Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish
49 Crosswinds Drive, Charles Town, WV 25414   304-725-5558
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
November 2, 2014
“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone
who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life,
and I shall raise him on the last day.”
John 6:40
Staff Contact Info Around the Parish
The Roman Catholic Parish of St. James the Greater
49 Crosswinds Drive
Charles Town, WV 25414
Office: 304-725-5558
Website: www.stjameswv.or g
Pastor……......…………….Ver y Rev. J ohn S. Ledfor d, V.F.
[email protected]
Pager number: 304-229-1563
Rectory number: 304-725-6801
Associate Pastor……...…….Rev. Fr . J osé Manuel Escalante
[email protected]
Permanent Deacon……….…........Rev. Mr . David E. Galvin
[email protected]
Director of Liturgy & Music…...…….… Mr . Gar y Penkala
[email protected]
Faith Formation…………………..……........ Mr s. Allie Enos
[email protected]
Hispanic Office………………………..Mr s. Mar gar ita Cr uz
[email protected]
Offertory……………………….….….Mr s. Mar y Ellen Ross
[email protected]
Secretary……………………….…...…….... Mr s. Chr is Pifer
[email protected]
Stewardship Office…………..……..…….Mr s. J ackie Moler
[email protected]
St. Zita’s Cupboard………………….…… Mr s. Laur a Bar r
[email protected]
Deacon Dave Surprised with
Party on the 10th Anniversary
of his Diaconal Ordina on
On the afternoon of Sunday, October 19, St. James
parishioners surprised Deacon Dave Galvin with a party in his
honor. The occasion marked the 10th anniversary of his
Ordination as a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of WheelingCharleston. In the photo at lower left, Deacon Dave is shown at
the party with his parents, Denny and Perky Galvin.
Congratulations, Deacon Dave, and thank you for your
love and support of St. James Parish!
Printed below is a note from Deacon Dave:
Come let us sing to the Lord and shout with joy to
the Rock who saves us. (Psalm 95) I want to personally
shout with joy in thanksgiving for the way that the Lord
has used each member of this parish in fostering my
diaconal vocation. The generosity during the month of
October has been overwhelming. Having received a new
truck on October 1st and the surprise party on the 19th was a
wonderful gift to my entire family. The truck already made
its maiden voyage to Webster Springs for our men’s retreat,
and it held 20 kayaks for a youth event on Columbus Day. It
has been an honor to serve our parish and humbling as you
have all patiently grown with me. I recognize that there are
many areas where I need to grow and, with God’s Grace
and the help of the St. James Community, I am hopeful for a
closer relationship with Jesus Christ and each one of you.
Thank you for your love and support of my
family. Laura, Hannah, Claire an Peter are grateful to
be members of this parish and love to share the goodness of
our people when they are travelling. Thank you as well for
the warm welcome given to my parents. The smiles on my
Mom’s and Dad’s faces are worth as much as anything I
have been given. They have sacrificed greatly to preserve
their marriage and to hand on the Catholic faith. They had
a lovely weekend and were thankful that they were able to
meet so many of you.
Thank you to Fr. Ledford and Fr. Escalante for
their support and love of diaconal vocations.
Let us continue to pray for each other as we continue to grow in our relationship with Christ and His
Church. I also ask special prayers for the Pressl family
and the Munuhe family as they continue to discern a
diaconal calling for Marcus and James.
Through the intercession of St. Stephen, St.
Lawrence, and St. Vincent, may God Bless all of you.
God Bless,
Deacon Dave
November 2, 2014
Page 2
Pastor’s Page
Pastor: Very Rev. John S. Ledford, V.F., [email protected] or 304-725-5558
Pager number: 304-229-1563
Rectory number: 304-725-6801
Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. José Manuel Escalante, [email protected] or 304-725-5558
Parish Secretary: Chris Pifer, [email protected] or 304-725-5558
Dear Friends,
Birthdays this week:
This weekend we come together to celebrate the Solemnity of All Souls. Saturday was
the Solemnity of All Saints. This year, because it occurred on a Saturday, it is NOT a
holy day of obligation in the United States. Both are very beautiful celebrations in their
own right.
