PAGE EIGHT POUGHKEEPSIE NEW YORKER—Continuing Poughkeepsie Evening Star-Enterprise Reds Repulse Berezina Drive f- \ : • > :\ if ! • • 3. 1941 Mrs. Dederer and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Myers and son,' Edward, 23 Lexington avenue, Entertain for Miss Bowne will spend the holiday and weekend Announcement Is made of the engagement of Grace Diamond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Diamond of 3 Morgan avenue, to Saul Kronberg, son of Mr. and'Mrs. S. Kronberg of 562 Main street. The marriage will take place In August. Miss Diamond is a teacher In the Shenandoah school, town of East FJshklll. She was graduated from Poughkeepsie High school and New Palta Normal school, and did postgraduate work at Teachers' college, Columbia university. She Is a member of the local chapter, Junior Hadasiah. Mr. Kronberg was graduated from Poughkeepsie High school and is well known In athletic circles, having been awarded numerous cups for horse-shoe pitching in the Hudson Valley. He Is a member of the bowling team of the De Laval Separator company and a member of the Warren G. Harding club. In Bridgeport, Conn., as guests of Mr. Myers' brother and slster-ln- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Myers. Eleanor V. Leo is spending two weeks at Williams lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Klnsey, 239 Ohurch street, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Schults, 37 Grand avenue, will spend the holiday and weekend In Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. Herbert W. Saltford and children, 16 Seaman road, are spending the month at Sunday Morning camp, Hlgglns Bay, on Lake Piseco. George Braun, 57 South Hamilton street, accompanied by Norman and Elliott Odell, left here today for Indian lake and Canada on a fishing trip. Frederick H. M. Hart and daughter, Mary, are vacationing at Lake Pleasant. Coworkers Honor Three at Dinner Enlists in Army Sergeant Jules Eggers, in charge of the local recruiting office said today that DANIEL T. BUCCHIONL 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bucchionl. Rhlnebeck, has been accepted for three years' service with the Regular Army. Bucchloni, prominent in Rhinebeck High school athletics, will be stationed with the Air corps, tow target detachment, at Manchester, N. H. While in high school, Bucchionl was sports writer for the high school "Bulletin," of which he was editor-in-chief in his senior year; and was sports writer for the high school magazine, the "Idler." He was captain of the Jayvee basketball team as a Junior and was acting captain and pitcher on the baseball team this year. He has received letters for two years' in* basketball and b j s j b a l L ^ ^ ^ = = = Bucehloniwas also one of the first ten on the Senior' class honor roll. His cousin, William Churchill,also of Rhinebeck, is in the Navy and is now located at Pensacola, Fla. Three were honored at a dinner party Tuesday night at Smith brothers, which was given by a group of friends and co-workers, The guests of honor were Mrs. Grace Van Voorhls, who is retiring after having been employed by Smith brothers for many years; Mrs. Anna Postler, who will soon wed, and Mrs. Myrtle Kaelber, a recent bride. Mrs. Postler's marriage to Otto Postler will take place on July 9. Decorations were in red, white, and blue. Each of the three was presented with floor lamps and Mrs. Van Voorhls also received flowers. Among those present were: Caroline Whlspel, Florence Fralelgh, Katherine Dolfinger, Oladys Baker, Dorothy Hawks, Ada Daley, Melvlna Yeomans, Elizabeth Lown, Veronica Fleming, Llla Burger, Dorothy Fitzpatrlck. =-Sophle^MHcMwsktrrae^"5wWRinT Georgia Terwllllger, Mildred North, Ruth OTJell, Adeline Lane, Margaret Cullen, Grace Van Voorhls, Anna Postler and Myrtle Kaelber. Mrs. Robert Scott of Pleasant Valley left here last night for Indiana where she will visit her parents. Ruth Wagner is spending a two weeks' vacation in Canada. Jane Carroll has Joined her family for a vacation at Nantucket. Mary O'Neil of 66A Garden street will leave, here this weekend for a vacation in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Lawrence and family of 37 Garfield place are spending some time at Lake George. Her