The Chronicle Psalm 100

November 2014
Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise to the LORD,
all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come into His presence with singing.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is He that made us,
and we are His;
we are His people,
and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
and His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him,
bless His name.
For the LORD is good;
His steadfast love endures for ever.
and His faithfulness to all generations.
….more than turkeys, pilgrims,
parades, football games, and
….more than the day before
Black Friday for the start of
Christmas shopping….
….more than a momentary
glance God-ward and nod of the
head to say “thank-you”….
….the essence of the heart of
the faithful acknowledging the
source and creator of all
….the attitude of constant
awareness of the divine presence and blessing….
….a time to move beyond ourselves, to pause from the frantic
pace of our lives, and to bow in
humble gratitude for amazing
grace and wondrous love….
We need your help! For many years, Sunday morning foot races in Annapolis have caused difficulty for
church-goers in terms of closed streets, inaccessibility to worship, and re-routed traffic. After extensive
conversations with former Mayor Cohen two years
ago, Sunday races were no longer allowed (with the
exception of the A-10 race in August) and were rescheduled for Saturday mornings. Recent developments in the current mayor’s office have a race
scheduled for Sunday, November 2 beginning at 9
am, and a review of Sunday foot race scheduling.
The mayor needs to hear from Calvary Church that
such races should not be permitted or scheduled.
Dr. Amy Richter, rector at St. Anne’s Episcopal
Church, and I met with the mayor recently about
this issue, and now we are asking our congregations
to write him about this.
Mayor Michael J. Pantelides
160 Duke of Gloucester Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
[email protected]
Suggested text of letter:
These are the days when our hearts and minds take
on an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude. It’s a
holiday that continues to be my favorite holiday because I am not consumed with putting up turkey
trees and sending out turkey cards and wrapping
turkey presents, but am able to simply spend time
around a bountiful table with my family and bask in
the goodness and blessings of my life. I am able to
simply reflect and remember that I am richly filled
with good food, good family and friends, good
church and faith, good health, and good stuff that is
neither guaranteed nor assumed in this life, and
many are neither as fortunate nor grateful. I am
able to simply pause and turn God-ward in humble
thanksgiving. That is the core and foundation of the
holiday, and while gratitude God-ward is supposed
to be a constant and consistent attitude and behavior, this day makes it ever-more powerful and focused. There is so much blessing. And I intend to
remember who and whose I am in the midst of it,
and remember those who are not as fortunate or
filled, and yet still are in the care and love of God. I
hope and pray you will too.
The rhythm of autumn leaves, shorter days and
longer nights, cooler temperatures, and socks and
As a member of Calvary United Methodist Church, I urge you
to make a promise to us and to the other downtown churches long sleeves remind me that time marches on, but
that there will be no more Sunday morning races, except the always in the pattern and care of One greater than
long-established and community supported A-10, in the fuI. With winter’s barrenness comes the promise of
ture. Please don’t force us to disrupt our Sunday morning
new life. With the rhythm of life and death, we are
worship more than on this one Sunday a year.
always in the pattern and care of One greater than
Yours sincerely,
us. These are blessed and full days. God is good.
All the time.
Help the mayor hear that Sunday worship is a saTogether, we will live, laugh, and love as the body of
cred and holy time, and that we are hoping the City Christ for such a time as this.
of Annapolis will not schedule races that impede our
ability to get to church. Thanks for your volumiBlessings!
nous mail and email to him! He’ll appreciate hearing from you!
Dear Mayor Pantelides,
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Joanna Marie Cook
Virginia Henderson
Born September 15, 2014
to Cheryl & Ryan Cook.
September 21, 2014
We congratulate
Ashley West and Bradley Hurst
on their marriage on October 4, 2014.
Here is the schedule for November:
Week 1 Team: Friday, October 31
All Available Hands: Saturday, November 8
Week 3 Team: Saturday, November 15
Week 4 Team: Friday, November 21
All work times will be 8:30 to 11 am
We are in need of more gardeners to help, now and in the
future. If you would like to assist us in beautifying God’s
grounds, or just want more information, please contact Dick
Engwall, CUMC Gardening Coordinator, at 410-571-8623 or
[email protected].
CALVARY CHURCH CHARGE CONFERENCE – Calvary’s annual Charge Conference,
the official meeting of each local church in The United Methodist Church, will be
held on Wednesday, November 12, at 7 pm. District Superintendant Evan Young
will preside. All members of the Church Council are encouraged to attend as voting members. The congregation is welcome.