Nov 3: Lena Boyd, Brian Carter,
Shannon Curtin, Jax Ocasio, Matthew
Poulos, Elisabeth Reese, Tom Rys,
Christopher Wagoner, Sonia Zavala;
Nov 4: Erick Ambroise, Ally Anders,
Jae Anderson, Frances Chapman, Carol
Del-Colle, Lawrence Franklin, William
Lynch, Emily Noll, Mia Panek; Nov 5:
Marta Espinoza, Megan Hermosillo,
Beth Hood, Logan Jalbert, Scott Sawyer,
John Shea, Amelia Young; Nov 6: David
Boyle, Mark Kracun, Manuel Mejia,
Natalia Wunder; Nov 7: Christian
Cugini, Greg Cyr, Nicholas Graeff,
Felicia Maleski, Erika Meadows, Bryan
Reed, John Snyder; Nov 8: Vera
Anthony, Erwin Aquino, Bill Gavert,
Theresa Grove, Scott Hill, Carolyn
Schultz, Melissa Sherrill, Joseph
Terango, Kristin Williams, Lindsay
Williams, Jeff Woods; Nov 9: William
Ceron, Janice Fanciullacci, Fred Gessler,
Richard Gomez, Jim Hepner, Tiffanie
Lugo, Carl Mackey, Salvador Orozco,
Heather Parker, and Michael Sauder.
Today we recall our many forebears who have gone before us. Each in his own unique
and special way has passed on the Gift of Faith. Isn’t it interesting the things we
remember about our loved ones? For example, in the Book of Wisdom, in a passage
heard at many funeral liturgies, the sacred writer reminds us of these gifts. We are sad
because our forebears are no longer with us in the physical sense, but still their
presence is felt many times. We sense their presence as they share with us at different
times the beauty of their wisdom, for their “gold in the furnace” continues to form us.
Jesus, as John tells us this story, reminds his listeners of God’s continuing presence.
Time and time again, as John reflects, John has Jesus remind his followers of his
continuing presence among them and likewise among us. It’s a powerful presence, we
can feel time and time again as we stop the rush of everyday life. God’s presence all
of a sudden is felt time after time.
Respectfully yours,
Fr. John
Upcoming Events on the Pastoral Calendar:
• Tuesday-Wednesday, November 4-5 at 12:00 pm: The Vicar s and Diocesan
Presbyteral Council meet at Priest Field Pastoral Center. Both Fr. Escalante and I
will be at this meeting.
• Monday, November 10 at 10:00 am: Pr esbyter al Continuing Education will
be held at Saint Francis de Sales in Morgantown. Both Fr. Escalante and I are
scheduled to attend.
• Thursday, November 13 at 1:30 pm: The Pr iest Health and Retir ement
Board meets at the Chancery in Wheeling. I am part of that Board.
Happy birthday to all! May God bless
you abundantly on your special day, and
every day of the coming year!
British Dinner Fundraiser and Concert
In order to continue the fine collaboration with Masterworks Chorale of Shepherd University, we need to help financially
support these grand concerts with full orchestra that have become a semi-annual event. Vatican regulations deem that concerts in
Catholic churches be open to all (i.e., no ticket sales). In order to help raise funds, we’ve scheduled a Dinner/Concert evening for
Saturday, November 15.
A formal, plated British dinner (roast beef, parsley potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, trifle) in the Social Hall
will precede a performance of G.F. Handel's "Messiah" in the main nave. Diners will enjoy mealtime entertainment (including some of the deleted arias from the later performance) and will be escorted to reserved seats for
the concert. The dinner ($40 ticket) begins at 6:00 pm.
Masterworks Chorale from Shepherd University, along with student soloists and full orchestra, will
present the entire choral masterpiece, with some cuts in Parts 2 and 3. Gary Penkala, Pastoral Associate for
Liturgy and Music at Saint James Church, will direct Part the First. Dr. Erik Jones, Director of Choral Activities
at Shepherd University and Music Director of the chorale, will direct Part the Second and Part the Third. The
concert begins at 7:30 pm. Free-will donations are gladly accepted to continue this collaboration and present
concerts in this community setting.
Tickets are on sale in St. Zita’s Cupboard.
