THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 OUR LADY OF PEACE PRAYER NETWORK: PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO HAVE ASKED TO BE ESPECIALLY LISTED ON OUR PARISH PRAYER LIST: Jimmy Agresta, Lucretia Aiello, Al Applegate, Mary Ann Arnold.,Tom Arnold, Pat Bakey, Loretta Iannacone Barnes, Peggy Bass, James Boylan, Mary Bradley, Geri Brocco, Donna Brotherton, Brenda Bruno, Connie Buck, Darren C., Maria C., Nancy C., Susan C., Mike Capasole, Robert Caulfield, Mark Cenno, Dorothy Centuolo, Mary Ciglia, Rita Cipolla, Russ Cipolla, M/M Corazo, Jovenita Coronado, Mark Cuthbert, Logan DeAngelis, Maryann DeLeo, Maryann Dymond, Sharon DelBuno, Dominic DiSiro, Isabella Esposito, Sr. Pat Feeley,Sal Fiorentino, Keith Forsythe, Vincent & Rich Fratanduono, Deacon Ed Freed, Maryann Gallagher, Claire Greenberg, Mary E. Hansbury, Joseph P. Harvey, Joyce Hyndman, Taylor Hyndman, Joe Kahwaey, Brianna & Oliva Karge, Michael Kostic, Jim Lafferty, Carmine Lamagna, Loren Laughlin, Vienna Leoncavallo, Nina Lorine, Sandy Lyons, Jean McErlain, Ida McGuire, Sheila McCullough, Sue McCullough, Diana Menna, Charles Michael, James Mihalka, James Miller, Jack Mohr, Angie Montemurro, Nancy Moran, Georgia Palena, Jim Palmerchuck, Lillian Paraschak, Eve Peaco, John Pendergast, Kevin Pendergast, Joseph Petsch, Theresa Pluto, Megan Price, John Raia, Michael J. Rebecca, Irene Rein, Paul Rein, Marie Rein, Judy Rennish, Joseph & Kathie Restuccio, Dolores Richardson, Dominic Rota, Hank Saia, Marie Saiia, Doreen Salimena, Anthony Salvina, Lisa Sassano, Mark Scott, Mark Slashinski, Sr. Regina Smith, Gilda Stabile, Peter Staffieri, Ken Steele, Don Stein, Bill Strang, Carmella Swipes, Steve Swipes, Frank Venticinque, Bob Verchio, Alex Veto, Jr., Officer Anthony Vezza, James Visceglia, Gail Vita, Ann Wade, Linda Waterhouse, Keith Weikel, Lisa Whitely, Warren Wisdom, Carol & Fred Yates, Dan Ziegler. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH Peter J. Alotto, Sr., Edward Keenan, Albert DeSanta, Edward Mullen. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a Loved One who is seriously ill, or if you are going in for surgery, please call the Parish Center to make arrangements for a priest to anoint you. The homebound, elderly, infirmed or recuperating parishioners should make arrangements through the Parish Center, 856-629-6142. SANCTUARY LIGHT For the week of November 1, 2014 In Memory of: Mario A. Pelosy Requested by: His wife, Angela OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH FAMILY STEWARDSHIP: Please make your checks payable to: “Our Lady of Peace Parish” “Thank You for Your Generosity” Collection October 26 , 2014................................$ 17,507.87 Egiving.................................................................$ 940.00 Total…….…………….....,………...….….….....$ 18,447.87 Collection October 27, 2013.................................$ 17,575.57 Egiving.................................................................$ 837.50 Total…………………...………...….……...…....$ 18,413.07 Mary Meals……………………………………....$ 58.00 Knights of Columbus Mater Christi Council would like to thank the support of all who supported our raffle tickets for New Jersey Rite to Life. Your support helped us raise $940 for this great cause. For information about membership in the Knights of Columbus please contact Chuck McCann at 856.373.3980 or [email protected]. FOOD PANTRY Our Food Pantry is in need of canned vegetables, tuna, canned chicken, soups, beans, instant potatoes, mac and cheese, rice, jell-o, canned fruit. You may also give a cash donation. Thank you again for your generosity. ELECTION EVE PUBLIC ROSARY On Monday, November 3rd, Election Eve, a public rosary will be held to pray for the conversion of America. We will meet in front of St. Mary’s Church at 6:30 p.m. Bring a chair, dress warmly; bring your weapon (rosary) and a candle! THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 OUR LADY OF PEACE PAR ISH MINISTRIES There are many activities, programs and opportunities offered at Our Lady