bâÜ _twç Éy à{x c|ÄÄtÜ ctÜ|á{ OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 A Parish Ministry of the Marianists A Parish Ministry of the Marianists November 16, 2014 Firm In Faith • Rich In Works 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.” Matthew 25: 23 LITURGY SCHEDULE Masses: Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Holy Days: Consult Bulletin Legal Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. Communion Service: 6:30 a.m. Monday—Friday OTHER DEVOTIONS Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesdays after the 7:30 a.m. Mass Rosary: Weekdays after 7:30 a.m. Mass Saturday at 8:40 a.m. Weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesdays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm in the chapel on the second floor in the parish office. MISSION STATEMENT As a faith-filled Catholic community of communities, and guided by the Holy Spirit and our Marianist tradition, the people of Our Lady of the Pillar Parish are committed to: proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all of God’s people; providing opportunities for parishioners of all ages to use their talents and resources to enrich their own spiritual lives and the spiritual lives of others; sharing in the mission of our Lord to work for peace, justice, and reconciliation; encouraging an ever deeper understanding of our faith through Catholic education of our children, various forms of youth ministry, and lifelong Christian formation; and celebrating the Sacraments as outward signs by which Christ gives grace. 401 South Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63131 Main Number: 314-993-2280 www.olpillar.com OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 STAFF Fr. Thomas French, S.M. ...…993-2280 ext. 163 Fr. Oscar Vasquez, S.M. …...993-2280 ext. 165 Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Fred Tustanowsky…993-2280 ext. 208 Susie Buescher…….…………993-2280 ext. 202 Pastoral Associate Bookkeeper Tom Stephan………………….993-2280 ext. 206 Courtney Rockamann………993-2280 ext. 205 Music Director Youth Minister Heather Fanning….………….993-3353 ext. 111 Steve Schneider..………….….…..314-239-1791 School Principal Parish Council Co-Chair Parish Secretary…………......993-2280 ext. 200 [email protected] Nancy Crippin…….……………....314-432-6964 Parish Council Co-Chair WWW.OLPILLAR.COM SACRAMENTS SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturday Evenings—4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and the 1st Saturday of each month a er the 9 a.m. Mass OR by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - Call the parish office one month prior to the desired date to make arrangements. Classes are required prior to the bap sm of a first-born child. WEDDINGS - Please call for an appointment. The bride or the groom must be a registered parishioner and a six-month prepara on me is required. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK - Call 314-993-2280 ANNOINTING OF THE SICK—Offered the last Saturday of the month, during the 9 a.m. Mass or call the Parish Office. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) - Catholic religious educa on for adults who wish to learn about Catholics or to become Catholic. If you are in an interfaith marriage, the RCIA offers you a way to be er understand your family’s Catholic faith. For addi onal info., please contact Jim at: 314-993-2280. COMMUNION SERVICE: 6:30 a.m.: Monday - Friday OUTREACH MONTHLY PARISH OUTREACH PROGRAMS - Sandwich & Snacks for St. Patrick’s Center: 2nd Tuesday • Grocery & Cash for Guardian Angel Se lement: 3rd Weekend • Salads for St. Patrick’s Center: 4th Tuesday • Warm Meals for St. Augus ne Parish: Last Monday; St. Louis Catholic Academy Tutors every Thursday a ernoon. LITURGICAL MINISTRY CHOIRS - Adult Choir rehearses Wednesday 7:00 p.m. (September - May) • Children’s Choir rehearses Thursday 3:10 p.m. (During the school year) • Bell choir rehearses Monday 3:10 p.m. (During the school year) • Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass, Ensemble rehearses at 4:00 p.m. