St. Anthony of Padua ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 0 C h e s h i r e P l a c e , E a s t N o r t h p o r t , N e w Yo r k 11731 November 9, 2014 OUR MISSION Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is a welcoming, loving Catholic community, centered in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Monsignor Joseph Mirro, Pastor 261-1077 ext. 202 Rev. Robert J. Kline, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 204 Rev. Vian NtegerejImana, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 203 Rev. Innocent Amasiorah, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 218 Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, STD Robert Braun, Deacon Br. Fran Rowles, OSF, Pastoral Associate 261-1077 ext. 207 Judy Corbellini, RCIA • 261-1179 Ann Finley, Adult Faith Formation 261-1077 ext. 208 Patricia Seibert, Coordinator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 226 Anne Giorgio, Administrator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 224 Karen Humphreys, Parish Outreach Coordinator 261-1695 ext. 230 Joe Chiovarelli, Youth Minister 261-1077 ext. 209 Don Ferrer, Business Manager 261-1077 ext. 206 Deborah Liguori, Parish Secretary 261-1077 ext. 200 Together we celebrate the liturgy in prayer and sacrament; we educate our children and adults in the faith; we support and reach out to those in need. We believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to continue: to love one another as Jesus loves us, to share the word of God and to serve both within and beyond our Parish family. MASSES WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Evening 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am (Family Liturgy) 10:30 am (Choral Mass) 12:00 noon 7:00 pm (Teen Mass every third Sunday) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday 6:45 am 9:00 am Saturday Morning 8:30 am HOLY DAYS As announced in the bulletin THIS MONTH WE CELEBRATE Giving thanks for all our God’s gift RECTORY OFFICE 631.261.1077 • Fax 631.757.0572 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Miss Jeanne Morcone • 631.261.5130 PARISH OUTREACH 631.261.1695 • RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 631.261.1306 • The Celebration of the Sacraments Baptism Baptisms are normally celebrated at 2:00PM on scheduled Sundays in a month. Please call the Parish office to arrange for a meeting with a Parish Priest and to register for the baptismal class which is normally held on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30PM. Marriage Couples should make an appointment with a Priest at least eight months prior to the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is required. Anointing of the Sick Anyone seriously ill, elderly, or prior to an operation should be anointed with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please speak with one of the Priests to make the arrangements. Communion for the Homebound Anyone who cannot attend Mass due to illness or age may receive Communion at home. Please call the Rectory office to make arrangements. Reconciliation (Confession) Every Saturday and Eve of Holy Days from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the Church and on the Thursday before the First Friday of every month after the 9:00AM Mass. Individual confessions may be arranged by calling the Rectory office. MONDAY 6:45AM 9:00AM November 10, 2014 All Souls Novena Barbara Kennedy TUESDAY 6:45AM 9:00AM November 11, 2014 Alice Brady Gilda Sclafani WEDNESDAY 6:45AM 9:00AM November 12, 2014 Patricia Ann Schelp James R. Melvin THURSDAY 6:45AM 9:00AM November 13, 2014 Dick Newby Carmelo Budinich FRIDAY 6:45AM 9:00AM November 14, 2014 Robert Ingrassia Carmelo Budinich SATURDAY 8:30AM 5:00PM November 15, 2014 Darwin Holbert Antoinette and Settimio Brunetti SUNDAY 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon 7:00PM November 16, 2014 Parishioners of St. Anthony Adopted and Foster Families Pietro Simicic Tom Kelly Mary and Arthur Kessler Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your Sacraments? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are brought into the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received first Holy Communion or if you are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact Judy Corbellini at (631) 261-1179. Catch “Guided by Grace” on Telecare with our own Alison O’Brien Sunday at 11 PM, Tuesday at 10:30 AM and Friday at 10:30 PM. A graduate of St. Anthony of Padua School, Alison is Director of the Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Holy Orders - Priesthood Those young men interested in preparing for or learning more about the Priesthood, please contact one of the Priests. -2- Sunday Scripture Reflection Please Pray John Blake, Jennifer Calvao, Marilyn Bell, Rita Cooney, Brad Harty, Josephine Caizzo, Karen Larson, Doris Corrigan, Evelyn Darby, Marc Cacioppo, Joseph DiStefano, Emily Byrne, Joan O’Neil, James Maier, Sr., Angela Hyland, Kathy Martello, Jean Rafaniello, John Gillen, Baby Madden Dunleavy, Jr., Robert Lofaso, Christina Mahon, John Pirola, Marie Baffo, Marie King, Mary Santino, Maureen Guttman, Elise Medici, Carmela Strano, Maxine Ryan, Ralph Parise, Robert Callatone, Maureen Mahon, Debbie Williams,Mary Beth Spooner, Matthew Vinay Roberts, Kathy LaRusso Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Names submitted for pulpit announcement and the bulletin should be submitted to the Rectory office by Thursday,12 Noon, of the previous week and will remain on the Prayer List for one month. Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 1921 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 1617/Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica For Those Who Died in the Lord “When he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe.” Jesus predicted his resurrection in today’s Gospel. But it wasn’t until after the disciples witnessed the miraculous event that they realized what he had been talking about. At the time, Jesus’ words seemed mysterious, even confusing. Those who heard him understandably thought his reference to “this temple” was about the Jewish house of worship. But it wasn’t. He was talking about his body. This only became clear later. As the saying goes, “hindsight is twenty-twenty.” How often do we find ourselves in the midst of a situation that doesn’t make sense at the time? We question the “meaning” of a sickness, a lost job, a betrayal, or a disappointment. But then, after time has passed, we can begin to see it from another angle. In fact, many times we begin to see how good came out of these tough situations. St. Paul says, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God,” (Rom 8:28). Sometimes it’s hard to trust in God’s promises, especially when his plan seems mysterious or confusing. But just as the disciples learned that Jesus knew what he was talking about, we can believe that too. He tells us that he is “the way and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6). Although the way may seem indirect, Jesus’ perspective is bigger than ours. He knows how to lead us to the fullness of life, in this world and the next. The path may not be one that we would choose. Even Jesus had to journey through the cross before his resurrection—the temple of his body was destroyed before it was rebuilt. But looking back, it’s obvious that God’s plans really do work out for the best Louis Pryor Zofia Hodge Baby Anthony G. Calvao Anne M. DiStefano Carolyn G. Dennington St. Anthony’s is considering an open forum meeting on Saturday mornings from 10 am to 12 noon on a regular basis. The meeting place is to be announced. Topics for discussion will include items of faith, policy and Doctrine in the life of the Church. Written questions may be submitted anonymously in advance and replies will be announced at the meeting. Other questions and open discussion will also be welcome at the meeting. Prior to scheduling the first meeting, we want to know how many people will attend. To express interest or for more information contact Fr. Kline at the rectory (ext. 235). -3- Pastor’s Page November 9, 2014 Dear Parishioners, I am honored and happy to be formally installed as pastor of St. Anthony of Padua parish. I know that I have already been serving as pastor for more than four months. Nevertheless, I feel as if I am just beginning. As I have said, I have been extremely impressed by the parish from my first day here. You are very devoted and dedicated parishioners. Every day I seem to discover still another way that you, our parishioners, build up spiritual and material lives. Often your good work goes unnoticed. As pastor I will try to assist you in any way I can. So my plan as pastor is to help you to continue doing the great things you do every day and to help, if possible, with more. For me the church is not so much the buildings and the things that need to be done. It is very much the people who try to live as disciples of Jesus every day. To that end, my priority will be to bring us ever more together as a community. I want to foster an ever increasing sense of family in our parish. We’re a big parish, close to 4,000 registered families. There are some sixty -two different ministries. We will have to continually work on getting to know each other, to be a family. ples. This sense of belonging will help us in our service to God as disciples. It will also be of great help to make disci- I look forward to the report from the Pastoral Transition Team. I am grateful for the input of so many of you. Now the team is sorting it all out. When they have completed their work, our agenda for the future will be set. As one man, there’s a limit to what I can accomplish. But as a parish we can do, in the words of Mother Teresa, “Something beautiful for God.” Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Mirro Parish “Town” Meeting Parish Council Together with the Trustees and the Finance Committee Annual report Presented Wednesday November 19 at 7:30 P.M. Lower Church Alcove All Parishioners are encouraged to attend -4- Sacrificial Giving 2014 Did We Take a Step? Sunday, November 2, 2014, Offerings Sunday, November 3, 2013, Offerings Increase $ 21,580.40 $ 19,132.20 $ 2,448.20 As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the Bishops’ Pastoral on Stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Parishioners may make their weekly Stewardship offering electronically. When doing so, please address your offering to: St. Anthony of Padua, 20 Cheshire Place, East Northport, NY 11731. Also, when setting up your electronic offering, please put your envelope number in the “account” section as well as the “memo” section of your offering request. Thank you! Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their God-given gifts to serve others, especially through our parish’s ministries as well as out into the wider community. Young Stewards Corner The flowers placed in front of St. Joseph are in memory of Offering $36.00 My good deed for this week: My good deed for this week: I fed my dog Lucy. I helped my nana decorate for Hal‐ loween. I helped my aunt bake cookies. I shared my Halloween candy with my cousin. We donated our Halloween candy. I helped my mom do the laundry. 