Cocks, S. B., S. M. Martinaitis, J. Zhang, K. Howard, 2014: MRMS QPE performance during the 2013-14 cool season. Extended Abstract, 39th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, P3.57. P3.57 MRMS QPE Performance during the 2013-14 Cool Season STEPHEN COCKS and STEVEN M. MARTINAITIS OU/CIMMS and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, Oklahoma JIAN ZHANG and KENNETH HOWARD NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, Oklahoma ABSTRACT Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimate (QPE) Radar Only (Q3RAD), Mosaic Dual Pol (DPR), National Center of Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Stage II (SII) and Stage IV (SIV) product performance was evaluated during the 2013-2014 cool season for eleven winter weather events east of the Rocky Mountains. The cases evaluated were those that featured a variety of precipitation types, and occurred over the central and southern Plains, the Midwest and the Southeast. Initial analysis indicated hundreds of gauges likely became clogged or stuck for part or even the entirety of the evaluated winter weather events. In fact, in regions of ice and snow, it was nearly impossible to evaluate precipitation totals due to the gauges inability, the majority of which were of the heated tipping bucket variety, to properly perform when temperatures are at or below freezing. Therefore, Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) twenty-four hour accumulation data was used to evaluate product performance, at least in liquid precipitation, while hourly automated gauge data (with quality controlled measures applied) were used for spatial and time series analysis. Statistical analysis indicated all three radar-only products (e.g. no gauge adjustments or biases applied) had a distinct under-estimate bias, likely because of the radar beam partially or completely overshooting the predominantly shallow precipitation systems evaluated during the winter. Nonetheless, Q3RAD outperformed the DPR and SII estimates and was comparable to statistics derived for SIV estimates. This is significant as Q3RAD is a radar only product that is available in real-time to the operational forecaster. Additionally, as the SII product is considered a mosaic proxy of the legacy Precipitation Processing System (PPS), the statistical results indicate the significant progress that all three products (Q3RAD, DPR and SIV) have made since the advent of PPS in the 1990s. _______________ 1. Introduction Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Products (QPE) products have been transitioned into the National Weather Service (NWS) operations at the National Center for Environmental Predictions (NCEP). As part of this transition, a systematic validation and verification effort is under-way to characterize the MRMS performance in meteorological, aviation and hydrological applications. This paper examines the MRMS QPE performance for a series of weather events from December 2013 through March 2014 with a variety of areal coverage and precipitation types. While this study is limited to weather events that occurred east of the Rocky Mountains, efforts are also in progress that include analysis in the inter-mountain regions (Martinaitis et al. __________ Corresponding author address: Stephen B. Cocks, National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd. Suite 4730, Norman, OK 73072 E-mail: [email protected] 2014). QPE evaluations almost always involve an inter-comparison of radar rainfall estimates to rain gauge totals. There are a number of limitations that must be considered during these types of evaluations. Ground clutter, blockage and non-meteorological echoes can contaminate the lower elevation angles; however, the extra information provided by Dual-Polarization (DP) data has been used by MRMS to mitigate these effects (Tang et al. 2014). Increased sampling volume at greater distances (Steiner et al. 1999), beam overshoot and bright banding in the melting layer (Smith et al. 1996), improper calibration, and use of improper reflectivityto-rain (Z-R) relationships (Wilson and Brandes 1974; Steiner et. al 1999) can significantly affect radar derived rainfall estimates. On the other hand, blockages and poor site placement (Sieck et. al 2007; Fiebrich et al. 2010), gauge undercatch due to strong winds (Wilson and Brandes 1974; Sieck et. al 2007), power outages preventing data transmission (Martinaitis 2008), mechanical malfunctions, and telemetry and transmission problems (Groisman and Legates 1994; Marzen and Fuelber 2005; Kim et al. 2009) can contribute to gauge errors. 