Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Automatica journal homepage: Harmonic analysis of pulse-width modulated systemsI Stefan Almér ∗ , Ulf Jönsson Optimization and Systems Theory, Royal Institute of Technology, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden article info Article history: Received 4 January 2008 Received in revised form 30 August 2008 Accepted 22 October 2008 Available online 22 January 2009 Keywords: Pulse-width modulation Harmonic analysis Dynamic phasors Periodic systems Switched-mode circuits a b s t r a c t The paper considers the so-called dynamic phasor model as a basis for harmonic analysis of a class of switching systems. The analysis covers both periodically switched systems and non-periodic systems where the switching is controlled by feedback. The dynamic phasor model is a powerful tool for exploring cyclic properties of dynamic systems. It is shown that there is a connection between the dynamic phasor model and the harmonic transfer function of a linear time periodic system and this connection is used to extend the notion of harmonic transfer function to describe periodic solutions of non-periodic systems. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The paper investigates the use of the so-called dynamic phasor model (DPM) as a tool for harmonic analysis of a class of switching systems. The systems considered are a class of pulse-width modulated (PWM) systems that switch between subsystems in a given order. In open loop, the switching is periodic and the PWM systems are linear time periodic (LTP). In the closed loop case the switching instants are determined by feedback of sampled values of the state. In closed loop, the PWM systems are no longer periodic. However, the pulses that excite the system begin at periodically repeated time instants and the non-periodic systems retain a cyclic property which is explored in the analysis. The analysis is motivated mainly by switched-mode power converters. Such devices can cause excessive harmonics in power systems and may lead to instability (Möllerstedt & Bernhardsson, 2000). To be able to predict harmonics in switched-mode circuits is important also in micro-electronics. Switched converters are used extensively in portable radio frequency (RF) amplifiers (in e.g., cellular phones) to increase efficiency and save power (Sahu & Rincón-Mora, 2004). However, for RF devices there are strict limits on the disturbance brought to neighboring channels. Spurious I This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council and by the European Commission research project FP6-IST-511368 Hybrid Control (HYCON). The material in this paper was partially presented at IFAC 2008, Seoul, South Korea. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Mario Sznaier under the direction of Editor Roberto Tempo. ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 8 790 7504; fax: +46 8 225320. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Almér), [email protected] (U. Jönsson). 0005-1098/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.10.029 frequency content caused by switched converters is therefore a major concern in circuit design. Conventionally, harmonic analysis of switched circuits is done with extensive simulations and the FFT. Part of the contribution of this paper is to provide a tool for harmonic analysis which may facilitate circuit verification. The DPM is a powerful tool for exploring cyclic properties of dynamic systems. It is obtained from a Fourier series expansion of the system state over a moving time-window. It yields an L2 equivalent representation of the system in terms of an infinite dimensional dynamic system which describes the evolution of the time dependent Fourier coefficients (also known as dynamic phasors). To our knowledge, the DPM was introduced in the field of power electronics as a tool for modeling the transients of switched converters, see e.g., Caliskan, Verghese, and Stanković (1999) and Sanders, Noworolski, Liu and Verghese (1991). It has also been used for stability analysis (van der Woude, de Koning, & Fuad, 2003) and for efficient simulation of switched converters, see Maksimović, Stanković, Thottuvelil, and Verghese (2001) and the references therein. The DPM is conceptually appealing but poses some mathematical difficulties. The main problem is that the Fourier series expansion of the system state over a given time-window in general does not converge uniformly. These convergence problems and the corresponding differentiability problems are revealed in Tadmor (2002) which provides useful analysis tools. The paper (Tadmor, 2002) derives conditions for the existence of a steady state solution to the phasor system. The current paper also contains results on the existence of solutions to fixed point equations, but for a different situation. We consider the presence of an external disturbance of arbitrary frequency with the intention of establishing an input–output mapping in the frequency domain. 852 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 In open loop, the PWM systems are LTP and the corresponding DPM is an infinite dimensional time invariant system. In the closed loop case however, the phasor system is not only infinite dimensional but also nonlinear and it depends on sampled values of the state with a delay. To obtain a tractable model we consider a truncated averaged approximation of the phasor system. The averaging and truncation yield a hierarchy of finite dimensional nonlinear systems that become increasingly more accurate as the size of the truncation increases. It is shown that the approximation error can be made arbitrarily small provided that the switch period is small enough and the truncation is large enough. For harmonic analysis of the open loop (LTP) systems we review some results on the so-called harmonic transfer function (HTF) (Bittanti & Colaneri, 1999; Möllerstedt, 2000; Sandberg, Möllerstedt, & Bernhardsson, 2005; Wereley & Hall, 1990; Zhou & Hagiwara, 2001, 2002; Zhou, Hagiwara, & Araki, 2002) and provide a time domain interpretation. The HTF generalizes the concept of transfer function to LTP systems and is thus an efficient tool for illustrating the frequency coupling between input and output. We show that the HTF and the DPM are connected in the sense that the DPM yields an explicit expression for the HTF. For harmonic analysis of the closed loop PWM systems we linearize the plant and derive an (approximate) HTF which is analogous to the HTF of a LTP system. It is not obvious how to linearize the closed loop PWM system, especially since we consider sampled feedback. In our approach we rely on the truncated averaged phasor system. This model accounts for the harmonics generated by switching, but is still continuous and therefore suitable for linearization. The approximate phasor model represents the PWM system in terms of dynamic phasor coefficients which capture the inherent periodicity caused by switching. We assume that the approximate phasor model is subjected to a periodic disturbance and that the corresponding response is also periodic. The harmonics of the phasor model is represented by (static) Fourier coefficients which are determined by harmonic balance equations. We prove that the harmonic balance equations have a solution provided that the disturbance is small enough and we obtain an approximate solution by linearizing the equations. The linearized harmonic balance equations provide an approximate HTF for the closed loop system. This HTF describes the steady state response of the nonperiodic PWM system to periodic disturbances. The analysis techniques discussed in this paper are applied to a realistic example; a step-up DC–DC converter. The steady state response to a periodic disturbance is approximated for both open and closed loop operation and the predicted responses are verified by simulations in MatlabTM . The approximated and simulated responses correspond well and the approximations capture the nonlinear phenomena caused by switching. Notation In this paper L2 [−T , 0] denotes the set of square integrable functions x : [−T , 0] → Rn with inner product hx, yiL2 = 1 T 0 Z x(τ )0 y(τ )dτ −T 1/2 and norm kxkL2 = hx, xiL2 . l2 denotes the set of square summable n ¯ k = x−k where sequences x = {xk }∞ k=−∞ where xk ∈ C satisfies x x¯ k is the complex conjugate of xk . The set is equipped with inner product hx, yil2 = ∞ X x∗k yk k=−∞ 1/2 and norm kxkl2 = hx, xil2 . l2,N is the finite subspace of l2 where xk = 0, ∀|k| > N. When the vector space is clear form context, Fig. 1. Synchronous boost converter with external disturbance w in the source voltage. the subindices of k · kL2 and k · kl2 are often dropped. The Euclidean norm is denoted |·|. For any bounded signal x(t ) we define kxk∞ = supτ |x(τ )| and kxkt ,∞ = supτ ∈[t −Ts ,t ] |x(τ )| where Ts > 0. πN denotes both a projection on l2 and a truncation as follows: Firstly, πN : l2 → l2 is defined by the relation (πN x)k = xk , |k| ≤ N 0, |k| > N . Secondly, πN : l2 → l2,N is defined by the relation (πN x)k = xk , −N ≤ k ≤ N. The interpretation of πN will be clear from context. The transformation T maps a complex valued sequence ξ = {ξk }∞ k=−∞ to a doubly infinite dimensional block Toeplitz matrix according to .. . T [ξ ] = . . . .. . ξˇ0 ξˇ−1 ξˇ−2 .. . ξˇ1 ξˇ0 ˇξ−1 .. . .. ξˇ2 ξˇ1 ξˇ0 . . . . .. . where ξˇk = ξk In if ξk is scalar and ξˇk = ξk otherwise. TN [ξ ] is a finite dimensional matrix consisting of the 2N + 1 central blocks ∗ ∗ of T [ξ ]. col{ξk } = [. . . ξ1∗ ξ0∗ ξ− 1 . . .] is an infinite dimensional column vector where ξk appear in descending order. I is used for the identity operator on both finite and infinite dimensional spaces. We use σ¯ to denote the maximum singular value of a matrix and ⊗ is the Kronecker product. 2. Harmonic analysis; a motivating example The paper considers harmonic analysis of a general class of PWM systems. The analysis is motivated mainly by switchedmode DC–DC converters. As a motivating example we consider the synchronous step-up (boost) converter (Schlecht, Kassakian, & Verghese, 1991) shown in Fig. 1. The purpose of the boost converter is to transform the source DC voltage vs into a DC voltage at a reference level vref > vs which is to be supplied to the load. The source voltage is transformed by switching the switch between onmode (s = 1) and off-mode (s = 0) at high frequency. Defining ξ = [il , vc ]0 where il is the inductor current and vc is the capacitor voltage the converter dynamics are ξ˙ (t ) = (A0 + s(t )A1 ) ξ (t ) + B0 + D0 w(t ) where w is the disturbance in the source voltage and 1 ro rc 1 ro " vs # − rl + − xl r + r x r + r o c l o c A0 = B0 = xl , 1 ro 1 1 0 − xc ro + rc xc r o + r c (1) 1 rr 1 ro "1# o c xl ro + rc , A1 = xl1ro +r rc D0 = xl o 0 − 0 xc r o + r c and where s(t ) ∈ {0, 1} is the switch function. We consider the case where the switch is controlled using fixed frequency switching. This means that the time axis is partitioned S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 into intervals [kTs , (k + 1)Ts ] where k ∈ N and Ts > 0 is the switch period. At the beginning of each switch interval a duty cycle dk ∈ [0, 1] is chosen. The duty cycle determines the fraction of time the switch is in the on-mode; at time kTs the switch turns on. It remains on until time (k + dk )Ts when it turns to off-mode and remains off until time (k + 1)Ts where a new duty cycle is determined and the procedure is repeated. Ideally, the converter attains a periodic solution ξ 0 (t ) = 0 ξ (t + Ts ) when the duty cycle is constant so that dk = d0 ∀k. For a properly designed boost converter, the voltage part of the periodic solution will have small ripple and a dominant DC part at approximately vs /(1 − d0 ). In many applications it is not sufficient to keep the duty cycle constant. Variations in the source voltage and the load imply that the duty cycle must be varied to keep the output voltage constant at the reference level. In other words, the duty cycle must be determined by feedback. In practice, the duty cycle is often determined by sampled values of the state according to d0 + F (ξ (kTs ) − ξ 0 (kTs )) (2) dk = sat[0,1] where F is a feedback vector and sat[0,1] denotes the saturation between zero and one. We consider the boost converter in closed loop operation and state the following problem: Given a disturbance w with a certain spectrum, what is the spectral content of a certain output signal? This is a highly complicated problem due to the nonlinear and discontinuous nature of the system. We will address this problem by first embedding the dynamics of the boost converter in a general class of pulse-width modulated switching systems in Section 3. To capture the harmonic content in the system signals we introduce the dynamic phasor model in Section 4 and prove in Theorem 1 that it can be approximated by the dynamics of a continuous nonlinear finite dimensional system. This allows us to determine the spectral contents using harmonic balance techniques in Section 5, where we show in Theorem 2 that a certain closed loop harmonic transfer function can be used to approximate solutions to the nonlinear harmonic balance equation. 3. A class of switching systems The paper considers a class of PWM systems which is particularly suited to model switched-mode power converters. The systems switch between subsystems in a given order and are of the form ξ˙ (t ) = (A0 + s(t )A1 ) ξ (t ) + B0 + s(t )B1 + (D0 + s(t )D1 ) w(t ) (3) ζ (t ) = C (t )ξ (t ) where ξ (t ) ∈ Rn , w(t ) : R → Rm is an external disturbance assumed to be in L2 [t0 , t1 ] for any finite time interval [t0 , t1 ], Ai ∈ Rn×n , Bi ∈ Rn , Di ∈ Rn×m are constant matrices, C (t ) ∈ Rp×n is a Ts -periodic matrix and s is the PWM function s(t ) = 1, 0, t ∈ [kTs , (k + dk )Ts ) t ∈ [(k + dk )Ts , (k + 1)Ts ). We denote the deviation from ξ 0 as x := ξ −ξ 0 and in what follows we consider the error dynamics x˙ (t ) = (A0 + s(t )A1 ) x(t ) + s(t ) − sd0 (t ) × A1 ξ 0 (t ) + B1 + (D0 + s(t )D1 ) w(t ) =: A(t )x(t ) + B(t ) + D(t )w(t ) y(t ) = C (t )x(t ) Assumption 1. Consider the unperturbed system (3) where w ≡ 0. There exists at least one point (ξ0 , d0 ) ∈ Rn × [0, 1] such that (3) attains a Ts -periodic solution ξ 0 (t ) = ξ 0 (t + Ts ) when the initial condition is ξ (0) = ξ0 and the duty cycle is constant, i.e., dk = d0 ∀k. dk = sat[0,1] 1 d0 + Ts kTs Z (k−1)Ts F (τ )x(τ )dτ (6) where sat[0,1] denotes the saturation between zero and one and where the feedback vector F (t ) is of the form F (t ) = N X ejkωs t Fk k=−N where ωs = 2π /Ts and where Fk ∈ Rn satisfy Fk = F−k . We note that if Fk = F ∀k, then the feedback (6) is an approximation of the sampled feedback (2) which is often used in practice, see Almér (2008) for details. We also note that the integral in (6) implies that the feedback can be expressed as a linear function of the dynamic phasor coefficients defined in (7). It is thus easily represented in the DPM (9) defined below. 