Corpus Christi Church 136 South Regent Street Port Chester, New York 10573 Salesians Fr. John Cosgrove, SDB Pastor Rev. Joseph Vien Hoang, SDB Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter Granzotto, SDB Parochial Vicar Rev. Miguel Suarez, SDB Youth Minister for Corpus Christi & Holy Rosary Parishes Deacons Deacon Michael Gizzo Deacon Thomas Vargas Salesian Sisters Sr. Theresa Lee, FMA Principal of Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School Sr. Margaret Rose Buonaiuto, FMA Director of Religious Education Sr. Frances DaGrossa, FMA Sr. Joo Yun Park, FMA Salesian Educators and Assistants Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School 914-937-4407 Corpus Christi Convent 914-937-4405 Mass Schedule Masses for Sunday Vigil Masses on Saturday: 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Note: 9:00 am - Children’s Mass Masses for Holydays Vigil Mass: the day before at 7:30 pm Holyday: 6:45, 7:45, 12:00 noon, 7:30 pm Weekday Masses Mon.-Fri. 6:45 am, 7:45 am, 12 noon Saturday: 6:45 am, 7:45 am Confessions Saturday 11:00-12:00 pm and 3:00-4:00 pm Communion Calls We welcome the opportunity to visit those who are unable to attend Mass. Please call the rectory. Baptism Baptisms ordinarily take place on Sundays at either 2:00 or 3:00pm. Email Deacon Mike at [email protected] or call him at 914-9340347. Weddings Contact the rectory at least six months in advance. Sponsor Letters Please know that if you are in need of a sponsor letter you must be a registered, active parishioner for at least six months. An active parishioner is one who attends Mass regularly, receives the sacraments, and financially supports the parish. The importance of this is that by being a sponsor you will be taking on an active part in raising the child in the Catholic faith. Internet Websites: http://youthcenter.corpuschristichurchorg Email Address: [email protected] Mission Statement of Corpus Christi Church We, the Catholic Parish of Corpus Christi within the Archdiocese of New York, are “One Body of Christ”. Our mission is to follow Christ’s example of love by which we are bound together with the strength of the Holy Spirit. We incorporate His teachings in our daily lives through corporal and spiritual acts, and we reach out to others with compassion, acceptance and love. This mission consists of proclamation, worship, community, and service. “To accomplish this mission, we have been given a share in the charism of the Salesian Family. This charism gives shape and provides direction and power for all we do, especially for youth.” Like St. John Bosco, we believe in the power of little things and in the significance of each member of our parish family. Actions that are most dear to us include making everyone feel welcome as part of a real family, enabling people to be the best Christian men and women possible, and helping one another feel the presence of our Lord in all things. These actions are directed not only to our own parish family members, but also to those outside our parish, who are most in need. Corpus Christi Church (914) 939-3169 Fax: (914) 939-7249 Salesians of St. John Bosco November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Parish Ministries and Contacts Devotional Ministries - To increase the fervor and spiritual life of our parishioners. Devotional Saint’s Feast Don Bosco Triduum May Crowning Rosary Fr. Peter Granzotto Salesian Cooperators - Angelo Forta Corpus Christi School Fr. Peter Granzotto (939-3169) (939-6685) (937-4407) (939-3169) Educational Ministries - To develop the mind through knowledge in the faith. Religious Education Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School Vocation Co-ordinator Sr. Margaret Rose Sr. Theresa Lee, Principal (937-4407) (937-4407) Liturgical Ministries - to enhance the celebration of our worship at Mass. Acolytes Choir Lay Ministers of Communion Lectors Liturgical Committee Servers Ushers Angelo Forta Anthony Austin Roseann DiLeo, (937-0580) Anthony Austin Anthony Austin Angelo Forta Jack Giunta Fr. Peter Granzotto (939-6685) (939-0052) (939-3169) (939-0052) (939-0052) (939-6685) (939-3169) Operational