Page 3
November 2, 2014
Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Music: Gary Penkala, [email protected]
Sacristan: John Sherwood, [email protected] Altar Guild Coordinator: Laura Bakin
Choir Directors: Kathleen Feeney / Laura Galvin / Claire Galvin / Nancy Guiney / Grace Guiney
Brigid Bakin Aides: Carol Hayes / Meridith Marshall Wednesday Liturgist: Jonathan Mann
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (Sun Rdngs Proper, Wkday Rdngs Year 2, Psalter Week 3)
Tue 12:05 pm Ted Coomler (D) by the Coomler Children
M Nov 3
St Martin de Porres religious (opt mem)
Readings: Phil 2:1-4 / Ps 131:1-3 / Lk 14:12-14
Wed 7:00 pm Margaret Vasta (L) by Allyson Green
7:00 am Frank Markstrom (D) by Paula Markstrom
Thu 12:05 pm June Talbott (D) by the St. James Women’s Club
7:00 am Juana Serano (D) by Frank Rosario
5:00 pm Harold Mahoney, Sr. (D) by Mary Ellen Mahoney
8:00 am
11:00 am
[St P] 11:00 am
1:10 pm
6:00 pm
Pat & Linda Blanc (L) by Beverley Johnson
Rob Watson (D) by Gary & Janice Kable
Norman Usiak (L) by Helen Shumaker
For the St. James Hispanic Community
For the People of St. James Parish
Mass at St. Peter Cemetery on Nov 3
We will hold our All Souls Mass at St. Peter Cemetery on
Monday, November 3, at 12:00 noon. Following the Mass, the
graves will be blessed and sprinkled with Holy Water.
Honoring our Beloved Dead during
the Month of November
Praying for the dead, especially for those we have known, is an
act of Christian charity. All parishioners are invited to bring
photos of their deceased family and friends to hang on the
bulletin board in the narthex during the month of November.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Mass to Honor our Veterans on
November 11
On Tuesday, November 11, we will celebrate a Mass honoring
our veterans. As of the time we went to press with today’s
bulletin, the exact time of the Mass had not been verified;
please check our bulletin next week for the time of this special
Mass. We do hope you will join us as we thank the men and
women who have served our country in the armed forces.
Nov 4
St Charles Borromeo bishop (memorial)
Readings: Phil 2:5-11 / Ps 22:26-32 / Lk 14:15-24
W Nov 5
Wednesday of 31st Week in Ord Time
Readings: Phil 2:12-18 / Ps 27:1-14 / Lk 14:25-33
Th Nov 6
Thursday of 31st Week in Ord Time
Readings: Phil 3:3-8a / Ps 105:2-7 / Lk 15:1-10
Nov 7
Friday of 31st Week in Ord Time
Readings: Phil 3:17 – 4:1 / Ps 122:1-5 / Lk 16:1-8
Sa Nov 8
Saturday of 31st Week in Ord Time
Readings: Phil 4:10-19 / Ps 112:1-9 / Lk 16:9-15
Su Nov 9
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
in Rome (feast)
Readings: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9
1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17
Saint John 2:13-22
Please Remember in Prayer
Our Sick & Homebound:
Alice Briscoe, John Mulligan, Bill Mercer, Ruth Cottman,
Christiano Walch, Eva Elkins, Paula Markstrom, Roger Nagy,
Linda Goverman, Tom Hower, Geno Carinci, Victoria Ukeje, Jeff
Sobczak, Lucy Janiczek, Frank Cavallaro, Richard Pifer, Bonnie
Dorman, Paul Ashbaugh, James Burdick, Greg Mazer, Mary
Baker, Father Larry Gesy, Sarah Rhoa, Yajaira Bird, Pam
Hostler, Dot Anderson, Madison Bishop, Judy Ashbaugh, Frances
Ernandez, Mary Koch, Gabriel Ward, Alaina Csensich, Gina
Newcome, Chris Hinish, Rosalia Hernandez, Mary Pioli, Irene
Skomra, and Bernard Skomra, as well as for the Holy Father’s
Prayer Intention for the month of November, that all who suffer
loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support
of others.
