W zoy.5 3; Ili'^PORT BOOK B I N D E R Y MICH 49284 DNB Cf)c Materbliet Jkcotb iTA K (USPS 66^-34(1 SERVING w ATI RVUfrT AND c m OMV MK MIC AN SIS(MK83 Your Photo-News-Paper Volume 98 — No. 32 FIFTEEN CENTS PER COPY CC September 24, 1981 • Richard Simmons draws crowd to hospital fair Richard Simmons and the Whole Family Health Fair drew an estimated 10,000 outdoors at Community Hospital, Watervliet. The crowd saw fifty health oriented displays and at least 2,000 took advantage of the nine f r e e health tests. Excellent weather contributed to the festive air surrounding the event, which featured two excercise concerts by fitness guru Richard Simmons. According to Frank Tiedemann, hospital planning and marketing director, "For thirty years Community Hospital was located on Watervliet's Main Street. In 1979 we eagerly moved to our new building in Medical Park with the intention of broadening our services and our ability to offer those services to more people. And we have done that. That was one reason we had the Whole Family Health Fair - to let our communities know how much more we have to offer them. "We also wanted to show that our commitment is not just to those in need of hospital care. We are here to teach people how to become and stay healthy, as well. That is why we invited Richard Simmons. He is a national symbol of good health and physical fitness. By bringing him to Watervliet. we are trying to impress people with the importance of good life habits. "By applying the good health prescriptions that our staff have to offer, many people could avoid hospital stays. This is why 19 health-oriented organizations independent of the hospital were also represented at the Fair. They, like we, are committed to the philosophy that 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". YOUNGSTERS EXERCISE AT SECOND SHOW — AD ages attended and enjoyed the two Richard Simmons eiercise shows. The exercise king also called teenagers, grandmothers and yonag men np 00 the stage to participate in his program. RICHARD SIMMONS NEW FAN CLUB — They csnki be, but their tags said they were members of the Community Hospital Ladies Auxiliary .The Auxiliary pot in many long hours working at the Fair Saturday selling books, tee shirts and tickets. Winner of the color television drawing was Mary Pfiagradt of Waterviiet. (PWIos by Q df i c y' i C r e a t hr e Phs t of r a phy- Ma r t y Q^gley) ENCOURAGES CROWD ON HEALTHFUL SNACHNG - Richard Simmons delighted the Jam packed crowd that entered the tent following his first show with his warm persuaality. • m COMMUNITY HOSPITAL RADIOLOGY EXHIBIT - Om of » health dkptays at the "Whole Family Health F a i r " at Community Hospital Saturday. AUTOGRAPHS BROKEN ARM — Television star Richard Simmons signed autographs for more than two boon Saturday after his U a.m. show ended, hot this little girl has the only casi ue signed. Photot by Qolflejf'i C r a t i v ; PlBtogrmphy Page Two Watervliet Record September 24, 1981 Watervliet September 24, 1981 From the W o t o r v l i e t Record Files 20 Years Ago The September "Save^-Life Line" Safety Limerick contest sponsored by the Waterviiet Piper closed recently. The winners were first prire. Elna Jones. Watervliet; second prire, Kenneth Craig, Colocna; third prire, Paul Emerson, Watervliet Marine Pvt. William H. Loshbough, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Loshbough, Sr., of Watervliet, Mi., completed recruit training, August 22nd, at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Calif. Nine students at WHS have received certificates for their outstanding performances on the National Educational Development Tests, announced Mr. Formsma, school principal. Recipients include: Carol J. Baiers, Cynthia J. Bethe, Charles J. Brobst, Steven E. Crocker, Christine Fotre, Marshall T. Knox, Sharon L Kraklau, Marsha M. Mestre, and Terry D. Renfro. 