2. Data methodology and quality control measures Eleven weather events between the months of December 2013 and March 2014 were chosen for the evaluation (see Appendix). The events evaluated either had significant areas of rain, where totals were ≥ 51 mm (2.00 in.), significant areas of moderate to heavy snow, or a combination of the two. Upper air, numerical model, radar, radar rainfall estimates and gauge totals were evaluated for 24-hr periods ending at 1200 UTC. Hourly and 24-hr precipitation estimates and gauge accumulations were paired (henceforth called R/G pairs) to the corresponding grid-point. Approximately 12,000 rain gauges from a variety of national and regional networks are ingested by the MRMS system, including 24hr data from the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow (CoCoRaHS) network and Hydro-meteorological Automated Data System (HADS) hourly precipitation data. CoCoRaHS gauge totals are reported by volunteer observers who are trained to monitor and report precipitation measured by catchment rain gauges. HADS gauges are automated with the primary gauge type being the heated tipping bucket variety. As the study progressed, it was readily apparent that some of these error factors were present in this study. In particular, data indicated a number of the automated reporting gauges during winter weather events were becoming clogged, or “stuck,” due to winter precipitation. This adversely affected precipitation products that used hourly automated gauges to adjust radar estimates. Therefore, this paper documents the performance of the MRMS QPE radar-only product (Q3RAD) for eleven precipitation events during the 2013-2014 cool season over the United States east of the Rockies. However, it also documents the challenges encountered in analyzing data from the automated gauge networks. As mentioned previously in the introduction, a number of factors can cause gauges to report erroneous totals and this is especially so for automated gauges. Originally, the plan was to evaluate precipitation estimate products that used gauges to correct the radar only estimates. However, initial analysis clearly showed that a large number of the automated gauges were likely becoming stuck or clogged in precipitation occurring in colder air. The following images illustrate the problem. Figure 1 shows the Q3RAD 24-hr rainfall estimate ending at 1200 UTC 22 December 2013 and 23 December 2014. Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground 2 Figure 1. Q3RAD 24-QPE ending at 1200 UTC 22 December 2013 (a, b) and 23 December 2013 (c, d). Locations where gauge totals report ≤ 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) and Q3RAD ≥ 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) denoted by the filled purple bias circles. Dashed lines denotes the surface 0°C line at 1800 UTC 21 December (black), 0000 UTC 22 December (red) and 1200 UTC 22 December (white) based on RAP model analysis. (mPING) and synoptic reports confirmed model analysis data that frozen precipitation was falling across the region where the large majority of the gauges indicated that none or very little precipitation was present. Gauges in regions denoted by above freezing temperatures were also likely stuck, clogged or malfunctioning, but these are outnumbered by four times more of such gauges located in sub-freezing temperatures. (Zhang et al. 2011, 2014). Figure 2 shows the Q3RAD and Q3GC estimates for the same time, with Q3GC adjusted based on hourly automatic gauge data. National Weather Service analysis (not shown) confirmed that a swath of moderate to heavy snow fell in this region with snowfall totals from 100 mm (4.00 in.) to 200 mm (8.00 in.) with locally higher amounts. The presence of hundreds of stuck gauges removed the precipitation maximum behind the freezing line in Q3GC (Fig. 2b). This case example was not an isolated event as a large numbers of gauges that likely were stuck for other precipitation events adversely affected the Q3GC product. Therefore, we did not evaluate the Q3GC Almost all of these suspect gauges are automated and their presence had a significant impact on performance statistics. It also had an adverse impact on the MRMS locally gauge corrected radar QPE (Q3GC) product 3 Figure 2. Q3RAD (left) and Q3GC (right) 24-hr QPE ending at 1200 UTC 22 December 2013. White dashed ovals indicate major differences between the two products. Black dotted ovals indicate effects caused by stuck gauges. performance of these “radar only” products was compared to the NCEP Stage IV (SIV) product which uses a combination of quality controlled WSR-88D, satellite and rain gauge data to create a refined rainfall estimate analysis. While the SIV product is not a realtime product for most operational