Visit us on the web at Email: [email protected] Church Office: 610.948.3684; Fax: 610.948.3304 Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:30am-noon & 12:30– 2:30pm DEADLINE FOR THE DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE OF GRACEFUL GREETINGS IS Fri., Nov. 14th Growing Together Through God’s Grace November 2014 Graceful Greetings Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church The Reverend Paul H. Neff & The Reverend Janelle L. Krais, Pastors Located at 6th Avenue & Main Street 594 Church Street - 1stFl. (Office & Mailing) Royersford, PA 19468 November 2014 Issue Graceful Greetings Worship Times: Sundays — 8:00 AM Traditional Service 9:00 AM Faith Full Families Service (in Social Hall) & 10:45 AM Contemporary Service Welcome new members! We give thanks to God for the blessing of new members who will be received into Grace on November 23rd at the 10:45 service. Please introduce yourself at the noon reception in the Welcome Center, and welcome the following people into our church home: Phil & Mindy Coath and children Hannah, Emma, Lily & Abby; Kimberly Fretz & son Ryan; Sandra Goldsmith; Kelsey Hlavac; and Stefanie Miller. Welcome Our New Director of Traditional Music The Church Council & Mutual Ministry are happy to announce the hiring of Matthew Valent, as our new Director of Music. Matt brings nearly 30 years of experience in church music, from a variety of area Congregations. He is also a music teacher in the Perkiomen Valley School District. Matt will assume his duties at Grace on Nov. 16th. In preparation for his start, look for Thursday night choir rehearsals to begin Nov. 6th. Thank you to Darrell Lewis the chairman of the search committee. He and his volunteers were busy and filled this position very quickly. We need your HELP. Matthew is new to the congregation. To help get him off to a fast start we are asking all former choir members and all those who like to sing to prayerfully consider joining our current choir members for the Christmas season. Please support our parking lot resurfacing project; which cost $36,000. To date, we have thankfully raised $12,875.17 towards this project. Any amount will be welcomed. Make checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church & memo “Parking Lot”; envelopes are available in the pews or go to our website at and click the “Donate Now” button. Thank you; we hope you enjoy the new parking lot. Children are welcome in all of our worship services at Grace! The Tot Spot, lovingly & skillfully supervised by Mrs. Ellen Jones, will be open on Sunday mornings during both services, for parents who are worshipping with us. Volunteers are still needed to provide support for our childcare center. If you would like to help, please contact Laurie Fodor at [email protected]. What a wonderful way to serve the Lord and our little ones! Children’s Church is offered to children in kindergarten 2nd grade during the 10:45 worship service. Children’s Church is run by volunteers who do stories and games & crafts during the lessons and sermon time. Interested children should go with the volunteer waiting in the narthex, immediately following the children’s sermon and will be returned to parents in the sanctuary during the prayers. Parents – please make sure your child is in the age-appropriate place! We need you to fill our Sponsorship Openings!! They are a great way of remembering a loved one or honoring a special person or date in your life. They appear in the Ledger and renew each year, on the closest Sunday to your original date, unless you inform the office otherwise. We have several sponsorships open for the 4th quarter of the year, including Flowers, Bulletins and others throughout the year, call the office (610-948-3684) to find out more. NOVEMBER 2014 WORSHIP SERVICES & SPECIAL EVENTS Sun., Nov. 2—All Saints’ Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon - New Member Lunch: Social Hall 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Tues., Nov. 4—Council Reports Due Sat., Nov. 8 - Upper Elementary Youth Group: Parlor, 6PM Sun., Nov. 9—Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Tues., Nov. 11—Council Meeting: Parlor Sun., Nov. 16—Twenty Third Sunday After Pentecost Harvest Home Sunday/Baptism Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon - New Member Lunch: Social Hall 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Sat., Nov. 22—Relay for Life Vendor Bazaar: Social Hall Sun., Nov. 23—Christ the King Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon - New Member Reception: Welcome Center 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Sun., Nov. 30—First Sunday of Advent 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Main Street Connections - Jesus commands us to go out into the world, so join us on Monday evenings, from 7-8 pm, at The Main Street Café, to