10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 Day 1 – Tuesday, November 11, 2014 09:00 REGISTRATION & BADGE COLLECTION Venue: Foyer @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 1) 09:00 QS HUB EXHIBITION Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) WELCOME SESSION Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) Welcome Remarks and Introduction Prof Nigel Healey, Chair of the QS-APPLE International Academic Advisory Committee, Pro Vice Chancellor (International), Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom 10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Address Prof Flora Chia-I Chang, President of FICHET and President of Tamkang University, Taiwan Title: The Future of Higher Education from a Taiwan Perspective FICHET Token of Appreciation 11:00 – 11:30 MORNING COFFEE BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) TRACK 1: INTERNATIONALIZING THE STUDENT BODY: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT, SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE SESSION 1.1 UniMAP room (TICC, Level 2) 11:30 – 13:00 TRACK 2: INTERNATIONALIZING THE CURRICULUM: EDUCATING GLOBAL CITIZENS SESSION 2.1 China Medical University room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 3: BUILDING WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITIES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC: STRATEGIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION 3.1 Asia University room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 4: TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS SESSION 4.1 Chung-Ang University room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 5: THE GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION MARKET: TRENDS, POLICIES AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS SESSION 5.1 UAEU room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Trends of international mobility and academic collaboration Theme: Country case studies Theme: Accreditation and academic excellence Theme: International partnership Theme: Global policies and trends Session Chair: Sang-Yoo Kim Session Chair: Sheng-Tung Huang Session Chair: Jun-Hyun Hong Session Chair: Mohd Ismail Bin Abd Aziz Session Chair: Andrea K. Iskandar Growing importance and impact of international mobility & strategic partnerships Bridging the gap between higher education, labor market imperatives, and government policy Establishing a better health care System: The education of health care administration in Taiwan Gerhard Apfelthaler / Vlad Vaiman / Harry Domicone California Lutheran University, United States Nai-Wen Kuo Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Finnish experience of school safety: a challenge for teacher education? Achieving excellence through accreditation - a global perspective International research partnerships in Malaysian ‘Research Universities’ Higher education in Singapore: developments, trends and implications Brita Somerkoski University of Turku, Finland Sasmita Rani Samanta KIIT University, India Awg Bulgiba Awg Mahmud University of Malaya, Malaysia Kwong-Lok Chan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Internationalization of the curriculum: the need for internationalization and the challenges faced by higher education institutions in Malaysia Towards ‘world class university’ through international accreditation and standards Growing and embedding global connections: the University of Kent experience Dubai International Academic City as a higher education free zone role model: from Dubai to Seoul Nunzio Quacquarelli, QS, United Kingdom Trends of academic collaboration between Korean and Taiwanese higher education, and agenda for the future K.T. Hwang Dongguk University, Korea Pursuing scientific excellence: the internationalization of research and innovation Tony Mayer / Khin-Yong Lam Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Higher education and the politics of capacity building: ASEAN and EU cases compared Christopher Hill University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia Jonathan Winterton Toulouse Business School, France Kunliang Chuang Feng Chia University, Taiwan Challenges and successes in the internationalization of the University of the Philippines’ student body Rhodora V. Azanza University of the Philippines, Philippines 13:00 – 14:00 Fauza Ab Ghaffar University of Malaya, Malaysia Habib M. Fardoun / Abdulfattah S. Mashat, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Technology enabled curriculum in pursuit of global workforce development Implementation of the systemic academic excellence towards a ‘world-class university’ Hamad Odahabi / Nadeem Khan Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates Anas Miftah Fauzi Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia Roger Vickerman / Alex Hughes University of Kent, United Kingdom A global classroom for international environmental and occupational health David Koh Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam LUNCH BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) Ayoub Kazim Dubai International Academic City, United Arab Emirates Development of Higher Education in Kazakhstan: Trends, Policies and Initatives Zhassulan Shaimardanov Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan 10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 