4. The dynamic phasor model We use the idea of Sanders et al. (1991) and Caliskan et al. (1999) to represent the solution of (5) in the frequency domain where we can distinguish how the various harmonics develop over time. The nth phasor (Fourier coefficient) of x is defined as hxin (t ) = 1 t Z Ts x(τ )e−jnωs τ dτ (7) t −Ts where ωs = 2π /Ts . Note that the phasors are defined over a moving time-window and are thus time dependent. Note also that if x is periodic with period Ts , then hxin (t ) is constant. As was remarked above, the solution x of (5) is absolutely continuous. This implies that the sequence {hxin (t )}∞ n=−∞ is in l2 for all t. For brevity, the time dependence of the phasors is often suppressed. The time domain signal x is reconstructed on the interval [t − Ts , t ] according to ∞ X x(t , τ ) = hxin (t )ejnωs (t +τ ) , τ ∈ [−Ts , 0]. (8) n=−∞ Note that x(t ) 6= x(t , τ ), but the equality x(t + τ ) = x(t , τ ) holds a.e. on the set {τ | τ ∈ [−Ts , 0]}. Using partial integration one can show that the phasor coefficients satisfy d dt hxin = d dt x n − jnωs hxin . Introducing the notation ξˆ 0 = col{ ξ 0 n }, sˆ = col{hsin }, sˆd0 = col{ sd0 n } F = (F−N , . . . , F0 , . . . , FN ) xˆ = col{hxin }, 1 The assumption is natural for switched converters as such systems are typically designed to have periodic solutions. (5) where sd (t ) is defined according to (4) with the duty cycle fixed at d (dk = d ∀k). Note that sd (t ) is a periodic function but s(t ) need not be periodic. It can be shown that (5) has a unique absolutely continuous solution for every initial condition. The duty cycle dk is determined by sampling a weighted average of the state. The feedback is of the form (4) Here, Ts > 0 is the period time, k ∈ N and dk ∈ [0, 1] is the duty cycle. The duty cycle determines the fraction of time each mode is active and thus controls the system dynamics. The unperturbed system (where w ≡ 0) is assumed1 to satisfy the following assumption. 853 w ˆ = col{hwin } 854 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 the phasor dynamics can be written in the compact form d dt ˆ (ˆs)w xˆ = (−jωs Eˆ n + Aˆ (ˆs))ˆx + Bˆ (ˆs − sˆd0 ) + D ˆ (9) yˆ = Cˆ xˆ dk = sat[0,1] (d0 + F πN xˆ (kTs )) where Eˆ n = blkdiag(. . . , 2In , In , 0, −In , −2In , . . .) Aˆ (ˆs) = I ⊗ A0 + (I ⊗ A1 )T [ˆs] (10) Bˆ = I ⊗ B1 + (I ⊗ A1 )T [ξˆ 0 ] and where Cˆ = T [C (t )]. Note that the feedback (6) corresponds to sampling the 2N + 1 low order phasors hxin and that sˆ depends on these samples. In the open loop case (where the duty cycle is constant and equal to d0 ), T [ˆs] is constant and the affine term Bˆ (ˆs − sˆd0 ) disappears. In this case the time periodic switched system (5) is represented by a linear time invariant system in the frequency domain. However, when s is determined by the feedback (6), the DPM (9) is an infinite dimensional, nonlinear system that depends on the sampled state with a delay. To obtain a tractable model we introduce an approximation in two steps: In the first step we replace the phasor coefficients hsin with the nonlinear averaged approximation sav,n (d) = d, n=0 j −jn2π d (11) (e − 1), n 6= 0. n2π which is the nth Fourier coefficient of a square wave with constant duty cycle equal to d. In other words, if the duty cycle is fixed so that dk = d ∀k, then hsin (t ) = hsd in (t ) = sav,n (d). This implies that if the duty cycle varies slowly (compared to the switch period Ts ), then sav,n (d) is a good approximation of hsin . In the second step we truncate the infinite state vector to obtain a finite dimensional system which approximates the low order phasor coefficients. We also describe the dynamics as a function of the deviation δ := d − d0 from the stationary duty cycle. For a fixed integer N ≥ 0 the approximation of the phasors hxi−N , . . . , hxiN is given by the system d dt Theorem 1. Consider the DPM (9) and let w be the signal corresponding to the phasor vector w ˆ . Let xˆ (t ) be the solution with xˆ (t0 ) = 0 and let Z(t ) be the solution of the approximate system (12) with Z(t0 ) = 0. Define the approximation error as eˆ := (ˆe1 , eˆ 2 ) ∈ l2,N × l2,N¯ ˆ (ˆs) = I ⊗ D0 + (I ⊗ D1 )T [ˆs] D ( function of d whereas hsin is determined by the samples dk = d(kTs ) of d. When the switch period Ts is small, the system (12) provides a good approximation of the DPM. To prove this claim we now show that the solutions xˆ and Z are close on infinite time intervals. Since the approximation Z is finite dimensional, it is natural to define the error in two components in the next theorem. Z = (−jωs N + A(δ))Z + BS (δ) + D (δ)W Y = CZ (12) δ = sat[−d0 ,1−d0 ] (F Z) where C = πN Cˆ πN , B = πN Bˆ πN , W = πN w ˆ and N = blkdiag(NIn , . . . , In , 0, −In , . . . , −NIn ) A(δ) = πN Aˆ (Sav (δ))πN ˆ (Sav (δ))πN D (δ) = πN D (13) S (δ) = πN (Sav (δ) − Sav (0)) where eˆ 1 := πN xˆ − Z and eˆ 2 := (I − πN )ˆx and let the error norm be kˆek := (|ˆe1 |2 + kˆe2 k2l2 )1/2 . Assume that the unforced approximate system d dt Z = (−jωs N + A(δ))Z + BS (δ) δ = sat[−d0 ,1−d0 ] (F Z) is (locally) exponentially stable. Under these assumptions there exists a number rw > 0 s.t. if kwkL∞ < rw and kwk ˙ L∞ < rw , then ∀ > 0 ∃ T0 > 0 s.t. kˆe(t )k ≤ ∀t if Ts ≤ T0 where Ts is the switch period. Proof. See Appendix A. In the theorem above we assume that the unforced system (12) is exponentially stable. A systematic procedure to verify stability of (12) can be adopted from Almér and Jönsson (2007) and Almér, Jönsson, Kao and Mari (2007). 5. Harmonic analysis In Section 5.1 we review the HTF (Bittanti & Colaneri, 1999; Möllerstedt, 2000; Sandberg et al., 2005; Wereley & Hall, 1990; Zhou & Hagiwara, 2001, 2002; Zhou et al., 2002) and provide a time domain interpretation. We also show that the DPM provides an explicit formula for the HTF. In Section 5.2 we consider (5) in closed loop (then the system is non-periodic) and use the approximate phasor model to derive a harmonic transfer function which is analogous to the HTF of a LTP system. 