DEDICATION OF OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD Prayer of Dedication As we celebrate the many wonders in our lives, we give you thanks and praise, O God. Open our mouths, open our hearts that our lives may show forth your praise. Transform these offerings into gifts of wonder and glorious deeds, that all may see the light of your love, leading us to abundant life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Offertory duet Spirit of the Living God Joanna Langerak, piano DOXOLOGY 95 November 9, 2014 9:15 am GATHERING HYMN #2130 PRELUDE CARILLON CHOIR Stand Up and Bless the Lord All Creatures of Our God and King St. Michael arr. Hal Hopson UNISON PRAYER We gather this day to listen for God’s ancient truths, stories of wisdom passed down through the ages. We gather this day to listen for Christ’s ongoing call, challenging words shared from generation to generation. We gather this day to listen for the Spirit’s movement, the wind of change that pushes us into new dimensions of truth and discipleship. Speak to us, O God, that we may hear your truth, both ancient and new. Amen. PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER All Things Bright and Beautiful CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Children, ages 4 to 8 years old, may leave for Bible Times) ANTHEM Let There Be Peace on Earth Matthew 25:1-13 Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley Keep on Rollin’ SENDING FORTH SHARING AND PRAYING KINGS KIDS Gospel Lesson page 28 SERMON *CALL TO WORSHIP Choose this day to sing with joy. We give thanks and praise to God! Choose this day to love and serve. We rejoice in Christ’s call in our lives! Choose this day to worship God. We gather to worship and pray as we commit ourselves to keep rolling on in ministry. *HYMN #662 SEEKING THE WORD OF GOD SCRIPTURE READING Flowers of the Field Danne Farrell, Bagpiper (This time is provided for you to prayerfully enter into worship) Kelvingrove The Summons WELCOME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIENDSHIP PADS *Indicates please stand in body or spirit. Congregational Responses are in bold. Sy Miller *HYMN #555 Forward Through the Ages St. Geertrude *BENEDICTION Keep awake, for darkness is all around! May our hearts shine with God’s love. Keep awake, for the world is in constant need! May we see and respond where Christ calls us to serve. Go forth, embraced by God’s love, enfolded in Christ’s peace, enlivened by the Holy Spirit. CHORAL RESPONSE POSTLUDE Peace, Peace; God's Wonderful Peace W. Runyan Going Home Danne Farrell, Bagpiper A special thank you to Danne Farrell, bagpiper, Joanna Langerak, pianist, and the King’s Kids for sharing their musical talents with us today. The bagpipe music is in loving memory of my father, Donald W. Paterson, given by Wendy. ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY: Head Usher: Liturgist: Announcements: Acolytes: Early Bible Times: Late Bible Times: Jean Schnirel Rich LaBend Lee Ann Vogt Maddie Andrus & Kayla Boron Marci O’Brien Kathy Swenson PRAYER CONCERNS: Robert Austin at Kenmore Mercy Chris Pawelski at Buffalo General Marsha LaMorte at DeGraf Rehab Ellie Benzel at Wynwood Braedon Luke at CPC West Seneca Gail Klaus Bill at Delaware Rehab at home: Bill Fishback, Brian Martin Kathy Small, Lucy Tschachtli THE FLOWERS ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE are in honor of Barb Weaver. “Happy Birthday” from your, kids, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren. THE PINK ROSE ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE is in honor of Rita Thurston who is celebrating her 95th birthday on November 13, 2014. WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Ann Hazel, who died on November 1, 2014. A Memorial Service for Ann was held Saturday, November 8, 2014. WE ALSO EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Lillian Hodgson who died on November 4, 2014. A Memorial Service for Lillian is being planned. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live. And, everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25, 26 SARA'S MINISTRY is selling BonTon Booklets ($5.00) good for Nov. 14-15. Proceeds support CornerStone Manor & the Tonawanda's YWCA Our Faithfulness in Resourcing Ministry 1. Needed to Date: $258,927 2. Offering to Date: $239,645 3. Needed for full Ministry Shares: $284,095 STEWARDSHIP & FAMILY LIFE CENTER CELEBRATION Please join us for our Stewardship & Family Life Center Celebration today between services. Thanks to all who have contributed. We look forward to attaining our goal & celebrating the full completion of our Family Life Center. Please be sure you have given us your dedication. PLEDGE CARDS for 2015 may