of Peace to support members of all ages and stages of life on their faith journey. We strive, as well, to reach out beyond our parish boundaries to help others and do our part to make our world a reflection of Christ’s presence. There are many needs and opportunities. We need you and want you to both give and receive as you enter into the life of Our Lady of Peace. Adopt a Shrine Ministry Deacon John & Irene Kacy 629-3510 Altar Servers Loren Laughlin 629-6142 Athletic Activities Teresa Dramesi 629-6190 Bereavement Support Grp. Toni Donnelly 629-0248 Betania X Prayer Grp. Carmela Valeno 863-1926 Catholic Daughters Kathie Restuccio 629-8547 Catholic Divorce Ministry Debbie Wolk 881-4133 Catholic Sports Ministry Bob Gilkin 863-2271 Children’s Liturgy Gloria Battista 218-1195 Elizabeth Ministry Elaina Judge 677-7180 Evangelization Rick Bruce 982-7582 Extraordinary Minister of Communion Sr. Rita 629-6142 Filipino Ministry Yolanda Ramirez 201-850-3854 FOCCUS (Pre Marriage Communication) Donna LaMonaca 629-4852 Fund Raising Committee Joyce Hyndman 629-6142 Knights of Columbus Joe Brocco 466-2837 Lazarus Ministry (Funeral Mass) Sally Kingston 629-0479 Lectors Jackie Greer 728-4103 Legion of Mary Ana Sales 229-4508 Lifelong Formation Sr. Rita 629-6142 Liturgical Committee Jon Agresta 589-3228 Marriage Prep (PreCana) John/Monica Erhard 629-7612 Ministers of Hospitality Ushers Joe Bochanski 243-5471 Music Ministry (Music Director) Jon Agresta 589-3228 Choir Jon Agresta 589-3228 Folk Group Toni McCann 728-1294 Nursing Ministry Donna Callaghan 875-7511 Pastoral Care Ministry Sr. Rita 629-6142 Juniper Assisted Living Joan Schnatterer 728-2317 Meadow View Nursing Home Deacon Jim Hallman 629-6142 Carino Park Peg Hoffman 629-6023 Prayer Network Betty Smith 629-6142 Prayer Shawl Ministry Inez Troiano 875-9509 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon John Kacy 629-6142 Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (RCIT) Kari Janisse 629-6142 Religious Education Deacon Al LaMonaca 629-6142 Respect Life Linda Pesotski 863-8832 Scouting Mark Candidi 728-8861 Senior Companion Judy Unick 629-1405 Senior Social Club Toni Donnelly 629-0248 Singles & Singles Anew Barbara Hoover 417-4887 Social Concerns Gail Keenan 629-6388 Social Life Donna Ordille 262-4768 Spirituality Committee Sr. Rita 629-6142 St. John Neumann Eucharistic Adoration Kim Fahy 264-6712 St. Mary School Jackie Kern 629-6190 x34 Stewardship/Tithing Comm. Mary Baron 629-6142 Vocation Committee Sr. Rita 629-6142 Wedding Rehearsal Linda Guenther 875-8987 Youth and Young Adult Kari Janisse 629-6142 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE SAT 11/01 8:00 AM John Gonski Req: Mom and Dad 4:00 PM Cassandra M. Dilks Req: Lackore Family Carmella Fortucci Req: Paula and Ed Burns Nicolina Rossi Req: Alfred Caltabiano, Jr. Lawrence Carino, Sr. Req: Camilla Albano Lawrence Carino, Sr. Req: Doreen & Brian Wheeler and Family 5:30 PM Bill Van Velson Req: Jack and Marge Mohr SUN. 11/02 7:30 AM Barney Corrigan Req: Loren Laughlin & Betty Smith 9:00 AM John Egan Req: Pluta Family 10:30 AM Barney Corrigan Req: Gaidis Family 12:00 PM Mary DiSanto Req: The Carmona Family 3:00 PM Filipino Mass 6:00 PM Perpetual Remembrance/People of Parish Req: Fr. Mazz and Our Lady of Peace Parish MON 11/03 6:45 AM Daria Lagana Req: Hill Family 8:00 AM Sylvia Bacco Req: Bacco Family TUE 11/04 6:45 AM Donald Joseph Req: Stephen & MaryAnn Joseph 8:00 AM Carla Hayes Req: Kari, Phil & ACTS WED 11/05 6:45 AM Fr. Mazz – Special Intentions Req: Joyce and Tom 8:00 AM Joseph Hugues Req: A Friend 6:30 PM Nick DiVirgilio Req: Mary LaGrande THURS 11/06 6:45 AM Frank Vecchio Req: Dan, Kathy and Family 8:00 AM Mario A. Pelosy Req: His wife, Angela 7:00 PM Peggy Jean Markellos Req: Deacon Mike and Eileen McDonaugh FRI 11/07 6:45 AM Josephine Vettori Req: Joe & Maria Fallon 8:00 AM Louis Geiss Req: Campisi Family SAT 11/08 8:00 AM Charles Bevilacqua Req: Daughter, Inez Troiano 4:00 PM Betty Taylor Req: Anne Kiska 5:30 PM Perpetual Remembrance/People of Parish Req: Fr. Mazz and Our Lady of Peace Parish SUN. 11/09 7:30 AM Irene Santisi Req: Her husband, Anthony 9:00 AM Mary O’Toole Req:Charles & Marian Dillin 10:30 AM Cassandra M. Dilks Req: Lackore Family 12:00 PM John Zizzamia Req: Loving Family 6:00 PM Nicholas Castellane Req: Pam and John Tighe MINISTRY CORNER SATURDAY, November 8, 2014 4:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Mohan Deacon: John Kacy Lectors: Jim Beck, Jackie Greer EMC: Carl Butler, Dolores Carney, Michael Kushner, Annette Robinson Altar Servers: Bianca Abbate, Samantha McGlynn, Emily Simon, Michael Santangelo, Alexa Santangelo 5:30 PM Celebrant: Fr. Mazz Deacon: John Kacy Lectors: Joseph Janocha, Julianne Janocha EMC: Rose Graham, Lou Lalli, Kathy Graham, Ana Sales Altar Servers: Joey Dieva, Will Shaffer, Camille Shaffer, Sal Lopresti, Anthony Otlowski SUNDAY, November 9, 2014 7:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Mazz Deacon: Jim Hallman Lectors: Elizabeth Rosiak, Sam Miles EMC: Cheryl Bittle, Mark Cavallaro, Rose Cavallaro, Margaret Karbiwnyk Altar Servers: Catherine Cendana, Kenneth Hagans, Marcello Oliveto, Christopher Rein, Eddie Wiechecki 9:00 AM Celebrant: Fr. Mohan Deacon: Jim Hallman Lectors: Dennis Sweeney, Charles Dillin EMC: Lisa Sweeney, Marian Dillin, Mary O’Toole, Jim O’Toole, Marianne McGee, Donna LaMonaca Altar Servers: Julianna Sweeney,Stephen Melograno, Daniel Vecchio, Nathaniel Prichard, Bruce Prichard 10:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Deacon: Al LaMonaca Lectors: Marge Mohr, Jack Mohr EMC: Karen Creel, Kaitlyn Creel, Jackie Greer, Dorothy Carruolo, Walt Bryson, Joe D’Ambrosio Altar Servers: George Creel, Chris Fallows, Jimmy McAloon, Joseph Murphy, Robert Stefanelli 12:00 NOON Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Deacon: Al LaMonaca Lectors: Robert Ridarelli, Janet Schaefer EMC: Marita Marcionese, Mark Pesotski, Kim Fahy, Peg Hoffman Altar Servers: Lauren Parker, Tyler Parker, Emily Bonfigli, Victoria Anyiam, Jayden Ridarelli 6:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Chris Bakey Deacon: Mike McDonaugh Lectors: Scott Geiss, Lynn Smith EMC: Rosemarie Raia, Lisa Petrie, JoMarie Tritschler, Kari Janisse Altar Servers: Victoria Crowley, Brandon Palazzo, Christopher Palazzo, Ryan Petrie, Robert Petrie THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 St. Mary School News Betania X Prayer Group Sign Up TODAY for a tour of St. Mary School For the 2015-2016 School Year The Betania X prayer group is based off the apparitions of Our Lady Virgin & Reconciler of all peoples and nations in Betania, Venezuela, to Servant of God Maria Esperanza. The prayer group begins at 7pm in Marian Hall with the recitation of the rosary followed by a meeting topic for discussion or presentation. The 1st Thursday of the month we begin in the Church with daily Mass together, followed by the rosary and meeting. Below is a schedule for upcoming meeting topics. Anyone of any age is welcome to attend! Nov 6: Talk by Deacon Nick on Death and Judgment Nov 13: Talk by Deacon Nick on Purgatory and Hell EVENING OPEN HOUSES/TOURS FOR ALL th GRADES (Preschool-8 grade) November 12, 2014 January 14, 2015 February 4, 2015 All Open Houses are from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Daytime TOURS Kindergarten and new students entering Grades 1- 8 (in September 2015) Thursday, December 11, 2014—9:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 6, 2015—9:00 a.m. Friday, January 23, 2015---9:00 a.m. 3 & 4 Year Old Preschool (Entering in September 2015) Wednesday, January 7, 2015---9:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 20, 2015---9:00 a.m. (All Preschool tours meet in the Pre-School below the Church) Applications for admission will be accepted during all Open Houses and Tours. Required documents needed include: Baptismal and Birth Certificates, latest immunization records, sacramental information, and most current report cards (when applicable). Additional information about St. Mary School and admission requirements may be found on our website at To register for an Open House or one of our tours and for more information, please call Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office at 856-629-6190 Ext. 34 or by email at [email protected] St. Mary School is located at 32A Carroll Ave., Williamstown, NJ. Our main phone number is 856-629-6190. Registration for kindergarten, new students entering Grades 1- 8, 3 year old preschool and new 4 year old preschool students will take place on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.