ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 1 NETWORK NEWS ST. ANDREW’S November—December 2014 Jay’s Say All Saints’ Day is 1st November, but The Episcopal Church considers this celebration so important that it can be moved to the closest Sunday. I love it when All Saints’ Sunday falls on 2nd November, as it does this year, because in our church calendar 2nd November is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day). Our morning Eucharists glorify the heroes of the faith along with the countless number of saints whose names have been forgotten. In the evening (6 PM) we gather for a poignant service to remember our own loved ones who died. As it happens, this year the clocks go back on All Saints’ Sunday/All Souls’ Day. But don’t despair when darkness falls at 5 PM on 2nd November. In church at 6 o’clock we’ll bring hope into the gloom. Amidst failing light and falling leaves, we give thanks for those who have brought the light of love into our lives and into our world. All Saints’ Sunday is the turning point from the green season following Pentecost to the darker mood of November at the end of the Christian Year. Veterans’ Day and the natural feeling of fall have a certain solemnity and sadness about them. Inside this issue: But at the Episcopal Church of Saint Andrew, the liturgical year ends on Register, Birthdays & Announcements 2 a high note. On Sunday, 23rd November we celebrate Saint Andrew. A Sunday School bagpiper leads us into worship, and the Rev’d Sally Hague preaches on 3 her last Sunday at Saint Andrew’s. It’s been great having Sally with us during my first year at Saint Andrew’s, but she now lives in Lebanon. Wardens’ Message & Outreach 4-5 Saint Thomas’ Church in Hanover will be the richer for having this Calendar & Music News Meet Deacon Intern Johanna Young Evensong wonderful, wise woman of God in their midst. 6-7 On Sunday, 30th November, the great cycle of the Christian Year begins 8 anew on Advent Sunday. In Advent, the mood is one of waiting. We long 9 for the coming of Christ; we yearn for God’s presence. Western Convocation & Announcements 10-11 Parish Directory 12 God may come amid awesome signs in great glory. But God may come quietly, not in power, but in grace. Enter into the mood of Advent, and God will come to you at Christmas. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS From the Parish Register PAGE 2 Parish Birthdays Funerals September 6 David Webster October 6 Alexander LeClair A NEW WAY TO CONTRIBUTE Christmas Nativity Set To make this year’s celebration of Christmastide more visual and familyfriendly, Jay and the Altar Guild would like to feature a Nativity set in front of the altar. The St. Andrew’s family has always contributed generously to the flowers at Christmas and Easter. These are given in memory of a loved one or in gratitude for family and friends. Would you consider contributing to the purchase of the Nativity set? The choice is yours. When you give Shelly your check, please indicate “Flowers” or “Nativity.” As always, your gift will be acknowledged. — Jeanne Edwards Don Boxwell Wendy Sloan Gene Venable Beth Krajewski John MacLeod Heidi Beckwith Pat Hall Donald Ca&no Pam Morland Yvonne Kun Clare Benne, Allen Ivey Sam Kelly Karen Shepherd Jim Ransom Joanne Schuyler Joan Fellows Colby Beck Nancy Draper Chris Major 3 3 3 4 5 8 9 11 13 14 16 19 19 22 23 23 24 27 27 29 Charlton Reynders Jack Hambley Dudley Alleman P. K. Brigham Elizabeth Kelle, Carolyn Lockhart Marni Eaton Leni Gillespie JoAnn Hicks Tracy Dickson Ben Greenbaum Bethany Greenbaum Nancy MacLeod Emory Sanders Barry Reardon Michael Salo Charlie Tirrell Alice Perry Emelia Po,er Rob Carroll Greg Berger Patricia Harris Judy Ackroyd David Spina Carol Jordan Cynthia Marshall 1 2 3 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 11 1 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 25 26 28 Possible Thursday Healing Service Time Change Interfaith Service on Thanksgiving Morning Join us at 9 AM on Thursday, 27 November for an interfaith service in observance of Thanksgiving Day. On Thursday mornings at 9 o'clock we celebrate a Eucharist of Healing, and people may receive the laying on of hand and anointing for healing. We are considering moving this service from 9 AM to 12 noon beginning 4 December, the first Thursday in Advent. We hope that the later time may allow more people to attend. We gather every weekday to pray at noon, and on Thursdays the Healing Eucharist would replace Midday Prayer. Please let the Rector or any member of the Worship Committee (Anne Hall, David Almond, Rosie Best, Jeanne Edwards, Marni Eaton, Joanne Schuyler) know what you think about the proposed change. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 3 Sunday School The Sunday school year began with an overflow crowd of children. In these first few weeks, it has been wonderful to see so many responding enthusiastically to the Bible accounts of the wonders of creation, God’s provision for Adam and Eve (and all of us), even when we stray from His will, and God’s grace for Noah and his family and all future generations. Another gift to all of us this year is Nicole Densmore’s choral work with the children, which takes the place of the Holy Moly! curriculum on the final Sunday of each month. The results of their time together have been wonderful: shared in all-age worship on the first Sunday of the month when the children lead the congregation in song. Many thanks to Nicole for her gifted teaching. We are still in need of Sunday School teachers and, particularly, helpers. We hope that more will participate in this very enjoyable and gratifying experience. — Ellen Yenawine The New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ is sponsoring a half-day session on ways to lower utility bills, decrease use of fossil fuels and the contribution they make to global warming, and offering information about solar energy at Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light’s Sustainable House of Worship (SHOW) workshop. Doors open at 8:30 AM and the program starts at 9 AM. For more information or to register for the November 1 workshop at South Congregational Church, 27 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH go to An optional brown bag discussion will be held from 12:30 to 1:30. For the November 15 workshop at Plymouth Congregational Church, 4 Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH go to The fee to attend is $10 per person, payable at the door by cash or check. Light refreshments are included. Checks made out to NHCUCC. Members of all faiths who share a commitment to caring for creation are welcome. Questions: call Al and Mary Krygeris, 603-495-3116 The Craft Group — The leaves have changed color and are falling. the temps are dropping, and the Crafty Critters are hard at work making ready for the St. Nicholas Fair. We are meeting every Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 AM to work on craft items, share stories, check up on each other and enjoy coffee, tea and great refreshments. Please come by and see what is happening--a couple of folks have done so and we now see them about every week. St. Nicholas Fair will be held Saturday, 6 December from 9 AM to 2 PM in the church parish hall. Enjoy purchasing homemade food items at the baked goods table and doing Christmas shopping at the craft table for items hand-crafted by our parishioners. Vermont cheese will be available for purchase as well as interesting, seasonal items on the Santa’s treasures table. Activities for youngsters include building gingerbread houses and assembling wooden items in Santa’s workshop. A delicious luncheon menu will be served by volunteers and we can expect a visit from the esteemed St. Nick himself, with an opportunity to have your picture taken with the jolly old elf. Gift requests written on stars will be found on the Giving Tree for parishioners to purchase. These gifts will later be distributed by the VNA to those in need. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 4 The Wardens’ Words As we write this, the blaze of colors on the hills is beginning to diminish, with chilly winds reminding us that winter may visit us at any moment now. But no matter the season, New Hampshire is the swirl of seasons! We hope you’ve marked your calendars for all the exciting upcoming events—both special services and social events. They are summarized in each Sunday’s bulletin and in this newsletter. And please plan to visit the ministry fair after each service on November 2 to learn about the many activities you might like to join or help with. In this issue of Wardens’ Words we focus on your vestry—who we are and how we go about our business. The vestry consists of three classes (e.g., Class of ’15) of three people each, plus two wardens and a treasurer. One of the vestry people serves as clerk (read “recording secretary.”) You will find a vestry list with term expirations on the last page of this newsletter. Please know also that our nametags are orange and to help you identify us, our photos are posted on a bulletin board in the parish hall. One of us reads the announcements each week, and we are always available to answer your questions or listen to your comments or concerns. Our email addresses and phone numbers can be found in the directory and on the church website. Our meetings are usually, though not always, held on the third Monday of each month at 5PM. This is an open meeting; you are always welcome to come and listen. Most of our work revolves around the business of running the church—planning and approving the budget (with the help of the finance committee), approving the larger expenditures, and keeping informed about upcoming events, special concerns and diocesan affairs. As wardens, we (Becky and Richard) try to be aware of what is going on, ensure that everyone feels welcome, and that Jay has the support he needs. It is important that we find time to reflect on the health of the parish and where we are