ABINGTON PRESBYTERIAN LIFE November 9, 2014 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 10:00 AM AGE/GRADE ROOM Birth– 2 year olds 110-112 2 & 3 year olds 222 4 yr & Pre-K 221 TEACHER TOPIC Childcare Childcare Amy Beck & Sue Parsons God Made Families Amanda Wikoff/ Carolyn Pitcairn Jonah & the Whale Pick Up 110-112 222 221 K & 1st Grade 226 Jen Eyre Abraham & Sarah: Art Room 226 2nd & 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th-6th Grade Child Choir Room 75 70 Ruth Sall Rob Maransky Blaine Cloud Abraham & Sarah: Music Abraham & Sarah: Science New Testament XXX XXX Parish Hall ADULT EDUCATION (Sundays @ 8:45) FORUM—in the Parlor (room 113): 11/9—Afghanistan—Ed and Dori Ratka 11/16—Interfaith Dialogue—Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia 11/23—Human Trafficking—Stewart Greenleaf 12/7—Planting Churches in Japan—Jessica Lee BIBLE STUDY—in the Annex (room 108): Dr. Stephen Kim leads a study of Samuel. Please join us for a Potluck Luncheon TODAY in Parish Hall Hosted by our Mission Council 11:30 The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 16, 2014, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of hearing and acting upon the report of the Nominating Committee. The following individuals will be placed in nomination: Youth Elder: Haley Wikoff Youth Deacon: Taylor Spitko and Erin Bray These terms of service will begin immediately upon ordination and conclude on August 31, 2015. On November 23rd we will have a special conclusion to our 300th Anniversary Worship Services. Our choirs and worship leaders will be joining with Old York Road Temple Beth Am choirs and worship leaders to offer a special worship service celebrating our common heritage of the Psalms. The centerpiece of this special celebration will be a commissioned musical work by Timothy Shaw entitled A Festive Song of Praise. We will be adjusting our Sunday schedule to accommodate this special celebration. Our 10 a.m. service will be moved one hour later to 11:00 a.m. The remaining parts of the schedule will be the same: 8:00 a.m. Simple Gifts 8:45 a.m. Regular Sunday Education events 10 – 10:45. a.m. A time for Fellowship with worshippers from Temple Beth Am and APC 11:00 Worship Please note these changes as you plan to attend this very special worship event. YOUTH MINISTRY ARCHITECTS Thanks to the 93 people who took part in Focus Groups with the YMA consultants last week. The Presentations on Wednesday offered great insight and challenged us to consider ways to move forward. The Assessment Report is available online on the church website. It’s clear we have much to celebrate as a church family, but also some ways that we can improve and enhance our ministry with Children and Youth. Stay tuned and excited as we move forward in ministry together! Collecting for Covenant House PW is coordinating a collection of new or gently used items. Complete list is under the PW listing on page 3. THIS WEEK AT APC Office Hours M-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm SUNDAY November 9 8:00am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30 am 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 8:30pm MONDAY Simple Gifts Worship & Communion (115) Adult Forum (113) Bible Study Class (108) Confirmation Class (70) Junior High Church School (72/74) Presby Kids Senior High Dialogue (71) Celebration Worship Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. John Galloway Pre-K to 6th Church School Meet & Greet (sanctuary) Potluck Luncheon (115) Junior/Senior High Youth Fellowship Youth Fellowship Dinner (113) Chapel Choir Verse by Verse Bible Study (offsite) 10:00am 10:30am 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Marine Corps Ceremony (cemetery) Marine Corps Reception (113) Sarah Circle (offsite) Silver Moon Yoga (115) ** Boy Scouts (Rec. Room, 72/74, 70) Mission Council (113) Personnel Council (101) Orchestra 9:30am 9:30am 10:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Chancel Guild (108) Silver Moon Yoga (113, 110) ** Metropolitan Ballet Presentation (115) Tiger Den Cub Scouts (71) Girl Scout Leader Meeting (Rec. Room) ** Asst. Scoutmaster Meeting (70) Christian Ed. Council Meting (108) Festive Ringers Finance