40 Years Ago The FNB of Watervliet has reached an all time high in the way of deposits. The deposits are well over the million mark and total resources are shown on the banks current statement as $1,133,208.90. A. B. Horton left Watervliet Tuesday, for Chicago, enroute to El Reno, Oklahoma, to visit a son, Horace Horton, and his family. Mr. Horton planned on flying from Chicago to Oklahoma City via S t Louis. He proposed making the return trip by train. Tbt Green Wave of Hartford High was very calm last Friday afternoon and a well-oiled Maroon football machine splashed through for a 57-0 victory. Leo Shaw, Pres. of the 8th Dist of the Michigan Education Association, has appointed Supt Crocker, a member of the nominating committee for the coming convention of teachers that will be held at Battle Creek on October 16-17. • The High School Band appeared in the Celery Days Parade at Decatur on Saturday afternoon. A large crowd was on hand to witness the nine bands and many floats that made up the parade. 60 Years Ago In the first of the series of ball games arranged with Hartford, the Watervliet team lost to the visitors on the local grounds last Sunday 7 tol. There were thirteen tickets sold at Watervliet for the Pere Marquette excursion to Chicago last Sunday morning, ' f t e special train carried eleven coaches and all the seats were taken before the train got out of Michigan according to a report Among those from Watervliet who went were: William Juergens, Ralph Thomas, Wilson Bridge, Mrs. Geo. Kreitner, Mrs. Kate McNett, and Asa Steele. Forest Boyer will provide taxi service every day during the Van Buren Co. Fair next week between Watervliet and the Fair Grounds at Hartford. Fare each way 25 cents. Taxi at Ryno's Cigar Store. Chas. Camp is operating the small tank truck for the Watervliet Oil Company. 0. A. Dodd is driving a new Chevrolet Baby Grand Touring Car, purchased of H. G. Hinckley. Watervliet Public Library Afternoons: Monday thru Friday -1:00 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday -1:00 to 4:30 p.m. Morning & Evening: Wednesday -10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Board Meetings held 2nd Tues of each month. 7:30 p.m PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Watervliet Record Watervliet Mich Dear Gordon: Attached kindly find check No. 5568 for $6.00 and ask you kindly extend my subacription another year. Should have it $7.00 as it is surely worth i t Yours for the best that the Good Lord can offer. Yours truly Harold L. Scherer HOSPITAL WATERVLIET COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS: WATERVLIET Jody Hiumin, Mark Klann, Jr., Wendy Baldwin, Car! Hingst Dorothy Mills, Everett Yancy, Cheryl Harkey, Cathy Scott, Helen Scherer, Alice Forsythe, and Betty DiebokL COLOMA - Mildred Miner, Janice Besemer, Meredith Jackson, Rudolph Appel, Lovedia Gibson, Sherry Cowgill, Elle Haag, Grace GiunU, Shirley Sissor, Peggy Walker, Eula Gets, Scott Streu, Mrs. Clara F a rling, Beverly Arant, Deerfield Cook, Richard Schingledecker J r . , Patrick Lawson, Wilford Stewart, Genevieve Benner, Bunnie Brown, Mrs. William Short Mrs. Ford Ochampaugh. HARTFORD - Doyle TradeQ, John Arnold, Mrs. Patty Brunner, Randolph Bassett, Robert Moore, Lois Rants, Niegel Austin, Laura Coon, Forrest Adkins. DISCHARGES: WATERVLIET Orrial Bridges, Marie Eisbrenner, Dale Summers, Mark Klann, Jr., Jody Thumm, Delphia Hammond, Everett Yancy, Cheryl Harkey. Kathy Scott, Margaret Pence, Clara Fading. COLOMA — Justin Termeer, Marcus Sewell. Janice Besemer, Rudolph Appel, Scott Streu, Beverly Arant Mildred Miner. Ellen Haag, Shirley Sisson, Cheryl Elftmann, Lottie Wolik, Grace Giunta, Lovedia Gibson, Meredith Jackcon, Sherry Cowgill, Diane Rendell, Ida Mitzell, Peggy Walker, Darrell Wilson, Eula Getz, Richard Schingledecker, Charlotte Horvath, Wilford Stewart. HARTFORD - Julia Conklin, Lilliam Stembaugh, Linda Jufeirt, Howard Timmons, John Arnold, Mrs. Mary Dublin. Fred Ruter, Mrs. Patty Brunner, Lois Rantz, Doyle Trudell, Randolph Bassett, Niegel Austin. Watervliet Music Boosters have extra calendars From t h e Coloma Courier Files 20 Years Ago About 200 friends and relatives gathered Sunday to observe the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warren. Open house was held from 1 to 5 p.m. at the farm house on North Coloma Road, where the Warrens have resided for the past 45 years. Hosting the event were their