Engagement Announced GRACE DIAMOND' whose engagement is announced to Saul Kronberg. The wedding will take place in August. James Evans of Camp Upton will spend the weekepd at his home in Wappingers Falls. David Aldeborgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Aldeborgh of St. John's parkway, is convalescing at -Vassar hospital where he underwent an Ofe eTatlorr recently. Republican Women Arrange Sally, Marsh of 15 Loockerman Is vacationing at Lake Benefit Card Party for U. S. O. avenue George. Mrs. -George H. Dederer w daughter, Gertrude, were hoste&Z at a surprise shower at their W 33 Park avenue* last night, in w of Marion E. Bowne, daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Bo,J; whose marriage to William u Dederer will take place July u On behalf of the guests, the p«pectlve bride was presented withu occasional chair and a clothes W per. Decorations about the home \rti bouquets of. regal lilies and baby] breath. There wa$ a program J games with favors being awarded t» Mrs. Calvin Hapeman, Mrs. Stan:* Bloomer, Mrs. C D . Dederer IM Mrs. William Dressell. Mrs. Herbw V. Dederer presided at the pmjA bowl. I The invited guests JtfcTuded: Hn\ Claude Sears, Mrs. C. D. Dedem I Mrs. Arthur Gallagher, Mrs. NelscrJ J. Bowne, Mrs. Herbert V. Dedertfl Florence Rogers, Mrs. John F. Haia.J iiton, Mrs. George Ketcham, M * | Arnold Dickinson, Doris Hart<a| Mrs. Alfred Hechler, Mrs. WllU^! Dressell, Rose N. Turner, Mrs. &].[ vln Hapeman, Mrs. Stanley Bloomer Mrs. Adelaide Kniffen, y^j Thomas Bircher, Mrs. Clarence R.I Hasbrouck, Mrs. Edwin C. Dederwl Mrs. Ralph H. Dedefer, Mrs. Albert | Frederick. Mrs. Allen Raymond, Mrs. Fran*! Slocum, Mrs. Lillian Slocum, MrJ Irving C. Dederer, Mrs. H. I. Dederer I Dorothy Owen, Mrs. Christian B!| Jensen, Alida Ruesch, Mrs. Raymond! Belding and Minnie Frank. Mary Carle Guest At Birthday Party Mary Carle was guest of horxfl last night at a surprise birthdij party given by Mr. and Mrs. Willlml Slesar. 35 May street, A dinner, fu!. urlng a red, white and blue birthdij | cake._was servedu_MIs3 Garle,-fo?. merly of Ancram, has made h«j home with Mr. and Mrs. Sleasarfwi the past three years. Attending the party were Mrs. &. win Dodge and daughters, Marj-ellraj and Augusta. MarguerlteJiyaclUfej and Mrs. Honln DeHartand daughter, Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Sleasar « i | son, Stuart. To_ raise funds_for the United —Mrs-.-Vivian"Aclams oP205 Grand Service Organization, members of avenue will spend the weekend in Mrs. Ligamari, Jr. theCWomen's Republican club of New Jersey. Guest of Honor Dutchsis county will sponsor' an Mrs. Anthony LigamarJ, Jr., the w-edding of Elizabeth Cramptonofl Engaged to Wed afternoon card party, Wednesday, Jean Llcht of Englewood. N. J., former Ermeda Rose Mlrto was the Joseph C. Kaag, exalted ruler of July .16, at the residence of Mrs. will spend the weekend at the home VIRGINIA CLEMENS, above, and fSewlckley, Pa., and her neph«», guest of honor at a linen and per- Poughkeepsie lodge of Elks, said to- W., Arthur Saltford. Spackenklll of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Baum-J NELSON GROGAN, below, whose I Donald A. Booth of Oittaburgh, Pa, sonal shower Saturday night given day that the lodge is giving the road, vice chairman. Plans for the busch, 1 Wilbur court. engagement has been announced. formerly of Poughkeepsie, Saturday, I by her mother, Mrs. Charles Mirto fullest measure of cooperation to party were made at an e x e c u t e Lett*rj to the Editor »r« llmltid to She is the daughter of Mr. and which will take place In the gardes | of 383 Mansion street and her sis- the campaign of the United Serv- committee meeting yesterday afterS00 words ind must b« ilgnt4 by the Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Corwin of 108 Mrs. Marion Clemens of this city, of the bride's home. wrlkr with hts a<Jdr««. Nsmes will ters, Mrs. John Sergio and Mrs. ice organizations in the effort to b* kept confldentiit »nd. not printed, noon at the home of the president, Hooker avenue will spend the holi- and Mr. Grogan is the son of Mrs, Raymond Qaddls, Jr. Games were If so requested. The PoughktepMe New raise $10,766,000 for use In the opMarjorie M. Schltmmer, 43 GaU played and prizes