Our Mission Statement: We, the Saint Agnes Parish Family, united in the Eucharist, are called by the Holy Spirit to encounter our heavenly Father and to love and serve Jesus Christ in all people: born and unborn. St. Agnes Catholic Church 5250 Mission Road • Roeland Park, KS 66205 Fr. William B. Porter, Pastor www.stagneskc.org Phone (913) 262-2400 • Fax (913) 262-1050 This Week at St. Agnes Sunday, November 9 • No Donuts today: Casserole & Baked Goods Sale a er Masses while supplies last (see page 6) • Food Trailer here this weekend • Adult Choir 10 am Mass • Religious Educa on Classes 11 am Monday, November 10 • Bridge Club 12 pm Parish Center Tuesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day • Children’s Choir 3:45 pm • Kindergarten Parents Mee ng 6:30 pm School Library • PTO Mee ng 7 pm School Cafeteria Wednesday, November 12 • School Mass 8:15 am • Sewing Group 9 am RMR • RCIA 7 pm RMR • Dad’s Club Mee ng 8 pm Alley Thursday, November 13 • Men of St. Agnes 6:45 am Mass/PC • Grade School Alumni Interviews 8:30 am Parish Center (see page 7) • Knights of Columbus Monthly Dinner and Mee ng 6 pm Alley • Bunko 6:30 pm Parish Center Sunday, November 16 • No Donuts today: Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast a er Masses in the Parish Center • Adult Choir 10 am Mass • Religious Educa on Classes 11 am Upcoming Special Second Collection Campaign for Human Development November 22/23 (details on pg. 3) Bulletin Deadlines Due to the holidays, all submissions for both the November 23rd and 30th bulletins must be received no later than Thursday, November 13th. Thank you! MassSchedule Saturday Vigil at 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am, 12 Noon, 5:30 pm Sunday 3:30 pm Misa en Español Weekdays 6:45 am Wednesdays 8:15 am School Mass Confession Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm FreeRosaryRepair Bob Cunningham is currently serving eight local parishes with this special ministry. Please bring your rosaries for repair to the rectory office in an envelope marked with your name and phone number. Bob will pick them up and return them in a couple of days, and someone in the rectory will call to let you know that your rosaries are ready. Bob also collects rosaries and other religious items to donate to the missions and prisons. Spare parts are also needed and greatly appreciated. Thanks! WelcometoSt.Agnes! Our parish boundaries are as follows: From 43rd Street on the North, to 63rd Street on the South, and from State Line on the East, to Roe Blvd on the West. ChurchAnnulments Any divorced person, Catholic or not, who seeks possible remarriage in the Catholic Church, will need to pursue the process for annulment. For information, contact The Marriage Case Advocate: Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. at 913-894-1456 BulletinDeadline Please submit articles for the bulletin 10 days in advance—on Friday a week before the Sunday that you would like your notice to appear. Email articles to [email protected]. OurParishMonthly FoodDrive Generally held the second Sunday of each month. We gather general groceries and canned goods to share with those less fortunate. Our donations are then taken to the Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Center. Please keep this important work of charity in mind, and watch the bulletin each month for further details. Marriage Contact Mike Gomez, director of Parish Ministries, at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. HotLunch,Inc. We serve the poor a hot meal at the Willa Gill Food Kitchen, located at 7th and Nebraska in Kansas City, Kansas, once a month, usually on the 30th. Baptism To register for the monthly Baptism Preparation class or to schedule a baptism, please call Teresa Youngstrom, the parish secretary, at 913-262-2400. PerpetualAdoration Please contact Dick or Eileen Zeitler at 913-789-9558 or [email protected]. Rosary Sunday at 9:35 am. Please remember St. Agnes Parish in your will! Our legal title is: St. Agnes Catholic Church Roeland Park 5250 Mission Road Roeland Park, KS 66205 “I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” —Psalm 23:6 The rectory office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. REGISTRATION FORM Mark appropriate box Last Name First Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone □ New Parishioner Spouse’s Name □ Update Today’s Date ___ /___ /___ Married Single Divorced Widowed (circle one) Cell Phone Catholic? Y N Children’s Names and Ages E-mail address UPDATES Please update informaƟon as it changes. New address, new phone or work number changes, and especially family status changes, such as...deceased family