Daylight Savings Time ends
on Sunday, November 2!
Don’t forget to set your clocks
back one hour before you go
to sleep on Saturday night!
Christmas is coming soon!
Keep an eye out for Christmas Angels and other giving opportunities
in the next several weeks.
Jacob & Lora Bleacher
407 Hillsmere Drive
Annapolis, MD 21403
Frank & Anna Basil
2606 Chapel Lake Drive
Unit 107
Gambrills, MD 21054
Kyle Campbell
223 W. Elmwood Place
Chandler, AZ 85248-6379
Clarence Banwell
17 Coach Lane
Baltimore, MD 21225
Ashley & Brad Hurst
11804 New Country Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Jim Church
[email protected]
It is difficult to find the words to thank everyone for all the
wonderful ways that you have helped my recovery from hip
replacement surgery followed by emergency stomach surgery four days later. Each day I am gaining my strength and
mobility. Being able to attend Church for the first time since
August and join Calvary members and all Christians for
World Wide Communion Sunday on October 5 was heart
warming. All the meals that were prepared and delivered to
my family for several weeks I can't say thank you enough.
They were delicious and with family members at our house
a lot during my hospital and Spa Creek stay, it was such a big
help. The many flowers, cards, and visits from Pastor Chip
and Pastor Mernie and friends meant so very much to me.
Abundance of thank you’s and may God bless each and
every one of you.
Janeice Dickenson
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Stephanie Crane
1605 Old Mill Bottom Rd.
Annapolis, MD 21409
Whitney & Justin Hatchett
2021 Huntcliff Drive
Gambrills, MD 21054
Caroline Crane
1605 Old Mill Bottom Rd.
Annapolis, MD 21409
Kathleen (Katie) Crane
1605 Old Mill Bottom Rd.
Annapolis, MD 21409
Allen & Linda Egloff
726 White Swan Drive
Arnold, MD 21012
Ernest Hill
5 Perry Circle, Apt. F
Annapolis, MD 21402
Christy & Mike Little
301 Skipper Lane
Chester, MD 21619
Kristi & Kevin Little
2082 Pear Hill Court
Crofton, MD 21114
Jeremy & Keri McCumber
618 Talon Court
Arnold, MD 21012
Nancy Mills
1862 Neumann Way
Crofton, MD 21114
As this newsletter goes into production, we are in the midst
of our first Winter Relief shelter of the 2014-2015 season. A
heartfelt thanks to our congregation for their incredible support of this local mission. We are truly blessed to witness
God’s love reflected through each of you. Look for our article
in the December Chronicle as we reflect back on the week.
~Rob and Pam Biddlecomb
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Rebekah Andres
Zachary Little
770 Kimberly Way
301 Skipper Lane
Stevensville, MD 21666 Chester, MD 21619
“Making it Personal”
Commitment Sunday is Coming
You are invited to a very special day in the life of Calvary United Methodist Church. On
Sunday, November 16, 2014
we will worship together, celebrate together, and explore ways we are called into a closer relationship
with Jesus Christ, our Church, and each other. In the Gospel of John 15: 9-12, Jesus calls us into a personal relationship with Him, and God,
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you: abide in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,
just as I have kept my Fathers commandments and abide in His love.
I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may be in you,
and your joy may be full!
Wow! The fullness of our joy is what Jesus desires for us. Calvary UMC enables us to embrace and embody this personal relationship in Christ in so many joyful ways through…
Powerful worship, including personal baptisms, weddings, funerals, holy communions
Intimate study groups including Bible classes, Sunday School, Disciple, youth and children studies
Relationship building groups for individuals, couples, and families
Personal experience settings like Winter Relief, ASP, Guatemala Mission, Lighthouse Shelter,
Habitat builds, cookie bakes for midshipmen…
The list goes on and on in ways that make our faith journey with Christ come alive, become meaningful,
and yes, very personal.
On Sunday, November 16, we will have the opportunity to fill out, and turn in, a “Making it Personal”
affirmation card. This card will be our “YES” to being a vital and significant participant in this personal
ministry for Christ, known as Calvary UMC. We do, and we will, joyfully experience, encourage, and
participate with our prayer, our being present, our financial gifts, our faithful witness, and our active
service to the life and joy of our congregation!
So come join us on Sunday, November 16, 2014 to worship in the fullness of Christ’s joy as we gather in
“Making it Personal.”
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Once a year the Missions Ministry Team has the privilege and responsibility of disbursing the Endowment Funds.
