GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION & I.T., CONTROLLER OF COMMUNICATION ACCOUNTS PUNJAB TELECOM CIRCLE SECTOR-18-A, MADHYA MARG CHANDIGARH. CONTENTS PAGES PREFACE 3 CHAPTER- I INTRODUCTION 4-8 PUNJAB TELECOM AT A GLANCE TASKS AND DUTIES CHAPTER- II ORGANISATION & ADMINISTARTION 9-11 CAPTER- III CASH FLOWS 12-17 CAPTER-IV REVENUE RECEIPTS- I : LICENCE FEE & SPECTRUM CHARGES 18-27 CHAPTER- V REVENUE RECEIPTS-II : LEAVE SALARY & PENSION CONTRIBUTION 28-30 CHAPTER- VI UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATION 31-43 CHAPTER-VII PENSION AND PERSONAL CLAIMS & AUDIT OF PENSION PAID VOUCHERS 44-48 CHAPTER- VIII MISCELLANEOUS TASKS 49-50 CHAPTER-IX EVENTS & INITIATIVES 51-59 2 PREFACE The worst ever recession, since 1929, has hit the whole world. India, the major player in the global economy, has also not been untouched. With the GDP growth falling to 6% and the industrial production struggling to stay in positive figures; the optimism is hard to find. In this gloomy scenario, 2-3 industries emerged as the ray of hope. And not very surprisingly, one of them is telecommunication. With the growth rate of 43%, and contribution of Rs.13000 crores (approximately); to government exchequer, telecommunication sector has kept the economy from plummeting to negative figures. According to the country's chief statistician Pronab Sen, "High growth rate in this sector - with weight of less than 3% in GDP - was a key driver which pushed GDP figures for the quarter ended September to 7.6%," The financial year 2008-09 ends with the addition of 129.23 million telephone subscribers (growth rate of 43%), making a total of 429.72 millions. There was addition of 47.02 million rural subscribers (growth rate of 61%), leading to rural subscriber base of 123.51 millions. Also added were 2.21 million broadband subscribers (growth rate of 55%). The total broadband subscribers reached 6.22 million in March. With this growth, the overall teledensity reached 36.98 per cent at the end of March 2009 as against 26.22 per cent in March 2008. The rural subscribers reached to 123.51 million with rural teledensity of 15.11 per cent during March 2009. Department of Telecom, continuing its aim of rural connectivity, launched two more schemes for providing subsidy under USOF - Sharing of mobile infrastructure and Broadband in rural areas. The scope of VPT subsidy has also been broadened to include the uncovered areas. Thus no stone is being left unturned to provide telecommunication at each doorstep. CCA office Punjab, has gone through a period of transition this year. Shifting from the cramped accommodation in sector -34 to relatively spacious and independent building in sector-18, boosted the morale of all and sundry. In the North Zone conference at Jammu in March 2009, Punjab CCA was considered the best in the North Zone. With nary a work pending, this honour is well deserved. But we will not rest on our laurels and the pace of progress will be maintained. Streamlining of GPF broadsheets maintenance process, PAO package implementation, launch of web site, creation of Conference Hall and Inspection Quarters, are some of the projects, which will keep us on our toes, in the coming year. Looking forward to another constructive and productive year, we present our third Annual Report. 3 4 INTRODUCTION Office of CCA PUNJAB: Office of the Controller of Communication accounts came in to existence in the year 2000, after the formation of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. The circle office of Punjab Telecom was initially housed in Sector-34 building, along with the BSNL circle office. In December 2008, BSNL finally agreed to handover the building at sector-18, which is rented from Chandigarh Administration. This building apart from providing slightly more space, also is independent and located on Madhya Marg; the central point of Chandigarh. Tasks & Duties CCA offices have been entrusted with varied type of tasks, ranging from collection of license fee to looking after the interest of retired BSNL employees;. It encompasses accounting, auditing, budgeting, technical, legal, budgeting, administration etc. in its fold. Apart from the traditional functions like retirement and pension payments, GPF payments and maintenance of broadsheets, the scope of the jobs to be performed is widening. During the year new tasks assigned to the CCA offices include assessment of license fee for ISPs, NLDs, ILDs etc., USO subsidy payment to Infrastructure providers, receipt of subsidy from Universal Service providers and payment of subsidy for broadband services. Functions Performed in the CCA offices (1) USO: Claim verification (from