forecasters, it has served as the standard for rainfall estimates within the hydrological community. product. Instead, we evaluated the following products: the Q3RAD, Mosaic Dual Polarization (DPR) and the NCEP Stage II radar-based (hereafter, SII) precipitation estimates. The process for creating DPR mosaics is to first sum hourly dual polarization accumulations from each radar using Level III NEXRAD data. Next, a nearest neighbor approach is used to determine which radar data to assign to a gridpoint; essentially, the data from the radar closest to the coordinate will be used. There is no attempt to smooth the discontinuities that result from such a mosaic as the boundaries between the radars help highlight any radarto-radar precipitation estimate inconsistencies that may be related to reflectivity, differential reflectivity and hydro-meteorological classification algorithm (HCA) differences. The SII products are developed using the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) radar data transmitted to NCEP in real-time. Individual WSR-88D radar rainfall estimates are merged onto a national 4 km resolution grid. Inputs from multiple radars are averaged using an inverse distance weighting formula (see Q&A, Stage II at anl/QandA/ for details). In turn, the Because of the problem with gauges becoming stuck in below freezing temperatures, we chose to assess performance based on comparisons between the aforementioned radar only products and 24-hr accumulations from CoCoRaHS gauges. CoCoRaHS gauges have been found to be more consistent and suitable for previous performance assessment. As a minimal quality control measure, both Q3RAD and the CoCoRaHS gauges were required to be ≥ 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) before including the pair into the analysis. We generated performance assessment statistics based on all available R/G pairs and by pairs stratified by 24 hour gauge totals ≤ 12.7 mm (light), > 12.7 mm, > 25.4 mm and > 50.8 mm. For statistical measures we used a mean bias ratio, defined as the ratio of gauge total to radar estimates, 4 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and correlation coefficient to evaluate the product performance. accumulation stratifications. Q3RAD estimates had the second best performance as indicated by the RMSE and correlation coefficient statistics. However, the scatter plot and Table 1 indicate Q3RAD tends to underestimate totals during the higher precipitation events. DPR estimates had the next best performance; however, it has the most variability and scatter based on the results. However, this likely will improve in the future as new procedures are developed to reduce ZDR calibration errors in the NEXRAD network. (Cunningham et al. 2013; Hoban et al. 2014). The SII estimates had the lowest performance of the four products with the highest RMSE. The scatter plot and bias statistic also indicated it had a strong tendency to underestimate precipitation. For time series analysis and diagnosing error trends, HADS hourly data was rigorously quality controlled. The quality control (QC) used was primarily done through a set of thresholds to determine if radar estimate/gauge differences were reasonable. Two power laws were developed using data collected during August 2013 to provide reasonable upper and lower threshold values for gauge data (Fig. 3). If a gauge report did not meet these threshold values, the report was considered suspect. While this technique is not perfect, it did a good job of quickly and effectively identifying and removing gauges that were likely suspect. Table 1 confirms that all of the radar only estimates tended to underestimate in moderate to heavy precipitation to varying degrees. Additionally, bias and RMSE increased while correlation coefficient decreased for the higher precipitation total stratifications. This is not surprising as radar beam overshoot is more common during the cool season due to shallower precipitation systems and lower cloud bases; however, the degree which the SII product underestimates precipitation totals when compared to the Q3RAD and DPR was surprising. In fact, the SII even underestimates precipitation for the lighter precipitation totals (i.e., G ≤ 12.7 mm). The radar beam overshoot effect should be partly mitigated in all of the products due to the various radar mosaic processes used. The Q3RAD mosaic process is likely the most sophisticated as it takes into account the position of the radar beam with respect to the melting layer as well as distance-to-grid-point and height above ground factors. The MRMS DPR mosaic uses a nearest neighbor approach to assign radar data to grid-points. The SII mosaic process uses a weighted mean of radars overlapping a grid-point via an inverse Figure 3 Power laws used to assist in quality control of R/G pairs. The upper (lower) curve represents the upper (lower) bound for gauge values for a given Q3 hourly total. 