November 2014 Insights from the Desks of our Wildcats Principal’s Message Elizabeth Yezierski Principal for Sealston Elementary Chilly temperatures, colorful leaves and shorter days are signs fall is here! Report cards for the 1st nine weeks will be issued on Friday, Nov 7th, and I hope you are excited to learn about your child’s progress. Students in grades 2-6 are gearing up for benchmark tests in reading and math between Nov 3th and Nov 14th . Benchmark tests are assessments given each nine weeks to help teachers determine how well students have mastered skills in reading and math. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE NIGHTS Parents of kindergarten students, please make sure you have scheduled a time to meet with your child’s teacher on Nov 4th to review your child’s academic progress. I would like to encourage SES families of students in Grades 1-6 to attend Parent/Teacher Conference Night on Nov 25 th from 4:00-7:00. Please call the school office at 775-3400 and Mrs. Colwell or Mrs. Myers will be happy to assist you with scheduling an appt. Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss academic progress and goals. Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 3……..End of first nine weeks 4……..Student Holiday 5……..Spirit Night-King’s Pizza (4:00-9:00) 6……..4th Grade Social (3:45-4:45) 7……..Report Cards Issued 9……..Chorus 10……Snakes Alive Program (grades K-2) 11……School Closed – Holiday 13……PTA Meeting/Title I Night (5:30-7:00) 14……Thanksgiving Lunch 15…….GEM Club begins 16…….Reading Night (5:00-7:30) 21……3rd Grade field trip to Washington DC 24……PTA Chili Cook Off (6:00) Parent Teacher Conference Night 26-28.. School Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday Learn from my mistakes: What I wish I had done to get more out of parent-teacher conferences, an article by Lisa Heffernen, was recently published in the Washington Post. These tips may be beneficial to you as you prepare to meet with your child’s teacher. I should have listened. Teachers know things I didn’t. My children’s teachers saw a child that I didn’t and they had a way of putting him into PAGE 1….… Principal’s Message/Calendar context that I didn’t. The single best thing I could do at a parent-teacher PAGE 2-4..…Grade Level News conference was to listen. PAGE 5….… Specials News I should not have been blindsided. Talk to your kid before you go to PAGE 6 ….... PTA News school, ask if there is anything you should know before the meeting. The PAGE 7……. ITL & Guidance News meeting will go far better if you know of any impending big issues. PAGE 8……..Reading & Math News A lot of what gets said, goes unsaid. Listen to what is being said and what is not being said. Reading between the lines, hearing the implications, can be vital. Drag your child’s other parent along. My husband came to these conferences and always learned something other than what I did. He heard a slightly different message or thought of different questions and we got twice as much out of our meetings. Be prepared. Come armed with one must-ask question and one must-reinforce point and the meeting will be a success. Do not get defensive, no matter what. Defensiveness never yields open communication. Most of the time, most teachers showed true insight and care for my children and it behooved me to listen to their insights, without argument. I was there to learn about their behavior, good and bad not to defend their actions. If any of your questions require info, email the teacher ahead of time. Don’t shortchange your child because the parent meeting with the teacher ahead of you lost track of time. When I found myself allotted 10 minutes and ushered in seven minutes late, my impulse was to speak at twice my normal speed. I finally realized that I did not need to make-up for another parent’s bad manners by cutting my session short. No need for panic. The school year is long, the means of communication are many, so whatever does not get said in this one hurried encounter can be revisited. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 Grade Level News On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Page 2 of 8 Kindergarten News First Grade News The month was filled with lessons of fall and pumpkins. Students learned about the letters Ss, Mm, Aa and Tt. They were introduced to the sight words: I, like, the, and, see and we. They have also been learning about rhyming, beginning sounds and practicing concept of word. As you can see we have been busy little wildcats. During math we will be building on concepts already learned like number sense and what we can do with numbers. Students continue to practice measurement, sorting, patterns, comparing and counting. Kindergarten had a wonderful time on the field trip to the pumpkin patch. The students learned about how pumpkins and apples grow. They also got to visit with goats and pick their own pumpkin. Thank you to all the chaperones that helped out on our trip. We appreciate all your help. We will be holding parent/teacher conferences on November 4th. We highly encourage parents to schedule a time to meet with your child’s teacher concerning his/her start to kindergarten. Teachers will also be reviewing report cards and PALs (Phonological Awareness and Literacy Screening) scores. The Kindergarten Team is very excited to announce we will be having our annual