data & records as well as physical verification), sanction of claim and disbursement of subsidy. (2) Licence Fees: Collection of fees based on AGR, Verification of deductions claimed in AGR, maintenance of financial bank guarantees. (3) Spectrum charges: Collection of charges and maintenance of FBGs. (4) Retirement benefits payment: (i) Death cum retirement gratuity (DCRG) (ii) Commutation of pension (iii) Leave encashment ( for group “A” only) (iv) CGEIS (for group “A” only) (v) Pension payment order (PPO) issue (5) Final payment of GPF (6) Audit of Pension paid vouchers (7) Maintenance of Broadsheets: (i) HBA (ii) Car/scooter (iii) Computer (8) Leave salary broadsheet 5 (9) Pension contribution broadsheet (10) GPF broadsheet (11) GPF transfer cases (12) Pension revision cases (13) Legal cases (14) Service book verification of BSNL employees (15) Miscellaneous works pertaining to Budget, cash, accounting, bank reconciliation, administration, infrastructure, staff matters etc. PUNJAB TELECOM-at a glance Punjab, the border state of India, has an area of 50,362-sq. kms and population of 2.8 crores (as on 31.03.2009). At present there are 13 players vying for the share in the telecom service market. Out of the thirteen operators, seven are running operations. CCA office, located in the City Beautiful- Chandigarh, has been created as per the circle boundaries of BSNL Punjab Circle, and hence includes Panchkula city (of Haryana state) also. It has total tele density of 58% on 31.03.09, out of which 52% is attributable to mobiles ( both GSM and CDMA) and 6% is of landline. In landline, major player is state owned BSNL which has 81.55% of market share in Punjab, with 13.44 lac landlines. With addition of 31.30 lacs telephones during the year, marking a growth of 23% during the year. Punjab has total of 165.30 lacs of telephone connections. This is 3.85% of national pie. PUNJAB AND INDIA TELECOM AS ON 31.03.2009 In lacs PUNJAB 283.78 133.99 INDIA 11621.40 3004.91 %age of National figure 2.44 4.46 13.44 3.03 329.19 50.44 4.08 6.01 TOTAL LANDLINE LANDLINE TELE DENSITY BSNL CELLULAR PHONES PVT.OPERATORS CELL. PHONES BSNL-WLL PHONES PVT. OPERATORS –WLL PHONES 16.48 5.81 28.11 89.96 0.85 29.89 379.64 3.21 508.87 2463.77 57.38 887.56 4.34 TOTAL MOBILES MOBILE TELE DENSITY TOTAL TELEPHONES (31.03.2009) TOTAL TELEDENSITY TOTAL GROWTH GRWOTH RATE 148.81 52.44 165.30 58.25 31.30 23.36 3917.61 33.71 4297.25 38.98 1292.32 43.01 POPULATION TOTAL TELEPHONES as on 31.03.2008 BSNL LANDLINES PVT. OPEARTORS LANDLINES 5.52 3.65 1.48 3.37 3.80 3.85 2.42 Source: Telecommunications Report, April 2009, CMIE, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi 6 7 PUNJAB TELECOM INFORMATION 31.03.2009 No. of SSAs: 11 (Amritsar, Bhatinda, Chandigarh, Ferozepur, Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Ropar & Sangrur. No. of SDCAs: -55 BASIC/LANDLINCE CONNECTIONS: BSNL: 13,44,912 RCL: 79,000 TATA: 2,93,621 HFCL: 2,10,798 BHARTI: 87,210 MOBILE CONNECTIONS: BSNL: 28,96,302 BHARTI: 37,83,941 SPICE: 24,82,733 VODAFONE: 22,27,692 RCL: 14,01,941 TATA: 11,12,928 HFCL: 3,39,704 RURAL DELS: BSNL: 5,81,362 TATA: 2,54,525 RCL: 4,003 RDELS SUBSIDIZED UNDER USO: BSNL (IN 18 SDCAS) 55508 RCL: (IN 18 SDCAS) 4003 TATA (IN 12 SDCAS) 2,54,525 TOTAL No. of VPTs 12585 RCPs 166 Source: Data obtained from the Telecom Service Providers of Punjab Circle. 8 9 ORGANISATION & ADMINISTARTION Punjab CCA office is headed by The Controller of Communications Accounts, with sanctioned strength of two Joint CCAs, out of which one post is vacant. Against the sanctioned strength of 21 group “B” posts, 7 are for AOs and 14 are for JAOs.. The situation is ardous in case of JAOs, as only two JAOs are posted against 14 sanctioned posts. Out of 15 group “C” employees working in the office, 7 are from BSNL and remaining are from other departments like Postal, Audit and Accounts etc. ORGANISATION CHART (SANCTIONED STRENGTH): CCA JT.CCA-I DY.CCA-A/Cs & ADMN. JT.CCA-II DY.CCA-PENSION DY.CCA-USO & REVENUE DY.CCA-GPF & COMP. CAO CAO CAO CAO CAO CAO 10 CAO STAFF STRENGTH AS ON 31.3.09 SR. NO. GRADE 1. 2. 3. 4. GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C GROUP D SANCTIONED STRENGTH 8 21 43 6 GROUP A AND B OFFICERS WORKING STRENGTH 3 9 15 1 AS ON 31.3.2009 NAME DESIGN. SH A.S. BHOLA SMT CHARU NARANG THAKUR SH TULSI DAS SH. A.K.ZAKHMI SH. B.B.KARWAL SMT. BANDESHWARI SMT SHASHI BALA SH. A.K. SATHIALA SH SURINDER KUMAR SH. MANMOHAN THAPAR SH. KARAM CHAND SH. NIRMAL SINGH CCA JT.CCA DY. CCA CAO CAO CAO CAO CAO CAO CAO JCAO JCAO 11 CONTACT NUMBER 0172-2722100 0172-2727860 2727540 2727950 2727890 2728780 2728780 2727510 2727510 2728780 2728150 2728130 12 CASH FLOWS Cash flow of an organization depicts the liquidity and solvency position, that is the major aspects of financial health can be determined by the cash inflows and outflows over a period of time. In CCA office Punjab the major sources of inflows are License fees received from the Telecom operators, Spectrum charges and receipts from BSNL which mainly include pension contribution. Outflows include salaries, office expenditure, retirement benefits to BSNL and DoT employees and USOF subsidy payment to Service providers. The cash flows of past three years are: Amount in Rs. Crores ITEMS 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 CASH INFLOWS LICENSE FEES 299.19 258.90 214.45 SPECTRUM CHARGES 132.48 146.71 92.67 47.82 33.74 37.4 479.49 439.35 344.52 RETIREMENT BENEFITS 33.46 23.72 20.36 USO SUBSIDY 34.99 44.43* 68.62 OTHER EXPENSES 20.96 17.21 17.93 TOTAL 89.41 85.36 106.91 390.50 353.99 237.61 DUES FROM BSNL TOTAL CASH OUTFLOWS NET FLOW *Includes the amount of Rs.1.03 Crores paid to J&K Circle during the year. As is evident from the data, the increase in inflows is 9% while the increase in outflows has been just 4% leading to a increase of 10% in the net inflows. 13 CHANGE IN THECASH FLOWS OVER THE PREVIOUS YEAR YEAR---> CASH INFLOWS CASH OUTFLOWS NET FLOW 2008-09 2007-08 %age change 9.14 479.49 439.35 Chan ge 40.14 89.41 85.36 3.63 4.25 390.08 353.99 36.51 10.31 14 CASH INFLOWS YEAR---> 2008-09 (Amount in Rs. Crores) Amount %AGE LICENSE FEES SPECTRUM CHARGES DUES FROM BSNL TOTAL 299.19 132.48 47.82 479.49 62.40 27.63 9.97 100.00 15 2007-08 Amount 258.9 146.71 33.74 439.35 %AGE 58.93 33.39 7.68 100.00 2006-07 Amount 214.45 92.67 37.4 344.52 %AGE 62.25 26.90 10.86 100.00 CASH OUTFLOWS YEAR---> 2008-09 RETIREMENT BENEFITS USO SUBSIDY OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL 33.46 34.99 20.96 89.41 %AGE 2007-08 23.72 44.43 17.21 85.36 37.42 39.13 23.44 100.00 16 %AGE 27.79 52.05 20.16 100.00 2006-07 20.36 68.62 17.93 106.91 %AGE 19.04 64.18 16.77 100.00 RECEIPT & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Amount in Rs. REVENUE EXPENDITURE REVENUE RECIEPTS HEAD OF ACCOUNT 1275 DESCRIPTION License Fee Spectrum Charges OtherS (+) AMOUNT 2,99,19,38,217 HEAD OF ACCOUNT 3451 DESCRIPTION Establishment 1,32.,48,14,144 Expenditure 17,76,154 2049 Salary T.E. O.E. PP&SS Medical I.T. Total Ints. On GPF (+) TOTAL 4,31,85,28,515 TOTAL AMOUNT 1,12,05,915 85,152 16,29,999 25,97,257 1,78,107 10,01,989 1,66,98,419 18,88,73,731 20,55,72,150 PUBLIC ACCOUNT Amount in Rs. PAYMENTS NET AMOUNT 917702911 AMOUNT 704279910 AMOUNT 213423001 118200 1182837 349865325 RECIEPTS HEAD OF ACCOUNT 8005 8011 8235 DESCRIPTION GPF CGEIS USO EXPENDITURE ON PENSION ACCOUNTS Amount in Rs. RECIEPTS HEAD OF ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HEAD OF ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 0071 Pension & Leave Salary Contribution 376965215 2071 Superannuation Pension 50611022.73 Family Pension GPC on NPS Commuted Value DCRG Total 5142860 382108075 17 26774998 38249 125620000 131539190 334583459.73 18 LICENSE FEE Collection of License Fee The work of collection of License Fee from various Telecom Operators on behalf of the Government of India was delegated to the CCA offices w.e.f 01-01-2004 vide O.M No. 1-6/2001 L.F dated 08-12-2003. The CCA Punjab is collecting License Fee and Spectrum Charges from the seven Licensed Telecom operators on behalf of the Government of India.Although there are 13 TSPs and 13 ISPS, only 7 TSPs are operational. The task includes collection and accounting of receipts on account of License Fee. The CCA is reporting to DOT Head Quarter for these collections in the prescribed formats in accordance with the directions issued by the Licensing Finance Branch of DoT Hqr. The CCA office has been delegated the work of verification of deductions from Gross Revenue by Licensees on account of PSTN charges & Roaming Charges passed on to other operators and Sales Tax/service Tax Paid to the Govt. Also the task of assessment of License Fee collected from ISPs has also been delegated from the year 2008-09. (Assessment Year- 2009-10). DETAILS OF TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS: Amount in . Crores SERVICE PERCENT LF AREA AGE RECEIVED OF YEAR LICENCE 2008-09 FEE Sr. No OPERATOR CATEGORY OF LICENCE 1. HFCL Infotel LTD. RELIANCE COMMUNICATION LTD. TATA TELESERVICES LTD. SPICE COMMUNICATIONS PVT. LTD. BHARTI AIRTEL LTD. HUTCHISON ESSAR SOUTH LTD. (Vodafone) BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED. DISHNET WIRELESS LTD. SWEN TELECOM PVT. LTD UNITECH WIRELESS (NORTH) LTD. IDEA CELLUAR LTD. LOOP TELECOM PVT. LTD. SISTEMA SHYAM TELESERVICES LTD. BASIC UASL PUNJAB PUNJAB 8% 8% 11 