November 9, 2014 WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF St. Bridget 600 Clifford Avenue • Loves Park, IL 61111 633-6311 Reverend Msgr. Daniel Deutsch, Pastor Reverend Christopher DiTomo, Associate Pastor Reverend Keith Romke, Associate Pastor Deacons Philip E. Abel, Jovie Reyes, William Riseley Dedication of the Lateran Basilica FROM THE DESK OF MSGR. DANIEL DEUTSCH My experience with The Light of the World retreat has been profound. It has literally changed my life and priesthood. The encounter with the Holy Spirit that I had that weekend and the many since in parishes where I have served, has been exciting and challenging. Please join me and the staff of St. Bridget next weekend for this time with Jesus and the renewal of your spirit. All of the teachers and staff are in the process of going on the retreat. Either they have already or they will be making it by next spring at the Spring LOTW retreat. See this bulletin for details and see you there. I'd also like you to take up your copy or pick up a new one of 33 Days to Morning Glory. This Consecration is also a way to deepen your relationship with Christ through Mary. Even if you have already made the consecration, you can do it again and again. I've made many, always finding new ways to grow. It started last Wednesday and goes through December 8th. Even if you’re picking it up late, just catch up the days you missed and settle into a nice month of prayer and inspiration. I will be talking this Tuesday night on the 4 last things: Heaven, hell, judgment and purgatory. It should be fun and won't last more than an hour. See you Tuesday at 7pm in the church. I also want to comment on one of the great strengths that I have noticed about St. Bridget: her community and the way she always finds ways to bridge differences so that we can really be one body in Christ. In parishes, there is always a tendency to form isolating groups and cliques. That is human nature. But our super nature, life in Christ, always calls us to look for ways to reach out and love in and through the things that typically divide us. In our ministries, school and programs, parishioners cross lines and help. The guiding principle is to help, love and serve. I've never seen it as strong as I do here. Thank you for your prophetic witness. Tonight is Paul George for the youth; last week we opened the Bridge coffee house and had Susan Tassone come and talk. Peace, Msgr. Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:16/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. WEEKLY COLLECTION INCOME FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Registered Families 2153 Envelopes $16,688.51 Offertory 1067.52 Children 28.01 Sub Total 17,784.04 Candle 334.59 Holy Day-All Souls 3,455.65 Holy Day-All Saints 2,061.65 Holy Day 20.00 (2) Online 3,981.50 (99) Total $27,637.43 Moving Income 19,730.55 WEEKLY OPERATING BUDGET $17,749.00 $1981.55 LITURGY SCHEDULE MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 8 5:00 pm Ben and Margaret Miles Sunday, November 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00 am Deceased Members of the Hedlund and Franchini Families 10:00 am People of St. Bridget 12:00 pm Helen Misko Monday, November 10 St. Leo the Great, Pope 7:00 am Special Intention for Zachary Fiepke 8:15 am Ron Ethington Tuesday, November 11 St. Martin of Tours 7:00 am Wladyslaw and Stefania Jaworowski 8:15 am Alice Brandt~ 9th Anniversary Wednesday, November 12 St. Josaphat 7:00 am Joe Reichensperger 8:15 am Ron Ethington Thursday, November 13 St. Frances Xavier 7:00 am Special Intention for Julie Lake 8:15 am Harry Gregersen Friday, November 14 7:00 am Emma Espinosa 8:15 am Dorothy Larkin Saturday, November 15 St. Albert the Great 7:00 am Gerald Tuite 8:15 am LIFE 5:00 pm Jim DeNure Sunday, November 16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Karl McPeek~ 1st Anniversary 10:00 am People of St. Bridget 12:00 pm Robert Bielski 1st Sunday of the month at 4 PM-Croatian Mass 2nd Sunday of the month at 5 PM-Filipino Mass Respect Life Mass in Chapel (every 3rd Saturday 8 AM) The next required Baptismal class will be on Tuesday, November 25,2014 at 7 PM in Mitchell Hall. Please call the parish office at 633-6311 to register. WEDDINGS Congratulations and