2014 Outreach Activity Update National TV (PSA) Commercials “Critical Illness Insurance” & “Working With Your Local Specialist” 30 & 60 Second Commercials Each announcement educates the viewer or listener on different products or services that should be considered in long term care plan design. This year the need for planning for a critical illness is creatively presented along with the wisdom of working with “your local specialist.” Watch all our TV Commercials at www.3in4needmore.com under the “Outreach” tab. Playing Nationally on TV Starting November 2014 November is National Long Term Care Awareness month which makes the launch of the 3in4 Need More PSA commercials a natural launch time. Each of the hundreds of television stations are encouraged to begin airing these commercials in November. Millions of Dollars of Free Media Play Keeping with prior year’s experience, we anticipate receiving literally $ Millions in Free Media Play. Our most recent PSA commercials were aired on over 60 stations in 29 markets and were played over 4,000 times. These 46+ million viewer impressions carried a value exceeding $400,000.00 per month. Distribution Targeting the top stations from the top 70 markets in the country, a beautifully designed package broadcasted the 3in4 Need More message from the minute the public affairs director received it in their hands. Each station is encouraged to help keep their viewers from being “hung out to dry.” Licensed Lead Generation and Personalized Marketing Materials the Introducing -Term Care Texas Lonngership Part n is now available otect your home, in an at m helps pr This progra needed care either rsing home of st in a nu co e th facility, or your dignity and g in liv eserve assisted ing you pr while help ce. erm en xas Long-T eindepend out the Te mpr rmation ab ceive your FREE co re fo in t es re Ca Requ rship and Long Term Care Partne e, “The Essentials of anning, pubid Pl hensive gu LTC Costs, Care and sociation, to help Planning,” e non-profit 3in4 As for long term th lished by ericans on the need educate Amng. care planni T-P-P TAATAAFADDDTTDFTFDDA ADTTADFTAFAAATAATTFFA TDT TTTDATATFDTTAAFATAADD Term Care als for Long enti y of “The EssFREE copy! ur FREE cop ur The 3in4 Association wants to show you how planning for long-term care can help protect your family’s financial future. Introducing the Texas Long-Term Care Partnership Request yo 3 Easy Ways to request yo .com Important Information is now available from This program helps protect your assets in an the cost of needed care either at home, home assisted living facility, or in a nursing and while helping you preserve your dignity independence. Long-Term Request information about the Texas FREE compreCare Partnership and receive your Term Care hensive guide, “The Essentials of Long pubPlanning,” - LTC Costs, Care and Planning, to help lished by the non-profit 3in4 Association, long term educate Americans on the need for care planning. nfo www.3in4i rsonalAccess Pe Use Code tphone, your smar an the barcode TTTDATATFDTTAAFATAADDTDTADTTADFTAFAAU sing DDTTDFTFDDA 2. ATAATTFFATAATAAFAD rm. simply sc is request fo rn th retuTerm d Long Care Planning” today! ls for plete an “The mEssentia copy Request your FREE3. Oofr co copy! 1. Online: Q. Sample John FullName Street SW 1234 Address1 City, Texas 12345 Good Address2 T-P-P City, State Zip 3 Easy Ways to request your FREE day! Planning” to _________ __________ __________ __________ __ __ e _ m Na /____ ___/_____ th: You __ ___ Date of bir _/_____/__ ___ Spouse____ __________ _-________ ___ _) ______ __ __ __ __ __ (_ r __ be __________ Phone num __________ dress_____ E -Mail ad # 37010% 474000 #00862 at th ts uc od ns on pr _______ Name ____________________________________ You _____/_____/_____ ng America , Americans EHA AHEEEHAPDAFACPAHEE FNB BNFFFNBPAOIOFPBNFF NHA EAO GHF DAANOFFKAAGH NHF ENNFNFEPCLKINACOBB NFN APBBBPAPMPNHGHFHBE HPH. ncy t agePHP HHPPPH HPHmen HHHern HHHgov any Date of birth: 1. Online: www.3in4info.com orts educati ss campaign ccess Spouse_____/_____/_____ 123-456-7890 Use Code PersonalA which supp Need More awarene y of life. _________________ ganization (______) t or_______-____ l 3in4 number Phone n2. Using your smartphone, d dignit profi e Nationa ______ affiliated with n assets an n is aEno gh th____________ simply scan the barcode ow ____________ tio rou address______ eir -Mail cia Th th . insurance. Not so t Asrequest form. re planning protec 3in4this solicitation for andereturn 3. Or complete Th prepare to regarding this term ca No cost ENNFNFEPCLKINACOBBNHF e. An insuranc APBBBPAPMPNHGHFHBENFN or sell insuranc HHHHHHHPHHHPPPHPHPHP government agency. H s not underwrite Not affiliated with any will contact you regarding this solicitation for insurance. Association doe agent who supports the 3in4 information campaign fit 3in4 does not underwrite or sell insurance. An insurance 712 3in4 TX g to tact you A the time7400037 010%# AHEEEHAPDAFACPAHEEEH paign will con facilitate lon that now is#008624 B cam BNFFFNBPAOIOFPBNFFFN information ports the 3in4 are learning DAANOFFKAAGHGHFEAONHA e agent who sup on products that which supports educating Americans The 3in4 Association is a non-profit organizationNational 3in4 Need More awareness campaign, Americans the facilitate long term care planning. Through to protect their own assets and dignity of life. are learning that now is the time to prepare National response rates for LTCi lead generation exceed 1.2% 712 3in4 TX Informatio Important FullName Address1 Address2 Zip City, State In 2014 TargetLeads became the 3rd party licensee of the 3in4 Association consumer ourtreach and education program. you ants to show sociation w m care can help As n4 3i e Th er re. ng for long-t how planni family’s financial futu ur yo t ec ot pr assets from Unique to 3in4 members utilizing TargetLeads direct mail, the TL3 Response System makes it possible for prospects to request the free 3in4 “Essentials” booklet 3 different ways: 1. Logging into 3in4info.org with a personalized access code 2. Scanning a personalized QR Code with a smartphone 3. By return mail. Leads are delivered to the 3in4 Member Producer immediately. The nonpro or obligation. No cost or obligation. The nonprofit 3in4 Association TargetLeads’ TL LeadManager helps 3in4 Producers generate more leads, analyze their sales pipeline, respond confidently, capture important information about customer interactions, and manage tasks and activities with CRM. Personalized 3in4 marketing materials add strength to and help producers establish their personal brand. Being associated with the 3in4 Association as one if its members helps build their credibility. A few of the 3in4 Marketing Materials include: • The Essentials of Long Term Care Planning • The 3 Choices display and pass-along brochures • The 3in4 Need More Display and pass-along cards along side Jason Statham in “ Safe.” 2013 projects included “The Iceman” with Michael Shannon and David O. Russell’s film “ American Hustle" with Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Jennifer Lawrence. Kenny Wormald reprised the starring role of Ren MacCormack in Paramount’s remake of “Footloose”, the role that made Kevin Bacon a star. He will play the on Art a True Story youngestBased brother in “It Snows All The Time.” It Snows All the Time g an epidemic that A movie portrayin fatal and has no cure Taryn Manning &. Bar Paly. is progressive, Taryn Manning has starred in movies like “8 Mile” “Cold Mountain”, and the critically acclaimed “Hustle and Flow”. As a singer, her song “Send Me Your Love” was ATTACHED a recentATTACHED Billboard CAST Hot 100 #1 hit. She currently stars in CAST Jay Giannone & Kenny Wormald. Jay Giannone & Kenny Wormald. the Netflix original series “Orange Is the New Black.” Jay has had supporting roles in “ The Three Jay has Kings,” had “supporting roles in “ The Three Kings,” “ Baby Gone” Mark and “Wahlberg The Departed.” Heand Baby starred Gone” and “ The Departed.” He starred Bar PalyGone starred alongside in Gone “Pain along in “ Safe.” 2013 along projects side Jason Statham in “ Safe.” 2013 projects Gain” and herside nextJason film isStatham “Non-Stop” with Liam included and “The Iceman” with Michael Shannon and Neeson.included “The Iceman” with Michael Shannon ATTACHED CAST David O. Russell’s film “ American Hustle" David withO.Christian Russell’s film “ American Hustle" with Christian 3in4 Association its members, supporters JayThe Giannone & Kennymobilized Wormald. Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Bale, Jennifer Bradley LawCooper, Amysupporting Adams, and Jennifer LawJay has had roles in “ The Three Kings,” “ Slaine & Erich Hover. s light ATTACHED CAST and media to support the“ outreach needed He to raise the last Movie High rence. rence. Gone Baby Gone” and The Departed.” starred Jay Giannone Kennyin Wormald. Slaine’s breakout role& was “The Town” playing dollars needed to produce the feature film titled “It Snows All along side Jason Statham in “ Safe.” 2013 projects hasAffleck had supporting roles “ The Three Kings,” “ alongsideJay Ben as one ofinthe four bank robbers. Kenny Wormald the starring Kenny of Ren Wormald Mac-included reprised the starring role of Ren Mac“The Iceman” with Michael Shannon and Gone Baby Gone” reprised and “ The Departed.” He role starred The Time.” The resources and intellegence gained from three He recently played alongside Pitt in “Killing Them along side in Jason Statham inBrad “ Safe.” 2013 projects David O. Russell’s film of “ American Hustle" with Christian Cormack Paramount’s remake of “Footloose”, Cormack inthe Paramount’s remake “Footloose”, the Softly” Slaine will play Jesse’swith best friend Bubs and in “It included “The Iceman” Michael Shannon years ofBacon the 3in4 Need More national media tours was put to Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Jennifer Lawrole that made Kevin Bacon a star. He role will that play made the Kevin a star. He will play the David O. Russell’s film “ American Hustle" with Christian Snows All The Time.” rence. play 121% the crowdsourcing goals. youngest brother Art in “It Snows All The youngest Time.” brother Art in to “Itgenerate Snows All TheofTime.” s have the disease. se. , 5 million American • Right now in 2013 ple will have the disea ated 15 million peo • By 2050 an estim Y 68 Seconds lops the disease EVER n $203 billion • Someone deve se will cost the natio disea the , 2013 • This year in n the nation 1.2 trillio • By 2050, it will cost entia / Alzheimer’s The Epidemic is Dem I’m “Moneyball” and Brad Pitt in the film going to tell my . I worked alongside ntia. This movie is Hover and I am actor se and otemporal Deme My name is Erich eness about the disea donated stricken with Front is awar who raise Ed to of le son film will be the middle become a vehic of the profits of the my goal is that it will support a cure. 10% father’s story and it’s viewership to help provide funding from er’s research. een a to Dementia/Alzheim ing the bonds betw show ion, situat ult her through a diffic wife. family sticking toget een a husband and This film is about a betw love the and en father and his childr rgraduate and l, received his unde an named Graduated high schoo a wonderful wom in Omaha in 1950. Omaha, married people with Ed Hover was born gy from Nebraskato work hard, treat in Biology and Ecolo same way he was; the Masters degrees raised he boys that Jerrie. They had three ty time with your family. quali ing, and horticulture respect and spend fishing, hunting, camp ised daily, enjoyed to keep their mind week, traveled, exerc n is supposed to do 62 Ed read a book a everything a perso age 58. Now at age in his yard) and did ntia/Alzheimer’s at Deme of toms (he loved working symp vior. Ed started showing healthy. However, memory and his beha ically affected his drast has se disea the d Winning Filmmaker, Accomplished Awar Motion Picture Sponsor Eric Watson. and ced 10 FEATURE films Mr. Watson has produ in 1998. Sundance Festival his first movie “Pi” won the Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Jennifer Lawrence. Kenny Wormald reprised the starring role of Ren MacErich’s first movie break&came acting alongside Brad Taryn Manning Bar Paly. Taryn Manning Cormack & Bar Paly. in Paramount’s remake of “Footloose”, the Kenny Wormald reprised the starring role of Ren MacPitt andTaryn PhilipManning Seymourhas Hoffman inin“Moneyball.” starred movies