two sons and daughter. The Comets and the South Haven Rams thrilled a big crowd at Coloma Friday evening by staging a scoring dual that South Haven won 39-24. The Comets will travel to Decatur tomorrow where they will meet the Raiders in the first Little Eight Conference football game erf the season for both schools. The contest begins at 7:30 p j n . About 50 members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Woodward met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodward on Friday Road, Sunday, for an all family get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schoenemann became the parents of a girl weighing seven pounds, ten ounces, at the Community Hospital, in Watervliet on September 16th. She was named Defara Lynn. 40 Years Ago Howard Elliot Richard Wooley, Dan Strong, Floyd Hazen, and Miss Helen Beach, will go to Michigan State College at East i-a™ang in a few days. Shirley Harris and Virginia Dukesherer are attending the Twin City Business College. The Loma Theatre at Coloma has the pleasure of announcing the coming of "Kiss the Boys Goodbye", next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evening. This features Don Ameche and Mary Martin (Don Ameche's wish for a leading lady). Other attractions at the Loma Theatre during the coming week are "Million Dollar Baby" and Gene Autry in "Riding on a Rainbow". Methodist Church women canned ninety quarts of fruit on Monday for the Clark Memorial Home at Grand Rapids. This is about half the amount of canned fruit this church will send to the home. Alton W. Howard, former county surveyor and well known engineer, who has made his home in both Coloma and Watervliet, has been appointed to the U.S. Health Service in Louisiana, and Georgia areas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have gone to New Orleans, La., where they will be located, and Mr. Howard has taken up his work. 55 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hasse welcomed a little daughter last Friday. The baby has been named Deloris Allis. The first school entertainment of the year was given at the school with a thirty-minute program erf readings and music contributed by the high school and the grade rooms were filled with side shows, candy booths, flower stands, hot dog stands, and even a gypsy fortune teller (obtained at great expense), ail of which gave the old school buildiing the appearance of a country fair midway. A box social will be held at the First Hungarian Baptist Church in the Fish district in North Coloma, on October 6th at 7:30 p.m. Everybody is welcome. Girls will please bring boxes filled with lunch. The Coloma Hardware Co. is offering a Universal Porcelain CoalWood Stove sale, October 4th, to 9th, and will accept your old stove as part of payment on a new stove. With every Universal Range purchased during this sale, we will include without charge a 35-piece set of the finest quality American made Limoges China. Coloma Public Library AFTERNOONS: Monday thru Friday 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. EVENINGS: Tuesday and Thui day 6:30 to 8:30 p ?Wednesday Mornings: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Board Meetings beM second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. WHS BAND OFFICERS SET PLANS IN MOTION FOR BKATHON SATURDAY - Tim Bambrtck, Ed Rkhcreek, Bart Ferguson, Deaa Yandch and Tina Cooper hope to have a good tnmont from the high school Saturday morning for the Music Boosters BOcathon Sammy Hall to appear in three local SCHOOIB who are sponsoring his appearances will be published in next week's Record. Any business who has not been contacted and would like to help as a sponsor may contact Steve Miller. The audience listens, a s Sammy Hall takes them back into his past life, a life style of drinking, smoking pot and drugs and misery and depression. Sammy Hall will appear in Waterviiet Coloma and Hartford on October 5,6 and t S l The nationally recognized personality is being brought to the area by a small group of Coloma men, who along with Watervliet school teacher Steve Miller, organized the sponsorship to make his appearances here possible. Sammy's life and music have been shared in hundreds of schools. He relates and communicates with youth. Their problems become his problems. He shares his life in a down-toearth sense and presents the truth in an unforgettable way. A list of businesses, organizations and individuals The Music Boosters birthday calendars should all be delivered by now. If you would like a calendar and didn't order one. there is a limited supply left. If you have ordered a calendar and have not received one, please contact Barbara Richcreek. 