Committee Meting (113) Celebration Ringers WEDNESDAY 7:45am 9:00am 9:30am 9:30am 3:00pm 4:10pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Wednesday Morning Bible Study (113) APNS Creative Movement Class (115) Yoga Class (113) ** APNS at the Library (116). Music at Abington Committee (108) Joyful Bells Chime Choir Crusader Choir Junior Girl Scouts (71) Webelos 1 Den Meeting (Rec. Room) Boy Scout Dist. Roundtable Mtg. (115, 70) Wold Den Meeting (72/74) Deacons’ Meeting (113) THURSDAY November 13 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm APNS Creative Movement Class (115) GALA Flower Arranging (Rec. Room) Child Development Committee (108) Webelos 2 Den Meeting (Rec. Room) Bear Den Meeting (72/74) Miller Jazz Group (115) ** NAMI Meeting (113) ** Chancel Choir Cub Scout Pack Committee Meeting (108) Oratorio Choir November 10 TUESDAY November 11 November 12 (continued above right) FRIDAY November 14 9:00am 9:30am GALA Flower Arranging (RR) Silver Moon Yoga (115, 110) SATURDAY 9:00am 9:00am 6:30pm Face to Face Mission Opp. (off.) GALA Flower Arranging (RR) GALA 300th Anniversary Dinner Huntingdon Valley CC. 8:00am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 10:00am Simple Gifts Worship & Comm. Adult Forum (113) Bible Study Class (108) Confirmation Class (70) Jr. High Church School (72/74) PresbyKids Senior High Dialogue (71) Celebration Worship Guest Preacher Scott Nowack Pre-School Church School Congregational Meeting (sanc) Meet & Greet (Narthex) Nosh with Nowack (72/74) Jr/Sr High Youth Fellowship Youth Fellowship Dinner (113) Chapel Choir Verse by Verse Bible Study (offsite) November 15 SUNDAY November 16 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:30am 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 8:30pm A Bit of History For each week of the church’s 300th Anniversary year, the Historical Committee is pleased to provide a bit of history. With fellow Welsh minister David Evans as a witness, on November 10, 1713, the Rev. Malachi Jones purchased 341 acres of land in Abington Township for £450 from the estate of Samuel Cart. (Cart was a prominent member of the Abington Friends’ Meeting. His father had received an original patent for the ground from William Penn in 1706. In lieu of his father moving to this country, Cart took up residence in Pennsylvania. He died in 1713 and under the terms of his will his widow was free to sell the farm.) Through the device of a ground rent deed that was used to finance real estate transactions, the following day, a second deed was signed by all the parties, whereby the Cart estate returned to Jones £300 with the promise that Jones would pay the Cart estate £100 per year for the next three years. Promises were kept and Jones satisfied the terms of purchase on November 16, 1716. The farmland was roughly bounded north and south by Susquehanna and Township Line Roads and along the west by Highland Avenue. The strip of land ran roughly parallel to Highland Avenue and was mostly on the west side of Old York Road, although there were 18 acres on the east side at the southern corner of Susquehanna Road. It is at this corner that Jones would sell a half acre of ground to the church in 1719. From the Deacons On Saturday November 22nd, the deacons will compile and deliver 45 food baskets to folks who need our caring hands and hearts. We can all play a part in helping our neighbors in need. Please help by giving a monetary gift donation to help cover our costs. (A $40 dollar donation will provide for one food basket.) Please give generously so that others in our community can be blessed. Abington Presbyterian Women Welcome You! APC offers groups and activities for women of all ages. Contact Carolyn Pitcairn ([email protected]) or Christina Lukens ([email protected]) to find out more about options for spiritual growth, fellowship or mission. APW is collecting donations for Covenant House, the largest privately funded agency in the Americas providing shelter, food, immediate crisis care, and essential services to homeless, runaway and trafficked youth. Please place donations in the box near the church office by November 14. Examples of needed items (gently-used or new): include