like Taryn “8His Mile” Manning “Cold hasthat starred in Kevin movies like a “8star. Mile” role made Bacon He “Cold will play the Cormack in Paramount’s remake of “Footloose”, the aha Magazine” “Om r Hove experience with Alzheimer’s in his family will allow him Featured article Erich Mountain”, and the critically andyoungest the critically acclaimed “Hustle and brother Art in “It Snows All The Time.” role that made Kevin Bacon a star. acclaimed He will playMountain”, the“Hustle and ANDsinger, A DREAM to immerse in CAMERA the lead role ofSnows Jesse. youngest Art inher “It All The Time.” Flow”. Asbrother a song “Send MeFlow”. Your Love” As a was singer, her song “Send Me Your Love” was Manning &hit. Bar She Paly.currently stars in a Taryn recent Billboard Hot #1 BAR hit.PALY She currently a recent Billboard Hot 100of #1 “IT SNOWS ALL THE TIME” BRETT CULLEN ERICH HOVER JAY GIANNONE KENNY&WORMALD TARYN100 MANNING ñ CLINTON SPARKS ˜stars SLAINE inTaryn The power the “Itstarred Snows Allmovies The Time” message attracted Manning Bar Paly. Taryn Manning has inNew like “8 Mile” “Cold Clinton Sparks the Netflix original series Is Mile” the the New Netflix Black.” original series Is the Black.” Taryn Manning has starred in “Orange movies like “8 “Cold big“Orange namethe talent to the project. Talent such and as: Mountain”, and critically acclaimed “Hustle anand American DJ, producer, Mountain”, theHOVER critically acclaimed andk JAY GIANNONE o ERIC WATSON ˜ JAY GIANNONE Clinton m ERICH HOVERSparks j JAY isGIANNONE ERICH ˜ BRETT CULLEN p “Hustle JONAS songwriter, ROESER Flow”. a singer, her songis“Send MeBlack, Your Love” TarynAsManning -Wahlberg Orange thein New Hustlewas & Flow Flow”. a singer,alongside her song “Send Me artist Your Love” radio, television personality, recording that will be Bar PalyAsstarred Mark Wahlberg Barwas Paly in “Pain starred and MarkHot “Pain and stars in aalongside recent Billboard 100 #1 hit. She currently a recent Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit. She currently stars in ATTACHED Leslie Ann Warren Happiest Millionaire, Victor Victoria CAST maing his film and debut this movie. He has worked with Gain” herinnext is “Non-Stop” with Gain” Liam and her next film isoriginal “Non-Stop” with Liam the Netflix series “Orange Is the New Black.” the Netflix original seriesfilm “Orange Is the New Black.” Erich Hover - Moneyball Lady Gaga, Akon, Ludacris, Rick Ross, Tyrese,Neeson. T-Pain Jay Giannone & Kenny Wormald. Neeson. Jay has had supporting roles in “ The Three Kings,” “ (323) 963-9620 - [email protected] © 2013 SALT OF THE EARTH, LLC Slaine -Departed.” The Town, Killing them Softly Bar Paly starred Mark Wahlberg “Pain and Gone Baby and The Game. Somealongside of his songs includeinLady BarGone” Paly starred alongside Mark and “ The HeWahlberg starred in “Pain and Gain” andMary,” her nextAkon’s film is “Non-Stop” LiamIt on Me,” Clinton Sparks Songwriter, TV Personality Gain” and her next filmProducer, is “Non-Stop” with Liam Gaga’s Slaine “Bloody “Sorry, with Blame Jason Statham in “- DJ, Safe.” 2013 projects & Erich Hover. Slaine &along Erichside Hover. Neeson. Neeson. included “The Iceman” Michael Shannon and Jay Giannone - Town” Safe, American Hustle, The Iceman Pitbull featuring T-Pain and Sean Slaine’s breakout role wasPaul’s in “The“Shake Town” Slaine’s playing breakout role was inwith “The playing O. Russell’s film “ American Hustle" with Christian Slaine & Erich Hover. Ben Affleck asHomies," one of the four alongside bank robbers. Ben Affleck as oneAli of bank Tatyana - the Freshfour Prince of Belrobbers. Air, Kiss the Girls Señora,”alongside Ludacris’ “Call Up the Pitbull's "ShutDavid Bale, Bradley Cooper, Adams, and Jennifer LawSlaine & ErichAmy Hover. Slaine’s breakout role was in “The Town” playing HePlies' recently alongside PittHe in recently “Killing Them played alongside Brad Pitt in “Killing Them It Down," "She played Got It Made," andBrad T-Pain's "Kiss Her. rence. Sterling Knight Disney Slaine’s breakout role was in “The Town” playing alongside Ben Affleck as one of the four bank robbers. Softly” Slaine will play Jesse’s best friend