Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Of Waynesboro, VA . Join us November 16 for the annual UUFW Service Auction. It's a great place to bid on dinners, jewelry, bike rides, baked goods, trips, and any number of other great bargains. Potluck lunch before the fun begins. Don't miss it. . 565 Pine Ave., Waynesboro, VA 22980 540-‐942-‐5507 U Sunday Services for November 2014 November 2, 11 am - Beyond Categorical Thinking with Amanda Schuber and UUFW's Search Committee Amanda Schuber, a UUA representative will be conducting our Sunday service and afterwards facilitating a workshop entitled "Beyond Categorical Thinking". The purpose of this workshop is to help congregations examine biases in our thinking in our daily lives as well as when we choose and prepare for a new minister. This will prove a stimulating workshop and we strongly encourage all members and friends to attend. November 9, 11 am - Sunday Services Committee Service On Humor and Spirituality It is said that young children laugh as much as 100 to 200 times a day, compared to a large majority of adults who only laugh a few times a day or not at all. Yet laughter is good not only for the body but also for the soul and spirit. We will explore humor through skits, readings, jokes from famous comedians, and song. November 16, 11 am - "Our Sordid Lives" with RevAlex Some of you may have gone down to Lynchburg this past summer to see the Renaissance Theater production of Del Shores' play, "Sordid Lives". This dark comedy about white trash is inspiration for today's service. Come to explore gifts to be gleaned from appreciating our base humanity. Come, Come, Whatever You Are! November 23, 11 am - "Thanksgiving" with Our Children, You, and RevAlex It's an intergenerational Sunday of Improv Theater! We'll be re-telling the great Thanksgiving Story of our Puritan Pilgrim ancestors and the great Wampanoag Indian Tribe! While laughter is sure to abound, the greater hope is that we'll be moved into poignant reflection about how our heritage might call us out to lives of greater thanksgiving. Come to share in ThanksGiving! November 30, 11 am - Pat Peason will be presenting our service today. December 7, 11 am - "Framing Our Winter Holidays" with RevAlex Contextual contemplation is so important during our culture's celebration of the many winter holidays. On this 1st Sunday of December we'll engage in congregational thoughtfulness about just what we might do to ramp up gladness amongst us for the gifts of winter. Come, Come to better know Gladness! From the Interim Minister, Alex Richardson Congregations doing well by themselves are continually exploring what more they can do to grow in compassion and generosity - the basics of being religious. Such was the case in October when your Board, at its monthly meeting, voted unanimously to commit our congregation to collaborative support of the Food Bank of First Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro. The inspiration behind this vote was for us to help build an interfaith effort towards meeting the needs of the poor in our community. The needs of the hungry poor in the Upper Shenandoah have reached the point that the Food Bank of First Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro, has been running out of food each month. Our Board, with my enthusiastic encouragement, committed us to collect food here each and every week that will be sent over to the Food Bank of First Presbyterian in the hope that they don't continue to run out. Our Board endorsed my request that this new and ongoing UUFW food offering be an "all-congregation" effort - I'll be inviting every adult and child to come each week to UUFW with a food item to contribute to the collection boxes that you'll soon see in place. I know you to be a most compassionate people. And I suspect that out of that compassion, you're going to enjoy growing our congregational generosity in this new practice! We'll begin this new offering on Sunday, November 16. I can't thank you enough for what I know you're going to give in support of this new initiative. I look forward to the conversations we're sure to have next Spring about how, out of this new practice of giving, that unexpected gifts have come our way too! Thankful for all we do to grow generosity and compassion! Thankful especially for the privilege of being your Interim. Much heart, RevAlex "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy From the President, Sylvia Woodworth "Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines". Brian Tracy The UUFW board of directors has written five goals to be met by the end of June. 1. We will have hired a new settled minister. 2. We will have increased our income. 3. We will have developed a proposal for a new governance structure. 4. We will have crafted a draft vision statement. 