awarded to: Mrs. eration of 339 recreational clubs in Mrs. Otto Weibrich, 14 Fulton ave- day and weekend at Lake Cham- Harriet Grogan. Both attended street Yorker reterves the right to reject »ny will leave here Monday fori plain. nue, Mrs. Siting Burger was named Poughkeepsie High school. The letter In p»rt or its entirety. ComSalvatore Marchese, Christina Ben- the areas of army camps and naval |munlc»tlbns cannot be returned unless two-weeks vacation at Detroit, Mich. general chairman of arrangements, bride-to-be is employed by the lngo and Anita Ursloli. Other inaccompanied by ft ittmped self-adstations. and those attending are asked to Mr. and Mrs. John Mulford Hack- D u t c h e s s Manufacturing comvited guests Included: Jane Vento of dressed envelope. Anonymous letters Mr. Kaag said that the Elks rec- take their own card tables and ett, 5 Whitehouse avenue left here pany, and Mr. Grogan is. employed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kunz, Redl WILL NOT BE PRINTED. Anyone Newburgh, Gertrude Mirto, Join ognize the importance of maintain- cards. signing t fslse name to » letter Is today for their summer cottage^ at by the De Laval Separator com- Mills, plan, to spend the weekend at] Travatello, Mrs. Frank Mirto, Mrs. liable to criminal prosecution. ing proper morale among the young Long Lake. pany. Mrs. Kent Leavitt of Mlllbrook Merrill. Salvatore Travatello, Mary and men now in the service and that Editor. Poughkeepsie New Yorker Catherine Travatello, Mrs. Peter recreational club houses of the char- was .appointed membership chairPolice Commissioner and Mrs. I The Misses Wheeler and Margaret Dear Sir; Badami, Mrs. Llgamari, Sr.. Mrs. acter contemplated, would provide man for the county. women were classmates at the Knox Knauss will spend the Fourth of| It was decided to hold the C. Boyd of 248 Church street have school. The" Poughkeepsie New Yorker has Patrick Magnarella of Mlllbrook, wholesome surroundings where they July at Willowbrook.. the distinction of receiving my first Mrs. Salvatore Papavero, Mrs. An- can meet their relatives and friends, August meeting on a Saturday gone to Brandon, Vt., for the sumletter to any editor ever written; I toinette Longl, Mrs. Santo Longi, write letters and enjoy the com- afternoon, the date to be announced mer. Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Burgess, | usually cooled off before I sent one; Anne Longl, Mrs. James Longi, Mrs. forts and conveniences which are later, at the Leavitt home in Millof 85 South Hamilton street will Spanish Arms, will spend the weekMr. and Mrs. John E. Taylor of that is why I hope to mail this at John Valentino of Beacon, Mrs. Jer- so essential to them when on leave. brook. The event will be in the . Kingwood park have gone to* Piseco spend the weekend at Jericho. L. I., end at Newport, R. 1. once. (The-weather does not help ry Aiena, Mrs. Betta Ligouri.^Mrs. form of a picnic. James R. Nicholson, chairman of as the guests of Mrs. Seymour's Lake for the summer months. John Doughty, Mrs. Anthony Decarto cool off these days). In September, a meeting will be the Elks Najional Defense commisaunt, Jessica Hawthorne. ' Ray Flavin of 44 Lawrence roadijj I have read the article by Ger- lo, Mrs. Umberto. Baratta, Agnes sion, has urged every subordinate held at Mrs. Harry H. Hill's in a patient In Vassar hospital. Joseph B. and William B. DugBaratU, Mary and Carmella Crlspl, aldlne Mann. I had hoped to find lodge and its individual members to Rhinebeck, and the annual dinner Salvatore" Marchese, Mrs- cooperate to the fullest extent in of the county organization will take gan. local attorneys, were business Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Doolittle in it some answer to the perplexing Mrs. visitors in New .York city yesterday. and daughter, Barbara, have re- J. Frederick Westerman, formerly j question of why our pupils pro- James Marchese, Mrs. John Lezon, assisting the United Service Organ- place in October as usual. turned to their home, Seaman road, of this city, now of Yonkers, i l nounce and spell so badly. But it Mr*. Ernest Perry, Mrs. John Scrlv- ization campaign. Among those attending yesterafter a three weeks' vacation Jn sppending a week here. renewing.oVJ I Newton E. Wright is seriously ill was so muddled, so superficial that lani, Mrs. John Tascinelll, Mrs, A. day's meeting were: Mrs. Weibrich, California. 