! FREE online classified ads BrandonSunSells.Com INVESTMENT RATES as high as 2 .55% *Rates Subject to change without notice Call 1-877-WESTOBA for details FABULOUS ‘FUN’-DRAISERS FOR THE UNITED WAY » 2 ENJOY FRESH GARDEN VEGGIES WELL INTO WINTER » 3 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 BRANDONSUN.COM www.virdenmainline.com See Page 3 For Our Ad ‘ATTACK OF THE CLOWNS’ More than 500 people came out for the 12th annual Fright Night sponsored by Friends of Riding Mountain National Park on Oct. 25. The guides were kept busy with more than 400 people taking part in the “Attack of the Clowns” tours, while those in the “safe zone” were just as busy entertaining the younger participants and those too afraid to venture outside. There were lots of screams and tears over the course of the evening. Friends of RMNP would like to thank all of the volunteers and park staff who helped behind the scenes getting things ready and those "in front of the camera" scaring and entertaining. Thanks also to the Elkhorn Resort for the donation of pizza for the volunteers and the hot chocolate for participants. Close to $1,200 was raised to support Friends of RMNP education programs. (Submitted) The average child today spends only a fraction of the time engaged in outdoor play as his or her parents or grandparents did as children. There are a number of factors that could contribute to this decline. Safety is a concern, as the days of playing outside with friends until dark are becoming a thing of the past. Many children lead very scheduled lives, and spend much of their time in organized activities. This, combined with parents’ own busy schedules, can leave little time for free play. Indoor play has become the norm for children. Watching TV and playing video games are often considered favourite pastimes. Children thrive in a natural environment. Some of the benefits The importance of outdoor play Shawna Munro PARENTING POINTS Shawna Munro works at the Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre, a facility of Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba that offers parenting information and support. » 255 Ninth St., Brandon » 726-6280 of regular outdoor play include: l Getting exercise. Running, jumping and climbing builds young children’s gross motor skills. Riding a bike, skating or playing tag helps children become stronger and fitter. Extended outdoor play increases stamina. If children spend a small amount of time each day playing actively outside, it is beneficial to their overall health. l Developing imagination. Children who spend a lot of time in front of a screen have limited opportunity for building their imagination. While playing outdoors, children can create their own world. A tree becomes a castle tower; the sidewalk is a river; a snow fort becomes a home at the North Pole. l Improving social skills. When children play together in outdoor play, it lacks the structure of organized activities. Often games are made up on the go, and children need to work together to decide the direction their play will take them. In a playground setting, children have to take turns and share playground equipment. l Connecting with nature. We sometimes forget the importance of simply enjoying the outdoors. Standing in the grass with bare feet or catching snowflakes on the tongue is a wonderful experience for a child. By being outside, children can watch and learn about plants and animals, the changing seasons, and the sights, smells and sounds of the world. l Reducing stress. As our world becomes more and more fastpaced, our children become more tense and anxious. Spending time outdoors, whether engaged in active play or just enjoying nature, can have a calming and relaxing effect on children. Daily fresh air and exercise can also improve the quality of a child’s sleep. Outdoor play should be treated as a necessary and important part of childhood, not simply as a backup plan when there is nothing else to do. And, of course, it is not only children who can benefit. When parents set a healthy example, children are more likely to follow. Take some time as a family to enjoy a bike ride, an afternoon of tobogganing, or a friendly game of tag or hide-and-seek. TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRANDON SUN, CALL 204-727-0527 OR TOLL-FREE 1-877-786-2472 2 • COMMUNITY NEWS THE BRANDON SUN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 United Way serving up some great ‘fun’-draisers One of 18 militarythemed Wheat Kings jerseys that will be auctioned off at this Saturday’s Wheat Kings game. FABULOUS JERSEYS HONOUR VETERANS, HELP UNITED WAY One of the many tables of guests enjoying their time at the 2013 United Way Fun Lunch. (Submitted) The United Way of Brandon and District is giving Brandonites the opportunity to make lunch plans that are guaranteed to be fun — all while helping out the community. The United Way Fun Lunch really is a win-win-win, according to 2014-2015 campaign chair Cam Clark. “First and foremost, this truly is a fun lunch as we incorporate a ‘Don’t forget the lyrics” theme hosted by our very own cochair Bryan Podworny of Expressions Entertainment — who also happens to be an amazing emcee,” Clark said. “This is designed for everybody to get involved and really just have some fun while helping out with the UW’s campaign.” The entertainment component of the Fun Lunch will be provided largely by those in attendance. The United Way team is urging those planning to attend to warm up their singing voices. However, you have the option of just sitting back and enjoying the show. “This is a great way to socialize, have a few laughs and bid on some great prizes in the Experience Auction,” United Way marketing director Cynamon Mychasiw said. “We’ve already lined up many great items to bid on and if local businesses care to lend additional support, we will gladly accept it and they can call us to make arrangements.” The sixth annual Fun Lunch will be held at the Victoria Inn on Thursday, Nov. 20, and according to Clark, it has become a tradition. “This event has consistently garnered rave reviews from the community,” he said. Mychasiw said the classic menu choice of spaghetti and meat sauce has always been a hit. “It provides us with a fast and easy-to-prepare meal for our large crowd and leaves more time for the entertainment and auction component to the lunch hour.” The meal will also include salad, bread sticks and desert, all generously donated by the Victoria Inn. Tickets are available at the United Way of Brandon and District office downtown in the Scotia Towers or by calling 204571-U-WAY (8929). Like all UW fundraisers, Clark said this particular event is crucial to helping us reach this year’s campaign goal of $789,000. “This not only helps the bottom line but it spreads awareness for the campaign and gives us a great opportunity to let folks know the many agencies and organizations that benefit through the UW’s efforts,” he said. “Twenty-three agencies and BARREL SAUNAS HELP THOSE IN NEED TO HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS Frank McGwire HAPPENINGS ON THE SCENE Frank McGwire is a veteran of the local radio industry, a musician and booster of the music scene in Brandon and Westman. » [email protected] On Friday, Dec. 5, at Houston’s Roadhouse from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., the United Way is having its 19th annual Christmas Tree Auction for Kids. Registration will begin at 5 p.m. and decorating the trees starts at 5:30 p.m. Cover charge will be $3. Fifteen trees will go up for auction. On Saturday, Dec. 6, all of the trees will be delivered to families and children in need so UW can assure that as many people as possible in our community can have a wonderful Christmas. Come out and see all the beautiful Christmas trees and let’s all get into the Christmas spirit! For more info about these events or any other United Way events, contact the United Way of Brandon and District office at 204-571- UWAY (8929) or email [email protected] New CEDAR GAZEBOS Arrivals! #1 Highway, Virden, MB Toll Free 1-844-748-7665 www.aquasplashpools.ca 26 organizations are regularly supported by our hard work and the community’s continued support. Things like Coats for Kids and Tools for school are ongoing efforts that are greatly needed in our community. “The Fun Lunch is also somewhat symbolic in terms of the tone and the mood embodied by this year’s campaign team, so it will act as a celebration for our efforts.” The United Way of Brandon and District serves Brandon proper as well as the RMs of Whitehead, Cornwallis and Elton, plus the communities of Shilo, Douglas, Forrest and Kemnay. In short, Clark says, “the UW exists to meet important human needs by enhancing the quality of life in our community by merging volunteer and financial resources.” They’re always looking to set up new employee deduction programs to help reach the campaign goal, he said. “We’ve had so much continued support from various businesses in the Wheat City and immediate area but additional support is always needed as the cost of living continues to rise.” Tickets for the Fun Lunch are only $15 and corporate table bookings can also be arranged by calling 204-571UWAY. New for 2014, the Brandon Wheat Kings have partnered with the folks at CFB Shilo and the United Way to present a special edition military-themed jersey. These stunning jerseys will pay tribute to the men and women who have given their lives to serving their country and their community. One jersey will be auctioned off Friday, Nov. 14 on STAR 94.7 FMs Morning Mess with Tyler and Amber, and 18 more will be game worn and auctioned off at the Nov. 15 Brandon Wheat Kings game against Medicine Hat. All proceeds benefit the Community Fund of the United Way, to be invested in local programs and services impacting thousands of people in Brandon each and every day. Can’t make the auction? United Way is also selling raffle tickets for two more jerseys for $5 each. Tickets are available at the United Way office in the Scotia Towers. Draw date is Nov. 20 at the Fun Lunch. [email protected] Your Residential Resort Specialist Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10am-6pm; Saturday 10am-4pm • Industry-licensed technicians • Quality service • Parts and repairs for all makes and models ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES OFFERED COAST TO COAST: Licensed, Trained Technicians Top Quality Parts Nationwide Guarantees 1655 - 18th St., Brandon Mon. - Fri., 8am - 9pm; Sat., 8am - 6pm • Canadian Tire now has your service OUR NATIONWIDE available at every Auto Service WARRANTY COVERS YOU AT history* centre across the country parts and services are guaranteed OVER 480 CANADIAN TIRE • All to meet or exceed manufacturer’s specifications. AUTO SERVICE CENTRES *Service history is only available for services performed on your vehicle at Canadian Tire service centres. Auto Service Phone 728-5656 J. Grant Wallace Ltd. Free! Subscribe Now: www.canadiantire.ca A PUBLICATION OF THE BRANDON SUN, DELIVERED FREE EVERY WEEK TO NEARLY 40,000 HOMES IN WESTMAN NEWS: 204-571-7384 » DELIVERY: 204-571-7425 » FAX: 204-727-0385 » E-MAIL: [email protected] FP CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OWNERS OF THE BRANDON SUN ERIC LAWSON: BRANDON SUN