5.1. The harmonic transfer function; a review LTP systems do not have the property of frequency separation which is characteristic for LTI systems. If the input to a LTP system is a sinusoid with frequency ω, the steady state output will be a sum of sinusoids with frequencies ω + kωs where k ∈ Z and ωs is the frequency of the system. The HTF generalizes the transfer function to LTP systems and is thus a powerful tool for describing the frequency coupling between input and output. Consider the LTP system x˙ (t ) = Ap (t )x(t ) + Dp (t )w(t ) (14) Sav (δ) = col{sav,n (d0 + δ)} y(t ) = Cp (t )x(t ) ˆ (·) are defined in (10). where Aˆ (·), Bˆ (·) and D where Ap , Dp and Cp are Ts -periodic matrices. Under loose assumptions (Sandberg et al., 2005), the impulse response h of (14) can be expanded in a Fourier series and the response y to the input w can be expressed as the convolution Remark 1. It should be noted that Z is an approximation of the 2N + 1 phasors hxi−N , . . . , hxiN in (9) and thus, Z ∈ C(2N +1)n . The kth approximate phasor is denoted Z[k] ∈ Cn , k = −N , . . . , N. Analogously, the kth approximate phasor of the output is denoted Y[k]. The system (12) is a nonlinear differential equation and is therefore tractable for analysis. The important distinctions from (9) is that the state space is finite dimensional and that sav,n is a continuous y(t ) = Z t ∞ X hk (t − τ )ejkωs t w(τ )dτ 0 k=−∞ = ∞ X k=−∞ hk (·)ejkωs (·) ∗ w(·)ejkωs (·) (t ) (15) S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 .. .. . . Y (ω + ωs ) Y (ω) = . . . Y (ω − ω ) s .. . .. . | H0 (ω + ωs ) H−1 (ω + ωs ) H−2 (ω + ωs ) .. . H1 (ω) H0 (ω) H−1 (ω) .. . {z .. H2 (ω − ωs ) H1 (ω − ωs ) H0 (ω − ωs ) H (ω) . 855 .. . W (ω + ωs ) W (ω) W (ω − ω ) s .. . . . . .. . } Box I. where hk are the Fourier coefficients of h. Let Y (ω) := (Fy)(ω), W (ω) := (Fw)(ω) be the Fourier transform of the output and input. Applying the Fourier transform to (15) one can express Y (ω + nωs ), n ∈ Z as a function of W (ω + kωs ), k ∈ Z as shown in Box I. In Box I, the doubly infinite matrix H (ω) is the harmonic transfer function with entries Hk (ω) = (Fhk )(ω). The HTF extends the concept of transfer function to LTP systems. From the transfer function of a LTI system one can immediately determine the response to a sinusoidal input and it can be shown that the HTF has the corresponding property for LTP systems. The steady state response to the input signal w(t ) = sin(ωt ) is ∞ P y(t ) = |Hk (ω)| sin((ω + kωs )t + φk ) (16) k=−∞ where φk = arg Hk (ω). An explicit formula for the HTF can be obtained from the DPM corresponding to (14). To see this, let hwin be the nth phasor coefficient of w . One can show that the Fourier transform of hwin satisfies (F hwin )(ω) = W (ω + nωs ) 1 − e− j ω T s jωTs . Using the relation (15) we can also derive the equality (F hyin )(ω) ∞ X 1 − e−jωTs Hk (ω + (n − k)ωs )W (ω + (n − k)ωs ) = . jωTs k=−∞ By identifying F hwin−k in this expression we recognize that the relation between F hwin and F hyin is given by the HTF, i.e., .. . (F hyi1 )(ω) (F hyi0 )(ω) (F hyi )(ω) −1 .. . .. . (F hwi1 )(ω) = H (ω) (F hwi0 )(ω) (F hwi )(ω) −1 .. . . dt ˆ (ˆsd0 )w xˆ = −jωs Eˆ n + Aˆ (ˆsd0 ) xˆ + D ˆ To estimate the effect of the disturbance on the system (5) we consider the corresponding truncated averaged phasor model (12). We assume that the approximate phasor system is subjected to a periodic disturbance W and we assume that the steady state response of the phasor coefficients is also periodic. To determine the response of the phasor coefficients we state the corresponding harmonic balance equations and suggest an approximate solution to the nonlinear equations. A first order approximation where all frequencies except the zero and first order terms are dropped results in a harmonic transfer function that maps periodic disturbances to the corresponding (approximate) periodic output. We assume that the steady state response of (12) to a periodic disturbance W (t ) with frequency ω is periodic with period T = 2π /ω. In other words, we assume that W (t ) = ∞ X W k ejkωt , Z(t ) = ∞ X By formally applying the Fourier transform to (17) we obtain an explicit formula for the HTF H (ω) corresponding to the open loop system (5) (18) Well posedness of the HTF is discussed in Sandberg et al. (2005) and Zhou and Hagiwara (2002). Our derivation is strictly formal and is merely used to show an analogy between the HTF of a LTP system Zk ejkωt δk ejkωt , Y (t ) = ∞ X (19) Yk ejkωt k=−∞ is a periodic solution of (12). In Section 5.2.2 we show that this assumption is valid for small disturbances W . Since δ(t ) is periodic, A(δ(t )), S (δ(t )) and D (δ(t )) are also periodic and can be represented by the Fourier series A(δ(t )) = ∞ X Ak ejkωt , S (δ(t )) = k=−∞ D (δ(t )) = (17) ∞ X k=−∞ k=−∞ k=−∞ yˆ = Cˆ xˆ . ˆ (ˆsd0 ). H (ω) = Cˆ (jωI − (−jωs Eˆ n + Aˆ (ˆsd0 )))−1 D 5.2. A HTF approximation of the closed loop system δ(t ) = The relation above implies that the HTF of a LTP system can be derived by applying the Fourier transform to the corresponding DPM. Consider the DPM of the open loop system (5), i.e., d and the transfer function derived in Section 5.2. Our numerical examples in Section 6 are based on a truncated version of (17), which can be justified by the conclusions of Theorem 1. In Section 5.2 we consider (5) in closed loop. In this case, Theorem 1 implies that for small disturbances w , the truncated phasor model (12) approximates the DPM arbitrarily well. The approximate model (12) will next be used to extend the notion of HTF to describe periodic solutions of the non-periodic closed loop system (5). ∞ X ∞ X Sk ejkωt k=−∞ (20) Dk ejkωt k=−∞ where the Fourier coefficients Ak , Sk , Dk are functions of {δk }∞ k=−∞ . We assume that the disturbance W is small enough so that the feedback in (12) does not saturate and consider the harmonic balance equations associated with the periodic solution (19). By introducing the notation ˆ = col{Zk }, Z Yˆ = col{Yk }, δˆ = col{δk } ˆ = col{Sk } Sˆ(δ) ˆEq = blkdiag(. . . , 2Iq , Iq , 0, −Iq , −2Iq , . . .) Wˆ = col{W k }, 856 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 where q = (2N + 1)n, the balance equations are written ˆ Zˆ + Bˆ Sˆ(δ) ˆ + Dˆ (δ) ˆ Wˆ ˆ = −jωs Nˆ + Aˆ (δ) jωEˆ q Z (21) ˆ Yˆ = Cˆ Z δˆ = Fˆ Zˆ where Nˆ = I ⊗ N , Cˆ = I ⊗ C , Fˆ = I ⊗ F , Bˆ = I ⊗ B and ˆ = T [A(δ(t ))], Dˆ (δ) ˆ = T [D (δ(t ))] are infinite block where Aˆ (δ) Toeplitz matrices. To find an approximate solution to the (highly nonlinear) equations (21) we use a first order approximation of the term Sav (δ) defined in (13). We have for n 6= 0 sav,n (d0 + δ(t )) ≈ sav,n (d0 ) + e−jn2π d 0 ∞ P δk ejkωt k=−∞ where we used the approximation ex ≈ 1 + x. Since sav,0 (δ(t )) = d0 + δ(t ) the approximation of Sav (δ) is Sav (δ) ≈ Sav (0) + Ψ ∞ X δk e jkωt = Sav (0) + Ψ δ(t ) k=−∞ where Ψ = col{e−j2π d n }. The approximation above is used to derive linear approximations (linear in δk ) of the Fourier coefficients Ak , Sk , Dk . By using the linearity of TN [·] one can show that 0 A(0) + δ0 (I ⊗ A1 )TN [Ψ ], ˆ Ak (δ ) ≈ δk (I ⊗ A1 )TN [Ψ ], k 6= 0 where Hcl,0,0 denotes the central block of the matrix. It should be noted that Hcl does not have the same structure as Box I. This structure is lost because of the feedback and pulse modulation. The matrix in (24) is of size (2N + 1)n × (2N + 1)n. 5.2.1. Connection to the time domain Eq. (23) gives an approximate steady state response of the approximate phasor model (12) in terms of a transfer function from Fourier coefficients W k to Yk . In the section below we express the corresponding time domain representation. For simplicity, we only consider the