3. Statistical analysis and results Figure 4 and Table 1 shows the scatter plot and the cool season statistical results for 24-hr accumulations. The extensively quality controlled SIV estimates had the best overall performance with the lowest RMSE, highest correlation coefficient and the least bias for all 5 Figure 4. 24-hr precipitation estimates from the Q3RAD (top left), DPR (top right), SII (bottom left), and SIV (bottom right) products vs. CoCoRaHS gauges for all cool season cases. Blue (red) denote over (under)-estimates. Black denotes R/G pairs within one standard deviation. Colored x’s, circled x’s and dots represent pairs greater than the 1st, 2nd and 3rd standard deviation. ‘G’ denotes number of gauges, ‘B’ bias, ‘R’ RMSE and ‘C’ correlation coefficient. distance-to-grid-point weighting factor. We speculate that the real difference in terms of the magnitude of the under-estimates between SII and Q3RAD/DPR is the latter two uses radar echo classifications to determine the Z-R relationship used to calculate precipitation. SII uses the same Z-R relationship, chosen by the forecaster with regards to the synoptic/meso-scale situation for the day, for the entire radar field. correlation coefficient. A significant portion of these errors, which will be discussed shortly, are likely due to precipitation evaporating or sublimating before reaching the ground. An advancement of the vertical reflectivity profile algorithm was installed this past spring to help mitigate these types of errors in MRMS by comparing multiple radar observations at an overlapping point and ensures that the lowest radar bin has significant echoes present before coding a geographical point as having precipitation. However, it will still be unable to determine whether echoes seen at the lowest radar bin Q3RAD, DPR and to a certain extent SIV, tend to overestimate in lighter precipitation totals (i.e., ≤ 12.7 mm). There was also more scatter present as was reflected in the 6 Table 1. Bias, RMSE and correlation coefficient for each precipitation estimation product stratified by gauge amount. Product Q3RAD 24 hr Gauge Amount G ≤ 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) G > 50.8 mm (2.00 in.) # R/G Pairs 9,524 11,654 5,452 1,589 Bias 0.80 1.29 1.40 1.51 RMSE (mm) 6.1 14.9 19.9 29.5 Correlation 0.27 0.74 0.68 0.56 DPR G ≤ 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) G > 50.8 mm (2.00 in.) 7,411 9,988 4,790 1,416 0.76 1.21 1.34 1.44 8.9 19.3 23.7 31.8 0.20 0.58 0.54 0.56 SII G ≤ 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) G > 50.8 mm (2.00 in.) 3,871 10,443 5,335 1,582 1.69 2.71 2.73 2.60 5.2 25.1 32.8 47.1 0.90 0.73 0.67 0.53 SIV G ≤ 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) G > 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) G > 50.8 mm (2.00 in.) 9,883 11,699 5,459 1,590 0.88 1.08 1.08 1.08 4.4 9.6 12.5 17.7 0.43 0.89 0.84 0.66 actually reaches the ground, especially at farther ranges from a radar. fairly good results for an automated real-time product. Figure 6 shows the RMSE error for the products for each cool season event. The SII product had the higher RMSE errors in most cases with SIV having the lowest RMSE. Q3RAD was comparable within 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) to SIV in the majority of the cases. Figure 7 shows the correlation coefficient results for the precipitation estimate products. The overall best correlation was consistently found with the SIV product followed next by Q3RAD, DPR and SII. DPR RMSE errors with lower correlation coefficient values are likely higher due to the continuing challenges with differential reflectivity (ZDR) calibration between WSR-88D radars in the network. However, this likely will improve in the future as new procedures are in development to reduce ZDR calibration errors in the NEXRAD network. Further, new dualpolarization radar QPE techniques immune to ZDR calibration biases, such as those based Figure 5 shows the bias, as defined by the ratio of gauge totals-to-radar estimates, for each precipitation estimate product during each cool season event. The bias for SII was generally above 2.00 for all evaluated events. We view the SII radar only product as a mosaic proxy for the Precipitation Processing System (PPS), while Q3RAD, DPR, and SIV represent more recent precipitation estimate developments. The large differences between SII and the other precipitation estimates, in a way, reflect