headed. Early in October, we engaged in a “Mutual Ministry Review”—an annual exercise to assess the well-being of the parish. It was led by Canon Hannah Anderson from the diocese and involved the entire vestry and Jay. In preparation, some of you were asked to answer a series of questions about what you found welcoming and what not so much so. We will continue to ask those and similar questions. We want to hear from you! In general, the review concluded that our parish is healthy and growing but there are areas we should work on. Our next step will be to work on developing a vision of our mission—why we are here—and to set some goals for St. Andrew’s. Please feel free to chat with us any time! Blessings! — Becky Rylander and Richard Haines ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 5 Outreach Corner Kearsarge Regional Ecumenical Ministries, commonly known as KREM, is now in its thirteenth year of existence. Founded in May, 2001 to reach out to those in the Kearsarge region with emergency financial needs such as an overpowering electric bill or needed service for an old, malfunctioning car, this volunteer organization also offers a comprehensive list of referrals to ensure its clients are aware of food and clothing resources in the vicinity. KREM is almost entirely funded by donations from churches and individuals in the New London area, from local organizations, and from occasional grants from the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire. This money is the foundation for the ongoing work of KREM’s board members, each of whom works with clients for a period of two weeks at a time every three to four months. Anyone wishing to become a board member may attend a board meeting to meet the members and to become familiar with required procedures. KREM is extremely grateful for the support it receives! This support has made a great difference in the lives of hundreds of individuals over the years. – Wendy Sloan St. Andrew’s Thrift Shop continues to thrive, thanks to the many volunteers who man the shop, the customers who buy our merchandise and also to those who donate items. The shop is open yearround, Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM, staffed completely by volunteers. The proceeds are donated back to the church as well as to many outreach organizations in the area. I want to mention a couple of wonderful times in the thrift shop lately. First, it was such a delight to have Sally’s Mum, Winnie, come by to revamp her wardrobe before she returned to England. She gets great pleasure out of showing off her new clothes to her English friends and telling them where she bought them. Another was the visit of a Colby-Sawyer College freshman from Vietnam. She asked for help finding things, and then she called her mother in Vietnam using FaceTime to show her everything she was considering buying. I even got to say hello to her mom. She left the shop outfitted for rain and snow to be sure. I tell you about such instances because I want you all to know that it’s fun volunteering two hours a week not only to help the Thrift Shop, but also to have a chance to meet and help interesting folks. We need a regular volunteer who could work Saturdays from 10 to 12. If this is something you could do, please contact Jackie Thompson. — Jackie Thompson Our next visit to Friendly Kitchen is Friday, Nov. 28, the day AFTER Thanksgiving. We will try to serve a meal that is prepared in their kitchen, hoping to give our cooks a rest. Watch for the sign up sheet early in the month to see how you can help. Many thanks to all who helped prepare and serve the September meal. — Judy Ackroyd Help Re-Stock the KLS Community Food Pantry November: Cereal December: Hearty soups/stews & pasta sauce Paper towels, toilet paper, coffee (regular and decaf) and peanut butter are always welcome. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 6 Calendar of Events November: 2 (Sunday) - All Saints’ Sunday with Ministry Fair after both services and 6 PM Service of Light in Commemoration of the Faithful Departed 9 (Sunday) - We welcome the return of Josh Thomas (currently Executive Director of Kids4Peace) 16 (Sunday) - Ingathering of stewardship pledges 21 (Friday) - Stewardship celebration with Evensong at 6 PM with potluck supper following (p. 9) 23 (Sunday) - Festival of Saint Andrew with Sally Hague preaching on her last Sunday with us 27 (Thursday) - Interfaith Service at 9 AM Thanksgiving Day 28 (Friday) - Friendly Kitchen (see p. 5) 30 (Sunday) - Bishop Rob preaches and presides on the first Sunday of Advent December: 6 (Saturday) - St. Nicholas Fair (see p. 3) Advent and Christmas activities and services TBA First Sundays 10 AM All-Age Worship Monday to Friday 12 Noon Midday Prayer ▼ Mondays 6 PM Meditation Tuesdays Craft Group 9:30 AM (through 2 December, resumes in February) Thursdays 6 PM Reading the Score (see below) ▼ 7 PM Parish Choir Music Reading Clinic Recently a number of people have shown an interest in learning to