8. 8p«daro, Mrs. Frank DeMlchell, at his home, 4 Hammersley avenue. friendships and at the same ttotj I should like to have this put in Mrs. Saltford. Mrs. T. V. D. Budd Mr. and Mrs. George Ott transacting business for a New Yort[ your columns. She speaks of much Mrs. A. Cerosoli, Mrs. M. C. Manso- Celebrating 50th Anniversary and Mrs. Hill of Rhinebeck, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Shepherd baking firm. Frederic J. Neumann, president activity in reading; how to hold a llllo, Mrsv- Robert Mansolllto, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Ott of Bea- Edwin S. Knauss, first vice presiAlbert MansollliO, Mrs. Harry Leonthe Board of Education of the are vacationing at Virginia Beach, book, how to stand. con are observing their 50th wed- dent; Mrs. Foster Sutton, secretary; of ell!, Mrs. Louis Tasciottl, Mrs. Genor ^ Wappingers Central school district, Va. Mrs. Karl Van Keuren of RhineBut she does not tell how the ding anniversary today. To cele- Mrs. Harry G. Harper, treasurer; has recovered from a chest cold. beck is in Vas.sar hospital recelvin{| child is to learn to read (which is Pantone, Mrs\ Thomas Leonelli, Mrs. brate the occasion, they will enter- Mrs. Emerson D. Fite, program Mrs. Laura A. Preston of 125 Col- treatment. , her topic). . How is the child to Matteo Jullano, Mrs. Louis Troccia, tain at an "open house" on Sundav chairman, and Mrs. Burger. Lawrence Nardozi, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L\ Collins, lege avenue, instructor in child study read properly If in our present sys- Mrs. afternoon at their home, 220 and daughter, Constance, of Pros- at Vassa^-rgllege, is conducting the tem w'e\ do not teach them about Thomas Urcioll, Mrs. Anthony Ur- Tioronda avenue. Quay Sargeant, who made hbl Mrs. Ott was Former Vassar Students Mrs. Louis Santorella, Rose pect street, Wappingers Falls, will Chatauqua Nursery school at Cha- home here for several years, is livinfj roots, about phonics, about syllables. cioli. formerly Alice Houghtaling of Sylvan En/rag;ed and Married Marchese, Betty Trltto, Mrs. Louis tauqUa. Elisabeth Wetsel, daughter A number of bright students reach Mr.-and Mrs. George A. Kelsall of spend the holiday with Mrs. Col- of .Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Wctsel of now with his father on a small faro) Mrs. Patrick Conti. Rose lake. The couple have six chilhigh school without knowing how Sorentlno, dren, Mrs. Charles Warren of Belleville. N. J., have announced the lins' parents at Carthage, N. Y. Mr. 25 South Randolph avenue, will in Ulster park. Mrs. Elizabeth Monsolillo, to spell simple words, without know- Llgasiari, Poughkeepsie, Mrs. Gordon Zellman engagement of their daughter. Hel- Collins, who is supervising principal leave here on Saturday to spend six Urcioll, Mrs, Samuel Aiena, ing how to pronounce properly sim- Angela of Malden-on-Hudson. Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Jack Duggan is convalescinf, | en D. Kelsall. to Walter J. Nlcker- of the Wappingers Central school, weeks a.s assistant to Mrs. PrestAn Thomas Luparllll, Mrs. Anple words, unless they are for- Mrs. Nixon of Hackensack, N. J., Mrs. son. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick- will return Sunday. • at her home in Rhlnebeck, after rethony Popavero. Antoinette Vanasco, at the school. Miss Wetsel is majtunate In their home environment. Mrs. Peter Vanasco, "Mrs. William George Warren of Beacon, and erson of West Chester, Pa. The In child study at Vassar col- cently having undergone an open-1 What about the children not so Barattft, Rosalie Sucato. Minnie De- George and Harold Ott of Beacon. bride-elect was graduated from Eleanor Leo of 7 Mount Carmel oring tlon in the Northern Dutches* | lege. privileged? Because the root of carlo, Mr*. Joseph Decarlo, and Mrs. Mr. Ott is one of the oldest fireman Vassar and received her' master's place is spending some time at WilHealth center. Examiner Named their reading has been neglected Raymond Baratta. in Beacon, having observed his 75th degree fr;om Radcllffe college. The liams