the progress that has been made over the past fifteen years to further improve precipitation estimates and hence improve operational hydrological forecasting. The bias for the SIV product is closer to one than Q3RAD and DPR, likely a by-product of the extra forecaster quality control exercised over it. However, the Q3RAD and DPR bias show 7 Figure 5. Q3RAD (blue dashed line, triangles), DPR (green dashed line, squares), SII (red dashed line, circles) and SIV (black solid line, diamonds) bias statistics for each cool season case evaluated. on the specific attenuation, are also in development. These new techniques will be adapted in the MRMS to further improve Q3RAD estimates. tropical convective (TC), and 7) snow (SN). If no radar echoes are present for a given time step, then the pixel in question is assigned the designation ‘no echo’ (NE). To determine the importance of the stratiform and convective precipitation types to R/G pair under- and overestimates, the various classifications were combined into three categories: Stratiform (WS, CS, TS), convective (CO, HL, TC) and snow (SN). While most of the snow classifications were probably stratiform like radar echoes with model temperatures indicating the surface was at or below freezing, we still separate it out as we expected to see interesting trends due to the challenges of measuring frozen precipitation. To determine what classification categories contributed most to the hourly Q3RAD precipitation estimates for a data set, the total amount of Q3RAD estimated per time step was calculated for each hourly R/G pair. From this, the total Q3RAD estimate per precipitation classification was summated for 4. Q3RAD precipitation type analysis An analysis was conducted of the MRMS precipitation type contributions to the Q3RAD totals for all available hourly R/G pairs and those with over and under-estimate errors to better understand what may be causing some of the Q3RAD error trends seen in the statistics. MRMS uses a ‘Surface Precipitation Type’ algorithm to classify radar data based upon a combination of echo characteristics and model data in order to assign a unique reflectivity-to-rain-rate (Z-R) relationship for each class (Zhang et al. 2011, 2014). There are seven possible precipitation classifications: 1) warm stratiform (WS), 2) cool stratiform (CS), 3) tropical stratiform (TS), 4) convective (CO), 5) hail (HL), 6) 8 Figure 6. Same as Figure 5 except for RMSE. all time steps and all hourly R/G pairs. Then the percentage contribution of each precipitation classification to the Q3RAD total was calculated. The first and second Standard Deviation Error (SDE) overand underestimates were determined by examining the hourly (R – G) errors. There were more than 3.5 times as many underestimates than overestimates in the data, confirming the tendency seen in the Q3RAD vs. CoCoRaHS analysis. The average percent Q3 contribution to the total for each category and the standard deviation (red and blue hash marks) of the average for the eleven evaluated cases were calculated and graphed for all R/G pairs and first and second SDE over- and underestimates (Fig. 9, 10). were more common with greater areal extent than convection for the evaluated cases. For first SDE overestimate error R/G pairs, most of the contribution came from the stratiform (~56%) and snow (~37%) categories; Convection classifications contributed the least (< 7%) to the Q3RAD totals. Similar results were found for the second SDE overestimate error R/G pairs. The high percentages seen in the snow category likely reflect the difficulty of measuring snowfall, particularly if there is any wind present. The large majority of precipitation gauges experience a reduction in snowfall catch efficiency that increases with increasing wind speed (Rasmussen 2012). This bias also depends upon the temperature and precipitation characteristics (Goodison and Yang 1996). The other factor that likely played a role in the overestimates associated with the snow precipitation classification is poor performance of the automated gauges in For all R/G pairs, most of the Q3RAD contribution came from the stratiform rain categories followed by snow and convection. This makes sense as stratiform rain and snow 9 Figure 7. Same as Figure 5 except for correlation coefficient. Figure 9. Same as Figure 8 except for second SDE estimates. Figure 8. Percent contribution to Q3RAD totals for all R/G pairs and the first SDE over (O1) and under (U1) estimate R/G pairs. Red and light blue horizontal hashes mark the first SDE uncertainty of the eleven case average. ‘St’, ‘Co’ and ‘Sn’ denote stratiform, convective and snow categories. 10 Figure 10. 