case of a sinusoidal disturbance. Let the disturbance in (5) be w(t ) = sin(ωt ) where ω ωs . The phasors of w(t ) are approximated as hwi0 (t ) ≈ sin(ωt ) and hwin (t ) ≈ 0 for n 6= 0. In other words, the truncated phasor representation of w(t ) is approximately W ( t ) = W − 1 e− j ω t + W 1 ej ω t 1 where W ±1 = [0, . . . , 0, ± 2j , 0, . . . , 0]0 . The frequency separation property of (22) implies that the only nonzero coefficients in Yˆ are Y1 and Y−1 . The approximate response of (5) to the sinusoidal disturbance is therefore given by y(t ) ≈ k=0 D (0) + δ0 (I ⊗ D1 )TN [Ψ ], δk (I ⊗ D1 )TN [Ψ ], k 6= 0 ˆ ≈ Dk (δ) ≈ k=0 efficients in (21) are replaced by the linear approximations above and all cross terms are dropped. In other words, all products of δk , Zl and W m are removed from the equation. In doing so, we remove the connection between Fourier coefficients of different order and obtain the block diagonal system of equations ˆ = −jωs Nˆ + Aˆ 0 Zˆ + Bˆ Ψˆ δˆ + Dˆ 0 Wˆ jωEˆ q Z Y1 ejωt + Y−1 e−jωt [n]ejnωs t N X Hcl (ω)W 1 ejωt + Hcl (−ω)W −1 e−jωt [n]ejnωs t n=−N where Y[n] denotes the nth approximate phasor coefficient of y (see Remark 1). We now use that only the zero coefficient of W ±1 is nonzero and that Hcl,n,0 (−ω) = Hcl,−n,0 (ω). It follows y(t ) ≈ (22) = δˆ = Fˆ Zˆ N X N X Hcl,n,0 (ω) ej(ω+nωs )t 2j − Hcl,n,0 (−ω) e−j(ω−nωs )t 2j |Hcl,n,0 (ω)| sin((ω + nωs )t + φn,0 ) (25) n=−N ˆ 0 = I ⊗ D (0). where Ψˆ = I ⊗ ΨN , Aˆ 0 = I ⊗ A(0), Bˆ = I ⊗ B and D The matrices in (22) are block diagonal and there is no coupling between the Fourier coefficients. This means that the approximation of the kth Fourier coefficient Zk is a linear function of (only) the kth Fourier coefficient W k of the disturbance. The relation is written Yk = Hcl (kω)W k ∀k ∈ Z (23) where Hcl (ω) = C (jωI − (−jωs N + A(0)) − B ΨN F )−1 D (0) is a transfer function of dimension (2N + 1)n. As was noted ˆ (ˆsd0 )πN and N = above, A(0) = πN Aˆ (ˆsd0 )πN and D (0) = πN D πN Eˆ n πN . In light of the expression (18) for the HTF, Hcl can be seen as a truncated version of H with an additional term B ΨN F representing the effect of the feedback. In the section below we use the individual entries of Hcl . They are indexed as Hcl (ω) . = . . . .. = n=−N ˆ Yˆ = Cˆ Z .. N X n=−N where A(0) = πN Aˆ (Sav (0))πN = πN Aˆ (ˆsd0 )πN , D (0) = πN Dˆ (Sav (0))πN = πN Dˆ (ˆsd0 )πN and ΨN = πN Ψ . The Fourier co- Y[n]ejnωs t n=−N ˆ ≈ δk ΨN Sk (δ) N X . Hcl,1,1 (ω) Hcl,0,1 (ω) Hcl,−1,1 (ω) .. . Hcl,1,0 (ω) Hcl,0,0 (ω) Hcl,−1,0 (ω) .. . .. Hcl,1,−1 (ω) Hcl,0,−1 (ω) Hcl,−1,−1 (ω) . 5.2.2. Existence of solution to the harmonic balance equations To justify the assumption that the harmonic balance equations have a solution we show that for small disturbances W this is indeed the case. The harmonic balance equations (21) have a solution iff there is a solution δˆ to ˆ Wˆ + ∆ ˆ ˆ 1 (δ) ˆ 2 (δ) δˆ = Fˆ H1 (ω)Dˆ 0 Wˆ + Fˆ H1 (ω) ∆ where H1 (ω) = jωEˆ q − (−jωs Nˆ + Aˆ 0 ) − Bˆ Ψˆ Fˆ −1 (26) −1 ˆ = I − (Aˆ (δ) ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 (ω) ˆ − Dˆ 0 ˆ 1 (δ) ∆ Dˆ (δ) −1 ˆ = I − (Aˆ (δ) ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 (ω) ˆ − Ψˆ δˆ . ˆ 2 (δ) ∆ Bˆ Sˆ(δ) . . . .. . where Hcl,n,k is the (n, k)-block of Hcl (see (24)) and where φn,0 = arg Hcl,n,0 (ω). The expression above is analogous to the expression given in Section 5.1 for the response of a LTP system to a sinusoidal input. (24) ˆ 0 Wˆ is the From (22) it is clear that the first term Fˆ H1 (ω)D approximate solution given by the linearized harmonic balance S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 857 equations while the second term is a higher order function of δˆ . We note that the operator H1 (ω) is block diagonal and can be written H1 (ω) = blkdiag(. . . , H2 (ω), H2 (0), H2 (−ω), . . .) where H2 (ω) = (jωI − (−jωs N + A(0)) − B ΨN F )−1 . It follows that the operator jωEˆ q H1 is also block diagonal and the induced l2 -norms satisfy kH1 (ω)k = sup σ¯ (H2 (kω)) k∈Z kjωEˆ q H1 (ω)k = sup σ¯ (jωkH2 (kω)). Fig. 2. Harmonic transfer function H (ω) (left) and closed loop harmonic transfer function Hcl (ω) (right) of the boost converter. The left plot shows the coefficients Hk , k = −2, . . . , 2 as a function of frequency and the right plot shows the coefficients Hcl,k,0 , k = −2, . . . , 2. k∈Z We note that an analogous equality holds for Fˆ H1 . Let ˆ Wˆ ) = Fˆ H1 (ω) H (δ, ˆ Wˆ + ∆ ˆ . ˆ 1 (δ) ˆ 2 (δ) Dˆ 0 + ∆ (27) There exists a solution to the harmonic balance equations (21) iff ˆ Wˆ ). there exists a solution to the fixed point equation δˆ = H (δ, Clearly, for Wˆ = 0 there is the solution 0 = H (0, 0). We will show that three is a solution also for nonzero disturbances Wˆ if they are small enough. The claim is formalized in the following theorem. Theorem 2. Let rw > 0 and let r > 0 be such that sup σ¯ (A(δ) − A(0)) < 1/(2kH1 k) (28) |δ|<r C1 (r )rw + C2 (r )r 2 < r (29) where Ci > 0 are defined as C1 (r ) = kFˆ H1 k σ¯ (D (0)) + + σ¯ (D (0))) + c 1 √ √ + 2π 2r γ22 + (γ1 (γ2 r 2 !1/2 2 √ C2 (r ) = kFˆ H1 k2 2c σ¯ (B ) 1 + 1 √ + γ1 r 2 !1/2 2 2 where 1/2 γ1 = c kH1 k2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q H1 k2 + cT kjωEˆ q H1 k γ2 = 2c (1 + kH1 kσ¯ (D (0))) and where c > 0 is a constant satisfying sup |S (δ) − ΨN δ| < cr 2 (30) |δ|<r sup |S 0 (δ) − ΨN | < cr (31) |δ|<r sup σ¯ (A(δ) − A(0)) < cr (32) |δ|<r sup σ¯ (D (δ) − D (0)) < cr (33) |δ|<r sup σ¯ (A0 (δ)) < c (34) |δ|<r sup σ¯ (D 0 (δ)) < c . (35) |δ|<r Then the harmonic balance equations (21) have a solution for all Wˆ 2 such that 2(kWˆ k2l2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q Wˆ k2l2 ) ≤ rw . Proof. See Appendix B. Remark 2. For r and rw small enough, the first term of (27) will be dominating. From Theorem 2 we can thus infer that the linear approximation provides an accurate prediction of a solution to the harmonic balance equation (22). We may improve this solution using a fixed point iteration but for the example in the next section the improvement is negligible. 6. Example To illustrate the theory presented in the paper we return to the boost converter considered in Section 2. We use the results of Section 5 to investigate the harmonic properties of this system in both open and closed loop. Further examples can be found in Almér and Jönsson (2007). The system is on the form (3) with B0 = D0 = 0 and the remaining system matrices defined in (1) We take C (t ) = [0, 1] so that the capacitor voltage is the output signal. The dynamics have been scaled to obtain switch period Ts = 1 and the parameter values are expressed in the per unit system. They are xl = 3/10π p.u., xc = 70/10π p.u., rl = 0.05 p.u., rc = 0.005 p.u., ro = 1 p.u. and the source voltage is vs = 0.75 p.u. It should be noted that the inductance and capacitance are chosen quite small. This is to make the effect of the disturbance appear more clearly. The reference output voltage is vref = 1. The stationary duty cycle d0 is chosen to make the average output voltage equal to vref and the corresponding periodic stationary solution is denoted ξ 0 . The dynamics of the error x := ξ − ξ 0 is considered in both open loop (i.e., dk = d0 ∀k) and in closed loop with the