The Beacon INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Minister’s Column 1 President’s Column 3 Religious Education 4-5 UUSC News/Events 6-10 11 UUSC Calendar Birthdays 12 A M ONTHLY N EWSLETTER THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY OF CLEVELAND V o l um e 6 6 , I s s ue 4 N o v e m be r 1 , 2 0 1 4 NOTES FROM OUR MINISTER Dear Members and Friends, ‘Tis the season of pumpkin flavored everything, and cleaning winter coats as temperatures drop from down through the 50’s and into colder still yet. By the time you read this, hopefully, you’ve come down from your Halloween Candy inspired shenanigans, and you’re beginning to look forward to the Holiday Season. (See an article later in the newsletter about Thanksgiving Dinner.) As we come into a time of a life lived more indoors than out, I share with you a gift from Johnny Mercer. Mr. Mercer never lived to hear his words to “October Goes” matched to music. He wrote: And when October goes The snow begins to fly Above the smoky roofs I watch the planes go by The children running home Beneath a twilight sky Oh, for the fun of them When I was one of them. OF October has just gone by us, and we are faced with November. The song, as sung by Barry Manilow and also by Nancy Wilson plays in my mind as I think about the approaching month and gratitude for such music as this. The song, in it’s entirety, talks of both loss and noticing the changing landscapes of a person’s life, and that also, every twelve months the cycle repeats itself and the feelings return. As nights grow longer and the weather more chilly, I recommend that you pay even more attention to that for which you may be thankful. And should you be gathering with your family, by birth or choice, may safe travels be yours at Thanksgiving. Yours in faith, Rev. Joe Cherry Page 2 T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a nd G R AT I T U D E D I N N E R Thanksgiving a Few Days Early! This month, on November 22nd, we are joining forces with the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Cleveland to offer a Thanksgiving Dinner for the folks who live across the street from us at Musicians’ Towers. Musicians’ Towers, for those like me who are new here, is a building of 196 apartments rented out to folks over 55 who are on limited incomes. If you want to know how you can pitch in and help out, please contact me ([email protected]) and I will put you in contact with the people running the show. If you can’t come that day, you can still help by “buying” a bag of potatoes, or offering to help clean up the next day after church. There will be posters in the basement with images of turkeys, potatoes, cranberries and the like. On the back of each will be a dollar amount that it costs to “buy” that item. At First Church there will also be posters like this. We will be seeking volunteers to cook the turkeys at home, but the rest of the food will be prepared in First Church’s kitchen with members of both congregations working together. We will then transport our bounty to the Society where we will serve our neighbors together. (I’ve heard that even some folks from East Shore are asking to be invited into the action!) There will be more information coming with exact details about time of prep party and time of serving. I’m sure there’ll even be some carpooling organized. Please join in and help make this a rousing success and a cherished memory for all involved. Yours in faith, Rev. Joe Cherry T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a nd Page 3 FROM OUR PRESIDENT Greetings UUSC Members and Friends, I have some very exciting news this month. In September we got a quote for the installation of a hearing loop from Brown Audio Service. A hearing loop is a very cool piece of technology that can broadcast audio directly to a t-coil hearing aid so that it becomes an in-the-ear loudspeaker. They’re used a lot in Europe, but they aren’t very common in the US. In fact, we’ll be one of the first facilities in our area to install a hearing loop. A loop of copper wire will be installed under the carpet in the sanctuary and the loop driver will connect to our existing sound system. The total cost of the system, including installation, is about $2700 but Walter Nicholes has very generously offered to pay $1500 as a gift to the Society. At the October board meeting, we voted to use $1200 from the capital budget to take advantage of this opportunity. Thank you, Walt! On a related note, the board has continued to discuss our options for building improvements. We’ve received advice and rough estimates for a number of the potential action items that I mentioned in my September article. (If you don’t remember, some of the highlights include an elevator, an ADA-compliant unisex bathroom, a security system, and improvements to the front patio and entrance). We will have a meeting on December 7th after the service to present this information to the congregation. We don’t plan to vote on anything during the meeting, but we need to hear everyone’s voice in the discussion as we put together our proposal. Please plan to attend! Barbie Jones, President, UUSC Board of Trustees TREASURER’S REPORT Total 2013/2014 pledge payments as of September 2014 were $12,158 representing roughly 25% of our pledge goal of $64,933. Pledge collections were $4,106 for the month of September. This puts us about 6.5% behind for the year in pledge income. We received $270 in non-pledge contributions to the general fund, plus $289 in other income during September. For the year we have brought in $14,078 of an expected $19,863, making 70% of our goal. The special collection in September for Urban Hope raised $151 and the collection for Seasons of Hope in October raised $230. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the financial ministry of the Society. Dana Bjorklund, UU Society Treasurer T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d Page 4 RE V UU W N O V E M B E R 2014 November 2014 REvUUw and Sunday Calendar Sunday, November 2 Sunday, November 9 Sunday, November 16 Sunday, November 23 Sunday, November 30 Sunday, December 7 Regular Religious Education classroom schedule Regular Religious Education schedule, youth group attend service Regular Religious Education classroom schedule Children’s Chapel “Guest at Your Table” Children’s Chapel “Jingle Bells” Regular Religious Education schedule Sunday, November 2nd from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Shine and Shadow Support Group (formerly the Living and Losing group). Join us for this ongoing support group for people facing loss and change. We will meet in the UUSC library. Newcomers welcome. Friday, November 21st from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Religious Education committee meeting The UUSC religious education committee will meet at the Society to discuss upcoming programs and classes. All are welcome to attend this committee meeting. Saturday, November 22nd from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. OWL workshop: Exploring Transgender/ Cis-gender. This OWL workshop will provide opportunities to gain a greater understanding of the current transgender reality. How can Unitarian Universalists be allies to our transgender community and gain a greater understanding of what cis-gender privilege means to both the heterosexual and the LGBTQ community? We have partnered with the LGBTQ Center to offer this workshop. Sign-up sheets are located in the Fellowship Hall. If you need childcare please let Rina Shere know by Sunday, November 16th. The Our Whole Lives program is a values-based comprehensive human sexuality program. Through discussion and activities participants and leaders will focus on our sexuality in connection to our relationships, our families and our spirituality. Participants will be challenged to explore sexuality as a creative and connective life force rather than a series of thoughts and actions isolated from other parts of human activity. Sunday, November 23rd UU World Discussion group during Social Hour in Fellowship Hall. Join us during social hour to discuss the following articles from the Fall 2014 edition “Challenging the Surveillance State” and “Ready for Change: UU Church of Boulder is UUA Breakthrough Congregation.” All are welcome. Dear families: November 23rd we will begin this year’s Guest at Your Table service collection. We will introduce this year’s “guests” during the Sunday service and then the children will be creating take T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d Page 5 RE V UU W N O V E M B E R 2014 home boxes to help the congregation collect money that will be used to further the social justice work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. This ties in with the idea of giving thanks for what we have and sharing with others that is a theme of the Thanksgiving holiday. The Guest at Your Table collection boxes provide a tangible resource for families to help others in ways that might seem small on an individual level, but when collectively undertaken by others in congregations around the United States, can have a major impact to families in other parts of the world. In faith, Rina T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d GCC Action Meeting November 20th It has been a huge year for GCC, and we have a lot to be thankful for. Our last Delegate Assembly meeting for the year will be on November 20th at 7pm at Antioch Baptist Church, 8869 Cedar Ave, and everyone is invited! Each issue action team will give reports on their progress, successes, and next steps: The Criminal Justice Team will announce how their meeting with Prosecutor McGinty went regarding the Felon Factory of Cuyahoga County. (NB: The meeting on Nov 20 is replacing the CJ meeting scheduled for Nov 13. That meeting has been postponed.) The Education Team will celebrate their work around Issue 4, the CMSD Bond Levy Renewal, and hopefully celebrate its passing (we need your help to pass this issue on Election Day-- click here for more information) The Gun Violence Reduction Team will celebrate Mayors who have signed on to DNSIB and update us on developments in their strategy. (Like the new DNSIB FB page!) The newly elected Strategy Team will report on budget, staffing, recruitment and GCC's strategic plan. Page 6 T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d Page 7 Gratitude Dinner Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:00 PM This month, on November 22nd, we are joining forces with the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Cleveland to offer a Thanksgiving Dinner for the folks who live across the street from us at Musicians’ Towers. Dinner will be served at 4:00. All members and Friends are invited to attend. We'll be needing members to work, to donate, and to attend. See Mary Schatzman for assignments. A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall. For more information, see Rev. Joe’s article on page 2 of the Beacon. T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d Page 8 UUSC N E W S / A N N O U N C E M E N T S REMINDER—Spring Forward and Fall Back One Hour for Daylight Savings Time: Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, November 2nd, so don't forget to move your clock back one hour at 2:00 a.m. First Sunday Potluck—November 2: First Sunday Potluck is November 2nd in the Fellowship Hall immediately following service. If you don’t bring a dish, the cost is $3 per person or $5 per family. First time guests are free. The Dao Study Group—November 2: The Dao study group will meet Sunday afternoon on November 2nd at 2:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. The group will explore "Zen, Kabbalah, and Theistic Religious Strictures". For more information, see Dietz Ziechmann. SAVE THE DATES!!! "Getting to Know UUSC" November 9th and January 11th: Interested in learning more about the Society and Unitarian Universalism? Attend this meeting with the Membership Team immediately after the service. The next meeting is November 9th. Movie Night—November 16: Movie Night for November will be