24-hr Q3RAD accumulation (a) and the height of the bottom of the radar beam (b) with locations of underestimates of at least the first SDE (black dots) for the period ending 1200 UTC 5 February 2014. The height of the bottom of the radar beam is in kilometers. winter weather (Rasmussen et al. 2012; Martinaitis et al. 2014). temperature had previously been sub-freezing and then rise above 0°C as precipitation moves in, gauges previously affected by ice may not respond and measure properly. Hence, model data might not capture the location of the surface freezing line properly. This can cause MRMS to improperly classify the precipitation type as cool stratiform when temperatures at the surface are at or below freezing while frozen precipitation is present. Finally, whenever there are moderate to strong surface winds present while rain is falling, there will always be an certain amount of gauge undercatch. The high percentages of overestimates in the stratiform category can be primarily attributed to the cool stratiform precipitation classification. Examination of some of the cases indicate that virga is likely having a significant effect. This effect was noted in the statistical analysis, in particular when very light 24-hr totals were examined where Q3RAD estimates typically had low correlation coefficients and an overestimate bias. Another reason for overestimate values are poor gauge performance in areas along the surface freezing line, particularly if there is a tight temperature gradient in the region. If the For first SDE underestimate R/G pairs, the chief contribution to the Q3RAD totals were 11 from the stratiform category (82.8%) followed by snow (8.6%) and convection (8.6%). Similar results were found for the second SDE underestimate R/G pairs. Analysis of the stratiform classifications revealed that the cool-stratiform precipitation classification contributed the most to the under-estimate errors. As discussed previously, a significant amount of the error is likely due to the radar beam partially over-shooting the generally lower cloud bases and shallower precipitation systems found during the winter time. An example of this affect is illustrated in Figure 10. Note that there are very few underestimates from northwestern Arkansas to northwestern Tennessee and north of the Ohio River. This is where temperatures in the previous 24-hr were either freezing or subfreezing, and hence, many gauges became stuck or clogged in sleet and snow. In the warmer air, there are number of underestimate R/G pairs found in regions where the bottom of the radar beam is at least 1 km above ground level. Analyses for the events on 3 February 2014 and 13 February 2014 indicate tendencies for under-estimate R/G pairs to appear in similar locations. However, this does not account for all the underestimates as partial beam filling, misclassification of precipitation types, limitations of using Z-R relationships, improper radar calibration can cause underestimates. Additionally, the stuck gauges, with ice and snow contained within, can cause under-estimates when temperatures rise and precipitation begins to fall again. The ice and snow in the gauge begins to thaw and gives the appearance that more liquid is falling into the gauge than what actually occurs (Martinaitis et al. 2014). the cool season. Analysis showed that a large number of automatic gauges were likely becoming stuck in freezing temperatures due to frozen precipitation. The effect was not only that hourly automatic gauge totals were not reliable in the colder air, but that any QPE product that relied on these gauges to adjust radar-based QPE would be adversely impacted as well. Hence, this study evaluated radar-only precipitation estimates and compared them to the NCEP SIV precipitation estimates to avoid any improper gauge corrected impacts. Comparisons showed that Q3RAD, DPR and SII all had a tendency to underestimate precipitation with SII having the more distinct bias. While DPR had a slightly better bias ratio than Q3RAD, it had more scatter, which was reflected in the higher RMSE and lower correlation coefficient. The higher scatter is likely related to the current challenge with differential reflectivity variability amongst the radar network. Overall, Q3RAD had bias and correlation statistics that were comparable to SIV data and a RMSE value that averaged 4.1 mm (0.16 in.) higher than SIV. Further examination of the statistics revealed that the underestimation tendency was more distinct for the higher precipitation amounts. A significant portion of this error could be attributed to radar beam overshoot. The ability of MRMS and the Dual Polarization HCA to utilize multiple Z-R relationships