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists A Marianist Moment More on the Mariainsts in East Africa: Stories from Our Lady of Nazareth School~ The school’s staff of 65 includes teachers, counselors and mentors for approximately 1,800 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Our Lady of Nazareth (OLN) students call the school a “safe haven” that shelters them from the harsh realities of slum life. For many, the school is the one place they can count on. “I didn’t have anywhere to go except OLN,” says Maurice. Not only do many students have nowhere else to go, they have nowhere else to eat. OLN serves students one hot meal a day — often the only meal the children receive. Jenipher Nyawera Kahuthu, 25, graduated from OLN in 1999. Prior to attending OLN, Jenipher walked to school— a daily round-trip of nearly 10 miles. “I was six years old. My parents could not afford to pay bus fare, so I had to wake up very early to get to school on time,” she says. “Unfortunately, I was often punished for being late.” When OLN opened a half-mile from her home, she says, “It was like manna from heaven.” Jenipher earned one of OLN’s scholarships to secondary school, and went on to study at a public university. Now a fourth-year medical student, she plans to specialize in pediatrics. “I am still benefitting from the Marianist-sponsored scholarships that allowed me to continue my education. In two years, I will be a doctor. Without the Marianists, I surely would not have come this far.” Jared Ondera Aming’a, 24, graduated from OLN in 1999. He also qualified for an OLN-sponsored scholarship to a good secondary school in Nairobi. “Winning that scholarship was the best day of my life. At that moment, I resolved to work hard to get accepted to a university,” he says. He recently earned a bachelor’s degree in commerce from the University of Nairobi, the first OLN graduate to do so. “I am now hoping to get myself a nice job,” says Jared. “Life will never be the same again.” Jared has worked at an insurance company and recently accepted a position at PricewaterhouseCoopers, a global financial advisory firm. Want to know more about the Marianist Missions? Visit: www.marianist.com May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen. Upcoming Events Nov 20: Nov 21: Nov 24: Nov 25: Nov 26: Nov 27: Nov 27-28: Nov 30: Dec 2: Dec 6: Dec 8: Dec 9: Dec 19: Save the Date: Thank you Reception for Hospitality, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers, 6:30 pm, PLC Deadline for Nov 30th Bulletin articles Warm Meals Salads for St. Patrick Center Office Hours, 8:30-12:00 Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00 am Parish Offices Closed; no Communion Services Blood Drive, 8-1; sign up now! First Reconciliation, 6:30 pm Christmas Boutique with Santa, 9-noon Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Masses at 7:30, 9:15 (School), 12:05, and 4:30 (with PSR) Annual Soup Kitchen Christmas Party Parish Sacrament of Reconciliation, 7:00 pm Decorate the Church for Christmas February 7, 2015: OLP Trivia Night 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 SAINTS /FEASTS OF THE WEEK Nov 16: St Gertrude, Virgin ~ (1256 –1302) Patron of the West Indies, born at Eisleben in Saxony. When she was 5 years old, sent to live with the Benedictine sisters where she later became a sister in that monastery, and later abbess. From a cloistered order, she was a theologian and very faithful in her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in His Passion, the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother. She had a passion for praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Nov 18: St Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin ~ Born August 29, 1769 in Grenoble, France, died November 18, 1852 in St. Charles, Missouri, she was a sister of the Sacred Heart. At the age of 49 she was sent to the United States where she opened the first American house of the congregation and the first free school west of the Mississippi. At age 71, she opened a school for Native Americans. She was known for her courage, steadfast prayer and her dedication and service to the Native Americans. She was beatified by Pope Pius XII in 1940 and canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1988. Nov 22: St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr ~ From the 2nd-3rd century, Patron of Musicians, because of the story that she heard heavenly music in her heart when she was married. There was little known of her until the 5th century. The story suggests that when she was newly married, she told her husband, Valerian, she had a secret that he could not tell anyone and he must agree to