Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Newsletter November 2014 PARSON’S POST An update on the work of the Vision Team 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 The verses above are what is known as The Great Commission. These are Jesus’ last words/commands to his followers before He ascended into heaven. In these words we have our “marching orders” as individual believers and as the church of Jesus Christ. Notice that there are three parts of the Great Commission: 1. Outreach (“Go”) 2. Evangelism (“Baptize”) 3. Discipleship (“Make Disciples” and “Teach”) Your Vision Team has been looking carefully at every aspect of our church and trying to determine how we can best move forward into the future. After gathering much information and many hours spent examining and discussing that information we have arrived at the point where we are suggesting a “Great Commission Vision” as our initial advancement into the future. We are continuing to further refine our vision for Pisgah, but for obvious reasons the Great Commission will surely continue to be a major part. This is Jesus’ command to those who are his disciples. These three parts of the Great Commission should be at the very heart of everything we do, of every committee’s considerations and efforts, and of our outlook as a congregation. Most importantly, those three parts of the Great Commission should be the very core motivation of our collective mentality—every member, every activity, every program, every gathering, etc. In other words Outreach, Evangelism, and Discipleship should be so much a part of who we are and what we do that we start thinking about everything we do in terms of how it fits into those three things. So, I thought it might be helpful to clarify those three parts of the Great Commission. Outreach, very simply, is “connecting” with people who are not in a church. Evangelism is sharing the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is teaching/learning to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We must be careful to notice the difference between Outreach and Evangelism. One is not, nor can it take the place of, the other. Also, a “Great Commission Church” is a church that is truly following our Lord’s commands; and that is a church He promises to bless. (See Matthew 16:15-18) In Christ, Rick Nov., 2014 Greetings from Pisgah Weekday School October has been a very busy and fun month. The three and four year old classes had a great time at the library and Dairy Queen. Everyone enjoyed the trip to Lewis Farms. We took a walk through the corn maze and lost our way a few times. Our ride to the pumpkin patch was by horse and wagon. Everyone picked a special pumpkin to take home. The children enjoyed all the farm animals. We ended our visit with a picnic lunch. Thanks to Crowder’s Mountain Fire Department for bringing a fire truck to the church for the children to see. Our Halloween Party was fun for all! Thanks to Ms. Sherry, Mr. Ed and Mr. Gordon for helping with the Trick or Treat Street. A special thanks to Mr. Robert for driving the bus. The Pisgah Weekday School is sponsoring a fund raiser with Yankee Candle. The money that we raise will help to replace mulch on the playground. Mulch helps to cushion the fall of a child. Can we count on you to help us with this project? Catalogs and order forms will be in Ms. Sherry’s office. Payments must be submitted with the order. The weekday school staff will be glad to take your order as well. Thank you for your support, Ms. Annie November 2nd The Vision Team will meet with the congregation on November 2nd @ 8am. Breakfast will be served. If you are unable to attend this meeting, there will be another meeting with the Vision Team on November 6th @ 6:30 pm. Dinner 5:30 PM Bible Studies 6:15 PM Choir Practice 7:30 PM Panhandler Teams 11/05 Donna Forbes Team-chicken filets, mashed potato, green beans, slaw & rolls 11/12 Jane Falls Team– BBQ, slaw, buns, baked beans & chips 11/19 Annie Robinson’s Team– Youth Night –turkey, dressing, rice & gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce & rolls Desserts 11/05 Rachel Boyce Circle 11/12 Suzanne Elliott 11/19 Mary Kennedy M-Z Adult Sunday School Classes will have a joint class on November 9th in the Elliott Center Fellowship Hall. The budget will be presented at this time. There will be a Congregational Meeting on November 9th immediately following the morning worship service. The purpose of this meeting is to elect deacons, congregational chairman, treasurer, assistant treasurer, trustee and approve the 2015 budget. Vision Team Meeting November 9th @ 6:30pm IES D A L ht Nig November 13th @ 7pm Tick e $10ts eac h Featuring Spencer