PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS SERVICE FOR THE LORD'S DAY November 2, 2014 All Saints’ Sunday OFFERTORY † We Gather Here in Jesus’ Name PREPARE TO WORSHIP Swing Low, Sweet Chariot When the Prelude begins, please be mindful of those in prayer and meditation. Hymnal, p. 592 Setting by Mark Hayes Samuel Barber [Transcibed by William Strickland] Opus 11 GREETINGS AND CHURCH CONCERNS Dr. Ken Broman-Fulks STEWARDSHIP MINUTE Bill Smith WE COME BEFORE GOD IN PRAISE INTROIT Do Lord arr. Valerie Stephenson Youth Handbells CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 34) Dr. Ken Meeks I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad. Glorify the Lord with me, Let us exalt his name together. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones LASST UNS ERFREUEN *PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Eternal God, in every age you have raised up men and women to live and die in faith. We confess that we are often indifferent to your will. You call us to proclaim your name, but we are silent. You call us to do what is just, but we remain idle. You call us to live faithfully, but we are afraid. In your mercy, forgive us. Give us courage to follow in your way, that joined with those from ages past who have served you with faith, hope, and love, we may inherit the kingdom you promised in Jesus Christ. Amen. *GLORIA PATRI GOD’S WORD PROCLAIMED Revelation 7:9-17 Pew Bible, p. 221 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. 4- & 5-year-olds and Kindergartners to Wee Kirk; 1st & 2nd graders to Junior Kirk. The Communion of the Saints OUR RESPONSE TO THE WORD PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER †SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION For All the Saints *BENEDICTION AND RESPONSE Lord, You Can Lift Us *POSTLUDE † 9:00 a.m. Service only † God Is Love When I Am Laid to Rest SINE NOMINE Dr. Broman-Fulks Career Connections meets each Monday morning from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Session Room. Tomorrow’s topic: Catherine Cheek, LPA from Cornerstone Healthcare will speak on “Moving from Anxiety to Action.” Volleyball is the game! Come each Thursday evening to enjoy some fun and fellowship in the Family Life Center from 7:00-9:00 p.m.! Come sing for Christmas! The Covenant Choir has started work on music for Advent and Christmas. We welcome ‘non-regulars’ to join us as we prepare for Sundays in Advent and our Service of Lessons and Carols. Contact Elizabeth Gulley for more info: [email protected], 884-2248. Presbyterian Women – Tomorrow at 11:45 a.m., Nursery available. The topic will be: Smart Girls Tanzania by Doug and Margaret Clark. “Tanzania has not embraced gender equity in education, or in the professional environment,” states Margaret. “Education for these girls is critically important to be healthy, raise healthy families, gain professional skills, and have fulfilling careers.” Please bring canned goods for the Main Street Coalition. Wednesday Dinner and Bible Study resumes this Wednesday! Dinner begins at 5:45 and the Bible study runs from 6:30-7:15. This fall we are discovering The Great Themes of the Bible, and enjoying some great meals! Prices are: adults (13+) - $7.00, children (12 & under) - $5.00, max per family $20.00, take-out - $8.00. Please call the church at 884-2248, fill out a reservation card in the pew racks, or email [email protected] to make reservations. NEW – We now offer online prepay for Wednesday night meals! Go to and click on online giving. CHRISTE SANCTORUM Setting by Penny Rodriguez Henry Purcell *Please stand as able ~~~~~ The flowers in the sanctuary are given by Carl Adams to the glory of God and in loving memory of Carl’s wife, Margaret Teresa; his son, J.C. Adams III; and his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Adams. ~~~~~ Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! If today is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you and hope you find worshiping with us meaningful and joyful. Please take a visitor’s bag with information about First Presbyterian Church from the Narthex or the gathering area outside the Sanctuary. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON SCRIPTURE READING *ALL SAINTS SUNDAY PRAYER Almighty God, help us to weep in the night time of grief, knowing that joy comes in the morning. In your love there is always strength for today and hope for tomorrow. For all the saints who have gone before us, O God, we lift our praise to you. Grant that those who have preceded us in the faith may continue to inspire and guide us; and that when we have fulfilled our time on earth, we may be reunited with them in your heavenly kingdom. And now, O God of love, we name our church family members who have entered the Church Triumphant since last All Saints’ Sunday: Lewis Allen, Kathleen Bell, Albert Blue, Hunter Dalton, Ed Davidheiser, Dot Dickens, John Hawkins, Rachael Irvine, Laura King, Ben Martin, Dan Mellinger, Kathleen Minchak, Vann Nealeans, Ted Ramsay, John Seabrooke, Janet Shaw, Eloise Taylor, Bettye White. *HYMN 526 PRAYER OF INVOCATION SERMON OLD HUNDREDTH *PRAYER OF DEDICATION † One Bread, One Body Adagio for Strings *HYMN 451 Philip M. Young Covenant Choir *DOXOLOGY CHIMING THE HOUR PRELUDE Bryan J. Leech Graham Harrington, soloist The new photo booth was a huge success, and several people remarked about how wonderful our church is! First prize for trunks this year went to the Hanf family; second to the PW - Diane Spencer, Susan Martz and Sara Kelly; third prize to Leanne Willis and her mom, Kay. Thanks to all who contributed candy, and especially those who brought and decorated their trunks! Way of the Child/Godly Play meets Sundays at 4:15 p.m. – Children K-5th grade are invited to experience Godly Play. Based on Montessori principles, children explore their faith through story, wonder and play. For more information, contact Kristina Gilbert at [email protected]. Youth Handbells and Youth Choir (grades 6-12) will rehearse today at 4:15 and 5:15 respectively. Youth Choir is preparing music for worship on November 16 at the 11:00 a.m. service. Presbyterian Youth Connection is a weekly gathering of 6th-12th graders for dinner, fun, Bible study, recreation and service projects. Today Middle Schoolers will go roller skating from 3:00–5:00 p.m. Tonight High Schoolers will prepare college student care packages at 6:00 p.m. For more information, contact [email protected] Thank you! Trunk or Treat had a great turnout for trunks, treats, and kids! We saw well over a hundred kids from the neighborhood, preschool and beyond. Church Women United will celebrate World Community Day on Friday, November 7th at 11:00 a.m. at Temple Memorial Baptist Church, 1458 Cedrow Drive, High Point. Please call lunch reservations to Evelyn Andrews 886-8659. Christmas Pageant Interest Meeting – Sunday, November 9 at 12:00 p.m. Parents and children (readers & nonreaders), middle schoolers, and anyone who wants to be in the Christmas Pageant – Come and see! Casting will take place at this meeting with small group rehearsals TBD. Full cast rehearsals will be Saturdays, December 6 & 13,10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, December 16 at 6:00 p.m. DATELINE BETHLEHEM will be performed in the Family Life Center Wednesday, December 17th at 6:30 p.m. Reading Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 12th, and our selection for November is Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner. If you are interested in this, or any of our monthly selections, join us at any time. For more info, contact Dr. Erin Bowers at [email protected] or 884-2248. The 5th Annual Feast of Caring to benefit Open Door Ministries is Thursday, November 13. Lunch: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; Dinner 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. This event, held at our church, includes live music from The Major Sevens Band, scrumptious soups and bread, and a raffle of various items. It also provides the chance to learn more about the important work that Open Door Ministries of High Point does to feed, clothe, and shelter our neighbors. Last year, Feast of Caring raised $20,000 to support Open Door. We hope to double that this year. Go to to purchase tickets. A Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the NC Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics will be Sunday, November 16 from 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. at St. George Greek Orthodox Church. The cost is $6.00 for spaghetti, $5.00 for a Greek salad. Annual Thanksgiving Gathering – Thursday, November 27th at 12:00 noon in the FLC. We will celebrate Thanksgiving together as the family of God, enjoy fellowship with one another and rejoice in the delicious food prepared by grateful hands. “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come!” If you are