read music. Like many skills, music reading is best developed “in the doing.” To meet this need, our Director of Music, David Almond, will host a series of weekly “classes” to develop note-reading skills. These sessions will be tailored to the needs of the class. Anyone interested in increasing their ability to read musical notation is encouraged to join us. Inexperienced and experienced alike, young and old, we can all learn from each other and find new approaches to reading music. Every page of our hymnal offers inspiring opportunities for adventures in music. Beginning 6 November, please join us at 6 PM each Thursday in the Choir Room for Reading the Score. Notice that these sessions are followed with parish choir rehearsal at 7-8:30. You may wish to stay and sing in the choir. You are most welcome to join us. [Please note that Reading the Score and rehearsal will be on Tuesday 25 November, during the week of Thanksgiving.] ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 7 Voices in Counterpoint Ascribe unto the Lord worship and strength. Give the Lord the honour due unto his Name; worship the Lord with holy worship. (Psalm 29:1b-2; tr. Myles Coverdale) This morning I pulled my copy of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary down from the shelf and read again the definition of the word worship. The first definition gave me the focus I was seeking: “The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity: the worship of God . . .” The psalmist and the OED agree on what we do when we gather as a community to celebrate the Presence of God among us. In the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs we rehearse our unity with this God and with each other. Each of us comes from our particular place with our particular blessings and burdens to worship. We welcome others, and together with them we are gathered into the great congregation, the Communion of Saints. We sing with united voice the praises of the living God: the God who has created us, has redeemed us, and welcomes us into God’s eternal union. In her book, A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World, author Marva Dawn writes: “Worship that is filled with splendor, in contrast, will greatly stimulate the imagination – with symbols and other works of art, with a wide variety of musical sounds, with texts and preaching full of images and thought-provoking challenges, with silences that give inspiration free reign.” When we sing and pray, we do so with fervor. When we listen to readings and preaching, we do so with rapt attention. And then in the wonderful silence we experience and savor the God’s presence in, with, and among us. This is our worship. Peace, david Editor’s Note: lower case signature is deliberate The Blessing of the Animals was held in the Parish Hall on 4 October due to inclement weather outside. More than 20 people came with dogs of all sizes and shapes. There was some excitement at first with a good deal of sniffing and rapidly-wagging tails, but then all settled down in a circle and remained peaceful and fairly quiet while Jay went to each owner and offered a blessing for his or her pet. Two women wisely brought photos of their cats. Everyone left with a dog cookie and/or a smile. Thanks to everyone who helped, especially Shelly Boucher, Becky Rylander and Rosie Best. — Wendy Sloan ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 8 Meet Johanna Young—Parish Deacon Intern By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity. --prayer of the deacon on pouring water into wine, Deacon Oronde Plater, Diocese of Louisiana Over the last year, I have frequently been asked about the role of a deacon in the Episcopal church. In the handbook on the diaconate process we read: “The Book of Common Prayer provides roles for deacons within liturgies and defines the responsibility of deacons in serving others in the name of Christ and in leading and training lay people in such service. Many deacons define their true ministry as being outside the four walls of the church itself, at the ragged edges of society and our comfort zones.” (Diocesan Program for Diaconal Formation, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts). Take a look sometime when you are sitting in the pew waiting for the service and check out the rubrics (directions in italics) for the offices and services to see where you find the word deacon. Every priest is a deacon for at least six months before ordination as a priest. That means that Jay was first ordained as a deacon as was Bishop Rob. . . . Many priests and bishops embrace this important expression of their vocation and live it out in a variety of ways, alongside their vocation as priest. A deacon is not less than, not helper, not merely assistant. A deacon serves at the pleasure of the Bishop and reports directly to the Bishop, not to a vestry. She or he serves as a bridge between the church and the world. The deacon prepares the table, proclaims the Gospel and invites the congregation