Nursing Home Masses for November
We will celebrate Mass at Shenandoah
Nursing Home on Monday, November 3, at
10:00 am and at Willow Tree Nursing Home
on Friday, November 7, at 10:00 am.
November 2, 2014
Page 4
Calendar of Events at St. James Parish
Faith Formation
RCIC Class
Alcoholics Anonymous
Clase de Bautizo
Faith Formation (in Spanish)
Adult Faith Formation (in Spanish)
Mass (in Spanish)
All Saints’ Day Party
Grupo de Jovenes
All Souls Day
Main Church
Lower Level
Conference Room
St. Michael
Parish Office
Lower Level
Main Church
St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry
Main Church
Social Hall
St. Michael
Main Church
8:00 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
1:10 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
6:00 pm
Daily Mass
Don Bosco Montessori
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Heritage Girls
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Main Church
Lower Level
St. Michael
Social Hall
St. Michael
Lower Level
7:00 am
8:00 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Don Bosco Montessori
Daily Mass
Helping Hands Ministry
Troop 82 Committee Meeting
Lower Level
Main Church
St. Michael
8:00 am
12:05 pm
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
Don Bosco Montessori
Morning Prayer
Eucharistic Adoration
Alcoholics Anonymous
Sacred Heart Choir
St. Cecilia, St. Gregory Choirs
St. Dominic Savio Choir
Faith Formation
Archangelus Chorale
Holy Hour
Evening Prayer (chanted)
9th Grade/Confirmation
Knights Business Meeting
Youth Group
Lower Level
8:00 am
Main Church
10:00 am
Main Church
10:00 am to 7:00 pm
St. Michael
12:00 pm
Social Hall
4:15 pm
St. Cecilia
4:15 pm
Choir Loft
4:15 pm
Main Church
5:00 pm
Lower Level
5:30 pm
St. Cecilia
5:45 pm
Main Church
6:00 pm
Main Church
6:30 pm
Main Church
7:00 pm
Mass, then Lower Level
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
St. Michael
8:00 pm
Don Bosco Montessori
Homeschoolers Latin Class
Joseph of Arimathea Choir
Rosary Group
Daily Mass
Holy Trinity Ensemble
Lower Level
St. Cecilia
Main Church
Main Church
St. Cecilia
Adult Faith Formation (in Spanish) Library
Gamblers Anonymous
St. Francis
Cappella Musica
St. Cecilia
Schola Cantorum
St. Cecilia
Page 5
8:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:05 pm
4:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:15 pm
8:45 pm
Daily Mass
Don Bosco Montessori
Alcoholics Anonymous
Homeschool Game/Chess Clubs
Al-Anon Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous
Grupo Oracion
Main Church
Lower Level
St. Michael
Library/St. Michael
St. Lucy
St. Michael
7:00 am
8:00 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Cursillo School of Leaders
St. James Server Training
Vigil Mass
Parents Night Out/Babysitting
Clase Para Matrimonio
Main Church
Social Hall
Main Church
Main Church
St. Michael/Library
Parish Office
9:00 am
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Build Your Own Bagel Event
Book Fair
Faith Formation Classes
RCIC Class
Alcoholics Anonymous
Faith Formation (in Spanish)
Clase de Bautizo
Adult Faith Formation (Spanish)
Mass (in Spanish)
Grupo de Jovenes
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Main Church
8:00 am
Social Hall
9:00 am—1:00 pm
Lower Level
9:00 am—1:00 pm
Lower Level
9:30 am
Conference Room
9:30 am
St. Michael
11:00 am
Lower Level
11:00 am
Main Church
11:00 am
St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry
11:00 am
Parish Office
11:00 am
11:00 am
Main Church
1:10 pm
St. Michael
2:00 pm
6:00 pm
Main Church
6:00 pm
Opportunities to get
connected this week
All Saints’ Day Party
Sunday, November 2 at 2:00 pm—Come to the
social hall dressed as your favorite saint and enjoy an aŌernoon of games and good food!
Helping Hands
Tuesday, November 4 at 1:00 pm— Do you like to
sew or do craŌs? Come to the library to meet other creaƟve
people and work on projects that benefit the parish!