build relationships in the light of the gospel! November topics will include: November “Fun Facts”, Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Game Night! For more info, please contact Charles “C” Plaugher at 610-888-2105 or [email protected], or Pastor Krais. Faith First: Have some prayer with your pancake! Join us Wednesday mornings at 7 am at The Main Street Café for devotions to jump start your day! Bring your desire to grow in faith and bring a friend! Holy Grounds: If you think the Bible is boring, you haven’t come to the Thursday morning Bible Study! We meet in the parlor (lower level of church- room 5) from 9:30-11:00 am to pray, read scripture, and find faith connections to our lives. All are welcome! Please see Pastor Krais for more info. Fall adult Sunday School Join us Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30. People of the Bible - Get to know these people (who may just sound a bit more familiar than you’d think!) Come learn and be surprised at who they are, what they did, and how they relate to our lives. Led by Dr. Judy Stryker; Lower level of church—room 6 (library) PRISM - Where is God in today’s world? Where is God in your life? Join us to discuss current headlines–from the news & your life! Led by Mr. Richard Harshaw; Lower level of church—room 4 (choir room) Faith Journeys - During most of November, we will continue to explore spiritual gifts & how we can use them in the world. Beginning November 30, we’ll start a 4 week Advent study to get our hearts ready for Christmas! Treat yourself to an hour of PEACE (not busyness) that Christ brings to us in this season! Led by Pastor Janelle Krais; parlor (lower level of church 0 room 5) Pastor’s Points by Pastor Krais Recently I was asked a question that really took me by surprise. I was asked, “So, what is the down-side of joining a church?” Yes, I admit, I was not prepared for that one. Seminary did not address this question and in my 10 years of ministry, I have never considered this particular perspective as even a remote possibility. So, after careful thought, here’s my answer… 1. You will be challenged and changed. Jesus challenges each one of us to grow in faith, trust, love, and mercy. Jesus isn’t content to let us stay where we are, even when we’re VERY comfortable there. Jesus challenges us to grow closer to him. 2. You will lose independence. In becoming part of a church, we begin to recognize that we are just one part of the body of Christ. We are no longer the center of our universe and the sole focus of our efforts. Jesus calls us to work together- trusting that each one of us is loved and needed, and trusting that none of us can do it all. 3. You will inherit too many brothers and sisters to comfortably fit around your dining room table. As a member of Christ’s Church, you become part of the Christian family that includes saints (and sinners- remember, we’re both) from all time and places. AND, you’ll be reminded often that Jesus Christ is your brother. Hmmm. Maybe these aren’t so terrible. As a matter of fact, these “down-sides” are quite beautiful and amazing! May God bless you in your challenges and changes. May God tear down your attitude of independence and help you find joy in your connectedness to Him and to each other. May your brothers and sisters, here at Grace, lovingly embrace you as a fellow member of God’s beloved family. This is our QR code—download the QR code reader to your smart phone or mobile devise, scan our QR code & donate or go to: to donate online. Now you can donate to Grace Lutheran Church & support our ministries, wherever you are. Thank you for your continued generosity. Come join the Caring Crafters on Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:30AM. We’re open for new members at all times! If you have a Wednesday morning free come join us for card making, prayer blanket/shawl making, small gift making, and prayer. Join our small group, socialize with your family at Grace! All skill levels accepted! Any questions or concern? Sue Perry 610-495-8587 or [email protected] Look for the Shoe Box—Recycling boxes in the Narthex & Welcome Center. The Women’s Club of Royersford, is collecting reusable shoes, to raise funds for community outreach projects, like the library, Project Outreach, the Historical Society, Meals on Wheels & others. The Club receives money for each full box we ship to Shoe Box Recycling. Thanks for your help. SEPA WOMEN OF THE ELCA Upper Montgomery Conference - First Tuesday BIBLE STUDIES Nov. 4th, 10a.m. (Coffee & treats 9:30a.m.) at Emmanuel Lutheran Church; Hanover & Walnut St., Pottstown Theme: Transforming Life & Faith Presenter: Sheila Specht—Transformation Takes Time High school youth meets in the Parlor, every Sunday from 7-9pm. 9-12th graders have this time to play games, connect with each other, check-in about their week & just relax from the craziness of life. Also, each week there will be a discussion topic picked by the youth. Upper Elementary Youth Group 4th –6th grade, meets every month, on the 2nd Saturday of the month, between 6-8pm, in the Parlor. Come join the fun!! Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church Grace Lutheran Youth Group “Like” us to see recent news & events Prayer Chain Reminder - Please contact Jan Slack (prayer chain coordinator), 610-948-3539 or [email protected] with your prayer concerns for the Prayer List. The weekly Ledger prayers will be kept to the new, more short term & immediate prayer needs of the church & community. Prayer Lists are available on the back windowsill in the Narthex & in the pew racks. Please take a list home with you to enhance your daily devotions & prayer life; also use it to help you prepare your heart for worship with prayer. Prayer lists name our concerns & thanksgivings and are a way to stay connected to God & to the needs of others. Fall Clean Up!! It’s that time of year; mark your calendars for Sat., Nov. 22nd, starting at 8:30am. Coffee & donuts will be supplied, but we need people. Many hands make light work, so come on out and spend a few hours sprucing up the grounds. Call or email Ken Slack at 484-769-2944 or [email protected], if you can help. Holiday Bazaar WHEN: Saturday, November 22; 10AM—3PM WHERE: Grace Lutheran Church DESCRIPTION: Holiday shopping event with vendors, artists and crafters offering everything for your Holiday shopping & decorating needs. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Arts and Crafts vendors needed!! COST: $20(if you bring your own table) - $25 (we will provide a 6’ table) plus a donation of one of your items to include as part of our raffle. There are a limited number of spaces with electrical outlets. Contact for additional information: Patty Esslinger @ 610-454-4793 or [email protected] or Diane Minanno @ 610-454-4257 or [email protected] NOVEMBER PRAYER FOCUS 1: special people (All Saint’s Day) 2: Look for Circles’ Day 3: homemakers (Housewife’s Day) 4: all Leaders (King Tut Day) 5: football players (AFL formed in 1960) 6: saxophone players (Saxophone Day) 7: those suffering from diabetes (Diabetes Month) 8: those with a sense of humor (“Pun”ster Day) 9: the safety of children (National Child Safety Council founded 1955) 10: all Marines (US Marine Corps Day) 11: Veterans (Veteran’s Day) 12: variety of food available to us (National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day) 13: kindness (World Kindness Day)) 14: all nurses (Perioperative Nurse Week) 15: things that give us comfort {National Teddy Bear Day) 16: American Educators (American Education Week) 17: peace (World Peace Day) 18: those suffering from lung cancer (Lung Cancer Awareness Week) 19: those dying in wars (Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address) 20: Children of all ages (Universal Children’s Day) 21: personal communication (World Hello Day) 22: thanking God for his Word (Bible Week) 23: all Native Americans (Native American Heritage Month) 24: family time together 25 our Grace family (Family Week) 26: all those afflicted with Alzheimer’s (Alzheimer’s Disease Month) 27: all caregivers (Caregiver’s Week) 28: All of our blessings this year (Thanksgiving Day) 29: wise spending (Black Friday) 30: safety with computers (Computer Security Day) Do you TWITTER? You can sign up for Grace ministry update & announcement tweets by visiting our home page at ABOUT PRAYER NOVEMBER 2014 In this age of computers and Google I searched for a list of things to thank God for being Thanksgiving is in this month. My favorite holiday always makes me very reflective of all the blessings I have personally. I challenge all of us at Grace to make a list of 100 things to thank God for and on Thanksgiving read Him this list and actually thank Him. Perhaps J. P. Escabilla’s list will help you with your own. This was her list: 1. For giving me life; 2. My loving family; 3. Great friends who are always there 4. For the love of all the people around me; 5. Health; 6. Words 7. Books which keep me company; 8. Choice & free will; 9. Music 10. For color which makes the world beautiful; 11. Laughter 12. Smiles from complete strangers along the way and seeing them return a smile back 13. Finding myself alive and awake in the morning; 14. For the sunrise & sunset 15. For giving me my first ever pet dog; 16. Holidays; 17. Mother Nature 18. For quiet time alone; 19. Twitter; 20. My followers; 21. For a great meal everyday; 22. The Philippines; 23. For making me a Filipino 24. For Iloilo, the true Queen City of the South; 25. For Taylor Alison Swift; 26. The internet 27. For encouragement; 28. Vacation; 29. For the best teachers ever 30. Compliments by everybody; 31. Critics; 32. Discipline; 33. For growing up 34. Seeing wildlife; 35. People