13 UASL CMTS PUNJAB PUNJAB 8% 8% 17 51 UASL CMTS PUNJAB PUNJAB 8% 8% 99 37 UASL PUNJAB 8% 69 UASL UASL UASL PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB 8% 8% 8% ---- UASL UASL UASL PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB 8% 8% 8% ---- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 19 Assessment and Collection of License Fee in respect of Internet Service Providers The work relating to assessment and collection of License Fee in respect of ISPs was transferred to this office from the financial year 2008-09. List of ISPs. Amount in Rs. 1. Apnatelelink Pvt. Ltd. SSA Jalandhar ISP-IT LF received in the year 2008-09 12044 2. SAB Infotech Ltd. Punjab Circle ISP-IT 107571 3. SAB Infotech Ltd. SSA Dharamshala ISP-IT -- 4. SAB Infotech Ltd. SSA Hisar ISP -- 5. SAB Infotech Ltd. SSA Karnal ISP-IT -- 6. SAB Infotech Ltd. SSA Ambala ISP -- 7. Infotel Broadband SIR Ltd. All India ISP-IT 50199 8. Conjoinix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Damtal HP ISP -- 9. Laxmi Net Phone Pvt. Ltd. SSA Jalandhar ISP-IT -- 10. Emmsons Infotech Ltd. Punjab Circle ISP-IT -- 11. Emmsons Infotech Ltd. Haryana Circle ISP -- 12. Boss Telenet Pvt. Ltd. Punjab Circle ISP -- 13. Fast Lynx Internet Service Pvt. Ltd. SSA Ludhiana ISP -- Rs.169814/- have neen received as Licesnse Fee from the three ISPs in the year 2008-09, while Rs.18975/- had been collected, from the ISPs in the year 2007-08. SR. NO. 1 2 LICENCE FEE COLLECTED DURING THE YEARS (TSPs only) (Rs. In Crores) CATEGORY AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT OF LICENSE COLLECTED 2008-09 COLLECTED COLLECTED 2007-08 2006-07 BASIC/UASL 77.04 97.34 60.45 CELLULAR 228.15 161.56 153.97 TOTAL 299.19 258.90 214.45 20 SR. NO. 1 2 LICENCE FEE COLLECTED FOR THE YEARS (TSPs Only) (Rs. In Crores) CATEGORY AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT OF LICENSE COLLECTED 2008-09 COLLECTED COLLECTED 2007-08 2006-07 BASIC/UASL 74.64 98.43 115.05 CELLULAR 222.16 161.56 120.45 TOTAL 296.80 259.99 235.50 21 LICENSE FEE COLLECTED IN THE PAST FOUR YEARS YEAR AMOUNT (in Rs. Crores) Change over previous year 2008-09 297 2007-08 260 2006-07 235 37 25 17 14.23 10.6 7.8 % rise over previous year 2005-06 218 OPERATOR WISE GR, PASS THROUGH CHARGES, AGR &LICENSE FEE Amount in Rs. Crores Y YEAR Gross Revenue Pass Through Charges AGR LF SPICE B BHARATI HA VODAFONE RELIANCE TATA HFCL BBSNL SNL TOTAL 2008-09 781 1588 650 259 289 171 1073 4811 2007-08 732 1319 547 287 280 203 1106 4474 2008-09 141 356 177 104 118 42 214 1152 2007-08 191 249 118 69 95 59 84 865 2008-09 640 1232 473 155 171 129 859 3659 2007-08 541 1070 429 218 185 144 102 2689 2008-09 51 99 37 13 17 11 69 297 2007-08 32 64 34 18 16 12 84 260 22 CHANGE IN GROSS REVENUE, PASS THROUGH CHARGES, AGR & LICENSE FEE YEAR 2008-09 2007-08 Change Gross Revenue 4811 4474 337 %age Change 7.53 Pass Through Charges 1152 865 287 33.18 AGR 3659 3609 50 1.39 Licence Fee 297 260 37 14.23 LF as %age of AGR 8.12 7.20 23 VERIFICATION OF DEDUCTIONS Work Relating to Verification of PSTN Related Call Charges/Roaming Charges, Service Tax/Sales Tax paid to Government & Claimed as Deductions from the gross revenue, by UAS/Basic/CMTS Licensees was alloted to CCA offices in September 2006. Verification is done with reference to Quarterly Figures, and amount actually paid with respect to these expenses. Consolidated report is sent to Hqrs after receipt of Audited figures along with Auditor’s report at the end of the Financial Year. For the financial year 2006-07, verification of deductions has been completed w.r.t.: M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd. M/s Reliance Communications Ltd. M/s Spice Communications Ltd. M/s Vodafone Essar South Ltd. M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited For the remaining two operators i.e. TATA and HFCL; verification is not to be conducted, as per the directions of the DoT Hqs. SPECTRUM CHARGES Spectrum charges are paid by the telecom operators for the use of bandwidth allotted to them. These are based on the frequency allocated, backbone connections and point to point connections. At present Punjab circle has 13 Telecom Service Providers out of which 7 are paying spectrum charges. SPECTRUM CHARGES COLLECTED- LICENSE CATEGORY WISE- FOR THE YEAR (Rs in Crores) AMOUNT AMOUNT SR. CATEGORY AMOUNT COLLECTED COLLECTED COLLECTED NO. OF LICENSE 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 1 CDMA 2 GSM TOTAL 10.57 15.62 16.39 121.15 106.31 83.17 131.72 122.93 99.56 SPECTRUM CHARGES COLLECTED- LICENSE CATEGORY WISE- DURING THE YEAR (Rs in Crores) CATEGORY AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT SR. COLLECTED COLLECTED COLLECTED NO. OF