interested in learning more about opportunities for growth, worship and service at First Presbyterian Church, join us for our next Discover FPC class, a gathering hosted by the staff on a quarterly basis. Please register for the next 3-week Discover FPC by contacting Erin Bowers at 884-2248 or [email protected]. The next class will be held January 18, 25, and February 1, 2015. Presbyterian Youth are selling indulgences In order to raise funds for their international mission trip to the Dominican Republic in June 2015. If you have work around the house or yard that you would like help with in exchange for a contribution to the trip, please contact: Leanne Willis [email protected] / 336-688-0740 or Robin Sizemore [email protected] / 336-847-1255 to schedule your next “job well done.” Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are now recruiting new members – Boy Scouts meet on Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. and Cub Scouts meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions you may contact Doug Harrison at 869-8143 or Gordon Stallings at 906-5976. Together In Education: Be sure to link your Harris Teeter Vic Card to the First Presbyterian Church Preschool. Link online, at the checkout register or give your card number to Katy Bobb and she will link it for you. Our school number is 8574. Main Street Coalition Fill the Bus food drive helps keep our city’s food pantries stocked. During November we are collecting canned meats and fish. Congratulations to Jay and Casey Bretzmann Leach in the birth of a daughter, Allison Elizabeth, on October 27th. Grandparents are Ray & Teresa Bretzmann. Hospitalized: June Bailey, HPRHS; Recovering at Home: Carl Adams, 3518 Langdale Dr., High Point, 27265; Don Hunt, 920 Shamrock Rd., High Point, 27265; Winfred Douglas, 17 N. Forest Dr., Thomasville, 27360; Wayne Veach, 8505 Mahala Dr., High Point, 27265; Charles Fisher, 1575 John Knox Dr. Winged Foot Rm. 326, Colfax, 27235. Continuing Prayer: Jan Cheek, Hazel Long, Nelle Bailey, Carol Courts, Ryland Redpath, Marc Mann, Carol Allen, Lois Blue, Nelda Hylton, JD McGuinn, Stu Crawford, Loretta Hoppe, Sadie Martin, Skip Queen, Dorris Koontz, Ann Levina, Etta Walser, John McGinty, Judy Haworth, Mike Postler, Kay Hodge, Priscilla Davis. Military: John Cooper, Seth Hall, Scott Kelly, Mitchell Kiser, Charles Peksa. Acolytes: Maddie Brown and Khloe Roberson Wee Kirk: Marianne King Junior Kirk: Kristina Gilbert Nursery Volunteer: Jeanne Lassiter Calendar Sunday, November 2 Congregational Care Committee to Serve at Shelter 9:00 Worship Service with Communion 9:40 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service 12:00 Nurture Committee 3:00-5:00 PYC – Middle School – Roller Skating 4:00-6:00 Session gathering 4:15 Way of the Child/Godly Play 4:15 Youth Handbells 5:15 Cherub Choir 5:15 Chapel Chimes 5:15 Youth Choir 6:00 PYC – High School (FLC) Monday, November 3 8:30 Career Connections 9:45 PW Bible Moderators 10:45 PW Coordinating Team 11:45 PW Gathering (FLC) 6:00 Committee on Committees 7:00 Worship Committee Tuesday, November 4 7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30 Beth Moore Bible Study 7:00 Boy Scouts Wednesday, November 5 5:15 Memorial Handbells 5:45 Dinner (FLC) 6:30 Bible Study (FLC) 6:30 Chapel Choir 7:00 Cub Scouts 7:30 Covenant Choir Thursday, November 6 11:00 Chair Yoga Friday, November 7 High School Lock-In Sunday, November 9 9:00 Worship Service 9:40 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service 12:00 Christmas Pageant Interest Meeting 4:15 Way of the Child/Godly Play 4:15 Youth Handbells 5:15 Cherub Choir 5:15 Chapel Chimes 5:15 Youth Choir 5:30 Finance Committee 6:00 Congregational Care Committee 6:00 PYC – Middle School (FLC) 7:00 Diaconate First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church 918 North Main Street High Point, North Carolina 27262-3989 Telephone: 336-884-2248; Website: The Rev. Ken Broman-Fulks, D.Min., Senior Minister The Rev. Erin Kesterson Bowers, Ph.D., Associate Minister The Rev. Ken Meeks, D.Min., Interim Parish Associate Minister The Rev. Jeanette Quick Sandlin, Director of Christian Education Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries Elizabeth Gulley, Director of Music Judith Collins Millar, Organist First Presbyterian Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. 918 North Main Street High point, North Carolina
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