9 envelopes for the week of November 2nd 2014 Robert Loeschner This week’s Sanctuary Lamp Burns in Memory of The flowers placed in front of The Blessed Mother are For the intentions of Damon Giglio (Living) Robert and Steven Loeschner -5- Liturgy & Music The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica replaces the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time This feast is dedicated to Christ the Savior and in honor of John the Evangelist and John the Baptist. This feast is considered a celebration of the entire Church because it was the foundation of the first cathedral Church in Rome. The inscription on the doorposts of the church says: “Of all the churches in the city and the world, mother and head.” This church was first dedicated on November 9th in the year 324 and although almost none of the original building remains, it is still the Cathedral church for the diocese of Rome and thus a place of great significance for us all. The dedication of a church building is considered a special intervention of God in the world, so that dedication is celebrated annually as a Solemnity, outranking the Sundays in Ordinary Time. Br. Fran We’ve already experienced this with the Feast of the Exaltation of the cross [September 14], and All Soul’s Day [November 2]. All who serve in any ministry in our parish are invited to attend a Ministry Day to be held Saturday, December 6th. Come to the 8:30am Mass where a re-commission will occur, followed by refreshments in the Lower church, and a talk by Fr. Tony Stanganelli. ALL ARE WELCOME ! -6- Religious Education MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014: Catechist Formation Meeting, Sessions 7 & 8, 10:30 AM or 7:30 PM in the Religious Education Office. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014: No classes for Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014: Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014: Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. ALL PARENTS OF LEVEL 8 CHILDREN ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND AN IMPORTANT MEETING AT 7:30 PM IN THE CHURCH’S LOWER LEVEL. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014: Levels 1 - 8, Session 1, 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM and Session 2, 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM at Trinity Regional School. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014: 7:00 PM - Level 6 Bible Presentation Mass for all Level 6 students. We’re Beginning a Class for Children with Special Needs To further serve the families of our parish, St. Anthony of Padua Religious Education is happy to announce the formation of a new religious education class for children with special needs. The class will be taught by a Certified Special Education teacher along with two teacher aides. Children of any age with special needs are welcome. We will meet twice a month on Saturday mornings in Trinity Regional School at 11:00 AM. For questions or further information please call Pat Seibert at the Religious Education Office at 261-1306 X226. Office Hours Monday Through Thursday– 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Closed for lunch 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Closed Friday and Saturday Phone 631-261-1306– Email: [email protected] Please visit our website for additional information or to download forms: -7- Youth Ministry [email protected] Fr. Vian and 30 teens created 15 Birthday Boxes for homeless children Midnight Run clothing drive for the homeless starts now. There is a second box in the front vestibule just for clothing. Please do NOT put clothing in the food pantry box. Mostly needed are adult male items: JEANS, BOOTS, SNEAKERS, SWEAT PANTS, SWEAT SHIRTS, HOODIES,T’S, THERMALS, GLOVES, SOCKS (WHITE ONLY), COATS, JACKETS, SLEEPING BAGS, BACKPACKS, BLANKETS, HEAVY SCARVES, DUFFLE BAGS, SWEATERS, BEANIES, SKI CLOTHES (SOCKS, JACKETS, HATS, BIBS), EAR MUFFS, MITTENS PLEASE…NO DRESS CLOTHES, NO SLEEPWEAR, NO CHILDREN’S CLOTHES, NO DAMAGED, STAINED OR DIRTY CLOTHING…THANK YOU NOVEMBER EVENTS: Midnight Run set up- November 9th, 6-7pm Turkey Trot- November 16th 3-5pm MR financial collections- After all Masses November 22nd & 23rd. Midnight Run Set-up- November 23rd 6-7pm Host Thanksgiving Fellowship Hour- November 27th after 9am Mass Midnight Run prep, pack and load- November 28th, 12-3pm Midnight Run to Manhattan- November 28th, 8pm-4am Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang- November 29th 9-10:30am HIHI care kits DECEMBER EVENTS: TEAM Chris Military Care Packages-December 7th, 6-7pm Christmas Trip or party- December 14th TBD St. Anthony’s Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang Our next PBJ Gang will meet Saturday, November 29th in the lower church. Groups need to e-mail RSVP if you would like to help us. Please arrive by 8:50am. We end by 10:30. Join the dozens of wonderful people who attend each month to help feed the hungry. Financial Stewards: John & Susan Vizzi We rely on financial donations to sustain our PBJ ministry. -8- Pray for Our Military Catholic Daughters Please pray daily for: Steven Banville U.S. Marine Corps., Sean Bishop U.S. Marine Corps., Joshua Bower U.S. Air Force, Frank Bazzicalupo U.S. Air Force, Timothy Breen U.S. Army, Anthony Bua U.S. Navy, Kyle Caminsky U.S. Navy, Jacob D. Chang U.S. Navy, Wesley Townsend Choate U.S. Air Force, John P. Corrigan U.S. Air Force, Joseph Courtien U.S. Army, John K. Curry U.S. Army, Jeff Davis U.S. Marine Corps., Christopher Devaney U.S. Air Force, Keith De Vinney U.S. Navy, Paul Duchowski U.S. Navy, Robert J. Fallon U.S. Army, Christine Fiala U.S. Army, Sean Fitzgerald U.S. Army ROTC, Jesse Fitzpatrick U.S. Army Ranger, John C. Gallegro U.S.Navy, Robert A. Gartner U.S. Marine Corps., Michael Gibbs U.S. Air Force, Christopher Gillespie U.S. Navy, Dean Halton U.S. Navy, Thomas Hickey U.S. Army, Ryan C. Johnston U.S. Marine Corps., Daniel J. Keenaghan U.S. Army, Danielle Koulermos U.S. Army, Thomas Kravse Jr. U.S. Marine Corps., John Christopher Lee U.S. Marine Corps., Tom Lesnieski U.S. Army, Robert Martin U.S. Army, Christopher Mattos U.S. Army, Sean Mc Knight U.S. Army, Robert K. Millmann U.S. Air Force, Eric Muller U.S. Army, Mark Murphy U.S. Army, Stephen K. Murphy U.S. Army, Michael Padilla U.S. Marine Corps., Matthew Patoir U.S. Army, William D. Proietto U.S. Army, Dominic Ricca U.S. Army, Ruben Rodriguez U.S. Army, Eric J. Ryan U.S. Coast Guard, Geordy Santiago U.S. Army, Anthony L. Santosus U.S. Air Force, McKenzie Schmalz U.S. Marine Corps., Richard N. Silecchio U.S. Army, Brice Sinisgalli U.S. Marine, Tyler Sinisgalli, Army Ranger Elizabeth Skaf U.S. Navy, Marc Stanco U.S. Air Force, Darrell St. George U.S. Navy, Timothy Taney U.S. Marine Corps., Stephen Thomas U.S. Marine Corps., Mikelis Visgauss U.S. Marine Corps. John H. Walter U.S. Marine Corps., Eric D. Waxman U.S. Army, Erick Wine U.S. Air Force R.I.P. Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer U.S. Marine Corps. The monthly meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America, Court Morning Star #899 will be held on Monday, November 10, 2014 in the lower church alcove of St. Anthony of Padua church. Anyone who may be interested in joining our group, please feel free to join us also. Love Seeks to Serve Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service. How do we put the love for God into action? By being faithful to our family, to the duties that God has entrusted to us. Whatever form we are, able or disabled, rich or poor, it is not how much we do but how much love we put in the doing – a lifelong sharing of love with others. MILITARY BRIDGE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT MORNING STAR #899 WHEN: WHERE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 Trinity Regional School 5th Avenue, East Northport, NY TIME: 6:30 PM COST: $10.00 Per Person (Refreshments Served) Tables of four recommended If you would like to add someone to the military prayer list please contact:Patricia Seibert at 261-1306 X226 With much thanks and appreciation, the Little Knights of the Fr. Thomas Judge Council, Knights of Columbus, would like to acknowledge the generous donations by the parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua on the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. The Little Knights collected $1,855.00 which will be used by St. Anthony's Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative (HIHI) Ministry to cover laundry expenses and to feed and shelter the homeless during the winter months. Thank you, Reservations must be made for this event. For Reservations, Please Call: Betty (631) 368-7330 John and Cinthia Mahon -9 - Altar Servers Altar Server Schedule November 15th & November 16th November 15th @ 5:00 PM Elizabeth Contino Steven Andreacchi Gabrielle Andreacchi November 16th @ 9:00 AM Tom Gibbs Ryan Gibbs Aidan DePaul November 16th @ 12:00 PM Erin Jackobsze Erica Marill David Mastroianni November 16th @ 7:30 AM Patrick Wisz Madison Adelman November 16th @ 10:30 AM Ashleigh Basel Angelo Prestipino Giovanni Prestipino November 16th @ 7:00 PM Bryan Kuprian Matthew Baron Mark Baron The last general meeting & training for all Altar Servers will take place on Tuesday Nov.11th at 7pm to 7:45pm in the main Church. Once again, 4th Grade and above children who are interested in becoming altar servers of our Parish community are welcome to attend this general training. Thanks for serving God and our Parish. Pope Paul VI Quality Unit Award Pack 5 will proudly receive their third consecutive Pope Paul VI Quality Unit Award during a special Mass at 6:45 PM on Friday evening November 21st, 2014 here at St. Anthony of Padua Church, the Charter Organization that sponsors Pack 5. The Pope Paul VI Quality Unit award is sponsored by the National Catholic Committee on scouting to acknowledge outstanding and prestigious Catholic Scout Units that promote and recognize effective youth and adult leadership in fostering teachings of the Catholic Church. The Scouting unit must be sponsored by a Catholic organization such as a Parish, Parish School or Knights of Columbus to submit an application and be eligible to receive this award that is earned by fewer than one percent of the roughly 10,000 Catholic sponsored Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Crew chartered units in the Country. Pack 5 was the only Scouting Unit in New York State to receive this award in 2013. Pack 5 provides each Catholic youth with a deeper understanding of their Catholic Teachings in the area of religious, vocational and educational aspects and to respect those of different faiths. A partial listing of Pack 5 activities and accomplishments performed include: -Over 80% of the members have earned a religious award offered by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. -The Pack attends Scout Sunday Mass In February which precedes their annual Blue and Gold Luncheon. The June Pack Night is an outdoor Mass that kicks off the annual Family Camping Weekend. The Pack acknowledges and celebrates Priest Sunday each October. The Pack supports the St. Anthony of Padua Parish Outreach by donating food and supplies throughout the year. Service Projects are performed for their Charter Organization. In 2013 the Corridors of the Parish Outreach facility received a scrubbing and cleaning from the boys of Pack 5 following their Cub Scout Promise “to help other people”. At the conclusion of the Mass the Pack will conduct their November Pack Night which will be a Family Thanksgiving dinner, an annual tradition since 2010. Pack 5 consists primarily of students, who are in first grade through fifth grade, from East Northport's Trinity Regional School. Corridors of the Parish Outreach facility received a scrubbing and cleaning from the boys of Pack 5 Pope Paul VI National Catholic Quality Unit Award Patch Pack 5 receiving their 2012 Pope Paul Award during their 2013 June Pack Night Mass . -10- Adult Faith Formation BOOK DISCUSSION: “THE SUPREME MACARONI COMPANY” BY