Best Wishes to Richard Johnson and Kari Klotz who were married here at St. Bridget’s last week. PLEASE WELCOME Our parish community welcomes the following families who registered last week. Leon and Deborah Hauch Arturo Lazaro Altar Server Schedule Weekdays, November 10,11 8:15 am P. Kennedy A. Williams Weekdays, November 12,13 8:15 am J.Kucher, Jr. P. LaMantia Weekday, November 14 8:15 am A. Crull C. Gahan Saturday, November 15 8:15 am S. Lewandowski S. Lincoln Saturday Evening, November 15 5:00 pm E. Ethington A. Fuller K. Woods M. Ethington M. Woods Sunday, November 16 8:00 am K. Gomel A. Laubenstein E. Quirk D. Reyes W. Roy 10:00 am M. Corrigan N. Corrigan I. Marx K. Marx B. Sherbon 12:00 pm J. Bergstrom L. Bergstrom J. Kucher, Jr. P. LaMantia J. Petalber LITURGICAL MINISTERS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 5:00 PM Lector Lin Anderson Commentator Tina Teeters Eucharistic Ministers Craig Anderson Sue Claus Shirley Poole Loretta Schultz SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00 AM Lector Fred Trotter Commentator Rose Trotter Eucharistic Ministers Marge Armato John Gibson Michelle McKenna Mary Toldo 10:00 AM Lector Chris Harold Commentator Laura Padron Eucharistic Ministers Anthony Borowski Ivan Eye Maria Marx Diane Moore 12:00 PM Lector John Michalik Commentator Patricia Lara Eucharistic Ministers Al Johnson Francys Johnson John and Kathleen Slade BAPTISMS Please welcome into our Catholic Community the following children who received the Sacrament of Baptism: Alana Marie Reese Lucas Walker Reese WITH SYMPATHY Please pray for the sick and homebound of our parish and for the repose of the souls in Heaven of: Carole Bergman, wife of Ron Dorothy Tillotson, mother of Yolanda Holmes Margaret Hayenga, mother of Tom Mary’s Corner Veteran’s Day is coming up. Let us pray to Our Lady and ask her to protect our men and women in uniform. Let us ask her to protect the veterans who have served our country and let us ask her to welcome those veterans whom Our Lord has called home. Pantry Note: The winter weather is coming soon. I received a notice of the area "warming" centers for this year. It is rather sad that they are needed and used. Furnaces break, utilities get shut off, not a day goes by that I don't meet someone with electric or gas shut off. These are tough times. As the nightfall comes more quickly, it becomes harder for some to cope. A woman called this week seeking help. She was crying. She has a brain tumor and she finds it hard to remember things and keeping track of things. She asked me to call her sister and explain LIHEAP. As I visited with her sister, I learned more of her plight. Her emotional center of her brain is being effected by the tumor and so every thing has a catastrophic edge to it. I explained to her sister what I needed to help her apply for LIHEAP and we agreed to meet next week. Some people have asked me if this work is really necessary. If this woman with the brain tumor were the only one we helped this week, I'd say of course. The reality is that she is just one of many. ~Teresa Marotta TAKE THE CHALLENGE – Yes, that was snow last week and there will be more, so take the St. Bridget grounds crew challenge and sign up to help with snow removal this winter. We can accommodate your availability with times when snow removal is need. Call the office 815.633.6311 or Fred Trotter at 815.633.6681 to volunteer for this active ministry. CHARISMATIC HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP Will meet on Wednesdays from 7:00 until 8:30 PM. We will meet in Mitchell Hall. Please call Rose Johnson at 815/282-9579 for more information. SPIRIT AFLAME CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP We invite you to join us on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 PM in Mitchell Hall. Light of the World Parish Retreat in Five Days Many people from St. Bridget are busy preparing to host our retreat beginning on Friday, November 14th. Come and join the excitement and joy that lies ahead. Friday, November 14 7:00pm—9:00pm Saturday ,November 15 8:00am—8:00pm Sunday, November 16 8:00am—8:00pm Monday, November 17 6:30pm—9:30pm To register please call Kay Ethington at 815-654-8713 or sign up after mass. Lay your petitions before our