DECEMBER 2O14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS PRESENTATION [ FAIRVIEW BRANCH ] MEMORY LOSS & AGING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6,1:OO PM AUTHOR TALK DEBORAH NADOOLMAN LANDIS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 7:OO PM SCREENING & DISCUSSION LA OPERA TALK FIGARO UNBOUND GMO OMG SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 3:OO PM WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1O 6:3O PM DECEMBER AT SMPL COMMUNITY BOOK SWAP | LYRIC CHORUS | POSADA | STRESS MANAGEMENT | TOY THEATER THE MAIN AND BRANCH LIBRARIES : WILL BE CLOSED WED, DEC 24, THU, DEC 25 & THU, JAN 1 WILL CLOSE AT 5:30PM ON WED, DEC 31 DECEMBER 2O14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SANTA MONICA PUBLIC L I B R A RY MAIN LIBRARY 6O1 SANTA MONICA BLVD • 31O-458-86OO LIBRARY BOARD MEETING THU, DEC 4, 7:00pm / ADMIN CONFERENCE ROOM SCREENING & DISCUSSION: GMO OMG (2013) WED, DEC 10, 6:30pm MLK JR. AUDITORIUM Meets the first Thursday of each month. FRIENDS BOARD MEETING MON, DEC 8, 7:00pm / ADMIN CONFERENCE ROOM Meets the second Monday of each month. MAIN LIBRARY DOCENT TOURS THIRD FRIDAY EVERY MONTH, 12:30pm / LOBBY FRI, DEC 19: Docents lead tours of the Main Library. Learn about the Library collections, history, sustainability, art and architecture. HOLLYWOOD COSTUME with DEBORAH NADOOLMAN LANDIS TUE, DEC 2, 7:00pm / MLK JR. AUDITORIUM Oscar-nominated costume designer and exhibit catalog editor Deborah Nadoolman Landis discusses the new Hollywood Costume exhibit at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences with SiriusXM host Frank DeCaro. A book sale & signing follows. In this timely documentary, director Jeremy Seifert searches for answers on how GMOs affect our children, the health of the planet and our freedom of choice. During the course of the film, the audience gains insight into a question that is of growing concern to citizens the world over: what’s on your plate? The screening is followed by a discussion with the film’s co-producer Jill Latiano Howerton [left] and author Sharon Weil (Donny and Ursula Save the World). (Film runtime: 90 min.) MOVIE: HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE (1953) THU, DEC 11, 3:00pm / MLK JR. AUDITORIUM TOY THEATER: STAR IN A GLASS JAR SAT, DEC 6, 12:00pm / MULTIPURPOSE ROOM LA OPERA MULTIMEDIA TALK: FIGARO UNBOUND SAT, DEC 6, 3:00pm / MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Community educators provide background on three classic operas based on Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais’ character Figaro, including Corigliano’s The Ghosts of Versailles, Rossini's The Barber of Seville and Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Formerly known as the Meetup Book Group, this Main Library-based book group changes their name beginning this month. Their first discussion takes up Durrell’s provocative and complex novel of passion and deception told from various points of view. STRESS MANAGEMENT: SELF CARE WED, DEC 17, 10:00am / MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Heather Palleiko, clinical specialist at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine, discusses how stress affects the body and how integrative self-care plays an important role in reducing the physical symptoms of stress. HOLIDAY MOVIE: NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION (1989) Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe headline this fizzy comedy classic, in which a trio of New York models, tired of the cheap dates they usually get stuck with, hatch a plan to attract and marry millionaires. (95 min.) Puppeteer Yulya Dukhovny presents a miniature theater production, inspired by the tradition of Japanese Paper Theater. The storyline follows the amazing journey of one child’s letter, with no address, finding its way to the other side of the world. For ages 4 and up. A paper craft follows the performance. MAIN LIBRARY BOOK GROUP 3rd MONDAY EVERY MONTH AT 7:00PM DEC 15: Justine by Lawrence Durrell ROBERT S. ANDERSON presents Beverly Hills: The First 100 Years SAT, DEC 13, 3:00pm / MLK JR. AUDITORIUM Robert S. Anderson, great-grandson of the founding