linear feedback (2) with F = [−0.1021, 0.1555]. In the open loop case we consider the DPM (17) corresponding to (5). The DPM is truncated and we apply the Fourier transform to obtain a truncated HTF H (ω). The gains |Hk (ω)| (see Box I for the definition) of H (ω) are plotted for k = −2, . . . , 2 in Fig. 2. In the closed loop case we consider the averaged dynamic phasor system (12) and derive the corresponding closed loop harmonic transfer function Hcl (ω). The gains |Hcl,k,0 (ω)| (see (24) for the definition) of H (ω) are plotted for k = −2, . . . , 2 in Fig. 2. The plots in Fig. 2 can be interpreted in the light of formulas (16) and (25) which give the steady state response to a sinusoidal disturbance. The formulas (16) and (25) imply that when the system is subjected to a sinusoidal disturbance with angular frequency ω, the output will be a sum of sinusoids with shifted frequencies ω + kωs . The central plot (which has index zero) shows the amplification of the fundamental term sin(ωt ) and the offdiagonal plots (with index k) show the amplitude of the additional shifted frequencies sin((ω + kωs )t ). The fact that the off-diagonals in Fig. 2 are nonzero explains why the responses plotted below are not purely sinusoidal but contain ripple. The harmonic transfer functions of the open and closed loop systems are used in formulas (16) and (25) respectively to approximate the steady state response to a sinusoidal disturbance. We consider the disturbance w(t ) = a sin(2π ft ) where a = 0.1 and f = 0.1 Hz. The approximate steady state responses predicted by the HTFs are verified by simulation in Matlab. The predicted and simulated steady state responses of the capacitor voltage are shown in Fig. 3. This figure shows that in the open loop case, the HTF provides a 858 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 perfect match with the simulation. The harmonics caused by the switching is clearly visible. These harmonics correspond to the offdiagonal elements of the HTF in Fig. 2. In the closed loop case the match is not perfect, but the closed loop HTF still provides a good approximation which accounts for the harmonics caused by switching. 7. Conclusions The dynamic phasor model was used as a tool for harmonic analysis of a class of PWM systems. A connection between the dynamic phasor model and the HTF of a LTP system was shown and the notion of HTF was extended to describe periodic solutions of the non-periodic PWM systems. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Dr. Sébastien Cliquennois for valuable comments on possible applications to the theory in this paper. Appendix A. Proof of Theorem 1 The complete proof of Theorem 1 is rather lengthy since one must consider both the truncation of the infinite dimensional state and the averaging approximation. The main difficulty in the proof is to provide a norm estimate of the difference sˆ − Sav (δ), between the phasor vector of the PWM switching function in (4) and its corresponding nonlinear approximation in (11). The difficulty lies in that the former is determined by the duty ratio function (6), which is determined at the sampling times kTs while the latter is determined by the duty ratio function in (12) which is a continuous function of the state. Because of space limitations we have omitted the details on how the above mentioned difference is estimated and simply state the result. See Almér (2008) for a complete proof. In the proof below we use the following definitions kAk := sup σ¯ A(s(t )), s kBk := sup σ¯ B(s(t )) s kDk := sup σ¯ D(s(t )) s where the optimization is over all possible Ts -periodic on–off sequences of the form (4). We also use the following lemmas. Proofs are found in Almér and Jönsson (2007). Lemmas similar to Lemma 1 can also be found in Zhou and Hagiwara (2001) and Tadmor (2002), respectively. Lemma 1. Let x be a solution of (5) and suppose the disturbance satisfies kwkL∞ ≤ rw where rw > 0. The corresponding phasor vector xˆ satisfies √ k(I − πN )ˆxk ≤ kAkkˆxk + kBk + rw kDk √ 2Ts π N +1 . Lemma 2. Suppose the solution xˆ of (9) remains in the set 2 Ω := {ˆx ∈ l2 | kˆxk ≤ R} ∀t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] where R > 0 and [t0 , t1 ] is any closed interval. Also assume that kwkL∞ ≤ rw and kwk ˙ L∞ ≤ rw where rw > 0. For t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] it holds d dt k(I − πN )ˆxk2 = 2R nD Eo (I − πN )ˆx, Aˆ (ˆs)ˆx + Bˆ (ˆs − sˆd0 ) + Dˆ (ˆs)w ˆ and thus, the derivative is well defined. Main part of proof. To facilitate the proof we introduce some notation. Let f (t , xˆ , w) ˆ = (−jωs Eˆ n + Aˆ (ˆs))ˆx + Bˆ (ˆs − sˆd0 ) + Dˆ (ˆs)w ˆ fav (Z, W ) = (−jωs N + A(δ))Z + BS (δ) + D (δ)W Fig. 3. Steady state response of the voltage vc to the disturbance w(t ) = a sin(2π ft ) with a = 0.1, f = 0.1. The two top figures show the open loop response and a close-up. The two bottom figures show the closed loop response and a close-up. be the vector fields of the DPM and the truncated averaged approximation respectively. By Zu (t ) we denote the solution to the S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 ˙ = fav (Z, 0) and Z(t ) denotes the solution to unforced system Z ˙ = fav (Z, W ). the forced system Z Let r 0 = γ 0 /kF k where γ 0 = min{d0 , 1 − d0 }. Then the feedback of the approximate phasor model does not saturate on the set {Z ∈ C(2N +1)n | |Z| < r 0 } and thus, the vector field fav (Z, 0) is continuously differentiable on this set. By assumption, there exists numbers k ≥ 1, λ > 0 and r ∈ (0, r 0 /k) such that the solution to the unforced system satisfies We note that assumption (a2) implies that eˆ is in the domain of definition of V . To bound the derivative of V we make use of a number of inequalities. Firstly, it can be shown analogously with the proof of Theorem 9.1 in Khalil (2002) that there exist constants L1 > 0 and L2 > 0 such that |∆(Z, eˆ 1 )| ≤ L1 |ˆe1 |2 + L2 |Z||ˆe1 | ≤ (L1 r1 + L2 1 )kˆek |Zu (t )| ≤ k|Zu (t0 )|e−λ(t −t0 ) ∀ Zu (t0 ) ∈ Ω , ∀ t ≥ t0 where Ω := {Z ∈ C(2N +1)n | |Z| < r }. By using the arguments of the converse Lyapunov theorem2 , see e.g., Theorem 4.14 in Khalil (2002), one can show that there exists a Lyapunov function Vav : Ω → R satisfying (A.2) where we have used assumptions (a1) and (a2). Secondly, we note that Lemma 1 implies that kˆe2 k2 = k(I − πN )ˆxk2 ≤ α1 kˆxk2 + α2 4T 2 ∂ Z ∂ Vav ∂ Z ≤ c4 |Z| (A.1) for all Z ∈ Ω where ci are positive constants. The existence of a ˙ = fav (Z, W ) Lyapunov function implies that the forced system Z is locally input-to-state stable (Khalil, 2002; Sontag & Wang, 1996). 