—Assumption Hall/Gym 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.—Science Lab/Please enter through front entrance of school 6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m.--Science Lab/Please enter through side door across from parish center. YOUTH GROUP Jesus’ Fish Youth Group, 6-8th graders: Nov. 9th: NO regular Youth Group Meeting due to Kari being away. Nov. 23rd: Meeting: Youth Group Talent Night! Come share the talents that God has blessed you with...dancing, singing, drawing (bring your art), etc! 7-9pm in Marian Hall Nov. 25th: Service Project: Help assemble the Thanksgiving apple baskets which are distributed to the families of our parish at Mass on Nov. 26th. 6-8pm in Marian Hall. Nov. 26th: Be a part of the Gospel skit at the 6:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Mass. Please email Kari for details. Dec. 5th: Service Project: We will be helping with the parish appreciation dinner. Help from 630-9pm in Assumption Hall. Please email Kari to sign up. Dec. 13th: Youth Group Fund-raiser: Our Second Annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa and his friends! Help needed with the craft table, serving food, set up and clean up between 7am-1pm. Breakfast will be from 9am-12pm. Please email Kari to sign up. Dec. 14th: Meeting: Advent Prayer Service and Christmas Party! Bring a WRAPPED gender neutral $5 gift for the white elephant gift exchange. 7-9pm in Marian Hall. Dec. 28th: NO Regular Youth Group Meeting. Enjoy the holiday weekend! JP2 High School Youth Group, 9-12th grade Nov. 11th: Service Project: Help cook for Ronald McDonald House in Camden. (8 People needed) meet at OLOP at 3pm and you will be back around 7/8 pm. Please email or text Kari to sign up. (Please note Kari will not be there. Jackie, Paula & Karen will be leading you.) THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 YOUTH GROUP Continued) JP2 High School Youth Group, 9-12th grade(Cont’d) Nov. 16th: Meeting from 7-9 pm in Marian Hall. Coffee House/Open Mic night. Bring your art work to display, musical talents, poetry or anything you’d like to share with the group that evening! Nov. 25th: Service Project: Help assemble the Thanksgiving apple baskets which are distributed to the families of our parish at Mass on Nov. 26th. 6-8 pm in Marian Hall. Nov. 26th: Be a part of the Gospel skit at the 6:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Mass. Please email Kari for details. Nov. 30th: Service Project: We will be baking cookies from 12-3pm in Marian Hall and then going caroling to the local nursing homes from 3-6pm. Pizza will be served for lunch. (Parent drivers needed from 3-6pm.) Dec. 7th: Meeting: Wing Bowl Night! Come out to be a part of the 1st Youth Group Wing Eating Competition. Cost is $10/per participant. Please sign up with Kari by 12/1 to participate. We will also hear a talk for the Vigil of The Immaculate Conception Marian Hall from 7-9pm. to us about the differences and similarities within the Ukrainian and Roman Catholic Churches. ST. JOSEPH’S MEN’S GROUP Join men of our parish for a prayer & share. We have common thoughts & concerns about our roles and responsibilities in Family –– Church –– Workplace, as sons, dads, grandfathers & husbands. You may have an answ er to another man’s questi on related to who w e are as Catholi c men in a busy w orld. We meet the 1st & 3rd Saturday Mornings of each month after 8:00am Mass (8:30>10:00am) Nov 15 3 & 17 Feb 7 & 21 Apr 18 May 2 & 16 18 Aug 1 & 15 ACTS Young Adults, 18-28 years old November 