believe in One God and be baptized. She told her husband that she was accompanied by an angel who protected her from harm. He went to Rome to be baptized by Pope Urban (223-230). When he returned, he saw an angel by her where she was praying. She continued to preach and convert people who were baptized by Pope Urban. Eventually, she was arrested, and condemned to be suffocated in the baths. Under the tortuous fire, she was unharmed. The executioner was unable to behead her. She was left to bleed to death. She continued to preach and pray until she died. Pope Urban had her buried. The Emperor at this time, Alexander Severus, was known to have been more tolerant of Christians and there was no direct persecution of them. Let us welcome into our Catholic Community ~ Evelyn Hager Dum Daughter of Travis & Lizzie Dum Baptized November 8, 2014 ADORATION: Wednesdays: 8:30-3:30 in the Adoration Chapel in the office building For questions, please contact Marianne Castro, 314-482-0757 or [email protected]. Parish Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a good Advent practice in preparation for Christmas. The Sacrament restores our relationship with God and realigns us with our Baptism. We pray not only for the times we don’t obey the commandments but the times we don’t love God and one another as we should. It does not matter if you have been away from the Sacrament - but rather that you have come back and the graces will be obvious in your life. Several priests will be available for individual confessions after a short communal preparation period. Printed resources will be available to assist you in your preparation. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Rest in Peace Mass Intentions Weekend of Nov 15-16 Sat 11/15 9:00 AM Peter Zani 5:00 PM Ginny Hamilton Sun 11/16 7:00 AM Margie Rahe 8:30 AM Carolyn Datuin 10:30 AM John A. Burges 5:00 PM Our Parish Week of November 17-21 Mon 11/17 7:30 AM James A Callahan, IV Tue 11/18 7:30 AM Ric Evens Wed 11/19 7:30 AM The Kisling Family Thur 11/20 7:30 AM Dr. Peter Kinsella 8:50 AM The School Fri 11/21 7:30 AM Dahlia Navarro Weekend of November 22-23 Sat 11/22 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Bob Koors Sun 11/23 7:00 AM Our Parish 8:30 AM Clarence Moon 10:30 AM Ellen Godfrey-Lauber 5:00 PM Rachel Baumgartner Lozano If you would like to remember a loved one, living or deceased, with a mass, please contact the parish office, 314-993-2280. “Please Pray for” Our Sick Parishioners: Rafael Rosario-Blake, Rosemary Doerr, Dr. Richard Jotte, Jim Curtin, Sue Durbin, Maureen Reardon, Sandy Hellmann and Rachel Baumgartner Lozano Sick Relatives and Friends: Rochele Smith, (sister of Henry Nebuloni), Nicole Mazanec, Ted Corso (son of Bob and Loretta Mohrman), David Roan, Louise McLaughlin (mother of Beth McLaughlin), Jacob Kheriaty, Jordan Leach (granddaughter of John and Anne Jordan), Kamela Chellar (mother of Rochelle Cox), Sophia Molina (greatgranddaughter of Henry Nebuloni), John Bornfleth, Carolyn Clanin (grandmother of Desiree Wojciechowski), Ann Proscino (daughter of Tom and Elly Moore), Ally Aagaard and all those homebound or in nursing homes. If you would like a priest to visit you or a family member in the home or the hospital, or to receive Communion or Anointing of the Sick, please contact the parish office, 993-2280. Your donation benefits our school! Our Lady of The Pillar BLOOD DRIVE Sun, November 30th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can help our school students earn the "Life Savings Grant" offered by Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center by donating blood at our upcoming Thanksgiving weekend blood drive. This program educates our students about the value and importance of donating blood. Our school then becomes eligible to receive a financial award. To schedule an appointment, please contact Lynn Rodway at [email protected] or "Thanks for Giving" 314-432-5388. BULLETIN DEADLINES !!!!! The deadline for submission of bulletin articles for: November 30th issue is 9 am Wed, November 19th December 21st issue is 9 am Wed, December 17th Catherine Tracy Albert J. Ravarino James Godfrey Miriam Falvey Mary Louise Richard Leonard Ruzicka, Sr. Mary Eleanor McEnery Arthur Shrewe November 15, 1951 November 15, 1976 November 15, 1986 November 15, 2001 November 15, 2001 November 15, 2004 November 16, 1939 November 16, 