Blessed Mother…And we will pray together all who gather before Her. In the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary in asking for her assistance. Join us Wednesday in the Cry Room in the narthex of the church. We pray the rosary at 5:30 PM, followed by the Novena prayers from 5:50-6:10 PM. There is Benediction every Saturday in the chapel at 1:00 PM PRAYER CHAIN Have your special intentions or prayer needs included in our prayer chain by calling: Fred or Rose Marie at 6336681, Karen at 633-1798 or Don or Karen at 289-9095. The Knights of Columbus will be selling Poinsettias for $15/plant after all Masses the first three weekends of November. They will be available for pickup after the 8 AM and 10 AM Masses on Sunday, November 23rd. Respect Life Ministry Each of us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation Our prayers for the month of November are for those on the last miles of their earthly journey. May they have compassion and peace. Respect Life Mass will be November 15 at 8:15 with a Rosary to support life to follow the Mass. Understanding Our Faith Series: Faith Questions, Catholic Answers During November, we are called in a special way to remember and pray for our deceased loved ones who have gone before us in light of the solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of All Souls. On Tuesdays, November 11th, 18th and 25th, we will have some sessions on what our Church believes about the afterlife. Join us at St. Bridget Church at 7:00 PM. Tuesday, November 11th—The Four Last Things: Heaven, Hell, Judgment and Purgatory—Msgr. Daniel Deutsch Many people have questions about the afterlife. What will we be judged on when we come before the judgment seat of God? What will heaven and hell be like? What will we do for all eternity? What age will we be in heaven? What will we look like? Will we recognize our loved ones? Where does the Catholic belief in Purgatory come from and how long does one remain in Purgatory? Why do we pray for the dead? If God is all-loving, why would he allow anyone to go to hell? Can a person who commits suicide be saved? What does the church teach about reincarnation? What does the church teach about cremation and proper burial? Tuesday, November 18th—Mary and the Saints—-Father Keith Romke All of us are on a journey that has a common goal: to dwell in heaven with our Lord for all eternity! We can learn a whole lot by looking at the examples of those who have already completed the journey before us! In this talk, we will take a look at the journeys of Mary and the Saints, so that we can learn how to join them! Tuesday, November 25th—Angels and Demons—Father Christopher DiTomo Just because we cannot see them, doesn't mean they are not real. Join Fr. DiTomo for this lively discussion as he answers such questions as: -How many different kind of angels are there? What are the different choirs of angels? -What is a guardian angel? How do I relate to my guardian angel? -What is a demon? -Is the devil a real spiritual being, or just a literary image? -Does the Church still do exorcisms? -What is "spiritual warfare"? How can demons harm us? Evangelize through God Is! A one day journey closer to God. The God Is! Day of Renewal is a lived experience; a one day journey that brings people into a (closer) personal relationship with God. The participants hear the Good News of Salvation proclaimed succinctly and personally by their peers in a way that invites them to accept the truth and be transformed by it. The participants are also led through a renewal of the Sacraments in order to promote a better understanding of and love for them, especially Reconciliation and the Mass. St. Bridget Church will be putting on this retreat for parents of children preparing to receive Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. It will be open to the parish as well. The date for this event is Saturday, February 21st, 2015 beginning at 8:30am and closing with Saturday evening Mass. We are in need of: 2 or 3 for hospitality 4 or 5 to give talks and witnesses If you are interested in helping evangelize our parish this winter, please contact Olivia O’Connor at 633-6311. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE CHRISTMAS BLANKET WORKSHOP Catholic Women’s League will hold its annual Blanket Workshop on Thursday, December 4, 2014. The day will begin with Mass at 10:00 AM at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1010 Ferguson St., Rockford, celebrated for deceased bishops, priests and religious of the diocese. The blanket workshop and lunch will be held immediately after mass in the parish center. 150 blankets will be made for the community. CWL will be collecting NEW underwear, socks and t-shirts for PROJECT UNDERSHARE at the Blanket Workshop for Rockford children. The children range from ages 5-18; sized small to XXL. The items are distributed by school nurses to the children in need. They are also given to other organizations in need. Cash or checks made to PROJECT UNDERSHARE will be accepted. For more information or to donate to purchase fleece, please call Rosie Sheridan at 815-978-4779 or email her at [email protected] or call Linda Stoinski at 815975-0601. Vocations Corner: The Advice of a Mother Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved attempting to do things on my own! From time to time this has turned out well, on some other occasions it has allowed me to get by, but more often than not it has gotten me into all kinds of trouble. The funny thing is though, that no matter how many times this strategy has yielded poor results, I just keep on going back to it again and again. Usually, there is one thing that can finally get me to snap out of this cycle and to do what is actually best for me: listening to the advice of my Mother! This same reality is even more true when it comes to living out our spiritual lives. I can try on my own to figure things out, but when it’s all said and done, the goodness of God’s plan is just way too big for my finite and limited mind to fully understand or grasp. But this doesn’t mean that any of us are without hope, because we all have a Mother that we can turn to in the midst of our struggles. Mary longs to aid us through her intercession and by her example. If we want a guaranteed way to discover God’s will for us, all we need to do is to ask her intercession and to pray according to her example: “Be it done unto me according to thy Word” and “do whatever He tells you!”~Fr. Keith Romke The Greater Rockford Filipino-American Catholic Community will be having an Egg Roll Dinner Fundraiser. WHEN: Sunday, December 7th TIME: 11 AM to 2 PM (after the 10 AM and Noon Masses) WHERE: St. Bridget Parish Center COST: $10 each plate includes: 2 vegetable egg rolls, a serving of your choice of fried or steamed rice, and a serving of pansit noodles (Filipino rice noodles cooked with meat and vegetables). These items can be ordered individually, if desired. Dine-in or carry-out available!! Drinks and desserts extra!! Frozen Egg Rolls also available for sale!! Proceeds from this fundraiser will help support our GRFACC activities including: *Simbang Gabi *Monthly Filipino Mass *Flores de Mayo Celebration *Feast Day celebrations for Filipino Saints *Pilgrimages PARTTIMEFACILITIESMANAGER:St.JamesParishiscurrently seekingaparttimeFacilitiesManager.Requirementsinclude: Signiicantexperienceinbuildingrepairandmaintenanceand knowledgeableaboutthespeciicsofgeneraljanitorialwork. Pleasesendresumeto̷ Ǥ ormailtoSt. JamesParish,Attn:KimCarlson,428N.2ndSt.Rockford,IL. ͳͳͲ St. Mary’s Church in Freeport has church cookbooks for sale. They make great gifts for weddings, Christmas, b-days and just to brighten a friends day. Money from the books will be put on their church debt. Anyone wishing to purchase books are asked to please call Jean Trimble at 815 232 1786. The family and staff of Fitzgerald Funeral Home & Crematory invite the public to a special time of remembrance at the 14th Annual Memorial Luminaria from 4 to 6 p.m. Nov. 22 with a brief program at 5:30 p.m. in our Mulford Chapel, 1860 S. Mulford Road, Rockford. Website Sponsorships Available! In the weeks ahead, our parish representative from Solutio, Inc., will be setting up the advertising for our website for the year. Please consider participating in this effort since the revenue from the ads is what makes the website possible at no cost to the parish. It’s a great way to get your name in front of the families in the parish. Advertisements may be purchased