be picked up in the back of the Sanctuary. Please return them next Sunday, placing them in the model of Kenmore UMC in the back of the Sanctuary or mail them to the church office. Thank You! SENECA ST is in desperate need of coats for children and infants. Can you help? New UMW Program! Order gift cards from 100’s of retailers. Use for gifts, or for purchasing gifts or everyday purchases. Forms and info are available in the library. Orders taken today will be delivered on 11/16. Or order on 11/23 for 11/30 delivery. COOKIES & ADDRESSES FOR SERVICEMEN are due on November 30 - please plan on baking those Chocolate Chip Cookies! OUR CHURCH CONFERENCE at Pendleton Center is next Sunday, November 16: worship at 3:30 pm and business at 4:30 pm. All are welcome! OPERATION MAGIC PENNY - We, in the Asbury Wing, are saving up our pennies to purchase a goat for our friends overseas. To that end, the Children will be taking a loose change offering next Sunday, Nov. 16th for Heifer International. Thank you for helping with our mission! CENTRAL CITY CAFÉ—Donate frozen turkeys anytime up till Nov. 11th, after that please bring in thawed turkeys by November 17th. "The SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAM thanks all those who baked cookies, packed bags, delivered and visited our shut-ins this past weekend. Your love and caring outreach was much appreciated." ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING 11:00 am Worship, 12:00 noon Thanksgiving meal. We need your help for our THANKSGIVING MEAL. Donations of food or your service may be noted on the board in the back of the sanctuary. Please sign up today! Help those who are alone experience Thanks-giving by your gift! If you know anyone alone or in need, have them call 875-5091. Just go to Kenmore United Methodist Church Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley Pastoral Associate Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver Pastor Emeritus Rev. Eldon Snyder Youth Ministry Coordinator Jeremy Loucks Cherub Choir Director Muriel Small Crib Room Attendant Karen Batchen Praise Band Leaders Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell Leann Metz Organist/Choirmaster Marilyn Obermeyer Robert Austin APM Services Amy Goudy Church/Financial Secretary Judy Melia Children’s Ministry Coordinator Treasurer The Mission and Vision of Kenmore UMC is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk Taking Mission & Service, and Extravagant Generosity. CHILDREN CHILDREN: Worship & Bible Times Today’s message is based on: Matthew 25:13 “Give Me Oil in My Lamp” 9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib & Toddler Care available in the nursery S U N D A Y S CH O O L at K enm o re UM C Discover: God Creation Self Church 10:30 am - 11:30 am * WOMEN’S RETREAT Fri-Sat. Nov. 21 –22 at the Methodist House at the Chautauqua Institute. We’ll share the Friendship Of Women. All women are invited to attend. Registration forms may be found on the piano in the library. “LIKE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” FACEBOOK 32 Landers Rd, Kenmore NY 14217 website: e-mail: [email protected] phone: 875-5091 Fax: 875-5092 * * CHILDREN AND YOUTH GROUPS: Asbury Building and the Third Floor ADULT GROUPS: All classes are invited to the Stewardship & Family Life Center Celebration in our new Family Life Center Our regular classes will resume next week, as follows: CORINTHIAN CLASS - Parlor HORIZON CLASS - Fellowship Hall REFLECTIONS CLASS - Pilgrim Room CrossROADS - Retreat Room Today, all groups will meet in our Family Life Center. (Ushers will be happy to direct you.) SundayNovember 9, 2014 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Stewardship & Family Life Center Celebration 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 6:30pm►Middlers 3 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3 Monday November 10, 2014 7:30pm►Carillon Choir 3 Tuesday November 11, 2014 Veterans Day Office Closed 10:00am►Kenmore Garden Club FH 7:15pm►SPRC Mtg R Wednesday November 12, 2014 9:00am►Staff Prayer Time 10:30am►Pastor at Wynwood 11:00am►Inner Circle O 1:00pm►Upper Room Study P 7:00pm►Share the Spirit Singers P 7:01pm►Jugglers FLC 8:30pm►AA FH Thursday November 13, 2014 10:00am►Priscilla Circle - O 7:00pm►Chess Club FH 7:30pm►Chancel Choir P FridayNovember 14, 2014 9:00am►Craftsmen Club 9:00am►Piecemakers FH Saturday November 15, 2014 Youth Turkey bake K 9:30am►Caregivers R 10:01am►Jugglers FLC 12:00pm►Private Gathering P Sunday November 16, 2014 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 3:30pm►Church Conference at Pendleton Center 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3
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