across a radar field may have mitigated the magnitude of Q3RAD and DPR underestimates. Further, Q3RAD, DPR and SIV indicated a tendency to overestimate lighter precipitation amounts. We believe that a significant portion of this error may be related to the presence of precipitation evaporating prior to reaching the ground. A review of the statistics of each radar only estimates per weather event revealed a rather marked difference between SII and the other QPE products, which we view as a reflection 5. Conclusions Examination of eleven weather events east of the Rockies quickly revealed challenges in evaluating radar precipitation estimates during 12 of the progress made in this area over the last fifteen years. Groisman, P. Ya., and D. R. Legates, 1994: The accuracy of United States precipitation data. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 215–227. An analysis of MRMS precipitation classification contributions to Q3RAD totals indicated the stratiform and snow categories produced the most for overestimate R/G pairs. The chief contributor of the stratiform category to these types of errors was the cool stratiform precipitation type. It is hypothesized that a significant portion of the overestimate errors with the snow and cool stratiform precipitation types are related to gauge performance challenges in freezing temperatures and gauge under-catch in windy conditions. 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Wilson, J. W. and E. A. Brandes, 1979: Radar measurement of rainfall: A summary. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 60, 1048-1058. Zhang, J., and co-authors, 2011: National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE (NMQ) system: Description, results, and future plans. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92, 1321–1338. Zhang, J. and co-authors, 2014: Initial operating capabilities of quantitative precipitation estimates in the Multi-Radar Multi-System. Extended Abstract, 28th Conf. of Hydrology, Amer. Met. Society, 2–6 Feb 2014, Atlanta, GA. 14 APPENDIX: Summary of cool-season weather events evaluated. Data evaluated was for a 24-hr period ending at 1200 UTC and includes the northwest/southeast corners of the evaluated region. Date 6 December 2013 NW/SE Box Coordinates 42ºN, -103ºW 29ºN, -77.7ºW 7 December 2013 44ºN, -100ºW 29ºN, -70.4ºW 22 December 2013 44ºN, -103ºW 29ºN, -73.4ºW 23 December 2013 42ºN, -94ºW 29ºN, -68.7ºW 6 January 2014 46ºN, -95ºW 35ºN, -72.0ºW 29 January 2014 40ºN, -94ºW 28ºN, -71.0ºW 3 February 2014 45ºN, -102ºW 29ºN, -70.2ºW 45ºN, -102ºW 29ºN, -70.2ºW 5 February 2014 13 February 2014 3 March 2014 17 March 2014 42ºN, -92ºW 29ºN, -66.7ºW 42ºN, -104ºW 29ºN, -78.7ºW 40ºN, -96ºW 28ºN, -73.0ºW Event Summary Thunderstorms and wintry precipitation developed along and behind a strong cold front. Precipitation stretched from TX northeastward into OH. Precipitation re-developed along and behind a nearly stationary front. By 1200 UTC on 7 December, sleet/snow blanketed OK northeastward into IL and with 50–250 mm totals and locally higher amounts. Heavy rain and wintry precipitation along and behind a strong cold front that affected the Plains, Mid-South, and Midwest with rainfall totals of 70–150 mm fell along the front and 100–220 mm of snow behind the front. Some areas were impacted severely by freezing rain, especially central/southern MI. Thunderstorms and heavy rain developed along a slow moving cold front over the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic states. Rainfall totals ranged from 70–170 mm. Moderate to heavy snow developed along andbehind a cold front. Snow and rain fell from MO northeastward into New England with snow amounts as high as 350 mm in IN/MI. Rain, freezing rain, sleet and some snow associated with developing low pressure fell across the southeast United States. Ice accumulations of 5 to 12.5 mm occurred near the coast. Heavy rain and wintry precipitation fell along and behind a cold front that stretched from TX northeastward into OH. Heavy rain and wintry precipitation developed along and behind a weak stationary front stretching from the southeast into WV. Rain ranged from 30–80 mm from AR to KY. Rain and wintry precipitation developed over the southeast United States and Mid-Atlantic states. Rain and wintry precipitation developed along and behind a strong cold front stretching from TX to MD. Rainfall totals of 40–80 mm over AR to KY. Sleet and snow totals of 50–150 mm over portions of OK into MO. Heavy rain and sleet snow developed in response to a mid-latitude cyclone tracking across the South. Rain ranged from 60–150 mm over AL/FL/GA. 15
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