PUBLISHER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • THE BRANDON SUN COMMUNITY NEWS • 3 Proper storage helps ensure fresh veggies in winter larder When I tell people at this time of year that we are still eating fresh vegetables from our garden, they often don’t believe me. They naturally assume that I mean vegetables that were canned or frozen during the summer and fall — and yes, we do have some of those. We are, however, still enjoying fresh vegetables from the garden, and having such vegetables this late in the fall is not all that hard to accomplish. All that is required are a few heavy blankets and a refrigerator, plus a cool garage. I like to see how far I can push the envelope in terms of extending the vegetable garden in both directions — I do it in the spring by using a cold frame and by fall seeding of early spring vegetables. In the fall, however, it is all about warding of Mr. Jack Frost. Some of the vegetables that we are currently enjoying — fresh but having been harvested and stored since mid-September — are onions and squash. Onions, if properly dried, will keep all winter in a cool, dark place. I harvest them before fall frost occurs, usually in late August, and hang them outside for a couple of weeks to dry. Once they are quite dry I take the tops off — until then the tops were left on so that I could tie the onions in bunches and hang them to dry. I remove the tops and clean them up a bit but I don’t take off any outside peel unless it readily falls off. The onions are then spread on an old blanket and left in the sun to dry for a few more days, but are taken in at night to protect against frost and heavy dew. Finally the onions are put into shallow boxes and stored downstairs. We are also eating squash — we prefer buttercup squash — and these vegetables also were harvested earlier in the fall. After the first light frost blackens the tops of the vines and before another frost occurs to damage the now-exposed squash, I 23,295 $ CASH OR Albert Parsons GONE GARDENIN’ Albert Parsons lives, writes, and gardens in Minnedosa. » [email protected] “ Having fresh vegetables from the garden this late in the fall is not all that hard to accomplish. pick them and store them in the garage. The garage is cool and they finish maturing there. In November, after the furnace starts running regularly so that the humidity in the basement is reduced, I move them downstairs where they will keep well into late winter. We are munching on fresh carrots, safely stored in the refrigerator in the garage. I leave the carrots in the ground until late September, then dig them, cut off the tops and tails, wash them, and bag them after they have dried. Potatoes were dug in midSeptember and are stored in the garage in cardboard boxes. I try not to dig them until the weather cools so the temperature in the garage stays low. I puncture a few holes in the plastic bags holding the carrots and into the fridge they go. I do the same thing with beets except I do not tail them and I leave six centimetres of top on — they will bleed beet juice all over if the beet itself was cut. They will not store quite as long as carrots but we will eat fresh beets until Christmas. Parsnips are treated like carrots and they store just as well — we will eat fresh parsnips all winter. We enjoy freshly picked vegetables right up until very late October. I use heavy old sleeping bags and blankets to cover late radish, lettuce and Swiss chard. It is a bit of a bother to have to cover and uncover the plants whenever there is danger of night-time frost, but I think the reward is worth it. On Oct. 30, I picked the last of the Swiss chard, washed it, and put it in plastic bags in the fridge. It will last for a month or so — I am always astonished at how long it stores. I harvested the last of the radish and lettuce the first week in November, when temperatures fell low enough that even blankets could not protect the plants. We will eat fresh radish and lettuce, washed and stored in the fridge in plastic bags, until about mid-November — the radish will last even longer than that if we don’t eat them all first. We also are still eating apples picked in early September and stored in cardboard boxes in the fridge. One of our favourite vegetables, kohlrabi, was harvested the same time as the carrots and they are sitting in the refrigerator as well. They will store for most of the winter, their roots and tops cut off close to the bulb. Extending the garden season and properly storing vegetables — augmented by canned and frozen fare — allows us to enjoy the bounty of our vegetable gardens well past the growing season. Now I will just slip out to the sunroom and snip off some tops of the chives plant to add to the egg salad ... 24,315 OR and refrigerated. (Albert Parsons /For the Sun) l Below, kohlrabi store well in the fridge. 2014 CHEVROLET EQUINOX 2014 GMC 1500 SLE DBL WAS $25,645 WAS $30,525 WAS $43,945 $ FINANCE 79 /WEEK 25,130 $ CASH OR $ FINANCE 89 $ FINANCE 82 /WEEK $ CASH 21,130 OR /WEEK 34,415 $ CASH OR $ FINANCE 118 /WEEK 2015 CHEVROLET CRUZE 2015 CHEVROLET 2500 CREW WAS $23,685 WAS $54,995 WAS $29,235 $ l Beets are bagged Above, late lettuce survives long after the rest of the vegetable garden has been tilled. l 2014 CHEVROLET TRAX 2014 CHEVROLET 1500 REG LONG BOX CASH l Top, carrots will still be crisp and firm come early spring. $ FINANCE 75 /WEEK 46,610 $ CASH OR 163 $ FINANCE /WEEK AUTHORIZED DEALER OF ARMAGUARD COATINGS CANADA EXCHANGE POLICY MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY INSPECTION Industry leading 30 days ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 3 months / 5,000 km 150+ points coverage 24-hour around the clock Call today & book your appointment to get a spray-on bedliner DEALER #2867 Hwy 1 West, Virden 204-748-3811 • Toll-Free 1-866-770-3811 • 803 Clare Street, Birtle 204-842-3301 SHOWROOM HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8 - 6; Saturday, 8:30 - 5:30; Sunday CLOSED Check out our website www.virdenmainline.com 4 • COMMUNITY NEWS THE BRANDON SUN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 BOWLING RESULTS Michelle Brown 5-PIN BOWLING I mentioned last week that there were going to be changes to tournaments this year. Well, here is one tournament that has had changes made that I can tell you about — the Provincial Open, zone round. This year the board has decided to spread the zone qualifying round among houses outside of Brandon. The women will be competing in Carberry for the Saturday shift of eight games, with the men venturing to Killarney for their first shift of eight games. On Sunday all will come together to play their final 10 games at Thunderbird. This is going to be a great experience for bowlers and spectators alike. The rural houses will get a chance to host some of Westman’s best bowlers and watch them battle it out on non-familiar lanes. Another thing that changed for this tournament is the entry fee — it has been reduced! The 18-game tournament will only cost $80 this year, regardless of being a new entry or returning player. The Provincial Open (zone round) is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Jan. 31, and Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015. Congrats to Jason Scaletta of the Wednesday Night Major Men’s League for throwing a 902 — good job, Jason! The Huggy’s Bowlers of the Week for Oct 27-31 are Jason Scaletta from the Wednesday Night Major Men’s League with a +233, while on the women’s side, there was a tie between Nok Lehnert and Michelle Brown, both in the Monday Night Provincial Mixed League and were +101 pins over for three games. Cassie Mackie Ashley Gillies Danielle McCoy Michelle Petch 476 454 437 432 Brandon: Men's High Single Ralf Kampe 258 Kevin Dellebuur 222 Jason Mackie 212 Jack Kooting 195 Greg Verhaeghe 187 Men's High Triple Jason Mackie 616 Ralf Kampe 594 Jack Kooting 547 Greg Verhaeghe 520 Darrell Knight 490 MONDAY NIGHT MIXED FOR OCT. 27 TUESDAY NIGHT LADIES LEAGUE FOR OCT. 28 Ladies High Single & High Triple Heather Arthurson 205 532 Kerry Hertzog 212 503 Bev Powell 189 460 Linda Willms 186 Kim Rey 173 Kerry Hertzog +83 High Single & High Triple Glenys Stanley 220 553 Angie Smith 193 496 Joan Walwyn 184 487 Men’s High Single & High Triple Don Kalyniuk 204 539 Mark Thomas 240 515 Grant Olynick 185 571 Dave Stone 204 Joe Wyspinski 191 Joel Wyspinski +75 TUESDAY NIGHT MIXED FOR OCT. 28 Women's High Single Marg Jalbert 218 Cassie Mackie 186 Danielle McCoy 170 Ashley Gillies 169 Trish Shannon 162 Women's High Triple Marg Jalbert 511 WEDNESDAY GOLDEN AGE FOR OCT. 29 Ladies High Single & High Triple Florence Brown 250 442 Pat Gilmore 221 351 Pat Farrant 223 324 Marilyn Dickson 203 Irene Helgasson 159 Pat Gilmore +75 Men’s High Single & High Triple Ralph Brooking 244 447 Cliff Langan 232 365 Harold Jonasson 206 364 Mike Linski 170 Wayne Brown 177 Ralph Brooking +85 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MAJOR MEN’S FOR OCT. 29 High Single & High Triple LEAGUE CORNER BRIDGE Prairie Oasis Duplicate Bridge, Howell Movement Prairie Oasis Retired Teachers and Friends — Nov. 3 1. Don Ferrier and Don Berry 2. Ian Hamberg 3. Ernie Kempthorne and Matt Kawchuk 4. Dennis Heintz and Norm Adams – 64.81 per cent – 56.30 per cent – 54.07 per cent – 53.33 per cent — Oct. 30 1. Ada Bergson and Heather Martin T-2. Judy Crawford and Sylvia Fawcett T-2. Ian Hamberg and Dahl Cannons T-2 Rhea Chudy and Ann Hlynsky – 60.42 per cent – 52.08 per cent – 52.08 per cent – 52.08 per cent — Oct. 30 1. Kathy Clark 2. Joan Lawson 3. Ray West – 4070 points – 4050 points – 3820 points Prairie Oasis Contract Bridge — Nov. 5 1. Ray West – 5270 points 2. Anne West – 4690 points 3. Ernie Kempthorne – 4250 points Jason Scaletta Garry Hamm James Boxshall Perry Bender Andrew Parr CRIBBAGE Prairie Oasis Cribbage — Nov. 4 1. Mae Hall – 757 points 2. Ray Hazlewood – 732 points 3. Anne Clark – 717 points LIONS MANOR GAMES Ponytail Canasta – Oct. 25 Aces: Edna Proctor Wyn Curtis Kings: Marion Reid Marilyn Gordon Queens: Kaye Ash Elsie Parobec Jacks: Flora Dyer Hattie Pearson 500 – Oct. 27 1. Kathy McCourt 2. Marilyn Gordon 3. Dave Arnott 4. Eleanor Fischer 5. Marion Reid 6. Shirley Pawlowski 7. Terry Gibson Bridge – Oct. 28 1. Dave Arnott 2. Doris Stone 3. Helen Warburton 4. Audrey Shaw Cribbage – Oct. 29 1. Joyce Parsonage 2. Anne Melnyk 3. Armand Maillet 4. Joyce Linner 5. Gladys Wellbourne 6. Sharon Brooks 7. Audrey Tomiski Whist – Oct. 31 1. Terry Gibson 2. Kathy McCourt 3. Diane Fraser 4. Jean Tufts 5. Shirley Pawlowski 6. Margaret McCormick 7. Kay Ashe High HDCP Game Rob Orchard 269 +119 Terry Wikstrom 304 +88 Greg Boulet 156 +26 Harry Latham 250 +25 Josh Marshall 178 +19 Nora Crowe 225 Helmut Neufeld 240 Betty Challner 200 Bill Challner 200 Over 600 (3 Game Total Points) Rae Patterson 617 Gary Zieler 213 Henry Timmer 210 & 219 Over 600 (3 Game Total Points) Henry Timmer 628 TUESDAY OCT. 28 EVENING Pins Over Average Men Eldon Stobbe +131 Pins Over Average Ladies Neen Patterson +53 Over 200 Game Jim Hart 200 Peter Dyck 259 Men’s Pins Over Average Don Voodre +105 Ladies Pin’s Over Average Chris Arthur +41 Over 200 Game Don Voodre 238 Doug Harper 204 Glenn Kentner 277 Buzz McNamee 208 George Garland 243 Barry Chinner 210 Henry Timmer 212 & 236 MONDAY NIGHT PROVINCIAL MIXED FOR NOV. 3 Ladies High Single & High Triple Michelle