5. We will have addressed some “loose ends” related to personnel matters. Goal setting is important because, in the words of Yogi Berra, “If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." We want to end up in the right place! Thank you to everyone for helping us get there. Have you ever come by the Fellowship on a weekday or Saturday and thought what a shame it is that our facilities are empty and quiet, rather than alive and used? That is about to change somewhat. The PRISM Learning Community, which includes some of our members, is renting the buildings and grounds from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on 36 Tuesdays and Thursdays between October 27 and May 21. Families will come together for homeschooling activities. They will be doing their own opening, closing, and cleaning. Please welcome this group, and be thinking of other groups or individuals that might want to rent our facilities. Rental income improves the financial health of the Fellowship and makes good use of our attractive spaces. From the Religious Education Director, Chris Rivera Hello from RE! "Goddess willing and the creek don't rise", as you read this we will have finally officially begun our children's RE program....hip hip hooray! We are so thankful to all the folks who have put time and effort into the rehab of the RE House and are looking forward to beginning our classes in our newly renovated spaces. Our Teaching Circle volunteers are rehashing our calendar and I am adjusting our curriculum for each age group to accommodate the past month and a half of missed classes. Look for a flurry of activity as we welcome back families, Youth and Young Adults who have been awaiting the start of RE. Please say hello to these folks and give the kids a high five or fist bump to let them know they were missed! We look forward to reporting our progress in the next newsletter edition. Until then I remain, YoUUrs in service, Chris Committee Reports Ministerial Search Committee The Search Committee has been very busy putting the final touches on all the information needed to submit to the UUA website where searching ministers will check us out. We thank everyone who has contributed to this effort. A special thank you to Kim and Geoff Newton who are creating 2 videos for us to include. There will be a break of several weeks before we learn about candidates who are interested in us. While we must keep names confidential we will keep you updated on the process. The results of the Congregational Survey and the Cottage meetings are now available for anyone to see. There are hard copies at the back of the Fellowship Hall and they can also be viewed online at under the Search Committee link. Take a look at what you told us. Finance Committee Service Auction Time!! Our annual Service Auction is November 16. Those new to UUFW might be wondering what this is. It is a glorious Sunday of fun and frolic as we raise money for our Fellowship. Anyone can offer something to donate to the auction such as a dinner at your home, baked goods, dance lessons, trip to DC, bike ride, cooking classes, mulch, jewelry, paintings, scarves, honey, and other endless possibilities. There is a silent auction (where you write down your bids on a piece of paper) and a live auction conducted by our own Bill Harouff. It's totally easy to buy wonderful things. This auction is critical to our budget and every dollar counts. The regular Sunday service and potluck lunch precede the auction and then the fun begins. Please think of things to donate and send that information to Susan Schmidt, [email protected] by November 9. If you have items to bring, Dixie McClenahan has generously offered space in her new store, Twice as Nice at 326 W. Main St. across from the Green Leaf Restaurant in Waynesboro. You can drop things off on Sundays from 1:00-5:00 pm or Monday - Saturday from 9:00-5:00. Leave a paper with your name, phone number, name of the items, and a minimum bid if you have one (you don't have to). Alternatively you can leave things at the Fellowship in the RE building after 11/2.. PLEASE GET ALL ITEMS TO TWICE AS NICE OR UUFW NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 13. Many hours of work go into making the auction a success so let's help our volunteers by being prompt with the deadlines. Let's beat last year's $14,000 raised!!!!! Remember, if you are a Kroger customer they are changing their community support system which gives us money every time you buy from them. If you haven't converted there are instructions at the food card table every Sunday. Or call them at 1-800-5767-4311. If they ask, our organization number is 82052. Hospitality Committee: Coffee Hour has a new feature! In order to better welcome visitors, new members, or anyone wanting a better connection to us, we now have special blue cups specifically for their use at Coffee Hour. If you see someone with one of these cups please make a special effort to welcome them and get to know them better. While our membership is growing we want to preserve our feeling of “family” and this will be one way to accomplish this. Social Action Committee, Sophia Cliffe Augusta County Pipeline Issue: The November Special Collection will be for the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) Shenandoah Valley Network for the purpose of providing public education and outreach materials concerning the Augusta County Pipeline issue. Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center (SVJC) immigrant teens from Central America and the International Rescue Committee (IRC): On October 12, about $500 was received from the special collection. Some of the donations will be used for UUFW to buy 7”x 12” zippered nylon bags, and travel size toiletries plus pocket size games or booklets for the bags for immigrant teens leaving the SVJC. Karen Reed and her team have delivered 30 travel bags to the SVJC for the immigrant teens who leave the detention center each month to go to temporary foster homes. We plan to provide 30 more bags for a total of 60. The UU congregation in Harrisonburg has joined in the project and will assemble about 15-20 more bags. At the current rate of about 8 or 9 immigrant kids leaving the center each month, this will provide enough bags to last through the middle of June. The balance of the money collected will be donated to the IRC who work worldwide to help refugees. Locally, the IRC works out of Charlottesville in the area of refugee resettlement. For more information, you may contact Karen Reed at [email protected] or call her at (540) 949-6691. New Food Bank Project: UUFW received a request from the First Presbyterian Church of Waynesboro asking us to help support their food bank. At their October Board Meeting, the UUFW Board voted to accept this effort as a new ongoing Social Action project for participation by adult and youth members, friends, and visitors who attend UUFW. You will find a box in the Fellowship Hall where you may place non-perishable items to be delivered to the food bank. Families of Veterans blankets and booties project: Knitters and Crochet folk needed. Donations of yarn also needed. A project for families of veterans has been initiated by Pat Grabowski. Knitters and those who crochet are invited to engage in their craft during the Fellowship service and committee meetings. The SAC welcomes your finished items to be donated to families of Veterans. Blankets, booties, and other items are most useful. If you do not knit or crochet, you may wish to donate yarn for these projects. Please contact Pat Grabowski at (540) 942-1190 or email her at [email protected] for more information, questions, or simple patterns. What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? ~Erma Bombeck, "No One Diets on Thanksgiving," 26 November 1981 The UUFW Caring Network consists of Fellowship members who have volunteered to coordinate support for other members in times of special need. If you learn about or are yourself facing such a circumstance, please contact Hinda Richards, coordinator at 887-7515 or [email protected] and RevAlex at [email protected] or 336-4715580. Activities • The Old Time Music Jam meets every Tuesday at 7 pm in the RE building. Both musicians and listeners are encouraged to attend. For more info contact Will Reed, 949-6191or [email protected]. • Brown Baggers are a group of women that meet purely for social reasons the third Wednesday of every month at 11:30 am. The next meeting is November 19 at Lorain Harouff's home. Please let Lorain know if you are coming - 885-3000 or [email protected]. For more information about Brown Baggers contact Lee Patterson, [email protected]. • The UUFW Choir, also known as the Pine Nuts will meet Thursday November 20 and Monday December 1 at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall. They welcome any and all participants. For information please contact Bill or Lorain Harouff at [email protected] or 885-3000. • TRUUVEL: The results are in! TRUUVEL is a hit. After two travel presentations, there seems to be more than enough interest to continue this event as an ongoing series. We will declare the third Friday of each month as TRUUVEL night, beginning in January as weather permits. In the meantime, we will create a list of possible presenters. If you have a destination with pictures and stories you would like to share, or if you know of someone you would enjoy hearing from, please email Lorain at [email protected] any time to add to our list. Thanks! • Third Sunday Potluck Lunch: November 16th is a very important date in our Fellowship year. Our regular THIRD SUNDAY POTLUCK will be followed by the yearly SERVICE