LICENSE 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 1 CDMA 2 GSM TOTAL 9.87 17.97 15.59 122.61 128.74 77.08 132.48 146.71 92.67 24 CHANGE IN SPECTRUM CHARGES 2008OPERATOR 09 Spice Vodafone Bharti Airtel BSNL TATA HFCL Reliance Total Amount in Rs. Crores 2007-08 %age Change Change 31 18 59 16 49.47 -18.47 -37.34 16.73 1.27 7.59 47.12 11.88 25.21 15.82 0.18 1.14 4 9.84 -5.84 -59.35 1 1.25 -0.25 -20.00 4 6.48 -2.48 -38.27 133 146.71 -13.71 -9.34 25 26 SPECTRUM CHARGES COLLECTED OPEARTOR WISE: Amount in Rs. Name of Operator Spice Communication Ltd. Vodafone Essar South Ltd Bharti Airtel Ltd. BSNL TATA Teleservices Ltd. HFCL Infotel Ltd. Reliance Communication Ltd. TOTAL Year AGR Spectrum Charges % of Spectrum Charges Collected wrt AGR Crores % of AGR-Due 2007-08 539 49.47 9.18 2008-09 639 31.00 2007-08 429 16.73 4.85 4.5 upto June 2008 & 4.70 from July 2008 onwards 3.90 3.80 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 465 1042 1204 442 487 184 18.00 47.12 59.00 15.82 16.00 9.84 3.87 4.52 4.90 3.58 3.29 5.35 3.80 4.90 4.90 3.15 3.15 2.00 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 168 56 54 193 4.00 1.25 1.00 6.48 2.38 2.23 1.85 3.36 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 133 4.00 146.71 132.48 3.00 2.00 27 4.50 28 LEAVE SALARY & PENSION CONTRIBUTION LEAVE SALARY & PENSION CONTRIBUTION: CCA office is responsible for payment of pension and other retirement benefits to BSNL employees. As such BSNL is required to pay Pension Contribution for all its employees and Leave salary contribution for unabsorbed employees. During the year, amount received from BSNL was: ( Rs. In Crores) Sr. No. ITEM 1 LEAVE SALARY PENSION CONTRIBUTION TOTAL 2 AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 2008-09 0.51 2007-08 0.22 2006-07 0.26 37.70 16.56 18.68 38.21 16.78 18.94 General Provident Fund: General Provident Fund i.e. GPF is the saving of the employee on which interest is paid by the gpvernement. As the GPF of employees of the BSNL is maintained by CCA office, every month GPF contribution is received. In case of all the debits, CCA office , after checking the sanctions, against the vouchers and the entry in the broadsheet; pays out the amount of Debit on account of GPF to the BSNL. GPF & OTHER DUES RECEIVEDFROM BSNL ( Rs. In Crores) Sr. No. ITEM 1 LOANS & ADVANCES 2 AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 0.87 1.04 1.33 GPF CONTRIBUTION 21.34 15.92 17.13 TOTAL 22.21 16.96 18.46 29 30 31 UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATION UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATION The Universal Service Obligation Fund has been created to provide financial support for providing services for operation & maintenance of VPTs/Replacement of MARR/ RCPs in all villages in the Circle and RDELs in some specified SDCAs. The CCA Punjab office is responsible for scrutiny of the claims and disbursement of subsidy VPTs/RCPs provide connectivity to General Public & RDELs provide connectivity to each household. Besides this, the responsibility for verification and monitoring of claim data also lies with the office of CCA. The CCA Punjab has been entrusted with scrutiny of claims responsibility of disbursement and of the following USPs. 1. VPTs, RCPs, Rural Household DELs of BSNL. 2. RHDELs of TATA Teleservices Limited. 3. RCPs & RHDELS of Reliance Communication Limited. In addition to above activities, USOF shall provide subsidy for Wireline Broadband connection to individual and institutional users in rural & remote areas from existing rural & remote telephone exchanges. The first claim for the same amounting to Rs.4.28 crores has been received from BSNL in April 2009. I. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS (Subsidy paid during the year 2008-09) (Rs in crores) SR. No. SERVICE PROVIDER AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED 2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2006-07 8.76 8.69 2007-08 9.82 2 BSNL (PUNJAB) TATA 25.88 25.76 3 RELIANCE 0.59 0.53 4 BSNL (J & K) TOTAL 1 19.88* 12.46 28.37* 24.65 22.92 31.80 31.92* 0.64 0.60 0.74 0.82* 7.49 35.23 34.98 35.11 *Includes claims pertaining to the previous year also. 32 43.40 45 68.6 II. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS (Subsidy for the year 2008-09) (Rs in crores) SR. No. SERVICE PROVIDER AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED 2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2007-08 2006-07 2006-07 9.02 9.00 9.36 9.24 12.46 28.37* 2 BSNL (PUNJAB) TATA 28.43 28.25 14.00 12.16 31.80 31.92* 3 RELIANCE 0.57 0.56 0.48 0.40 0.74 0.82* 4 BSNL (J & K) 1 7.49 TOTAL 38.02 37.81 23.84 21.80 45 68.6 Amount in Rs. Crores USOF SUBSIDY DISBURSED DURING THE YEARS 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 68.46 68.6 43.4 34.98 0 0.94 2.96 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 200803 04 05 06 07 08 09 Year USOF SUBSIDY DISBURSEMENT 33 OPERATOR WISE SUBSIDY DISBURSED DURING THE YEAR 68.6 70 amount in Rs. Crores 60 50 43.4 40 30 28.37 19.89 22.92 20 10 25.76 34.98 31.92 7.49 8.69 0.53 0.60 0.82 2008-09 0 BSNL (PUNJAB) TATA RELIANCE BSNL (J& K) TOTAL 2007-08 2006-07 SUBSIDY CLAIMED AND DISBURSED DURING 2008-09 40 35.23 34.98 Amount in Rs. crores 35 30 25.88 25.76 25 20 15 10 8.76 8.69 5 0.59 0.53 0 BSNL (PUNJAB) TATA RELIANCE TOTAL AMOUNT CLAIMED AMOUNT DISBURSED 34 YEAR 2008-09 SHARE OF EACH OPEARTOR IN SUBSIDY SERVICE PROVIDER AMOUNT DISBURSED %AGE SHARE BSNL (PUNJAB) 8.69 TATA 25.76 RELIANCE 0.53 24.84 73.64 1.52 34.98 100.00 BSNL (J& K) TOTAL 35 YEAR 2007-08: SHARE OF EACH OPEARTOR IN SUBSIDY SERVICE PROVIDER AMOUNT DISBURSED %age share BSNL (PUNJAB) 19.88 45.81 TATA 22.92 52.81 0.60 1.38 43.40 100.00 RELIANCE BSNL (J& K) TOTAL 36 YEAR 2006-07 SHARE OF EACH OPEARTOR IN SUBSIDY SERVICE PROVIDER AMOUNT DISBURSED BSNL (PUNJAB) 28.37 TATA 31.92 RELIANCE 0.82 BSNL (J& K) 7.49 TOTAL 68.6 37 %AGE SHARE 41.36 46.53 1.20 10.92 100.00 INSPECTIONS CONDUCTED Sr. No. Operator SSA/SDCA Inspections Conducted 1. BSNL Ferozpur 41 VPTs in 6 SDCAs 2. BSNL Bathinda 3. BSNL Sangrur (i) 42 VPTs in 26 villages (ii) 23 DELs in 9 villages 36 VPTs in 3 SDCAs 4. 5. 6. BSNL BSNL BSNL Patiala SSA Hoshiarpur SSA Pathankot 10 VPT’s in 2 SDCAs 24 VPT’s in 5 SDCAs 30 VPTs in 4 SDCAs 7. 8. 9. BSNL BSNL Tata Teleservices Ltd. Jalandhar SSA Ropar Pathankot SSA 28 VPTs in 5 SDCAs 30 VPTs in 4 SDCAs 289 RDELs in 5 SDCAs 10. Tata Teleservices Ltd. Ludhiana SSA 68 RDELs in 2 SDCAs 11. Tata Teleservices Ltd. Sangrur 48 RDELs in 43 villages 12. Tata Teleservices Ltd. Pathankot SSA 45 DELs in 45 villages 13. Tata Teleservices Ltd. Sangrur 43 DELs in 43 villages 14. Reliance Communications Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd. Goindwal SDCA (Amritsar SSA) Patiala SSA 43 DELs in 26 villages Sangrur SSA 9 RCPs in 9 villages Bathinda SSA 13 RCPs in 13 villages Ropar 1 RCPs in 1 village Jalandhar 4 RCPs in 4 villages 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 38 3 RCPs in 3 villages Inspection of RDELs of TATA in Pathankot in September, 2008 Inspection of VPT in BSNL Jalandhar in November, 2008 39 RDELs TATA in Pathankot SSA in September, 2008. Indicator of VPTs, BSNL, from Highway in Sangrur SSA March, 2009. 40 Hoarding of VPT, BSNL, Displayed at Village Namol in Sangrur Date of Inspection March, 2009. Inspection of RDELs of RCL in Goindwal in March 2009 41 Setting up of IP sites & providing of Mobile Services A new scheme has been launched for setting up and managing infrastructure sites and providing of mobile services in specified rural and remote areas of Punjab State. Under the scheme the infrastructure provider shall set up and maintain IP sites.The USPs shall operate and provide Mobile services by sharing the infrastructure sites created by infrastructure provider. Punjab Circle has been allotted cluster no.61 which has 14 towers. All the sites have been commissioned during Sept 08 & Jan 09 and all the three USPs have rolled out services from these sites. BSNL (USP) and RCL have put on air all the 14 sites during Oct. 08 to Jan 09 whereas M/s Bharti have put on air only 11 sites (out of 14) during Dec 08 to Jan.09. Inspection Conducted: All the 14 infrastructure sites for providing mobile services were inspected physically during the year. USO site visited at Nepal in Amritsar on September 2008 42 USO site visited by CCA at Nushehra in Pathankot SSA in September 2008 43 44 PENSION PAYMENTS PROCESSING PENSION BENEFITS IN CCA OFFICE CCA office has the responsibility of providing pensionary benefits to the employees of BSNL, whether it is retirement on superannuation, VRS or family pension. Pension cases are to be received in the CCA Office at least six months before date of retirement of the employee. The CCA Office checks the pension case to verify whether all the required documents have been submitted by the concerned SSA/Unit in support of thepension case. The CCA Office verifies the Qualifying Service from the point of view of continuity and eligibility for pensionary benefits. For this purpose notes recorded by DDO in the Service Book regarding annual Verification of Service are checked. The correctness of pay drawn during last two years is verified by the CCA Office. After the above checks are completed, calculations of Pensionary benefits are made as per procedure prescribed. In a situation where the retirement benefit case has reached