November 2014 Voice of Faith A Newsletter of Faith Presbyterian Church Volume XLXVII Issue 11 Dear Friends, Faith’s Leadership Team Tom Lovell Pastor 256-881-4983 With the trees displaying their fiery brilliance amid crisp, cool days and with the college football season moving toward those final few, but extremely important weekends on the gridiron, there can be no doubt that we are in the midst of Stewardship Season in the life of the church. ☺ Yes, along with the wonder and beauty of the changing leaves and the drama of upsets and new leaders atop the football ratings, the fall also brings with it the time when most Presbyterian churches emphasize God’s call for us to be good stewards of all that we have been given. This year, the theme of our annual stewardship emphasis is “The Privilege of Giving,” which, at first glance may seem like the pairing of two unlikely words, privilege and giving. Frank Broyles However, I think they go together quite well, especially when placed in the context of our call Minister of Church to be good stewards of all that God has given us. When I think or hear the word, privilege, I and Community 256-880-2074 usually think of some great honor or opportunity which I have been given. I consider it a great privilege to have been called to serve as your pastor. I consider it a privilege to have been elected to serve as the Moderator of North Alabama Presbytery for 2015. I also consider it a Holly H. Yeuell Director of Christian privilege to be a parent and now a grandparent. Others consider it a privilege to lead their team Education of colleagues, or to be employed in a position that protects our nation’s security, molds young 256-881-1727 minds in the classroom, researches and develops new technologies, or provides other goods or services that enhance the lives of others. To be privileged also means, as the old adage reminds William A. Hovik us, to have responsibility. To be privileged means that we have been entrusted with something Director of important, meaningful, or valuable, and that we have accepted the responsibility to use that Music Ministry which has been entrusted to us for the benefit of others. As I read that last sentence, I began to 256-881-0899 realize that it provides us a pretty good definition of what Christian stewardship is all about. Shari Williams Preschool Director 256-880-8218 Published by: Faith Presbyterian Church 5003 Whitesburg Dr. Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: 256-881-4811 Fax: 256-880-9355 Email: [email protected] Home Page: Find us on FaceBook When God created the world in all of its glory and splendor and placed the first humans in the Garden of Eden, he told them that his wondrous creation was theirs. “Be fruitful and multiply,” God told them, “and have dominion over every living thing.” The very first instruction God gave to Adam and Eve was to be stewards of all they had been given. What an honor! What an opportunity! What a privilege! What a responsibility! That honor, that opportunity, that privilege, and yes, that responsibility is ours as well as we seek to use that which God has entrusted to us for the benefit of others. As the Psalmist proclaims, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” All that we are, all that we have is ours only because of the benevolence of our gracious God. As recipients of God’s abundant grace, we have the glorious privilege of sharing that which God has given us to bear witness to the good news of Christ’s gospel through the ministry of Faith Presbyterian Church through our financial support for our church’s mission in 2015. Sunday, November 2nd is Stewardship Commitment Sunday and as we worship that morning, we will have the opportunity to exercise the privilege of giving by pledging our financial support for our church’s ministry in 2015. The congregation of Faith Presbyterian Church has been privileged to share in Christ’s ministry for 56 years, and I am confident that we will once again respond to God’s call to be good stewards this year so that, together, we may be able to further the cause of Christ in the year to come. Grace & Peace, Tom Voice of Faith—November 2014 Dear Faith Family, Dear Faith Family, I would like to thank my wonderful nephew, Philip Franklin for putting together the Faith Presbyterian ALS Walk-a-thon team; Pastor Tom and everyone else who completed the ice water challenge; and everyone who walked or contributed to the ALS Association. Since my diagnosis with ALS, my Faith Family has made me feel loved and supported in so many ways this is one more instance. I feel richly blessed, dearly loved and grateful beyond words. I thank God for all of you. We want to thank everyone for their prayers, comfort and concern during the