for a business, family memorial, or you can sponsor an ad supporting Catholic Charities, Knights of Columbus, Vocations, etc. Please give these ideas some thought. We need and appreciate your help! If you are interested or just curious as to prices and want more information, please contact 815.516.0548 or [email protected]. Families are encouraged to come and personalize luminary bags in memory of their loved ones with photographs, poems and other decorations on that day. If you prefer to decorate your bag at home, you may stop by either funeral home during business hours and pick up a luminary bag. If you wish to include your loved one’s photograph in our slideshow please bring a photo to the funeral home or email it to [email protected] (please include your loved one’s name and dates of birth & death) no later than Saturday, November 15th. Refreshments will be provided. ~ Remember the love and life shared ~Questions? Call Stacey Bonacorsi, # 815-226-2273 MEN'S CONFERENCE You're invited to join us and close to a thousand other men at the 20th Annual Great Lakes Catholic Men's Conference. You may ask yourself, why should I attend? Look out and you'll see a wounded world, a world that has many pitfalls that can harm both yourself and your family. It is a world that needs more men of God to stand up, men who are leading their families to virtue, imitating the heroic love of Christ. This conference is for men of all ages, irregardless of your state in life or where you are on your faith journey. The day will included Mass, Reconciliation, music, popular Catholic vendors, lunch, and time for reflection. This year's speaker line up includes Fr. Robert Barron, Collin Raye, John Pridmore, and Eric Scheidler. More information is available at SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, DEKALB In this day and age when people are weary of "organized religion" why do we need a Church? Can't we just be "spiritual" and follow Jesus on our own? Come to RCIA on Tues 11/11 or watch the episode on the Symbolon website: Session 8: "Why Do I Need the Church?" The website address is http:// and enter code 09a24f. ENTER THE KINGDOM OF BOOKS SIR READALOT’S CASTLE ST. BRIDGET SCHOOL The Royal Court of St. Bridget School invites the entire community to our annual St. Bridget Book Fair. Come One, Come ALL, to the School Cafeteria Castle November 10th-14th from 8:55 AM until 3:15 PM. Our Family Night will be on Thursday, November 13th from 6:00-8:00 PM. You will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of beautiful books, teachers’ resources, Christian books, holiday books and best sellers. Hope to see you there! PARISH DIRECTORY PARISH CONTACTS Parish Office 633-6311 Parish Office Fax Number 633-6314 Business Manager, Stacey Garza Administrative Assistant, Pam Harold Religious Education Director, Olivia O’Connor 633-6311 Family Life Director, Teresa Marotta 877-1664 Pastoral Council Chairman, Scott Long 262-5007 Finance Council Chairman, Al Johnson 877-3546 Stewardship Commission Chair, Bob Blood 540-4115 Education Commission, John Gibson 623-8774 Music Ministry Director, Scott Chachula 633-6311 Community Outreach, Vicki Grondzki 636-9510 Liturgical Committee, Don Pflipsen 289-9095 Homebound Ministry, LeRoy and Moe Alt 765-2019 Marriage Ministry, Mark and Barb Peterson 282-6642 Respect Life Ministry, Shirley Poole 654-9416 Salve Regina Ministry, Monica Riseley 633-8514 Director of Youth Ministry, Nic Frank 633-6311 [email protected] Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, Kate Genoways Perpetual Adoration Coordinator, Monica Riseley 633-8514 Altar Servers Coordinator, Jovie Reyes 505-1376 Charismatic Prayer Group, Ron Bergman 654-8420 Cursillo Movement, Scott Long 282-0616 Al Johnson 877-3546 That Man Is You Don Rabor 623-3561 Bill Riseley 980-0216 Light of the World Kay Ethington 654-8713 [email protected] Prayer Chain, Karen DeNolf 633-1798 Knights of Columbus Council 4330 Grand Knight, Brian O’Reilly 918-605-3130 Women of St. Bridget, Ingrid Jansen 636-8808 St. Christopher Transportation Ministry 633-6311 Parish School 633-8255 Principal, Mary Toldo Secretary, Sharon Cook School Hall 633-8532 Home and School President, Patti Bishop 885-3042 Athletic Department, Jim Fagan 654-0756 Scrip, Stacey