Post Photos on our Bulle n Board
During the month of November, we honor our
beloved dead who have gone before us. Feel free to post
photos of deceased friends and family on the bulleƟn board
in the narthex.
November 2, 2014
Women’s Club Bake Sale
Order your holiday Turkey, Ham or Stuffed Sausage today.
Orders will be taken for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas:
Thanksgiving Order Deadline – Nov 9
Christmas Order Deadline – Dec 1
Name: ____________________Phone:_________________
Address: _________________________________________
Item Ordered
12-16 lb. Smoked Turkey $42.00 each
16-20 lb. Smoked Turkey $51.00 each
6 lb. Boneless Ham
$23.00 each
16-18 lb. Shankless Ham $44.00 each
10 lb. Case Smoked Sausage w/Cheese $37.00 _______
Total Amount Due:____________
Payment: Cash or Check
________Order is for Thanksgiving
________Order is for Christmas
The holidays are approaching, and you
are swamped with things that need to
be done; family is coming to visit, and
you haven’t even begun your holiday
baking! Let the St. James Women’s
Club offer you a little respite and a
delicious treat.
On Saturday and Sunday, November 22
and 23, the Women’s Club will have a
bake sale after every Mass. Wonderful
pumpkin pies, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin
bars, cookies, muffins, pizzelles,
cinnamon rolls, scones, and a wide array
of delectable goodies will be available to
purchase for your Thanksgiving
breakfast, dinner, and Black Friday
Weather permitting, we will have tables
set up on the piazza and will be offering
free coffee and hot/cold cider to go
along with all the scrumptious goodies.
If the weather does not cooperate, we
will be located in the church library and
the two side exits from the church.
Remember, if you bought it at church, it
has no calories!!
Proceeds will be used for R.C.I.A. program. Order forms can
be left at the church office or put in the collection baskets.
Checks payable to St. James. You will receive a call and/or
email when your order is ready for pick-up.
Women’s Club Mee ng
St. John Paul II Rosary Mission
Thank you so very much to each of you who continues
to pray the rosary in support of the St. John Paul II
Rosary Mission. To date, one thousand and sixty
rosaries have been prayed for Madision Bishop, Rosalia
Hernandez, Gabriel Ward, Fr. Larry Gesy, all those
who are sick and suffering, and many other intentions
dear to many hearts. These beautiful prayers have
created 212 new rosaries to be donated to a mission in
need. If you are interested in meeting as a fellowship
group once a month (First Fridays at 11:00 am, space
tbd) to make the rosaries, please contact Sharon
Wheaton at [email protected]. Thank you,
and keep praying!
November 2, 2014
Attention, women of St. James! You are
cordially invited to be our guests at the
next Women’s Club Meeting on
Tuesday, November 11, in the Library at
7:00 pm. Come and meet other women
from the parish and enjoy an evening of
fellowship. Refreshments will be served.
The evening is for all women of the
parish from confirmation age to those
who are working or retired, married or
single. Come alone or bring a friend.
The Women’s Club recently celebrated
70 years of ministry to the parish and
community, providing assistance to
individuals and groups.
Page 6
Party for Fr. Bill Linhares
The vocaƟon of every man and woman
is to serve other people.
- Leo Tolstoy
Build Your Own Bagel
Breakfast and Book Fair
Help Us Feed the
Hungry at Thanksgiving
St. James Servers invite you to the Build
your own Bagel Breakfast and Book
Fair on Sunday, November 9, fr om
9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bagel sales will
benefit the St. James Server Ministry;
proceeds of the book fair benefit the
Christmas Adopt-A-Family Program.
The cost is $5 to build your own bagel;
$2 for plain, cream cheese, or cinnamon
sugar bagel. Coffee, juice, and water are
Thanksgiving is right around the corner,
and once again St. James is planning to
provide and deliver Thanksgiving food
baskets to local families in need.
Donations of Martin’s, Food Lion, or
Walmart grocery gift cards can be
purchased and left in the donation box
in St. Zita’s. The gift cards will be used
to purchase items for the food
baskets. We are also asking for
donations of non-perishable food
items. All items brought to St. J ames
during the entire month of November
will be used in the Thanksgiving food
baskets. Please continue to bring food
donations when you come to Mass!