crises following Susie's children's accident. They have both mended very well by now, have been back in school for a while, and are participating in most of their normal activities. Kaelie's bones have healed completely, and she is delighted to be free of crutches! While Seth's internal injuries will require many more months of recovery, he is doing the necessary physical therapy for his shoulder, and we are still hoping that it will not need future surgery. There are emotional scars, and these teenagers now recognize that they too are vulnerable to injury-- maybe not entirely a negative! Alice Baker 3rd November 16th It was a very bad summer for Shelton family accidents, and we all feel so blessed to have such a loving and caring church family. The McSwains and all the Sheltons thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. Praise God for his Loving Care! Baked Penne with Meatballs, Pesto Zucchini, Roasted Carrots, Salad, Garlic Toast, M&M Brownies John and Marjie McSwain Lunch will follow the 10:30 am service. To make your reservations, please contact the church office at [email protected] or 256-881-4811. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPERS November 5th: Smothered Chicken, Corn Pudding, Roasted Carrots, Salad, Rolls, Oatmeal Cream Pie Bars LUNCH AT FAITH November 12th: Cheesy Potato and Smoked Sausage Casserole, Spinach, Salad, Rolls, Cranberry Pear Cake November 19th: Pineapple Ham, Roasted Squash, Sweet Potato Fries, Biscuits, Lemon Trifle Monday, November 10th 11:30 a.m. In the Fellowship Hall To make your reservations, please contact the church office at 256-881-4811 or email [email protected]. Our speaker will be Dr. Tom Lovell who will be sharing with us about his recent trip to the Holy Land. You can also make standing reservations! Menu: Beef Brisket in Mushroom Sauce, Roasted Potatoes, Seared Asparagus, Gingerbread Cake Questions or food allergy issues, please email Rachel. Hope to see you there! 2 Voice of Faith—November 2014 MILITARY PERSONNEL UPDATE November traditionally kicks off what we think of as "the holidays", and no holiday is as beloved as Thanksgiving. At the end of this month (Thursday, November 27th), we will pause to consider and give thanks to God for the innumerable blessings He has bestowed upon us as a nation. Two of the greatest of those blessings are also highlighted individually in the month of November. On Tuesday, November 4th, we will have the opportunity to cast our votes to elect those who will lead our government. This is a blessing which is envied around the world, yet is all too often taken too lightly or ignored entirely here in this country. On Tuesday, November 11, we will again recognize the holiday created ninety-six years ago as "Armistice Day" to celebrate the end of "the war to end all wars" - World War I. Rather than being the last war, however, WWI became just the next in a continuous series of far-flung conflicts that continue to this very day. Known now as "Veterans' Day", it gives us the opportunity to stop and reflect on where we would be as a nation without the personal sacrifices of everyone who has served and is serving now in the uniform of the American armed forces. It is a thought worth pondering on Election Day, on Veterans' Day, on Thanksgiving, and, indeed, on every day of our lives. AIRMAN Tyler Torres, US Air Force, grandson of Betty and Billy Spears - Currently stationed in Incirlik, Turkey, where he serves in the data processing field. He hopes to be home on leave by Christmas. CPT Doug Reynolds, US Army, son of Rebecca and Bob Reynolds - Still serving as commander, Battalion Support Group, 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group, stationed at Ft. Carson, CO. I mistakenly listed him as a Major in last month's newsletter, but he is on the promotion list to MAJ and is expected to receive his "oak leaves" next year. MAJ Bo Reynolds, US Army, son of Rebecca and Bob Reynolds - Currently deployed for approximately the next four months. Continues to serve as commander, Headquarters Company, Special Troops Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, stationed at Ft. Benning, GA. SPEC James Campbell, US Army, son of Kerry and Jim Campbell - Has returned from duty in Cuba and is anticipating duty at Ft. McClure, WA. PFC Cameron Campbell, US Army, son of Kerry and Jim Campbell - Expects to be deploying in April or May, depending upon his training schedule. SSG Chris Lovelace, US Army, grandson of Jan Newell - Has reported to his new assignment at Ft. Bliss, TX, where he expects to serve the next 3-4 yrs. PVT Kim Lovelace, US Army, wife of Chris Lovelace - Serving alongside her husband at Ft. Bliss, TX. A1C Benjamin Satake, US Air Force, grandson of Betty Lou