14:00 – 15:30 TRACK 1: INTERNATIONALIZING THE STUDENT BODY: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT, SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE SESSION 1.2 UniMAP room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 2: INTERNATIONALIZING THE CURRICULUM: EDUCATING GLOBAL CITIZENS SESSION 2.2 China Medical University room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 3: BUILDING WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITIES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC: STRATEGIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION 3.2 Asia University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Enhancing support for internationalization Theme: Technology based curriculum Theme: Strategies for research excellence Session Chair: Kriengkrai Boonlert-U-Thai Session Chair: Sheng-Tung Huang Session Chair: Liang-Yo Yang Recruiting and supporting international exchange students from an International Office’s perspective Abby Tan Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Counseling and pastoral care of international students Samuel Donkor / Carlene Kyeremeh All Nations University College, Ghana Technology based curriculum delivery in tertiary education to build global citizens Krishna Sistla Oracle Corporation, Singapore Integration with leading research centers in the region as a key factor in creating a ‘world-class university’ Sergey Ivanets / Tatiana Leonova Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Russia Opportunities and challenges of open educational resources: perspectives from National Taiwan Normal University Evolution of institutional research strengths: bibliometric appraisal and strategic use Chao-Chen Chen National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Pitambar Gautam Hokkaido University, Japan TRACK 4: TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS SESSION 4.2 Chung-Ang University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Case studies in International transnational education Session Chair: Shameem Galea Internationalization and international accreditation Assylbek Kozhakhmetov Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan Whither transnational education in Hong Kong? Fowie Ng The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong TRACK 5: THE GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION MARKET: TRENDS, POLICIES AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS SESSION 5.2 UAEU room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Developments in student learning Session Chair: Andrea K. Iskandar Financial supporting system for the poor university students in mainland China Zhang Yanling Suzhou University, China Mid-course evaluation survey as a continuous quality improvement tool for monitoring course improvements at higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia Ahmed Al Kuwaiti, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia Micro-genesis of intercultural competency through macrogenesis of internationalization initiatives in a Japanese private university Keiko Ikeda Kansai University, Japan National Chiao Tung University’s e-Learning platforms Sheau-Ling Hsieh National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Michael Khor Nanyang Technological University, Singapore From campus to careercompetency improvement by simulation-based education Che-Wei, Lin Taipei Medical University, Taiwan 15:30 – 16:00 Identifying research metrics for measuring research performance of universities in the Asia-Pacific Internationalizing university curriculum through transnational and internationally accredited programs Mohd. Fauzi Ramlan Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Russian universities: From education to science on example Novosibirsk State University (NSU) International Partnership toward the Global Recognition: Case of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Aleksey G. Okunev Novosibirsk State University, Russia Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan Students' perceptions and usage of social media networking systems Michael Cant University of South Africa South Africa AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) OPENING PLENARY Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) 16:00 – 17:30 Performance Dragon dance performing team Opening Remarks and Introduction Keynote Address QS ceremonies Master of Ceremony Taipei Medical University (TMU) Prof. Yun Yen, MD, PhD, FACP President, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan QS‐APPLE Creative Awards Presentation Ceremony Welcome Address Prof. Yun Yen, MD, PhD, FACP President, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Title: Strategies for Advancing Academic and Research Excellence of Taiwan Universities Dr Ali Al Noami Vice Chancellor, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates Dr. Lucia S. Lin Deputy Minister of Education, Taiwan Ms Mandy Mok CEO, QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds, Singapore Dr. Wen-Ta Chiu Former Minister of Health and Welfare, Taiwan 10th Anniversary celebration Ms Mandy Mok CEO, QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds, Singapore Mr Nunzio Quacquarelli Managing Director, Quacquarelli Symonds, United Kingdom 17:30 – 21:00 21:00 NETWORKING DINNER Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) END