Lake. can not pronounce. birthday in April. Mrs. Ott was *8 marriage"* of Clothilde E. Slnclarre, Charles Forte. Jr., of Mlllbrook, Is Mr. and Mrs. R. Curtis Funsfco, J For Swimming Tests they I recently tutored a bright high the same month. Both are mem- daughter of Mrs. Frank M. Slnclalre Edna Finger of 25 Oak wood boul- a patient in Vassar hospital. Rhinebeck. are spending the ttdschool student who could not pro- Card Pariy-Meetinf bers of the Shepherds of Bethlehem of Brooklyn, to George R. Holahan, evard is spending the weekend at end in Schenectady. nounce simple .words. Even her and Mrs. Ott Is a member of the 3rd. toqk place yesterday in New Cape Cod. Mrs. Mary E. Roberts sailed on the At Bourne Home Yesterday Arrangements have been made by alphabet Was neglected. Miss Mann Women's auxiliary of the Beacon York. A reception was held at Shernoon boat today for New York. She Marjorie Bulkeley,' New York city, Mrs. James Russell Bourne, Engine company. Mr. Ott has been ry's. Manhattan. Mrs. Holahan atthe Greater Poughkeepsie district, tells the child to go to the dictionMr. and Mrs. George C. 8ha!er of plans to spend a week visiting her daughter of Dr. and Mrs. How»ra Dutchess County council of Boy ary, but if he can not recofrtize and Rhlnebeck, state chairman of gov- sexton of St. Luke's church in Bea- tended Vassar college. The bride- 7 Ivy terrace, will be the guests of daughter.. Mrs. C. E. Bailey In Mt. S. Bulkeley, Rhlnebeck, is spcndlni Scouts, for instructions In swim- pronounce the words he becomes ernment and'social welfare of the con for manv years, and is a member groom was graduated from Yale their nephew, Robert Heston, and Vernon, and also her. son, a resident the weekend with* her .parents. League of Women Voters, was hos- of the B#*K>h Engine company and university last month, ming' and swimming merit badge ex- emotionally upset. Mrs. Heston for the weekend at of Philadelphia, who is visiting in aminations for scout* of the dis- She talks about the "Fundamen- tess at cards yesterday afternoon the Odd Ftfows. Mt. Vernon. . their home in Springfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Horace K. B»k«r. trict, at the Spratt park swimming tals of Reading" without giving us. on the lawn of her home to memRhlnebcck.'have left here for a tT«r New Paltt Grad bers of the" Rhinebeck branch and pool, Scout Executive Forse said to- these "fundamentals." Either she Joan Benson, daughter of Dr, and months' auto trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Biscardi. Mr. and Mri. rorter Weds atTfewburfh day. is writing for the upperclassmen or their guests. She explained the Ob»er?ln/ Anniversary Mrs. Harold A. Benson of 38 LoockMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ross, and Edythe Arlene Shields, daughter of IJJarold S. Brower, chairman of a she Is writing for the first-grader. "Battle" for Production" campaign Today marks the 23rd wedding an- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shields of Kathleen and Louis Cavallcrl of this erman avenue, is vacationing at Mrs. Minnie Caldwell, RhinebN*., special committee related to scout She doesn't* seem to know. It is which the New York State League niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. North Plank road, Newburgh, was city are spending the holiday week- Marble Head. Is spending the summer with Ml advancement, has completed the ar- tlrrie mothers and fathers refused to of Women Voters launched last Porter of Manchester road. In honor rnarrted at 3 o'clock Sunday after- end in Atlantic City, N. J. mother*. Mrs. Bertha Manning, » | rangements with Carl Beck, super- let their children be the "guinea week. Mrs. Bourne told the members of the occasion, a family dinner noon at the Church of the Nazarcne Marlon Brooke, daughter of Mr Schaghticoke. that persons' lack an understanding pigs'" of experimenters. visor of the pool, Mr. Forse said. of the need for defense production party will be held at the home to- in Newburgh to Marvin Guy French, Mrs. Egon C. Durr, "the*- former i and Mrs. William J. McKcown. Vho DISAPPOINTED. On Mr. Brower's recommendation, Ward Carhart, son of Mr. and Mr* and further stated that the problem night. Mrs. Porter Is the former also of that