ADRIANA TRIGIANI SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13TH 9:15 AM TO 10:45 AM RECTORY MEETING ROOM ALL ARE WELCOME…EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD A CHANCE TO READ THE BOOK. WE ENJOY FELLOWSHIP AS WELL AS DISCUSSING THE BOOK. WE LISTEN…… IF YOU KNOW A CATHOLIC WHO IS STRUGGLING TO RETURN TO THE CHURCH – DIVORCED, SEPARATED, LIFESTYLE, ETC. – WE WILL LISTEN, ANSWER QUESTIONS (AND IF WE DON’T HAVE THE ANSWER, WE WILL GET IT). WE WANT TO HELP IN A NON JUDGMENTAL WAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 261 -1077 EXT. 208. Trinity Regional School On October 30th, this year the students at Trinity Regional School used the day to get themselves in the Halloween spirit and raise money for a good cause. The Trinity Leadership Corps, a group of eighth grade students who lead the school in various fundraising activities, chose to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help students with life threatening medical conditions have a moment of happiness during their time of struggle. The students donated money to wear Silly Socks and Crazy Ties to show their school spirit and help those less fortunate. -11- Parish Outreach DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS NOV. 24th Parish Outreach 1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport, NY Phone: 631.261.1695 Fax: 631.266.9168 Office Hours: Mon. – Fri.: 10am- 2pm 9:00 AM TO 3:30 PM (bring your lunch) ST. Anthony of Padua PARISH OUTREACH Bring your own lunch or snack, there will be ½ hour break. SPONSORED BY AARP ~ COST $20.00 FOR AARP MEMBERS $25.00 FOR NON AARP MUST BE OVER AGE 50 TO ATTEND CALL 261-1695 FOR REGISTRATION CALLING ALL SENIOR MEN!! Mens’ Social Group meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 1:30 to 3pm. The Senior Womens’ Group WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th , 1- 3 pm at the Parish Outreach , basement of Trinity School. The Parish Outreach van is available for transportation. Next Meeting MONDAY, November 10th St. Anthony’s Parent/Child Playgroup Now Forming for Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at Parish Outreach 1025 Fifth Avenue, basement of Trinity School. The Group meets for crafts and free play weekly. All mothers, fathers, grandparents and caregivers are very much welcome to join with their children ages 6 months to 4 years old. Parents must register their children. The cost to join for the year is $15 for first child and $5 each additional child over age 1. For questions please contact Stephanie Glaser 631897-4345 or email [email protected]. The Suicide Bereavement Group “You are Not Alone” continues to meet the first and third Monday of every month at 7 p.m. Please call Pat Karpowicz at 266-2656 for more information. KNITTING MINISTRY ladies meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Next meeting: Wed. November 12th, 2014, in Parish Outreach, from 1-3 pm. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved with your parish and community and meet other parents/caregivers with young children! PARISH OUTREACH THANKS TROOP #5 FOR THEIR GENEROSITY! Huge thanks to all who visited our 2 tables at the Trinity Regional School Craft Fair on November 1. Many of our hand made scarves, hats, Christmas tree ornaments, baby blankets and sweater sets, and headbands, cowls, pot holders, etc. were sold. Outreach will receive the entire sales amount, $749. We now will resume our main mission, knitting and crocheting for charity. Any yarn donations or gift cards will be greatly appreciated. Boy Scout Troop #5 raised $1,079 from their recent popcorn sale held before and after each mass on Columbus Day weekend. This donation will be used to help the needy in our community. Scouts who participated were Andrew Becker, Ryan Brennan, Cameron Cacic, Derek Capri, Michael Condello, Justin Como, Reece Daniels, Jordan Dekie, Tim Giroux, Kevin Krumenacker, Keith Nolan, Sean Nolan, Ryan Starzee, Nik Strievski, Erik Vladimir, Jonathan Weisberg, John Wood and Ryan Wood. Special thanks to all the parents who helped out as well. Thank you to both scouts and parishioners for contributing to help those in our community in need! -12- Parish Calendar SUNDAY November 9th MONDAY November 10th TUESDAY November 11th 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach Parish Outreach 12:00 PM MASS INSTALLATION OF NEW PASTOR 6:00 PM CYO Basketball-Parish Hall 1:00 PM NEW PASTOR RECEPTION Parish Hall 2:00 PM BAPTISMSCHURCH 7:00 PM AA Step Group-Parish Outreach 7:00 PM Altar Server Training-CHURCH NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES RECTORY CLOSED WEDNESDAY November 12th THURSDAY November 13th 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 8:00 AM RCIARectory Meeting Room 4:30 PM Rel Ed Levels 1-8 - SCH - PH - PO 6:30 PM Troop 5 Meeting-Parish Hall 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach Parish Outreach Parish Outreach 7:00 PM Catholic 7:00 AM AA MeetingDaughters Monthly Parish Outreach Meeting-Lower Church Alcove 10:00 AM Bible Study- Lower Church 7:30 PM Mom's Alcove Group-rectory Meeting Room 7:00 PM Novena Group- CHURCH 7:15 PM St.Vincent DeP-RMR FRIDAY November 14th SATURDAY November 15th 10:00 AM Divine 10:00 AM FOOD 9:00 AM Rel Ed Levels WILL Prayer GroupPANTRY OPEN- PAR- 1-8 - SCH - PH - PO Rectory Meeting Room ISH OUTREACH 9:15 AM Baptism Bib 4:30 PM Rel Ed Levels 2:40 PM Girl ScoutSewers-Rectory Meet1-8 - SCH - PH - PO Cub Scouts (Trinity)- ing Room Lower Church Alcove 6:00 PM Children’s 10:45 AM Rel Ed 2:45 PM Trinity Daisy Levels 1-8 - SCH - PH Choir-CH Troop 1602- LCMR PO 6:00 PM CYO Basket6:00 PM Military 1:00 PM CYO Basketball-Parish Hall Bridge-Parish Hall ball- Parish Hall 7:15 PM Adult Choir7:30 PM Bible Study- 1:30 PM ALANON CH 7:30 PM Level 8 Par- Rectory Meeting Room MEETING-Parish Outent Meeting - LC - LCA reach 7:30 PM BINGOLOWER CHURCH 7:30 PM BINGOLOWER CHURCH Annual Communion Breakfast Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound are available for anyone who is sick, injured, or has had recent surgery or is unable to attend weekly Mass but would like to receive Communion. Baptism Communion Breakfast for All Babies Baptized in 2014 If you would like a visit by a Eucharistic Minister, please call Fran Melvin at 368-7532. All babies baptized in 2014 and their families are invited to attend the Family Liturgy Mass on January 11, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Many children attend this Mass and will have the opportunity to see all the “little ones” who have been baptized in 2014. You, as parents, will receive a special blessing asking God to assist you in raising your child in the Catholic faith. Eucharistic Ministers Needed for Hospital Duty On Thursdays after the 9AM Mass the Priest dismisses the Ministers with a blessing, and they proceed to Huntington Hospital. Usually the return is around 11:30 am. There are presently 4 Teams, each going once every 4 weeks. For those who are able to partake in this Ministry of bringing Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to the patients at Huntington Hospital, it is truly a gift and full of graces! If you are interested, The Baptism Team will host a Communion Breakfast immediately after the Mass. This breakfast provides an occasion for your immediate family to celebrate with other families who have brought their children into the faith through the sacrament of Baptism. Kindly RSVP by January 3, 2015. If you have questions, call Susan Ronde at 754-3185. please call Regina Whitaker, 757-7028 -13- Ministries Fair A MINISTRY VOLUNTEER OPEN HOUSE WAS HELD ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 26TH Many Ministries were represented such as Parish Outreach, St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Daughters, Knights of Columbus, Knitting Ministry, Suicide Bereavement, Consolation Ministry, Baptism team, Family Liturgy, Legion of Mary, Choir, and More. It was a great opportunity to meet other ministry leaders and talk to fellow parishioners. Coffee and cake was provided. Thank you to all who attended! If you were not able to attend and would like to consider volunteering for a ministry, please call the rectory for the Ministry booklet which lists all of the volunteer opportunities available, their leaders names and phone numbers -14- -15- Miscellaneous Come join the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Church’s largest, worldwide apostolic/ evangelization organization of lay people! Invite the Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue into your home! In a brief meeting, two members of the Legion of Mary will set up the statue in your home and pray the Rosary with you. Your family will be blessed by the presence of this beautiful, holy statue for one week. Please call Maureen at 631-368-0132 for more information and to sign up. Active members share the faith through a variety of faceto-face ministries and spiritual works of mercy. These include teaching religion, bringing Communion to the sick and homebound, praying with the elderly at nursing homes, praying outside abortion mills, and much more. The prayers of the Blessed Mother and our Auxiliary members support our witness and efforts. We also enjoy retreats, days of recollection, and social interaction with other local Legion of Mary groups several times a year. You will learn more about the Catholic faith, help save souls, build friendships, grow in holiness, and help prepare yourself for judgment day. For more information, please call Marie at 631-682-3007. To learn more about Our Lady’s appearances and the miracles at Fatima, Portugal, please go to: . God bless you! CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION ARE HONORED TO PRESENT: MOST REV. BISHOP ANDRZEJ ZGLEJSZEWSKI Come hear Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski share his story of living in communist Poland in the 1970’s and 1980’s under oppression and denial of religious freedom. Despite these bleak circumstances, he found courage and strength with God’s grace and persevered in following his calling. Hear his message of hope and gratitude. November 18th 7:30 pm St. James Church 429 Rt. 25A Setauket, NY 11733 -16 - Miscellaneous SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL THANKSGIVING FOOD ITEMS NEEDED Saint Vincent de Paul Society will be giving out 160 Thanksgiving baskets this year to our local families. We usually get about 40 donated completed baskets, and need to make 120 food baskets. We are in need of 120 of the following items to add to the baskets: CANS OF COFFEE, BOTTLES OF 100% APPLE JUICE, DANSK COOKIE TINS, BOTTLES OF SODA, TURKEYS OR $20 GIFT CARDS TO PURCHASE TURKEYS(please bring gift cards to Rectory and indicate it is for Thanksgiving), gravy, stuffing, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce. Please start bringing items to the food bin so we can keep a count of items we will still have to purchase. If any families, troops, religious education classes, organizations would like to donate larger quantities of the above items (especially the more expensive items in caps), please contact Carol Crowley at 631-786-8702 or [email protected]. If you would like to donate a completed Thanksgiving basket, contact Carol as well for details. Thank you for your unending generosity. The Ministry of Consolation is in need of Companions. Companions are the people who meet with family members to help them get through a difficult time. For information call Carol Hehir 261-0965 or Loretta Hamann 368-3039. Fr. Kline’s Bible Study Groups: Tuesday at 10 am in the Lower Church Alcove and 7:30 pm on Friday in the Rectory Meeting Room We