Thanksgiving Day Feast on Tuesday, November 25th. More information will be coming home soon. In math first grade students are focusing on geometry concepts such as composing and decomposing shapes and describing and sorting shapes. They are also working on coin recognition (penny, nickel, dime and quarter) and counting by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's to 100. Practice, practice, practice! Throughout November in reading students will work diligently on spelling words with short vowels, blends and digraphs. They will build sight word vocabulary by adding approximately 24 more words to their flip books. Comprehension focus will be on nonfiction text structure (table of contents, glossary, heading, topic, etc.) In science students have learned about the life needs and characteristics of plants and animals. They will move on to the next social studies concepts related to long ago versus today, including sequencing of events in picture timelines and distinguishing among past, present and future. and are excellent websites for your child to use at home in order to practice important concepts like math facts and reading fluency. Please be sure you are using these resources regularly! Cafeteria Parents are invited to eat lunch with their children on Friday, November 14th at their regular lunch time. An RSVP has been sent home for the adults to sign up. The cost is $3.50. Students will pay the regular price of $2.40 and they will sign up in their classroom like they do each day. RSVP need to be returned by Monday, Nov 3rd. Please no late responses. Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 Grade Level News On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Page 3 of 8 Second Grade News Wow it is November already!! Our second grade students are getting into the swing 2nd grade expectations, rules, and procedures! We will continue to focus on building student independence, responsibility and accountability. Students have completed the fall PALS and the Numeracy Assessments! PALS results were sent home with the Quarter 1 Interims. Academically students have adapted well to the routines and procedures of Daily 5! All facets of Daily 5 (Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work and Work on Writing) have been introduced. We are pleased that the students are working hard to select “good fit” books to read independently! Students have also adapted well to the procedures and processes of Word Study (spelling curriculum) and their differentiated spelling lists. In reading we will continue to focus on story structure (characters, setting, plot and problem/solution), interpreting illustrations such as diagrams, charts, graphs and maps to make predictions and locate information. We will also break down Nonfiction Text Structure by learning how to use print clues, such as bold type, italics and underlining to assist in reading. In writing students will focus on the writing process and writing sentences correctly with correct punctuation. They will also learn about writing proper nouns correctly, identifying difference between nouns/pronouns, verbs and adjectives. In math students are working on the Investigations Math series - comparing 2D & 3D shapes using geoboards. Students will learn what symmetry is and how to find symmetry in geometric shapes. In science they will learn about weather. In social studies students will learn about lives and contributions of the Lakota, Pueblo and Powhatan American Indian cultures and create projects on Native American homes. Information will be sent home soon. Finally, please do not forget about parent conference night that will take place on Nov. 24th. We hope to see all of you then! Fourth Grade News Third Grade News Third grade students are looking forward to going to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., on November 21. Permission slips and money are due by November 14. At this time all chaperone slots are filled. Any additional chaperone names will be placed in a lottery. In math students have completed the unit on place value to 6 digits, comparing numbers and rounding up to the thousands place. They are currently working on graphing as well as 2- and 3- digit addition and subtraction. In reading students are working on making inferences and predictions. They are telling things the author does not explicitly say and giving specific details that led to their inference. Please continue to read to or have your child read to you nightly. They should be using the “IPICK” method when choosing a book. In social studies students have discussed the importance of rules and laws in a community. They are currently working on map skills. In science they have investigated the physical properties of matter, three states of matter and how to measure matter. We will be discussing if and how the matter can change from one state to another. In math fourth grade students are learning how to identify place value, compare and round whole numbers and add and subtract whole numbers. Continue to check out our interactive notebooks to see more of what your child is learning. In social studies students are learning how slavery and agriculture were woven into everyday life in Colonial Virginia. They are learning how migration affected growth of the Virginia colony and led to changes within the geography of Virginia. In