Document 424195

November 1
Pray for Rev Flora & Monica Sham’s safe flight to Yangon, Myanmar
this morning as they will be conducting the second part of Certificate in
Practical Children’s Ministry (CPCM) from 1-8 Nov.
November 12
Thank God for the partnerships SU has with six mission schools this
year. Pray that more mission schools will engage SU to share at their
weekly chapels/assembly talks for 2015.
November 2
Pray for God’s presence and fresh anointing upon Rev Flora & Monica
as they minister to the children at Living Water AG Church’s Children
Church services. Pray for life transformation upon hearing God’s Word.
Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good. His love endures
November 13
Thank God for the participants who had attended our Certificate in
Practical Children & Youth Ministry programme this year. Pray that
many participants will be keen to register for our training next year.
November 3
Pray for Rev Flora & Monica as they commence CPCM training today
till Friday. Pray for receptive hearts to acquire the ‘training tools’ for
their own children ministry throughout this week.
November 14
Pray for good health, wisdom, unity of vision and hearts upon our
Chairman, Rev Alfred Yeo and the Council Members as they support
our National Director, Dr Lim Teck Boon in leading SU S’pore.
November 4
Continue to pray for our SU Youth Leadership Camp 2014 (27-29 Nov)
held at Salvation Army - Praisehaven Retreat Centre & SUPA Camp
2014 (5-8 Dec) held at the St Andrew’s Village.
November 15
Pray for our volunteers that God will bless them as they serve Him
faithfully and also use them to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ at their work place
and be a blessing to many others.
November 5
Pray for SU Finance Committee as they meet to go through the 2015
SU Budget. Pray for faith to trust God for His provision to meet the
needs of the various ministries.
November 16
Pray for SU staff that God will grant them good health to serve Him and
also pray that God will protect their families and grant salvation to
those who are yet to know our Lord Jesus Christ.
November 6
Today is Singapore’s hour of prayer in SU Movements Global Week
Prayer. May God continue to sovereignly guide the Global Movements
to accomplish His purpose around the world.
November 17
Pray for Rev Dorothy, SU Myanmar Chairman as she leads the
committee in the planning of 2015. Pray for faith and boldness to
expand the ministry of SU to serve the local churches.
November 7
CPCM Myanmar 2014 training ends this afternoon with a graduation
ceremony for 57 graduands out of 67 students. Pray that they will
effective & creatively use the ‘trainining tools’ in their own church.
November 18
Pray for participants who had attended our training courses that God
will use them in their church to serve Him and expand their ministry.
Pray that they will encounter the power of God in their lives.
November 8
Pray for Rev Flora & Monica’s safe flight back to Singapore from
Yangon, Myanmar. Pray also for sustenance of good health and good
rest after the trip.
November 19
Commit Rev Flora in prayer as she is the camp speaker for Pentecost
Methodist Church Children’s Day Camp from 20 - 22 Nov. Pray for
God’s anointing be upon her and all the children in this camp.
November 9
Pray God’s anointing and wisdom for Rev Flora & Monica as they lead
Pentecost Methodist Church Children’s Day Camp 2014 leaders’
meeting this afternoon.
November 20
Uphold Barnabas Loh in prayer for God’s anointing as he teaches
“Communicating with Today’s Children & Youths” at the Ascension
Kindergarten Teachers’ Retreat from 20 - 21 Nov.
November 10
Pray for our coming SU Youth Leadership Camp in late November and
sponsors’ donations to cover the high expenses of the camp. Pray for
more participants to register for the camp.
November 21
Pray for God’s Presence at the Ascension Kindergarten Teachers’
Retreat that the Lord will refresh every teachers through the training
sessions. Pray also for God’s wisdom for our trainer Barnabas Loh.
November 11
SU Singapore is seeking for a Youth Ministry Staff who has a heart for
God and young people. Pray to the Lord to send His servant to join the
SU Team to support the churches and schools with our programmes.
November 22
Pray for more open doors for our ministry staff to connect with more
churches, schools and individuals so that we can share and inspire
many to serve the Lord.
 SU Ministry and receive the monthly Prayer Calendar
 $ _______________
 Children Ministry
 Youth Ministry
Testimonies from participants of Worship God Through
Ukulele Beginner Course:
In this ukulele course, it’s really nice and wonderful to
be able to sing, practise together and feel the presence
of God among us. What makes the class so beautiful is
experiencing the love of God among us.
~ Rossie Teng
This ukulele course has given me a desire to worship
God using the ukulele and also to play for my family
prayer meeting. I discovered time really flies when we
are singing and worshipping God with music.
~ Chee Tham
I am thankful to God for this ukulele course as it has
been a long fulfilled dream to be able to play the ukulele
for our Sunday School children. During my quiet time, I
can sing with the ukulele and worship Him. Thank God
for making it possible for me to attend this class. I am
truly blessed!
~ Siew Mei
November 24
Pray for God’s strength and guidance upon our SU Youth camp
committee as they continue in preparation for the coming camp from
27 to 29 Nov at the Salvation Army - Praisehaven Retreat Centre.
November 25
Pray for SU International staff team as they work out the transitions
into the new Global Framework Structure. Pray for wisdom, boldness
and favour as they work through the details.
November 2014
Prayer Calendar
November 26
Commit Ps Esther Phan and her team of SU Ho Chi Minh City
volunteers as they plan for 2015. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity to
hear from God.
 Projects
 My particulars
(By post or through email: [email protected])
Rev / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Mdm / Ms
Address: ________________________________________
Feedback from Rev Dorothy Colney, SU Myanmar
Mingalaba! (Bless you).
Thank you so much for
sending the best
teachers Rev Flora and
Monica Sham for the SS
teachers and CCC
leaders to Myanmar.
They did a great job and
all the attendants benefitted much from their teaching.
November 23
Pray for God’s anointing upon Barnabas as he ministers God’s Word in
sign language to the hearing-impaired brothers and sisters at Deaf
Faith Fellowship this morning at 10.45am.
Be A Blessing!
A love gift:
Thank you once again for praying for our
Certificate in Practical Children’s Ministry held in
Myanmar & Worship God Through Ukulele
November 27
Uphold all the youth campers, committee and camp speaker in prayer.
Pray for good health, safety and God’s Presence and blessings on
every aspect of the camp programme today.
November 28
Pray for God’s anointing for our Youth camp speaker, Julian Wong as
he ministers God’s Word to the youths. Pray that the Lord will
transform the lives of every youth through the camp.
Worship God Through Ukulele
Beginner Course
November 29
Pray for Bunga and Wiwat, SU Thailand Chairman and Vice Chairman
as they continue to lead the movement. Pray for their launch of the one
year devotional guide.
) (H)___________________
Mobile: ___________________ (O)___________________
Email: __________________________________________
November 30
Pray for more people to be aware and respond to our courses and
programmes. Pray that God will use SU to inspire more people to
serve God through our training programmes.
Church: _________________________________________
Cheque crossed payable to Scripture Union Singapore
Internet banking or ATM transfer to DBS Autosave
Account 033-005470-0
(For ATM transfer, please email transaction receipt to
[email protected])
Mailing Address: 7 Armenian Street, #03-07 Bible House
Singapore 179932 Tel: 6337 1437 Fax: 6338 0983
"Supporting Churches, Parents &
Educators to Transform Lives"
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep
on praying for all the Lord’s people.