Mountain Quintet Please purchase tickets in advance. See Curtis Hopper, Henry Oates or Franklin Boyd to purchase yours today. Middle School Students Fall Retreat @ Bonclarken November 14-16 Retreat Meeting November 12th @ 7:30pm November 18th 11:30 AM Market Street Christian Education Committee Meeting November 20th 6pm Join us Thanksgiving Eve for a joyful time of worship and thanksgiving! Church offices will be closed Thursday & Friday November 27-28 in observance of Thanksgiving. e r eB k nca a P ng ngi st a f ak ns he t f ee r G o Ha a ut rd p Su y a S r e ve o N er b m th 9 2 Join us for a Christmas Super Saturday Christmas Crafts, Bible Stories and Games for Ages *2-5th grade & Pisgah’s Annual Hanging of the Greens For all ages and abilities to join in decorating the Lord’s House for Christmas Saturday, November 29th Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-10:00am for volunteers & their children Hanging of the Greens 9:00am Super Saturday 9:30am-11:30am *Parents of 2-4 year old children are encouraged to stay with them. 5TH SUNDAY Breakfast November 30th 8:30 am Prepared by the Adult Uniform Sunday School Class. E V E R Y O N E WELCOME Psalm Sing at Hopewell The members of the Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Blackstock, SC cordially invite you to attend a Psalm Sing on November 30, 2014 beginning at 5:00pm. Following the Psalm Sing there will be a time of fellowship which will include refreshments. We hope you will join us in what has become for many a marvelous time to network with sisters and brothers in Christ and to continue the tradition of Psalm Singing. STUDENT HAPPENINGS Let’s Go Visiting… This fall during Midweek the Middle School and High School Students will be visiting shut-ins. The schedule for November is: November 05 Middle School November 12 High School Youth Night @ Midweek is November 19th. Middle School and High School Students will be going to McAdenville on Wednesday, December 3rd. Meet at Burger King @ 6:30pm. Students will be serving at Operation Christmas Child Processing Center on December 15th. More details coming in December. Coming in DECEMBER Students going to McAdenville 12/3 PWM General Meeting 12/7 Students Christmas Party 12/12 Ordination & Installation of Officers 12/14 Crock Pot Supper-Sunday December 14 Everyone is invited to bring their favorite crock-pot dinner to church on Sunday, December 14th @ 5:30. We will enjoy dinner together and at 6:30pm the children will present their Christmas Program. Plan to come for Christian fun and fellowship. If you have questions, contact Claudette Pearson. Christmas Cantata 12/21 10:30 am PWM Executive Board 12/28 Upward 2014/2015 Friends of Pisgah, it is soon time to begin preparation for the upcoming Upward Basketball Season. We had an early registration day that was held in conjunction with the Community Day sponsored by the Pisgah Women’s Ministries. Registration continues to be available online at http://registration.upward.org/UPW56469. The registration fee is$65.00. Registration and evaluations will be held in the Family Life Outreach Center on the following dates and times. Thursday, November 6 6:00 – 8:00 Saturday, November 8 10:00 – 12:00 Monday, November 10 6:00 – 8:00 Tuesday, November 11 6:00 – 8:00 Thursday, November 13 6:00 – 8:00 Practices will begin the week of December 1 with games beginning on Saturday, January 10. This year we will be offering teams beginning at age K4 and going through 12th Grade. As always, volunteers are needed for all aspects of the program. Places to volunteer include coaches in both basketball and cheerleading, referees, prayer partners, halftime activity leader, greeters, scorekeepers and game day coordination. If you say that you have never coached before but would like to start, then this is the place for you. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity please contact the church. Please remember this is more than a basketball cheerleading program. This is an outreach to youth in our area. The purpose of Upward Sports is to “introduce Jesus Christ to youth through sports”. We need your support to make this program grow. If you don’t know how to help but want to, contact Kevin Adams at 704-860-4628 and we will find a place that suits you. Session Report During the month of October, there were three meetings held by the Session. A called meeting on October 5, the regularly scheduled meeting on October 19 and a called meeting on October 26. In addition to these meetings, a Congregational Meeting was held on October 19. The called meeting on October 5 was held to receive assignments for Communion that was served during Morning Worship. Also, Rev. Bob Elliott was approved