welcome new as well as former participants. Call Fr. Kline at ext. 235 for additional information. Please remember our Poor Box! Donations benefit St. Vincent de Paul Society & Parish Outreach. Thanksgiving Dinner at Father Thomas A. Judge Council Knights of Columbus Poor Box Collection for November 2, 2014: $502.00 “Feed My Lambs” is the weekly request of the SVDP Society to parishioners to bring to church the one or two items that the Food Pantry is in low supply of. The Father Thomas A. Judge Council of the Knights of Columbus will be serving a traditional turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Dinner will be served from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at our council hall in Hewitt Square in East Northport at the corner of Larkfield and Pulaski Roads. We are opening our doors to everyone – if you are finding it difficult to deal with the current economic conditions or have no one to share your holiday with we will be happy to have you at our place. We ask that if possible you call our hall and leave your name and the number of people in your party that plan to attend so we can properly prepare. Call today (631) 262-1891. This week’s food item(s) are: Pasta sauce, Tunafish, Chunky soups, Canned fruit, Toilet paper, Toothpaste Of course any other items you wish to donate will be gratefully accepted, but the item that we are concentrating on will help us ensure that this item will be in supply for our clients. All items can be left in the rear of the Church before and after all the weekend Masses. During the week items can be brought to Parish Outreach, Monday -Friday between the hours of 10:00AM and 2:00PM. Thank you for helping us minister to the lambs of our community who are in need. -17 - -18 - Miscellaneous Novena Group meets in the Church every Tuesday at 7:00 pm F I F TY F I F TY RAF F L E Raffle tickets available at the rectory o ffice Cost- $5 for one $5 0 f o r a b o o k o f 1 2 January’s Prize: February’s Prize: Ma r ch’s P r i ze: A p r i l ’s P r i ze Ma y ’s P r i ze J u n e’s P r i ze J u l y’s Pr i ze A ug u st’s P r i ze S ep tem b er ’s P r i ze FRIDAY EVENING BINGO - 7:30PM St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall SATURDAY EVENING BINGO 7:30PM in St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall. $3,100 in prizes given away each week!! Call 239-1325 if you have any questions Maybe you will be next month’s winner! If you would like to register: PARISH CENSUS/REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. WHEN COMPLETED, PLEASE DROP THEM IN THE WHITE BOX LABELED Please send all bulletin announcements to: [email protected]. Deadline for all requests is Monday, 1PM. PARISH CENSUS/REGISTRATION FORMS AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH POWER RITE 368-3555 AUTO SERVICE 565 Larkfield Rd. East Northport The UPS Store 631.754.4400 Tel M-F 8am-7pm Sat. 9am-4pm Sun. closed Seniors Night - Sun & Tues. 4pm-10pm 25% OFF your entree with purchase of beverage Guests 62 and older dine-in only not to be combined with other disounts or offers 1 Hewitt Square Larkfield & Pulaski Rd., East Northport 2159 Jericho Turnpike, Commack (631) 499-7265 Dr. John R. Trinidad PODIATRIST HOUSE CALLS TREATMENT OF ALL FOOT DISORDERS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS • Routine Care of Corns, Warts Callouses, Ingrown nails • Fungus Nails • Surgery • Bunions Hammertoes • Diabetic foot care, Orthotics, Heel pain CPA KATHLEEN M. DOTZLER Advertising Tax & Accounting Services At Reasonable Rates 266-3990 Parishioner PHONE 631-225-5144 E-MAIL: [email protected] Website: STONE UNLIMITED, Inc. CLEANING SERVICES Business & Residential I can clean your home/office and organize closets or garage. ~ Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly Over 12 Years of Experience References Available ~ Free Estimates ~ Gloria 631.680.9318 [email protected] 631-462-2020 EYE PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Alf Paulsen * References Available * Senior Discounts State Farm 3034 Jericho Tpke., E. Northport 631-462-1717 Dave Robitaille, Agent Home, Auto, Business, Life Insurance Joseph Gruhn Serving All Cemeteries Monuments - Markers - Granite - Bronze - Marble Monument Lettering Fax 549-1828 631-427-0826 Phone: (516) 781-7310 JACK A. CORCORAN MONUMENTS [email protected] Handy-Man Services All Types Scaffold Fall Protection & Safety Equipment Scaffolding Installations 1700 East Jericho Turnpike • Huntington 631-549-8207 Marital - Family - Individual Dr. Michael Coyle, Ph.D. Dr. Patricia Coyle, DSW Centerport/Huntington 261-9445 LADDER AND SCAFFOLD Co. 163 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 INDUSTRIAL LADDERS Fiberglass • Aluminum • Wood SCAFFOLDING•SHORING Sales • Rentals 48 Vernon Valley Rd., E. Northport Visit our Showroom at 88 West Hills Rd. Huntington Station Counseling For Catholics MONUMENT MANUFACTURING & INSCRIPTION WORK Brian O’Neill, owner * No Job Too Small * Free Estimates * 757-1515 By Appointment Richard G. Davis, M.D.,F.A.A.O. $688.81 $753.79 $736.50 $709.63 $740.91 $733.40 $719.66 $683.31 $82. 