Nelson 298-7742 Cub Scouts, Peter Kies 885-4900 Boy Scouts, Joe Jann 633-3281 Venturing Scouts, Tim Marx 218-2206 A reality of war is the MIA (missing in action), those who did not return home. In the war on the pre-born, 57,000,000 human beings are missing in action as well. They, too, did not return home. Those soldiers who did not return from war, and those pre-born who died are all a great loss to our nation and weaken us as a country. MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon. Weekday: Monday-Saturday 7:00 am-8:15 am. Holy Day: 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:00 am, 8:15 am, 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm (except for Christmas, New Year’s and Easter) During Lent: 7 AM, 8 15 AM and 5:30 PM. SACRAMENTS Confessions: Saturday 8:45-until all heard, 3:30-4:30 pm, Sundays 9:15-9:45am, Tuesdays 7:30 am-7:45 am, Wednesdays-8:45am Baptisms: Every Sunday, except Easter and Christmas (if it falls on a Sunday). A Pre-Baptismal Instruction class is required. Call the Parish Office for a reservation. Marriages: Couples planning marriage should contact one of the priests at least six months in advance. A Diocesan Pre-Marriage Seminar is required. DEVOTIONS Novena of Perpetual Help Wednesday Evenings at 5:30 pm. Family Rosary: 20 minutes before daily Masses and Sunday morning at 7:40 am. PERPETUAL ADORATION: Begins on Sunday at 1:00 PM and ends at 1:00 PM on Saturday. Please contact Monica Riseley at 633-8514 for more information. BULLETIN NOTICES Must be in the Parish Office in writing by 11 am, Monday. REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH Please register at the Parish Office. Our boundary lines are the Rock River to the west and the Boone County Line to the east. Our northern boundary is McDonald Road, just south of Roscoe. The southern boundary runs east on Springcreek Road from the Rock River to Alpine Road and continues east on Riverside to the Boone County Line. “Do you know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?: Do you treat your spouse like a temple of God? Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on November 14-16 in Brookfield, WI; January 23-25, 2015 in Brookfield, WI or February 6-8, 2015 in Crystal Lake, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information about Worldwide Marriage Encounter, visit our website at: or call (888) 574-5653. For a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on November 14-16; February 20-22 or June 5-7, 2015, contact Andres or Maria at 630-2292600. Pregnant and need help? Call 1-866-775-MARY (6279). FUNERAL HOME Bob & JoAnn Baker ARITISAN PASTA + PIZZA + LIBATIONS 7323 North Alpine Road Loves Park, Illinois 61111 (815) 282-4141 [email protected] CATERING + PRIVATE PARTIES + CORPORATE EVENTS Little Luvs Daycare Patti Harrington, Parishioner In Giovanni’s 815-398-6411 Ph# 815-877-7356 Traditional, Prearranged, and Memorial Funeral Services for the Entire Metro Rockford Area 964-6332 Still family owned. Caring for families is our number one priority. 815.963.6521 • 707 Marchesano Dr. Painting 4 U Residential • Commercial Light Industrial Residential • Commercial No Overtime Charges! Service and Installation of all brands and models “Expert service at affordable prices!” Fully licensed and insured. Call Vicky (815) 985-1272 815-298-8020 Parishioner Free Estimates 24/7 Service 110% Low Prices Guaranteed Parish Member 326 N. Alpine 399-4422 Luther Center AUGY’S ROOFING Quality Work • Reasonable Rates Patrick H. Agnew Doug R. Warren Adam H. Agnew Alex H. Agnew Over 20 Years Experience Licensed • Bonded • Insured Steve (Augy) Schaumann • Owner PARISHIONER 815-399-3522 815-637-2660 111 W. State Street, Rockford, IL 61101 Apartment Living for Individuals aged 62 or older or 18 years old and disabled Assisted Living Program Available 815-965-0055 • TTY: 847-390-1460 282-3416 Ron & Mary’s SECURITY SERVICES 6246 E. Riverside Blvd. P: 815-633-2828 or Loves Park, IL 61111 800.779.0933 Commercial & Residential F: 815.636.3805 Security Systems • Five Alarms 514 Loves Park Drive We are your friendly Access Control & CCTV Systems Loves Park, IL 61111 Professional Investigative Services neighborhood bar! Physical Security & Special Event Services PARISH SUPPORTER 6499 N. 2nd St. Loves Park 815-282-3657 Valli Produce International Market FREE Coffee or Soft Drink with your meal on Sundays 7am-1pm $1 off per $10 purchase 1 coupon per person T :815-874-8431 F: 815-874-2307 Valli Produce - Loves Park 6550 N Alpine Road (815) 639-0735 Dr. Zakarija D.D.S., MS North Park Pharmacy “Come Visit Dr. Zak at the Tooth Fairy Castle” Machesney Park’s Family Pharmacy 815-637-1700 7924 N. 2nd St. Where children are OUR Specialty! 