We base our distribution of giving on Acts 1:8b: “You will bear witness for me in Jerusalem, all over Juda and
Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
We try to balance needs between those of our local community, the United States, and the rest of the world. Our
giving this year centered on people living is areas of conflict, health issues and the UMM shower trailer.
We are always interested in other areas that we can serve. If you have any suggestions for 2015 contact Claudette
Cozad (410-757-8297) or Jane Frantzich (410-721-7344).
Always in His Love,
Claudette Cozad
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As some of you may know, we have just recently started a fundraising campaign to provide the financial resources to upgrade the sound system and to add video capabilities to our sanctuary. This will better support all
the events in our sanctuary including worship services, weddings, vacation bible school, funerals, musical
events, and other special events. Everyone in our congregation will benefit from this enhancement to our sanctuary. We have received a significant matching pledge of $10,000 for this purpose, but we must raise an equal
amount before that pledge is given. Those two amounts will give us about one-third of the total funds needed.
We have also received pledges from other members, but we still need to raise a large amount to reach our
goal. Please pray and consider being a part of this exciting project by giving generously. If everyone contributes, we will be able to reach our goal quickly. The details of the upgrade have been in place for a few months
now, and several information sessions have been advertised and given. If you would like to know more about
exactly what will be done, please call me at 443-995-0606 . Gifts can be given in many ways. Checks with A/V
Upgrade in the memo line can be placed in the offering or mailed to the church. Credit card gifts can be made
online through Calvary's website by selecting the "A/V Upgrade" fund. There are additional ways to give as
well, and I would be happy to discuss this with you.
Thank you for your support,
Nelson Gardner,
Chair-A/V Fundraising Team
Your associate pastor asks, "Did You Know...?"
“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)
When we hear that we should have the same attitudes as Jesus, the instruction seems clear. There is more than
one way, however, people try to accomplish this. First, we can try to imitate Christ and conform to His holy ways.
Second, we can let our actions towards one another stem from what we have already experienced in Jesus Christ.
There is a subtle nuance between these two ways, yet the nuance makes a big difference. The first focuses on our
actions, while the second shifts the focus to God’s preliminary action in us. If we endeavor to imitate Christ in our
thoughts and behavior, then the spotlight is on what we are doing. If our behavior is a result of God at work in us,
enabling our conduct to be renewed and transformed by Christ, then the spotlight is on what God does in, for, and
through us.
Think of the difference it makes in the way we relate to others. Think of the difference it makes in the way groups
act in society. Think of the difference it makes in the way our nation relates to the world. In a world full of hurt
and pain, we need to “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” so that our actions towards one another arise out of
our experience of His love and not something else. It is how we will move toward greater unity.
Peace and joy,
Page 7
Upcoming events:
The Calvary and Chancel Choirs will present Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem on Sunday, November 2 at the 8:45 and 11:15 services. This musical work uses excerpts of the traditional Latin Requiem texts to create a peaceful and hopeful musical prayer for those
who have made the Great Transition.
The Claire College Choir, a choral group from Cambridge, England known internationally as one of the leading college choirs in the world, will be performing a concert
here on Sunday, December 7. We are in need of host families who can put them up for one night and transport them to and from the church. We also need folks to assist with providing a Sunday evening meal, and a
team who can get pre-ordered lunches on Sunday. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact Stan
Livengood at [email protected]. Let’s show these visiting foreigners how wonderful our hospitality is!
Our Music and Arts Ministry is a broad program area that enhances our worship of God and involves dozens of
Calvary members. What are ways in which you can support our Music and Arts Ministry?
*Share your talent with the church, if God has blessed you in this way. We have vocal and instrumental
ensembles, a dance group, and a drama group, plus ways for visual artists to use their gifts. We especially need handbell ringers right now.
*Attend concerts and special worship programs. Our Concert Series is growing our reputation as a
place for regional and touring groups to give excellent performances, and this fall we’ll host an international choir. This is a great outreach and draws many from the community. Do you also attend these?
(Be sure to pick up our season brochure in the main lobby, designed by Leah Livengood.) Our own
choirs also sing well-prepared, beautiful music in special services throughout the year, such as our Good
Friday service and Advent Lessons and Carols. Our primary audience is God, but it is also encouraging
when we have good attendance and support from you.
*Bring your children or grandchildren to participate in our Sunday evening Disciple Ship program
(formerly M&Ms), that includes two children’s choirs from grades K-5.