who go into public service to help & serve others 36. Hot chocolate drinks; 37. Independence; 38. Country music, & country music singers; 39. My blog; 40. My crooked nose; 41. For art; 42. Wonderful neighbors; 43. For great works of fiction; 44. Poetry; 45. Those of you who read my blog; 46. Rainy days; 47 For the little things; 48. For challenges; 49. Summer; 50. Confidence; 51. For experiences; 52. Jokes; 53. Clothes; 54. For the moment; 55. Wonderful memories 56. For knowing how fortunate I am; 57. Having something to look forward to; 58. For advice; 59. Safety; 60. Gifts; 61. World peace; 62. Knowledge; 63. For the kindness of everyone; 64. For accomplished goals 65. Strangers I’ve yet to make friends with; 66. For emotions; 67. For time 68. My first love; 69. Feeling pain; 70. Having a beautiful home; 71. Knowing when to quit; 72. Plans I’ve yet to make; 72. My ever loyal dog 73. For a lovely backyard; 74. Gratitude; 75. Weekends; 76. For my birthday 77. For being able to read & write; 78. Ice-cream & French fries; 79. For giving me the inspiration to live; 80. For opinions; 81. All those who’ve served the country; 82. Flowers growing around the house 83. Food on the table; 84. My alarm for telling that I woke up alive 85. Prayers answered – large or small; 86. Another good day 87. For having a peaceful quiet living; 86. Miracles; 87. The gift of faith 88. Another chance to get it right; 89. For apologies & acceptances 90. Another good week; 91. Guardian angels; 92. Receiving good news 93. Being alive, well & healthy; 94. For today – just as it is 95. For all that God has done for me. I just hope that I can do what He wants me to do. 96. Peace of mind; 97. For not even being able to begin to count the blessings that I've received; 98. For being me; 99. For Jesus Christ; 100. For my salvation Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Prayer Vigil is in the sanctuary on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 10AM-4 PM. Come in the front door! NOVEMBER 2014 Worship Assistants Communion Asst.: 11/2: 8:00 Marie James, Rose Nixon, Judy Stryker, Glenn & Natalie Peak 10:45 Janet Brown, Stephanie McMullan, Deb & Mac Fritz 11/9: 8:00 Keith Meitzler & Cindy Henson 10:45 Janet Neff, Will Moyer, Mandy & Danny Gonzalez 11/16: 8:00 Joe Curran, Debbie Mensch, Michael Walter, Jan & Ken Slack 10:45 Sue Vukovich, Darrell Lewis, Bob Mull & John Snyder 11/23: 8:00 Kathy Horning, Katie Zielinski, Kurt Meyers, Joy Fraunfelter & Kellie Weikel 10:45 Mary DeAlba, David Bauer, Shawn & Margie Alloway 11/30: 8:00 Jim Campbell, Richard Harshaw, Jesse James, Jackie Perry & Kathleen Parker 10:45 First Communion/5th Grade Teachers Acolytes, Crucifers and Torch Bearers 11/2: 8:00 Makayla Brant, Nick Harshaw TB: Elliot Dantonio, Abby Dantonio 10:45 Kenny Butler, Jake Alloway TB: Eric LeVan, Sam Leonard 11/9: 8:00 Kelly Thompson, Natalie Peak 10:45 Gracyn Marchesani, Caroline Thompson 11/16: 8:00 Hayley Lightcap, Nick Harshaw 10:45 Gavin Straface, Nathan McMullen 11/23: 8:00 Elliott Dantonio, Abby Dantonio 10:45 Brandon Meredith, Beneta Troiano 11/30: 8:00 Natalie Peak, Sam Leonard TB: Gracyn Marchesani, Makayla Brant 10:45 Eric LeVan, Jake Alloway TB: Ashley Della Guardia, Kenny Butler Children’s Church—11/2: Stephanie Loeb 11/9: Julie Reicher 11/16: Mandy Gonzalez 11/23: Roxanne Troiano 11/30: Kate McGarry Children’s Sermons—11/2: Judy Lukens 11/9: Brenda Johnson 11/16: Darrell Lewis 11/23: Stephanie McMullan 11/30: Teachers of First Holy Communion Class Trustees: Glenn Peak Altar Guild: Karen Asbert Greeters 11/2: 8:00 Claire Nelson/Steve & Lisa Traynor 10:45 Casey & Rocco Iacullo/Debbie Armstrong & Family 11/9: 8:00 John & Elaine Snyder/Bruce & Debbie Leister 10:45 Chris & Heather Tyrrell 11/16: 8:00 John & Hilde Holms/Terry Piersol 10:45 Tim & Nancy Anspach and Family/Sue Vukovich 11/23: 8:00 Jim Campbell/Vern & Betty Keeley 10:45 Dave Thompson 11/30: 8:00 Wilma Ries/Glenn & Natalie Peak 10:45 Sheila & Emily Scheidecker/Jennifer DellaGuardia Tot Spot: 11/2: 8:00 Abby Dantonio 11/9: 8:00 Mary Murphy 11/16: 8:00 10:45 11/23: 8:00 10:45 11/30: 8:00 10:45 10:45 Jen Miller 10:45 Dawn Beers Ushers: 11/2: Team 7, Murray O’Cain 11/9: Team 8, R. Pennypacker 11/16: Team 1, John Fraunfelter 11/23: Team 2, Tim Anspach 11/30: Team 3, Dave Fritz Counting Team—11/2: Team E, David Fritz 11/9: Team F, Patty Esslinger 11/16: Team G, Kurt Meyers 11/23: Team H, John Fraunfelter 11/30: Team A, Mike McGarry Readers: 11/2: 8:00 11/9: 8:00 11/16: 8:00 11/23: 8:00 11/30: 8:00 Rose Nixon Deb Kamertz Marie James Joy Fraunfelter Jackie Perry 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 Patty LeBow Bob Kerr Kris Maersch David Fritz Jack Claypotch Faithful Families: 11/2: Karen Thomson 11/9: Kelsey Hlavac 11/16: Diona Sims 11/23: Brenda Johnson 11/30: Karen Thomson
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