Brown 255 688 Gisele Sayer 262 676 Laura Tycoles 240 648 Ladies High HDCP Game Debbie Mackie 221 +47 Sharon Prost 179 +37 CoraLee Baker 221 +33 WEDNESDAY OCT. 29 AFTERNOON Pins Over Average Ladies Arlene McKnight +144 Over 200 Game Della Fluker 234 Arlene McKnight 228 Elizabeth Mason 224 Catherine Turner 218 Aggie Jean Wear 203 Men’s High Single & High Triple Jerry Sayer 311 719 Brad Ball 298 714 Gary Everard 252 649 Men’s High HDCP Game Bruce Porter 242 +87 Ian Mackie 261 +56 Bill Gyselman 236 +53 THURSDAY OCT. 30 AFTERNOON THURSDAY OCT. 30 EVENING Pins Over Average Men George Garland +62 Pins Over Average Ladies Helen Nantais +221 Over 200 Game Fred Wear 217 Aggie Jean Wear 225 Bill Challner 227 Ray Wabick 218 Laura Cuvelier 212 Over 600 (3 Game Total Points) Helen Nantais 716 Boissevain Subway Bowler of the Week Men Rae Patterson +137 Helen Nantais +221 WEDNESDAY OCT. 29 EVENING Boissevain: MONDAY OCT. 27 EVENING Men’s Pins Over Average John Reimer +133 Ladies Pins Over Average Helen Nantais +53 Over 200 Game Myrna Dyck 202 Helen Nantais 208 & 201 Angela Dekoninck 205 Cliff McCallum 226, 242 & 203 John Reimer 271, 203 & 220 Over 600 (3 Game Total Points) Cliff McCallum 671 John Reimer 694 TUESDAY OCT. 28 AFTERNOON Men’s Pins Over Average Rae Patterson +137 Ladies Pins Over Average Lucy Cassells +84 Over 200 Game Rae Patterson 216 & 203 Attention gamers and league organizers: We will print results from any activity that is regular, organized and competitive. Submit your scores and digital photos (action shots!) to » [email protected] Pins Over Average Men Gary Zieler +103 Over 200 Game Glenn Kentner 213 In November, we want to talk to you about the benefits of early detection testing for your pet Blood and urine analysis can detect early signs of kidney, liver & thyroid problems. During November, take advantage of our diagnostic testing package and save $80 in November only Companion Animal: BRANDON HILLS VETERINARY CLINIC 204-728-2292 733 – 17th Street 24-hour Emergency www.brandonhillsvetclinic.com Service Available Pet Picture THE Serving Brandon for over 35 years SPONSORED BY OF THE WEEK Would you like extra money every month? ls Tip #5: Plan yourermsea around the fly ls based on a anning your mea Instead of just pl tever you can dream up, cookbook or wha ound what’s on sale in ls ar plan all your mea flyer. Look at the biggest s e’ or st y those your grocer meals based on an pl en sales, th hand, hat you have on ingredients and w lf with a much smaller urse and you’ll find yo . an you’re used to th ll bi od fo "Come on in Cat, the water is great." Email your favourite pet’s most adorable picture to [email protected] November Is Senior Health Month 15% OFF Senior Wellness Exams & a FREE bag of Senior Pet Food Book Your Appointment Today! Monday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday - Thursday 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm “Providing quality and affordable care for all animals great and small.” sunrisecu.mb.ca Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic 1015 26th Street • Brandon Dustin Richter 204-727-4753 Physiotherapist Monday to Thursday 7 am – 8 pm Friday 7 am – 6 pm 348 902 293 795 305 785 309 730 330 729 Sharon and staff would like to welcome Dustin to West-Fit THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • THE BRANDON SUN COMMUNITY NEWS • 5 2014 BOWLING RESULTS Gail Pryke 10-PIN BOWLING Thunderbird Bowl hosted the Brandon Dauphin Seniors Annual Challenge Match on Nov. 12. The youth program offers eight weeks of fun and instruction, and each child receives his or her very own new bowling ball to keep. A new eight-week session starts the end of November. For more information call Wanda at Thunderbird Bowl at 204727-2695. And remember — every month is Learn to Bowl Month. Adult classes are on now. Anyone can check the full league standings online. Simply go to thunderbirdbowl.ca, and click on the Standings box. The website also has a host of other valuable information. Top scores: Oct. 26 to Nov. 1, 2014 MONDAY MEN’S MERCANTILE MEN’S HIGH SINGLE Trevor Peters 255 Myran Hamm 243 Ken Nicholls 236 MEN’S HIGH SERIES Myran Hamm 684 Trevor Peters 663 Ken Nicholls 649 HIGH TEAM SERIES Roland Wier Appraisal 2331 HIGH TEAM SER - HDCP SCP 2850 HIGH POA SERIES Geoff Gregiore +99 Marge McAllister 159 Karen Rodgers 154 MEN’S HIGH SERIES Albert Holder 499 Don Couling 492 Barry Reilly 489 WOMEN’S HIGH SERIES Karen Rodgers 441 Gail Pryke 440 Marge McAllister 422 MEN’S POA SERIES Albert Holder +79 WOMEN’S POA SERIES Gail Pryke +35 LUCKY SEVEN LADIES HIGH SINGLE Gail Pryke Yvonne Curtis Jo-Ann Kaskiw Gail Pryke HIGH SERIES Gail Pryke Yvonne Curtis Mary Williamson HIGH POA SERIES Yvonne Curtis 165 159 157 157 456 451 430 +40 T-BIRD MIX & MATCH MEN’S HIGH SINGLE Bob Freeman 278 Dave Kaye 258 Rudy Von Hertzberg 247 WOMEN’S HIGH SINGLE Tammy Carleton 198 Debbie Burkart 181 Darlene Teeple 175 MEN’S HIGH SERIES Rudy Von Hertzberg 714 Bob Freeman 692 Dave Kaye 635 WOMEN’S HIGH SERIES Tammy Carleton 523 Debbie Burkart 494 Denise Bialas 461 MEN’S POA SERIES Bob Freeman +125 WOMEN’S POA SERIES Tammy Carleton +88 SPO THUNDERBIRDS SWINGING SENIORS MEN’S HIGH SINGLE Albert Holder 207 Dave Bell 198 Barry Reilly 190 WOMEN’S HIGH SINGLE Gail Pryke 171 MEN’S HIGH SINGLE James Almas 187 Dave Walwyn 175 Ted Mullens 165 WOMEN’S HIGH SINGLE Loris Desmarais 172 Ruth Cochrane 128 Pinpals 2330 HIGH TEAM SER – HDCP Pinpals 2762 MEN’S POA SERIES Brent Demers +148 WOMEN’S POA SERIES Jayme Van deMosselaer +65 Ashley Batt 127 MEN’S HIGH SERIES Dave Walwyn 323 Ted Mullens 321 James Almas 310 WOMEN’S HIGH SERIES Loris Desmarais 307 Ashley Batt 251 Ruth Cochrane 243 MEN’S POA SERIES Lee Miller +64 WOMEN’S POA SERIES Loris Desmarais +63 YOUTH CORNER VINCENT MASSEY BOY’S HIGH SINGLE Sanwal Hayat 103 Nate Kolesar 68 GIRL’S HIGH SINGLE Maddy Pryke 130 Ana Lopez 118 Leila Chavarria 112 BOY’S HIGH SERIES Sanwal Hayat 195 Nate Kolesar 129 GIRL’S HIGH SERIES Maddy Pryke 230 Amber Donnelly 204 Charlene Cruz 196 Ana Lopez 196 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN’S HIGH SINGLE Don Sutherland 268 Kim Peters 265 Johnathan Moorehead 259 HIGH SERIES Don Sutherland 699 Kim Peters 669 Johnathan Moorehead 664 HIGH TEAM SERIES Union Shoes 2366 HIGH TEAM SER – HDCP Livingstone Land 2758 HIGH POA SERIES Don Sutherland +117 HIGH SINGLE Gail Hickson 198 Gail Pryke 191 Mary Williamson 181 HIGH SERIES Gail Pryke 522 Gail Hickson 465 Mary Williamson 464 HIGH POA SERIES Gail Pryke +102 WHEAT CITY MIXED MEN’S HIGH SINGLE Kevin Schepp 230 Murray Karlicki 223 Bryce Ridgen 222 WOMEN’S HIGH SINGLE Jayme Van deMosselaer 203 Kim Karlicki 190 Gail Pryke 184 MEN’S HIGH SERIES Murray Karlicki 629 Bryce Ridgen 614 Warren Clark 599 WOMEN’S HIGH SERIES Jayme Van deMosselaer 509 Kim Karlicki 503 Melanie Wallace 493 HIGH TEAM SERIES BOY’S HIGH SINGLE Israel Potter 175 Brett Mawer 100 GIRL’S HIGH SINGLE Melanie Gloor 133 Kelsey Gloor 79 BOY’S HIGH SERIES Israel Potter 320 Brett Mawer 185 GIRL’S HIGH SERIES Melanie Gloor 248 Kelsey Gloor 135 204-725-0244 70 LIONS MANOR VICTORIA SENIORS ASSOCIATION IN MEMORY OF JEAN FORSYTH AND LINDA BAILEY FROM SHIRLEY STRACHAN & FAMILY Total to Date for 2014 100.00 50.00 34,011.50 SATURDAY 8 FOR 8 YBC BANTAM LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Gerry Paradis BOX 96 • DUNREA, MB • R0K 0S0 Office: (204) 776-2178 [email protected] www.paradisegeothermal.com PARTS & TAXES EXTRA DONATIONS FOR THE WEEK ENDING OCT. 31, 2014 BOY’S HIGH SINGLE Carter Martin 81 Trent Martin 57 Robert Ferguson 53 GIRL’S HIGH SINGLE Mason Kolesar 72 JUNIOR BOY’S HIGH SINGLE Trent Hagman 153 GIRL’S HIGH SINGLE Madison Moroz 167 BOY’S HIGH SERIES Trent Hagman 395 GIRL’S HIGH SERIES Madison Moroz 421 Chown Electric Ltd. $ Every year, thanks to your generosity, the Sun Fund helps send underprivileged kids to enjoy a summer camp. MONDAY 8 FOR 8 YBC BANTAM ENERGIZER BUNNIES Old Man Winter Is On His Way! ELECTRIC FURNACE SERVICE SPECIAL SUN FUND FOR KIDS Please make cheque or money order payable to the Sun Fund for Kids and send it to 501 Rosser Ave. R7A 0K4. Please specify if you prefer to donate anonymously. Receipts for tax purposes will come to you from Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba Foundation Inc. (Price applicable Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. only) • brandon.724.7791 • clear lake.848.2094 • blindsbyanita.com Anita Haigh Need someone to check on your home while you're away? Good To Go Home Check is bonded, insured and ready to help. “A Peace of Mind Service” www.goodtogohomecheck.ca • 204-761-2681 CONSULTING • SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Call Tracy Today And Book Your Appointment! Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10–6 12–8 12–8 10–6 9–4 456 McDiarmid Dr., Brandon Automotive, Residential and Commercial Glazing and Vinyl Siding Needs. Mike Kyle, Owner 640 Frontage Road Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Cell: 204-851-1061 Ph: 204-748-3619 Fax: 204-748-2411 • Mobile Service • Manitoba Hydro PowerSmart Contractor www.extremeglassandsiding.com [email protected] 204-727-2317 Residential & Commerical Wiring 24/7 Service – Free Estimates Electric Heat – Trenching Fire Alarm Installation & Inspections Phone 204-727-1177 Email: [email protected] Fax: 204-725-4214 M & M DRILLING • Wells • Domestic & Commercial • Irrigation Test Drilling For All Your Drilling Needs Call Jeff Dickson 531 - 9th Street • Rivers, MB Cell: (204) 729-7770 • Fax: (204) 328-7148 (204) 328-7112 Going South? Get Ready with Gel Nails, a Manicure or a Pedicure and a Modern New Hairsyle! 924 – 6th St. Brandon 204-728-5060 FREE PARKING TO BE INCLUDED CALL SARA AT 204-571-7404 6 • COMMUNITY NEWS THE BRANDON SUN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 WHAT’S ON? FRIDAY, NOV. 14 Dance to Patti Kusturok at Belmont Hall from 7-11 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults; 12 and under are free. Proceeds to the Belmont Hall. • • • Heart of Worship will be held in Central Community Centre at 7 p.m. today and tomorrow. Speaker: Pastor Dwayne Mullins from South Hill, Virginia, USA. Growing up in a broken home, Dwayne escaped his home life at an early age. He fell in love with the Lord and was called into ministry at an early age. He has travelled to Pakistan, Panama and beyond. Moves in gifts of prophecy, evangelism, exhortation. Free will offering. For further info, call Murray at 204-728-9838. • • • The Marquis Project’s Fair Trade campaign has begun and is running until Nov. 28. Pledge your support at work, at home or with friends. Think fair and choose Fair Trade products on Fridays during this month. For more information or a listing of stores and restaurants offering Fair Trade products in Brandon go to marquisproject.com or e m a i l [email protected]. • • • Come and enjoy afternoon dancing, music and fellowship at Central Community Centre. Dancing takes place every Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a live band. Lunch provided. Admission is $5. Everyone welcome. For further info, call Marjorie at 204-727-3680 or Alda at 204-728-8790. • • • Brandon Farmer’s Market is now open inside the Town Centre from 9:30 am. to 4 p.m. every Friday. Local products include produce, baking, canning, jams and jellies, honey, perogies, noodles, crafts and much more. • • • 82 Brandon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron meets every Friday evening from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Brandon Armoury from September to June. Youth ages 12-18 are invited to join at any time throughout the year. There are no fees to join and uniforms are provided. For more information, call 204-725-4703 or visit 82air.ca. • • • The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (RCA Museum) at CFB Shilo — Come and see our First World War exhibit commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First World War as well as the 100th anniversary of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI). Our Gun Park is open year round with 28 guns and vehicles on display with interpretive panels. Dress for the weather as it is an outdoor display. Winter hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is charged at the door. Call 204-765-3000 for more information or to book a group tour or individuals may self-guide during hours of operation. • • • Daly House Museum Original home of Brandon’s first mayor, Thomas Mayne Daly, which was built in 1882 and is the only period museum in western Manitoba. Until Nov. 29 the museum will be featuring the Charlotte Perkins Gilman exhibit entitled, “Literature of Prescription,” on loan from the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. Visitors can tour the rest of the museum as well, either in a self-guided tour or a tour facilitated by Curator Eileen Trott. Admission is free for members, $6 for adults, and $5 for seniors. Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m. For more information, call 204-727-1722. • • • The Brandon General Museum and Archives On the ground floor of the old Manitoba Telephone building at 19 Ninth St. Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 1 p.m.- 4 p.m. On display is a new exhibit showcasing Manitoba Telecom Services’ history. • • • The Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum - Hours are 1-4 p.m, seven days a week. The museum is Canada’s only air museum solely dedicated to the preservation of the history of those who trained and fought for the British Commonwealth during the Second World War. Check out our newly unveiled RCAF Second World War Memorial, a black granite wall approximately 300 feet in length containing the names of more than 19,000 fatalities, with a larger-than-life bronze statue representing the fallen. • • • Brandon Community Builders “The Store,” is open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Rolling Spokes building (former Radics). Use the back door. Something for everyone: furniture, dishes, toys, new and used doors, appliances etc. For more info, call 204-717-9900. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers exercise group at 9:30 a.m. with leader Lorraine Rozak with walking and light strengthening. Members $3.50; non-members $4.50. Rowdy Bunch at 1:30 p.m. Cards and shuffleboard keep this bunch coming each week. Members $3.50; nonmembers $4.50. Call 204-5712050 for more info. • • • Narcotics Anonymous group meets Fridays at St. Mary’s Church, 9:30 p.m. • • • Weekly meat draws are held at the Royal Canadian Legion No. 3 in the lounge every Friday This community calendar is a free service for non-profit or charitable organizations. Please email submissions as plain text to [email protected] no later than Wednesday noon, for publication in the following weekʼs Thursday paper. Events are published based on available space. For guaranteed publication, please email [email protected] and Saturday from 4:30-6 p.m. for members and guests. • • • Prairie Oasis offers exercise at 10 a.m. Cost is $3; Scrabble at 1 p.m. Cost is $3; contract bridge at 1 p.m. Cost is $3. For more info, call 204-727-6641. • • • Weekly meat draws are held at the Army, Navy and Airforce Club No. 10 in the lounge every Friday at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday at 5 p.m. All welcome for members and guests. SATURDAY, NOV. 15 The Wealth Planning Group Brandon Santa Parade returns to downtown Brandon at 6 p.m. Parade starts at the corner of Sixth Street and Rosser Avenue taking Rosser Avenue to 17th Street then up to Princess Avenue and back to Sixth Street. Help support Canada Post in their Food Drive by bringing a non-perishable food item for Christmas Cheer. They will also be picking up Santa letters. Brandon City Transit will be offering free bus rides from 4 p.m. to midnight on all bus routes! • • • Westman Immigration Services is offering a series of World Cooking Lessons at Knox United Church at 11 a.m. Cost is $15 per session. Today is Honduras; Nov. 29, China. To register call 204-727-6031 ext. 2239 or email jaimec@westmanimmigrations ervices.ca or visit westmanimmigrantservices.ca. • • • St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be holding its annual fall supper with sittings at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. sitting. Adults tickets are $12; children 6-12 years $6 and five and under are free. For further information or to purchase tickets, call 204-7273393 and come join us for a fantastic home-cooked meal. • • • Club 77 Anniversary Gala Dinner and Dance will be held at the Ukrainian Reading Hall. Dinner at 6 p.m.; dance at 8 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. Live music by Southern Country. Entertainment, door prizes and silent auction. Tickets for dinner and dance are $30 (please call for availability); just for dance, $15 (members and affiliate $12) and available at the door. For more info, call 204-728-0627 or 204726-8240 or email [email protected]. Come join us celebrate our 37th year! • • • Join Westman Wilderness Club for a day hike in Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. EXCLUSIVE DEAL Sand Hills Casino Package Tour with Brandon Bus Lines PAY $10 GET $15 For The Bus Ride Free Play 2 Hours of Play Will Get You a FREE BUFFET at the Dunes Restaurant Offered Valid On The Following Runs FROM BRANDON November 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28 (Every Monday & Friday) Pick Ups: Various pick up points around Brandon FROM THE NORTH November 12 & 26 (Wednesdays) Pick Ups: Minnedosa & Neepawa FROM THE SOUTH November 19 (Wednesday) Pick Ups: Boissevain, Killarney & Glenboro *All tours arrive at the Sand Hills Casino at 12:00 noon and depart at 5:00 pm.* Each bus is equipped with video systems, A/C and washrooms. We have a 14 passenger van, 3-56 passenger coach and 2-58 passenger coach ready to fill your needs for any kind of trip anywhere in Canada or the USA. Brandon Bus Lines For more information call our office at 204.571.0231 www.brandonbuslines.com Call Fred at 204-728-7685. • • • Strathclair Theatre Chorus, a 43 voice mixed choir will be performing at Trinity United Church at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20. Refreshments included. Call church office at 204-728-4796 or Marlane 204-729-8574. • • • The Global Market has moved inside for the winter! We are now open year round. The Global Market is open every Saturday at 23 12th Street from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. • • • FLK Taoist Tai Chi Beginner class: Open Practice - takes place from 10-11 a.m.; Continuing class - Open Practice from 11 a.m. to noon at St. Matthew’s Church. For more info, call Kathryn at 204-571-0684. ••• Overeaters Anonymous meet Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. in the John Howard boardroom at 153 8th Street. For more info, call 204-761-7504 or visit oa.org. ••• Zen Tao Chi-Kung Tai Chi is practised at the Brandon School of Dance (126 10 Street) at 9 a.m. Beginners are welcome anytime. For more info, call Sally 204-7268220; Roger 204-726-5293. ••• The Brandon Hills Model Railway is located at 19 Ninth Street. We have two layouts, ‘N’ and ‘H.O’ scales. We will offer advice on your layout and construction and check out your model trains. We are open from 10 a.m. until noon every Saturday. For more info, call Bob at 204727-5114. ••• Brandon Community Orchestra meets Saturdays at the Brandon University’s Kinsmen Rehearsal Hall from 9:30 a.m. until noon. For more info, call Jeff 204-726-8294. ••• Divorced, widowed, single? Come join us. Prairie Social Singles, a group of people who like to play pool, dance, have coffee and make new friends. Contact Elvin 204-729-9001. SUNDAY, NOV. 16 The Minnedosa Rotary hosts the Strathclair Theatre Chorus, featuring “25 Years of Harmony,” at the Minnedosa United Church at 7 p.m. A 40 voice mixed choir directed by Elizabeth Grant. Tickets on sale at the RBC or from club members. For more information, call 204-867-2909. • • • The Arthritis Society Manitoba/Nunavut Division will be hosting its sixth annual Jingle Bell Walk and Run for Arthritis at the Healthy Living Centre at Brandon University. Registration is at 9 a.m. and the walk/run starts at 10 a.m. Registration is at 9 a.m. and the walk/run starts at 10 a.m. Registration fees are $25 for adults (19+) or waive the fee and raise a minimum of $100; $10 for students (ages 12-19) or waive the fee and raise a minimum of $60; and FREE for children (11 and under). Donations are gratefully accepted and donations $20 and over receive a tax receipt. Pre-registration will be held on Nov. 15 from 1 p.m. to 5 pm at the Canad Inns on 18th Street. Proceeds will help further the great strides being made in arthritis research, and will also help support arthritis programs and services provided by The Arthritis Society in Brandon and the Westman area. • • • A worship service entitled “Gifts from the Light and Sound of God,” will be held at the Lakeview Inn and Suites at 1 p.m. For more info, call 1-800225-8819. • • • Westman Self-Defence Club holds classes at the Ukrainian National Home from 2-4 p.m. 16-years-olds and up. For more info, call Justin at 204-720-9948. • • • Why eat alone? Club 77 members enjoy getting together for Sunday brunch each week at 11:45 a.m. at the Clay Pot Cafe. Good food! Great hospitality! New to Brandon? Call 204-7280627 or 204-726-8240 or email [email protected]. Fun and Friendship since 1977! • • • The Wawanesa Lions Club Art Mart is a small gift shop with handcrafted items from Lions and local artisans. It is located in the Lions Clubhouse at 132 Fifth Street, (behind the Fire Hall). It is open Sundays from 1-5 p.m., occasional Saturdays and by appointment. Call 204-824-2722 or 204-824-2457 for information or appointments. MONDAY, NOV. 17 Seniors for Seniors presents a Christmas Tea and Bake Sale from 2-4 p.m. Advance tickets only. Cost is $7. • • • The Brandon and Area Acquired Brain Injury Survivor and Family Support Group meets in A5 800 Rosser Avenue, Town Centre from 7-9 p.m. • • • Griswold Connection meets for lunch at noon. Call Betty 204-726-9599. • • • » Continued on Page 7 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • THE BRANDON SUN CAT CHAT: Cats have a remarkable ability to communicate, and these amazing animals use so many different methods to tell us what they want. Did you know that one form of feline communication was developed for the purpose of “talking” with humans? Have you ever noticed cats rarely meow at one another? This isn’t a common method of feline communication among cats — but cats meow at their humans often. It is believed that cats learned making this noise got the attention of