Grigsby - Still serving as an aircraft mechanic at Dyess-Merkel Air Force Base, TX, where he is accompanied by his wife and two children. SEAMAN Josh Fohner, US Navy, grandson of Phyllis Fohner and son of Kelly and Mike Fohner - Still in San Diego recuperating from shoulder surgery. CPT Andrew Wilson, US Army, husband of Emily Caldwell Wilson - Has returned to Ft. Carson, CO, from his deployment to Kuwait. He is accompanied in CO by his wife. SEAMAN Peter Martin, US Navy, son of Bridgett and Phillip Martin - Still serving aboard an aircraft carrier stationed in Sasebo, Japan, but is expected to be home on leave around Christmas. CPT Scott Warnke, US Army, grandson of Jeannie and Russ Davis - Assigned to Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, CA, where he is pursuing a Master's degree in Systems Engineering. His wife and son are accompanying him there. 3 Voice of Faith—November 2014 Remember our partners in ministry at Mt. Faith Presbyterian Church in South Africa Mt. Faith is a congregation of 120 members, 80% of which are over the age of 60. Under the leadership of their pastor, the Rev. Vusi Mkhungo, the congregation strives to reach out to its community in Christ’s name in a variety of ways, many of which are similar to some of our outreach ministries here in Huntsville. Mt. Faith, a leader in interdenominational efforts in their community, is involved in feeding ministries as well as in supporting projects with their local school. The church has an active Women’s ministry as well as Men’s ministry which have had some initial communication with our respective groups here at Faith, and we continue to seek ways to share the other aspects of our ministry with one another. Please keep Pastor Vusi and the congregation of Mt. Faith in your prayers. Christian Education Happenings from Holly Yeuell, Director of Christian Education ([email protected] or 256-881-1727) Faith Around Town! Congratulations to Madeline Woody for being a maid in the Grissom Homecoming Court in October! Coming soon to a Fellowship Hall near you… Advent Event! Everyone is invited to this family-friendly evening of dinner and activities to celebrate Advent on Wednesday, December 17, 5:30-7:00 pm. Our special (virtual) guest for the evening will be St. Andrew of Scotland! Details and reservation opportunities will be coming up soon in the bulletin and December newsletter. Discipleship Class of the Month The Class-With-No-Name-Yet is full of energetic conversation and Bible study every Sunday morning! This new class combines the Senior High Youth and the Curious Christians adult class. Discussions this fall include Being Presbyterian, War, and Politics from our PC(USA) youth study series. Learning is fun with this crowd! Come by the Senior High room and see for yourself! 4 Voice of Faith—November 2014 We Welcome We Welcome Gay Triplett Terri Hightower to the Faith Presbyterian family. On Sunday, September 28th, the Session received Gay into the membership of our church via a Letter of Transfer from the Cahaba Springs Presbyterian Church in Trussville, AL. Gay is a long -time Presbyterian and retired school teacher who recently moved back to Huntsville. Gay lives on Magna Carta Place and looks forward to sharing in Christ’s ministry here at Faith. as a member to our church family. On Sunday, October 19th, the Session received Terri Hightower into our church family upon her reaffirmation of her Christian faith. Terri, and her husband, Jimmy Hightower (a long-time Faith member) were married ten months ago and we rejoice that God has led her to become a part of our church family. Terri works with the Athens Police Department. What a joy it is to welcome Terri to Faith! Making connections with our neighborhood partner school, Whitesburg P-8 Teacher Appreciation Plastic Lid Recycling Project On October 1st, the staff of WP8 was treated to a colorful and delicious Save those plastic lids and caps for recycling by Operation Green Team! A collection bin is in the Narthex hallway. After-school Snack Ministry array of sweets from FPC! Thank you Sarah Curtis and Betty Lou Grigsby for sharing our appreciation with a most deserving group of teachers and support staff! We’ve received many cards of thanks from the staff reminding us that sometimes the smallest gifts mean the most! Thanks to your generous support, we now have enough snacks and drinks to take us through December! 