the CCA Office in the prescribed time frame, the CCA Office is in a position to issue the PPO one month in advance of Date of Retirement as prescribed by Pension Rules. Similarly the Authority for DCRG and Commuted value of Pension is prepared to be handed over to the pensioner well in time. Sr. No. 1 ITEM PENSION PAYMENTS CASES AMOUNT CASES AMOUNT CASES AMOUNT 2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2007-08 2006-07 2006-07 384 33.43 361 23.72 365 20.36 Amount in Rs. Crores PENSION CASES 400 366 360 350 351 373 365 384 361 316 NUMBER OF CASES 300 250 200 150 164 100 50 0 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 YEAR 45 PENSION CASES AMOUNT DISBURSED AMOUNT (in Rs. Crores) 40 33.43 32 21.28 24 21.59 19.69 23.72 20.36 15.11 16 9.46 8 0 5.88 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 YEAR 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 AMOUNT DISBURSED (Rs. in Crores) DISTRIBUTION OF PENSION THROUGH BANKS AND POST OFFICES: MODE OF PENSION 2008-09 PAYMENT POST OFFICE 4417 BANKS 1348 TOTAL 5765 2007-08 2006-07 4190 1191 5381 3969 1051 5020 Total Pensioners as on 31.03.2009: 5765 46 PENSION CASES DURING THE YEAR (MONTHWISE MONTH April 07 May 07 June 07 July 07 August 07 September 07 October 07 November 07 December 07 January 08 CASES DURING THE MONTH 37 34 30 21 36 34 32 41 14 34 February 08 March 08 TOTAL 30 41 384 LIST OF PROVISIONAL PENSIONERS Sr. No. Name Designation SSA 1. Sh. C.S. Kataria GM Patiala Date of Retirement 30-09-06 2. Sh. R.K. Singla DE Ferozepur 31-08-05 3. Sh. Bidhi Chand LIO Ferozepur 31-03-06 4. Sh. R.P. Multani SDE Bathinda 31-12-02 5. Sh. P.L. Mann SSS Chandigarh 31-07-06 6. 7. Sh. J.P. Mehta Sh. R.S. Sagoo CAO AE Ferozepur CE (Civil) Chd 30-04-07 30-06-05 8. Sh. Natha Singh SDE Amritsar 31-01-08 9. Sh. Hansraj Jassal SDE Jalandhar 28-02-09 10. Sh. Amrik Singh JTO Pathankot 28-02-09 Total Pension cases during the year: Vigilance cases Total 384 0 384 PAID DURING THE YEAR: (A) Retirement Gratuity : (B) Commutation of Pension : (C) Total Pensionary benefits : 47 Rs.12.56 Crores Rs. 13.15 Crores Rs.33.43 Crores (Including A & B above) AUDIT OF PENSION PAID VOUCHERS Telecom Department disburses pension to its pensioners through various post offices and different branches of authorized banks. After the pension is paid by the concerned disbursing authorities, the pension paid vouchers are sent to the CCA office. The correctness of pension paid to the pensioners is watched by the Pension Audit Branch of this office by scrutinizing the Pension Paid Vouchers. The work of audit of pension paid vouchers was pending since the formation of CCA, Punjab Circle office due to shortage of staff. It was only during the year 2005-06 that the work of pension paid vouchers was taken up. The work of audit of pension paid vouchers was started during the year 2005-06 after the computerization of about 5400 PPOs. Since than overpayment of Rs. 13,22,723/- has been noticed and pointed out to the disbursing authorities for recovery from the pensioners. Out of which a sum of Rs. 12,55,701/- has already been recovered upto 31-03-2009. During the year 2008-09 amount pointed out was Rs.5,32,303/- and amount recovered was Rs. 5,74,401/- . 48 49 Audit Paras/Legal Cases/Broadsheets Audit Paras: - There is no Draft Audit Para or CAG Para pending in this office. Legal Cases: - These were 11 legal cases during the year 2007-08 and 13 new cases were added. Out of 24 Court cases 1 Cases were settled upto 31-03-2009. Hence, there are 23 Court cases are pending. Right to Information: - During the year two RTI cases were received, which were replied to, within the timeframe. At the end of the year no RTI question was pending. Verification of Service Books: 220 service books had been received during the year ending 31-03-2009. Out of which verification of 205 service books has been completed and only 15 service books were pending as on 31-03-2009. Received during the year 2008-09 Verified Balance = = 220 205 15 Broadsheets of House Building Advance/ Car advance/ Computer advance: Posting in Broadsheets of HBA/Computer/Car Advance to BSNL employees has been completed upto 30-04-2009. There are 432 cases of HBA pertaining to DoT period, for which recoveries are being received in this office, and a recovery of Rs.0.86 Crores was made. Against car advance Rs. 69195/- Computer advance Rs. 25500/- and against Scooter advance Rs. 14483/- were recovered during the year. Broadsheets related to all advances are meticulously maintained. Bank Reconciliation: Bank Reconciliation has been completed upto 31-03-2009. General Provident Fund: CCA office maintains the balance of GPF of BSNL employees. There are approximately 11000 employees of BSNL for which, subscription, advance, withdrawal, recovery and annual interest accounting functions are performed. Apart from that GPF transfer cases are also processed. During the year amount received under GPF is: Credits: Rs.69.09 Crores Debits : Rs.60.35 Crores GPF broadsheets have been completed for the year 2008-09. 