Sunday, Nov. 16, at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. The movie is "Everything Is Illuminated". A young American Jewish man begins an exhausting quest -- aided by a naïve Ukranian translator -- to find the righteous gentile woman who saved his grandfather when his small Ukranian village (along with most of the populace) was obliterated during the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941. Stars Elijah Wood, Eugene Hutz and Boris Leskin. Liev Schreiber directs. Based on the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. We will watch the movie, then have discussion. All are welcome, and yes, there will be pizza. English Country Dance— November 21: Join Wes Senseman and friends on Friday, November 21st at 8:00—11:00 p.m. at the Society in the sanctuary for English Country Dance. All dances are taught and prompted. No partners are necessary. For more information contact Wes at 216-9327570. Gratitude Dinner—November 22: The UU Society of Cleveland Gratitude Dinner will be Saturday, November 22nd at 4:00 p.m. at the church. The residents at Musicians’ Tower have been invited. We'll be needing members to work, to donate, and to attend. See Mary Schatzman for assignments. A sign-up sheet is in Fellowship Hall. T he U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a nd Page 9 UUSC N E W S / A N N O U N C E M E N T S Thanksgiving Eve Service—November 26: Five congregations from the Heights have come together for an ecumenical, community Thanksgiving Eve Service. Like in the days of the Heights InterFaith Council, it will be held Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 26th, at 7:30 p.m. at Hope Lutheran Church, 2222 North Taylor Road (near the East Cleveland border). The speaker will be the Rev. Leonard Killings of Advent Lutheran Church in Cleveland, who serves as the manager of the Lee-Seville-Miles Ministerial Alliance Hunger Center. The theme is "Giving Thanks by Giving Back"... to the community. The Locks are Changing! For security purposes, we are re-keying all of the locks in the church. New keys will be given to the leadership team and board members. Others who are interested in receiving a key should call or email the office if you have not already done so, and your request will be submitted to Rev. Joe for approval. UUSC Board Meeting Minutes: To receive the minutes from Board Meetings via email, please contact the Society’s Office. Have an Announcement?: If you have an item for the bulletin or The Beacon, mail, email or fax your announcement to the Society by Wednesday morning to be included on Sunday. Pulpit announcements can be placed in the green “Announcements To Be Read” folder on the wall in the Office up to 15 minutes before the start of the service. Please indicate how you want your item announced. On Facebook? If so, check out the Society’s Facebook page. A link to it can be found on our website at UUSC Podcast Listen to Sunday services online, and more. Visit: Wheelchair Available The Society has a wheelchair available for use during congregational events. T h e U n i ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a nd THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE Page 10 T he U ni ta r i a n U n i v e r s a l i s t S o c i e ty o f C l e v e l a n d Page 11 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Sunday Worship Service Musical Prelude at 10:45 a.m. Service at 11:00 a.m. Fri 1 Reminder — Daylight Saving Time begins Nov. 2.nd. 2 12:30 pm First Sunday Potluck 1 pm Shine & Shadow 2 pm The Dao Study Group Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 12:30 pm Daytimers’ Meeting 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 12:30 pm Getting to Know UUSC 3—5:00 pm Shamanic Journeying Cir. 12:30 pm Daytimers’ Meeting 5:00 pm Movie Night “Everything is Illuminated” 23 Beacon Deadline 12:30 pm UU World Discussion Group 30 12:30 pm Daytimers’ Meeting 7 pm Board of Trustees 24 25 26 7:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service off site 27 Happy Thanksgiving (office closed) 8:00—11 pm English Country Dance 10-11:30 am RE Committee meeting 10 am—12 Noon Owl Workshop 4:00 pm Gratitude Dinner at UUSC 28 29 Thanksgiving Holiday (office closed) THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY OF CLEVELAND 2728 Lancashire Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 Phone: 216-932-1898 Fax: 216-932-1516 Email: [email protected] The Rev. Joseph Cherry Minister Office Hours: 9:30 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Tuesday—Thursday Message phone: 216-264-9832 Rina Shere Director of Lifespan Faith Development Wed. &Thurs. 9:30 a.m.—230 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Friday—By Appointment Shirley Nelson Administrator/Beacon Editor Tues. 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Thurs. 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Diane Spiegler Bookkeeper UUSC DEADLINES: Beacon Articles: Deadline for December is November 23rd Order of Service/Announcements: Wednesday a.m. before the Sunday Service Board Reports: Thursday a.m. before the Board Meeting on Wednesday evening of the following week. Amy Collins Commissioned Lay Leader Warren Ronney Custodian Barbara Boyd Choir Director Rev. Peggy C. Clason Minister Emerita UUSC Board of Trustees * Barbie Jones President Nina McLellan Vice President Maureen Meslovich Secretary Dana Bjorklund Treasurer Peggy Lagodny Kristen Liviskie Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Birthdays and Anniversaries This is only a partial list, to make it complete, send your special dates to the Office at [email protected] or just call and leave a message on the machine. Thanks!! November Miriam Grossman 14 Diane Spiegler 22 On Facebook? If so, check out the Society’s Facebook page. A link to it can be found on our website at UUSC Podcast Listen to Sunday services online, and more. Visit: Wheelchair Available The Society has a wheelchair available for use during congregational events.
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