sleeping bags, sheets, comforters, towels, cleaning supplies, durable water bottles, first aid supplies, healthy snacks, individual drinks (Capri Sun, water bottles, juice boxes, etc.), new socks and underwear, hats, gloves, mittens, hoodies, jeans, backpacks (waterproof if possible), rain boots/jackets/ponchos, Chapstick, hand lotion, gift cards (fast food, clothing, phone minutes), board games, decks of cards. Thank you in advance for your generosity -- these kids desperately need our help. Contact Joyce McCormick ([email protected]). PW of Philadelphia Presbytery Christmas Mission Luncheon: All are welcome to attend; program begins at 10 am on Dec 6 at Oxford Presbyterian Church (8501 Stenton Ave, Philadelphia). Theme is Hope for Our Youth, presented by Nicole Fox, Development Associate for Covenant House. Please bring cookies to share; sandwiches will be provided. Contact Joyce McCormick ([email protected]). Join us at Forum on Sunday, Nov 23 for a presentation on Human Trafficking with guest speaker Senator Greenleaf. Contact Joyce McCormick ([email protected]). PW Churchwide Gathering: “One Body and One Spirit”, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, June 18-21, 2015. Keynotes, workshops, worship, resources, fair trade shopping, fellowship. $395 per person plus travel and hotel. Contact Joyce McCormick ([email protected]). Labyrinth Ministry Advocacy Group: Walking a labyrinth can benefit mind, body and spirit. Check out the labyrinth painted on the parking lot surface by the Education Building and Church Street, available to members of the church and community. Contact Tink McDevitt ([email protected]). Circle Meetings: Dorcas: Tuesday, Nov 18 at 7:30 PM at Ginny Murray’s ([email protected]) home) w Miriam: Monday, Nov 24 at 9:30 AM in the Church Parlor. Contact MM Harris ([email protected]) w Sarah: Monday, Nov 10 at 1:00 PM at Betty Graf’s home. Contact Barbara Miller at [email protected] or Betty Graf ([email protected]). Interest Group Meetings: Book Group: Tuesday, December 2, 7:30 PM; a discussion of All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr. Hosted by Anne Rife. Contact Ilene Fey ([email protected]) w MYKids: Tuesday, Nov 18, at 7:30 pm – “Eat This, Not That” by Michelle Feil, hosted by Joanne Maransky (1912 Harte Rd, Jenkintown). Contact Kathy Waite ([email protected]) or Jennie Colt ([email protected]). w Prayer Shawl Ministry: Nov 19 from 7-8:30pm and/or Nov 20 from 9:30-11:00 am in Room 108. BYO needles and yarn. Contact Mary Stock ([email protected]) w Women’s Fellowship: Monday, Nov 24 at 7:30 PM at the home of Julie Wamser (1106 Sunset Ave, Jenkintown). Contact Allison Boise ([email protected]). w A new group for moms of babies and young children is forming! More details to come; contact Joanne Galloway ([email protected]). PW Coordinating Team Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 25 at 7:30 PM in Room 108. This Year We’re Adopting 3 Families for Christmas! Wouldn’t you like to be part of making this the “best Christmas ever” for some needy families in southwest Philadelphia? The Village (formerly Presbyterian Children’s Village), through their Prehiem Center in that area, works with many families who have a hard time making ends meet. Perhaps the father is out of work or ill, the family has only one parent or one of the children has a chronic disease or handicap. Whatever the case, the money just isn’t there for much in the way of Christmas presents. This week, you will notice that our Mission Bulletin Board is ready for Christmas with three sections, one for each family. Like last year there is an ornament for each member of the family with their needs and wishes. Sign-up next to any item you wish to purchase. There are extra spaces for you to fill in with additional items you think that parent or child would like. Most importantly be sure to tag each item clearly with the recipient’s name and the Family Number so your gift will get to the right person. Last year all of you were so generous to just one family, we thought we should spread out the joy! Please return your gifts to the church by December 14th. - The Mission Council
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