November 2, 2014 • Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed HOLY APOSTLES C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 6300 N Meridian Road 83646 • P.O. Box 708 Meridian, Idaho 83680 P: 208-888-1182 F: 208-884-1800 Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm Sunday Morning: 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Father MacMillan, Pastor Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 am Communion Service: Thursday at 8:30 am Father Legerski, Parochial Vicar Deacons Robert Barros-Bailey Ralph Flager Gerald Pera Bernie Rekiere Malherbe Desert Brian Flowers Charles Rasmussen David Shackley Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30pm Baptism & Marriage: Please call Parish Office Anointing of the Sick: Offered during Saturday Reconciliation hours (3:30-4:30pm); otherwise, contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment All are invited to pray the Rosary in the Day Chapel 30 minutes before all weekend Masses. I am the Resurrection and the Life, says the Lord.. Whoever believes in me, even though he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for ever. John ll:25-26 Welcome No matter what your present or past status in the Catholic Church. No matter what your current family or marital situation. No mater what your personal history, age, background, race or color. You are invited, welcomed, accepted and loved at Holy Apostles Catholic Church. This Week Bulletin Deadline Parish Bulletin ([email protected]) All bulletin articles must be submitted by 12 Noon on Friday of the previous week (9 days before). Thursday Weekly E-Newsletter Go to to sign up for the Holy Apostles weekly newsletter. Weekly Readings (Nov. 2 - 9) Sunday: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/ Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 1617/Jn 2:13-22 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Random Catholic Each week a Parishioner will be photographed and asked a random question. If you see this person at Mass, introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself! This Week’s Random Catholic Meet Carla! You will not find her at the 9 o'clock Mass! She is planning on starting her Christmas shopping mid December, when she feels like it can't be put off any longer. Have a great week Carla. Anointed by the Spirit Join Fr. Len at Nazareth Retreat Center on Wednesday, November 5 from 9am-noon. Father will be giving a reflection on the Catholic idea that we are anointed for a purpose. We are more than just saved by God, we are created to be an instrument of God. Please rsvp to Nazareth (375-2932 or [email protected]) to reserve a spot. Welcome Dinner New to the Parish? Please join other new parishioners for a Welcome Dinner on Saturday, Nov. 15 at 6pm. There will be good food, fun, fellowship and prizes! RSVP your family number attending to Peggy & Wally Bang at [email protected] or call 884-1513. There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Hope to see you on the 15! Usher Training Interested in becoming an Usher/Greeter at Mass? There is a shortage of ushers - please prayerfully consider this ministry. Training is on Monday, Nov. 3 at 6pm. Meet in the Church Foyer. Call or email Michael Zink at [email protected] (853-9688). Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day - Mass at 10am 2| Welcome to Holy Apostles Parish Office is closed on November 27 & 28 Parish Information Idaho Catholic Register Thank you for your support by paying for the ICR being delivered to your mail box.. Your $17.00 check to the parish may be dropped in the collection basket. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration For more information, contact: Cookie at 939-8430, Carol C at 323-7634 or Carol M at 939-0703 Prayer Chain Holy Apostles has a prayer chain that prays for the needs of all and would like to pray for you. If you need prayer for any reason, call Ann Grindstaff, 3784656. Rosary Makers Rosary Makers meet Thursday mornings at 9:30am in Room 109. Call Cora Fischer at 376-0397. Legion of Mary Our Lady of the Smiles. Monday evenings at 7pm, Room 108: Contact Evie Thibault 602-3421 Our Lady of Tears. Thursday mornings at 9:30am, Room 108: Contact Mary Hill 794-7557 Our Lady of Victory. Friday mornings at 9:30am, Room 108: Contact Sandra Whittaker 938-1310 Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Thursday afternoons, 2 pm at the home of Linda Scherer. Contact 871-4796 Council of Catholic Women Meets on the 2nd Monday of each month Sept-May. Mass at 6:30pm and business meeting at 7pm. Joan Worden, President 890-0846 Knights of Columbus Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Grand Knight-Gary Babbitt [email protected] Education Catechist Certification Classes If you would like to work toward your Catechist Certification through the Diocese of Boise – save the date Nov. 15! There will be an all-day workshop at Holy Apostles: Saturday, Nov. 15, 8:30 am-4 pm in the Dining Room/Room 100. Class will be taught by a representative from the Diocesan Office of Catechesis. RSVP to the Theresa or Blanca in the RE office, 888-1182 ext. 3022 or 3021. Adult Ed on Tuesdays 9:30am & 6:30pm Matthew: Sum It Up November 4 - Fr. Len MacMillan No Adult Ed on November 11 Advent Series with Deacon Barros-Bailey November 18, No Adult Ed on November 25 December 2, 9, 16 There are also classes on Thursday morning from 10am to 12 noon in Room 100. Little Flower Girls Club Holy Apostles Little Flowers Girls Club (ages 5-10) meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month. It is run as a co-op with both mothers and daughters present. Each month focuses on a different virtue, saint and scripture verse. Contact Colleen Ware by calling/texting 4849050 or email her at [email protected]. Next meeting: Nov. 15 at 10am in Room 102. Columbarium Niches Are available for Holy Apostles parishioners. Please contact the parish office at 888-1182, x-3003. In Honor of Our Mothers In the church by the St. Joseph’s Grotto we have a tree to honor our mothers. Leaves are available for purchase. Contact Deb at ext. 3003 for information. Meridan, Idaho |3 News & Events News for Catholic Young Adult Singles and Couples Catholic Young Adult Singles Held on the 2nd Sunday of each month (September – June), this gathering starts with communal prayer and then features a short topical presentation on a matter of faith followed by group discussion. Located in the Day Chapel at Holy Apostles Parish in Meridian, the underground starts at 7:15pm (immediately following Sunday evening Mass). Next Young Adult Singles Night is November 9 at 7:15pm. Catholic Young Adult Couples Held on the 3rd Sunday of each month (September – June), this gathering starts with communal prayer and then features a short topical presentation on a matter of faith followed by group discussion. Located in the Day Chapel at Holy Apostles Parish in Meridian, the underground starts at 7:15pm (immediately following Sunday evening Mass) (Babysitting will be available in the Church Cry Room). Next Young Adult Couples Night is November 16 at 7:15pm. Jesuit Speaker Series: On Monday, November 3rd at 7pm, Fr. Tom Smolich, S.J., the newly appointed head of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Rome, will be present on "Jesuits and Social Action in the Age of Pope Francis." Free and all are welcome. Reception to follow. On Sunday Nov 23rd at 4pm, Fr. Peter Byrne, S.J. the Provincial Assistant in the Oregon Province for Parish Ministry and Jesuit Spirituality. Fr. Byrne will be leading a discussion titled "An Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality." Reception to follow. Both events will be held at St. Paul's Catholic Student Center at Boise State. Free and all are welcome. Christmas Cards & Calendars Holy Apostles is collecting Christmas Cards and 2015 calendars for the Men’s and Women’s Prison Ministries. You can leave them at the front office with Patty Blazek. Thank You for helping. Follow us on Facebook at Holy Apostles Church 4| Welcome to Holy Apostles Health ~Parish Nursing~For Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Can pancreatic cancer be prevented? The cause of many pancreatic cancers is not known, so there is no sure way to prevent it. But there are some ways you might be able to reduce your risk of this disease. Smoking is the most important avoidable risk factor for pancreatic cancer. It is responsible for 20% to 30% of pancreatic cancers. Quitting smoking helps lower risk. If you smoke and want help quitting, please talk to your doctor or call the American Cancer Society at 1-800227-2345. Getting to and staying at a healthy weight might also help lower your risk. While the effects of getting physical activity and eating well on pancreatic cancer risk are not as clear, both of these can help you stay at a healthy weight. The American Cancer Society recommends choosing foods and beverages in amounts that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant foods. This includes at least 2½ cups of vegetables and fruits every day. Choose whole-grain breads, pastas, and cereals instead of refined grains, and eat fish, poultry, or beans instead of processed meat and red meat. For more, see the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention. Finally, avoiding workplace exposure to harmful substances such as certain pesticides and other chemicals may reduce your risk for pancreatic cancer. AARP Driver Safety Program returns to Holy Apostles, Friday, Nov 14th, 9:00-3:30pm. Enjoy discounted insurance premiums, eliminate points from your Driver’s License. Sign up and information, call Monique Kilroy, Parish Nurse at 888-1182 ext 3008. Anointing of the Sick: Do you have a planned hospital stay, and need the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick? Anointing of the Sick can be offered during reconciliation hours, Saturday 3:30-5:00pm, otherwise, contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment, 888-1182, M-F 9:00-4:30pm. Know that non-urgent requests should be arranged during office hours. Society of St. Vincent dePaul Thanksgiving Food Box Project 2014 WHAT: Sign-up to donate a food box Volunteer your time WHEN: November 8th & 9th and 15th & 16th WHERE: Foyer of the church after all Masses Each year Society of St. Vincent de Paul volunteers