as guest minister on Sunday, December 28. Also, the Worship Committee announced that a Christmas Cantata will be performed by the Adult Choir on December 21. The Program Committee reported that the MidWeek account is running behind due to increase cost of paper products. Money will be taken out of the General Fund to make it up and various groups that have used the products will be asked to help out. At the regularly scheduled meeting, a Backpack Ministry to assist in providing food for underpriviledged children at Chapel Grove Elementary to take home. Max Wolfe, Sr. will head up this project. The Bonclarken Committee reports that the trees have been taken down and removed. The Christian Education Committee requested approval for the CLC class to change from the quarterly to the Standard Commentary. Also, they reminded that the Trunk or Treat will be held on October 31 with a Hot Dog Supper and Bingo inside beginning at 5:30. The Trustees reported that the Modification of the Loan on the FLOC had been approved by the Bank of Ozarks. As a result, there is no balloon payment due next year and our monthly payment has been reduced from $4180.88 to $1984.89. We thank the Trustees for their hard work on this. At called meeting on October 26, the proposed budget for 2015 of $383,055.00 was received from the Finance committee and approved by the Deacons. This proposal was approved and will now be presented to the Congregation at the Congregational Meeting on November 9 for Congregational approval. At the Congregational Meeting on October 19, Henry Oates, Bryan Gamble and Ken Howe were elected as Elders to serve a 5 year term beginning in January 2015. We thank those men for their willingness to serve. Happy Birthday 11/1 Jack Kimbro, Catherine Stewart, Logan Hairston 11/2 Claude Clark, Heath Parsons, Allison Moore 11/3 Buddy Mooneyhan, Derek Jarvis 11/8 Ed Carson, Ansley Burgess 11/9 Geraldine Parker, Laney Romines, Railynn Gamble 11/11 Alice Foy, Aiden Wray 11/10 Julie Hoyt 11/13 Aaron Streeter, Kelly Morris 11/14 Lynn Patterson, B.J. Hanes, Mary Kane 11/16 Cheryl Godfrey, Eric Mace 11/17 Tatum Robinson 11/18 George Trakas, Sr., James Valentine, Wanda Harmon 11/19 Brooke Kenley 11/20 Adam Mooneyhan 11/22 Marcella Wiggins, Maggie Dula 11/24 Marilyn Platt, Morgan Smith 11/26 John Kiser, Jr. 11/21 Taylor Wolfe, Erica Elliott 11/23 Tyler Reller, Jonathan Baysden 11/25 Sayre Hopper, Kimberly Humphries 11/29 Larry Clay 11/30 Shirley Bivens Missionary Birthdays 11/1 Scott Andes 11/2 Rachel Ann Moore 11/6 Kathy Warner 11/12 Frank Miller 11/13 Samuel Meberg 11/17 Elisa Pettett, Nancy Whytock, Isla Grace 11/22 G.J. Gerard 11/23 Rebekah Moore 11/24 Laurie Meberg 11/25 Isaiah Thomas 11/26 Alistair Whytock, Ruth Bonilla 11/27 Raiya Meberg 11/28 Reynolds Young 11/29 Joel Benicourt, Daniel Turner Happy Anniversary 11/03 11/06 11/09 11/15 11/17 11/20 11/22 11/23 11/25 11/30 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lesieur Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Spearman Mr. & Mrs. Chris Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Randy Harris Mr. & Mrs. Tripp Upton Mr. & Mrs. Tim Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Chris Dula Mr. & Mrs. Lin Cloninger Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bingham Mr. & Mrs. David Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Foy Meals on Wheels Delivery Schedule November 2014 Listed below is our meals-on-wheels schedule. If you cannot deliver on the date I have assigned you, please contact someone on the schedule and see if they will swap days with you. If you change your schedule, please call Phyllis at the Adult Nutrition Office at 704-862-7825 and let her know about the change. Thank you for delivering meals on wheels and if you have any problems, please call me. Thanks. Treasure Teague 704-867-9809 November 07 November 14 November 21 Kay Robinson & Elaine Burleson Joann Grier Bobby & Edith Falls There comes a time when changes need to be made. At our October Pisgah Women’s Ministries General Meeting we voted to discontinue the traditional “Pounding of Our Minister and His Family”. This does not mean we will discontinue our remembrances and special gifts to the Lewis Family. We encourage you to remember them in some special way during Pastor Appreciation Month, the Thanksgiving season, the Christmas holidays, or anytime during the year. Let’s show them our appreciation! If you have any questions, please feel free to call me (864-6207). In Christ, Rebecca Howe PWM President Suzanne Elliott Circle Ann Teague PISGAH The Suzanne Elliott Circle met on October 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the lounge of the Elliott Center. Peggy