BPW CONNECTION A Publication of Business & Professional Women, Centralia, IL Volume XLII, Issue 5 October 2014 Our 2014-2015 Officers President Becky Ault...........................292-4793 Vice President Melodie Ainslie ..................495-2673 Recording Secretary Joyce Courter....................267-5533 Corresponding Secretary Cassie McKay ....................918-8061 Treasurer Diana Donahoo ........ 972 839-9969 Parliamentarian Bev Virobik ..........................532-8430 Board Celia M. Howard/Foundation vacant Finance Patty Brough ..................533-3051 Issues Management Melodie Ainslie ...............495-2673 Legislation Carol McCrary................532-8296 Membership Tina Suarez ......................247-3332 Public Relations Michele Garrison ............533-8383 Leadership/Mentorship Mary Ann Norton ..... 532-3613 -- MEETING MINUTES -Since the complete meeting minutes appear in the newsletter, there will be no copies on the tables at the Regular Meetings. So, bring your newsletter to the meeting if you feel you need to refer to them. SIGN IN PLEASE! The "sign-in" sheet is on the table as you enter the meeting room. Please take a second to sign it no matter what time you arrive - it still counts! CENTRALIA LO WEBSITE http://www.bpwcentralia.org FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/pages/C entralia-BPW/289618037830549 FROM THE PRESIDENT October was filled with a whirlwind of activities for us all. Thanks to all who came to the Recycle Center and those that worked the Fall Clean-up. Both of these activities help keep our city clean. Congratulations to Michele Garrison and Mary Ann Dulumback for the awesome BPW week. The Woman of the Year tea was a great event. Congratulations to Karen Walsh who is our Woman of the Year. Karen couldn’t figure out who the winner was until the last two sentences, so it was a well-kept secret. We then moved on to the Boss of the Year, which was Rick Starr, Director of Murray Center. There was a large crowd of well-wishers on hand, including his boss from Chicago. Wednesday was our day on WILY with Tootie Cooksey. Friday was the Scholarship Salad Luncheon at the American Legion. A Big Thanks go to Vickie McDaniel, Jayme Godoyo and Sally Tiemann. It was a huge success and raised more money than ever before! Congratulations to you all. Saturday was the parade. If some of you were not there, you missed a huge event. Because the weather was great the streets were lined with a lot of people. It was a great night and we all had a wonderful time. Thanks go to Peggy Beal, Eddie Veltman and Ray Ainslie who drove their convertibles and Melodie Ainslie and Karen Rogers who carried the banner. Finally, I must congratulate Michele for a wonderful Tabloid! Job well done! Great job to all you ladies! Becky Ault, President GENERAL MEETING October 8, 2013, 6:00p Centralia Elks Host Committee: Mentorship will be collecting for the meal ($10.00) at the door. Program: “Planning for Now & Later” by Jay Luse Menu: Turkey, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Rolls, and Dessert. Reminder: We will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, Collect and Birthdays at 6:00p and then enjoy dinner together. The program will begin when the head table finishes. Those not finished eating may continue as we enjoy the speaker. The newsletters are available on our website at www.bpwcentralia.org. BPW Connection Page 1 LEADERSHIP/MENTORSHIP/NETWORKING AGENDA Welcome BalloonFest Presentation Donation to Library Collect & Pledge Introduction of Guests Birthdays Dinner Program Business Meeting Secretary's Report Treasurer's Report Presentation of Bills Correspondence Standing Committee Reports Bylaws Finance Issues Management Legislation Membership Public Relations Leadership/Mentorship Special Committee Reports BalloonFest BPW Week Scholarship Salad Luncheon Old Business Recycle Center City-wide Clean-up Bylaws due to State Interim Board Report New Business Civic Luncheon Festival of Arts Bell Ringing NEED A NAMETAG?? Call Tina Suarez 247-3332 Remember!! Wear your nametag to all meetings! It helps us to network better! MARK YOUR CALENDAR tba 11-12 11/18 11/24 12/01 12/07 04/17/15 Bell Ringing General Meeting Info due to IB Editor Civic Luncheon Board Meeting Festival of the Arts Reality Store Celia M. Howard Celia M. Howard(1876-1950) was well known to Business and Professional Women because of her tireless service as an officer locally, state, and nationally. She was Illinois State President 1932-1933. She had studied law and received a degree from John Marshall Law School. She actually received a scholarship from Harvard Law School but since she was a female was not permitted to attend. The fellowship bearing her name was created at the 1948 state Convention. At the 1949 convention a goal was set to raise $100,000. In two years to create a trust to award scholarships to women who studied in the field of diplomacy. The fellowship was later expanded to include women who studied International Management, Law, and Administration. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of scholarships have been awarded since the fellowship inception in 1948. Celia M. Howard is someone who we should be proud of, as an individual who accomplished so much in her life and is continuing to make a difference. Our November speaker, Jay Luse, also is someone who makes a difference in people’s lives. He helps plan the financial futures of many in our area. He is a financial advisor the Edward Jones with eleven years of experience who takes the personal approach in educational saving, planning for retirement, and to help people be tax smart investors. Come to the November BPW meeting and leave with new knowledge for your financial future! Sharon Sanders, Committee member SCHOLARSHIP SALAD LUNCHEON FANTASTIC!!! What more can we say for the wonderful, magnificent, super fantastic club we have!! Total profit for the scholarship fund this year is $3,025. A total of 102 salads were served. You were asked to make salads that would serve 12-15 and we know that most of the salads served many more. Those that were unable to make salads made generous monetary donations. These donations were used to make additional salads and also paid for the supplies used. Our 50/50 raffle netted the club $404 as the winner, Sharon Cole graciously donated her winnings to the scholarship fund. $135 was made from the cookie sale (cookies left over from the Woman of the Year Tea). 436 dinner tickets were presold. 44 tickets sold at door (13 were carry outs.) 386 tickets were counted at the end of the event of which 78 were carry outs. As most of you know, the crowd was much larger than last year. This was attributed to the warm weather, more presold ticket sales, and fewer carry outs. (2013/280 were served) The food became sparse around 12:15. The decision not to purchase more salads was made as it would have taken a minimum of 15-20 minutes to get to the store, wait for the salads to be ready, get back and serve them. From past experience, not many dinners are served after 12:30. Please accept our apologies if you did not have the opportunity to eat. We thank everyone for their help and generosity in making the 2014 Scholarship Salad Luncheon a huge success! Jayme, Vickie, and Sally Editor’s note: A questionnaire regarding the luncheon is attached. BPW Connection Page 2 Special Assignments BalloonFest Melodie Ainslie .......................... 495-2673 Karen Deering ........................... 318-0753 BPW Week Michele Garrison ...................... 533-8383 Mary Ann Dulumback ............. 533-2517 Bylaws Cassie McKay ............................ 918-8061 Choices vacant Club Properties Pam McKay ............................... 533-1416 Guest Night Jackie Gray................................ 532-0606 Lorraine Bassett ......................... 532-2892 Newsletter Michele Garrison ....................... 533-8383 Reality Store Sylvia Mahle ............................... 532-0545 Karen Walsh ............................... 533-1607 Scholarship Salad Luncheon Vickie McDaniel ......................... 249-6678 Jayme Godoyo .......................... 315-2142 Scholarships Maggie Irwin ............................... 533-1975 Website Barb Norstrom ............................. 533-0052 BPW WEEK 2014 We cannot thank you all enough for your contribution to making the week a huge success! So many of you were at city hall for the proclamation and your help with the Woman of the Year Tea was amazing and delicious. Congratulations to Karen Walsh. This was the first year in a long time that we held the event as a tea. Thanks to Becky for arranging for us to be at First Christian Church. The biggest thank you ever goes to Randy Fark he was amazing – he took care of almost everything! Centralia Estates again did an outstanding job for Business After Hours where we announced Rick Starr at Boss of the Year. That event too, was well attended by our members. Congrats Rick! Next was with Tootie Cooksey on WILY. Our honorees, Mary Ann and I were there along with our President Becky Ault. And then the parade - thank you to Peggy Beal for driving our Woman of the Year, to Ray Ainslie for driving President Becky Ault and State President Pam McKay and Eddie Veltman for driving our Boss of the Year. Thank you to Melodie Ainslie and Karen Rogers for carrying our banner. Thank you to KACO for making the magnetic signs. The media gave us excellent coverage throughout it all and we really appreciate them. It was a great, fun week! Pictures of the events are at the end of this newsletter. Michele Garrison & Mary Ann Dulumback GET WELL Sandy VanCleve Dolores Mabry Norma Rueter STATE WEBSITE ifbwc.org Visit it often to stay informed on happenings around the state. WE ARE 64 MEMBERS STRONG AND GROWING BOARD MEETING Monday, December 