DEDICATION OF LATERAN BASILICA MASS & SERVICE SCHEDULE A REMINDER that Mass intentions can be booked for the daily Masses on Monday - Wednesday at 12:00 Noon along with the weekend Masses. These Masses can be said for reasons other than the death of a loved one such as birthdays and anniversaries. Call the parish office to schedule. SATURDAY, November 8 4:30 PM MASS-HELEN & FRANK YESAVAGE req. by the Family SUNDAY, November 9 8:30 AM MASS-RENEE MARQUIS req. by her Family 10:45 AM MASS-ELWOOD SMITH req. by the Neary Family MONDAY, November 10 (St. Leo the Great) 12:00 PM MASS-DEACON ANDY ANTHONY req. by Zim Anthony TUESDAY, November 11 (St. Martin of Tours) 12:00 PM MASS-DAN LIZDAS req. by Mary & Larry Laureno WEDNESDAY, November 12 (St. Josaphat) 12:00 PM MASS-JEFFREY LUMBRA req. by Mary & Larry Laureno SATURDAY, November 15 4:30 PM MASS-KENNETH CAMPBELL req. by his Wife & Family SUNDAY, November 16 8:30 AM MASS-PARISHIONERS 10:45 AM MASS-3RD ANN.-JEAN DEVINE req. by her Family "THE ARCHBISHOP'S CORNER" with Archbishop Blair is aired each Sunday on WJMJ radio (88.9 M) at 7 AM with a repeat broadcast at 1 PM, following the noontime Celebration of the Eucharist. Do you know that you can have the SANCTUARY CANDLE burn for a full week in memory of your loved one or for a special intention? Your intention can be scheduled if you call the parish office. November 9, 2014 Weekly Offertory Goal - $ 3,900 Last Week's Actual - $ 3,583 Thank you. We are keeping up with technology! Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. This also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. You can go to our parish website at to get started today. PARISH WEB SITE – Check out our website at Church’s email address: [email protected] Father's email: [email protected] Dear Parishioners, St. Bernard’s invites anyone who would like prayers to please contact our prayer chain by calling the parish office at 860-658-5142 or e-mail with their prayer request to [email protected]. If you are not comfortable leaving a last name, leave only the first name and a simple request i.e. “Please pray for healing from cancer for John.” We will pray for 10 days unless the request is called or e-mailed in again. If interested in praying for intentions please call Mary, 860-653-7354 or the parish office, 860-658-5142. Thank you. If you have received an answer to your prayer request as a result of prayer from St. Bernard’s prayer chain, would you please consider letting us know so that we can be encouraged and share your joy. Thank you. CEMETERY CLEAN UP will take place on Saturday, November 15 at 9AM. Anyone who would be able to volunteer (Confirmation students could use this as service hours.) can meet members of the cemetery committee to assist. You may want to wear garden gloves. THANK YOU! IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SHELTER DONATIONS Gift Presenters for Next Week Nov. 15-4:30 PM Mass: TBA Nov. 16-8:30 AM Mass: TBA 10:45 AM Mass: Devine Family Members can be placed in the box in the vestibule of the church. Some suggestions: dish detergent, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaners, sponges, mop, dusters, toilet brushes and toiletries such as hand soap, shampoo, toothbrushes & tooth paste. - From Fr. Jay Dear Parishioners, The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome...Why celebrate a building? Today's Gospel points us to the New Temple, which is the Body of Christ. St. Paul says, "Do you know that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of Christ dwells in you?" Churches being visible remind us of our home in Christ. We find comfort and faith when we come into a church. We want to pray and adore the Lord who dwells there. The Lateran Church we celebrate today is called the "Mother and head of all churches of the City of Rome and the world." It is a symbol of how our home in the church embraces people from all over the world. The Lateran Basilica is a magnificent monument to faith. It is the Church of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis. Through the centuries the Lateran Basilica has been built and re-built many times. It has suffered earthquakes, fires, and all kinds of barbarian attacks, but each time it has been rebuilt on the foundation of the previous building. I had the privilege of visiting the Basilica with Archbishop Mansell's Pilgrimage to Rome in honor of The Year of Faith. When you walk into the building you are awed by its beauty, and you know it is a real place of faith. The Lateran Basilica we celebrate today is a symbol of how the Church goes on surviving. In every age people predict that the Church is finished, but we know the Church will conitnue for all ages. We not only look to the foundation of the Church, we look to our own personal foundation of faith. Is it solid? Is it enough to build upon? Does what flows from us, like the water from the temple, make for new growth based on Christ? St. Bernard's Church is as solid as the Lateran Basilica. It too has been built and rebuilt. It has gone through many challenges, but each new challenge has made it stronger than before. It stands as a tribute to the many faithful parishioners who have kept it a place of faith and worship. Why celebrate a building? Because it represents our commitment to Christ himself! In Christ, Fr. Jay VALLEY CATHOLIC CREDIT UNION schedule for the week of Thanksgiving is: OPEN Tuesday, Nov. 25 from 6-8PM - CLOSED Friday, Nov. 28. TEEN SCENE THIS Sunday, November 9 from 7-8 PM there is a group class in the church hall for all 9th and 10th graders on the Occult and protection of the Holy Spirit. The speaker is Father Chris Alar from the Marian's of the Immaculate Conception in Stockbridge, Mass. This promises to be a very informative class. Parents are most welcome. During NOVEMBER we will be collecting non-perishable items for a THANKSGIVING DINNER. Donations can be left in the vestibule of the church. THANK YOU for your continued support. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - If you have a need for a shawl, please call either Joanne Mayornick, 860-653-9728 or the parish office, PRAYER SHAWLS will be blessed at the 8:30 Mass NEXT Sunday, November 16. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet in the rectory NEXT Sunday, November 16 following the 10:45 Mass. Present members and anyone interested in joining this ministry are urged to attend. THE LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet in the rectory THIS Sunday, November 9, following the 10:45 Mass. MEN'S RETREAT - January 16-18, 2014 - Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford. The theme this season is Know Greater Joy. Explore how you can discover deep and enduring joy in God's presence no matter the situation. Includes home-cooked meals, inspirational liturgies and workshops, original music, and free time to rest and enjoy a walk on the 48 wooded acres & labyrinth. Cost is $295, more if you can; less if you can't. You can register at, call 860-760-9705, or call Larry Laureno at 860-653-7354. NORTHWEST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL will host an Open House on Nov. 9 from 1-4PM & entrance exam Nov. 15 & Dec. 6 at 8AM. For more information or to register for exam, please contact Andrew Selig at [email protected]. MONTHLY PARISH COFFEE - All are welcome to coffee and refreshments after the 10:45 Mass NEXT Sunday, November 16, sponsored by our Liturgy Committee. Hope you can join us! The Parish Council meeting will be held NEXT Sunday, November 16, 7PM in the church hall.
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