0 Thus, there exist numbers rw > 0, r0 ∈ (0, r ) and functions β ∈ KL, γ ∈ K∞ such that for all initial values Z(t0 ) ∈ Ω0 := {Z ∈ C(2N +1)n | |Z| ≤ r0 } it holds ! sup |W (τ )| τ ∈[t0 ,t ] α1 := kAk2 π 2 (Ns+1) 4T 2 α2 := (kBk + rw kDk)2 π 2 (Ns+1) . Thirdly, we use that g1 can be bounded as (see Almér (2008) for a proof). |g1 (t , xˆ , w)| ˆ ≤ α3 kˆxk2 + α4 kˆxk + α5 where α3 := kA1 k(1 + Ts kAk)C1 (Ts ) √ + kA1 k(1 + Ts kAk)C2 (Ts ) α4 := (2kA1 k + kAk)kAk √ π N +1 + ((1 + Ts kA1 k)kBk + (Ts kA1 kkDk + kD1 k)rw ) C1 (Ts ) √ 2Ts α5 := ((2kA1 k + kAk)(kBk + rw kDk) + rw kDk) √ π N +1 + ((1 + Ts kA1 k)kBk + (Ts kA1 kkDk + kD1 k)rw ) C2 (Ts ) (a1) |Z(t )| ≤ 1 ∀t for some 1 > 0 (a2) kˆe(t )k ≤ r1 ∀t for some r1 ∈ (0, r ). and where According to the discussion above, (a1) can always be satisfied for some rw > 0. Assumption (a2) will be verified at the end of the proof. The dynamics of the error terms eˆ 1 and eˆ 2 are written C2 (Ts ) := C1 (Ts )(kBk + rw kDk)/kAk. dt d dt (A.4) 2Ts ∀t ≥ t 0 0 provided supt |W (t )| < rw . Since we only consider the case when the initial condition is zero, it follows that for any number 1 > 0 there exists a number rw > 0 such that |Z(t )| ≤ 1 ∀t if supt |W (t )| ≤ rw . We now make two assumptions: d (A.3) where c1 |Z|2 ≤ Vav (Z) ≤ c2 |Z|2 ∂ Vav fav (Z, 0) ≤ −c3 |Z|2 |Z(t )| ≤ β(|Z(t0 )|, t − t0 ) + γ 859 eˆ 1 = fav (ˆe1 , 0) + ∆(Z, eˆ 1 ) + g1 (t , xˆ , w) ˆ C1 (Ts ) := kF k (2Ts kAk + 1) ekAkTs + ekAk2Ts − 2 Finally, we bound the derivative of c1 kˆe2 k2 = c1 k(I − πN )ˆxk2 . We use Lemmas 1 and 2 and the fact that kwkL∞ < rw and kwk ˙ L∞ < rw implies that kwk ˆ ≤ d eˆ 2 = g2 (t , xˆ , w) ˆ dt c1 kˆe2 k2 = 2c1 R + πN Dˆ (I − πN )w ˆ g2 (t , xˆ , w) ˆ := (I − πN )f (t , xˆ , w). ˆ To prove that the error is small we consider the Lyapunov candidate V (ˆe) := Vav (ˆe1 ) + c1 kˆe2 k2 : Ω × l2,N¯ → R. 2 The phasor dynamics are complex. However, the dynamics are highly structured and the proof in Theorem 4.14 in Khalil (2002) goes through with slight modifications. See Almér (2008) for details. q 2T 2 1 + π 2 (Ns+1) rw to show that (I − πN )ˆx, g2 (t , xˆ , w) ˆ ≤ α6 kˆxk2 + α7 where ∆(Z, eˆ 1 ) := fav (Z + eˆ 1 , 0) − fav (Z, 0) − fav (ˆe1 , 0) g1 (t , xˆ , w) ˆ := πN Aˆ (I − πN )ˆx + πN Aˆ πN − A(δ) πN xˆ + πN Bˆ (ˆs − sˆd0 ) − BS (δ) + πN Dˆ πN − D (δ) W (A.5) where √ α6 := 4c1 kAk 2 √ 2Ts π N +1 α7 := 4c1 kBk + kDk 1 + 2Ts2 π 2 (N + 1) 12 2 √ 2Ts rw √ . π N +1 The inequalities (A.3), (A.4) and (A.5) are now written in terms of the error eˆ . For (A.3) and (A.5) we use the inequality kˆxk ≤ 2(|Z|2 + kˆek2 ) and for (A.4) we use kˆxk ≤ |Z| + kˆek. These inequalities are used together with the bounds |Z| ≤ 1 and kˆek ≤ r1 and we get kˆe2 k2 ≤ L3 (Ts )kˆek2 + L4 (Ts , 1 ) (A.6) |g1 (t , xˆ , w)| ˆ ≤ L5 (Ts , r1 )kˆek + L6 (Ts , 1 ) (A.7) d dt c1 kˆe2 k2 ≤ L7 (Ts )kˆek2 + L8 (Ts , 1 ) (A.8) 860 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 where L3 (Ts ) := 2α1 , L4 (Ts , 1 ) := 2α + α2 2 1 1 L5 (Ts , r1 ) := 2α3 r1 + α4 L6 (Ts , 1 ) := 2α3 12 + α4 1 + α5 L7 (Ts ) := 2α6 , L8 (Ts , 1 ) := 2α6 12 + α7 . Using the inequalities (A.6), (A.7) and (A.8) we bound V˙ according to V˙ (ˆe) = ∂ Vav d fav (ˆe1 , 0) + ∆(Z, eˆ 1 ) + g1 (t , xˆ , W ) + c1 kˆe2 k2 ∂Z dt ≤ −c3 |ˆe1 |2 + c4 |ˆe1 |(|∆| + |g1 |) + ≤− c3 c2 d dt + c4 L6 kˆek + L8 c2 − κ1 c1 − κ2 2c1 V (ˆe) + 1 2 κ2 + κ3 x(τ )∗ y(τ )dτ . We introduce the Sobolev space W2 := {f ∈ L2 (T) | f periodic, f˙ ∈ L2 (T)} and on this space we introduce the inner product κ1 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) := c1 c3 L3 (Ts ) + L7 (Ts ) + c4 (L1 r1 + L2 1 + L5 (Ts , 1 )) c2 κ2 (Ts , 1 ) := c4 L6 (Ts , 1 ) c1 c3 κ3 (Ts , 1 ) := L4 (Ts , 1 ) + L8 (Ts , 1 ). c2 In summary we have V˙ (ˆe) ≤ −κ4 (Ts , 1 , r1 )V (ˆe) + κ5 (Ts , 1 ) where κ4 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) := 1 2 c3 c2 − κ1 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) c1 − κ2 (Ts , 1 ) 2c1 κ2 (Ts , 1 ) + κ3 (Ts , 1 ). We note that κ4 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) → c3 /c2 − (c4 /c1 )(L1 r1 + L2 1 ) and κ5 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) → 0 as Ts → 0 and we pick 1 , r1 small enough to satisfy c3 c4 − (L1 1 + L2 r1 ) =: c¯ > 0. c2 c1 This implies that for any α ∈ (0, c¯ ), and ∈ (0, r1 ) there exists T0 > 0 such that κ4 (Ts , 1 , r1 ) < α and κ5 (Ts , 1 ) < c1 α for all Ts ≤ T0 . The first inequality implies V (ˆe(t )) ≤ (1 − e 1/2 with the corresponding norm kf kW2 := hf , f iW2 . The space W2 is isometrically isomorphic with the space ) ∞ X 2 ˆ 2 ˆ G := f ∈ l2 (1 + (2π n) )|f (n)| < ∞ n=−∞ (where fˆ is a sequence of Fourier coefficients) equipped with the inner product D fˆ , gˆ E G := 2 D fˆ , gˆ E l2 D E + T 2 jωEˆ q fˆ , jωEˆ q gˆ and corresponding norm kfˆ kG := where κ5 (Ts , 1 ) := 0 ( where we have used inequalities (A.2), (A.4), (A.5) and c2 kˆe1 k2 ≥ Vav (ˆe1 ). We now use that Vav (ˆe1 ) = V (ˆe) − c1 kˆe2 k2 and the bound (A.3) to obtain c3 V˙ (ˆe) ≤ − V (ˆe) + κ1 kˆek2 + κ2 kˆek + κ3 c2 c3 RT 2 (T) Vav (ˆe1 ) + (c4 (L1 r1 + L2 1 + L5 ) + L7 ) kˆek ≤− 1 T hf , g iW2 := 2 hf , g iL2 (T) + T 2 f˙ , g˙ L c1 kˆe2 k2 2 that the inequalities (30)–(35) imply the inequalities (B.1)–(B.6) in Lemma 4. The inequalities (B.1)–(B.6) are essential to the proof, but they are nontrivial to verify. The inequalities (30)–(35) on the other hand are finite dimensional and straightforward to check. The underlying space is defined as follows: Let T := [0, T ] where T = 2π /ω. We define L2 (T) as the space of complex valued square integrable functions on T with inner product hx, yiL2 (T) := −α t 1 ) κ5 (T , 1 ) α which together with the second inequality implies that kˆe(t )k ≤ ∀t. Note that < r1 and thus, assumption (a2) is satisfied. This concludes the proof. Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 2 To prove the claim we consider (27) as an operator on a Sobolev space and apply the Schauder fixed point theorem (Zeidler, 1995). The reason for embedding the solution in a Sobolev space and for defining the inner product with a factor 2 as is done below is that we need the norm on the space to be an upper bound off the supremum norm (see Lemma 3). This is crucial to show make use of the following lemmas. l2 D fˆ , fˆ E1/2 . In the proof we will G Lemma 3. Let kf k∞ := maxt ∈T |f (t )| be the maximum norm defined on W2 . The norm satisfies kf k∞ ≤ kf kW2 = kfˆ kG . Proof of Lemma 3. We may without loss of generality assume that |f (0)| = mint ∈T |f (t )| (we may otherwise translate the time axis since we consider periodic functions) and we note that this assumption implies |f (0)| ≤ kf kL2 (T) . It holds Z t Z T kf k∞ = max |f (0) + f˙ (τ )dτ | ≤ |f (0)| + |f˙ (τ )|dτ t ∈T 0 0 √ q ≤ 2 kf k2L2 (T) + T 2 kf˙ k2L2 (T) = kf kW2 where on the second line we used the Schwarz inequality. Lemma 4. Suppose there exists a number c > 0 such that (30)– (35) are satisfied for some r > 0. Then for any δ ∈ W2 such that kδkW2 < r it holds sup |S (δ(τ )) − ΨN δ(τ )| < cr 2 (B.1) sup |S 0 (δ(τ )) − ΨN | < cr (B.2) sup σ¯ (A(δ(τ )) − A(0)) < cr (B.3) sup σ¯ (D (δ(τ )) − D (0)) < cr (B.4) sup σ¯ (A0 (δ(τ ))) < c (B.5) sup σ¯ (D 0 (δ(τ ))) < c . (B.6) τ ∈T τ ∈T τ ∈T τ ∈T τ ∈T τ ∈T Proof of Lemma 4. Here we give a proof of (B.1). The proofs of (B.2)–(B.6) are analogous. As stated in Lemma 3, the Sobolev norm satisfies kδk∞ ≤ kδkW2 . It follows that for any δ ∈ W2 satisfying kδkW2 < r it holds S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 sup |S (δ(τ )) − ΨN δ(τ )| ≤ τ ∈T sup sup |S (δ(τ )) − ΨN δ(τ )| kDˆ 0 Wˆ kG = kD (0)W kW2 ≤ σ¯ (D (0))rw . kδkW2 <r τ ∈T kδk∞ <r τ ∈T = sup |S (δ) − ΨN δ| < cr 2 |δ|<r where the last inequality is by assumption (30). Note that in the first two lines, δ is a function defined on T while in the last inequality δ is