4636659. We had 30 advertisers. The Watervliet Music Boosters would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support. If any body would like to be listed on next years calendar, that is not on now, give any booster member, or school music teacher your name and telephone number so we can contact you next summer. All parents of band and choir members are more than welcome to come to our boosters meetings. They are on the calendar, we meet the second Tuesday of each month in the band or choir room at the high school, at 7:30. We would like to see you there; our next meeting is Oct 13. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Leo Laonida of Northbrook, m. spent a few days last week with his sister-in-law. Do Murray. St. Jude's Walk-a-thon to be held Saturday S t Judes Walk-a-Thon will be held at the Watervliet High School, Saturday morning, September 26th. Check-in time is at 10:30 a.m., and the walk will begin at 11:00 a.m. Walkers are needed to call on their neighbors and obtain sponsors and walk for those who c a n ' t You may pick-up your "Sponsor Sheets" at any Watervliet School or contact Connie Hutchinson (46^5497) or Linda Watkins (463-7336). Mrs. Hutchinson has set up a safe walking course that will wind around the hospital and high school and does not include anyhighways. St.Jude Children's Research Hospital treats children stricken with catastrophic diseases, such as leukemia, and other types of Four Flagg 4-H announces sign-up Four Flags 4-H Club announced sign-up time for the 198142 year will be held next Monday and Tuesday night Sept. 28 and 29th. Registration will be held at the South Elementary School on Monday night from 7 to 8 p.m. and at the North ElementarySchool on Tuesday night from 7 to 8 p.m. New leader Ginger Vanhorn encouraged the younger children to bring their parents when they register. All school students nine years old and up may join. Anyone with questions may call Mrs. Vanhorn at 4635077. cancer. Founded by Danny Thomas. St. Jude accepts children from all over the world and no patient is ever charged for t r e a t m e n t . There St. J u d e ' s Hospital operates primarily from public contributions. "We'll be showing that we care about children by helping this cause, Mrs. Hutchinson said. Please support your walker with a generous pledge. Isn't it nice to know that you have helped a child who may have been stricken with one of these tragic diseases? Please help our Walkers to get the funds to us as soon as the Walk is over, to encourage new life, giving hope. We'll be looking forward to your support and hope to see you at our Walk-A-Thon. It will be a huge success!" I THE LAST RESORT Restaurant & Lounge S2tl Paw Paw Lake Road. Cotana 46S-4271 Gordoo E. Basasik Carol J. BanasOt Cheryl L. Whisenaoi SPECIAL — FRIDAYS ONLY M\|> STRUT (IISPShM-XUt) ..... Publisher Editor News Editor SubscnptioDs $5.00 per year in Berrien Couaty and Van Buren County - elsewhere. $S.OO Second Class Postage paid at Watervliet, Michigan 49098 BANK OF COLOMA MUSIC BOOSTERS ANNOUNCE RAFFLE WINNERS Watervliet 7th grade band stndent Carta Horton draws the name of the grand prise winner in the Music Booster raffle. Allen Marqnardt Beaton Harbor, woa the microwave oven; Paula Whitney, Watervliet received the second price - SSI worth of meat at Spragne's Grocery, and Patti Bam brick won the dinner for two at the Waffle House. Pictured above (left to right) are Music Booster officers Geri Trutwia, treasurer; Jody Detwiler, secretary; Barb Richcreek, president and band stndent Carta Horton. Not pictured is Barb Scherer, vice president Mrs. Richcreek said