city. The Rev. Edwin J. Thelma Wlxson of this city, who'has i has been a patient at Vassar hospl Mr. Beck and Mary Bub have been Emma Rlfenburgh. The couple have Freeh performed the ceremony. Mrs. been a patient at St. Francis' hos- tal. has returned to her home, Came- Oscar E. Carhart, Rhinebeck, J is'one which affects everyone, and R. b . Wappingers Falls. N. Y. appointed official swimming merit home for. his summer recess fr«* taxation and the community two children, Otis H. Porter, Jr., and French Is a graduate of Newburgh pital for two months, has returned lot raid. badge examiners by Benson R. Frost, Editor. Poughkeepsie New Yorker, that Wittcnburg college, Ohio. problems* are bringing Nils fact to Clara Porter. Mr. Porter is fire com- academy and attended New Paltz to her home in MIddletown. She chairman of the council's comriiiltec Dear Sir: was under the care of Dr. James J.' Mrs. John E. Evans. Jr., and son, missioner for the town of Pough- Normal school. the attention of the populace. Mrs. on scout advancement. A friend suggested that we make Roy Decker and Mrs, L, B. Barber keepsie. Both are members of the Toomey and Dr. Richard J. Bolce. John Evans, 3rd., and daughter, Mrs. David Frazer of Mllibrw* Instruction and examination pe- public a letter we wrote to Senator were chairmen of the party ar- Betsy Ross council, and he Is a Claire I-ottisc Evans, of Pittsburgh has entered Vassar hospital '<* Newburgh League riods will be held weekly, beginning George, chairman of the ^Foreign rangements. member of the Poughkeepsie lodge James F. Delehanly of Wappin- are visiting Mrs, Evans' parents. treatment. Wednesday. July 9 and continuing Relations committee, and we send ' of Elxs, the Arlington Fire company, Nan\ea Board Member* gers Falls, who hfts been stationed at Mr. and Mrs. William M. Carpenter every Wednesday until the pool you a copy accordingly. Members of the Junior league, of Camp Upton, has been transferred of 18 Worrall avenue. They will be and the'Business and. Professional Jean Whiten, daughter of Mr. «n<» closes, between the hours of 9:30 and My Dear Senator: Dorothy Slevemon Men's association of the. town of Newburgh recently elected their to Fort Leo, Va.. as a member of the Joined there rtext Friday by Mr. Mrs. Theodore Whiten of 27 VirflnU We earnestly urge you to support Hostesi to Club 12:30. -The usual Junior fee. for use Poughkeepsie. Mr. Porter operates a board members. Mrs. W. C. Scott. Medical Corps. Evans. avenue, is a patient in Va«*r the resolution of Senator .Thomas of of the pool will be charged. Jr. was named placement chairman; garage inArllngton. « Dordlhy 8tevenson entertained hospital. Oklahoma. In favor- of feeding the member* Mrs. W. Turner Hilton. Jr.. chil- John M. VanDcWater is vacaof the Wieclppee club at a Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Drake and small democracies, under cafe- meeting last dren's theater; Mrs. Ru<sell Sobie. tioning at I/ong Lfike. night at her home. 25 Birthday Patty children of Beechwood terrace will Robert B. Rauer of MeKcesporV Norman H. Polhemus guards. education chairman; Mrs. William Conklln street. The dark secret was At Turner Home here next weekend for Woods Pa., Is spending A week with r» The President, In the course of awarded' to Estellc Tully. The next 'Mrs. F. C. Turner celebrated her Easman, arts; and Mrs. John A. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meade and i leave Hole, Mass., where they will visit parents, Mr. and Mr*. Kurt O. To Continue Studies his message on the Robin Moor, meeting will be held at the home of birthday on June 29 with a party Wagner, publicity. « daughter. Shirley, of 31 Carroll street J Mrs. Drake's brother and sister- Raucr of 53 Ma.nltou avenue. He v said: will spend the holiday weekend in in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Bostwlck employed by the Carnegie HHnoi* Ida Pcluse, 12 Fairmont avenue. at tier home. Van Wagner road. Norman H. Polhemus, treasurer 'Our government believes that Nativity School Alumni Canada. Ketchum. Slccl company at McKcesport. of the Home Cooperative Savings freedom from cruelly and inhuman Guests at the meeting were Frances Prites for games were awarded to Plannlfif Outing Sunday and Loan