Jenkins, Circle Chairman, opened our meeting with prayer and a quote from Billy Graham as follows: “ I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right” We had 10 members present, and Jane Falls was our Bible Study leader. Barbara Oates did our devotional from God's Little Instruction Book on Those Who Deserve Love the Least, Need it the Most. Matthew 5:44. Jane Falls did our Bible Study on Marital Faithfulness from A Proverbs Driven Life. Minutes of our September meeting were read by Ann Teague, Secretary, and Suzanne Elliott gave the treasurer's report. Rada knife catalogs were given to each member present. Orders taken should be returned out our November meeting. Copies of Our Daily Bread for the next quarter were distributed. Laura Bumgardner will remember our Sunshine Friends for this month, and Kathy Spencer will remember our college students this month. Our circle has desserts for Mid-Week program on October 22 and November 12th. Rebecca Howe's newsletter was reviewed. Profit from the Pisgah Community Day was $3329.78. Re Our helpers for the Soccer Banquet being held on Saturday, October 25th will be Ann Teague, Kathy Spencer, and Laura Bumgardner. Kathy Spencer will furnish bingo prizes for men for the Halloween event. Rebecca Howe will do our Bible Study for November. Kay Robinson will do Hostess and Devotions. Their being no further business, the meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Following our meeting, Barbara Oates served delicious refreshments. Rachel Boyce Circle Evelyn Spearman Our Rachel Boyce Circle met in the lounge of the Elliott Center on October 5th with nine members in attendance. Our leader Jane Falls welcomed us all and opened with prayer. Jeanelle Bumgardner began by reading a favorite piece from Helen Steiner Rice. “Though I’m tired and weary and I wish my race was run, God will only terminate it when my work on Earth is done.” 2 Timothy 4:7 states “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” “This is the day to polish your trophies and call compassion a humanitarian award conceived by God for those who alleviate the sufferings of others.” Jeanelle gave our devotions from ARP magazine article, “Titus Anyone?” As a true tennis lover seems always ready to play, playing tennis well takes effort, time, practice, attention, focus, strength and commitment. So when someone says, “tennis anyone,” they respond, “Yes, I’m ready.” Are we as Christians just as eager to apply ourselves to pursue and practice holiness? When someone says, “holiness anyone,” are we eager to respond, “Yes, I’m ready.” We are all responsible for participating in a community of holiness that involves developing a holy rhythm of connecting, communicating and interacting with people. This takes time, effort, practice, attention, focus, strength and commitment. Well, then: “Titus Anyone?” Our next Bible study book will study Titus, and explore the importance of responsible participation in the holy work of the Church and being good Christian leaders. So we will be ready when some says, “Titus anyone,” and we will respond, “yes, we’re ready!” Jane Falls presented our Bible study of Chapter 10, Marital Faithfulness. Research has concluded that while we still marry, we have lost faith in the institution of marriage. Proverbs 5:15-17 says “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the street, let them be yours alone, never to shared with strangers.” God despises the breaking of vows, especially marriage, because all such behavior violates his perfect faithfulness. The Bible gives us numerous examples of those who were burned by the fire of unfaithfulness. With Samson and Delilah, by the sapping of his strength and the consequent suffering of Israel burned Samson. Due to his many foreign wives and being enticed into idolatry burned Solomon. And following his adultery with Bathsheba, David’s rule diminished greatly in glory and his family life was marred by personal and political betrayal. Always remember that while prayer, God’s grace, and the power of Scripture are all absolutely necessary, so is obedience. Don’t be where you ought not to be, and don’t fixate on anything you shouldn’t. Proverbs 4:23 tells us “above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Belinda Lewis gave our treasurer’s report. Jane Falls read the PWM newsletter. We made plans for our Christmas party at noon on December 7th. We dismissed our meeting with the Mizpah Benediction. Jeanelle Bumgardner and Helen Boyd served delicious refreshments. Our next meeting will be November 2nd with Annie Robinson and Diane Starnes as our hostesses. Get the SCOOP from Ann… Hospital patients –Susan Jenkins, Mary Jane Kane, Mary Bell The sympathy of the Pisgah congregation is extended to the family and friends of Wayne Spencer who passed away on October 13, 2014; to Donna Messer and her family in the death of her step-father, Gary England, on October 12, 2014; to Bill and Nancy Hall and family in the death of their granddaughter, Isabel Pridgen, on October 30, 2014. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Railynn Dawn Gamble on October 19, 2014. Railynn is the daughter of Blair Gamble and Kristen Smith, granddaughter of Bryan and Kathy Gamble. Bryan Gamble was the assisting elder. Did you know - The flowers in the sanctuary on October 5, 2014 were given in memory of Nan Anthony by her family.......Dr. Neely Gaston was our guest minister for our Fall Services on October 12, 2014......Curtis Hopper had his picture in the September 25 th Gaston Gazette checking out a shipment of potassium iodide pills which were distributed to people living near a nuclear plant......Joshua Baysden broke his thumb......Derrick Jarvis broke bones in his wrist......Eli Patterson broke bones in his foot......The flowers in the sanctuary on October 12, 2014 were given in memory and honor of the ministers who have served Pisgah ARP Church......October was Pastor Appreciation Month. Be sure to let Rick and Belinda know that they are loved and appreciated.......A good number of members and visitors enjoy the showing of the movie, God's Not Dead, here at Pisgah on October 19th. Rev. Lewis will follow up this event with a four week Bible Study during Wednesday Mid-Week......The soccer banquet will be held at Pisgah on October 25 th at 5:00 PM. A big thank-you to Robert and Beverly Baysden for all their hard work with the soccer program......Trunk or Treat will be on October 31 st. Candy donations will be needed for the event, and can be left in the box in the church office.......Anne Lewellen had her picture in the October 16th Gaston Gazette presenting three genealogical books to the Gaston County Public Library from the Major William Chronicle Chapter of the DAR......Blaire Reynolds, daughter of Erica and Chris Reynolds, and granddaughter of Peggy and Scott Jenkins, was named Homecoming Queen at Cherryville High School. Her picture was in the October 18th Gaston Gazette......Men's Fellowship Club Ladies Night event will be held on November 13th at 7:00 PM. , featuring the Spencer Mountain Quintet, of which Jack Kimbro is a member. Make plans now to attend.......Don't forget to set your clocks back on November 2 nd......The Vision Team will meet with the congregation on November 2 nd at 8:00 AM. Breakfast will be served. If you are unable to attend this meeting, there will be another meeting with the Vision Team on November 6th at 6:30 PM......Hunter Pearson was burned on the face and hands in a camp fire accident......Our newly elected elders are Bryan Gamble, Henry Oates, and Ken Howe......Susan Jenkins had surgery...... Linda and I would once again like to thank you all for your prayers during my last surgery. Just knowing that you have the prayers and support from you all goes a long ways in recovering from this difficult surgery that I had. So thankful for you all. I will face a minor day surgery in about a month but not a difficult one. Thanks again Linda and Buddy Mooneyhan Financial Report for September 2014 General Fund Receipts for the month Envelopes Honorariums & Memorials Loose Cash Received in Collection Plates Sunday School Offerings Total Contributions for month Total Disbursements for month Receipts less disbursements $ 23,275.90 601.25 141.63 108.50 $ 24,127.28 $ (29,856.60) $ (5,729.32) 2014 Annual Budget is $375,664 or $31,305.33 per month. General Fund YTD Receipts & Disbursements YTD Total Contributions YTD Disbursements YTD G/F Receipts less G/F Disbursements $ 247,435.19 (271,953.49) $ (24,518.30) Building Fund Receipts & Disbursements for month Envelopes $3,120.00 Honorariums/Memorials 200.00 Sunday School Offering (1st Sunday) 39.50 Interest received from Bank of the Ozarks/First National 0.10 Total Receipts for month $ 3,359.60 Paid on FLOC mortgage in month (4,180.88) BCIF Receipts less disbursements for month (821.88) Designated Receipts for month Bonclarken Carson Cottage Maint. Fund Cemetery Trust Fund ARP World Missions Food for Cemetery Clean Up Day Robinson Scholarship Fund Total Designated Receipts for the Month $ 745.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $ 1,145.80 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 3600 South Linwood Road Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Inc. NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gastonia, NC Permit No. 183
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