OF DAY 1 10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 Day 2 - Wednesday, November 12, 2014 08:30 REGISTRATION & BADGE COLLECTION Venue: Foyer @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 1) 08:30 QS HUB EXHIBITION Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) PLENARY SESSION Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) 09:00 – 10:00 Prof Hai-Sui Yu, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) jointly with Prof Sir David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (UK-China-Malaysia) Title: Building a Global University: A University of Nottingham Perspective QS2 DEBATE Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) “Universities should only produce graduates that employers want” Chair: Dr Kevin Downing, City University of Hong Kong 10:00 – 11:00 Proposers: Dr Alison Lloyd, Associate Dean, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mr Michael Fung, Director of Planning and Institutional Research, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Opposers: The motion will be opposed by Ms Ailsa Lamont, Pro Vice-Chancellor International at Central Queensland University (CQU) Mr John O’Leary, Former education editor at The Times, former editor of Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), author of the Times Good University Guide, UK, and member of the executive board of the QS World University Rankings United Kingdom 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 13:00 MORNING COFFEE BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) TRACK 1: INTERNATIONALIZING THE STUDENT BODY: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT, SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE SESSION 1.3 UniMAP room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: International student recruitment and marketing strategies Session Chair: Makoto Nagasawa TRACK 2: INTERNATIONALIZING THE CURRICULUM: EDUCATING GLOBAL CITIZENS TRACK 4: TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS SESSION 2.3 China Medical University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Internationalize the curriculum Session Chair: Neil Anderson TRACK 3: BUILDING WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITIES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC: STRATEGIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION 3.3 Asia University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: University assessment and rankings Session Chair: Jun-Hyun Hong Marketing and recruiting international students to young universities: the Eurasian National University experience Internationalizing the liberal arts curriculum: the ‘Global Course Connections’ initiative Aligning strategy with rankings without selling your institutional soul Outcome of double degree system in Keio University during decades and future prospects James Pounder Lingnan Unversity, Hong Kong Kevin Downing City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Internationalizing the student body in higher education using the U.S. independent boarding school model Harnessing learning outcomes - embedding a global outlook across the curriculum? Establishing university ranking Indicators for the field of music Randy Bertin Besant Hill School, United States David Killick Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom Looking beyond school visits in international student recruitment – a case study of a service-oriented approach at NUS Internationalizing the curriculum: master program in global health and development at Taipei Medical University Rajaram Ramasubban National University of Singapore, Singapore Jane Chao Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Globalizing your campus and your students: partnerships and preparations for international exchanges Internationalization of curriculum and courses at Voronezh State University Karmelyuk Anastassiya L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan Christina Chandler EducationUSA, China 13:00 – 14:00 Dmitrii Endovitskii / Tatiana Davydenko Voronezh State University Russia Hsiao-Fen Chen National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan SESSION 4.3 Chung-Ang University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: International partnership Session Chair: Bernardine Wong Shinnosuke Obi Keio University, Japan Creating effective international education partnerships: a learnercentered perspective Yin-Leng Theng Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Benchmarking – so much more than just satisfying an accreditation standard Focus towards the transnational partnership in managing distance learning Ali Al Noaimi United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates Mikhail Ivanov Bauman Moscow State Technical University Russia The effect of Qatar's emerging leading role on the international scene on university partnerships Cesar Wazen Qatar University, Qatar LUNCH BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) TRACK 5: THE GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION MARKET: TRENDS, POLICIES AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS SESSION 5.3 UAEU room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Student mobility Session Chair: Nigel Healey Internationalization of education: prospects of student flows Dmitrii Endovitskii Voronezh State University (VSU), Russia