Advent Program at
Priest Field
Priest Field Pastoral Center presents "A
Grace-Filled Advent Journey".
Advent marks the beginning of a new
Church year. During Advent, we are
asked to watch, wait, and prepare. But
what are we watching, waiting, and
preparing for? Advent is a time to
reflect that Jesus entered into our
humanity that we might have a share in
God's Divinity. This four-week program
will be held on the four Saturday
mornings of Advent (Nov. 29, Dec. 6,
Dec. 13, and Dec. 20) from 9:00 am to
noon, concluding with 11:00 am
Mass. Give yourself a free gift this
Advent - come to the Grace-Filled
Advent Journey at Priest Field Pastoral
Center. For more details, go to, call 304-725-1435,
or visit our Facebook page.
Page 7
We plan to deliver the meals on Sunday,
November 23, after the 11:00 am Mass.
We will eat lunch in the social hall
before we start our routes. All Middle
school age youth and older who ar e
interested in helping out should call
Shannon Curtin at 240-439-3215. We
are also looking for adults to drive; they
must be age 21 and over and be
VIRTUS-trained. Thank you for your
If you know of a family in need of a
Thanksgiving food basket, please
contact Allie Enos at 304-725-5558
x231 or send an email to her at
[email protected]
Priest Field Pastoral Center
is hosting an Open House
on Sunday, November 23,
from 2:00 to 5:00 pm in
honor of Fr. Bill’s 30th
Anniversary of Priestly
Priest Field will provide the beverages
and paper products. The churches within
our Vicariate are all asked to bring
specific food items; members of
St. James Parish are asked to bring an
appetizer to share and to contact the
St. James Parish to RSVP. We will need
a head count by Thursday, November
20, 2014. All food items should be
brought to Priest Field on disposable
plates or trays.
RSVP to St. James at 304-725-5558 or
[email protected]
Parents Night Out
The St. James Youth Group will sponsor
a Babysitting Night at St. James on the
evening of Saturday, November 8, from
6:00 to 9:00 pm. The evening is open to
children from ages 5-12. Your donation
(suggested $20 per family) will go to the
ministry of the St. James Youth Group.
Parents may drop off children at the
Social Concerns Building starting at
6:00 pm and will sign a medical release
at that time. The evening will include
games, popcorn, and an age-appropriate
movie. Parents should pick up children
at St. James no later than 9:00 pm.
To register your family for this event,
we ask that you call the parish office at
304-725-5558. Space is limited, so
please register soon!
November 2, 2014
Ministry Spotlight: Cursillo
For information about the WV Cursillo Movement,
future weekends, Ultreyas, grouping, etc.,
please contact Susan Kersey
Priest Field Pastoral Center, Kearneysville, WV
304-725-1435 or [email protected]
November 2, 2014
Page 8
Faith Formation
Adult Formation: Rev. Mr. Dave Galvin, [email protected] or 725-5558
Children/Youth Faith Formation: Allie Enos, [email protected] or 725-5558
All Saints’ Day Celebration!!!
You are invited to dress up as your favorite saint
and come to the annual
St. James All Saints’ Day Celebration on
Sunday, November 2
from 2:00-5:00 pm
in the Social Hall
Join us for traditional delights such as apple bobbing and other fun games.
Awards for the most original costume, most obscure saint, and a prize for
the person most knowledgeable about his or her saint will be given.
Remember, this is a Catholic celebration, so come dressed as a saint for a
“holy” good time!
We ask only that each family bring a covered dish
and a bag of candy to share.
Help Feed the Hungry
at Thanksgiving
Children enrolled in CCD are asked to
please bring in a non-perishable food
item to class each week to help with
the Thanksgiving food baskets for local
needy families!
Collec ng Box Tops for
Educa on
Please help out our children’s playground project by saving your Box
Tops for Education! We are holding a
competition during the months from
September through December among all
the Religious Education classes to see
which class can bring in the most Box
Tops for Education to help with the
playground at St. James. The winning
class will be rewarded with a pizza
CCD Items Needed
Religious Education
will be sponsoring a
Scholastic Book Fair
in November!