Ministries - To provide for our works through the talents of our minds and hands. Chief Engineer of Maintenance Trustees Bingo Committee Bulletin Carnival Committee Internet Parish Council Rectory Office Dennis Bochichio Anthony Austin (939-0052) Steve Cohen Nancy Casino Paul Gerardi Luis Ruiz Paul Gerardi Nancy Belfiore (939-3169) Bruno Ponterio (937-3546)) (939-3169) (939-3169) (939-3169) (939-3169) (937-1455) (939-3169) Outreach Ministries - To go beyond ourselves and bring our mission to others. Christmas Toy Drive Pro-Life Group Corpus Christi Alumni Parent Teacher Organization Salesian Cooperators Thanksgiving Food Drive Nancy Casino (939-3169) Ralph Cirulli (937-6935) Knute Numme (497-1321) Jonathan Morano (937-4407) Dawn DeLeo, Jaime Paladino (email [email protected]) (937-4407) Fr. Joe Vien Angelo Forta (939-6685) Nancy Casino (939-3169) Sacramental Ministries - To prepare parishioners for their sacramental encounter with Christ. Baptismal Preparation Marriage Preparation Visiting the Sick Adult Confirmation Preparation Dec. Michael Gizzo (email pref. [email protected]) (934-0347) (939-3169) Fr. Peter Granzotto (939-3169) Fr. Joe Vien (939-3169) Social Ministries - To promote wholesome community and family spirit. Holy Name Society Senior Citizens Our Lady Help of Christians Sodality Marion Stephens Toni Ganim (203-561-2923) (937-5262) Youth Ministries - To provide recreational, spiritual and wholesome programs for the young. Sports Program Young Adult Group Teen Center Youth Minister’s Assistant Youth Minister of Church & School Joseph Casino Fr. Joe Vien Fr. Miguel Suarez Nancy Casino Fr. Miguel Suarez (939-3169) (939-3169) (939-3169) (939-3169) (939-3169) Thank you and God bless you, Veterans. Saturday, July 23, 2011—ViNovember 9, 2014 - The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Mass Intentions Saturday, November 8, 2014 - Vigil Masses 4:00pm Domenico, Giuseppa & Aldo Capocci by Frank Capocci 6:00pm Achille & Rosalba Alonzi by Achille & Edda Sunday, November 9, 2014 7:30am Santo & Natalina Accurso by Joann & Lorenzo 9:00am Albert & Anna Lanni by Angelo & Melania 11:00am Joseph Austin by Anthony & Teresa 12:30pm Fannie Lalla by Bea & Richard Lalla Monday, November 10, 2014 6:45am Vito Carlucci (ann) by the late Ann & Sadie 7:45am Deceased Family Members by Maria Capocci 12:00pm Giuseppina DiPalma (bday) by Gemma & Mario Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:45am Lawrence M. LaLuna by brothers Lou, Lenny, Lee & Ray 7:45am Millie Marciniak by Nel & Tony Moore 12:00pm Loretta Santora by Toni Zaccagnino Wednesday, November 12, 2014 6:45am For All Parishioners 7:45am Anthony DiMasi (bday) by family 12:00pm Marie Colangelo by Pina Bruno & Frank Maida Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:45am Deceased Members of the Reilly Family by Mary, Joe & Peggy 7:45am Roseann Moore by Barbara Gerardi 12:00pm Lynette Masi by Judy Koller Friday, November 14, 2014 6:45am Ernest Sorbara by wife & family 7:45am Genoweffa Boccarossa by daughter Carmela 12:00pm Carmela Mirizio by daughter Judy Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:45am Alex Pastor by mother 7:45am Jeanette Fisher by Edda Alonzi Events of the Week Saturday, November 8, 2014 • Second Collection/Development Fund • 4:00-8:00pm Family Gathering Sunday, November 9, 2014 • 9:45-11:00am Religious Ed. Grades 1-6 • Second Collection/Development Fund Monday, November 10, 2014 • 4:30-9:30pm Basketball Practices/Gym • 7:30pm Salesian Cooperators/Teacher’s Lounge Tuesday, November 11, 2014—Veteran’s Day • Veteran’s Day/School and Offices are closed • 3:30-9:30pm Basketball Practices/Gym • 6:45pm Special Bingo • 7:15pm Regular Bingo Wednesday, November 12, 2014 • 4:30-9:30pm Basketball Practices/Gym • 7:30pm Adult Education Class/Cafeteria/Deacon Tom Thursday, November 13, 2014 • 3:00-9:30pm Basketball Practices/Gym • 7:00pm PTO Meeting/Report Cards/Cafeteria Friday, November 14, 2014 • 4:00-9:00pm Lenny Cusumano Tourney in Gym • 7:30-11:00 Girls Night Out/Cafeteria Saturday, November 15, 2014 • 9:00am-4:00pm Lenny Cusumano Tournament • 