1961 Carolann Datuin John Guignon, Sr. Alvina Viragh June M. Canepa November 17, 1999 November 17, 2005 November 17, 2008 November 17, 2009 Maynard Caster November 18, 2003 Dewey Hutton Arthur John Meier Dora Otey Margaret Gummersbach November 19, 1952 November 19, 1963 November 19, 1965 November 19, 1975 Charles Berry Peter Foglia November 20, 1963 November 20, 1997 Jeannette George November 22, 1998 Alex Alfaro November 22, 1985 Lillian Helmke November 22, 1992 Virginia Pierson November 22, 2003 Mary Ellen McNamara November 23, 1952 Robert Werner November 23, 1984 “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them” 19th Annual Soup Kitchen Christmas Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Party Our parish will again host a Christmas Luncheon for the homeless served by the Gift of Mary Center under the auspices of the Missionaries of Charity, a religious order founded by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Cooks and cash are needed to feed approximately 100 men and women. The menu includes: meat (beef brisket), potato casserole (any recipe will do), green bean casserole and bags of fresh fruit (apples and oranges). Cash collected will be used to purchase soda, rolls, desserts and gift bag items. Disposable baking pans may be picked up in the Parish Office between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Volunteers to set up and serve are also needed. If you are willing to cook or volunteer, please call Mary Ferrick at 314-993-8116. Special Note: If you have leftover Halloween Candy, you may donate it to this event. We make goodie bags for each of the participants. OLP Christmas Boutique with Santa Saturday, December 6th, 9:00am - 12:00pm Join us for the ultimate Christmas Shopping experience! Kids will enjoy crafts and activities while you shop. Bring your camera for pictures with Santa. Light refreshments available. Browse 25+ booths, including jewelry, accessories, clothing, home décor, scrumptious food, children’s gifts and more… something for everyone on your list! OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists Ministry Schedules Weekend of November 22-23 Lectors 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Diane Gorris, Lily Berlyn Shawn Dolan Scott Long, Carol Craddock Jim Bick, Seamus Concagh Amy Maranto, Elizabeth Hoffman Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 PM John Herber, Sr. Rayleen Giannotti, RSM, Diane Gorris, George and Melissa Kriegshauser, Fay LaVigne, Carolyn Gamache 7:00 AM Ginny Senkosky, Ashley Gray, Shawn Dolan 8:30 AM JoLynn Winer, Pat McKinnis, Tish and Mike Murphy, Jim and Noel Mangano, Sr. Mary Jane Nowakowski 10:30 AM Seamus Concagh, Kelly Bick, Steve and Brenda Hamby, John Jordan, Juan Arhancet, Stephen Bueg 5:00 PM Kathleen and Steve Anton, Elizabeth Hoffman, Courtney Rockamann, Ray Mohrman, Lyn and Steve Hurster Ministers of Hospitality 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Bob and Loretta Mohrman none scheduled Don and Judy Bachman Steve and Brenda Hamby none scheduled 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Wedding Anniversaries Frank and Mary Ann Zerjav Jeffrey and Deborah Schaible November 15, 1968 November 16, 1991 Jack and Jean Sydnor Titus and Katherine Dare November 18, 1950 November 18, 1995 Rick and Connie Schmid Edward and Ann Cook November 19, 1988 November 19, 1994 Mark and Lily Berlyn November 22, 2003 Bill and Betty Schwartz John and Debby Capps November 23, 1968 November 23, 1975 Special Reception for Hospitality, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers to say thank you and to welcome new ministers Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:30-9 pm in the parish Life Center Please RSVP by November 16, Carol Craddock, 314-994-1575 or [email protected] Altar Servers 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Tommy Etling, Sean O’Brien, Andrew Trout Nicholas White, Philip and Michael Boveri Madeline Blazevic, Katie Strasheim, Alexandra Early Brecken and Tanner Wojciechowski, Callie Cox Ministry Schedules Thanksgiving Day: November 27: 9:00 AM Lectors: JoLynn Winer, Adele O’Neil Eucharistic Ministers: Adele O’Neil, JoLynn Winer, Ginny Senkosky, Joan McNulty, Carol Craddock Altar Servers: Cuinn Reagan, Thomas Hughes, Claire McMahon Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are needed to share the ministries during the 7:30 am