WIN Partner Meeting September 17, 2015 International growth for water innovation and Psyco selling Media Evolution City, Malmö SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 WIN PARTNER MEETING ”International growth for water innovation” and "Psyco selling" Host: Moderator: Orbital Systems Maria Sätherström Lantz Location: Time: Media Evolution City, Malmö 08.15 – 13.30 Agenda: 08.15 Registration and mingling 09.00 Welcome and update about WIN 09.20 How Nordic innovations can be more visible outside the Nordic countries, Ian Elkins, Editor, Global Water Intelligence, UK 09.40 WIN innovation companies – Sofi Filtration, Ville Hakala – “Påsbolaget”, Petr Dejmek – Adept Water Technologies, Michael Wick 09.55 "Psyco Selling" - a mind-stretching tool for successful deal-making, Göran Karlsson, Skandia 10.20 Coffee and mingling 10.45 Reusing water for more sustainable dishwashers, Kristian Reunanen, Electrolux 10.55 Reuse of water in Helsingborg – H+ - new possibilities in progress, Marinette Hagman, Sweden Water Research 11.05 WIN innovation companies – Dyecoo, Mats Blacker – Flocell, Hans Ulmert – Beyond Clean Water, Patrick Baltscheffsky 11.20 New R&D Manager at VA SYD, Hans Bertil Wittgren 11.25 Nationalt Vandtestcenter, Danmark, Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann 11.35 Orbital Systems - the startup challenges and successes, Mehrdad Mahdjoubi and Jakob Nielsen 12.05 Summary 12.15 Lunch and mingling 13.15 Guided tour at Orbital Systems and Media Evolution City WIN PARTNER MEETING Participant list Name Ada Mats Michael Patrick Jing Kasper Nils Mats Gloria Gunnar Kristian Valentina Hans Jonas Marianna Ian Arne Rickard Jesper Jing Knud Erik Joakim Marinette Jakob Mehrdad Anders Petr Martina Göran Ville Jens Fabrice Hans Bertil Kenneth M Linda Maria Patrik Özduman Alexandersson Wick Baltscheffsky Liu Öberg Sjöberg Blacker Raushill Thelin Reunanen Panarese Ulmert Bäckman Berbeyer Cuevas Elkins Hansson Mosell König Li Hilding-Hamann Lantz Hagman Nielsen Mahdjoubi Schening Dejmek Uldal Karlsson Hakala Morän Duteil Wittgren Persson Sigurdson Sätherström Lantz Söderlund Company 4IT AB 4IT AB Adept Water Technologies A/S Beyond Cleanwater Bioprocess Control BRANN AB BRANN AB Dyecoo E.ON Sverige EkoBalans Fenix AB Electrolux AB Electrolux AB Flocell Gemit Solutions Gemit Solutions Global Water Intelligence Ideon AB Ideon AB LU Open Lund University Nationalt Vandtestcenter, Danmark Nimt AB NSVA / Sweden Water Research Orbital Systems Orbital Systems Primozone Production AB Påsbolaget Ramböll Sverige AB Skandia Sofi Filtration Sweco Environment TETRA Chemicals Europe VA SYD & Sweden Water Research WIN - Water Innovation Accelerator WIN - Water Innovation Accelerator WIN - Water Innovation Accelerator WIN - Water Innovation Accelerator The partner meeting in september were held at Media Evolution City, hosted by Orbital Systems. The number of participants is increasing every partner meeting, and this time we were almost 40 participants. We are happy that so many of you find the partner meetings valuable! Patrik Söderlund, WIN, and Maria Sätherström Lantz, moderator of the day, introduced WIN and gave an update. Ian Elkins, editor at Global Water Intelligence gave us the UK perspective of visibility of the Nordic innovation companies. He generously shared ideas of how to find the right match with investors, and pointed out specific contexts where it might be good to be seen. There is great potential in improving the visibility outside the Nordic countries, and we hope that Ian will become a valuable resource to the companies in WIN! The focus of the partner meeting, ”psyco selling”, was introduced by seller, coach, educator and author Göran Karlsson, Skandia. We had some laughters and ahamoments about the importance of attitude and selling psycology. Göran also guided us through productive exercises and it triggered intense discussions and sharing of thoughts. The subject is very wide, and hopefully Göran will come back at another partner meeting, to continue this important and inspiring presentation. Presentations were held by some of our innovation companies, partners and interesting guests. Michael Wick, Adept Water Technologies A/S Ville Hakala, Sofi Filtration Petr Dejmek, Påsbolaget Hans Ulmert, Flocell Mats Blacker, Dyecoo Hans Bertil Wittgren, new R&D Manager at VA Syd introduced himself Patrick Baltscheffsky, Beyond Cleanwater Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann Nationalt Vandtestcenter, Denmark Members of the WIN team, Kenneth M Persson, Maria Sätherström Lantz, Patrik Söderlund and Johan Kronholm Media Evolution Citys has its own resturant, and they took care of the servings all day – it was all delicious! Last partner meeting, we introduced a ”mingling map”, and it was much appreciated. This time, we repeted the idea with new possibilities and new business opportunities. All through the day interesting discussions and meetings took place. Vandtestcenter Symcel Beyond Clean Water Gemit Dyecoo Adept Water Technologies Efficax Alfa Laval Sweco VA Syd/ SWR E.ON Påsbolaget Brann LU Open Primozone TETRA Chemicals LU Circle Flocell 4 IT Ideon Open Orbital Systems Global Water Intelligence Skandia Ramböll NSVA /SWR Sofi Filtration Electrolux Arne Hansson, Ideon AB and Mats Alexandersson, 4 IT Marinette Hagman, NSVA & Sweden Water Research, talking to Anders Schening, Primozone Orbital Systems hosted the partner meeting. Jakob Nielsen and Mehrdad Mahdjoubi told us about their journey, and shared some startup challenges and successes. We were also invited to Orbital Systems´ very cool and modern showroom, where we could take a look at the showers. Those brave enough, even had the chance to taste the water in the cirkulation system. Thanks to our partners:
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