4:00-8:00pm Family Gathering Sunday, November 16, 2014 • 9:45-11:00am Religious Ed. Grades 1-6 • 9:00am First Communion Enrollment Mass/Gym • 12:30pm Lenny Cusumano Tourney/Gym • 2:00pm CC Seniors Meeting/Cafeteria Saturday, November 15, 2014 - Vigil Masses 4:00pm Mary B. Peisker & Family by Rosemary Embrendo 6:00pm Alberino Celini by Tony & Rosalba Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:30am Bessie Messina by family 9:00am Michael & Amerigo Boccarossa by sister Jennifer 11:00am Alberino Celini by niece Roseann 12:30pm Victor & Frances DeGeorge by children Please remember to turn off all cell Please arrive on time for church services and do not leave the phones and electronic devices before church until the priest and altar servers reach the front door of the church at the end of Mass. the start of Mass. Thank you. Please pray for our Troops Robert Gleason, Daniel Ceccarelli, Michael Russo, Michael Valencia and Doug Doros Weekly Collection The collection for November 2nd was $7251.00. We thank you for your generosity. We need $7500 per week in our first collection to meet our weekly operating expenses. RCIA 1. Mr. Austin is working with non-Catholics who would like to enter the church. Please call Mr. Austin at the rectory if you are interested. Classes will be held weekly. 2. Adult Confirmation: Fr. Joe is working with Catholics who are in need of Confirmation or both Communion and Confirmation. To register, please call the rectory. Classes will be held bi-weekly (first the third Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm). The next class will be on November 20th. Parish Prayer Line Nancy Casino, our bulletin editor, oversees the prayer list. You can contact her at 914-937-4057 and leave a voicemail, or send an email to [email protected]. We ask that you only include names of parishioners. Thank you. We ask your prayers for: Evelyn Messina, Danny Bochicchio, Fr. Jim Marra, Anthony Summa, Kay LoParco, Patricia Gallo Perez, Donna Collins, Rocco Morabito, Jr, John Suppa,, Michael LaDore, Peter Sotter, Jr. and Fr. Peter Granzotto The Catholic Tour The Catholic Tour is a 34 year old Catholic Travel Apostolate that has been able to secure only 50 air seats, hotel beds and Exposition Tickets for the upcoming Showing of the Original Shroud of Turin, the Burial Cloth of Our Lord. We will be departing Newark, JFK Airports. Air from your home city will be available. The pilgrimage pricing will be under $3599.00 which includes your transatlantic airfare, hotel, most meals, tour escort, deluxe motor coach and all airline fees and taxes. Come and be part of this once in a a lifetime event with the next Exposition not available until the year 2025. Please contact Pam Adair in our office if you would like to receive our day by day itinerary and necessary registration forms. Please call or visit The Catholic Tour foll free at 1-877627-4268 or simply email [email protected] for further information. The Catholic Tour looks forward to serving you in this recently announced possibly once in a life event of our Catholic Church. Candle on the Blessed Mother’s Altar is in memory of Rose Vincento by Connie Accorinti Candles $25 Each St. John Bosco St. Joseph St. Jude St. Anthony ______ ______ ______ ______ Pieta ______ Mary’s Altar ______ Sanctuary Lamp______ Holy Shroud ______ Hosts for the week _______ Wine for the week _______ In Memory of:____________________________________________ Requested by:____________________________________________ Week requested:__________________________________________ Please drop form and payment in an envelope in the collection basket or mail or bring to the rectory office. In order for a memorial to appear in the bulletin it must be received two weeks in advance. The candles will burn for one week. ESL Program at the Don Bosco Center On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:3011:00am the Don Bosco Center is offering English as a second language classes to the immigrant community in Port Chester. The program is taught by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer (no knowledge of Spanish is necessary), or