3rd: ACTS will be participating in the Camden Diocese’s Matthew 25 Project. We will first have a speaker from the Joseph’s House in Camden in St. Joseph’s room from 7-8:30 pm then we will head to Camden to assist with welcoming and serving a meal at the Joseph’s House to those staying there for the night. Mar & & 20 Jun 6 & 21 Jul PARISH NURSING MINISTRY NEWS November 2014 M AT TH E W 25 PR OJE CT Our Lady of Peace Parish Nursing Ministry will be participating in the Diocesan-wide Matthew 25 Project by offering blood pressure screenings, older adult healthrelated literature, and parish nursing information on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in Marian Hall. Please join us to learn more about your holistic health and wellbeing! The Filipino Ministry of Our Lady of Peace Parish Believe, Unite and Share our Faith” November 10th: Marian Bible Study part 5 in St. Joseph’s Room from 7-9pm. November 17th: Marian Bible Study part 6 in St. Joseph’s Room from 7-9pm. November 24th: Rescheduled meeting with guest speaker Fr. Paul from the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Fr. will be speaking Jan We Meet in Marian Hall Dec. 13th: Youth Group Fund-raiser: Our Annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa and his friends! Help needed with the craft table, serving food, set up and clean up between 7am-1pm. Breakfast will be from 9am12pm. Please email Kari to sign up. Dec. 14th: Meeting: Advent Prayer Service and Christmas Party! Bring a WRAPPED gender neutral $5 gift for the white elephant gift exchange. 7-9pm in Marian Hall. Dec 6 & 20 Nov. 2 3 PM Mass Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Dec. 7 Dec. 15-23 3PM Mass 2nd Sunday of Advent After 3 PM Mass 3rd Filipino Parish Family Christmas Party 2nd Year of Simbang Gabi 5:30 AM Church Our Lady of Peace Senior Social Club Your Help is needed to Feed the Hungry in Camden The next meeting will be Monday, November 11, 2014 2pm in Marian Hall. Come on out and enjoy companionship and the game of Bingo. Refreshments will be served. “Please use the elevator entrance.” Singles & Singles Anew.. The Butterfly Effect 30 years and up We look forward to seeing all of you at Our next meeting on: Thursday, Novembe r 6, 2014 6:30 pm St. Jose ph’s Room Contact Barbara 856-417- 4887 For any other information. RADIO CITY Our Lady of Peace Parish will be participating in the Camden Diocese's Matthew 25 Project. Help is needed by our parishioners on November 3rd to make casserole & ziti dishes to be dropped off to our parish by 7 pm. Any dessert donations will also be greatly appreciated. Please contact Kari Janisse to sign up for a dish or dessert... 856-629-6142 x 20 or [email protected] You are also welcome to join the ACTS Young Adult Group in the evening from 7-8:30 pm in St. Joseph's room to hear from John Klein, the Executive Director of Joseph's House in Camden. We will begin with the rosary and then John will present on Joseph's house ministry from 7:30-8:30 pm. At 8:30pm the ACTS Young Adults will head to Joseph's house in Camden to assist with serving the food and greeting those staying for the night. Life Lessons from Women in the Bible FINAL PAYMENT IS DUE Our annual trip to New York City will be Wednesday, December 3, 2014. The Radio City Christmas Show, with Orchestra seats, starts at 2 pm. After the show, we will have dinner at Mastoris’ in Bordentown. The cost will be $130.00 per person. SOLD OUT NOVEMBER 15, 2014, 10am - 12pm Marian Hall OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 WILLIAMSTOWN, NJ Call Barbara at 856-904-6786 to register Ministry: __________________________________ # Attending: _______________________________ Would you consider in the eventuality of the passing of a loved one in lieu of flowers or donations to a favorite charity that a donation be made to Our Lady of Peace Parish- general parish or a specific ministry within the parish. Super 50-50 Cash Drawing Benefit of Our Lady of Peace Parish Drawing: Friday, December 5, 2014 Please return 50/50 tickets to Parish