633-3431 DR. JOSEPH N. MANGIARDI, O.D. AND ASSOCIATES Garage Doors, Openers & Springs Optometry and Contact Lenses HIGHCREST CENTRE 1638 North Alpine Road • 815-398-4030 M-F: 9-6 • Sat: 9-5 DAVID URBELIS AGENCY, INC. LUTCF Loves Park 877-5441 Animal Hospital of BLACKMAN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC An Loves Park VISIT US ON THE WEB! Dr. Shahid Amin 5036 North Second St., Loves Park IL (815) 986-4445 TELEPHONE (815) 654-7777 Chad Elston 815-645-8269 Serving Rockford & Surrounding Area 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Loves Park 6473 N 2nd St 815-636-9430 Cherry Valley 201 E State St 815-332-4176 Roscoe 5390 Elevator Rd 815-623-6677 WE DO IT RIGHT THE 1ST TIME! For All Your Residential & Commercial Needs 20 Years Experience Lungo’s Plumbing Services 5921 Forest Hills Rd. (Corner Forest Hills & River Ln.) Boarding and Grooming Available AMERICAN VISION CENTER 8530 NORTH SECOND STREET MACHESNEY PARK, ILLINOIS 61115 Competitive Rates • Neat & Clean • Courteous Phil Lungo - Owner 24 Hour Emergency Service 815-703-0827 LIC# 058-158973 BONDED-INSURED WWW.BLACKMANFAMILYCHIRO.COM 815-623-5460 815-623-5485 FAX: 5724 B ELEVATOR RD. • ROSCOE, IL 61073 FOR AD INFO CALL DAN HRDI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BRIDGET, LOVES PARK, IL B 4C 01-0755 10-10-2014 15:55:44 A FAMILY BUSINESS SERVING THE PARISH SINCE 1949 401 River Lane, Loves Park, IL 61111 815-633-6010 3326 11th St. Rockford, IL 61109 Guilford and Mulford Rds 398-8888 [email protected] Professional Landscape Design & Installation Free Estimates Residential • Commercial 4999 Torque Road Loves Park, IL 61111 • Mowing-Trimming-Edging–Dry Granular Fertilization • Silt-Seeding-Core Aeration-Pruning-Mulching • Seasonal Maintenance Contracts-Snow Plowing • Specimen Quality Evergreens, Trees & Shrubs • Lawn & Landscape Rejuvenations • Retaining Wall & Patio Construction • Sod, Seeding, Finish Grading FREE ESTIMATES 815-885-1776 • FAX 815-885-1779 Lindstrom Travel Ph: (815) 398-3320 Fax: (815) 398-4342 T H I S JOHN PARSONS President/Parishioner Bus: (815) 633-1285 Fax: (815) 633-6774 [email protected] S P A C E A V A I L A B L E For Information On Advertising Please Call Our Parish Representative Dan Hrdi at 800-950-9952, ext. 2562 or Email: [email protected] Construction and Remodeling Design and Build • Residential and Commercial Additions, Kitchens, Baths From Flooring to Roofing and everything in between Free Estimates [email protected] CHAD DAVIES President • Parish Member 815-378-7905 phone: 815.395.1800 cell: 815-494-0732 ST. BRIDGET PARISHIONERS ALL YOUR COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS INSTALLATION, SERVICE & REPAIR OF AVAYA & NORTEL BUSINESS PHONE SYSTEMS, SECURITY CAMERAS, LOUDSPEAKER PAGING, WIRING FOR VOICE & DATA JACKS, AND ROUTER/SWTCHES. Residential & Commercial Cleaning 815-636-2676 Free Estimates 221 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park Pat Hazen Advanced Planning Consultant Mark Buckner American Hearing Aid Labs [email protected] www.rockfordheat Tim Conley Hearing Aid User For 50 Years 815-877-8600 3910 N. Mulford Rd. #1000 • Rockford, IL 1618 Magnolia St., Rockford, IL 61104 Ph: 815-965-9494 Fax: 815-965-4324 7214 N. Alpine Rd. Loves Park, IL 61111 815.633.3600 ICC NO. 1566 DOT NO1822310 Christensen Family Parish Members Complete Auto Repair Honquest Family Funeral Homes with Crematory ROSCOE & ROCKFORD CHAPELS 815.636.5100 Tim & Peggy Javurek Parishioners 3427 East State & Fairview MAKE APPOINTMENT TODAY! (815) 399-2886 • Committed to the quality you expect at reasonable prices. Tim and Rachel Honquest FOR AD INFO CALL DAN HRDI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 01-0755 ST. BRIDGET, LOVES PARK, IL 10-10-2014 15:55:44
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