association, will continue treatment is a natural right, It is Shun and Mary Malkemus. Others WJlllam Neville. Harry Neville, Sr„ Joseph Maries Is chairman of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Burke of Marguerite McLaughlin of 21 Mrs. A. S. Osborne of Lawrencehis work in the graduate school of not, a'grace to be given or withheld present were: Helen Pesano. Elea- Mrs. Harry Neville and Mrs. .Tur- committee arranging for the an r Wappingers Falls have opened their Jewett avenue! a teacher at Morse nor Plgnone. Lucille Cardlnalc and ner. Others attending were: Mr. savings and loan, Northwestern uni- at the will of those temporarily in vllle, Greene county, visited friend' Turner, Harry Neville. Jr., Mrs. Wil- nual outing of the Alumni associa- surunier home at Falmouth Heights, school, arid Katherine McLaughlin here yesterday. versity, Chicago, 111„ Aug. 18 to 29. a position to exert force over de- Anne Oliver. tion of the Nativity school, which liam Neville, and daughter. Judith Mass. of 14. Worrall avenue,, a teacher He received word today that he had fenselcss people." Ann, James Turner. Howard Et- will be conducted a t ' Albrccht's. at Clinton school, left here yesterbeen admitted for the second year's The Nails arc guilty of many acts Rosary Society Mrs. D. D. Durland of New Hamtlnger. Ell7^bcth Goebel, Mr and Pleasant Valley, Sunday. There will Raymond E.. Billows of I-ongvlcw day to spend their vacation at Os? course after completing, along with of cruelly and Inhuman treatment, To Receive Communion burg is In Vassar hospital. be a program of games and faces. Mr*. Ralph Neville, Mr. and Mrs road will spend the weekend in cawana Lake. 78 other savings and loan executives but the British in refusing to let Members of the Rosary society of Walter Robitvson, Mr. and Mrs. Members of the assisting commitVt, where he will plav in the nation, the basic course. * food through the blockade to the St. Peter's church will receive Holy Paul Llrtkey. and daughter. Bcvcuy tee are: Irene Pcccher, Vincent nos- Manchester. lii the annual Manchester July 4tii - Ann Carol Master* of Newark, Homer Swenson, ion of Mr. *r,d captive democracies are also guilty, Communion in a body tomorrow. Ann, Mrs. Harry Seoflcld. Charles harl, Charles Madison, Marian Mey- golf Mrs. George O. Swcnson of » tournament. N. J„ is spending a few week* with Spoor A venue! A member of y' and we are guilty If we help them Tne mass will be at ft o'clock. Mr*. Madison and Edward Dmy. er. Dorothy Mahoney, Catherine Nazis'Say RAF Loses Mr. and Mrs. John W, Rlnaldl of class of '41 of roughkeepsie H^ 1 to starve these innocent people. Katherine 'S. Carroll is president Reavey, Olga Schultx and Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Saltford 127 Mill street. JAMES DE LANCKY VF.RPLANCK of the society. school, Is employed by the FredWehner. 23 Planes in Raids Meeltiijt-SocUl TUnned and sons of Seaman road left here EVELINA C. VEKPLANCK erick Hart- company for the «t>rn* For Alice Tary RMey Tent today for a vaeatlon at Lake Piseco. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and mer. He plans to enter 8yr*ru*« O. A. R. Meeilnir Alice Cary Rlstev tent. Daughters Mr. and Mrs. Mullalv BERLIN- (AP> -The Royal Air Mr. and Mr.*.-John MalasV. Jr.. of university In the fall to study JourOf Union Veterans of the Civil War. To Mark Annlvermy Force lost 23 airplanes in raids age lo buildings was acknowledged Schedtited Saturday Peter Stevens, son of Dr. and Mrs. this city left today for a vacation nalism. Hamilton Sleight post, O. A R.. and some civilian casualties were rewill meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday J»*t night on Germany and yesterMr. and Mrs, John F. Mullalv of' Walter W. Stevens, la spending the In Toronto, Canada. Upon their rewill meet at 305 Main street at 3 nlftht for a brief business session. Pleaeant Valley will mark (heir eummer at Camp Awosiing. day's channel region attacks, in- ported. turn they will visit Niagara rails Hugh Hegeman; who has been » German night bombers In attacks o'clock Saturday afternoon. John Mre. Ida najlon will preside. At tenth wedding annlversarv 8atur\ formed Germans said today. where they wi/. spend several days. patient in Vas<ar hospital, has "• A northern Ocrman city and sev- on British west coast harbors were E. Banks, rawllng. commander of 8;30 o'clock, there will be a game day. A family parly will be held at Ur#nla Nornabell of Florida l.