children work hard learning special songs to perform for the grandparents, which is the highlight of the day! Then they share in a special snack with them and give the grandparents a tour of their classrooms. It is such a wonderful way to start the Thanksgiving Holiday. LSSI Christmas Gifts For those who enjoy purchasing Christmas gifts for the children served by LSSI in their Foster Care Program, it’s time to start the shopping! We have committed to providing Christmas gifts for 80 children, infants thru teens. They will be requesting toys, books, puzzles, clothes, sports equipment, accessories, gift cards, etc, and we expect their wish lists to be available on the first two Sundays in November. All gifts must be new and unused and are due back on Nov 23—the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Anyone who wishes to help wrap the gifts, or be a last-minute shopper, please call Chris Chason at 847-882-0982. 7 Stephen Ministry I’m Scared by Janet Ichida So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 I’ve written this article for quite a spell now and have found the mood changes in every Tidings. Generally they end up being humorous and silly as I share the misfortunes of Einstein and skunks or Bob trying to figure me out. There are times when you might learn a thing or two, like when I delineate all the benefits of having the two most adorable grandsons in the whole world – I’m a grandma if you hadn’t caught on to that yet. Instead, God called me this month to bear a bit of my soul that silly me had thought would stay quietly catalogued in my heart. I still am recuperating from a lousy viral infection that attacked my body with the vengeance of a teething two-year old. My urinary and kidney infection had my stomach gurgling on high. I’ll pass on further descriptions, but I was unable to keep even a swallow of water inside me. I’m short more than a few IQ points, but still knew I needed an IV to replenish some of the liquids missing from my queasy stomach. Yet, I fought this medical field trip more than even I expected. As Bob dropped me at the entrance to the ER, it reminded me of yanking Einstein into the vet as he planted his paws on the linoleum. The reason was simply that I was afraid, scared so strongly that it shocked anything even close to any sensibility remaining in my body. Bob and I have been to the hospital more times than I dare to count, but this time was different. I was scared! It was January of 2013 when I took another hobble into an ER for nausea and stomach pain. That trip soon had medical staff performing CPR on a body septic from a burst gall bladder. It was a long time spent in ICU with lots of tubes and machines that beeped through the night. I lost a week of my life and honestly worried that I was going to die. Were they being honest with me? My loud personality that is stuffed full of crazy anecdotes still shrivels at the memory. So there I was last month, clad in a classy hospital gown, a single tear meandering down my cheek as I finally admitted my fears to Bob. I knew they were illogical, and I needed medical attention, yet I was afraid. I tried to pray, but my fear squelched any sense of reasoning from my mind. Praying was suddenly hard for me. I’m so blessed so many of you were praying for me. I decided to open my heart and share this ordeal because I know there are so many others of you out there with fears twice as big as mine. All those medical misnomers can knock you to your knees in one quick blow. Family problems rip open hearts with a surprising vengeance. Dwindling financial resources and addictions to a multitude of evils shrivel and shrink your soul just like that Wicked Witch on the yellow brick road. We are blessed to have a strong Stephen Ministry program with a wealthy history here at POP. Trained members of our congregation can join you when you find those same fears in your heart. Every couple of years or so, we train more members who help inspire our veteran members and fill empty slots from others who have moved on or hear God calling them in new directions. Could you take some time to listen to others? Don’t fear for an in-depth training class reminds you that Christ will be in charge in each visit. See if He is calling you to take the hand of another in need through our Stephen Ministry program. The new class will begin in a few short months. Will you be there with us? Peter Hellstedt 847-885-7010 Janet Ichida 630-307-8336 Mary Simonis 847-895-4017 A complete list of our Stephen Ministers is on our bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Feel free to speak to any of them for more information about our program. 8 Prince of Peace Women’s Book Club Our November book selection is The Rector's Wife by the best selling British author Joanna Trollope. For twenty years, Anna Bouverie, as a priest's wife, has served God and the parish in a variety of ways. She has baked for the Brownies, delivered parish magazines, washed and ironed her husband's vestments and clothed herself and her children in jumble-sale items. When her husband fails to gain promotion to archdeacon and retreats into isolated bitterness, and the bullying of her daughter at the local school reaches an intolerable level, Anna rebels. She takes a job in the local supermarket where she earns her own money, her sense of self-worth, the shocked disapproval of the parish and icy fury of her husband. She also attracts the passionate interest of three very different men, each of whom was to play a significant part in the blossoming of her life . . . Ladies, please join us on Friday, November 21, at 10:00 a.m. at Prince of Peace for a lively and stimulating book discussion. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Glenda Klein Mali with any questions: 847519-3933 or [email protected]. Hey, High School Students: My friend told me to make sure you come to senior youth group night meetings. He thought you would really enjoy the fellowship and fun. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that’s his name! If you missed SYGN meetings this fall, you missed fun-filled games, delicious pizza and pop, a great high school survival goodie bag, and an interesting discussion about our faith in this world. Don’t worry – We will have the awesome goodie bag ready the first time you attend! SYGN begins each night at 6pm with pizza and pop for only $2 per person, followed by an exciting game or two, a faith-based discussion, and finishing at 8pm. Upcoming schedule of events: November 16 Who Do You Trust? December 21 Combined Party and Game Competition with 7th/8th Graders and $5 Grab Bag January 18 Pick a Path February15 Oops, I Did It Again Special Event: February 21 Outing to the Wolves Game – Faith & Fellowship Night with a Christian Concert March 15 Shamrock Shakes, Green Food instead of pizza and pop, church wide scavenger hunt April 19 Ultimate Clog Remover May 17 Doubting I was reading in the book of Numbers, and God’s got yours! If you don’t receive text or email invitations to SYGN, Mrs. Perry needs yours! Questions? Call or email us. Mrs. Karyn Zielinski [email protected] 847-436-2789 Mrs. Lynette Perry [email protected] 630-329-3439 9 PADS UPDATE November 2014 Prince of Peace PADS has opened for the season and because of the many people who stepped forward, we continue to offer a safe place for food, fellowship and rest. Numbers overall for the first week are up over 100 guests—the colder weather has brought them to our doors sooner. Many thanks go out to the new volunteers as well as those who return year after year. Your continued commitment is so appreciated by the coordinators and the guests as well! Cooking Coordinators Needed: We are looking for 2 individuals who will share the role of PADS food coordinator. The menus have been created, the volunteers identified. However, we need 2 people to schedule the volunteers to cook or bring food and also to make sure we have all the food needed. It takes about an hour a week to call and schedule so if you are interested, please call Bonnie Wagner at 630-220-1034 or Michelle Vahlkamp at 847-227-7642. If your school or organization is interested in collecting items for PADS, we are in need of the following: men’s underwear (tops and briefs, large and extra large), men’s and women’s socks and gloves, women’s underwear (medium and large), individual snack packs, bottles of water, 2 dozen fresh fruit each week for lunches, small toothpastes, toothbrushes and deodorants. These items can be placed in the PADS bin in the fellowship hall. Thanks for your help for this program serving the homeless in our community. Received from Group Cares in response to our Vacation Bible School offering: Icon ...Thank you for your $316.50 to operation Kid to Kid. Thank you for partnering with us, your donation will not only help children stay healthy, but will allow team members to share the lifechanging message of God’s love with people who desperately need it. On behalf of the staff here, and the thousands of people we serve, we are very appreciative of your donation! We are grateful for the icon of Christ the Good Shepherd presented to Prince of Peace by Mary and Herman Cage in memory of Mary’s mother, Lois Peterson. The icon is hanging in the Worship Center narthex and is the work of Chicago iconographer Joseph Malham. For more information about icons, visit his website, Church Women United Church Women United is collecting the following items which are needed by agencies, nursing homes and retirement homes. Donations would be appreciated. We collect items all year. If you have any questions, contact Mary Jane Bauer at 847-517-4314. Coin purses Candles (new or used) Nail polish Jewelry: clip on earrings, Stamps (new or used) Emory boards necklaces, pins Stuffed animals (new) Lipstick (new) Crossword puzzle books Lap robes Cotton balls Puzzles Non-skid slippers Cologne for men, aftershave Playing cards Socks Hand lotion, shampoo “bridge” playing cards Handkerchiefs-men or women Room fresheners Book marks Baby powder (new) Purse-size tissue Note pads Small soaps (new) Calendars (no springs or coils) Knick-knacks, small decorations Tooth brushes (new) Christmas cards (new) Campbell’s soup labels Tooth paste (new) Juvenile Christmas cards (new) Education coupons Soap (new) All-occasion cards (new) Combs (small) *for used cards-fronts only please Used eyeglasses, cases Thank you for your donations. 