Softly” BubsSlaine in “It will play Jesse’s best friend “It bank robbers. alongside Ben Affleck as oneBubs of theinfour He recently played alongside Brad Pitt in “Killing Them Kenny reprised the starring role of RenPitt MacSnows The All The Wormald Time.” Softly” All Slaine willTime.” play Jesse’s best friend Bubs inSnows “It He recently played alongside Brad in “Killing Them Cormack in Paramount’s remake of “Footloose”, the Softly” Slaine will play Jesse’s best friend Bubs in “It role that made Kevin Bacon a star. He will play the Snows All The Time.” Erich’s first movie break came acting alongside Erich’s first Brad movie break acting alongside Brad youngest brother Artcame in “It Snows All The Time.” Erich’s first movie break came acting alongside Brad Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Moneyball.” Pitt and Philip His Seymour Hoffman in “Moneyball.” His Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Moneyball.” His Erich’s camewill acting alongside Brad Tarynhim Manning &first Barmovie Paly.in break experience with Alzheimer’s in hiswill family experience will with Alzheimer’s his family allow him experience with Alzheimer’s in his family allow him allow Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Moneyball.” His Taryn Manning has starred in movies like “8 Mile” “Cold to immerse in the lead role of Jesse. to immerse in the lead role of Jesse. to immerse in the lead role of Jesse. experience with Alzheimer’s his family Mountain”, and the critically acclaimedin“Hustle and will allow him the lead Jesse. Flow”. Astoa immerse singer, herinsong “Sendrole Me of Your Love” was Clinton Sparks Clinton Clinton Sparks a recent Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit. She currently stars in Clinton Sparks Sparks is an American DJ, producer, songwriter, radio, television recording artist that will besongwriter, the Netflix original series “Orange Is the New Black.” Clinton Sparks personality, is an American DJ, producer, Clinton Sparks isClinton an American DJ, producer, songwriter, Sparks maingtelevision his film debut in this movie. recording He has worked withthat Clinton Sparks isrecording an American DJ,that producer, radio, personality, radio, artist television will be personality, artist will besongwriter, Lady Gaga, Akon, Ludacris, Rick Ross, Tyrese, T-Pain Bar Paly starred alongside personality, Mark Wahlberg in “Pain and radio, television recording artist maing hisGame. film debut movie. maing has worked his film with debut in this movie. He has worked withthat will be and The Some ofin histhis songs include He Lady Gain” and her next film isdebut “Non-Stop” with LiamHe has worked with maing his film in this movie. Lady Gaga, Akon, Ludacris, RickBlame Ross,It Lady Tyrese, Gaga, T-Pain Akon, Ludacris, Rick Ross, Tyrese, T-Pain Gaga’s “Bloody Mary,” Akon’s “Sorry, on Me,” Neeson. Lady Gaga, Akon, Ludacris, Rick Ross, Tyrese, T-Pain Pitbull featuring T-Pain and of Sean “Shake and The Game. Some hisPaul’s songs include and Lady The Game. Some of his songs include Lady and The Game. Some of his songs include Lady Señora,” Ludacris’ “Call Up the Homies," Pitbull's "Shut Slaine & Erich Hover.Akon’s “Sorry, Blame It on Me,” Gaga’s “Bloody Mary,” Akon’s “Sorry, Gaga’s Blame It“Bloody on Me,” Mary,” Gaga’s “Bloody Mary,” Akon’s “Sorry, Blame It on Me,” It Down," Plies' "She Got It Made," and T-Pain's "Kiss Her. Slaine’s breakout role was in “The Town” playing Pitbull featuring T-Pain and Sean Paul’sPitbull “Shake featuringPitbull T-Pain and Sean Paul’s “Shake featuring T-Pain and Sean Paul’s “Shake alongside Ben Affleck as one of the four bank robbers. Señora,” Ludacris’ “Call Up the Homies," Señora,” Pitbull's Ludacris’ "Shut “CallLudacris’ Up the “Call Homies," "Shut Señora,” Homies," Pitbull's "Shut He recently played alongside Brad Up Pitt the inPitbull's “Killing Them It Down," Plies' "Shebest Got It Made," It Down," Plies' "She Got It Made," and ItT-Pain's Down,"Softly” "Kiss Plies' Her. "She Got It Jesse’s Made," and T-Pain's Her. "Kiss Her. Slaine will play friend Bubs and in"Kiss “It T-Pain's Snows All The Time.” Snows All The Time.” In the Lead