weekday masses. Anyone interested may contact the Parish Office, 993-2280. Additional ministers are welcome on the weekends, too. Altar Society (Group 4): Mimi Denes, Therese Abbenhaus, Heather Chaney, Carol Craddock, Marjory DiLeo, Luci Fikes, Michele Francis, Linda Kreuter, Mary Ann O’Neill, Nancy Vatterott Please Mark your Calendars Set up for Christmas decorations: December 19th after 7:30 Mass and Rosary Take down of decorations: January 12th, after 7:30 Mass and Rosary Help from both men and women is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Nette Fann, 636-207-9383 or [email protected] WOMEN'S SOCIETY Tuesday, December 2 we are off to historic Main Street in Saint Charles. For reservations: Mimi Denes at 965-3411 or [email protected] “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Michael E. Gaitley, MIC A Do-It-Yourself Retreat A six week program meeting on Thursday evenings beginning Jan 22 — Feb 26 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Parish Office Conference Room What does it mean to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary? As Paul describes in 1 Cor 12:5-6, we are all given gifts that we are to share with the world around us. Whatever our skill or talent, God has appointed us to a special task in his great work to bring Jesus to the world. Mary’s work began with her “yes” to bearing the child Jesus. Her mission continues today, just as it continued after Jesus’ death. She was given to us as our spiritual mother, to help us grow in holiness. It is her mission to form us into saints (p.25)… in union with the Holy Spirit. We help her fulfill her mission by doing as she did, saying “yes” to bringing Christ into the world. The book highlights the Marian teachings of St. Louis de Montfort, Maximilian Kolbe, St. Mother Teresa, & St. Pope John Paul II. This program will be facilitated by Fr. Tom French. Please call the parish office, 993-2280, to reserve your spot. We need to know how many are interested so that we can order the materials. Take the opportunity to ponder the inspiring teachings on Marian consecration. Pillar Men’s Tuesday Night BASKETBALL “Mildly” competitive pick-up, no fast break, half court games in the Parish Life Center Gym every Tuesday evening, 8 to 10 pm. For more information call Bob Smith 997-0310. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists LET US PRAY FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN IN THE ARMED FORCES Captain Lee Berra Private First Class Michael Brennan Major Jason Gillihan Captain Katherine James-Hewlett and husband, Captain Michael Hewlett Sergeant Ryan Murphy 1st Lieutenant Daniel Sullivan USMC Staff Sergeant Hugh Tychsen Please keep all of our service men and women in your prayers. STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Reflection November 16, 2014 “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much...” Matthew 25:21 God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. Grateful Giving! November 2014 Week 1 Week 2 On Line Total for November Budget for November $ 22,862 $ 15,111 $ 9,000 $ 46,973 $ 92,111 Thank you from Guardian Angels for the $300 gift sent in October Collection for Campaign for Human Development—Nov 22-23 Collection on Thanksgiving Day goes to Guardian Angel Settlement. Thank you for your generosity! PARISH COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE January 12 February 9 March 9 April 13 May 11 Full Parish Council meetings are held the second Monday of the month beginning at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center and are open to all parishioners. Visit the parish website (olpillar.com) to view the minutes from Parish Council meetings. Advertising Opportunity We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the Church. This book will be the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Congregation. The book is being provided at no cost to our Church, including the mailing to each family, and again is being subsidized by local businesses that advertise in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book, please call Beth Price at 314-540-3102. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Pillar Outreach Guardian Angel Settlement -- November 15-16, 2014 Food, Clothing and monetary donations only, please. Food and household staples for the poor served by Guardian Angel Settlement may be placed in the truck in front of church. You may also make cash/check donations (payable to Guardian Angel Settlement), and deposit in the box provided in the vestibule of the church. Warm Meals Monday -- November 24, 2014 A very special thanksgiving thank-you is in order to all OLP Parishioners who have contributed unselfishly to the Warm Meals Outreach Ministry's continued success during 2014. Please drop off all food provisions at the Parish Office before 1:00 p.m. on Warm Meals Monday. If you can help provide food this month, or just wish more information contact Bob or Karen Sczepanski @ 314.569.9091, or [email protected]. St. Patrick Salads -- November 25, 2014 Parishioners donate salads for the meal served to the poor by St. Patrick’s Center. Donations of greens, salad dressings and other salad ingredients may be dropped off before the 7:30 AM Mass or taken to the Parish Office anytime before 9:00 am. St. Patrick Sandwiches -- December 9, 2014 Our parish provides sandwiches, bags of chips, etc. for the homeless served by St. Patrick’s Center. Please bring your individually wrapped sandwiches & snacks to the OLP parking lot on Tues, Dec 9, 2014 from 7:00-8:15 am. Please do not leave bags or boxes of donations for our charities in the west vestibule. Adopt a senior for Christmas! The Guardian Angels Christmas Program supports seniors and families at Christmas. As many as 700 families and 500 seniors are adopted each year. They are especially in need of volunteers to support a senior living in their own home in the city. Information on how to get the name and gift request of the senior is on the back tables in the church, or call Judy Bachman, 314-576-2733. The delivery date for the program is Dec. 7. Christmas Story Camp: Journey to Bethlehem Monday, December 22nd, 2014 from 9am-2pm Help ~ Volunteers Needed Service Games Crafts Bible Story Lunch Decorations Registration Music Volunteer Coordinator to help make decorations and/or attend Set-Up on Dec. 21st from 2-5pm to donate from a list of needed supplies for games, crafts and snacks Participant Registration/Release Form: $ 25 per child ***forms and payment due by Monday, December 1st to avoid late fees*** Registration forms available on the website, www.olpillar.com and in the back of church Contact Courtney Rockamann for more information: [email protected] Your OL P Realtors - Making Dreams Come True Andrea: 314-422-2665 Diane: C 314-422-1414 D 314-872-6752 ANDREA & DIANE GORRIS www.thegorrisgirls.com – FIELDER – Mc Knight Place EXTENDED CARE Skilled Nursing on the Gatesworth Campus ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 DESIGN AIRE INC. HEATING & COOLING Two McKnight Place, St. Louis, Missouri 63124 Please call Christina for more information (314) 993-2221 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. 2% of Purchases of Air Conditioners & Furnaces will be donated to your Parish Space is limited. 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HAPPY PRO “Your Hometown Plumber Since 1929” Reineke Decorating Center 314-965-3200 HANDYMAN 12017 Manchester Rd., Des Peres Plumbing Repairs • Bath Remodeling 821-1616 www.reinekedecorating.com Sewer Cleaning Schnarr’s Hardware ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting BOPP CHAPEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Family Owned Since 1902 www.boppchapel.com 10610 Manchester Rd. Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work 965-7680 Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! “Your Neighborhood Hardware Store” ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Decorative Hardware & Mailboxes Screen & Window Repair “We Pack & Ship Packages” www.schnarrs.com 9800 Clayton Rd. 993-0910 636-529-8200 www.happyprohandyman.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Mississippi Valley NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS Roofing, Inc. Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? 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AUTOMOTIVE NETWORK Chevrolet 636-397-2000 • Ford 636-532-9955 Mazda 314-994-1500 • Nissan 314-997-3400 Chrysler Jeep Dodge 636-442-8100 Toyota 314-966-5404 • Mitsubishi 636-397-2005 Buick GMC 314-595-2700 Subaru 314-994-1500 Fiat 314-993-5200 • Kia 314-595-4900 710200 Our Lady of the Pillar Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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