to venture outside church walls to “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” I am one of four deacons in formation in the Diocese of New Hampshire. Our formation program takes place at the convent of the Order of St. Anne – Bethany (OSA) in Arlington, Massachusetts. We meet once a month from September through June where we join 14 other deacons in formation from the dioceses of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The weekend includes academic instruction, worship and community-building. We postulants at the deacon formation school come from a variety of backgrounds: seminary students and retired nurses; some work at social services agencies; one owns a security company, another works with the mentally ill and addicted living on the streets and often travels as a nurse to the Diocese of Haiti to work on special projects there; another works for a company which installs cell towers around the world and has been volunteering for Samaritan House in Boston, a hotline for people feeling suicidal. All of us share a passion for serving among the most vulnerable in our communities and bringing the needs and concerns of the world to the attention of the people in the pews through preaching and teaching. My own particular “ragged edges” ministry is in the refugee community in Concord where I have been an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher of adult refugees for nine and a half years for Ascentria Care Alliance, Services for New Americans (SNA). SNA has most recently been resettling refugees who have fled from fear of persecution or war from the Congo, Bhutan, Sudan, Iraq and Burma. (see next page) ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 9 . . . Meet Johanna Young (continued) In the coming months while I have the privilege of serving as an intern at St. Andrew’s, I invite your curiosity and questions about deacon formation process and diaconal ministry. As we postulants move through this process, we ourselves are discovering more and more what it means to be a deacon in a world which thirsts for the compassionate love and care of those who follow Christ’s path. -- Johanna Young Johanna is a teacher, poet and naturalist and lives with her husband Lindley Rankine in Washington, NH along with their cat Benita on 27 acres of forest and wetlands. She is a second-year student at the Deacon Formation School described above. She is a Red Cross volunteer on its recently formed Disaster Services spiritual care team and a member of the diocesan committee on disaster preparedness and response, and has been part of the Ondjiva School Project Committee, Angola. Her sponsoring parish is Church of the Epiphany, Newport. Evensong – an Anglican Treasure We must not only begin the day with prayer, but fill it with prayer and end it with prayer. – Mother Teresa of Calcutta Thomas Cranmer (1489-martyred in 1556), was Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of the English Reformation. He helped shape the liturgy of the Anglican Church. One of the lasting legacies of his work is the service of Evensong. On 21 November, the Community of St. Andrew will celebrate a successful period of focus on our stewardship with dinner and Evensong. The service will follow the order in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Incorporating elements from the monastic service of Vespers and Compline (prayer at the end of the day), Evensong offers a time for reflection on the day past and an anticipation of the Day God has made ready for us. The Parish Choir has been preparing for weeks for this service. Our music will include anthems and canticles by Ralph Vaughan Williams. The canticles Magnificat and Nunc dimittis are from the “Village Service” composed by Vaughan Williams in 1925 for use in parish churches. The Introit will be “O taste and see” by Vaughan Williams. This lovely setting of Psalm 34:8 was composed for the Coronation Service of Queen Elizabeth in Westminster Abbey in June 1953. After the final prayer at Evensong, the 1662 Book of Common Prayer suggests: “In quires and places where they sing, here followeth the anthem.” The Parish Choir will sing Vaughan Williams’ “O How Amiable” at this point. This anthem is a setting of verses from Psalms 84 and 90 and includes the first stanza of the hymn “O God, our help in ages past.” Please join us for this wonderful service and celebration of our life together in Christ on Friday, 21 November at 6 PM. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 10 The September meeting of Western Convocation was devoted to discussion of resolutions to be voted on at Convention in November. They are: Resolution #1 ~ Clergy Compensation Guidelines Resolution #2 ~ 2015 Proposed Diocesan Budget Resolution #3 ~ Transaction of Convention Business Resolution #4 ~ Revision to NH Canon 5.2.2; Duties of the Commission on Ministry Resolution #5 ~ Repeal the Death Penalty Resolution #6 ~ Redesignation of Congregation Status The resolutions in their entirety may be found on the Vestry bulletin board or at the diocesan website: Rev. Canon Kevin Nichols, Canon for Mission Resources/CFO noted that Resolution #1 involves the “type” of church or mission, which is determined on the average Sunday attendance shown on the parochial reports each year. He also highlighted items of interest in the proposed diocesan budget (Resolution #2). They are: • The 2014 Fair Share amount is calculated at 16.5%, down from 16.86%. Congregational support continues as the major revenue source and is expected to fund 81% of the 2015 Proposed Budget. • Investment Income is expected to be increased in 2015. • The North Country Ministry consists of congregational input and some income from investments. • The Evangelism Commission be folded into the Leadership Institute, lowering the budget by $3000. • The reduction of money sent to the Episcopal Church is based on a formula that is worked each year. • The format of the NH Episcopal News will be changing. It costs $35,000 to piggyback on the Episcopal Journal. Various other ways to communicate are being explored. • The FICA/Health Care Tax Credit amount has changed because the Diocese is no longer classified as a small business. • There is a new website in the making. Resolution #3 was adopted last year but as part of the constitution must be voted on a second year. Resolution #4 changes language to develop an understanding that all baptized are called to ministry. It is hoped that there is strong support for Resolution #5. The status of Trinity, Tilton will be changed to mission congregation from parish if Resolution #6 is passed. St. Andrew’s delegates are Marni Eaton, Gail Goddard, Harriet Messer, and Anne Hall. Alternate delegates are Jack Liberman and Chuck Ackroyd. -- Anne Hall ST. ANDREW’S Meditation at St. Andrew’s. Each Monday at 6 PM (with occasional exceptions) St. Andrew’s Meditation Group meets at the church for meditation (20 minutes) and some brief teaching and discussion (10 minutes) of contemplative spirituality. Our group is associated with the World Community of Christian Meditation: and is facilitated by Fr. Charlie Tirrell. NETWORK NEWS PAGE 11 Sing a New Song with John Bell John Bell is a hymn writer, composer, author, broadcaster, Church of Scotland minister and Iona Community member. Many of the songs that we've learned since Jay's arrival are from John Bell's pen. In mid-February John Bell will be coming to the Episcopal Church of Saint Andrew! Among other things, he'll be leading a workshop for anyone who enjoys singing (or wants to) during the day on Thursday, 12 February. Mark the date in your calendar and please spread the word. Harriet Messer reports that the CROP Walk overall netted $7400 with six walkers from St. Andrew’s raising $1235 of that amount, all of which is collected to end hunger locally and abroad through Church World Service. Thanks to those who walked and to those who generously pledged to the walkers. If you’d like to warm the hearts and bodies of mariners around the globe who visit the Seamen’s Church Institute, knit or crochet a hat or scarf. Suggestions and patterns on the narthex shelf or at Yarn (machine washable, worsted weight) and needles are available through the craft group. Please have items ready to mail by 1 December. — Judy Ackroyd Savor an oasis of prayer in the midst of your day. Join us for Midday Prayer at church, or join your prayers to ours at home. Midday Prayer is offered Monday through Friday at twelve noon. The service takes 15 to 20 minutes and includes scripture (a psalm and Gospel passage), a canticle and silent prayer. The service leaflet and lectionary (calendar with readings for each day) are on the shelf in the narthex if people would like to say Midday Prayer at home. Watch for announcements of the schedule of services throughout Advent and Christmastide. ST. ANDREW’S NETWORK NEWS PAGE 12 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in New London, NH P.O. Box 294 52 Gould Road, New London, NH 03257 The Vestry Parish Office Office 603-526-6344 Fax 603-526-8623 Email [email protected] Rector The Rev. Jay MacLeod Director of Music David Almond Verger Anne Hall Parish Administrator Shelly Boucher Resident Clergy The Rev. Sally Hague The Rev. Patricia Harris The Rev. Canon Jim Ransom The Rev. Kathleen Rusnak The Rev. Charlie Tirrell Wardens Richard Haines (through 2014) Becky Rylander (through 2015) Vestry Members Term Expires 2014 Marni Eaton Peter Ruth Ellen Yenawine Committee Chairpersons Altar Guild Jeanne Edwards Rosie Best Buildings & Grounds Lyman Smith Craft Group Rosie Best Barbara Smith Communications Coordinator Marni Eaton Term Expires 2015 Gail Goddard Carolyn Lockhart Theresa Quinn Bill Sloan, Treasurer Term Expires 2016 Martha Barron, Clerk Harvey Best Nancy Rollins Eucharistic Ministers Anne Hall Finance & Investments Bill Sloan Newsletter Alice Perry – Editor Outreach Nancy Rollins Stewardship Wrangler Peter Ruth
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