*Contribute monetarily above your regular church giving. We have a fund for music gifts as well as one
for the Calvary Concert Series. As the Concert Series seeks to raise the level of excellence and advertise
more, it needs a stronger foundation.
*Serve as an usher or assist with a reception for our concerts.
*Thank the participants in our ministry, who have freely offered their time and talent to the glory of
-Dr. Stanley Livengood
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November 2—Disciple Ship Serves
at Winter Relief
November 23—Advent Family
November 2, 9, 16—Disciple Ship
Did You Recognize God?!
October 12 was Children’s Sabbath. Calvary’s children
happily and proudly joined in serving at all three worship
services. They greeted members and visitors, they sang
and motioned two songs, they received the offering,
and shared God’s Word as they read the Scripture for
the day. It was a “big deal” to the children and they
were excited to be helping out. Our many thanks to
those adults who helped us in learning how to be the
hands, feet, and word of God as we served Him in a worship service. Your gentleness, your patience, and your
joy encouraged and shaped us. We saw God in you and we hope you saw God in us!
~Ms. Christy
Please help us welcome Mrs. Johnna Parker as our Director
with a warm smile and a heartfelt thank you. She has been
a teacher with Calvary Center for 11 years and has taught
all of the age levels in her tenure with us. We are richly
blessed with Mrs. Parker’s Spirit-led leadership and
knowledgeable experience. Calvary Center has classes for
both 3 year olds and 4 year olds as well as offering before
and after care services. If you are interested in touring the school on a
Tuesday or Thursday, please contact Mrs. Parker on 410-268-3812.
Calvary Center enjoyed their first field trip which was to Papa
John’s Pumpkin Patch. The children had fun and saw animals. They
were all delighted to pick out their pumpkins to take home!
Page 9
Cookie Factory Dates:
(all Saturdays)
November 8, 2014 ; February 7, 2015
December 6, 2014 ; March 7, 2015
January 10, 2015: April 25, 2015
Save the Date: December 21, a youth Ugly
Christmas Sweater Party, time and location TBD.
Also stay tuned for more upcoming events for
Winter and Summer of 2015!
SNYF– Come join us most Sunday nights
from 5-6:30 pm, for a time of fun, food,
games and devotions!
Sunday School is off and flying,
come join us during the 8:45am
worship service!
Page 10
The speaker that we had on October 6 was very good and informative on the subject of
"Human Trafficking". We learned that it is very bad in our local area of Baltimore and
Washington, not excluding Anne Arundel County either. We also learned that Maryland
does not have adequate laws to deal with this social issue, and we must address this to
our state legislators. For more information you may contact the Maryland Rescue and
Restore Coalition or check on the web. Their site is: It seemed that Maryland has
many problems with this matter.
"Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was devoted to
good works and acts of charity." Acts 9:36
The United Methodist Women work within the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. The Social
Principles have their grounding in the "Book of Discipline". One of the historic principles of our organization has
been human rights for all people. This is based upon the belief that God is the creator of all races and we are all
God's children. Therefore, opportunities for fellowship and service, personal growth, and freedom in every aspect of life are inherent rights of everyone. The United Methodist Women have tried to build a community and
social order without racial barriers.
The United Methodist Women have worked on social policies in the subject areas of: literacy, basic human
rights; economic justice; domestic violence and sexual abuse; human trafficking; call to end world hunger/
Poverty; Drug Crisis; Homelessness in the US. All of these areas relate directly to concerns of women, children
and youth. Therefore we transform our words into action. These remain ongoing issues of the UMW.
Continue to check the Fall Boutique on November Sundays, the pecans will be here on November 9 in the Fellowship Hall between services.
November is "World Thank Offering" month and we will have a combined effort with the children in the Sunday evening programs to collect this offering.
Our groups continue to meet monthly: Friendship Circle meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm and
Harmony Circle meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1 pm.
Colette Stevenson
The Women's Retreat has returned!
Please join us February 20-22, 2015 for a Psalm Study led by Rev. Mernie Crane. We will
stay at the Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriotsville, MD. The $300 cost covers meals,
a single room, and single bathroom. Scholarships or partial scholarships are available.
Molly Estabrook will be signing ladies up Sundays at church. For more information, please
email her at [email protected]. We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend
to grow closer to God and to each other!
Page 11
Meetings and Missions
The Men of Calvary are invited to gather on Tuesday, November 18 for an evening
of fellowship and faith. Stay tuned for the speaker and topic of interest. A light
meal will be served promptly about 6:30 pm and the meeting and celebration will
begin at 7 pm.