they were sorry that the drawing was held so much later than they had ptaaned originally. Special Watervliet school board meeting for Cribbs School property At a special meeting of the Watervliet Board of Education on Monday, September 28th, the Board will consider soliciting bids for the Cribbs School property on M-140 South of Hill Road. Recognizing that some people in that vicinity may have special concerns relative to the use and disposal of the property, they are invited to attend this meeting at the High School beginning at 7:30 p.m. and be heard. Civic organizations anticipating a need for such accommodation should also make their needs known at that time. Excluding a valid civic use for same, it is the intention of the Board to solicit bids immediately to dispose of this property by the bid process at its regular meeting of October 12th. " A b o o k is l i k e a g a r d e n c a r r i e d in t h e p o c k e t . " Arab Proverb mmm* OAILY QUICKIE BREAKFAST SPECIAL 2 scrambled eggs, bacon & toast - $1.25 Thursday, Sept. 24 jDlmier Special' Country Fried Steak Friday, Sept. 2 5 Luncheon Special Fillet of Ocean Perch or Beef Stroganoff with Buttered Noodles Dinner Special Fillet of Ocean Perch "All you can eat" or Creamed Chicken over Biscuits Saturday, Sept. 26 We have Food Carryout! Dinner Special Barbequed Tender Beef Ribs.. $3.35 WE ALSO HAVE STEAKS-CHICKEN SALADS Roast Beef Rolls with Dressing $3.10 i HOMEMADE SOUP Cf)c (Ulatfrtjlitf Ercorii P.O. BOX 7 WATERVLIET. MICHIGAN 4 9 0 9 8 PHONE (616) U».%346l Page Three Record Lake Perch $4.95 ' Frog Legs $5.95 Sunday, Sept. 27 Breakfast Buffet served to 12 noon ALL YOU CAN EAT -13.50 Chiliiren - $2 50 SATURDAYS ONLY PRIME RIB - 9 6 . 9 5 R c H t u n r u n l & C a t e r i n g Service (r/a Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A b o s e r v i n g Clam Strips. Shrimp A S m s i t d a l l y and featuring daily lunchaon spaciais Friday - S a t u r d a y - music by t h e PARK AVENUE BAND • HOURS. Datyy^a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. to7:30 p.m. M a i n Si. CLOSED MONDAYS Waiervliei Watervliet Page Four September 24, 1981 Record Watervliet Page Five Record September 24, 1981 Wedding bells ring Mr*. Fredrick Cook (nee Carta Van LOOB) United in marriage Carta Joyce Van Loon and Fredrick H. Cook were united in marriage on Sunday. September 5th, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Watervliet. Rev. Adolph Nadrach performed the ceremony which was held at eleven o'clock in the morning. The bride is the daughter of Elma McDonald. Watervliet, and Clarence Van Loon, Watervliet. The grown is the son of Geneva Cook, Hartford, and the iate Luther Cook. The bride wore a nylon sheer over taffeta gown designed with chantilly lace, fitted empire bodice and long Bishop lace sleeves. The Queen Ann neckline was accented with seed pearls and the full skirt, with a ruffled hemline, fell into a chapel train. Her fingertip illusion veil was held by a matching lace camelot cap. She carried a bouquet of white silk carnations, blue daisies and a blue sweetheart rose. Mrs. Daniel Young, Coloma, was the matron of honor. Daniel Young was the best man. Following the wedding a reception was held at the home of Elma McDonald. After a wedding trip to northern Michigan, the couple will make their home in Watervliet. The bride is a graduate of Watervliet High School. The groom is a graduate Gayle Anne Long and John Newton were married Saturday, June 13th, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in S t Joseph in a two o'clock ceremony. F a t h e r David Otto, of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, S t Joseph, performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long. Watervliet. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Newton, Oakley. Midi. The bride wore an ivory gown of polyester knit over taffeta which featured a Queen Ann neckline that was accented with silk Venice appliques. Fashioned with a fitted empire bodice, the gown featured an A-line skirt designed with a watteau train and lace-edged hemline. The bride wore a family heirloom veil of five yards of French illusion that had been worn by her mother, her aunts and her sister over the past 35 years. Her headpiece was a crown of baby's breath and she carried a cascading bcuquet of catalaya orchids, ivy and fern. Mrs. Anthony Roth, Colocna, was her sister's matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. William Day, Nesbitt, Mississippi; Mrs. Robert Newton, Henderson, Michigan; and Marie McKay, Owosso. The attendants' gowns were a one shoulder Grecian style in light aqua with spaghetti of Hartford High School and is a test bore operator for Great Lakes Dewatering, Benton Harbor. ADULT High School Credit Program __ Complete your High School Education FREE, Qesses Bqm Sephmker • Greater self satisfaction straps on the opposite shoulder, A-line skirt and chiffon cape. J e n n i f e r Jawor, Phoenix, Arizona, was the flower girl. Scott Newton, nephew of the groom, Oakley, was the ring bearer. Gregory Wiroster, Oakley, served as best man. Groomsmen were Robert Newton, brother of the groom. Henderson: David Wiroster, cousin of the groom, Elsie. Micheal Dugelach, Oakley. Ushers were John Long. Jr., Watervliet. brother of the bride, and Joseph Newton. Oakley, brother of the groom. A reception was held at the Blossomland Columbian Club in Benton Harbor at 6 p.m. Following a wedding trip to Wisconsin Dells, the couple returned to Henderson, where they will make their home. The bride is a 1973 Watervliet graduate and a 1978 graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in animal husbandry. She is an insurance agent for James Qville & Associates at Owosso. The groom is a graduate of Michigan State and completed Ag Tech in grain elevator management. He is employed as a commodity broker with OakleyElevator Co. at Oakley. HiMtorical Society holds Heirloom Nite Thirty-five m e m b e r s and guests enjoyed •Heirlocm night" at the Sept. 15th meeting of the North Berrien Historical Society-. Many treasured heirlooms were on the exhibit table, and each exhibitor commented on his or her entry - like show and tell. The refreshment table was in charge of Vivian Besemer, Anna Harris, and Dora Kuhlman A hearty welcome is extended to our new members. 21, 1981 IpMumc • The opportunity to meet people ^ The opportunity to develop your stulih RESTAURANT FRANCIS IN DOWNTOWN COLOMA ( MCDONALD CLINIC PC Chiropractic Orthopedics — Metabolic Nutrition Throe Generations of Chiropractic, Nutritional and Wholletlc Health Care since 1920 i OPEN at 11:30 am. With a French-American Menu of good food at low prices with QUICK LUNCH SERVICE , 9 & Excellent Sandwich Selection Our fine French-American meals will be served evenings Tuesdays thru Sunday ACROSS FROM 0 8 0 0 JEWEL 763 E. Napier 4Bloel[«WMtol FAIRPUUN O r c h a r d s Mall Sunday. Sept. 27 in celebration of her 90th birthday. The event will be held at her home on 192 S. West St.. in Coloma. from 3 to 6 p.m. It is being hosted by her daughters, Virginia Weber o? Decatur. Eleanor Smith of Des Moines. Washington. LaVerne Roberts of Watervliet, Lucille LaVanway of Coloma, Mrs. Leonard (Betty) Jankowski of Decatur, and her son, Donald Nigro of St. Joseph. All friends and relatives are invited to help Mrs. Nigro celebrate her special day. Mrs. Nigro was born Sept. 27, 1891, in Bain bridge. She was the daughter of Mary and Nicholas Kibler. Her birth called for a big celebration in the family, as she was the first daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Kibler, who were already the proud parents of seven sons. Only one of her seven brothers. James, of Coloma. survives. Mary's folks were farmers. She recalls she enjoyed all the pleasures and endured all the hardships of a big f a r m i n g family. She received her school at the old Boyer School. On Jan. 3, 1914, she married Joseph Nigro who preceded her in death in 1964. The first Nigro home was on a farm located on Park Street, just off Washington street. The farm included the old fruit exchange extending along the railroad tracks and bordering the old Emhoff farm, (Grand Tram Property). Mary is an active Mrs. John Newton (nee Gayle Long | A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA - WHAT A DIFFERENCt