member, new child, children who have married and moved away. Place in the collecƟon basket or mail to St. Agnes Parish, 5250 Mission Road, Roeland Park, Kansas 66205 or fax to 913-262-1050. Parish Sacrificial Giving ANNUAL Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Annual Budgeted Income Amount: $ 1,736,028.00 Year to Date Budgeted Income Amount: $ 600,930.00 Year to Date Actual Collected: $ 448,656.00 Year to Date Budget Shortfall: ($ 152,274.00) WEEKLY Weekly Budget Need: $ 33,385.00 November 2nd Sunday Offertory: $ 25,499.00 Budget Shortfall: ($ 7,730.00) November 1st All Saints Day Collection: $ 156.00 We thank everyone listed below for their sacrificial giving to assist us in these very important areas: Debt Reduction Virginia Day Mr. & Mrs. Tedd Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. James Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Mark Halpin Mr. & Mrs. William Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyers Mr. & Mrs. William Jansen Maryann Williams Mr. & Mrs. John Mundy Dominga Snook Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Carter Margaret Rosberg Mary Catherine Hale Angel Fund (Tuition Assistance) Mary Catherine Hale Mr. & Mrs. Ken Decker Food Kitchen On Thursday, October 30th, St. Agnes volunteers served meals to 406 people (385 adults and 21 children). Thank you to those who provided food, me, and money for the extra expenses. There are always men, women and children in need of a meal, and we could not serve these people without help from St. Agnes. Together with a core group of regular volunteers, we also have first me volunteers every month. Everyone is welcome and very much appreciated! Special Second Collection for The Catholic Campaign for Human Development November 22/23 Origins CCHD was founded in 1970 by the Catholic bishops of the United States as their domestic anti-poverty program. As a complement to their direct service programs, the bishops saw a need to address policies and systems that perpetuate poverty. Impact CCHD funds community and economic development programs across the United States that help poor and marginalized people join together to make decisions, seek solutions to local problems, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Economic development initiatives help develop new businesses, create new jobs, and develop assets that are owned by families and communities. CCHD also provides educational opportunities for Catholics to learn about poverty, interact with those affected by it, and reflect on our faith response to it. Involvement You can make a difference: 1. DONATE. Your generous support of CCHD, in the parish collection and throughout the year, is vital to CCHD’s anti-poverty mission and creates real change. 2. LEARN. Take advantage of the awareness programs that CCHD offers to learn more about poverty, those affected by it, and our responsibilities as members of the Church. Visit www.usccb.org (search CCHD). 3. PRAY for those who receive CCHD support and for all our brothers and sisters struggling through poverty. *CCHD funds are allocated to community projects that promote the mission and vision of CCHD and the Catholic Church, while adhering to the moral and social teachings of the Church. The collection is split, and 25% of the proceeds support anti-poverty projects in the (arch)diocese where the funds are collected. Benedict’s Brittle Brothers Luke and Timothy of St. Benedict's Abbey wish to thank the members of St. Agnes parish for your warm hospitality and generous support of our Benedict's Bri le sales this past weekend. You more than helped us to achieve our goal, and we so appreciate the assistance this provides to the monks. Please be assured of our ongoing prayers. Should you want to make addi onal Benedict's Bri le purchases, you can purchase online at www.kansasmonks.org. Thank you!! Moving? An accounting of our membership is submitted to the Chancery offices each month, and so please let us know if you move, so that your family’s name may be removed from our rolls. Once the Chancery has been notified, you will no longer receive envelopes, The Leaven newspaper or any mailings from St. Agnes. Thanks! As part of the Prayers of the Faithful for our Sunday liturgies, we always pray for the sick in our community. We will list names, by request, whenever space allows each week. To respect the privacy of our parish members, we will only place names on our prayer list when requested by an immediate family member. Please pray for all those who are sick, especially: Pat Berning, Don Caudle, brother of Roger, Lupita Prada, Ana Maria Gonzales, Evelyn Smith, Patricia Connelly, Tylor Loxterman, nephew