Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org November 9, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Deacon John Rieger [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran [email protected] 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director [email protected] 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director [email protected] 631.754.9045 Administrator: Mary Martin [email protected] Assistant: Judy Smith [email protected] Youth Minister: Bill Leone [email protected] Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University PRAY WITH US Daily Masses Monday-Thursday at 12pm Saturday at 9am Weekend Masses Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm Special Needs Masses Saturday, November 15th at 5:00pm Holy Days 7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast and 9am on Holy Day CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Baptism Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Preparation class required. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Marriage Contact rectory to make necessary preparations. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Additional information on our website. Faith Formation Our program serves children pre-school through high school (youth group). Adult Faith Formation Our adult faith formation has a primary focus of promoting spiritual growth and maturity of faith in our parish community. Parish Social Ministry The Church community calls us to respond to the needs of one another, locally as well as in Nicaragua, with compassion and care, respecting the dignity of each individual. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all masses. Hearing devices available. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ Family and friends gather together for refreshments and prayer following the reading of their loved one’s names at the All Soul’s Day Mass. One parishioner’s reflection on the Anointing Mass. It is hard to put into words what a powerful experience the Anointing Mass is and how grateful I am that we have this Mass each month. Jennifer Petito and Mary Russo’s 5th grade Faith Formation class has been busy preparing for “The Giving Season” by creating Thanksgiving Bags and collecting donations for Thanksgiving and the Carillon Nursing Home. I feel that it is a testament to our faith and God’s great love for us all. Regardless of where we are individually on our journey, the pain and suffering of others is palpable. What is even more evident than the pain is the love. We may not know each other personally but we are gathered in prayer for one another and with Jesus. I simply don’t know of better healing than that. It is the connection that is important and the recognition that we are all brothers and sisters walking together in faith. We really are blessed. Thank you for gathering us each month to receive this Holy Sacrament and to share in the Eucharist as one. The Anointing Mass is held the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am. All are welcome. ~ All Are Welcome ~ RE-FOCCUS MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PROGRAM We will once again be offering a special program for married couples who want to increase the intimacy, communication and focus in their relationships. This program was offered here last Spring and was a big success. Couples shared how powerful this experience was for them and appreciated the insights they gathered which helped to strengthen the foundation of their marriages. ok if I’m hat it’s t w a s is not “I really t, my spouse ip isn’t fec lationsh not per e r r u o nd nts us perfect a rfection preve Pe perfect. an.” ing hum from be “No ma tte life, our r what goes o n in m first bec arriage needs to be ause if we nur and eac ture it ho all else w ther – everyon e and ill benefi t.” “Our usual date night was supplanted by this program but it’s been spectacular.” “Being at these classes, and away from all the other demands of life, helped me to focus 100% on my marriage.” The RE-FOCCUS Program consists of a couples’ survey and a series of workshops. During the 3 workshop sessions, facilitated by psychologist Dr. Tom Demaria, general trend responses from the Re-Foccus surveys will be reviewed. Only common issues that couples identify in their relationships will be covered in the workshops and we do not disclose any specific personal and private issues of couples. If couples would like to review specific issues, they can speak with Dr. Tom in a private session. The sessions are scheduled for 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings December 3rd, 10th and 17th at 7:00- 9:00pm. The program will conclude with a Mass on Saturday, December13th at 6:30pm where we have the renewal of Marriage vows. If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact the rectory to make an appointment with Father John to register for the survey. The Re-Foccus survey, which guides the content of the workshops, is taken on-line at home prior to the first session. REMINDER: Parish offices will be closed on Tuesday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am. BAKED GOODS COURTESY OF COPENHAGEN BAKERY 2 0 1 4 Project N icaragua Pie & B read Fundraiser ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: Saturday 11-15-2014 Order Form & Payment Drop In Box Located in Church Foyer th Pick up is Tuesday, November 25 from 4:00 to 7:30 In the OLQM Community Room Name: Phone Home: E-mail: Cell: Checks made out to “Project Nicaragua” or Cash accepted Questions-Allison Simkins 261-1415 or [email protected] ~ Youth Ministry ~ YOUTH GROUP HAPPENINGS Meetings Thursday, November 13th -- 7:00pm Monday, November 24th -- 7:00pm Meetings are held in the Community Room. Bring a friend and come join us! Questions....comments....suggestions..... Contact Bill Leone at [email protected] ~~~~ CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS ~~~~ Mark your calendars and save the date for our next Youth Ministry Retreat in the Community Room. Friday, December 5th @ 6pm until Saturday, December 6th @ 3pm. Please e-mail Bill Leone at [email protected] to register and reserve your spot. Permission forms will be e-mailed. Questions.....comments......suggestions..... Contact Bill Leone ~Parish Social Ministry ~ OLQM OUTREACH WORKBOOT DRIVE IN AN EFFORT TO ASSIST THE LESS FORTUNATE THIS UPCOMING WINTER SEASON THE OLQM HOMELESS OUTREACH PROGRAM WILL BE COLLECTING NEW OR GENTLY USED MENS WORK BOOTS SIZES 8-10 (MOST NEEDED SIZES ARE 8-9) THE COLLECTION OF THE DONATED BOOTS WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY OFFICE IN THE Monsignor COLLIGAN CENTER November 10th, 12th, 13th and 14th Rides for the Homebound We are in need of volunteers to help the homebound parishioners which includes appointments and recreational activities You can make a difference in someone’s life! Caregiver Support Group Join a support group of people who are faced with caring for loved ones or friends with long-term illnesses. This group is facilitated by a licensed social worker with home care experience. The support group offers opportunities to raise your concerns, to discuss problems and issues and to find solutions with the help of others who are faced with similar challenges. Learn techniques for care of self as you care for another. Bag Sunday ~~~~~~~~~ November 16th and 17th be sure to mark your calendars and pick up a BAG in the vestibule of the church the weekend of November 16th & 17th. The bags will have an itemized list of the most needed pantry items Food Pantry Needs This Week: ~~~~~~~~~ Laundry & Dish Detergent Bar Soap, Tissues, Mouthwash, Sanitary Napkins ~~~~~~~~~~ Any and all donations are appreciated. Thank You! “Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” TWITTER @ PONTIFEX ~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~ ~the giving season~ ADOPT A FAMILY Thanks to the generosity of our community leaders and our parishioners, we continue to provide assistance and comfort in various ways. We match individuals and groups from our faith community with families in need. For many of these families, your assistance during the “Giving Season” provides them with the understanding that they are part of a community that cares. Contact Parish Social Ministry to find out more about this program. Parish Social Ministry is arranging Thanksgiving meals and items to be delivered to those less fortunate. Perhaps you would like to donate items for this drive still or assist with setting up the bags,give Parish Social Ministry a call! More hands make lighter work and are able to touch more lives... ~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ Parish Social Ministry’ ~ Respite halloween party On Saturday October 25th, the Special Needs Ministry held it’s monthly Respite program for families with children who have special needs. The obvious theme for October was Halloween. Due to the combined efforts of Eileen Dwyer and Falyn Dwyer (supported by her family) made the morning a howling success. Costume dress was optional, and for those who forgot to dress for the occasion, additional costumes were provided by Eileen Dwyer. sabrina ventre with Alyssa Anton, Peyton dwyer & kevin dwyer Best Dressed Buddy Nicole Thompson matching her friend Gia Destefano Joey Biernacki as “olaf” from the movie Frozen mike kratochvil, donna degregorio, linda olsen, suzie smith & kyle mansbart SarahBiernacki and her buddy jessica tucker Suzanne & Annie Forestiero Mike & Marissa Nocera with Remi Pullo Mark your calendars for our next special needs mass Saturday, November 15th at 5:00pm in Community Room + + + + + Scripture Lesson: John 2:13-22 Honoring the Temple Today the Church honors the Cathedral in Rome. It was the first basilica to be built after Christianity was declared to be legal by Emperor Constantine in 313. Before that time, people were persecuted, and even killed, for believing in Jesus. This basilica in Rome is a treasure of our Catholic tradition, and many people visit there to honor it with great respect. And in the Church year we honor it today. In this week’s gospel we hear about Jesus traveling to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration. When he went into the temple, Jesus saw people who were selling cattle, sheep and doves. There were tables set up where men were changing money so that people could pay their temple taxes. It looked more like a market place than a house of worship. Jesus did not like what he saw. He was so angry