1, 2014 6:00p Hosted by: Michele Garrison Location: Michele’s Board Room SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING Date, time and place will hopefully be available at the November meeting BPW Connection RECYCLE CENTER! October 4, 2014 Thank you to all who helped – it was a fun morning! CIVIC LUNCHEON Monday, November 24, 2014, 12:00 pm Demaree Methodist Church Tickets are $11.00 Bruce Merrell will be the guest speaker. Tickets will be available at the General Meeting or you may purchase your ticket from any Rotary member. Page 3 WELCOME NEW MEMBER – KELSIE BROUGH NOVEMBER 2014 Tischa Daughtery Peggy Beal Beth Galicia Jayme Godoyo Kathy Smith Nancy James Bev Virobik Vickie McDaniel Polly Hicks Carol Manley 11/02 11/06 11/07 11/07 11/09 11/10 11/11 11/19 11/21 11/26 HAPPY BPW ANNIVERSARY Leona Jones Jackie Gray Sharon Griffin 11/1993 11/2004 11/2008 DON’T FORGET TO RECYCLE! MEMBERSHIP DUES It is important that you send your check for $49.00 made payable to Centralia BPW to: Diana Donahoo 714 E. Calumet Apt 6 62801 DUE IN SEPTEMBER Barbara Crain Jayme Godoyo Cassie McKay Steffany Slininger Sandy VanCleve DUE IN OCTOBER Carol Manley DUE IN NOVEMBER Ernestine Foster Tina Suarez Alishia Winkler DUE IN DECEMBER Patty Brough Jackie Gray Sharon Griffin CITY-WIDE CLEAN UP October 18th Thank you to Carol McCrary, Alishia Winkler & sons, and Bev Virobik for cleaning the city streets! BPW Connection As announced in the October edition of our newsletter, Kelsie Brough has been hired by IFBWC as a Public Relations and Marketing Intern. She attends SIU-E majoring in Applied Communication/Public Relations and expects to graduate in May of 2015. She is a member of Alpha Phi, Public Relations Student Society of America and is the recipient of the Cougar Pride Scholarship. She enjoys running, reading and would like to find a career that slows her to travel and work internationally. Kelsie’s contact information is: 201 Southpoint Dr. Apt. B, Edwardsville, 62023 Cell: (618) 367-0299 Email: [email protected] Birthday: 12/16 Join Date: 10/08/2014 Welcome Kelsie!! COMING IN DECEMBER It is almost time for our Annual Christmas Party. Mark your calendars now for December 10th and plan on a fun filled evening with a $10.00 gift exchange if you wish to participate. We will also be collecting items for The Salvation Army, Food Pantry (CCBA), and One Hope United. Wish lists are included in this newsletter. KIDS HOPE UNITED PROJECT A few years ago I started a project so that the boys and girls at One Hope United would each receive a personal gift at Christmas. This year there will be 38 residents. Mary Ann at the Avon store gives me a REALLY good deal on the gifts. If you would like to be a part of this project you can call me at 532-2892 or let me know at the October or November BPW meeting. Your cost will be $10.00 and the best part - I WILL DO THE SHOPPING FOR YOU!! This is a great way to let the kids know we care. Lorraine Bassett Page 4 FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS OCTOBER SPEAKER CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Centralia Cultural Society December 7, 2014, 2:00p Bronze Expressions will perform in the Gallery at 1:30 pm. A signup sheet will be available at the November meeting for four ushers and four refreshment servers. Ushers should be there by 1:00 pm and the servers no later than 1:15 pm. Program lasts approximately one hour. OUTSTANDING WORKING WOMAN OF ILLINOIS (OWWI) There are many great women from all walks of life that are deserving of this award. In order to have a meaningful OWWI competition, we need more than one person to be submitted to the state level for consideration. The application is available on the IFBWC website. The application fee is $50 and applications are due to Cassie McKay by February 1, 2015. Our guest speaker in October was Dr. Penny Gozia who spoke on “Women’s Health Issues.” INTERIM BOARD ATTENDEE’S A report of the meeting will be given at the November General Meeting. BPW Connection Page 5 Centralia LO of the Illinois Federation of Business Women’s Clubs, Inc., d/b/a Centralia BPW General Meeting October 8, 2014 Becky Ault, Presiding Officer The general meeting of the Centralia BPW was held at the Centralia Elks Lodge on October 8, 2014 hosted by the Membership Committee, with 31 members and 2 guests (Dr. Gozia and Margie Przygoda) present. President Becky Ault welcomed all beginning at 6:00 pm; Tina Suarez led the Collect and Tisha Daughtery led the Pledge of Allegiance. October birthdays were then recognized. Dinner was served. New member Kelsie Brough was introduced into the club. Melodie Ainslie introduced the guest speaker Dr. Penny Gozia who spoke about “Women’s Health Issues”. Dr. Gozia presented all members with a gift bag. Everyone played women’s health care bingo. The business meeting was then called to order by President Ault. Minutes: The minutes of the September General Meeting, as printed in the newsletter, were approved Treasurer's Report: Diana Donahoo presented the report for September. It will be filed for audit. Presentation of Bills: None Correspondence: No Report STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS • Bylaws: No Report • Finance: Patty Brough held the 50/50 drawing which was won by Melodie Ainslie; Ainslie received $15.00. The brag basket was passed; $35 was received. • Issues Management: Melodie Ainslie, Chair, reported that the program for November will be “Planning for Now and Later” by Jay Luse. • Legislation: No Report. • Membership: No Report. • Public Relations: No Report • Leadership/Mentorship: No Report. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS • Scholarship Salad Luncheon: Vickie McDaniel, Chair, reported on the salad luncheon. • BPW Week: Michele Garrison, Chair, reported that the schedule for the week’s events is in the newsletter. She asked all members to be present at the proclamation on October 14, 2014. -- carried unanimously OLD BUSINESS • Recycle Center: October 4, 2014. • Region 5 Meeting: President Ault reported on the meeting. • City-wide Cleanup: October 18, 2014 NEW BUSINESS Interim Board: Will be held in Decatur OWWI: Applications are due by the end of February 2015. The meeting was adjourned by President Becky Ault, with the singing of the Emblem Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Courter, Recording Secretary BPW Connection Page 6 CHRISTMAS WISH LISTS One Hope United Here is the list of items that are all-inclusive of the kids. If anyone is interested in purchasing for specific children, we will have angel tree tags available as well. We usually put a tree up at the One Hope United office with those tags but I would be happy to send them to people through the mail or bring them to BPW if that is more convenient. Here is the list: Non-Clothing Items • Gift cards • Ear buds/headphones • Art supplies & kits • Stocking Stuffers • Batteries • Body wash & lotion • Shaving cream, tooth brushes, toothpaste or other hygiene items • Cologne or perfume • Makeup, lip gloss, purses • Nail polish, emery boards, manicure sets • Hair care products • Jewelry • Journals • DVDs • Comforters, pillows, rugs, lamps, twin sheets • Sports equipment • Books • Puzzle Books • Board/card games Clothing Items • Pajama sets & slippers • Socks, shoes, t-shirts • Sweatshirts, pants • Jackets, coats • Hats, gloves, scarves Salvation Army Teen gifts - keep in mind-that we give around $20.00 per child plus stocking stuffers • Hoodies • T-shirts • Electronics-anything around $20.00 • Gift certificates from fast food restaurants • Colognes • Hair products • Socks • Hats and gloves • Make up-lotions • Hygiene products• Shaving kits • Men’s colognesOUR KIDS ARE NOT THE AVERAGE TEENAGER THAT GET IPODS AND COMPUTERS FOR CHRISTMAS-ANY GIFT IS A “GIFT” TO THEM Younger kid’s gifts - We usually have a lot of donations but any toys are great-we always need hats and glovesToys try to stay under $20.00 to keep things even. Thanks for all you do for us-it takes all of us to provide a Blessed Christmas for the entire town. BPW Connection Page 7 Salad luncheon questionnaire Luncheon ticket questions: Did you sell your luncheon tickets? YES / NO# Sold ______ Did you purchase your luncheon tickets? YES / NO Were they used? YES / NO Should we raise the cost of the luncheon ticket? YES / NO If yes, suggested price _______ Were you okay with the eight tickets to buy or sell YES / NO If no, suggest a number _______ If tickets were not sold or purchased, would you be willing to make an extra salad? YES / NO 50/50 ticket fundraiser questions: Did you sell your 50/50 tickets? YES / NO Did you purchase your 50/50? Do you think we should continue with the 50/50 fundraiser? YES / NO YES / NO If no, please offer suggestion for another fundraiser at this event _________________________________ Miscellaneous questions: If cash donation is made in lieu of making salads, should a minimum of $20 be suggested? YES / NO If not purchasing or selling your tickets, would you be willing to make an additional salad? YES / NO Do you think we should add desserts to our luncheon? YES / NO If yes, would you make two salads and a dessert? YES / NO Would you be willing to solicit donations to make additional salads or purchase salads? YES / NO Your thoughts on possibly offering a salad luncheon in spring as a fundraiser for the club: Your thoughts on doing a soup & sandwich luncheon during BPW week for the scholarship fund: Please complete and bring to next meeting or mail to Sally Tiemann, 12678 US Hwy 51, Richview 62877 BPW Connection Page 8 BPW WEEK IN PICTURES PROCLAMATION HONOREES Karen Walsh, Woman of the Year Rick Starr, Boss of the Year ON THE RADIO BPW Connection Page 9 PARADE SCHOLARSHIP SALAD LUNCHEON BPW Connection Page 10 BPW Connection Page 11
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