5 Voice of Faith—November 2014 November 2014 All events are subject to change. Please complete a Facility Use Form to reserve a room. You can find the form on our website ( or at the church office. Thank you! 6 Voice of Faith—November 2014 Wondering what to give those on your Christmas gift list who have everything? Why not re-think Christmas giving and share a “Gift of Hope” this year? Faith Presbyterian supports many local, regional, and global ministries which would benefit from additional financial support. A gift to one of them in honor of your friend or family member would do wonders to further Christ’s ministry. By December 1st, our Outreach Committee will provide a list of suggested ministries as well as gift cards to send to those you honor. We invite you to join us as we “Re-think Christmas Giving.” St. Thomas Episcopal Church (12200 Bailey Cove Road SE) will host this year’s Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 23rd at 5:30 pm This year’s service will feature many religious leaders, a combined community choir, and worshippers from many area congregations. Save the date and plan on joining us! PRESCHOOL NEWS The new playground structure is here! The children have already had the chance to play on it several times, and they are so excited to explore all its facets. If you haven’t had the chance to see it yet, please stop by the Southside of the building. It can even be viewed from the parking lot. We would like to extend a great many thanks to: Tom Lovell, Bob Captain, Doug Franklin, Daven Gooden, Phillip Martin, Steve Murray, Joe McKay, Robert Perry, Billy Spears, Nick Williams, and Ethan Yeuell for all your hard work and efforts to disassemble and remove the former playground structure. This valuable growth could not have occurred without the help of so many. Preschool feels so blessed to have such a community of supporters. Preschool is bustling during this month with Fall Break, our annual Pumpkin Patch with fall festival games, a visit from Station 6 firefighters, and a costume parade. The children have also been learning about fall harvests and what they can do to show and feel God’s love. God is good! Grace and peace, Shari Williams Preschool Director 7 Voice of Faith—November 2014 WOMEN OF THE CHURCH Krista Lovell will lead the Bible study, entitled “Covenants and God’s Enduring Faithfulness, at the November meeting of Women of the Church. Based on 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6, this lesson explores the meaning of Paul’s reference to “old” and “new covenants and considers how these ideas relate to our understanding of Christian relationships with people of different faith traditions. The November meeting will be held on Tuesday November 4 at 9:30 a.m. in room 109. Refreshments, prepared by Liz Goldman and Joan Sullivan, will precede the Bible study beginning at 9 a.m. All women are invited to attend this meeting. Women of the Church meet the first Tuesday of the month, September through May. Wednesday Night Bible Study In November, we will continue our study of The Book of Acts. Our schedule will be as follows: November 5th Chapters 16-18 “Paul’s Second Missionary Journey” November 12th Chapters 19-21 “Paul’s Third Missionary Journey” November 19th Chapters 22-28 “Paul in Prison” November 26th Thanksgiving week, no gathering From The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center Marriage Ministry God has created marriage to bring much satisfaction and pleasure. The relationship is intended to bring healing and fulfillment to both people. It is intended as a basic building block of the Body of Christ where the fruits of the Spirit are manifest and multiplied. Unfortunately, we live in a county with a divorce rate of 70%. The marriage relationship can also be the greatest source of pain and destruction. Because the marital covenant is so important, The Vine offers our Marriage Ministry: PREMARITAL COUNSELING - 4-6 sessions using Prepare and Enrich. MARRIAGE INTERVENTION – 8 sessions in educational format with workbook to learn skills in the most threatening areas to marital satisfaction. MARRIAGE CHECK-UP – 2 sessions to determine the health of your marriage, identify areas of conflict and consider how the spiritual dimension of the relationship brings fulfillment. All free to members of supporting churches (except for testing and workbook materials) for as long as initial funding lasts. $50 a session after. For more information please see our website, or call The Vine office 256-270-7399. 