50 51 EVENTS AND INITIATIVES The year 2008-09 was an eventful year for the CCA office, Punjab. The major events that marked the year were: VISIT TO INFRASTRUCTURE SITES: Punjab has got 14 towers under USOF scheme for setting up and managing infrastructure sites and providing of mobile services in specified rural and remote areas. All the 14 towers were physically inspected. Out of which two towers were inspected under the guidance of Advisor (Finance) Mrs. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi, in the month of July 2008. Inspection of IP Sites by Advisor (Finance) Smt. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi, at Hetampura in Amritsar in 27-09-2008 PENSION ADALAT: The first ever Pension Adalat of CCA Punjab was held on 22.11.2008, where four pensioners were called, their grievances were heard and resolved on the spot. SHIFTING OF OFFICE FROM SECTOR-34 TO SECTOR-18: In the month of December 2008, the office building was shifted from cramped accommodation of sector-34 building (where BSNL circle office is located) to a relatively spacious and independent building in sector-18. This building is on lease from Chandigarh administration and is located on Madhya Marg, right next to Sector-17, the commercial hub of Chandigarh. 52 Staff members arranging furniture etc. in the new building On the Christmas day i.e. 25th December 2009, Mrs. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi, Advisor (Finance), Telecom Commission, Department of Telecom; inaugurated this new accommodation of CCA office. She was accompanied by Sh. Rajiv Kumar, Director(SEA). Advisor Finance, Smt. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi, inauguarating the new building 53 Advisor Finance Smt. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi with, CCA Punjab Sh. A S Bhola LOHRI CELEBRATIONS: The new and independent abode provided the CCA office an opportunity to celebrate the festival of Lohri on 13.01.2009,in the campus; which was done with enthusiasm and fervor. CCA PUNJAB, Sh A S Bhola lighting the Lohri bonfire 54 INSPECTION OF THE OFFICE: On 20th Februray 2009, the inspection of CCA office was carried out by the team from DoT Hqs., headed by Sh. R Ashok, Member (Finance) Telecom Commission, Smt. Shaukat Ara Tirmizi, Advisor (Finance), Sh P K Sinha, DDG –FEB and Sh. Rajiv Kumar, Director-SEA. Member Finance, Sh R Ashok being welcomed by CCA Punjab, Sh A S Bhola Advisor Finance, Smt Shaukat Ara Tirmizi being welcomed by Jt.CCA, Smt Charu Thakur 55 Member Finance, Sh R Ashok and Advisor Finance, Smt Shaukat Ara Tirmizi; during the presentation DDG FEB Sh. P K Sinha and Director SEA, Sh. Rajiv Kumar, with CCA Punjab Sh A S Bhola, during the inspection 56 During the inspection, a presentation was made, highlighting the achievements and challenges being faced; of the CCA office Punjab. Team members, asked incisive questions w.r.t the functioning of the CCA office Punjab and specifically about the GPF broadsheets. They also went through the books of accounts and registers being maintained in the office. COMPACT ( PAO Package) TRAINING: As per the instructions of DoT Hqs. CCA offices are required to implement COMPACT (PAO package) software for the accounting system. The training of this package for group “B” and “C” staff members, for the North Zone circles, was conducted at Regional Telecom Training Centre at Rajpura, from 5th March 2009 to 7th March 2009. All the logistics arrangements were made by the CCA office Punjab. Approximately 30employees from the 8 circles attended the training. The program was inaugurated by Sh P K Sinha, DDG (FEB) DDG (FEB) Sh P K Sinha, addressing the participants 57 The chief guest at the valediction was Sh A S Bhola, CCA Punjab, who distributed the certificates to the participants. CCA Punjab Sh A S Bhola, presenting certificates to the participants. Sh. S K Singh DDG Accounts, addressing the participants 58 Participants from CCA office Punjab, at RTTC Rajpura Participants of COMPACT training program at RTTC Rajpura, with Sh. A S Bhola, CCA Punjab LIBRARY IN THE OFFICE : A library has been established in the office for the office staff. The library contains, books and magazines in Hindi and English. Facility of issue of books and magazines has been provided to the staff. 59
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