AUCTION, complete with our own in-house auctioneer, as well as a SILENT AUCTION of enticing tangible objects laid out to peruse and bid on. Be thinking of a service or activity or object to offer to the highest bidder. Ask anyone who has attended in years past and they can give you lots of ideas for offerings. The auction is always a lively, entertaining afternoon! It remains the main fundraising event of the year. Don't miss it! The food theme this month is Hispanic. Please do not bring soups or other things that require extra serving dishes or utensils since time will be more limited due to the auction. Let's keep it a "one plate/one fork" meal. Please follow Food Plan C: A-G brings main dish, H-P brings dessert or bread, Q-Z brings a vegetable or salad. • LDS: For those who are new with us, LDS stands for Let's Do Subtitles. November 7th will be our next LDS night out! The selection this time is EDGE OF HEAVEN, a Turkish-German movie with a light soup and bread supper provided beforehand at 6:00 to set the cultural tone. The movie will start by 7:00. Come, relax, and enjoy! BYOB UUFW Calendar for November 2014 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 "Beyond Categorical Thinking Service and Workshop, 11 am, Amanda Schuber and Search Committee 3 Search Comm, 6:30 pm 4 5 Prism, 9:30 6 Prism, 9:30 7 Let's Do Subtitles, 6 pm 8 13 Prism, 9:30 14 15 17 18 Search Prism, Comm 9:30 6:30 Music Jam 7 pm 19 20 Brown Prism, 9:30 Baggers, 11 am Choir practice, 7 pm 21 22 Buildings and Grounds Comm. 9 am 24 26 Music Jam 7 pm Finance Comm. 9 am RE Comm. 9:30 am 9 "Humor and Spirituality", 11 am Social Action Comm. 12:40 pm 16 "Our Sordid Lives", 11 am, RevAlex Potluck Lunch and Service Auction, 12:30 23 "Thanksgiving", 11 am, RevAlex and our children 30 Pat Peason will present our sermon 10 11 12 Search Prism, Comm 9:30 6:30 Music Jam 7 pm 25 Music Jam 7 pm 27 28 Thanksgiving 29 The Reverend Alex Richardson, Minister E-mail: [email protected]. or [email protected] Office phone: 540-942-5507, Cell phone: 336-471-5580 Office Hours: Monday through Wednesday by appointment Christina Rivera, Director of Religious Education Office hours: By appointment Office: 540-942-5507 Cell phone: 540-290-5024 E-mail: [email protected] Debora Hoard, Youth Leader Phone: 540-456-6390 E-mail: [email protected] Marilyn Nash, Administrative Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 943-4202. Contact Marilyn to schedule the use of our Fellowship buildings. Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Religious Ed Bldgs/ Grounds Sun. Programs Social Action Communication Hospitality Finance Webmaster Sylvia Woodworth 949-4407 Marsha Fuller 560-1044 Gillian Preston 943-5335 Violet Powers 252-639-8125 Barbara Wright 885-1315 Michele Freeman 434-996-5335 Joe Good 804-291-8277 Den/Nancy Frumen 885-1526 Sophia Cliffe 416-0974 Mike Drumheller 241-1131 Lorain Harouff 885-3000 Doug Woodworth 949-4407 Kim/Geoff Newton 448-3915 Additional Valued Assistants Caring Network Hinda Richards 887-7515 Newsletter Marilyn Nash 943-4202 Trustees Suzy Huston 885-6458 Sylvia Woodworth 949-4407 Blake Clark 248-0228 Pianists Custodian Virginia Edwards 943-0091 Charlotte Shnaider 886-0517 Neil Van Name 447-0318 The deadline to submit information to the December newsletter is November 15. Send submissions to [email protected]. UU Fellowship of Waynesboro 565 Pine Ave. Waynesboro, VA 22980 "If you are truly thankful, what do you do? You share." W. Clement Stone The UUFW Caring Network consists of Fellowship members who have volunteered to coordinate support for other members in times of special need. If you learn about or are yourself facing such a circumstance, please contact Hinda Richards, coordinator, at 887-7515 or [email protected] and also RevAlex at [email protected] or 336-471-5580. The current Network volunteers are listed below. We thank them for volunteering their hearts and time to this very important job of caring for our Fellowship members. CN Volunteer Suzy Huston Nancy Frumen Diane/Braxton Nagle Jerry Reese Rebby Sharp Lee Patterson Debby Austin Theresa Costello Latane Long Cynthia Thompson Karen Hudson Den Frumen Robert Richards Will Strickland Laura Skally Lorain Harouff Hinda Richards 540-885-6458 540-885-1526 540-886-3023 540-946-8588 540-942-0140 540-885-4455 540-487-3378 919-605-1799 540-943-2632 540-887-8166 540-280-0890 540-885-1526 540-887-7515 540-241-0147 703-786-0221 540-885-3000 540-887-7515 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Their CN Group Allen-Becker Belcher-Carlson Chandler-Crowder Curry-Faulkenberry Ferguson-Grogan Hackney-Hudson Huston-Leary Lianez-Mead-Armor Moore-Glen Patterson Ken Patterson-Reese Richards-Schichtel Schmidt-Stevens Strickland-Yost BACKUP BACKUP Assistant Coordinator Coordinator
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