Manidokan Men’s Retreat
November 7 to 9, 2014
We are very pleased to be holding our first weekend retreat! It will be held at the Manidokan Camp and Retreat Center, from 7:30 pm Friday, November 7 to 1 pm on Sunday, November 9. Pastor Rick Gray will be our
leader and will it will be an amazing event. The cost is $130 per person and all men are invited. The cost includes the room for 3-5 people per room, food, and fellowship. If you have never been to Manidokan, it is a
beautiful facility and should make for a very memorable weekend. You will also have ½ day on Saturday to visit
the many sites around the area including Harpers Ferry and the C&O Canal, Please RSVP ASAP to Ken Forrester [email protected] or 410-991-7099.
Prayin,’ Parkin’ Cars & Navy Football
It should be noted that the donations collected by the UMM “Put the car over there” staff from Navy parking
patrons provide a good portion of funds to support UMM mission efforts during the year. So, if you can’t be a
collector, be a parker & a giver. Home (Annapolis) dates remaining are: 11/15 (GA Southern) and
(tentatively) the Northrop Grumman Military Bowl on December 27. Contact Ken Forrester at 410-991-7099
or ([email protected] ) or Dave Born ([email protected]) or 443-421-0832 to sign up.
Golf Outing & Annual Fall BBQ
Tuesday, October 21 was a very special day as the morning featured golf at Queenstown Country Club in
Queenstown, MD on their River course, and the evening was the annual fall BBQ gathering. We had three
speakers: Nancy Mills, our Director of Discipleship; Christie Little, our Director of Children’s Ministries; and
Sarah Lanzi, our Director of Youth Ministries who told us a little about themselves, their vision for their position, and how the UMM can help. Although further details are unavailable as we go to press, results of both
events will be forthcoming.
God Bless,
Dave Myers
All men of Calvary are UMM members.
Just share your name and some basic contact info to join our
group or just come to our monthly meeting—we are a friendly
group. You can serve at will and when you can. Contact information can be sent to [email protected] or
[email protected], or you can just say “hi” at church!
Page 12
Page 13
Ken Brown
Beth Chase
Carolee Duckman
Pamela Houchens
Tanya Rachfal
Kathryn Chumney
Sue Jeglinski
Drew Lidster
Kenneth Rachfal
Michael St. John
Michele Houston
Kate Johnson
Robert Arneson
Edgar Bowen
Susan Cook
Kai Fornes
Jennifer Hart
Art Turman
Hans Steffen
Carol Sullivan
Clair Sumner
Rachael Czyzia
John Russell
Lucas West
Dorothy Hardesty
Marilyn Recknor
David Trapp
Susan Amos
Gaylene Beard
Glenore Detwiler
Liz Norton
Nancy Titus
Katy Tidd
Ashley West
John Goodhue
Sue Penix
Paul Warner
Bruce Hook
Zach Little
Spike Muller
Jason Smith
Tricia Ternovan
Evelyn Bergen
Katie Nivens
Sue Bourne
Susan Mergler
Matt Dickey
Jennifer Steinfeld
Nancy Dean
Kevin Little
Ellen Ward
Cynthia Achorn
Randy Adams
Laura Clifton
Elizabeth Hamilton
Darren Quillen
Andrew Frantzich
Anna Chalstrom
Bart Johnson
Sunny Schust
Dale Hutchins
Marilyn Jarriel
Mary Miller
Randy Sisulak
November 2014 Birthdays
Marilyn Jones
Peggy McElree
Paige Reinauer
Gloria Sheckells
Pat Blew
May Frances Ramsey
Lindsea Sharpe
Patti Cadogan
Wayne Daniels
Carol Fitzkee
Scott Wells
Jamie Banwell
Taylor Bernhardt
Thomas Elwood
Mike Klaus
Ken Nesbit
Katherine Vavrina
Beth Wilt
Annie Fowlkes
Lori Livingston
Christine Hughes
Katy Caple
Jim Church
Susan Gottschalk
Sarah Sealey
Janice Spriggs
Kelsey Lizzio
Betty Magruder
Page 14
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
4:00 Hanging of the Greens
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNYF
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
Church Offices Closed
9:00 Chronicle Mail-out
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Bible Study
7:00 Basic Christian Beliefs
7:00 Church Council
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:30 UMM
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Friendship Circle
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
7:30 Cookie Factory
8:30 Stewardship
10:00 Choir Rehearsal
7:30 Maintenance Breakfast
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Prayer Shawl
10:00 Amos Study
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Amos Study
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Finance MT
7:00 Trustees MT
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Bible Study