Office as soon as possible. APPRECIATION PARTY FOR PARISH MINISTRIES We thought it would be nice for all of us who work together during the year to break bread as we commemorate the Birth of Our Savior. Please join us on Friday, December 5th in Assumption Hall for a Parish Ministry Christmas party at 7PM. If you are involved in any of the Ministries of the Parish, please let your Ministry Coordinator know you are able to attend. Or you may fill out the form below and return to the Parish Center or drop in the Offertory. Spouses are invited to come. Name: ____________________________________ Mary’s Meals update to Our Lady of Peace Parish Your school: Gbah Primary School, Klay We are incredibly grateful for the funds which you provided earlier in 2014 to support the children who attend Gbah Primary School. Your school is situated in the township of Klay, which is in the north-western region of Bomi County, one of the areas affected by the Ebola outbreak. We are pleased to report that school feeding took place as planned in the first half of this year. Thanks to your generosity, the 272 children attending the school – who range in age from between six and 16 – were able to attend class, full in the knowledge that they would receive a nutritious meal and also benefit from an allimportant education, rather spend their days working, begging or even foraging for food. As a result of the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus and the declaration of a State of Emergency by the Liberian government, schools have yet to reopen after the summer break. With this in mind, and as detailed more fully above, the school feeding program has not been able to recommence as normal. We are pleased, however, to confirm that the children of Gbah Primary School in Klay are part of the 69,000 children across Liberia who are currently benefiting from our emergency feeding program, with food supplies being distributed to families in their homes. On behalf of everyone at Mary’s Meals and the children of Liberia, we would like to extend our warmest and most sincere thanks for your continued sponsorship of the feeding program at Gbah Primary School. The daily meal you are providing, especially in these difficult and challenging times, is very important and much THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 appreciated by the children and their wider community. Thank you! If you have any further questions about the Ebola crisis and Mary’s Meals’ response, please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Morgan, Sponsor a School Coordinator at [email protected]. Our Lady of Peace Parish First Annual Visitation Day Saturday, November 8, 2014 This is a parish visitation outreach to selected neighborhoods and the plan is to cover the entire parish over the course of several years. The purpose of the visit is to hear how the parish can better serve its members, and listen to ideas on ways to make our parish even more vibrant. A team of two may be visiting your home on November 8th and will be wearing ID badges, so you know they are from the parish. When they come to your door, please welcome them, as this is not an easy task and your kindness can brighten their day. They go out in the name of Christ and Our Lady of Peace Parish. We can never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit and we pray that these visits bear much spiritual fruit. PHONE:________________________ Have Car? Yes_____ No______ First time I’ve done door-to-door visitation? Yes_____ No______ (New workers will be teamed with experienced partner) Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great "Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus, with all the Masses being said all over the world this day, for the Souls in Purgatory." Our Lord showed St. Gertrude a vast number of souls leaving Purgatory and going to Heaven as a result of this prayer, which the Saint was accustomed to say frequently during the day. The Holy Souls Will Repay Us A Thousand Times Over If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please