proprietors of the Beverly Hills Hotel and official centennial historian for the City of Beverly Hills, takes us on a visual tour of our neighboring city’s storied first hundred years. A book sale & signing follows. : FRIENDS OF THE SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY SUPPORTED PROGRAM WED, DEC 17, 7:00pm MLK JR. AUDITORIUM The Griswold family’s plans for a merry family Christmas predictably turn into a big disaster in this classic holiday comedy starring Chevy Chase. (97 min.) LYRIC CHORUS WINTER CONCERT THU, DEC 18, 11:00am / MLK JR. AUDITORIUM The SMC Emeritus Lyric Chorus, directed by Bill Elliott, returns for a seasonal concert featuring a variety of Broadway songs and winter favorites. HOLIDAY MOVIE: LOVE, ACTUALLY (2003) SAT, DEC 20, 2:30pm / MLK JR. AUDITORIUM Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson headline this star-studded British romantic comedy which follows a host of storylines that weave together during the holiday season. (135 min.) DECEMBER 2O14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SANTA MONICA PUBLIC L I B R A RY FAIRVIEW BRANCH 21O1 OCEAN PARK BLVD • 31O-458-8681 MEMORY LOSS & AGING SAT, DEC 6, 1:00pm REGULAR PROGRAMS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Learn how memory works, the changes in memory as we age, and tips on how to maintain and improve memory. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. MONDAYS, 12:00pm COMMUNITY BOOK SWAP MON, DEC 8, 6:30pm Call Sandy Smith, 310-450-6258, for more info. Join us for a fun and friendly community exchange. Bring a book, take a book, and enjoy some holiday treats. Books must be in new or gently used condition. MINDFULNESS MEDITATION MOVIE SCREENING: THE HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY (2014) THU, DEC 18, 6:30pm The Kadam family leaves India for France where they open a restaurant directly across the road from Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren) and her Michelinstarred eatery. (122 min.) BRIDGE TUESDAYS, 12:00pm WRITE AWAY TUE, DEC 9, 7:00pm Join us to see musicians perform music from around the world and learn a few dances, too. A PLANT-POWERED DIET FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH with SHARON PALMER SAT, DEC 6, 12:00-2:00pm / THE ANNEX Author Sharon Palmer (PlantPowered for Life) shows how everyone can benefit from filling their plates with more whole plant foods and provides simple strategies for achieving an optimal lifestyle. WED, DEC 10, 7:00pm SCBWI WESTSIDE WRITERS SCHMOOZE Support for children’s book writers/illustrators. THURSDAYS, 1:00pm [NO MEETING ON DEC 25 & JAN 1] Moderated by Jack Nordhaus. SAT, DEC 13, 11:00am LITERATURE BOOK GROUP The Guide by R.K.Narayan. LIBRARY HOURS SAT, DEC 13 & 27, 3:30pm MAIN LIBRARY MON-THUR:10:00am-9:00pm FAIRVIEW KNITTERS Knitting, conversation and tea. FRI-SAT:10:00am-5:30pm / SUN:1:00pm-5:00pm BRANCHES MON-THUR:NOON-9:00pm FRI:NOON-5:30pm / SAT:10:00am-5:30pm / SUN:CLOSED RIDE YOUR BIKE ORGANIC GARDENING IN A MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE WORKSHOP SAT, DEC 13, 12:00-2:00pm Master gardener and zero waste ambassador Emi Carvell presents a workshop on organic gardening. Space is limited. Registration required: email [email protected] or call the library. MOVIE SCREENING: MALEFICENT (2014) TUE, DEC 16, 6:00PM A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. (97 min.) Learn about the many free library apps available for tablet and smart phones, including the SMPL app to find books and manage your account. The Virginia Avenue Park Community celebrates the annual Posada. The program begins at 5pm with a procession, followed at 7pm by a Pastorela Play performance, and ends with a piñata and refreshments. Programa bilingüe. WHAT’S NEW THIS WEEK TECH WORKSHOP: LIBRARY APPS FOR YOUR DEVICE WED, DEC 10, 6:00-7:00pm VIRGINIA AVENUE PARK COMMUNITY POSADA FRI, DEC 12, 5:00-8:00PM / VIRGINIA AVE PARK CAMPUS With instructor Henry Schipper. PICO BRANCH 22O1 PICO BOULEVARD • 31O-458-8684 CAROLING AROUND THE WORLD FRI, DEC 5, 5:00-7:00pm / VIRGINIA AVE PARK CAMPUS FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bicycle parking racks are available at the Main Library