7:00 Basic Christian Beliefs
7:00 Chancel Choir
Church Offices Closed
6:00 UMM Board
7:00 Staff Parish Rel. MT
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNYF
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Amos Study
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
12:00 Staff Appreciation
1:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
6:30 Worship MT
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Bible Study
7:00 Basic Christian Beliefs
7:00 Mission MT
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:30 UMW Board
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
11:15 Youth Council
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNYF
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
5:00 Disciple Ship
5:00 SNYF
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
Traditional Worship
Children’s Sunday School
10:00 Contemporary Worship
Children’s & Adult Sunday School
11:15 Traditional Worship
November 2014 Events
Page 15
Office Hours:
8:30 am—5 pm
[email protected]
[email protected]
FAX: 410-268-5283
Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore-Washington Conference
The Rev. Evan Young, Annapolis District Superintendent
410-268-3812, [email protected]
Director of Audio/Media Ministries……………...tbd
Sunday Nursery Attendants………….Susan Giokas,
Anina Mayhew
Director, Calvary Center School…...Johnna Parker
[email protected]
Office Assistant…………………...………..Karen Conroy
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant………...……..Janis Hosmer
[email protected]
Organist.…………………………....….……...David Beatty
Director, Handbell Choir………..…...…..Bruce Smith
Director, Children’s Choirs………..….…..Noël Butler
Director, Praise Team………..……….….Ira Ostrowski
Treasurer………………………..……...Pam Biddlecomb
Ext. 106, [email protected]
Director of Music & Arts..……...Stanley Livengood
Ext. 105, [email protected]
Director of Youth Ministries…………....Sarah Lanzi
Ext. 115, [email protected]
Director of Children’s Ministries …….Christy Little
Ext. 104, [email protected]
Director of Discipleship…………………...Nancy Mills
[email protected]
Parish Minister …………………..…….Kenan Habetler
Ext. 103, [email protected]
Associate Pastor……………………………Mernie Crane
Ext. 102, [email protected]
Senior Pastor……………………….Harold B. Wright, II
Chairperson, Church Council…………….Jim Phillips
Lay Leaders…………………….David & Beth Schoeller
Lay Members, Annual Conference……..Bill Abner,
Roberta Liddick, Al Keyser,
Candace Beckett, Doris Glover
Chairperson, Staff-Parish Relations MT….
Cyndy Adams
Chairperson, Trustees MT…….……..…Lon Slepicka
Co-Chairpersons, Finance MT....Jackie Nicholson,
Eric May
Financial Secretary.……………………….Donna Kurrle
Chair, Stewardship MT………………Nelson Gardner
Co-Chairpersons, Missions MT..Claudette Cozad,
Jane Frantzich
Co-Chairpersons, Education MT…..Sandy Crosier,
Kevin Peters
Co-Chairpersons, Outreach MT………Susan Amos,
Lynn McReynolds
Co-Chairpersons, Congregational Care MT…(tba)
Chairperson, Worship MT……………....……Jay Irwin
Co-Chairpersons, Stephen Ministry……..Jo Layne,
Jane Frantzich
Leader, Children’s MT…………….………..Julie Barkat
Leader, Youth MT…………………….………Cheryl Cook
Leader, Older Adult MT………….....Kenan Habetler
President, United Methodist Women....
Colette Stevenson
President, United Methodist Men...Ken Forrester
Co-Chairpersons, Building MT ……...Doug Sweely,
Lori Sweely
Chairperson, Calvary Center School…
Jaime Hanafourde
Public Relations…………………………………Dave Born
(MT = Ministry Team)
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Annapolis, MD
Permit 207
Calvary United Methodist Church
301 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410-268-1776 Fax: 410-268-5283
E-mail: [email protected]
As a committed United Methodist community, we
strive to know and worship God, the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit; to grow in faith and love through
ministry, discipleship, and fellowship; and to go
into the world to bring others to Christ through
mission. We at Calvary Church are committed to
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
November 1:
November 2:
November 7-9:
November 8:
November 11:
November 15:
November 16:
November 23:
November 27:
Stewardship Meeting
Daylight Savings Time ends
UMM Retreat
Cookie Factory
Veteran’s Day
Church offices closed
Maintenance Breakfast
Commitment Sunday
Hanging of the Greens
Thanksgiving Day
Church offices closed