that he drove the cattle, sheep and those who were selling them out of the temple. Next, he went to the money changers and turned their tables over, scattering coins all over the temple floor. He shouted, "Get out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a marketplace!" At the end of the gospel Jesus talks about himself as the Temple. The Bible tells us that we too are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in us. As we honor this sacred basilica, the words of Jesus remind us to give that same honor and respect to ourselves and to others, because we are the Body of Christ in the world today. Father, help us to remember that we are your temple and that your Spirit lives in us. Help us to live our lives in service to you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. + + + ADULT FAITH FORMATION CELEBRATE THE SABBATH "Sabbath" does not only refer to a day of the week but rather to an opportunity to rest our body, restore our spirit and truly appreciate God's love, beauty and faithfulness. Sabbath celebrations can be a day, a few minutes or however long we need to re-connect with the One in whom "we live and move and have our being." Come and learn how to enjoy this ancient gift! All are invited and welcome! Presenter: S. Maria Regina Loures, IHM S. Regina holds a M. Ed from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA and has completed a Certificate Program for Spiritual Directors. She has also earned a Certificate from the School of Applied Theology, Berkeley, CA. For twelve years, S. Regina was a Co-Vicar for Religious in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Date: Place: Time: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Community Room 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 10:00AM – 12:00 Noon Suggested Donation: $10 (Detach below and mail to register.) ********************************************************************************************* CELEBRATE THE SABBATH Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ E-mail______________________________________________ Pre-registration is required one week prior to the program. Checks payable to OLQM. Mail to: S. Eileen Corcoran, OLQM, 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 For information, call S. Eileen at 631-757-6250 or [email protected] ~ PRAYER AND WORSHIP ~ Bill Ayres shares his reflections on the scripture readings. November 9, 2014 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A reading from the BOOK OF the prophet ezekiel The temple that Ezekiel is talking about is the temple in Jerusalem which at the time of the Babylonian Exile lay in ruins. However, Ezekiel sees water trickling and it becomes a river that heals the land and gives life. All ancient peoples had a great respect for rivers and water because they were sources of life in desert areas which were harsh and barren. The river gives hope even in the midst of the horrors of the exile. Has it ever happened in your life that some of the greatest healings and the most powerful breakthroughs you have experienced have come in the midst of tragedies, suffering and loss? When you are in the middle of the painful experience it may seem that it will never end. Then wondrously, it does, sometimes quickly but more often after some time has passed. That was the experience of our Jewish ancestors and it still is for us personally today. A reading from the letter of saint paul to the corinthians Paul talks about a building but not a temple. He says “Brothers and sisters, you are God’s building.” Then later he says “you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you.” Today we have thousands of beautiful churches all over the world including the Lateran Basilica. They call us to worship and community but Paul is saying something so powerful that many Christians do not understand. We are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in us. Our God is not some distant being in some other world. God’s Spirit is in us. You and I can hear and say those words “God in us” many times in our lives. We can never totally understand what they mean but we should never stop trying. It is all a gift. It is the great secret of our lives that others may not see or believe but it is a secret and a gift we have been given, God in us, not to keep to ourselves but to share. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to john Here Jesus goes into the temple in Jerusalem, the holiest place in all of Judaism and he is appalled at what he sees. He says “stop making my father’s house a marketplace.” All too often throughout Christian history people have desecrated God’s house by making it an unsafe place where people have suffered spiritual, emotional and even physical violence in the name of God. Thankfully, our church is a place of peace, wisdom and healing where we deepen our experience of God’s presence and are nourished by the bread of life. We come to church not in the fear of “missing Mass” but in the expectation that we can draw closer to God and one another and find healing and encouragement for our lives. The other important message John has for us in this reading is about the Resurrection of Jesus. His audience did not get it but the disciples did and it became the cornerstone of our faith. We are a people of the Resurrection, the Resurrection of Jesus and our own resurrection. Saint Paul went so far as to say that without the Resurrection our faith would be in vain. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at www.faithdirect.net - our Church Code is NY229. Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this fall. STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year November 2, 2014 November 3, 2013 Collection Collection Budget Envelopes Faith Direct Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections Budget $18,632 $17,450 288 107 $21,201 $ 161,995 $ 157,050 $17,020 304 115 $171,172 $171,640 Thank you for your continued support. Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct! Poor Box last week $157 November 9—Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2014 PARISH GOAL: $106,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $137,928 PAID TO DATE: $126,864 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 293 Thank you for your support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal MASS & PRIEST SCHEDULE Saturday, November 15th 5:00 pm Msgr. Ryan 5:00 pm Special Needs Mass Father John Sunday, November 16th 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Msgr. Ryan Father John Father John ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME L OFFERED FOR 5:00 PM 11/8 11/9 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 11/10 12:00 PM Janet Pavlica 11/11 Patricia Hall 9:00 AM PRAYER REQUESTS Catherine Arena Cheryl Baruccheri Frances Flynn Keegan Marie DiPalma Peter Mitchell & James Grant Courtney O’Brien and Family Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Barnet Greenman 11/12 12:00 PM Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connor 11/13 12:00 PM Anne Marie Quinn - Living Intention 11/14 No Mass on Fridays 11/15 9:00 AM Cesarino Emilio Pulice Brendan Casey - Living Intention 5:00 PM Elizabeth Udziela 11/16 8:00 AM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 10:00 AM Gavin Donnelly Vincent Tinari Brad Ribaudo-Ost Marie DiPalma 12:00 PM Marie Vitale et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Ken O’Brien Laura Oliveri Evelyn Darby Donald Kuntz Colette Rielly Alice Shatzle Patrick Enright Jacqueline Rousseau Concetta Daurio Alicia Bunyan Karen Larson William Clarke Armand Qualliotine Rita Liotta Allison Kerr Betty Brennen Joseph Finneran Jamie Wrede Alice Gabrielle Matthew Ingrassia Robert Caputi Glenn Crisafi Jim Hartnett Tom Corbett Lina Gallo Fr. Edward Dowling Mark Borstelman Tom Smith Rita Deluise Jane Schiano-Wigutow Thomas Mulhern Dolores Reichle Brenda McCusker Deacon Rodger Miller Franklin LaBarbara Nancy Naughton Maria King Brian Dowling Patricia Zvokel Neil King Pray for the peaceful rest of all our beloved parishioners and friends especially Michael Villano May all those who have gone before us share the joys of eternal life . Dear God, I have a day off from school and work. There are parades and memorial commemorations. TV news specials. So much busyness surrounding Veteran’s Day. Please help it be more than another day on the calendar. Even as I enjoy the holiday, help me remember those who made it possible, the men and women in uniform who served. Life, liberty and happiness come with a price. On this Veteran’s Day, help me remember those who paid for freedom with their life and those who came back to live it. Amen Once again, Autumn keeps us mindful of changes that take place around us in our daily lives… As nature welcomes the season of change, the Church Year also helps us to focus on our hope for the fulfillment of God’s reign and God’s “harvest time” of gathering all into the mystery of God’s life. During the month of November, we gather to remember members of our parish family who have died during the year and all of our loved ones. We commend them to God’s loving care, praying for the healing and consolation of all who mourn them, and asking for their prayers that we may continue to be faithful to our part in the mission of Jesus. The names of our parishioners will be recorded in our Book of Remembrance, which will be displayed during the month of November, near the baptismal font in the church. Maureen McKee Grace Sherwood John H. Waters Joan Lawless Harold J. McCormick Mary Buck Clifford Beierle Margaret Lomangino Alexander Kiewra Robert McDonald Floyd Thompson Mario Rincon Robert Hilsky James H. Buck, Sr. Rudolph Lukacovic Robert Wesley Kinney Louis Caiola Joseph Carillo Geraldine J. Kress Urmas Oissar Rita Kenny Dolan Barbara Ann Larson Mary (Mae) Winkle Eleanor M. Dieringer Robert Brady Theodore Lambrigger Lillian Mankiewicz Marie Lupton Charles La Mar Craig P. Wolff Anthony J. Eff Catherine Broggini Marie Colby Thomas J. Launi Christianna Renee Rice Edward Ceglia April Chung Anne Fascetta Marjorie Careccia Florence Gerardi Katherine Leone Christopher Hardie John J. Tully Rosemarie Taylor Virginia Elkins Francine Moore Virginia Rita Kavanagh Bernard Peyton Millie Scala Cheryl Baruccheri Mary Rizzuti James Kelly Muriel Stanton-Dickson Marie Di Palma John J. Gilmartin Francis Mankiewicz Constant is my hope in you, O God. Psalm 71:6
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