Globalization, student mobility and participation in higher education Margaret Hyland University of Western Sydney, Australia Asian students : a changing phenomenon Edwin Tay easyuni.com Malaysia Aligning to the Standards of European Higher Education: International Accreditation of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Yerlan Turgenbayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan 10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 14:00 – 15:30 TRACK 1: INTERNATIONALIZING THE STUDENT BODY: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT, SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE SESSION 1.4 UniMAP room (TICC, Level 2) TRACK 2: INTERNATIONALIZING THE CURRICULUM: EDUCATING GLOBAL CITIZENS SESSION 2.4 China Medical University room (TICC, Level 2) Panel discussion Theme: Global employability Session Chair: Nigel Healey Session Chair: Norhanom Bt Abdul Wahab The value of student mobility and exchange: new research, new directions Sean Matthews / Kohila Palani Samy University of Nottingham, Malaysia Mohd Azemi Mohd Noor / Afiza Mohamad Ali Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Vanaja Nethi Nova Southeastern University, United States Guy Perring i-Graduate, Malaysia Relevancy of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for the global labor Market Internationalization versus local cultural relevancy John Davies Mahasarakham University, Thailand Critical success factors for educating employable global citizens Joanne Ives / Terry Dray Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom TRACK 3: BUILDING WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITIES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC: STRATEGIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION 3.4 Asia University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Strategies for building World-class universities Session Chair: Kevin Downing TRACK 4: TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Higher education for academic capacity building using NorthSouth-South co-operation Enhancing global collaboration through continuing discovery of value beyond expectations Banchong Mahaisavariya Mahidol University, Thailand SASL: Integrating study abroad and service learning for transnational education Hillol Nag QS London, United Kingdom Iping Liang National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan ‘Curability-weakness’ diagram to prioritize the university management issues Euiho Suh POSTECH, Korea New directions in International higher education Stephen Chan The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong The formation and implementation of a new University Strategy in line with nations’s New Vision and policies Gisela Concepcion/ Lourdes Portus University of the Philippines, Philippines 16:00 – 17:00 Ye-Fan Wang, Galvin Case Western Reserve University and Taipei Medical University United States Competition among Asian universities: for league tables or for excellence? University of the Philippines' general education program in expert English for ASEAN students 15:30 – 16:00 SESSION 4.4 Chung-Ang University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: New directions in international higher education Session Chair: Shameem Galea Rubiah Yacub Universiti Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam TRACK 5: THE GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION MARKET: TRENDS, POLICIES AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS SESSION 5.4 UAEU room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Regional initiatives Session Chair: Kingsley Bolton The Malaysian ‘education hub’ aspiration - moving forward Mohd Ismail Abd Aziz / Doria Abdullah Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Charting new directions in higher education through transformation: a Case Study of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Jarina Mohd Jani / Ibrahim Komoo Fauziah Abu Hasan / Mohd Nazli Mohd Nor / Zailani Abdullah Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia Real obstacles to globalizing Japanese business schools Hiroshi Yutani Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan Creating our future: a strategic plan for King Khalid University Merzin Alshahrani King Khalid University Saudi Arabia AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) PLENARY SESSION Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) Mrs Winnie Eley, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International & Advancement), University of Newcastle, Australia Title: Advancing Student Mobility: Australia’s New Colombo Plan 17:00 END OF DAY 2 10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 Day 3 - Thursday, November 13, 2014 08:30 REGISTRATION & BADGE COLLECTION Venue: Foyer @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 1) 08:30 QS HUB EXHIBITION Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) 09:00 – 10:30 TRACK 1: INTERNATIONALIZING THE STUDENT BODY: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT, SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE SESSION 1.5 UniMAP room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Case studies of international student recruitment Session Chair: Choon-Hyun Kim TRACK 2: INTERNATIONALIZING THE CURRICULUM: EDUCATING GLOBAL CITIZENS National research university brand as a competitive advantage “Should I work on this side of the ocean, should I work over the sea?" - developing skills for Australian and global careers Alexander Deev South Ural State University, Russia International Student Recruitment at the University of Malaya: A Public University Initiatives Rozitah Md Amin University of Malaya Malaysia Branding for the higher education sector: creating a university brand with true international resonance Vicky Chadderton Nottingham Trent University, Taiwan office, Taiwan SESSION 2.5 China Medical University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Broad international curriculum Session Chair: Winnie Eley Agnes Banyasz The University of Melbourne, Australia TRACK 3: BUILDING WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITIES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC: STRATEGIES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION 3.5 Asia University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: Quality assurance for higher education Session Chair: Liang-Yo Yang TRACK 4: TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS The dynamics of a metropolitan ‘eco’ campus: the case of Taipei Tech Initiatives in developing an international curriculum: The UPOU experience Ian, Mai-Chi Lok / Sheng-Tung, Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan Melinda Lumanta / Alvie Simonette Alip University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines Successful experience of Implementing quality assurance in Qassim University (QU) Abdul Rahim Hj Hashim Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia Sulaiman Alyahya Qassim University, Saudi Arabia The internationalization of German engineering programs Sharing our experience of achieving IMIA accreditation of biomedical informatics programs The Recruitment Demand Generation model for higher education marketing practitioners Chien-Tsai Liu Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Quality assurance in Malaysia higher education: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia experience Abdul Samad Ismail Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Soumik Ganguly PaGaLGuY.com, India 10:30 – 11:00 Theme: Rankings and beyond Session Chair: Kingsley Bolton Future rankings: new concepts and methods for ranking university's social and economic impact Pieter Stek QS Asia, Singapore Han Woo Park Yeungnam University, Korea Student internship programs in molding graduates’ wellroundedness Markus Waechter Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Asia Campus, Singapore SESSION 4.5 Chung-Ang University room (TICC, Level 2) Theme: New directions in international higher education Session Chair: Mohd Ismail Bin Abd Aziz TRACK 5: THE GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION MARKET: TRENDS, POLICIES AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS SESSION 5.5 UAEU room (TICC, Level 2) How to preserve the world's boutique universities? Mauritus van Rooijen Global University Systems, United Kingdom Enhancing international admissions stature through international academicindustrial cooperation and incubation Strategic planning and the analysis of university rankings in Osaka University Shota Fujii, Osaka University, Japan The state of humanities in the Middle East Ahmad Dallal American University of Beirut, Lebanon Shia-Chung Chen Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan Teledermatology (TD) service through smart phones in the resource-poor settings at the rural clinics of Mongolia Debates on the impact of existence/non-existence of medical school on global university ranking: Korean case Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Han-Soo Kim Sejong University, Korea MORNING COFFEE BREAK Venue: QS Hub @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) CLOSING PLENARY Venue: TMU Auditorium @ Taipei International Convention Centre (Level 3) 11:00 – 12:30 Master of Ceremony Taipei Medical University (TMU) Closing remarks Prof. Nigel Healey Chair of the QS-APPLE International Academic Advisory Committee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom Keynote Address Prof Way Kuo President, City University of Hong Kong Prof. Hung-Yi Chiou Vice President, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Title: Strategic University Positioning Ms Mandy Mok CEO, QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds, Singapore QS Scholarships Awards Ms Mandy Mok CEO, QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds, Singapore QS Stars Certification Presentation Ms Mandy Mok CEO, QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds, Singapore Announcement of 11th QS-APPLE Conference 2015 in Melbourne, Australia Representative from RMIT Announcement of QS-APPLE 2 Conference 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Performance Martial Arts Performance and Drum Performance 12:30 14:00 – 14:30 Closing lunch Shuttle bus transfer (From Taipei International Convention Centre (TICC) lobby to Taipei Medical University Campus) 10th QS-APPLE 2014 – Program Schedule 11/7/2014 14:30 – 16:00 Rankosium workshop @ Taipei Medical University Campus (Pre-registration required at registration counter) Taipei Medical University Campus Tour 16:00 (Registration closed) Or Shuttle bus transfer back to official appointed hotels 17:00 END OF EVENT
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