Role, Brett Cullen plays Ray a perfectly healthy and active 57 year old father and husband who gets Alzheimer’s disease. Brett has been in blockbuster movies such as “The Guilt Trip”, “42”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, and the acclaimed TV series “Person of Interest”, “White Collar”, “Apollo 13” and “Lost”. Brett like the many other cast members is attracted to the film because of the personal experiences he and family have had with this devastating disease. Due to the success of the national awareness tours these past few years, the 3in4 Association has developed a national reputation and has built strong relationships with Erich’s first movie break came acting alongside Brad Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Moneyball.” His local, regional and national media outlets. This reputation experience with Alzheimer’s in his family will allow him supported interviews with media on the movie project. to immerse in the lead role of Jesse. Clinton Sparks Clinton Sparks is an American DJ, producer, songwriter, radio, television personality, recording artist that will be maing his film debut in this movie. He has worked with Lady Gaga, Akon, Ludacris, Rick Ross, Tyrese, T-Pain and The Game. Some of his songs include Lady Gaga’s “Bloody Mary,” Akon’s “Sorry, Blame It on Me,” National Print Advertising With national reach, our full page ad in Kiplinger’s Retirement Planning Guide 2014 delivered the 3in4 message to hundreds of thousands of readers. The Retirement Planning Guide is one of Kiplinger’s most read publications, distributed on newstands for several months. Technology bringing Consumers and Producers together. Outreach to agents and consumers it a top priority for the 3in4 Association. The continual development of tools, systems and processes helps the 3in4 Association and our partners grow. 39.6% increase in consumer website traffic year over year. Producer membership up 74% Launched in 2014, the 3in4 “Request a Speaker” program provides clubs, associations and the worksite a FREE long term care planning presentation by specialists that are members of the 3in4 Associaiton. The presentation is educational and showcases how to protect ones self from the high cost of long term care. The online portal makes it easy to connect the speaker and the audience. iPhone app downloads increased 115% year over year. In addition to the launch of the smartphone app, the “Find a Local Expert” resource on the consumer 3in4 website makes it even easier for consumers to find a local agent in a zip code look up. Agent Portal Updates, upgrades and improvements are an ongoing process both for all the materials accessed by producers and consumers as well as the technology bringing consumers and agents together. 3in4 Bright Idea Award Winners Carrier Agency Producer Sponsored by John Hancock, The 3in4 Bright Idea Award continues to encourage innovation among producers, companies and agencies. Winners for 2013 were recognized at the 2014 Intercompany Long Term Care Insurance Conference in March. The 2013 winners were Andria Bovey for the Producer Class, MedAmerica for the Carrier Class and California Long Term Care for the Agency Class Thanks to Our Sponsors! Celebrating 4 Years of National Long Term Care Consumer Awareness! Insurance Carriers TransAmerica Mutual of Omaha MedAmerica John Hancock United Security Assurance Strategic Partners Security 1 Lending American Senior Services Online Insurance Services Emeritus Senior Living National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Broker World Magazine National Under Writer Senior Market Advisor LTC Connection Insurance Agencies/Brokers ACSIA Long Term Care, Inc. Life Care Funding Group GoldenCare USA ACSIA Partners Master Care Solutions, Inc. National Long Term Care Advanced Resources Marketing Gelbwaks Executive Marketing Corp Newman Long Term Care AIMS Benefit Solutions National LTC Network SIA Marketing California Long Term Care Insurance Services Life Style Insurance Services, Inc American Independent Marketing Long Term Care Resources Pinnacle Financial Services
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