their caregivers. Most cat owners will tell you they are familiar with different “meows” their cats make, as their cats adjust the tone and pitch of the sounds they make to communicate differently when they want a meal, want COMMUNITY NEWS • 7 From purring to caterwauling, what your feline is saying Dana Grove PET’S BEST FRIEND Dana Grove is an animal lover who works with several pet organizations in Brandon. » [email protected] to get into a room, or simply want attention! The meow is characterized as a “vowel” sound in most literature. While this sound is a way for cats to communicate with us, there are a number of other vocalizations cats make. Here are a few common ones: Purring: This is a sound kittens can make within hours of being born, and is made by cats when they are happy and relaxed. Researchers have also found that cats will purr to soothe themselves when they are ill or even near death. There is still a lot that is not known about this noise, but it is mainly known as a sign that a cat is content. Chirping: This warbling, chittering sound is made by a mother cat when she wants her kittens to follow. Cats also use this sound to communicate with humans when they want their caregiver to follow them. You may have heard this noise when your cat wants you to follow him to his food bowl, wants you to take a toy, or wants you to clear a spot in your lap for a good petting session. Chattering: This is a sound many cat owners hear as their feline companion sits in the window watching birds go by. The chattering noise a cat makes sounds similar to the noise a rodent or bird makes, and there is some suspicion that this noise may even be one cats make to entice prey by mimicking their sounds. Chatter is a noise cats make when they are hunting. Yowling: A long drawn-out meow is different from the happy conversational ones. Cats call out or yowl when they are upset, frustrated or in distress. This is a noise you will hear when a cat is trapped, lost or injured and calling out for assistance. Cats will also yowl at other cats to warn them away from territory. Caterwauling: This is a noise similar to a yowl, but is a hollow, mournful howl heard by intact female cats when they are in heat. This mating call is persistent and females in heat are relentless. At times, the caterwaul will escalate into a shrieking or screaming sound. (Note: Spayed female cats do not make these noises.) Growling: A long, lowpitched growl is often a warning of danger to come. Cats make this sound when they feel danger is near. A cat that is growling feels threatened and is sending a vocal warning to the threat that is approaching, warning them to stay away. Hissing: A hiss sends the message it is meant to without a need for interpretation. It is a threatening noise and is usually made to challenge an enemy or to warn. A cat that is hissing is ready for a fight and is willing to defend himself. Some believe that a growl is a preliminary warning and a hiss is a more immediate warning. Street! Stop in and check out the decorations and giftware Monday to Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Profits from this store are used by the Brandon Regional Health Centre Auxiliary to purchase equipment for the BRHC. Help them with this worthy cause and brighten up your home for Christmas. Donations gratefully accepted. For further info, call 204-728-7137. • • • The Congregate Meal is served at Prairie Oasis Monday and Thursday at 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at noon at a cost of $8 per meal. We also serve supper Monday evening starting at 4:30 p.m. in conjunction with Monday night Bingo. • • • Keystone Dancers evening clogging 6-9 p.m. and line dancing 1-3:30 p.m. are every Monday at Royal Canadian Legion No. 3. Call Jean 204-725-2095 or Sally 204-727-8783. • • • Brandon Community Playgroups are open from 1011:30 a.m. Monday at the West End Community Centre and Thursday at South End Community Centre. Cost is $2 per family, bring snack. Call Stacey 204-724-2573 for info. • • • Seniors for Seniors stitch and chat takes place every Monday at 1:30 p.m. Get together for crafts and companionship. No charge. Proceeds from any items sold go to Seniors for Seniors. Call 204571-2050 for more info. • • • Prairie Oasis holds fundraising bingo at 1:15 and 6 p.m.; duplicate bridge at 1 p.m. Cost is $3. For more info, call 204-727-6641. • • • The repertoire of vocalizations our feline friends can make is really something. Despite the range of vocalizations our cats can use, verbal communication is only a secondary method of communication for our cats. The primary and universal language of cats is body language … but that’s a column for another day. WHAT’S ON? « Continued from Page 6 The Brandon Camera Club meets in the lecture theatre at Crocus Plains School. Enter from the west parking lot, south doors. Bring photos for viewing on a jump (flash) drive, a CD or a memory card will work also. This week: Bring four photos for the competition on birds. Pat Stone will present “On the East Side” and Darlene Perkin will show us some cool iPhone accessories. Note: next meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 23. • • • The Brandon Type 2 Diabetes Support Group meets in Unit B6 - 800 Rosser Ave. at 2 p.m. This is open to all diabetics and care givers. For more info, call 204728-2382. • • • Heritage Arts Centre Gallery in Hamiota is open on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 14 p.m. or call 204-764-2400 to make out-of-hours appointments. Stop in and see the handmade gift items at our Gallery Gift Shop. Gallery exhibition for month of November: Painter Bev Bird of Brandon. • • • Compassionate Friends of Southwestern Manitoba, Inc. gathers on the third Monday of each month at Central United Church at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. Join parents who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. “We need not walk alone, we are The Compassionate Friends.” Annual world-wide candle lighting will be held Dec. 14 and is open to family and friends. • • • Brookdale Belles and Beaus Square Dance Club dance Monday nights at the Brookdale Community Hall at 7:30 p.m. New dancers are welcome and the first three nights are free for new dancers so come try it! For more info, call Carole at 204-3542338 or Karen at 204-354-2281. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers computer lessons with our interns. Basic computer skills, Facebook, Skype, email, Smartphones, Internet safety and more. Contact 204-571-2050 to set up an appointment. Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • • • The Brandon Arthritis Support Group will be hosting an information booth at Rolling Spokes each Monday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drop by and see us. For more information, call Marsha at 204-726-5995. • • • Adult Children of Alcoholics meet every Monday evening at St. Matthew’s Cathedral at 7 p.m. For more info, call Debbie at 204-7286515. • • • #60 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp Swiftsure is enrolling youth ages 12-18. Learn marksmanship, seamanship, sailing, leadership and citizenship. Parades are at the Brandon Armoury Monday nights from September to June. For more information, call the ship’s office at 204-728-3168 (leave message) or contact [email protected]. New cadets are welcome to sign up for this rewarding youth program. • • • St. John Ambulance invites you to become a volunteer. Meetings are held every Monday except holidays from September through June, at the St. John Ambulance Training and Community Services Centre in the Shoppers Mall Business Centre at 7 p.m. This is your opportunity to learn first aid, become an advanced medical first responder and serve your community. For more info, call 204-727-4092 or email [email protected]. • • • Ki Rin ITF Taekwon-Do Club classes for ages 7 and above are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. at 126 10th St. Parent and child classes. Call 204-724-5933 for info. • • • Zen Tao Chi-Kung Tai Chi is practised at the Brandon School of Dance (126 10th Street) at 9 a.m. Beginners are welcome anytime. For more info, call Sally 204-726-8220; Roger 204-7265293. • • • FLK Taoist Tai Chi Beginner and Continuing classes are held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Church. For more info call Kathryn at 204-5710684. • • • Brandon ANAF Steeltip Darts League meets Monday nights at the Army and Navy on 14th Street. Come join us in the fun and games. New members always welcome. For more info, call Mike 204-720-0388. • • • Meals on Wheels deliver a hot, nutritious mean by 12 noon Monday to Friday to people living in their homes at a cost of $8 per meal. Meals for the weekend area available as cold meals and they are sent out on Fridays. Meals are available to anyone in Brandon by calling Prairie Oasis at 204-7276641. • • • East End Sunshine Club meets Mondays at 1:30 p.m. at the East End Community Centre for cards and lunch. New members welcome. For more info, call Bob 204-571-1664. • • • Weekly meat draws are held at the ANAF Brandon Unit #10 Mondays at 5 p.m.- Fridays 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays 5 p.m. Members and guests. • • • Christmas has come to the Nearly New Shop, 601 Ninth I will enjoy the season! » Continued on Page 8 The Y WCA of Brandon would like to thank our sponsors, volunteers, committee members, session facilitators and participating schools and students for supporting our 11th Annual “The Power of Being a Girl” Conference. Santa’s Arrival Friday November 14 – 6:00pm, Kia Court New Display & Interactive Area First 500 children to visit Santa on the night of his arrival receive a special surprise! Santa photos follow until 8:00pm 1570 - 18th Street, Brandon | Over 80 Shops and Services shoppersmallbrandon.com Ladies Auxillary Branch No. 3 Kiwanis Club of Brandon Assiniboine Inc. NOVEMBER 3 - 13TH EMERGENCY LIQUIDATION *See store for more details 1858 – 18th Street North • Brandon, Manitoba • 204-726-9225 “New Faces & A New Level of Service” 8 • COMMUNITY NEWS THE BRANDON SUN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 WHAT’S ON « Continued from Page 7 The SW Branch of Manitoba Genealogical Society Library is located at Knox United Church and is open Mondays (except on stat holidays) from 2-4 p.m. or by appointment by calling 204-725-3095. For more info about the society visit swmanitobagenealogy.ca. • • • Sprucewoods Community Club (hall near Shilo) holds cribbage on Mondays at 7 p.m. Cost $2. Bring a partner. • • • Prairie Oasis Senior Centre offers hot, full course, home-cooked meals at 11:30 a.m. today and Thursday and noon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Cost is $8. Call 204-727-6641. • • • Wanted: women who like to sing. Come join in singing four-part harmony a cappella-style any Monday evening. We rehearse at Trinity Church from 7-9 p.m. Call Audrey at 204-727-0163 or Naomi at 204-726-8569 for more information. • • • Assiniboine Kiwanis Club meets at 7 a.m. at the Canad Inn. Call Bob 204-726-5448 or Ralph 204-726-1314. • • • UCT TRAVO bingo is held at the Brandon Friendship Centre. Doors open at 5 p.m. Early-bird games at 6:45 p.m. Regular games at 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, NOV. 18 The Royal Canadian Legion Wheat City Branch #247 will be having their meeting at Central Community Centre at 7 p.m. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers Footcare and Blood Pressure clinics at 1 p.m. Appointments available with our retired nurses for nailcare for your healthy feet. Cost: $15 at clinic; $20 at home. Call 204-5712050 for more info. • • • Keystone Lion’s Club meets in the lower level of the Lions Manor at 7 p.m. New members-potential members welcome. For more info, call 204-726-1991 or 204-573-0940. • • • Volunteers are needed by the Daly House Museum Auxiliary. They meet in the museum at 11 a.m. to provide hands on support for museum events and artefact preservation. This may include knitting, sewing and other crafts. We are looking for new members who are interested in local history and want to help support Daly House. For more information contact 204727-1722. • • • Welcome Here, a program for parents and children five and under who are new to Canada, meet every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Central United Church from 1-3:15 p.m. Practice English with your children and learn fun activities that will help them be prepared for school. Transportation is available if you live too far to walk. Take an English class while children are care for in child care. To register, contact Westman Immigrant Services at 1001 Pacific Avenue or call 204-7276031. and press 2. • • • Eating Disorder Support Group, held by Westwind Counselling. Groups will be held on Tuesday afternoons. This is a closed group and pre-registration is required. Please call 204-728-2499 or email [email protected] to register. • • • Douglas TOPS 4560 meets on Tuesdays at Sprucewood Hall. Weigh in at 5 p.m. with meeting at 5:30 p.m. For more info, call Barb at 204-763-4768 • • • Tuesday Al-Anon Family Group (for families and friends of alcoholics) meets every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at St. Augustine Church (use the northeast basement entrance). For more info, call 204-5713684. • • • The Brandon Board Game League meets every Tuesday. Brought to you by Playtime Entertainment and I Want That Stuff. Call 204-7247295 to register. • • • Overeaters Anonymous meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the John Howard boardroom at 153 8th Street. For more info, call 204-7617504 or visit oa.org. • • • Shilo Military Family Resource Centre Thrift Shop, located in the Community Centre, is open to the general public. Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3 p.m. and 6:30-8 p.m. as well as Thursdays 9:30-11 a.m. and 6:308 p.m. For more info, call 204-7653000 ext. 4553. • • • Come visit 26 Fd Regt RCA - XII MB Dragoons Museum at 1116 Victoria Ave. and see a vast collection of historical military items. We are open Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Free admission. For other times, please call 204-717-4579 to book a tour. Check our website at 12mbdragoonsmuseum.com and Facebook page 26 Fd Regt RCA - XII MB Dragoons Museum. • • • Cribbage played at ANAF at 7 p.m. Bring your partner. • • • Cribbage is played at Branch #3 Royal Canadian Legion at 7:30 p.m. All welcome. For info, contact Joan at 204-728-7081. • • • Ninja Tots classes are held Tuesdays at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. for 45 minutes at 126 10th St. Children must be between the ages of 4-6 years. Fun, bully proofing and fitness. For more info, call 204-7245933. • • • FLK Taoist Tai Chi Beginner and Continuing classes are held from 5:30-7 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Church. For more info call Kathryn at 204571-0684. • • • Separated/Divorced Support Group meets Tuesdays at St. Augustine’s Church (downstairs) from 7-9 p.m. (use North East stairwell entry). Call Allison or Pat 204-727-2955 or David 204-727-6674 for more info. • • • Prairie Oasis Cribbage is played at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Don’t need a partner. Call Gerry at 204-726-8358. • • • Tuesday Tops MB #3778 meet at St. Matthew’s Cathedral with weighin at 6 p.m. and meeting at 6:30 p.m. For more info, call Ellen 204-7242537. Use 13th Street entrance. • • • Bipolar Support Group meets Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 7th Street Health Access. For more info, call Nora 204578-4823 or Marilyn 204-725-0607. • • • Central Happy Haven Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 p.m. at Central Community Centre for cards (500) and are joined by the Handbells at 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays. For cards, call Doug 204-728-9430 and bells, call Eileen 204-728-1300. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers exercise group at 9:30 a.m. with leader Lorraine Rozak with walking and light strengthening. Members $3.50;non-members $4.50. Shuffleboard at 1:30 p.m. Cost is $3.50 for members and $4.50 for non-members. Competition and conversation. Yoga at 1:30 p.m. Relaxing and exercise all in one with instructor Marissa Cline. Members $3.50; non-members $4.50. Call 204571-2050 for more info. • • • Prairie Oasis offers floor shuffleboard at 1 p.m. every Tuesday. Cost is $3; cribbage at 1 p.m. Cost is $3. For more info, call 204-727-6641. • • • 20-20 Toastmasters meet every Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. at Prairie Oasis. Please contact Bette at 204-726-4191, Patti at 204-727-2042 or Shirley at 204-726-5344. • • • Carousels and Dolls Museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. View over 6,000 dolls, Barbies, antique, composition dolls and more. Volunteers are always welcome. For more info, call 204-728-1245. • • • The Virden Legion Cadet Corps invites youth between the ages of 12 to 18 to come and check out the Cadet Corps. The Cadet Dragoons meet on Tuesdays from 6:45 to 9:30 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Complex at 540 8th Ave. There are no registration fees, no uniforms, no insurance fees or activity fees, just a commitment to attend on a regular basis. For more info, call 204-7483321. • • • Diabetes and Heart Health Promotion located at A5-800 Rosser Ave., offers the opportunity to drop in and have your blood pressure taken on Tuesday afternoons. Call 204-5782370 for information. • • • Traditional Karate of Brandon holds classes and training for all belt levels Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-7 p.m. for children and 7-8 p.m. for adults. Locations are Tuesdays, West End Community Centre; Thursdays, East End Community Centre. Beginners welcome anytime. For info, call 204-728-2612. • • • Hope Al-Anon Family Group meets at 8 p.m. in the basement at Knox United Church, (use east door). Call 204-571-3684. • • • The Rotary Club of Brandon weekly meeting and luncheon at the Roadhouse, Canad Inns at 11:45 a.m. Call Don 204-727-0493 • • • Kiwanis Club of Brandon meets at noon at the Brandon University small dining room. Contact Peter at 204-729-8331. meet for lunch at noon at Huggys. • • • Westman Jeep Association is a family oriented, community minded, and environmentally conscious group of Jeep owners-enthusiasts. Brandon meetings are held at the A and W at 18th Street and Queens Ave. at 7 p.m. Contact Troy 765-4644 or see website www.westmanjeep.com. • • • Nifty Needlers meet every other Wednesday at Central Community Centre, 529 Fourth Street, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Admission $3 at door. Come out and join our group for fun, inspiration and learn to quilt. We will be offering learn to quilt classes for beginners. Everyone welcome. • • • IODE, Diamond Jubilee (1960) Chapter, Brandon meets at 7:30 p.m. IODE is a Canadian women’s charitable organization. Women dedicated to a better Canada. For more info, call 204-728-5294. • • • Women with Cancer Support Group meets for lunch in the Blue Room at Huggy’s Restaurant at 1 p.m. For more info, call Mavis 204727-2849. • • • Alzheimer Society of Manitoba offers weekly support group for people with Dementia at the Westman Office Unit 4B from 10 to 11:30 a.m. For more info, call Grace 204-729-8320. • • • Zen Tao Chi-Kung Tai Chi is practised at the Brandon School of Dance (126 10th Street) at 7:30 p.m. Beginners are welcome anytime. For more info, call Sally 204-726-8220; Roger 204-726-5293. • • • Seniors Mixed Shuffleboard Wednesdays at Royal Canadian Legion Branch #3, 1 p.m. New members welcome. For more info, call Karen 204-728-0759 or Marion 726-3374. • • • Westman Hospice Association and The Counselling Centre offer a Bereavement Peer Support Group at the Counselling Centre every Wednesday at 7 p.m. until Dec. 10. It is free of charge to those in our community who have lost a loved one. For more info, or to register call Jocelyn 204-726-8706 or Westman Hospice 204-727-1745. • • • Club ‘77 Singles meet at McDonalds Restaurant on Richmond Avenue for coffee and conversation every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Make some new friends and discover what we have to offer. New to the Brandon area? Call us at 204-729-8982 or 204-726-8240 or email [email protected]. Fun and Friendship since 1977! • • • FLK Taoist Tai Chi Beginner and Continuing classes are held from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Church. For more info call Kathryn at 204-571-0684. • • • Wednesday TOPS 5277 (new chapter) will meet at Trinity United Church with weigh in at 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. with meeting to follow. For more info, call Marlene 204-728-7590. • • • 71 Bty 2520 Royal Canadian Army Cadets meet Wednesday from 6:30-9 p.m. at the Brandon Armoury. Army Cadets is open to all youth, 1218 years of age. For more info, call 204-728-7665. • • • Ever thought of joining a dart league? Brandon ANAF Mixed Steeltip Dart League meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at the Army and Navy on 14th Street. Come one, come all and have some fun. No experience needed All levels of players wanted, from beginners to pro!. League runs from September to April. For more info, call Susan 204-724-4282 or Dave 204-727-6983. • • • Prairie Social Singles meet for pool each Wednesday at 7 p.m at the ANAF Hall, followed by coffee at McDonald’s on Richmond Ave. For more info, call Elvin 204-729-9001. • • • Keystone Dancers Clogging beginners at 10 a.m., second year 11 a.m. and intermediate at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Call Jean 204-725-2095 or Sally 204-727-8783. • • • Come play Scrabble every Wednesday from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Army and Navy. Bring a friend. For more info, call Carol 204-726-1117 or Amy 204-728-3271. • • • Prairie Oasis offers paint class at 9 a.m. Cost is $7; exercise at 10 a.m. Cost is $3; bridge at 1 p.m. Cost is $3. For info, call 204-727-6641. • • • A playgroup is held at St. Matthew’s Cathedral Wednesday from 10-11:30 a.m. All are welcome. • • • Gamblers Anonymous meets Wednesdays and Sundays. Contact 204-571-3685 (24-hour service). • • • Seniors for Seniors offers Senior Songbirds Choir at 9:45 a.m. with leader Albert Klippenstein. Members $1.50; non-members $2.50. Afternoon games at 1:15 p.m. Various board and card games. Members $3.50; non-members $4.50. Line Dancing at 2 p.m. All levels whether a beginner or intermediate - it is all fun and fit! Members $3.50;non-members $4.50. • • • TOPS Mb 5075 meets weekly at Grand Valley Community Church, 18th St. North, with weigh-in 