register by completing the form below and returning to the Parish Center or in the Offertory Basket. Now who can be in more urgent need of our If you have not done door to door visitations previously, please consider doing this. You will receive training, be paired with an experienced partner and will make a worthwhile contribution of YOUR talents to OUR Parish. Here is our agenda for the day, starting and ending in Marian Hall: compare to their dreadful torments? Neither the Agenda 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass Continental Breakfast Training & Assignment Meeting 11:00 am Visiting Homes with Partner 1:00 pm Lunch Reports to Pastor 2:30 pm Conclusion Our Lady of Peace Parish Visitation Day Registration NAME: ____________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________ charity than the souls in Purgatory? What hunger, or thirst, or dire sufferings on Earth can poor, nor the sick, nor the suffering, we see around us, have such an urgent need of our help. Yet we find many good-hearted people who interest themselves in every other type of suffering, but alas! Scarcely one who works for the Holy Souls. Who can have more claim on us? Among them too, there may be our mothers and fathers, our friends and near of kin. When they are finally released from their pains and enjoy the beatitude of Heaven, far from forgetting their friends on earth, their gratitude knows no bounds. Prostrate before the Throne of THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 God, they never cease to pray for those who helped them. By their prayers they shield their friends from many dangers and protect them from the evils that threaten them. meeting in St Joseph’s Room, so that we can organize the events of the food distribution. All members of the social concerns committee as well as interested parishioners are invited to attend. At this meeting, we will share information concerning collection, organization, and distribution. Whatsoever You Do….. St Mary’s Thanksgiving Food Collection As we begin preparing for our annual Thanksgiving Drive we ask your special assistance in caring for our less fortunate neighbors. In the past, your generous support of this project has provided much needed assistance to over 300 families in our community, as well as to those aided by local social service agencies. With the current economic situation the need continues to remains high. In addition our Parish Family has been able to provide emergency aid to people in our area who come to us for help throughout the year. Please help with donations of: Non-perishable food items such as: canned vegetables, canned fruits, soups, tuna, juices, pasta, spaghetti sauce, can gravy, rice, can cranberries, stuffing, mac & cheese. The above items may be left in the Vestibule of the Church or dropped off at the Parish Center. Perhaps you might want to make a cash donation with which we may purchase items that may be in short supply. If so, just put it in an envelope, mark it “Thanksgiving” and place it in the collection basket. Turkeys, chickens, canned hams and roasts will be collected on November 24th. Please keep us in mind when you get your free turkeys at the local supermarkets, Also, you may bring ready to eat pies and cookies. Thanksgiving Drive-Planning Meeting On Tuesday evening, November 18th at 7:00 PM, we will have an hour (promise not to exceed) “Journey Through Scripture" The Bible and the Mass- from the "Lambs Supper" by Scott Hahn When: Wednesdays 11/5/14; 11/12/14; 11/19/14; 12/3/14; 12/10/14; 12/17/14 Times: 7:00PM to 8:30PM Place: Marian Hall Cost: $15.00 for Workbook. Buy "Lambs Supper" by Scott Hahn on line if needed. Complete and Return Form and Payment to Our Lady of Peace Parish. Checks Payable to Our Lady of Peace: Please Print THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Name_____________________________________ Email____________________________________ Phone____________________________________
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