and all Branch Libraries. big blue bus MAIN LIBRARY Lines 1*, 2, 3, 7*, 8, 9,10* (*closest stop ) FAIRVIEW BRANCH LIBRARY Lines 6, 8, Crosstown 41 and Sunset 44 MONTANA AVENUE BRANCH LIBRARY Lines 3M and Crosstown 41 OCEAN PARK BRANCH LIBRARY Lines 1 and 8 PICO BRANCH LIBRARY Line 7 Celebrating more than 50 YEARS of Partnering with the Library! The Library often photographs programs for use in publicity materials. By being present during these activities, you consent to use of your appearance or likeness by the Library, and its licensees, designees, or assignees, in all media, worldwide, in perpetuity. REGULAR PROGRAMS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MON, DEC 8, 4:30pm LECTURA BUENA El último brindis de Don Porfirio por Rafael Tovar y De Teresa. THU, DEC 18, 7:00pm PICO BRANCH BOOK GROUP The Peppered Moth by Margaret Drabble. : FRIENDS OF THE SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY SUPPORTED PROGRAM DECEMBER 2O14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SANTA MONICA PUBLIC L I B R A RY OCEAN PARK BRANCH 26O1 MAIN STREET • 31O-458-8683 BOOK INTO FILM SERIES OCEAN PARK FILM PROGRAM: CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS (1989) TUE, DEC 2, 6:00pm Film historian Elaina Archer screens and discusses Woody Allen’s moody film about an ophthalmologist beleaguered by a mistress threatening to reveal their affair and a married filmmaker infatuated with another woman. (Film runtime: 104 min.) Join us for a four-month book discussion and film adaptation series, sponsored by the California Center for the Book. First we’ll read and discuss the book, then enjoy a screening of the film adaptation. BOOK DISCUSSION: Emma by Jane Austen. THU, DEC 11, 7:00pm In this classic comedy of manners, set in 1800s Regency England, things go terribly wrong for aspiring matchmaker Emma when she meddles in others’ romantic affairs. FILM SCREENING: EMMA (1996) THU, DEC 18, 6:30pm LAUGHTER YOGA PARTY THU, DEC 4, 7:00pm Get happy for the Holidays! Join us as we laugh away seasonal stress with a unique form of yoga. Gwyneth Paltrow stars as Emma in this acclaimed 1996 film adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic novel. (Film runtime: 121 min.) REGULAR PROGRAMS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SAT, DEC 6, 11:00am – OCEAN PARK BOOK GROUP And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. TUE, DEC 16, 7:00pm – OCEAN PARK MYSTERY BOOK GROUP People Who Walk in Darkness by Stuart Kaminsky. SAT, DEC 20, 11:00am – PULITZER PRIZE BOOK GROUP The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. MONTANA BRANCH 17O4 MONTANA AVE • 31O-458-8682 TAMING THE PAPER CHASE THU, DEC 4, 7:00pm Drowning in paper? Don’t know what to keep or where to put important documents? Professional organizer Esther Simon shows you how to bring the paper side of your life under control. BOOKMAKING WORKSHOP with DEBRA DISMAN SAT, DEC 13 11:00am-1:00pm Create an accordion book or card covered with handmade marbled paper which you’ll also make in this workshop. Led by artist Debra Disman. REGULAR PROGRAMS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WED, DEC 3 & 17, 6:00pm MINDFULNESS MEDITATION TUE, DEC 9, 7:00pm LAUGHTER YOGA WED, DEC 10, 7:00pm MONTANA MYSTERY BOOK GROUP Blue Monday by Nicci French. WED, DEC 17, 7:00pm MONTANA BRANCH BOOK GROUP Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. DATED MATERIAL P.O. BOX 1610 SANTA MONICA CA 90406 -1610 The Santa Monica Public Library is wheelchair accessible.For special disabled services, call Library Administration / 310-458-8606 at least one week prior to event All programs are free and the public is cordially invited to attend. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Organized children’s groups wishing to attend library programs are requested to make arrangements in advance with a children’s librarian. ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THESE CALENDARS ARE MAILED THROUGH THE COURTESY OF THE FRIENDS OF THE SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY SANTA MONICA, CA PERMIT NO.771 PA I D NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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