10 2nd Saturday Date Night November 8 @ 6PM. We will be sticking close to "home" this month! We will join the Loaves Abound dinner presented by the Board of Stewardship (info on page 3). Please sign up to bring a side dish and plan to join us in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm. Dinner, adult presentation and discussion followed by the Holden Evening service. An "After Gathering" is in the planning stages, weather permitting, we may have a fire pit at a location to be determined. No RSVP is needed, but don't forget to sign up at one of the sheets located at the CLC entrance, Fellowship Hall and the Lobby of the Worship Center. Hope to see everyone there! November New Member Meeting There will be a meeting for those interested in joining the membership of Prince of Peace on Wednesday, November 12 at 7pm. For more information please contact the church office. If you would prefer to receive your monthly Tidings Newsletter via email, please submit your email address to the church office, 847885-7010 or [email protected]. Thank you to all those who walked in the 2014 Northwest DuPage United CROP Hunger Walk this year, and also to all who sponsored these walkers. With your effort and pledges, we were able to make a big difference in the lives of those who constantly struggle to put food on the table for their families. While the total numbers are not yet available, they will be published in a future Tidings. Please note that in order to get all the envelopes and pledges returned to the NW DuPage CROP Hunger Walk treasurer in time, they need to all be returned to Andy Schuetze by Sunday, November 2. Adult Learning Opportunities Monday Night Men’s Bible Study ........................ 7:30pm Tuesday Morning Bible Study ............................. 9:30am Touchstone Small Group (1st & 3rd Tuesdays) .... 7:00pm Journeys Women’s Bible Study (1st & 3rd Tuesdays) ........................................................................... 7:30pm Passages Women’s Bible Study (1st & 3rd Thursdays) ........................................................................... 6:30pm “Animate Bible” Series (2nd Sunday) ........................................................................... 12:30pm Please contact the church office at 847/885-7010 for more information. Prince of Peace Mission Statement Love God – Follow Jesus – Invite All 11 Tidings Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Schaumburg, IL Permit No. 36 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church A Reconciling Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America 930 West Higgins Road Schaumburg, IL 60195 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Upcoming Events October 26 - All Saints’ Eve Party & Trunk or Treat November 8 - Stewardship Dinner November 16 - Stewardship Sunday November 23 - 50 Year Member Recognition November 26 - Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service December 7 - Christmas Extravaganza Worship Schedule: Communion Sunday Weekly (All Services) 8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Nursery Care Available Prince of Peace Staff – Here to Serve! Pastor Director of Youth & Family Ministries Director of Music Organist Preschool & Kindergarten Director Youth Assistant Church Secretary Nursery Attendants: Wedding Coordinators Tidings Editor Peter Hellstedt Karen Wagner Scott Uddenberg Stephen Uhl Lisa Isaacs Lynette Perry Sonia DeLuca Lore Mueller Jacqi Schuetze Donna Beall Rosa Wild Yvonne Preston Sandra Hilty Jill Wilkins Leslie Beck Prince of Peace Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone: 847/885-7010 FAX: 847/885-0211 Preschool Phone: 847/885-7036 Email: [email protected] Web Page: Editorial Note: The December 2014 Tidings deadline is early this month: Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 9AM. We welcome submissions by email ([email protected]), faxed, typed or legibly handwritten. Greetings Assisting Ministers, Lay Readers, Communion Assistants and Communion Helpers! The table below is designed to serve as a Tidings “reminder” of those who are scheduled to participate at services in the month of November 2014. Unless you have swapped out/traded services with another liturgical assistant, please refer to this schedule several times during the month to insure that you are present for the service for which you are scheduled. If you are unable to assist as scheduled, please use the Assisting Minister and Lay Readers/ Communion Assistant Rosters to contact another individual to substitute and/or switch dates with you. Please notify the church office of any changes by the Wednesday prior to the weekend you were originally scheduled to assist. Substitutes Needed: Barb & Jackson Beshears are in need of replacement Communion Helpers for November 2nd at 8:30 AM. Also, there are openings for a Communion Assistant and a Communion Helper on November 30th, at 8:30 AM. If you are available to fill these positions, please contact the church office before you forget! Sunday 8:30 A.M. Sunday 9:45 A.M. Observance 11/02 Roger Simonis AM Jack McCoy LR Steve & Sherye Sedlak CA [Barb & Jackson Beshears CH] 11/02 Mark Burkhardt AM Bonnie Ross LR Herman & Mary Cage CA Spencer Fitzpatrick & Grant Behrens CH All Saints Sunday 11/09 Carl Zielinski AM Mary Jane Bauer LR Gil & Fern Furst CA Christian & Karsten Zielinski CH 11/09 George Loechl AM Lisett Cluggish LR Jason & Beth Bogner CA Marshall & Cathy Kappel CH Pentecost 22 11/16 Mark Benson AM Gerald & Karen Spering CA Rachel Brokke & Justin Schoefernacker CH 11/16 Lynne Benson AM Kelly Lange & Wade Behrens CA Abby Lange & Grant Behrens CH Pentecost 23 11/23 Leslie Beck AM Sharon Mattson LR Michael Beck & Sharon Mattson CA Emma Aguilar & Kaitlyn Henke CH 11/23 Barb Kowalski AM Bill Wehmeier LR Amy Jedrzejowski & Diane Russo CA Kaitlyn Jedrzejowski & Elizabeth Dolce CH Christ the King 11/30 Carole Bartell AM Claudia Wiederaenders LR Bob Cole & [Open] CA Isaiah Chu & [Open] CH 11/30 Janet Douglas AM Bonnie Wagner LR Glenda Klein-Mali& Bonnie Wagner CA Henry Pritscher & Christine Schauenburg CH Advent 1 AM - Assisting Minister LR - Lay Reader CA - Communion Assistant CH - Communion Helper
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