IT MAKES job opportunities * IMMUM work, a *-«big family and1 keeping hiicv mav be the kev. Mrs. Mary C. Nigro of Coloma HARTFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION 621-2441, Ext 33 • Increased Phone 468-6443 Featuring Weekend Specials CLOSED MONDAYS WHS Junior elass holding annual drive M Mrs. Karen Kietzer, Watervliet junior class advisor, announced the junior class is holding its annual magazine subscription drive. The class deadline for new subscriptions and renewals is Oct 1st. If you haven't been contacted and would be interested in a new subscription or renewal, contact any member of the junior class or Natalie Pica, communicator, or Lonnie Cornell, student drive manager. STORE HOURS; •v Thurv t *.m l.ftSattajR . Sun • «jb.-7 pj*. w arlditinn totnbeing hpinpthe the proud DTOlld InTnaddition mother erf a family of six, Mary is "The M»atin ? Mate pHONEl 463-6127 spfiAOurs OUALITV MEATS & GROCERIES 'i Mrs. Mary C. Nigro nonagenarian. She enjoys playing bingo and attends games at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Watervliet almost every- week. She is a member of the church and attends its services when she can. Mary also enjoys television and is an avid Cuba fan. She was very upset with the baseball strike this summer, because it cut down on her opportunity- to watch the Cubs. Mary said with her big family she had to do so much sewing, crocheting and knitting, she finds no pleasure in any of it. Instead she keeps herself busy with various household duties, including some cooking. One of Mary's past times is watching the children walk past her home on the way to school. She noted the changes she has seen during her lifetime are "unbelievable". She recalled the only way- she or any children got to school when she was young, was to walk. She also recalled that it didn't seem to matter how deep the snow was. there was always school. She noted girls didn't wear snowsuits in those days, • just long stocking, a heavy coat, a big scarf, a cap of some sort, and mittens. She also recalled there were no such things as insulated snowboots to keep one's feet warm. The overshoes she had, she recalled, were just that overshoes that kept some of the snow out but very little of the cold. Mary has no special formula for long life, unless a lot of hard EYE OPENER SPECIAL. Come*- Forest Beach Road I Did M-140 ' ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE f WATERVLIET TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY • CHO\L£ fctHr CHUCK ROAST DCLICIOUX H l l K O t t SMOMtD BULK SLICED |SPRKH)e& BACON l 6 0 ^ Put*: Bfi£F| HAMBURGER bUAU>C> o k . STEAKS JEFPt ULTIMATE Ok COuMirtiXVLL Ok ITALIAN SAUiftfif OUR OVUM D£UCI(HA. t-lOMEMADf SAMDVMCH SPRE evfEYOMES PAVORlte E C K R I C H PRANKS PREtM suceo A S YOU U K t /T ECKRICH BOLOOIA iox.cwtwots OXAmUTSttr CAMS CHILI BEANS. 2-8^ am a c i c r c a m o HHABMUk. 616HT Pw* £16 ualc yaw£ OR HOT 066 BUMS uree 7 Eggs. 2 strips Bacon or Sausage Hash Browns, Toast or Biscuits $1.79 Serving all day Mon. thru Thurs. and on Friday until 5:00 p.m. WAFFLE HOUSE of AMERICA a>RDf m plastic galidhs. M M i J UMBO t Mi Gw ALUm Farm POTATOES M-140 A (1-94 Exit 4 1 ) Wotervliet 6 : 0 0 AM*8;00 PM Seven Days Per W e e k 463-4212 Yoo Don't S*e lt..PUftSE ASK! v the grandmother of great grandmother of twenty-four, and great great * *" ' grandmother of one. Open House Sunday to honor Mary ISigro on 90th birthday^* compflRi ougpiucESi r i Watervliet Page Six Record September 24, 1981 September Watervliet 24, 1981 Page Seven Record Watervliet Schools Calendar FINGERTIP CATCH — Watervliet senior halfback Bob Marvin hauls in a toss from Dan Hutchinson. Bob also ran for a PAT. NICE HOLE OPENING UP — Panther quarterback Dan Hotchlnson whirl* after taking ball from center Bob Banaslk (50) and the rest of the offensive line fires off to make good running room for the Panther backs. Coach Barchett was pleased with the progress of the offense over last week's effort over Bangor. Indians to invade hallowed hunting ground Friday Like death and taxes . . . Panthers bop Bison 3 4 to zip! By BEN BAN ASK The Panthers gave the Bisons a lesson