a scalar. It can be shown that the finite dimensional nonlinear function |S (δ) − ΨN δ| is O (δ) and indeed there exists a constant c > 0 such that (30) is valid for small r. Corollary 1. The bounds in (B.1)–(B.6) have implications in the frequency domain. For example, (B.1) implies that ˆ − Ψˆ δk ˆ l2 = sup kSˆ(δ) sup kS (δ) − ΨN δkL2 (T) ≤ sup sup |S (δ(τ )) − ΨN δ(τ )| < cr 2 . Corollary 2. Inequality (28) implies that ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 kl2 →l2 < 1/2. This implies ˆ (δ) supkδk ˆ <r k(A l2 →l2 ˆ − Dˆ 0 kl →l + k(Aˆ (δ) − Aˆ 0 )H1 Dˆ 0 kl →l kWˆ k × kDˆ (δ) 2 2 2 2 ˆ − Dˆ 0 kl →l + σ¯ (D (0))k(Aˆ (δ) − Aˆ 0 )H1 kl →l kWˆ kG ≤ 2 kDˆ (δ) 2 2 2 2 G l2 →l2 ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 kl2 →l2 1 − k(Aˆ (δ) ≤ 2c (1 + σ¯ (D (0))kH1 k) rw r < 2. Ωw := {Wˆ ∈ G | kWˆ kG ≤ rw } Ω := {δˆ ∈ G | kδˆ kG ≤ r }. ˆ Wˆ ) has a We will now show that the fixed point equation δˆ = H (δ, solution for all Wˆ ∈ Ωw . To do this we show the following claims: (i) H (Ω , Wˆ ) ⊆ Ω ∀ Wˆ ∈ Ωw (ii) H (·, Wˆ ) is a compact operator on Ω ∀ Wˆ ∈ Ωw . kFˆ H1 (ω)kG→G := sup kFˆ H1 (ω)ˆykG kˆykG =1 √ q 2 kFˆ H1 (ω)ˆyk2l2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q Fˆ H1 (ω)ˆyk2l2 and (B.8) and we get ˆ Wˆ )kG ≤ C1 (r )rw + C2 (r )r 2 < r kH (δ, where the last inequality follows from the assumption (29). The inequality above shows that H (Ω , Wˆ ) ⊆ Ω and thus we have shown (i). We now show (ii): The operator H (·, Wˆ ) can be written as H (·, Wˆ ) = H1 H2 (·, Wˆ ) where H1 = Fˆ H1 and H2 = there is a constant γ˜ > 0 such that ˆ Wˆ )kG < γ˜ kH2 (δ, ˆ Wˆ ) ∈ Ω × Ωw . ∀(δ, Since H1 is block-diagonal it is easy to show that it is compact (see Almér and Jönsson (2007) for a proof). It follows that the ˆ Wˆ ) = H1 H2 (δ, ˆ Wˆ ) maps bounded sets composite operator H (δ, into relatively compact sets. Since H is also continuous, it follows that H is compact. This concludes the proof. ˆ 2 (δˆ ) satisfies Lemma 5. For all δˆ ∈ Ω , the term jωEˆ q ∆ √ q ≤ sup kFˆ H1 k 2 kˆyk2l2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q yˆ k2l2 = kFˆ H1 k where we have used that Fˆ H1 is block diagonal so that jωEˆ q Fˆ H1 yˆ = Fˆ H1 jωEˆ q yˆ (see the discussion in Section 5.2.2). It follows that (B.7) To bound the right-hand side above we use a number of ˆ 0 Wˆ kG satisfies inequalities. Firstly we note that kD 2c σ¯ (B ) 1 √ + cT kjωEˆ q H1 kr T 2 2 1/2 2 2 2 ˆ + c kH1 k + T kjωEq H1 k r r 2. ˆ l2 ≤ ˆ 2 (δ)k kjωEˆ q ∆ kˆykG =1 ˆ Wˆ )kG ≤ kFˆ H1 kk(Dˆ 0 + ∆ ˆ Wˆ + ∆ ˆ G. ˆ 1 (δ)) ˆ 2 (δ)k kH (δ, ˆ 1 (δˆ )wk kjωEˆ q ∆ ˆ l2 . We use the bounds in Lemmas 5 and 6. Let C1 (r ) and C2 (r ) be defined as in Theorem 2. Using Lemmas 5 ˆ G and ˆ 2 (δ)k and 6 and the inequalities (B.9) and (B.10) we bound k∆ ˆ w)k kH (δ, ˆ G . These bounds are combined with inequalities (B.7) ˆ . The inequalities above show that ˆ Wˆ + ∆ ˆ 1 (δ) ˆ 2 (δ) D (0) + ∆ Since Ω is clearly a nonempty, closed, bounded and convex subset of a Banach space the Schauder fixed point theorem (Zeidler, 1995) implies that the fixed point equation δˆ = H (δˆ , Wˆ ) has a solution ∀ Wˆ ∈ Ωw . We begin to show (i): We first note that kˆykG =1 (B.10) where in the last inequality we used (B.3) and (B.4) in ˆ l2 and ˆ 2 (δ)k Lemma 4. Finally, we need to bound the terms kjωEˆ q ∆ Main part of Proof. We first note that |S (δ)−ΨN δ| (which is a finite dimensional nonlinear function) is O (δ) and thus, there is indeed a constant c > 0 such that (30) holds for r small enough. Similar arguments apply to (31)–(35). Let rw > 0, r > 0 be such that there is a constant c > 0 satisfying (30)–(35) and such that (28) and (29) hold. Let = sup where we have used Corollary 2 and in the last inequality we ˆ Wˆ . We again use ˆ 1 (δ) used (B.1) in Lemma 4. Thirdly we bound ∆ ˆ Corollary 2 and for all δ ∈ Ω it holds −1 ˆ ˆ ˆ sup I − (A(δ) − A0 )H1 ˆ G <r kδk (B.9) l2 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ × D (δ) − D0 + (A(δ) − A0 )H1 D0 W l2 − 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ≤ I − (A(δ) − A0 )H1 Analogous bounds hold for (B.2)–(B.6). ≤ sup l2 →l2 ˆ − Ψˆ δˆ × σ¯ (B ) Sˆ(δ) ≤ 2c σ¯ (B )r 2 kδkW2 <r τ ∈T 1 −1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ B S (δ) − Ψ δ k∆2 (δ)kl2 = I − (A(δ) − A0 )H1 l2 −1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ≤ I − (A(δ) − A0 )H1 −1 ˆ Wˆ kl = I − (Aˆ (δ) ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 ˆ 1 (δ) k∆ 2 kδkW2 <r ˆ G <r kδk (B.8) Secondly, we note that for all δˆ ∈ Ω it holds ≤ sup sup |S (δ(τ )) − ΨN δ(τ )| ˆ G <r kδk 861 ˆ satisfies ˆ 2 (δ) Proof of Lemma 5. We note that vˆ 2 := ∆ ˆ − Aˆ 0 )H1 vˆ 2 + Bˆ Sˆ(δ) ˆ − Ψˆ δˆ vˆ 2 = (Aˆ (δ) and the time domain representation v2 satisfies 862 S. Almér, U. Jönsson / Automatica 45 (2009) 851–862 v2 = (A(δ) − A(0))y2 + B (S (δ) − ΨN δ) where y2 is the time domain representations of H1 vˆ 2 . For any δˆ ∈ Ω it holds ˆ l2 = kjωEˆ q vˆ 2 kl2 = k˙v2 kL2 (T) ˆ 2 (δ)k kjωEˆ q ∆ ≤ kA0 (δ)δ˙ y2 kL2 (T) + k(A(δ) − A(0))˙y2 kL2 (T) ˙ L2 (T) . + σ¯ (B )k(S 0 (δ) − ΨN )δk To bound the terms in the sum above we first note that kA0 (δ)δ˙ y2 kL2 (T) ≤ sup σ¯ (A0 (δ(τ ))) sup |y2 (τ )|kδ˙ kL2 (T) τ ∈T ≤c 2c σ¯ (B ) T τ ∈T kH1 k + T kjωEˆ q H1 k2 2 2 1/2 r3 where we have √ used inequality (B.5) in Lemma 4, the fact that ˙ L2 < r /( 2T ) and kδk sup |y2 (τ )| ≤ kH1 vˆ 2 kG = τ ∈T ≤ √ 2 kH1 vˆ 2 k2l2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q Hˆ 1 v2 k2l2 √ 2 kH1 k2 + T 2 kjωEˆ q H1 k2 1/2 1/2 2c σ¯ (B )r 2 ˆ 2 kl2 in (B.9) were where Lemma 3 and the bound on kˆv2 kl2 = k∆ used. Secondly we note that k(A(δ) − A(0))˙y2 kL2 (T) ≤ sup σ¯ (A(δ) − A(0))k˙y2 kL2 (T) τ ∈T ≤ 2c 2 σ¯ (B )kjωEˆ q H1 kr 3 where we have used inequality (B.3) in Lemma 4 and k˙y2 kL2 (T) = kjωEˆ q H1 vˆ 2 kl2 ≤ kjωEˆ q H1 kkˆv2 kl2 and the bound ˆ 2 kl2 in (B.9). Finally we note that on kˆv2 kl2 = k∆ ˙ L2 (T) ≤ sup σ¯ (S 0 (δ(τ )) − ΨN )kδk ˙ L2 (T) k(S 0 (δ) − ΨN )δk τ ∈T √ ≤ c /( 2T )r 2 √ ˙ L2 < r /( 2T ). Combining where we used (B.2) in Lemma 4 and kδk these bounds we have the result above. ˆ Wˆ satisfies ˆ 1 (δ) Lemma 6. For all δˆ ∈ Ω , the term jωEˆ q ∆ ˆ Wˆ kl2 ˆ 1 (δ) kjωEˆ q ∆ rw r c ≤ √ + 2π c + (2cr + (1 + 2c kH1 kr )σ¯ (D (0))) T 2 1/2 2 2 2 ˆ ˆ × cT kjωEq H1 k + c kH1 k + T kjωEq H1 k . Proof of Lemma 6. The proof is analogous to the proof of Lemma 5 and is omitted due to space constraints. References Almér, S. (2008). Control and analysis of pulse-modulated systems. Ph.D. thesis. Royal Institute of Technology. Almér, S., & Jönsson, U. (2007). Dynamic phasor analysis of pulse modulated systems. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3252–3259. Almér, S., & Jönsson, U. (2007). Stability and harmonic analysis of a class of PWM systems. TRITA MAT 07 0S 04 ISSN 1401-2294. KTH Mathematics. 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His current research interests include design and analysis of nonlinear and uncertain control systems, periodic system theory, control of switching systems, and control of network interconnected systems. Dr. Jönsson served as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control between 2003–2005.
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