5:45 p.m., meeting 6:15 p.m. For more info, call Jill at 204-571-9359 or email Bella at [email protected]. • • • Wheat City Al-Anon Family Group meets in the basement of St. George’s Anglican Church, side door, 8 p.m. Call 204-571-3684 for more info. • • • Canadian Blood Services donor clinic at The Town Centre is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 4 -7:30 p.m. Call 1-888-2-DONATE. Walkins welcome. • • • Westman Narcotics Anonymous Group meets at 7:30 p.m. at the AFM - Parkwood (rear entrance). • • • The South West Branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society will meet on Wednesday September 10, 2014 at 7:30 pm in Room 102 at Crocus Plains School. Laura Crookshanks is speaking on "Life in a Victorian Workhouse.” For more information about the Society go to swmanitobagenealogy.ca. THURSDAY, NOV. 20 Music Jam and Dance at the Melita Legion Hall (from November to April) from 1-5 p.m. Admission $4, children free. Join us for music, singing, and dancing. Bring your instruments and dancing shoes. For more info, call Norman 204-5228120. Proceeds donated back to the community and to charity. • • • A coffee house for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit people as well as their allies, takes place at 7 p.m. For more info, call 204-727-0417. • • • Little Bits of Brandon Miniature meets at Parkview Seniors Housing Co-op Ltd. at 1321 13th Street at 7 p.m. For more info, call Marg 204725-0875 or Beth 204-824-2722. • • • The Brandon Branch No. 3 Royal Canadian Legion is proud to provide and support Veteran’s afternoon in the games room at 560 13th Street East from 2-3:30 p.m. for coffee, conversation and comradery. For RCL members and guests. For further info, call 204-727-3054. • • • » Continued on Page 10 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 Former Alexander residents will HEAVEN? SAVING LIVES at work, home and play Need First Aid and CPR training for your staff, but can’t afford to lose them for a full day? Blended Online First Aid Courses Only half the classroom time needed for practical hands-on training. Complete the online portion at your own convenience beforehand. Workplace Safety & Health recognized, valid 3 year certification in Manitoba. A free informational video presentation on Near Death Experiences will be shown at Donogh Antiques Warehouse 3 miles South of Brandon on #10 Hwy November 14th at 7 pm Call Richard at 204-784-7007 or email [email protected] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • THE BRANDON SUN COMMUNITY NEWS • 9 APPLIANCE REPAIR CONTRACTORS HOT TUBS, POOLS, SPAS SNOW REMOVAL BRANDON APPLIANCE Repair. Prompt in-home service to all major appliances. Available days, evenings & weekends. No “House Call” fees. Town or country. Reasonable rates. 729-1010. ALL SEASONS EXTERIORS: Shingles, fascia, soffit, eaves, siding, fences and decks. Call Mike at 204-573-3039 GOTTA HAVE KREVCO Pool & Spa Sales & Service Service to all makes of hot tubs and pools since 1985. 728-9507; 1-866-794-9224(toll-free). Livingstone Landscaping Ltd. BATH & BASEMENT RENOVATIONS P.W. PENNER CONTRACTING. Bathroom and basement renovations. Book your renovation now! 21 years experience. For estimates call Peter Penner, owner/operator, 761-7999. Weddings 43 MARRIAGE COMMISSIONERS FOR MANITOBA 19 years experience Brandon weddings, $95 Mrs. Gladys Martine, English Ceremony, Mr. Peter Martine, French and English Ceremony. Will do out of town weddings. Phone 1-204-727-0233. Notices 65 SANDY LAKE GOLF COURSE Sandy Lake, MB, 15 min. from the National Park, Clear Lake, MB “GOLF MEMBERSHIP” Minimum purchase time till Dec. 31, 2014 "Lifetime Membership" with legal agreement signed for your guarantee of Lifetime Membership (25 years) ONLY $1,000 - YES ONLY $1000 Purchase your Member Lifetime Ticket Now, all money goes to a trust account, guarantee money back if 700 tickets not sold by January 2015. Call 204.725.4400 DO YOU NEED PROTECTION from a loved one? Call YWCA Westman Women’s Shelter for assistance, (204) 727-3644 Craft Sales 67 CFB Shilo’s Little Big One Craft Sale & Trade Show Come experience over 100 tables/ vendors, Sat., Nov 22, 10am-2pm, Community Centre Annex, building L-25. Admission is free! Call 204-765-3000 ext. 3588/3317 for more info. Skilled Trades Help 101 AUTOMOTIVE JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN required at South End Service Integra Tire. Apply in person at 1525-18th Street, Brandon Skilled Help Wanted 105 LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR to be part of our team. Please drop off your resume at South End Service, 1525-18th St. Houses For Sale == 200 = = = == PACKING SUPPLIES Large selection of boxes, bubble wrap, etc. 204-729-8989. Building Lots 300 BUILDING LOTS For Sale at Paradise Valley. Live in Harmony with Nature, 9 miles north west of Brandon. Acreage size lots, many with spectacular River views. Only 3 lots left in PHASE-1. Call Peter Tines, 1-204-896-7652 or Don Mitchell of Century 21 204-724-2743. Realtors protected. BUILDING LOTS 4-SALE in CHATER Historic Village charm awaits, 4 miles east of Brandon. Only 4 Lots Left In PHASE-1. Call Peter Tines, 1-204-896-7652 or Don Mitchell at Century 21 204-724-2743. Realtors protected. Cabins/Cottages/Lots 370 TOKARYK LAKE Super price for waterfront lots. Vendor financing available. Stocked world class trout lake. Close to lakes, hunting and fishing & Riding Mountain National Park. $25,000 until Dec. 31, 2014. Murray Melnyk 204-725-5858 HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. Miscellaneous Articles 400 ☺ Chiropedic Queen Pillowtop bed set, edgeguard, new, wrapped, worth $800, sell $395. (King set $595). Queen size 12-drawer storage bed, espresso color, $495. All products in stock. KDL Furniture, Wholesale, 660 Highland Ave. (south side of Trans Canada Hwy. in Brandon. Call 571-1971. Articles Wanted 410 PEOPLE’S MARKET: Buy & sell new & used furniture, coin/stamp supplies. Estates a specialty. 32-13th St. Call 727-4708. Guns Wanted 532 CASH FOR UNWANTED GUNS, ammunition & gun cabinet. Call Celest Payette at 204-747-4434. WILL BUY UNWANTED GUNS Call 204-834-2450, Carberry. Poultry/Livestock 586 FREE RANGE CHICKENS raised outside from day 1. No growth hormones/antibiotics. Bagged in cryovac bags. Government inspected, $3.25/lb. Sizes range from 5-9 lbs.; Bulk potaotes .60¢/lb. (204) 526-2373 or e-mail: [email protected] Autos For Sale CABINETRY & COUNTERTOPS CONTRACTOR’S CORNER DESIGN CENTRE Visit our Retail Showroom at 408 Park Avenue East. Cabinets, countertops, Project Management, New Builds, Financing Available. 204-727-3799 www.contractorscorner.ca CARPENTRY RINNOVI RENOVATIONS Specializing in tile, hardwood, finishing, doors, windows, decks, garages, additions/sunrooms, drywall and painting. Fully insured. Brian 204-724-6008. CLEANING SERVICES FAMILY TIES CONSTRUCTION Building pole sheds, houses, framing and roofing, renos including basements. Free quotes. References available. 204-761-1462. CONCRETE & MASONRY LIVINGSTONE LANDSCAPING. Get your landscape design or quote started now. Serving Brandon & area since 1992. Call 204-578-5291. Visit our showroom, 370 Park Ave. East. LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES EAVESTROUGHING ABLE EAVESTROUGHING 5”,6”,7” continuous steel trough; Vinyl, cement board and seamless steel siding; soffit, fascia, window cladding. Free estimates, 725-2294 Workmanship guaranteed. BRANDON EAVESTROUGHING (2008) Continuous eavestroughing, siding, soffit, fascia, cladding, windows, doors, repair work, cleaning. Serving Brandon and surrounding areas. Financing now available. 204-573-8868, office 204-726-5888. Complete exterior renovations, continuous 5”&6” eavestroughing, seamless steel, vinyl siding, cladding, windows, doors. For guaranteed satisfaction, Rainbow Eavestroughing & Custom Exteriors 727-1639. KAZIC Kleaning. Licensed and insured residential cleaner. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, 1-time cleaning, move-in/move -out cleaning. Call 204-721-2363 Email [email protected] LANDSCAPING From landscape fabric, edging, ground cover, annuals and perennials, to all your brick products We do designing and full landscape installations or just pick up all you supplies for your DIY project. 204-727-7289 S.E. Corner of 34th & Patricia PLUMBING ALL-AROUND PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL 204-717-LEAK (5325) Licensed Journeyman Plumbers • Air Conditioning • Heating • Gas Dozer, wheel loaders, trucking, track excavator services. Topsoil, gravel, sand sales & services SHARPE ROOFING & WATERPROOFING Now offering interior basement waterproofing, Crystalline technology waterproofs concrete basements from the inside-out’ Stop water seepage and future leaks. For new and existing concrete Contact Brett at 204-868-5544 or at [email protected] for a Free Estimate. Another division of Alternative Landscaping Ltd. 204-727-7289 PHONE 571-7400 EMAIL [email protected] Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm UPHOLSTERERS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS in auto, furniture and marine upholstery. We sell a complete line of vinyls, fabrics and supplies for the do-it-yourselfer. Free estimates. Call Len’s RV, 204-728-4457. www.lensrv.ca YARD CARE ROOFING ALTERNATIVE EXCAVATION RDI ROOFING and SNOW CLEARING Residential monthly contracts available Call Danielle (204) 761-3508 for free estimates ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF. EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS HARD SCABBLE STUCCO and STONE Stucco, Acrylic, Parging, Masonry, Prairie Stone. Call 204-727-3799. BUSY BEAVER SERVICES Snow Removal for winter months. Also does tree removal Free estimates. Insured. 204-761-9777. Looking for better lawn and snow service? CARTER BROS. offers you professional snow clearing, fall clean ups, hedge trimming, spring clean ups and lawn maintenance. Call Will for a free quote. (204) 570-1850 Advertise Your Business Here For AS LOW AS $ 2.85 PER DAY based on 22 words DEADLINE Monday 11 am for Tuesday insertion FAX 725-0976 600 KAUK’S KLASSIC KARS #0699 2003 GMC Jimmy 4x4 .......$3,750 2003 Ford Taurus SE 120K $3,995 2006 Pontiac Montana.........$4,900 2006 VW Jetta TDI.............$6,800 2007 Dodge Caravan...........$4,995 All vehicles sold with safety & warranty Call Doug 204-729-7440 FIRST STREET FIRST LTD. Trucks 09 Ram 2500 Mega Diesel 4x4..$22,999 08 Ram Laramie 4x4...... $18,200 08 F150 quad 4x4............ $13,200 08 Ram 2500 Laramie 6.7D..... $22,999 07 GMC Sierra LT quad, 4x4. $17,999 05 Ram Daytona quad 4x4... $13,499 04 F150 XLT ext. 4x4........ $6,500 00 Sierra 2500 4x4 ............$6,899 Cars ,Vans & Suv’s 10 Ford Focus .................$8,999 10 Ford Tarus SEL..........$10,999 09 Ford Flex Ltd............. $20,299 09 Kia Rondo Ex............ $10,500 09 Murano SL, AWD.......$17,999 08 Ford Mustang V/6 .......$11,999 08 Escape XLT, AWD........$8,999 08 Suzuki Sx4 JX .............$8,399 07 Sport Trac Ltd. 4x4 ..$10,999 06 Torrent, AWD ............. $8,799 05 Ford Freestar Ltd.........$5,999 05 Montana SV6, Ext....... $5,999 05 Equinox LT, AWD.......$7,399 04 Grand Prix GT............. $5,999 04 Grand Am GT............. .$4,899 01 Grand AM SE V/6.........