8 Voice of Faith—November 2014 The stated session meeting was held October 12, 2014 with most members in attendance. We have embarked on an in-depth discussion on the topic of “Formatting Faith’s Future.” Dr. Lovell had previously asked the Session members to reflect on several questions, and at this meeting we shared thoughts about what drew us to the church and why we have stayed. There was a very reflective discussion with several people mentioning that they were drawn to Faith by the friendliness of people, but that most have stayed due to the relationships they have built within the membership. Concerns were expressed over the aging of our congregation, and possible financial challenges as a result. This led into some preliminary discussions about how we can improve the message of who Faith is in the community and ways we might attract others to Faith and the need to engage our own congregation in the different activities and outreach events at the church. It was noted that this might necessitate some changes, but those will be future discussions. During the course of the meeting we also examined Richard Stairhime for the office of ruling elder to fill the vacancy of Hikmat Antonios. His installation will be scheduled after he returns from a family situation. The Session will recommend to the congregation that the size of the diaconate be reduced from 18 to 15 Deacons. This recommendation will be voted upon later this year. At that time we will also elect the next class of officers for session, diaconate and trustees. All the committees are working well and Worship committee will be providing a devotional for the Advent season. There are many upcoming opportunities for service either by providing items for others or coming to assist with the Homeless Banquet or other events. If you haven’t noticed, there is new playground equipment, and always check the website for new and current information. We have welcomed two new members in the last two months, and you are always welcome at the next stated session meeting which is November 9th at 6:00 PM. STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT SUNDAY IS NOVEMBER 2nd During worship on November 2nd, you will be invited to bring your completed financial pledge card forward as a way of committing yourself and your financial support to the ministry of Christ here at Faith Presbyterian Church. FINAN¢IALLY $PEAKING INCOME/EXPENSES PLEDGES & NON-PLEDGED SEPT SEPT Y-T-D Y-T-D INCOME $42,098 $444,440 ACTUAL $39,589 $420,739 EXPENSES $47,146 $444,938 BUDGET $49,583 $446,250 $(5,048) $(498) $(9,994) $(25,511) On-line giving is through Logos Ministry Connection. To create an account, go to https:// If you need help setting up your account with Logos Ministry Connection, please contact the church office. Copies of the monthly summary of the finances of the church are available outside the church office. Margaret Morrison, Treasurer 9 Voice of Faith Inside This Issue: From the Pastor Thank You Notes 3rd Sunday Lunch Lunch at Faith Wednesday Night Suppers Military Personnel Update Mt. Faith Presbyterian in S. Africa Christian Education Happenings Welcome New Members Whitesburg P-8 November 2014 Calendar Community Thanksgiving Service Gifts of Hope Preschool News Women of the Church Wednesday Night Bible Study The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center Session Synopsis Stewardship Commitment Sunday Financially Speaking 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 332 Huntsville, AL Faith Presbyterian Church 5003 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35802 Return Service Requested Worship Attendance 8:30 10:30 55 108 51 112 53 101 48 118 October 5th October 12th October 19th October 26th December 2014 Newsletter Deadline is Tuesday, November 18th Please e-mail your article to [email protected] or place in the newsletter box by the church office door. Worship Themes for November Don’t forget… Set your clocks back on Sunday, November 2nd The Church Office will be closed Tuesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day and Wednesday, November 26th thru Friday, November 28th for the Thanksgiving Holiday November 2nd Stewardship Commitment Sunday “The Miracle of Shared Resources” Mark 6:30-44 November 9th “Some Basic Questions” Joshua 24:14-25; Mark 8:27-35 November 16th “Left Behind?” I Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:1-11 November 23rd Rev. Patrick Laney, Guest Preacher November 30th First Sunday of Advent “C’mon Down” Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37 November Birthdays 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 6th 7th 8th 9th 9th 10th 13th Collin Jones (13) Gary Backer Marilyn McGhee Jack Chapman Madeline Woody (17) James West Tom Jarvinen Betty Lou Grigsby Betty Duncan Ken Whitener Dot Barnes Marshall Crouch 13th 13th 14th 14th 15th 16th 17th 17th 18th 19th 20th 22nd Betty Spears Libbie McElhaney Dineen Peter Martin Jack Chapman III (6) Brenda Holmes Lindsey Franklin George Edlin Stan Cowan Pat Bartman Emmy Whitener (10) Ephraim Cobb (7) Ken Weihs 10 23rd 24th 24th 25th 27th 27th 29th 29th 30th 30th Fred Stucky Owen Hofer Josh Goldman Marjie McSwain John Scoble Rhett Woody Richard Buckshaw Krista Lovell Katie Van Peursem Beth Dinges
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