« eral western cities were, raided dur- claimed to have Mink a 5,000-ton the post, Is expected to -be present joclal under the direction of Mr*. their home In celebration of the oc- vlslllng Ellen F. Hart at her home, Mrs. Frank deS. Kelly, M 6ou{h turned to hit honie. I to conduct the buMneaa session. Dayton. casion. int the night, it was said. Dam- merchantman. 114 Livingston alreet.. The young Hamilton street, will attend the Qlher reraowal MeHkti * i T*t* * Kaag Pledges Elks' Assistance to U. S. O. Everybody's Column Spralt Park Pool Plans Scout Classes '<x JULY PERSONAL MENTION Grace Diamond To Wed in August (Bjr Tht Awoeiitfrd Pmi) ' (In Berlin It was said German advance units had crossed the •Berezina on the way to Smolensk.) Last night, the "communique said, Red troops and motorized forces of the-G^nnans-foTighi^ftercelyih the Borlsov area. It was to Borlsov on Nov. 26, 1812, that the main body of Napoleon's army retreated, close upon the heels of an engineer force which struggled deep In the icy water to lay a bridge of escape" from the slashing attacks of a victorious Russian . army. The Russians destroyed the bridge at Borlsov before the French could use it. (Presumably the modern bridge likewise has been destroyed by the Red army). As for other fronts, including the Far North Murmansk sector, where the Russians claimed to have defeated about two Infantry divisions attacking on the Sredni peninsula, the latest Russian communique reported only "night patrol' aetlvlty and lighting of local character." Reports on the Borisov sector, deepest point ot the German thrust into Russia proper, elaborated an earlier admission that the invaders hid pushed about 80 miles beyond Minsk to Bobruisk. Bobruisk is about 70 miles east of Slutsk which apparently is caught with Minsk, Borlsov and Bobruisk , in a fan-shaped offensive from the break-through at Baranowlcze, in' Poland near the old Russian border. An earlier communique said that the German spearheads • aimed at Moscow had been blocked in the Bdrisov-Slutsk-Bobrulsk region. EVENING, Social, Churches and Fraternal News Nazis Now Fighting Where French Lost MOSCOW—The vanguard of Moscow-bound German invaders was reported by the Russian Hlgh-Com— mand today 'to have been thrown back in repeated attempts to cross the Berezina river where in 1612 the waters were reddened, by the blood, of Napolon's men in harassed ( retreat from the Russian capital. Nearly 300 miles to the south of Borlsov, where the battle of the Berezina centered, the Red Army also was reported to have halted in "a heavy defeat" a mechanized advance toward, Shepetovka, some 20 miles inside the old border of the Ukraine on the road to Kiev, - Other parts of the Ukraine invasion force were said to have attempted a break-through to the south toward Tarnopol, east of Lwow and fouth of Luck, still in the Ukraine's 'ollsh buffer zone. These forces apparently had veered southward from Luck. "Throughout the whole night our troops in heavy fighting stemmed the advance of enemy troops," a communique said. "Fighting continues by our air force, which shot down 61 enemy planes in air combats through July 3. We lost 28 aircraft." (Another threat to the Ukraine and its capital, Kiev—this .from the southwest—appeared in a Ocrman High Command report that' German and Rumanian troops finally had crossed the Prut river into Bessarabia and were driving toward the Dneister river.) Thus according to the latest Russian communique, two major battles raged on this, the 12th day of the R u s s i a n - German struggle—near Borlsov, less than 400 miles from Moscow on the Minsk-Moscow motor xoad, and in the Shepetovka-Tarnapol region, some 200 miles from Kiev. It appeared that the full force of the German blitz had not yet reached the "bloody Berezina" at Borlsov for the Red High Command made a point of saying only that "advanced detachments" hadjtriedfa THURSDAY •.-•"-*" *"v, Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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