54 -19- #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • BRUEGGEMANN FUNERAL HOME OF EAST NORTHPORT, INC. 522 Larkfield Road 368-1235 East Northport 340 Larkfield Rd. E. Northport (631) 368-7887 La Villini Family Style Italian Restaurant Catering for All Occasion - On or Off Premises $10.00 check of $ 60 or more w/ad *Di ne i n onl y not val id on holida ys 288 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport Phone: 631-261-6344 Raymond A. Mascolo, D.D.S. Thomas A. Mascolo, D.M.D. General Preventive Cosmetic Dentistry Laser Tooth Whitening Daily, Evening & Saturday Hours Available 631-368-8617 If you want the job done right Call the Original NILL BROTHERS Exceptional credentials. Outstanding results. Board-Certified Orthopedic, Clinical Specialist Doctor of Physical Therapy Herbert N. Tandy, PTA Physcal Therapy Assistant 554 Larkfield Rd., East Northport, NY (In the Larkfield Professional Center) 275 Wolf Hill Rd., S. Huntington, NY Please call 631-262-1891 For Membership or Hall Rental East Northport 368-1850 631.266.4501 (On the Campus of St. Anthony’s High School) Good News Book Store New hope Therapy & Religious Goods Restore your peace! Serving the Community Since 1982 Restore your energy! Memorials • Vestments • Wedding • Candles Communions • Confirmations • Medals & Restore your joy! Larkfield & Fort Salonga Market Rosaries, etc. 757-5423 Parishioner 155 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport Friendly Personal Service Quality Meats, Produce, and Deli 10% off any purchase totaling $20 or more for all parishioner w/cpn 301 Clay Pitts Road * East Northport Custom Area Rugs, Runners 10-15 Fort Salonga Rd • Ft. Salonga (25A) & Broadloom 368-1661 * Ft. Salonga: 261-3511 Larkfield: Roofing • Siding • Gutters & Leaders Window Treatments Established in 1950 Wood, Laminate & Vinyl Floors Three generations of Quality & Service Wood Floor Refinishing Serving All Long Island Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home, Inc. Leaks Repaired • Emergency Service Residential & Commercial Gutters 5” & 6” Custom Colors Custom Copper First Class Installations Superb Workmanship Complete Tinsmith Shop Free Estimates 5 Laurel Avenue, Northport, N.Y. 11768 754-2400 SUFFOLK PHYSICAL THERAPY, P.C. Thomas Gruhn, PT, COMT Board Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist CALL MR. NILL DAY OR EVENING (631) 423-0820 (631) 423-5478 Orthopedic - Neurological - Sports Related 279 Larkfiel d Rd., E. Northpo rt Huntington Southampton (631) 262-1370 SPANISH/FRENCH TUTOR MARKETPLACE NYS Certified 30+ Yrs Experience Prestigious L.I. School District Specializing in State Exams, Improving Classroom Confidence Exeeptional Results - Reasonable Rates 631-902-6688 Greenland Landscaping and 631-757-9338 Nursery, Inc. 631-368-7182 Long Island’s Premier Meat, Deli and Produce Market 9 Hewitt Square, East Northport, NY corner of Larkfield Rd & Pulaski Rd. Easter/Mother’s Day Plants• Gift Items Annuals • Shrubs • Patio Pots L andscape Desi gns Lic/Ins Since 1975 STEVE LAUSCHUS PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Clogged Drains Service Kitchens & Bathroom Remodeling Boilers - Water Heaters • Gas Conversions Parishioner since 1997 John 3:16 Devin Jewelers 536 Larkfield Rd. A. Shields, DDS East Northport, NY Maria Family Dentistry Children & Adults Welcome (631) 368-7010 We Buy Gold & Diamonds FRIENDLY KIDS SOCIAL SKILLS & FRIENDSHIP GROUP 62A Tamarack St. East Northport, NY 261-3123 5 Cheshire Pl., E. Northport Northport Animal Clinic Advanced Veterinary Services of Long Island Will offer a Summer Program where children will learn social skills and manners while making friends and having fun. This group is run by a school social worker who has success teaching social skills to children with and without social needs. Together . 285 Larkfield Road, East Northport 631-757-2716 24 Hour Emergency Hotline David Tuohy Jr. (631) 754-0820 Parishioner Michelle Turina Inc 731 Ft Salonga Rd • Npt, CVS Shopping Cntr. Ask me about discounts available in East Northport. 631-759-3703 GERARDYourTLocalDOLAN, LUTCF Agent | 690546 120 Laurel Road, Suite D East Northport, NY 11731 A CLEAN DRIVING RECORD EQUALS SAVINGS WITH FARMERS. fâuâÜutÇ _tÇwávtÑx VÉÜÑA • All Phases of Masonry • Full Landscape Design & Construction 75 Larkfield Rd. East Northport A holistic hands-on treatment for women Honoré Petrasek 631-896-5301 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Luke DeNapoli Agency 368-1622 Home • Auto • Business • Life 517 Larkfield Road Parishioner TOTALLY FREE PERSONAL & BUSINESS CHECKING FOR LIFE! GREAT RATES ON COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES! CALL NOW! (631) 486-5055 1968 JERICHO TPKE EAST NORTHPORT, NY 11731 631-261-1908 PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings • Communions • Portraits 229 Laurel Road, East Northport Parishioner Serv. our Community Since 1973 565 Larkfield Rd. E. Northport John Cornetta (631) 368-3555 Agency Owner Allstate Insurance Company 233 East Main St. Huntington Office 631-423-1200 Please call Carrie (631) 988-0629 [email protected] HAIR Lic. & Ins. Emergency Svc. 631-269-7455 Robert E. Schleier, Jr. TJM Interior Painting & More Attorney at Law Quality- Great Service - Reasonable Cost Schoen & Schleier, LLP Tom Mormile, Interior Painter Lic 52 Elm Street, Huntington, NY & 631-421-0700 631-486-8171 Parishioner Ins Public Mausoleum Now Open Steven C. DeSousa, PT, DPT, MA, OCS Est. 1950 Fr. Thomas A. Judge Council Knights of Columbus Fred’s Est 1959 Carpet 240 Clay Pitts Rd., E. Northport 318 Larkfield Road 631-261-8422 East Northport Physical Therapy Old Traditions - New Ideas 364 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport 368-8610 NORTHPORT RURAL CEMETERY When you drive safe on the road, everyone wins. When you drive safe at Farmers, you win an additional discount on your car insurance. It’s just another reason to know that FARMERS is fully commited to providing excellent value for your insurance dollar. Call me today to find out about all the auto insurance discounts that may be available for you. M&T Elite Pressure Washing Devoted to giving our customer’s the best price for the highest quality service” 631 896-4138 / 631 935-4815 Window Tinting • Alarms Stereo • Sun Roofs Installed Approved by All Insurance Companies 333 Larkfield Road 757-3689 • Property Maintenance • Licensed & Insured 631-262-0202 Rick Marchetta Serving the community for over 25 yrs. #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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