are interested in further information, please email [email protected] or [email protected]. Worldwide Marriage Encounter “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” The Spirit of God dwells in our marriage Sacrament, also. Learn tools to strengthen your marriage on the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For information call 1877-NYS-WWME ext. 3. Human Trafficking If you see or suspect any kind of human trafficking, note the location and/or license plate of this degrading, illegal activity and call either your local Port Chester Police Department at 914-939-1000 or the National Hotline for Human Trafficking at 1-888-373-7888. You need not give your name. For further information on human trafficking visit Sponsor A Player! Very soon our CYO Basketball program will begin. We have many young people who would like to play but simply cannot afford the registration fee of $150 or the uniform fee of $60. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a portion of these fees for a needy child, please call Nancy Casino at the rectory office (914-939-3169). Our CYO Basketball program runs from October through March. This year will be the 25th Anniversary year of the annual Father Rinaldi Cougar Classic year end tourney which our children look forward to participating in. CCHRS Students celebrate with Fr. Peter on his birthday last month Mass for Healing A Mass for Healing will be celebrated at Holy Rosary Church, Hawthorne, NY on Monday, November 17th at 7:30pm. Fr. Martin Njenga will be the celebrant. Prayers for children will immediately follow the Mass. This is an opportunity to bring your spiritual and physical needs to the Lord. For additional information call 769-1687. Family Gathering Our fall, “Family and Faith Gathering” will take place on Saturday, November 15th, from 5:00-7:30pm for all families, especially those with children in grades 7 and 8. Prayer flows from a vital and personal relationship with the living God. We talk, we listen, we rejoice, we grow. There will be something for everyone to take home with them; fellowship, good food and fun for all. You don’t want to miss it. Save the date! For further information, please call Sr. Margaret Rose at 914-937-6301. Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School Serving our community for over 50 years! CORPUS CHRISTI YOUTH CENTER MONTHLY 50/50 RAFFLE Name:_____________________________________________ Phone Number:______________________________________ December, 2014 Donation: $1.00 Return this ticket with $1 before the 1st Sunday of the following month. The monthly drawing is held on the 1st Sunday of the month. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Today we give special a en on to the Lateran Basilica in Rome. This basilica is the official seal of the Holy Father as Bishop of rome. The Roman emperor Constan ne (274-337AD), who converted to Chris anity built this church. To show our unity with Rome, we have celebrated the dedica on of the Lateran Basilica since the 12th century. Today’s readings stress how a church building must be dedicated to serving God. St. Francis de Sales notes: While God is everywhere and in all Ɵme, why would God, at certain Ɵmes, not want to have certain consecrated places, where Our Savior can be honored? It is the place where the Body of Christ is reserved. We are indeed able to say, “Truly the Lord is here.” As the people of God, we are ‘living stones’ that make up the Church and become ‘God’s building’. We are temples of God, and the Spirit of god lives in us. Our good works are highly valued because they come from the Holy Spirit. Through divine love, the Spirit does these works in us, for us, and with us. We co-work with the Spirit. The works of good ChrisƟans are of such great worth that heaven is given in return for them. Let us unceasingly work to prepare the Church on earth for its heavenly glory. The fervor of our sacred love for one another is the bond that unites us in the ‘House of God.’ All that is not of God weakens the human spirit, and stands in the way of dedicaƟng our hearts to God with the holiness of our lives. The Church is a house strewn with flowers of martyrs and holy people, invincible in their constancy and love. Like these ChrisƟans who came before us, let us dedicate our hearts to serving God. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to flood our hearts with divine love, so that the Spirit may work in and through us, and make us ‘living stones’ of God’s work on earth. (Adapted from Salesian wriƟngs, especially St. Francis de Sales. Oeuvre: sermons.) SOME GREAT SAINTS OF THE WEEK NOVEMBER 10 - ST LEO THE GREAT A na ve of Tuscany in Italy, Leo was elected pope in 440. He countered heresies from all sides, presiding at the Council of Chalcedon, the summit of the Church’s Christology. Leo is one of three popes accorded the tle “the Great,” and a Doctor of the Church. His words s ll adorn the liturgy: “Chris an, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin to your former base condi on. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Do not forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of God’s kingdom. NOVEMBER 11 - ST MARTIN OF TOURS Mar n was born in Pannonia (modern Hungary) and became a catechumen at the age of ten. While serving in the Roman Army, he met a poor, half clothed man outside the city gate of Amiens. Mar n drew his sword and divided his own cloak in two, giving half to the naked man. That night, he saw Jesus in a vision. “Mar n, who is s ll but a catechumen, gave me this robe,” our Lord told the angels. A er this, Mar n “flew to be bapzed.” A er he resigned from the army, he founded a monas c community in Gaul. In 372 he was elected bishop of Tours, where he served his flock with great care un l his death in 397. NOVEMBER 13 - ST FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI Frances Cabrini was born in the Lombardy region of Italy. She took private religious vows at age twenty-seven, adding “Xavier” to her name in honor of the great Jesuit missionary to the East. In 1880 she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the aim of evangelizing in China, yet Pope Leo XII advised her to go “not to the east, but to the west.” Arriving in New York in 1889, she founded an orphanage for the children of Italian immigrants. Schools, hospitals and a prison ministry followed. Frances died in 1917, having established sixty-seven ins tutes of the order in the United States, Europe, Central and South America. She is the patroness of immigrants. Mon.-Sat. 7:00-7:30 • Sun. 7:00-4:30 Open Holidays Always Delicious! 31-37 Pearl Street Port Chester (914) 937-3235 Plan Ahead for Your Special Needs! • Italian American Pastries • Specialty Breads • Butter Cookies • Italian Cookies • Birthday Cakes LONGO’S PARK DELI ... It’s Our Privilege to Serve You ... 203 South Regent Street • • 81 Maple Ave., Rye, NY 10573 15 Quintard Dr., Port Chester, NY 10573 Owner of 939-3217 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Rye Port Real Estate, KMZ JOHN B. 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Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 1000 High Street, Port Chester, NY 10573 5-Star Rated Emergency Service (914) 939-2473 Off: 86 N. Water Street, Greenwich, CT Terminals at Fox Island Road Exit (203) 531-5656 Purdy Avenue, Port Chester, NY (914) 939-2473 LENNY’S BAGELS CATERING • OPEN 7 DAYS 172 S. RIDGE STREET RYE BROOK 939-1379 COLUCCI ASSOCIATES Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Accountants and Tax Consultants Dominick A. Colucci • Francis A. Colucci, CPA Joseph A. Colucci, Jr. 601 Halstead Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 698-7550 For further information, please call the Parish Office. J.J. CASSONE REDI-CUT CARPETS BAKERY INC 173 No. Main St. Portchester 939-1568 914.937.5885 am Mon-Sat 10 -6 pm am Thurs. 10 -8 202 South Regent Street pm “The Difference is in The Caring” Sal Farenga • Sal Farenga, Jr. • Nick Farenga 5 Generations of Service Since 1896 353 WESTCHESTER AVE., PORT CHESTER 914.939.1315 186250 Corpus Christi Church (A) ForAds: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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