A portion of the
proceeds will go to
help the parish’s
Adopt-a-Family for
Christmas program.
Sunday, November 9:
from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Monday, November 10:
from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Wednesday, November 12:
from 5:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Sunday, November 16:
from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Give the gift of reading this Christmas!
Page 9
With the cold and flu season on its way,
our Religious Education classes could
use some donations of the following
• Hand sanitizer—pump bottles
• Sanitizing wipes (Clorox wipes)
• Tissues & paper towels
• Pencils
Inclement Weather Policy
On Wednesdays: If there is a two-hour
delay in Jefferson County schools,
Religious Education will be held at its
regular time. If Jefferson County schools
are cancelled due to inclement weather,
Religious Education classes are also
On Sundays: Cancellation of Sunday
classes will be determined on a case-bycase basis. If you are in doubt, please go
to or call the parish
office at 304-725-5558 to listen to a
November 2, 2014
Important Information About Our Parish Family
Contact information:
49 Crosswinds Drive
Charles Town, WV 25414
(304) 725-5558
Web site:
Saturday - 5:00 pm
Sunday - 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
(in English)
1:10 pm (in Spanish)
Monday & Friday - 7:00 am
Tuesday & Thursday - 12:05 pm
Wednesday - 7:00 pm
Holy Days of Obligation - 7:00 am,
12:00 noon, 7:00 pm
On Federal Holidays – 9:00 am
Liturgy of the Hours:
Wednesday - 10:00 am, 6:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration:
Wednesday - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday - 3:00 pm
Wednesday - 5:00 pm, or by appointment
Monday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 noon; 1:00 - 5:00 pm
The Cupboard is open before and after each weekend
Mass, and
Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
If you or a family member are confined to the home or
hospital, contact Chris Pifer at 304-725-5558 ext. 225
to arrange for the Eucharist to be brought to you.
Bulletin announcements must be submitted by 12:00
noon on the Wednesday 10 days prior to the desired
publication date. You may email your requests to
[email protected].
You will find staff names and contact information
listed for each person listed throughout the bulletin at
the top of the ministry page for which that staff
member has been entrusted.
November 2, 2014
Becoming a part of our parish family is easy and rewarding. Registration forms
can be found in the Narthex or Parish Office. Once a registration form is
submitted, new parishioners will receive a welcome packet and an invitation to
learn more about St. James and meet some of your new family members. Get
connected, get involved, register today.
St. James offers a religious education process called RCIA (Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults). Through RCIA, people learn about the Catholic Faith and
prepare to become full members of our Catholic family. This process is also
available for children and teens. Contact the Parish Office for additional
Catholics Returning Home is a program that provides a warm welcome to all
desiring to return to the Catholic Church. Voice your concerns and get answers
to your questions. For more information, email [email protected] or
call Gwyn Wathen (304-725-3215).
As adults, our second most important job is raising our children in our Catholic
faith. (Our most important job, of course, is maintaining our own relationship
with our Heavenly Father.) Families registered in our parish may enroll their
children in religious education as early as the age of three. Contact the Director
of Religious Education for more information. Various adult faith formation
classes are offered on a regular basis and are listed in the bulletin.
Baptism is the first sacrament by which we receive a new and spiritual life and
the dignity of adoption as children of God and heirs of God's kingdom.
Registered families can celebrate this sacrament at St. James, but parents must
attend a Baptism class which is held at 12:30 pm on the last Sunday of every
month. Contact the Parish Office to register for a class before the birth of your
Marriage is a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. If you are a
registered, active member of the parish considering this vocation, you must
meet with Deacon Dave at least six months before your desired wedding date.
No date will be set prior to that meeting. For further information or to begin
this process, contact the parish secretary.
The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or
Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing. It is available after the 10:00 am First
Saturday Mass each month. Also, should you or a family member be entering
the hospital, preparing for surgery, or nearing death, contact the Parish Office.
A Tourist Mass is celebrated at The Historic Chapel of St. Peter in Harpers
Ferry, West Virginia on Sundays at 11:00 am. The Chapel is also open to
visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon until to 4:00 pm most
weekends from May through October.
Page 10
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