science fourth grade science classes will learn about electricity and life processes. Key vocabulary to learn is static electricity, conductors, insulators, open circuits, closed circuits, poles, repel, attract, magnetism, magnetic fields, current, electromagnet, compass, plants, roots, stems, leaves, photosynthesis and chlorophyll. They will also study the contributions of Benjamin Franklin, Michael Farady and Thomas Edison. In reading students will focus on skills such as fact and opinion, text features and the significance of nonfiction. Students will begin to understand that narrative nonfiction is a story that is based on factual events and information. They will also work with word reference materials, such as dictionaries and almanacs, to help them learn the difference between these resources. More activities with grammatical aspects, such as nouns and pronouns, will be provided to the students to strengthen their skills. Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 Other News On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Page 4 of 8 Fifth Grade News Sixth Grade News Fifth grade reading classes have been doing a voracious amount of reading for Just Read tickets. Reading comprehension is focused on story structure including drawing conclusions, inferring, cause & effect, character development, plot & conflict and point of view with narrative text structure. Students are using prefixes and suffixes to increase their vocabulary. Be sure to ask your child what affixes he/she is studying and what they mean along with example words that use those prefixes and suffixes. Students have completed their American Indians Google Presentations in Mr. Hixson's class which allowed them to utilize Chromebooks for the first time. Thank you PTA for purchasing the Chromebooks! Students will begin to study and discuss European Exploration throughout November, and Mrs. Scott's classes will start the unit on American Indians. Remember all students should read for at least 20 minutes each night. In science students will venture into the ocean unit which entails quite a bit of vocabulary. Please encourage your child to bring home the binder/flash cards which can be used to play a Concentration/Memory Game. Students need to study their binder on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 10-15 minutes. Checking your child’s binder as well as Parent Portal allows you to check his/her success and each unit test grade. In math students will continue to work on number traits and decimals: place value, expanded numbers, word form, addition and subtraction. We will review angles and extend the knowledge into identification of triangles. Children need a protractor to use AT HOME. Your child needs to begin reviewing the topics for our benchmark test which will be given soon. Everything we have studied thus far, as well as any math strands from fourth grade may be on this benchmark. Your child should use the materials in their binder and the completed Learning Opportunity (L.O.) assignments to prepare for the benchmark. Ask about his/her grades on the L.O. quiz each week and ask about the class average. Scores are being plotted so we can check our progress individually and as a class. Please be reminded that students are required to bring their agendas to class each day. Check your child's agenda nightly to be sure he/she is completing the given assignments. Also ask your child about his/her school supplies. Some students are running low on pencils, crayons, markers and highlighters. Students should bring these supplies to the classes each day. This month sixth grade students will continue their march through the early 20th century in US History. They will be able to describe the impact the Progressive Movement had on early working conditions faced by factory workers. Students will also be able to describe the impact on the early 1900’s society of both the Women’s Suffrage groups and the Temperance Movement. Students’ first cumulative test on all topics will be given towards the end of November. Please continue to check your student’s progress and make sure you have seen and signed his/her interactive notebook prior to all unit tests. In November students will begin to dive into non-fiction reading. They will read articles, books, pamphlets, newspapers and other non-fiction writing. They will also continue to edit their writing. In October, the students began their year-long unit on Greek and Latin root words, a topic we will continue to explore and expand upon throughout the entire school year. Please continue to read with your child at home and sign off on their Reading Log every week. In science student will work on identifying the elements on the periodic table of elements, and will move on to units about matter and energy. They will learn how matter and energy move through Earth’s spheres, how weathering changes the Earth’s surface and how wind, ice, gravity and water change the Earth’s surface. In math students will continue learning about fractions, decimals and percent concepts through November. They will also start to work on multiplying and dividing decimals. By Thanksgiving break, students will begin exciting projects on area, volume and circles. They will take their first benchmark and work on review of skills learned from the first quarter. SEALSTON SPIRIT NIGHT Wednesday, Nov 5, 2014 - 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm Come to KING’S PIZZA on November 5 and support Sealston Elementary School. Buy a medium or large pizza and the school will receive money for educational and fun items! You can dine in OR carry out! Just make sure you give your server the flyer or bring it with you when you pick up your pizza! Flyers will come home with your students the day of Spirit Night. The homeroom with the most flyers will win a prize! Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Specials News Page 5 of 8 A R T with Mrs. Sheddan M U S I C with Mrs. Haywood We have some creative and exciting art projects planned for the month of November! Kindergarten will create a fish using colors and patterns. They will also learn about symmetry and create a "symmetrical" tree. First grade students will create a castle drawing out of different shapes. They will also learn about the colors of the rainbow and color a ROY G BIV pumpkin. Second grade students will learn about Chinese number symbols and create a scroll. They will create a 3-D drawing of a street. For several weeks in November, third grade students will learn about complimentary colors and create a city picture. Fourth grade students will create a geometric sunrise using warm and cool colors. They will also illustrate and color an adjective word of their choice. For several weeks, fifth grade students will create a collage of different kinds of lines (wavy, curly, zig zag) on small paper squares using sharpie markers. Sixth grade students will spend several weeks creating and illustrating their own country. In music class Kindergarten students are enjoying adding instruments, playing games and acting out nursery rhymes, including “Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater” and “Little Miss Muffet.” They read rhythms by sounding out picture cards with pumpkins and pies. First grade students read and wrote quarter and eighth notes for the song “Big, Black Cats.” Second graders learned to recognize three pitches on the music staff with a variety of songs and games, including “Apple Tree.” Third grade students learned about the many musical choices composers make by listening to an excerpt of Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony.” They made their own choices (instruments, tempo and dynamics) to add to a performance of the song “Skin and Bones.” Fourth graders learned a dance with 3 sections called “Way Down Yonder in the Brickyard” and improvised melodies on xylophones. Fifth graders learned how to build chords and played fun Boomwhackers to show chord changes in the songs “This Land is Your Land” and “Dem Wacky Bones.” Sixth graders watched videos and critiqued their dances for the jazz song “Dancin’ on the Rooftop” and learned about the beginnings of rock and roll with the song “Rock Around the Clock.” P.E. with Miss Libby In the month of November, kindergarten and first grade classes will be working on command dances, like the Hokey Pokey. Second and third grade classes will work on square dances like Ole Suzanna and the Virginia Reel. Fourth, fifth and sixth grade classes will work on creative dances. They will work in small groups to create a dance and will perform it as a class mash up. Running Club Upcoming events in running club include: Nov 11th — Veteran's Day race at KGHS in honor of Veterans Nov. 27th — Turkey Trot in Fredericksburg Nov. 1-Nov 24th – Team Fundraiser. The team will be selling Thirty-One bags. If you would like to purchase an item to support the team, please see a running club member or contact Miss Libby. Chorus Chorus is off to a wonderful start with 58 members in grades 3-6. Chorus meets every Thursday from 3:45-4:40. There will be a practice the first week in December to cover the one missed during Thanksgiving (exact date TBD.) Our first concert will be held with the school band on Thursday, December 11 at 6:00. LIBRARY with Ms. Orolin The book fair was an amazing success, and I can't wait until March to do it again! In the meantime, I am starting to accept Book Talks for the morning announcements. For any details about how your kids can write Book Talks for the announcements, feel free to e-mail me or check the library website at elemlibraryadventures.blogspot. com. Additionally, the fourth grade Book Talk Club will be in full swing starting on November 5. I am so excited to see my fourth graders reading, writing and performing! It will be a fantastic time! Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 Math & Reading News On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Sealston Elementary School Page 6 of 8 WATCH D.O.G.S. PTA invites fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, guardians and any father figures to become more involved in their child’s education. You are invited to join the Watch DOGs (Dads of Great Students) program and become a Sealston WatchDOG. For more information about this great program, please contact Mike Cahn @ 540-775-2845. PTA Meetings and Events The new school year is off to great start. PTA would like all parents and guardians to have a voice so please join the PTA. For more information on becoming a member of PTA, please contact your child’s teacher. PTA is Selling Spirit Wear! Wildcat Cinch sacks $5.00 Water bottles $4.00 Keychains $2.00 Upcoming October events: 11/10 – Snakes Alive presentation (grades K-2) 11/13 − PTA mtg and Title I Night (5:30) 11/24 – PTA Chili Cook Off & Silent Auction We hope see you at the next PTA meeting. Labels for Education Labels for Education is a fun and easy program where families and members of the community work together to “Earn Free Stuff” for their school! From soup, cereal and snacks to dairy products, beverages and food storage – your kitchen is probably full of eligible Labels for Education® items. For more information go online to or contact the Sealston PTA. Box Tops Box Tops is one of America’s largest school earnings loyalty programs. Families can clip and send Box Tops to Sealston Elementary School at anytime. Each Box Top is worth 10¢ for your school. For more information visit the Box Tops website at or contact the Sealston PTA. PTA BOARD 2014-2015 Gerri Leasure President Anna Van Theemsche Vice President of Membership Gina Hoffman Vice President of Programs Cathy Knapp Treasurer Catherine Greiber Secretary Brenda Rash Volunteer Coordinator Heidi Asbury Teacher Liaison Questions or Comments? Contact your PTA at [email protected] Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 ITL News On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Parent Portal Page 7 of 8 Thank You Sealston PTA! PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online tool that works with our PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS.) PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions. You must create an account in order to use Parent Portal. A parent account allows you to view the information for one or more students with a single sign in. You can also manage your personal account preferences. If this is the first time you are creating a Parent Portal account, you will need an “Access ID” and “Access Password” for each student. This information is available from the front office secretary. If you have created a Parent Portal account, but don’t remember your login information, click the “Having Trouble Signing In” link on the login page to recover your information. Parent Portal link: Fifth grade teacher, Mr. Hixson uses Chromebooks for collaborative projects in social studies, reading and writing. With the Chromebooks, Mr. Hixson uses Google Classroom to send assignments, provide feedback and engage students with the Google Apps for Education tools. We appreciate the new opportunities these Chromebooks bring for learning with technology. Guidance The month of October was super for the school counselors! Mrs. Herbolsheimer and Mrs. DeLoach have been teaching classroom guidance lessons. It has been fun getting to know all the students. During classroom guidance, the students in grades K-3 met “Kelso the Frog.” Kelso helps children learn the difference between small and big problems. We will be working with children and teaching them conflict resolution skills. Grades 4-6 are also learning the difference between minor and major problems and how to solve conflicts peacefully. We look forward to continuing to work with the students! Fifth grade students proudly hold up Chromebooks which were purchased by Sealston Elementary School PTA. Word of the Month: Honesty: Being truthful with others and with one’s self. Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953 On the Prowl with Sealston Wildcats Other News Page 8 of 8 Just Read! Sealston Wildcats are excited about our new school wide reading program – JUST READ. Students receive a ticket for every book read. Students in the lower grades also receive tickets for books read to them. Upper grade students may receive tickets based on the number of pages or chapters read. Total ticket counts will be graphed on the bulletin board located in the front entry hallway. Check it out and watch our totals grow. Research shows the more students read the more successful they are in school. Please keep reading with your child. We know we will have a lot to celebrate at the end of the school year. Mark your calendars for our reading night, “Harvesting Good Readers” scheduled for November 13, 2014 from 5:00 - 6:30p.m. Math News Monthly Math Moment: Courtesy of “Reading Connection Sept 2013. © 2013 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated. Even though our winter break is over, this is an excellent website that you might find helpful as you work with your children learning math: This link leads you to activities that can be done ANY TIME! AND, Have you heard about “Bedtime Math”? It is a wonderful FREE website! Their mission is to help kids learn to LOVE math by making problem solving into a nightly activity so that nightly math is as common as the beloved bedtime story. It really has a lot of great ideas and fun questions. .. I hope you will check it out! Please cut along the dotted line for a handy bookmar as you help your children find math all around them. Please contact me at [email protected] if have any questions about the math program for King George County Schools. For information about how to help your child succeed in math, contact your child’s teacher or Fanya Morton, KGCS Mathematics Specialist [email protected] Cut along this line for a handy book mark! Sealston Elementary School 11048 Fletcher's Chapel Road, King George, Virginia 22485 Phone: (540)775-3400 Fax: (540)775-9953
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