of Mike and Ginger, Jim Grant, Francisco Chavez, son of Mary, Dorothy Coatney, Sandra Cooper, sister of Leah Hayden, Gregory Ramirez, brother of Lisa Valdez, Darlene Vaughan, mother of Jennifer Merrill, Dorothy VanBooven, Mary Kincaid, mother of Don, Julie Fein, daughter in law of Ruthann, Shawna Mobley, daughter in law of Rose Harris, Phillip Gomez, Jr., nephew of Mike, David Villanueva, Samuel Ousley, grandson of Debbi Kaufman, Concepcion Garcia, Steven Medina, and Carmen Dominguez. Baptism Prep Class Baptism Preparation Classes are offered by the parish for all parents, to help you prepare for the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism. Come learn why infant Baptism is the norm in the Church. Also, plan to attend the class before the birth of your child, and you will be glad you did! There is no fee for this class, and the next session at St. Agnes will be offered on Saturday, December 6th. Please pre-register for this class by calling Teresa in the rectory at 913-262-2400. Early Education Center News It is with much thought and prayer that we have made the following decision regarding infant care here at St. Agnes. Effective December 31, 2014, we will no longer be offering infant care as part of our Early Education Center program. This decision is based on information gathered while reviewing last year’s financial results and planning our 2014-15 budget. This portion of the EEC is not fiscally sound enough to continue its operation. While we realize infant care is a scarce and necessary service for the community at large, we have come to realize it is not a ministry utilized by many of our parishioners. To serve the parish responsibly, we will discontinue infant care and move the toddler care into the main childcare facility. Thank you for your past encouragement, and we look forward to continuing to serve our parish families. EVANGELIZATION I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him or have forgo en him. —St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Knights of Columbus Potluck and Meeting will be on Thursday, November 13th, beginning with a Potluck Dinner at 6:00 pm in the Alley. Bring your favorite dish and the kids. The business meeting follows immediately at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend the business meeting even if you cannot join us for dinner. Pancake Breakfast This month’s Pancake Breakfast offered by the Knights of Columbus will take place on Sunday, November 16th. Join us in the Parish Center after the 8:00 and 10:00 am Masses to enjoy a delicious breakfast with your friends and neighbors, and support our Knights over a plate of delicious pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee and juice. Music Department News A staffing change in the music program at St. Agnes Church occurred on October 22nd. As of that date Patricia Eccles will no longer be the St. Agnes music director. Like you, St. Agnes is grateful to her for her two plus years of service to our school and parish communities. She has helped to enrich our liturgies as well as the several choirs we have here at St. Agnes while sharing her time and talent with us. Choir members have been advised of this change, and some choir practices may be suspended as we begin our search for a new music director. Like all the members of the choirs, St. Agnes wishes Patricia the best in her next endeavor. Going out of town? Go to www.masstimes.org to find a Mass at your destination! "COME … SIT NEXT TO ME AND TALK WITH ME." God is eager to spend me with you. In the words of one adorer: “Like every family, we have had our share of troubled mes. I remember hearing about the benefits of Adora on. I was told Adora on would not solve all my problems, but I would find peace and comfort. I signed up the next day. It has been one of the best things I have ever done. It truly has given me peace and the ability to trust God’s plan for me and my family.” To sign up, please contact: Dick Zeitler at [email protected] or call 913-789-9558. Holiday Food Drive Our tradition here at St. Agnes during the holidays is to help fill the pantries and shelves of the less fortunate. This year our “Turkey Drive” is the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd. We will be collecting frozen turkeys which may be placed in one of the freezers in the Parish Center. The Parish Center will be open that weekend to collect your donations. Place other Thanksgiving Dinner items in the trailer, found in the parking lot Saturday evening through Sunday after the 5:30 pm Mass. Thanks again for your continued support of this annual event! Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France Cure of Ars 9401 Mission Road Leawood, Kansas 66206 North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lourdes, France, at Cure of Ars Parish on Sunday, November 9th, at 7:30 pm. During this guided Lourdes experience, you will immerse yourself in the Gospel Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock and to experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernadette, you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the Rosary. A Plenary Indulgence is granted to all the faithful, under the usual conditions, who attend a Virtual Pilgrimage with North American Lourdes Volunteers. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. The next best thing to visiting Lourdes itself is a Pilgrimage journey without the travel! Call Tonja or Jim for more information at 913-384-2574. Our Lady extends her invitation to all! Invite your family, children and friends! All are welcome! Saturday, November 8 9:00 am † All Deceased Members of St. Agnes 4:30 pm Frances Schnabel (Spec. Int.) Sunday, November 9 The DedicaƟon of The Lateran Basilica 8:00 am † Dorothy Jilka 10:00 am † Rose Marie Schultes 12:00 Noon † Tony Kovac 3:30 pm Parishioners of St. Agnes 5:30 pm † Lee Jones Monday, November 10 6:45 am † Phil Hanson Tuesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day 6:45 am U.S. Military Veterans (Spec. Int.) Wednesday, November 12 6:45 am † Dr. Fred Bosilevac 8:15 am Gene Podrebarac (Spec. Int.) Thursday, November 13 6:45 am † Be y Storm Friday, November 14 6:45 am Alfred Staab (Spec. Int.) Saturday, November 15 4:30 pm † Ernes ne Sanders Sunday, November 16 8:00 am † Bernice Mar ncich 10:00 am † Richard Rosberg 12:00 Noon † Deceased Members of John Roe Council Knights of Columbus 3:30 pm † Poor Souls in Purgatory 5:30 pm Parishioners of St. Agnes Book of Remembrance It is an ancient and honored tradi on of the Church to pray for and remember the dead, especially in the month of November. You may enter the name of your departed loved ones in our ‘Book of Remembrance,’ which will be placed near the statue of the Blessed Mother in the church, and we will remember them at all Masses during this month. THE TEMPLE AND WORSHIP • • The next PTO mee ng is on Tuesday, November 11th at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. We would love for all parents to a end as we work together to plan for the educa on of our children. A delicious way to help raise funds for our school is by a ending St. Agnes Night at Papa Murphy’s Pizza on Roe Blvd., in front of Lowe’s, on Wednesday, November 12th. A percentage of their sales from that evening will benefit our grade school. Attention Parents Parents with 5 year old children preparing to enter Kindergarten next Fall are invited to an informa onal mee ng where our teachers and principal, Jane Sullivan, will be on hand to discuss curriculum, tui on, and our school philosophy. Please join us in the School Library on Tuesday, November 11th, from 6:30—7 pm. Any ques ons, please call the school office at 913-262-1686. St. Agnes School Library Presents STORIES! ARTS & CRAFTS! PUPPET SHOWS! SONGS! GAMES! REFRESHMENTS! Parents with 2 and 3 year olds are invited to join us on Wednesdays from 9:30—10 am on November 12th & 19th & December 3rd Please RSVP to Patrice Henn at [email protected] Grade School Alumni Project: We need you! The St. Agnes 6th graders are undertaking a class project to compile a history of St. Agnes Grade School, and they need your help. The students would like to hear your St. Agnes Grade School stories and take a look at your photos, yearbooks, certificates, etc. (which may be scanned and returned to you). If you are available and wish to share your memorabilia and stories, please RSVP to Mrs. Burns, at [email protected] or call the grade school at 913-262-1686. Please join us for this project on November 13th and 18th at 8:30 am in the Parish Center. In all of today’s readings, the temple is prominently men oned. Ezekiel speaks of streams of living water flowing out from the temple, watering the desert, bringing life to all living things, offering fresh healing to God’s people. Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith rests upon the firmest of founda ons, Christ himself. More than that, Paul reveals that those who follow Christ are themselves temples, temples of the Holy Spirit; that is, God dwells not only with them, but in them. For the Jews of Jesus’ me, the temple had come to be iden fied with the presence of God and the only place where authen c worship of God took place. Jesus had a different percep on. Jesus iden fied himself not with the temple, but as the temple. In so doing, Jesus indicated a drama c shi in what it means to worship God, to be in God’s presence. No longer was a place to be the focus of prayer. Instead, a person, the person of Jesus Christ, becomes the center of our worship. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I saw water flowing out of the temple; wherever the river flows, every living creature shall live (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12). Psalm — The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Second Reading — Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17). Gospel — Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-22). The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from LecƟonary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporaon. All rights reserved. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica Monday: Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time; St. Leo the Great Tuesday: St. Mar n of Tours; Veterans Day Wednesday: St. Josaphat Thursday: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Saturday: St. Albert the Great; Blessed Virgin Mary GOD’S WILL Lord, if your people need me, I will not refuse the work. Your will be done. —St. Mar n of Tours LiturgicalRoles Nov. 15/16 Lector Extraordinary Ministers Altar Servers Cantor Accompanist Saturday 4:30 pm Sherry McCune Rita Jonscher, Justo Cabanas, Catherine Randall, Rachel Perez, Marianne Weber K. Benes O. Stephenson I. Nguyen-Do Jeremy Zimmer TBA Sunday 8:00 am Mike Cobb Ka e Falk, Michelle Acton, Cathy Sanderson, Jerry Sanderson, Rose Perez C. Cantu G. Cantu A. Abina Terri Howe Sharon Gross Sunday 10:00 am Karen Murphy Anh Nguyen, Sarah Scrafford, Janna Willhaus, Teresa Elder, Josephine Ruiz S. Pedro J. Pedro I. Maddox Adult Choir Sunday 12:00 pm Rachel Kaufman Jody Mitchell, John Foret, Brian Marrello, Carol Losey, Richard Ackmann P. Salas O. Mitchell A. Valdez Dave McGarry TBA Sunday 3:30 Misa en Español TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Sunday 5:30 pm Natosha Halling Kim Halpin, Mary Chicoine, Eric Chicoine, Jeanne Cruse, Rochelle La Rosa M. Mendez H. Ramirez A. Paulsen Contemporary Group Charity Volleyball Tournament CCR: The Catholic Career Roundtable Catholic Challenge Sports is hosting a Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament on November 22nd with proceeds going to benefit Neighbors in Need in partnership with the Seton Center. There will be a competitive and recreational division, and you can sign up as a team or an individual. Deadline to sign up is November 14th. Catholic Challenge Sports is a league of young adults in their 20-30’s who compete in many sporting activities with the mission of faith, service and fellowship. For more information check our Facebook page or our website at kccatholicchallenge.com . The Catholic Career Roundtable is a job club with a focus on jobs and accountability. Meetings are held every Saturday morning, and all are invited to attend. MOYC Email Kara Hansen at [email protected] to be placed on the email list to be notified of all upcoming activities, or join our Facebook group! Book Club meets every other Wednesday night, at 7 pm at the Panera in Mission. For questions about Book Club, please contact Mallory Ronnebaum at [email protected]. Regular CCR Meetings: 8:30—10 am November 16th & 23rd Location: Good Shepherd Catholic Church 12800 W. 75th Street Shawnee, Kansas 66216 Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, there will be no Roundtable Panel on November 29th. St. Agnes Liaison: Judy Riedel Email: [email protected] Website: www.catholiccareerroundtable.com Bunko Hosted by the Altar & Rosary Society $5.00 to play Bring an Appetizer or Dessert to share Bring a friend Wine & Soda provided Thursday – November 13th 6:30pm in the Parish Center Pastor: Fr. William B. Porter Parish Staff Volunteer Leadership Mike Gomez........................ Parish Ministries and Business Manager [email protected] Chris Castrop……………………………………...…….Pastoral Council President David Hoebelheinrich……………………….....……Finance Council President Margaret Kelly………………..……...School Advisory Committee Chairman Vicki Wyatt ..............................................................Bookkeeper [email protected] Lauren Montgomery………………………………………………………………...RCIA [email protected] Ed Weger…………..…………………………………………....…….…Groundskeeper Gary Acton……………...…Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairman Teresa Youngstrom........................................... Parish Secretary [email protected] Natosha Halling ........................ Director of Religious Education [email protected] Diane Church……………Women of St. Agnes/Altar & Rosary President Dave Heinzman..................................................... Maintenance Kara Hansen…………………………...……………..Mothers of Young Children [email protected] Richard Ackmann…………………...…..Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Marc Pineda ..........................................................Maintenance School Staff Jeanne and Norm Cruse………………………………………….…...Food Kitchen Bob and Patti Garcia………………………….…………………..Hispanic Ministry Shane Brown…………...…………………………………..………...…PTO President Dick & Eileen Zeitler…………………………Adoration Chapel Coordinators Kelly Bohon……………………….………..…………………..…………...……..…SCRIP Barbara Long/A.J. Cameron …….….Respect Life Committee Co-Chairs Jane Sullivan .................................................... .School Principal 913-262-1686 Neona Russ….….Director of Early Education/Virtus Coordinator 913-262-1689 John & Kathy King ................................... Food Service Directors 913-789-8038 Jenifer Lefort…………………………………….…...…………..Special Events and Liturgical Arts • VISCEK LAWN CARE • Kevin Viscek ~ Owner 3201 W. 79th Street Prairie Village, KS 66208 [email protected] MANNY’S Restaurante Mexicano • St. Ann Parishioner • Home: 913-649-8941 • Cell: 913-424-9737 Featuring the Newest Wall & Ceiling Ideas Located Downtown & Lee’s Summit www.holmesdrywall.com RESIDENTIAL ONLY 816-471-7595 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Daniel Huerter, DDS ORTHODONTIST Celebrating 30 Years 913.381.4132 474-7696 Family Owned & Operated 4121 W. 83rd St., Prairie Village, KS Manny-Vivian & David Lopez CHIEF Showroom Open to the Public www.Kansascityortho.com Reasonable Fees For further information, please call the Parish Office. McGilley & Hoge PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK 24/7 HELP Johnson County PUSH Memorial Chapel ........... ........... 8024 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, KS 66204 913-642-3565 Serving the Catholic Community McGilley Midtown Chapel 20 W. Linwood Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64111 816-753-6200 008000 St Agnes Church (B) $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Heating & Cooling, Inc. • 10% Off any Service Call • $150 Off Replacement of Heating or Cooling unit, or • $300 Off Replacement of Entire System (816) 246-4646 920 NW Technology Drive, Lee’s Summit www.chiefheatingandcooling.com NICK BUDREAU $250 OFF With Minimum $100 Purchase 913-768-9090 816-695-4338 www.guttertopperofkc.com UNITED MEDICARE ADVISORS Compare more than 25 of the highest rated independent Medicare Supplement Carriers. SAVE UP TO 65% ON YOUR PREMIUMS! ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Call today for your Zero Cost Quotes! TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com 855-482-5779 We are a Nationally licensed agency located in Kansas City, MO. For Ads: J.S. 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SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY Attorney & Counselor at Law 4818 Johnson Dr. 913-341-3778 677-5122 Estate Planning • Wills • Trusts 8340 Mission Rd., Ste. 114 Prairie Village, KS 66206 Tom Gaughan Jerry Gaughan Brett Gaughan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry • Treating Patients of All Ages • We Accept Most Insurances Meetings every 2nd Thursday in the Alley Potluck Dinner at 6:00 pm Business Meeting at 7:00 pm Interested in joining/questions? Contact us @ [email protected] Like us on Facebook: St Agnes Knights Interested in Alley rental? Contact Teresa Youngstrom at 913-262-2400 Gigstad Law Office LLC 913-735-9529 B HAMILTON BO PLUMBING + HEATING + A/C www.allstaryeswecan.com (913) 888-4-BOB Better Call Bob $10 dollars off with this coupon OLATHE AREA • NORTHLAND 2724 West 53rd St. Fairway, KS 66205 913.432.2992 phone www.henhouse.com • DUI • Traffic Tickets • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury 8000 Foster Street Overland Park, KS 66204 www.gigstadlaw.com Catholic Family CREDIT UNION OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 9th 11:00 - 2:00 pm Full Service For All Your Needs 816-444-7440 9237 Ward Parkway, Ste 114 www.catholicfamilycu.com Savings Insured by the NCUA up to $250,000 4742 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS 66205 T: 913.766.1756 F: 866.656.1173 www.SullivanFamilyDental.com Angela Sullivan, DDS Mention This Ad and Receive FREE Whitening Trays & Gel BUCK ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION, LLC Insured • References Residential • Commercial Serving Kansas and Missouri [email protected] A Kincaid Family Company Pay Your Respects 913-928-6436 Not Your Life’s Savings! 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