sponsor the Thanksgiving Food Box Project in Ada County. Many helping hands are needed to make this project a success. Our efforts here at Holy Apostles are joined with hundreds of individuals, families, community groups and other churches to provide a holiday meal. These charitable efforts to share the Lord’s blessings, help to feed several thousand of our neighbors in need. Please stop by the tables in the foyer next weekend to sign up to donate a food box, to assist with box drop-offs in the church parking lot, and/or to distribute food boxes at the fairgrounds. Food Box Drop Off Date in East Parking Lot by SVdP Building: Nov. 22nd and 23rd Distribution of Food Boxes at the Fairgrounds: November 24th and 25th. For more information please contact Yvonne at 863-7554, or Betty at 376-4622. Meridan, Idaho |5 From the Business Office ICR PRESS DRIVE UNDER WAY: By now you have received your renewal envelope in your latest ICR issue. If you wish to continue receiving this valuable Diocesan paper, please renew immediately. If you are not yet a subscriber, please take an envelope from the gathering space; include your name and payment and your name will be added to the mailing list. For those of you who cannot afford a paper, please call and we will send you complimentary issues. For those currently receiving the paper, all subscriptions not renewed by Dec. 1 will be removed. 2014 IDAHO CATHOLIC APPEAL: Thank you to those who donated on 9/21-22 with a second collection for the 2014 ICA campaign. We collected just over $6K in cash and $3500K in pledges. This brings our goal closer, $184,117. for pledges and cash. Our goal is $211,939., leaving us shy $27,822. You may pledge online at Envelopes are also available in the gathering space. Thank you for your consideration BUILDING ON OUR PAST, ENVISIONING OUR FUTURE: With November’s arrival, this campaign is now entering its third year of a four year campaign. Holy Apostles had the largest goal to reach, $1,156,643.00. Our goal is currently at 82.24%. Our outstanding pledges are $360,133. If you have not yet pledged to this campaign you’ll find pledge envelopes in the gathering space. Thank you for your consideration. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: Your offertory envelopes are a valuable tool when tithing. If you are receiving them in the mail and attend weekly Mass, please use them. For those using online giving or monthly bank drafts, if you are receiving tithing envelopes and wish to discontinue using them, please call Deb at ext. 3003 and leave her a message. Thank you. Book Club Meeting The next meeting of the Apostles Book Club (ABC) will be on Thursday, November 20, from 7:00-8:30pm in rooms 100-101. For more information please contact, Normie Melendez ([email protected]), or Teresa Miller ([email protected]), JoAnn Shaul ([email protected]). CCW Meeting Next Council of Catholic Women Meeting is Monday, November 10 6| Friday Morning Playgroup Parents and caregivers of children 5 and under are invited to Holy Apostles Playgroup. Drop in and see! November dates are: Friday, November 7, 9:30am Rm 102 Friday, November 14, 9:30am Rm 102 Advertiser Spotlight Mass at 6:30pm Meeting at 7pm in the Dining Room Thank you to our sponsor advertiser! All women of the Parish are welcome DeMeyer Furniture and Mattress Welcome to Holy Apostles 42nd Annual FUN NIGHT 2014 Presented by the HOLY APOSTLES COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) BRING the WHOLE FAMILY & ENJOY a NIGHT out TOGETHER! When: Where: Friday, November 21, 2014, 6pm-9pm Holy Apostles Catholic Church Here’s What to Expect . . . . Our kitchen will be serving delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, chips, coleslaw, a drink and homemade pies! It’s total yum!!! BINGO We will be playing BINGO with 16 turkeys to be given away to our winners! Bingo will begin at 7:00pm, immediately after dinner. RAFFLE Grand Prize: $500 Cash 2nd Prize: $200 WinCo Card 3rd Prize: 7” Nexus 32GB Tablet valued at $150 FLAT SCREEN TV PLAYING CARD DRAWING Purchase a playing card from a deck of 52 cards and if yours is a match in the draw you win! SILENT AUCTION If you want to start your holiday shopping early or just like the thrill of bidding against an opponent, then our silent auction is for you! We will have a variety of fantastic items to bid on. If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact Leilani Davis 208-938-0161, Tish Fields 541-709-0833; email: [email protected] or Wini Trapp 208-939-0300; email: [email protected]. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES For the younger children, we will be hosting craft activities to participate in throughout the evening. TIME & TALENT We are in need of your many talents to make this night successful! Without help from our parishioners, CCW could not make Fun Night possible. If you can help, please fill out the Fun Night Volunteer Form on the backside and drop it in the collection basket. Or you can call or email Mary Vincent at 887-3974, [email protected]. THANK YOU & WE HOPE to SEE YOU for a FUN NIGHT! Volunteer Form on Reverse Side Meridan, Idaho |7 Council of Catholic Women (CCW) GO N I B RAF F TICK LE ETS FUN NIGHT Volunteer Form Friday, November 21, 2014 To be a part of this “Fun” night, please fill out your information below & mail to: Mary Vincent 1329 W. 13th Meridian, ID 83642 or drop in the collection basket NAME: TELEPHONE NO.: EMAIL: _ Please check the box in the area & time at which you would like to help. Set-Up 12:00pm ___ Clean Up 9:00pm – 10:00pm ___ Food Servers 5:30pm – 6:30pm 6:30pm – 7:30pm ___ ___ Dishwashers/ Kitchen Clean Up 7:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00pm – 9:30pm ___ ___ Bingo Card Raffle Ticket Sales 5:30pm – 7:00pm 8:00pm – 8:45pm ___ ___ Children’s Activities 6:00pm – 7:30pm 7:30pm – 8:30pm ___ ___ (We really need help in this time slot) Kitchen Games Baking Bring a Pie (Homemade Please) Pies can be dropped off at the kitchen from noon on. Quantity __ For more INFORMATION or if you have questions, please contact: Mary Vincent, phone: 887-3974; email: [email protected] or Danette Arnzen; 870-3140 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING CCW! The money raised by CCW at this event goes to support charities and groups like Salt & Light Radio, Birthright, City Light Home for Women, Rosary Makers, Baptismal Garments, &Cross International. 8| Welcome to Holy Apostles Directory Parish Office Hours Monday–Friday 9-5pm, Closed 12-1pm Holy Apostles Parish Staff To email Parish Office Staff and Directors, use person’s first initial & last [email protected] Deb Miller, Bookkeeper......................................... ext-3003 Paul Miller, Facilities Manager ..............................ext-3023 Jon McKay, Music Director ...................................ext-3020 Monique Kilroy, Parish Nursing .............................ext-3008 Midge Lee, Pastoral Associate of Liturgy (Weddings, Funerals) ............................................ext-3011 Patty Blazek, Pastoral Associate of Ministries.....ext-3009 Joie LaCasse, Receptionist ....................................ext-3001 Faith Formation Directors Preschool - Grade 5 Blanca Hutson..........................................................ext-3021 Theresa Malouf.......................................................ext-3022 Office Hours (Room 107) Mon-Wed 10 am-12 pm / 1 pm-5 pm (or by appt.) Energizers (6-8 grade) Rusty Bang .............................................................. ext-3025 Office Hours Monday-Friday 11am-5pm Energizers meet on Wednesday 7 pm–8:30 pm High School Ministry/Confirmation Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey ............................. ext-3026 Call for appointment ...........................................371-8289 or email ..................................... [email protected] Becoming Catholic Mary Wax.............................................................. ext-3007 Returning Catholics Donna Dennard .....................................................895-8469 Holy Apostles 20/30’s Group Parish based community of young adults who seek to draw closer to Christ. Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey 371-8289 or [email protected] To register please come to the Parish Office or e-mail the Parish Office to request a Registration Form. You will also find the forms on our website. 2015 Pro-life Billboards Please help us support the 2015 Pro-life Billboard Campaign—“She was unplanned.” The billboards will feature real mothers—who have powerful unplanned pregnancy stories—and their daughters. This is a rough mock-up, using stock photography, of what the billboards will look like: Please send tax-deductible gifts to Birthright of Boise, 1101 N 28th St, Suite A, Boise, ID 83702. Put Billboard Campaign in the memo line. For updates, “Like” Treasure Valley Prolife Billboard Campaign on Facebook. Christmas Wreaths It’s not too early to start thinking about Christmas. The gift of fresh greenery is perfect for your friends, family or co-workers. There are 2 ways St. Mary's School is selling wreaths this year. Shop online at to ship directly, or order locally through Boise At Its Best Flowers for pickup at St. Mary's School. Please contact Christina Klaas 867-9997 for ordering assistance. Employment Opportunities Temporary Part Time Assistant The Office of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Boise is seeking a temporary part time assistant. Hours are flexible ranging between 15-20 hours per week with a pay range of $10.19-$12.74 per hour. Submit asap a letter of application, resume and completed diocesan application form for employment (not Catholic Schools form) noting references in the application form. The position is open until filled. The job description and application form are on the diocesan website at . Send application materials to: Superintendent Bob Sobotta, 1501 S. Federal Way, Suite 400, Boise, ID 83705-5925. CCI Part Time Catholic Charities of Idaho is hiring a part-time (20 hours/week) Administration & Finance Manager in the Boise administrative office. The position will oversee the operations of finance, contracts, and facilities management. For more information or to apply for the position, please visit Meridan, Idaho |9
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