$3,699 View online at firststreetfirst.com 1509 Park St. Richmond Ave. East (204)724-7474. #0526 BLACK DIRT PREMIUM BLACK DIRT Washed sand, all types of gravel and rocks available for pick up or delivery. Cumming & Dobbie, 3000 Victoria Avenue EAST, 726-0790. KAZIC KONTRACTING Renovations, drywalling, tiling, etc. Any job - Big or small. 28 years experience. (204) 761-3958, (204) 761-0247 [email protected] Residential or Commercial FREE SNOW QUOTES Snow clearing, hauling & sanding/salting. Serving Brandon & area since 1992. (204) 578-5291 www.livingstoneltd.com Autos For Sale 600 BRANDON AUTO SALES #2826 09 Chev Uplander 102K.....$7,950 09 Pontiac G6, auto.......... $7,950 08 Honda Civic, 4-dr........ $4,950 08 Jeep Patriot 4x4.............$8,950 08 Chev Malibu 4dr auto $5,950 08 Cobalt 2-dr auto ............ $4,950 08 Dodge Avenger loaded.....$5950 07 Chev Uplander .Ext..........$3,950 07 Chrysler Sebring, loaded, $5,950 07 Pontiac Torrent........... $5,950 07 Pontiac Montana SV6..$6,950 07 Grand Caravan Sto’Go.. $7,950 07 Jeep Commander 4x4 $9,900 06 Pontiac G6 auto........ $4,950 06 Mazda 6, auto, loaded.. $4,950 06 Chev HHR auto ...........$6,950 06 Jeep Larado 4x4.......... $4,950 06 Chev X-cab LT 4x4...... $8,950 06 Expedition 4x4............ $7,950 06 Pontiac Torrent........... $5,950 06 Pontiac Pursuit 2dr $3,950 06 Chev Equinox AWD..$6,950 06 Chev Impala loaded..$3,950 05 Equinox, AWD............. $6,950 05 Chev Uplander Ext...... $3,950 05 Pontiac SV6..................$3,950 03Chev Avalanche 4x4 ....$6,950 03 Trailblazer LT 4x4 ........$3,950 03 Olds Alero, 4-dr, auto...$3,450 03 Lincoln Towncar .. $3,950 02 Montana Thunder Ext. $2,950 Rob 761-5604 or Larry 727-1557 66th Street & Victoria Avenue 1 block south, 2nd house Autos For Sale 600 GMA AUTO SALES 07 Ford F150 ext. cab 4x4 $9,000 06 Dodge Charger.............$7,000 06 Pontiac G6....................$6,000 05 Dodge 1500 quad cab 4x4 $8,500 03 PT Cruiser................... $3,900 02 Cadillac STS................ $4,000 00 Ford Explorer 4x4........$3,600 00 Cavalier, 2-door............$2,200 10 miles west of Brandon on #1 Hwy. (204) 724-0207 Financing available (Dlr.#0707) Auction Sales 740 DIETRICH AUCTIONS Upcoming Sales: Sunday, Nov. 9 10 a.m. Brandon. Sunday Nov. 16, 10 a.m. Brandon. Both sales at North End Community Center. 1313 Stickney Ave. Phone 204-761-0201 www.rondietrichauctions.com BUY OR SELL YOUR VEHICLE with the help of 10 • COMMUNITY NEWS THE BRANDON SUN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 WHAT’S ON? « Continued from Page 8 Weekly bingos are held at the Royal Canadian Legion No. 3 banquet hall every Thursday. Doors open at 5:30 pm.- early bird at 7 p.m.; regular games 7:30 p.m. All welcome! • • • Navy League Cadet Corp No. 4 Stan Hawitt is a youth organization for boys and girls aged 9-13. The program is based on a naval theme filled with fun, adventure, and friend making while developing patriotism, good citizenship, sense of duty, selfdiscipline, self-respect for others. We meet on Thursdays from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Brandon Armoury. For more info, call 204-728-3168 or email [email protected]. • • • Brandon Community Builders “The Store,” is open from 2-8 p.m. in the Rolling Spokes building (former Radics). Use the back door. Something for everyone: furniture, dishes, toys, new and used doors, appliances etc. For more info, call 204-717-9900. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers cribbage at 9:30 a.m. Members $3.50;non-members $4.50. Out to Lunch at noon. Home-cooked food at its finest. Cost is $8 and must preregister by Tuesday at noon. Painter’s Circle is offered the second and fourth Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. Cathy House leads a group of painters to share methods and ideas. Members $3.50; non-members $4.50. For more info or to register, call 204-571-2050. • • • FLK Taoist Tai Chi Beginner and Continuing classer are held at 1:30-3 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Church. For more info call Kathryn at 204571-0684. • • • Summit Toastmasters Breakfast Club meet every Thursday at 7 a.m. at Aaltos. For information, call Paddy 204-726-6480. • • • Daytime TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Thursdays at 20-7th Street Health Access Centre with weigh-in 1:15-1:45 p.m. and meeting at 2 p.m. No gimmicks, just sensible weight loss since 1948. For more info, call Janice 204-728-1296. • • • Peer-facilitated eating disorder support groups are offered Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Westwind Eating Disorder Recovery Centre. For more info, contact Lynne at 204728-2499. • • • SKY-HY Toastmasters meet at Prairie Oasis with the meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. Call Gerald at 204-725-4028 or 204-761-0622 for more info. • • • Prairie Oasis offers fundraising bingo at 1:15 p.m.; Tai Chi at 10 a.m. Cost is $3; contract bridge at 1 p.m. Cost is $3; duplicate bridge at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $3. For more information, call 204-727-6641. • • • TOPS (Take Off Pounds 0ff Sensibly) MB #2152 meets at Knox United Church (17th St. entrance). Weigh-in 5:50-6:45 p.m., meeting 7 p.m. For more info, call Olive 204728-2898 or 1-800-932-8677. • • • Rotary Club of Brandon Sunset meets Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. at The Royal Oak Inn and Suites. For further info, call 204-571-0329 or 204-7260922. City Legion Hall. Tickets are $30 and available by calling 204-483-4094. • • • The Congregational Fall Sale will be held on Nov. 22 at the Ukrainian National Home from 10 a.m. to noon. Sale of perogies, cabbage rolls, buckwheat pies, borsch. Lunch served. Everyone welcome. • • • Brandon Public Library will show an adult National Film Board documentary, “Out of mind, out of sight,” on Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. in the Program Room. Free admission. • • • Hamiota Quilt Till You Wilt Quilt Show will be held on Nov. 22 at the Hamiota Community Centre from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Quilt displays, vendors, demonstrations, raffle table. Silver collection. Lunch available. For more information, call employer’s name (if applicable) by email to [email protected] or mail to 332-8th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 3X4. Include a brief story on the impact this person is having on the lives of others by being a caregiver and also supply your name and contact info. In November 2015, representatives from the community will review and select the “Caregiver of the Year” to be announced at a reception at city hall. • • • Seniors for Seniors offers An Old Fashioned Christmas Concert presented by Shenanigans on Nov. 21 with shows at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Cost is $10. • • • The Rapid City Drama Club’s annual dinner theatre presents The Great Kooshog Lake Hollis McCauley Fishing Derby by Norm Foster Nov. 21 and 22 at the Rapid Mavis at 204-764-2013. • • • Join Prairie Social Singles on Nov. 22 and dance to the music of the Badland Bandits at the Park Avenue Activity Centre at 8 p.m. Dry bar. Lunch will be served. For more information, call Lorraine at 204-725-2389. • • • Knox United Church will be holding their annual Taste of Christmas Dinner on Nov. 23 with sittings at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. Adults $13; children under 12 years $6 and preschoolers free. Tickets available at the church office. If wanting a delivery, call the office at 204-727-6975. • • • Ostomates Support Group - You are invited to join other Ostomates, families and friends for an informal coffee meeting on Nov. 25 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Nurses Residence, second floor, rooms 245 and 246. A Hollister representative will be in attendance to introduce you to some of their ostomy products. For more info, call Diane at 204-848-2177 or Lorrie 204-4892731 or email [email protected]. • • • A Christmas Market will be held at Dinsdale Home on Nov. 26 from noon to 4 p.m. with baking, crafts and much more. • • • You are invited to a Luncheon and Cookie Sale at First Presbyterian Church on Nov. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $10 person. Please join us and bring a friend. • • • A free bus trip to the casinos of Winnipeg (Club Regent and McPhillips) will be held on Nov. 29 leaving Prairie Oasis at 7:15 a.m. sharp and returning about 9 p.m. Call 204-727-6641 to reserve your seat. Everyone welcome. • • • The Oak Lake Economic Development Board and the Oak Lake and District Museum invite you to join them for the 20th annual Santa Brunch at the Oak Lake Community Hall on Nov. 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission: 13 years and over $7; ages 6-12 years $3; children under six are free. Great food! Children’s games and gift shopping for under 12 years. Visit with Santa. Silent auction. • • • The 9th annual Luncheon for Fairview Home retirees and staff will be held at Remington’s Seafood and Steakhouse on Dec. 2 at 11:30 a.m. For details call T. Usunier 204571-0402 or I. Anderson 204-7268085. LIMITED TIME! BRANDON LEON’S ONLY! 2 SALES IN 1 EVERY MATTRESS ON SALE! PLUS EVERY SOFA ON SALE! UPCOMING & MISCELLANEOUS Meals on Wheels will be requiring volunteers to deliver meals on wheels in November. Meals are picked up at 11 a.m. at Prairie Oasis and delivered to recipients. If you can drive once or commit to one day a week for a month it would be appreciated. Without drivers, this service is not possible. Please call David at 204-727-6641 if you can help out at all. • • • The Canadian Diabetes Association has partnered with the Keystone Centre in support of those Canadians living with and affected by diabetes. November is National Diabetes month and in support we are asking Brandon residence to help support our fight against diabetes by raising 30,000 pounds of clothing. Visit any of the “bright red” Canadian Diabetes Clothesline bins located at the Keystone Centre and donate any unwanted clothing to help in the support of those living with diabetes in your community. Bins are accessible around the clock. Please remember we are only asking for donations of gently used clothing and only the clearly marked Diabetes Clothesline bins should be used for your donation. For more info, call 1800-505-5525 or visit diabetes.ca/clothesline. • • • Do you know a caregiver who comforts, is kind, empathizes and is caring? Brockie Donovan presents the Brandon and Westman’s Caregiver Award to help honour and recognize the caregivers in our community. Each quarter we will honour a caregiver based upon a review of nominations received from their peers, friends, patients, families and others who feel a particular person excels in his/her role as a caregiver. To nominate a person, send their name, contact info and PAY NOTHING! MONTHS! 18 FOR PLUS No Money Down. No Interest. No Monthly Payments. OAC PLUS OR YOU CAN TAKE MONTHS TO PAY! 36 No Money Down. No Interest. 36 Equal Monthly Payments OAC ON EVERYTHING IN OUR SHOWROOM! FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 100 MILES ON PURCHASES OVER $498 78 EXCITING LOCATIONS ACROSS CANADA OR VISIT US AT www.leons.ca 3635 VICTORIA AVE., BRANDON CANADA’S ONLY FURNITURE SUPERSTORES 204-727-4444 Franchise Store Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. 2012 Locally Owned and Operated of the year
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