in fundamental power football, dominating the line of scrimmage and controlling the football on offense. Watervliet's first touchdown drive was a classic example of ball control offense. Marching some 70 yards with a variation of off-tackle plays, the Panthers set the tone for what was to happen the rest of the nite. When the drive appeared to be stalling, Quarterback Dan Hutchinson dropped back and In today's fast paced and unpredictable society, there are only three things you can really be sure of: death, taxes and Watervliet beating New Buffalo in football. Last Friday night was no exception, as the Panthers made it 15 in a row over the Bisons with a 34-0 pasting. Watervliet has blanked New Buffalo 12 times in compiling a 585-32 scoring margin in their 15-game Red Arrow series. Name-Bnnd Furniture Bedding Men's i Women's Watches Grandfather Clocks AX. BOLIN, OWNER Bus. Phone (616) 463-3571 Home (616) 463-8407 Bolin Furniture HOURS; Daily 9 to 6 Mon. 1 Fri. 9 to 9 Sun. 12 to 4 OLD MELODY HALL BLDG. 8712 RED ARROW HWY. WATERVLIET, Ml 49098 You've Tried The Rest...Now Try The Best! TUESDAY SPECIAL MALTED PANCAKES # Bifctd lUbM L j u f i u with Gtrtic Tout Fri.t S«pl 25 Homtmid* Salmon Pattm or Roast Sirloin of Bwl Sat. SepL 26 Sun.. SapL 27 Barbecued Country Style Spareribs (our own recipe) PrtSMre Frtri CtMcken Mon.. Sapt 28 Tuet., Sept 29 Swo4irt Maatbaib with B«ttara4 Noofes Roast Sautafe with Sautrtraut i Boiled Potato Nad.. Sept 30 Ova* Baked Chickan •ith Drasstni SALAD BAR , Serving B r e a k f a s t All D a y ! WAFFLE HOUSE Of AMERICA m ' s S F \\I ' y ^| \ Lynda Hagenbarth wins Watervliet Invitational Lynda Hagenbarth took up where she left off last year, as she showed good early season form in winning the Watervliet Invitational Girls Run for the second consecutive year. Lynda and sophomore Karen Panse of Otsego, ran together for most of the race. With 400 meters left, Lynda pulled into the lead by 30 yards, only to have Karen come back to pass her with 200 meters left. Lynda gave a burst of speed near the finish line to win Junior High Cross Country Seventh grader Julie Baumeister won the girls race for junior high runners in the Watervliet Invitational, while her brother, Steve, placed fifth among the boys. Sam Simmons was 16th for the Junior Panthers, while Ben Marvin finished 22nd. Mike Martin 28th, Allen Woodruff 29th, and Geoff Flippo 32nd. by a fraction of a second. Karen was the girls team race winning runner. Among the* girl individual runners, non-team runners, Theresa Baumeister placed second, to Lynda. Patty Wurn placed 20tht and Rhonda Schauer placed 24th. The injury-riddled Panther boys did not fare so well as the girls. Missing two of the top seven runners plus other problems placed the Panthers in 14th position. Tom Johnson in 44th place was the first Panther to finish. Sophomore Roger l^ehner was 64th. First year runner Nelson Baumeister was 70th, Dan Rouse 72, Tom Whitney, joining the team recently, is still rounding into shape. Tom was 80th. Trent Philyow was 106th, and Tim Mundt was 107th. In the junior varsity race Ted Marvin was 16th, Martin 28th, Mike Anderson 40th, and Tracey Brown 44th. AUCTION # WKKKI Y SPECIALS h yards in 19 carries. Jeff Polashak added 51 yards on 11 attempts, while Phil Joslyn piled up 53 yards in 10 carries. Watervliet hosts Hartford this Friday night in the Panthers' first home game. Both teams are 2-0 and given honorable mention in this week's AP football poll. Watervliet is ranked 16th and Hartford is 24th. This one has all the makings of a real head knocker. Game time is 7:30 p.m. at Panther Stadium. QQ< with Homemode Syrup...All Yoo Con Eat! Thurv. Sept. 24 threw a perfect strike to Brett Frazier for 25 yards and a key first down. The drive culminated with Jay Danneffel barreling over from a yard out. Hutchinson threw to Bob Marvin for the twopoint conversion to give the Panthers a 5-0 first quarter lead. A fumble recovery by Larry Adams thwarted a potential Bison scoring drive. Watervliet took advantage of the turnover scoring their second touchdown on another long, time-consuming drive. Dan Hutchinson set up Kevin Schultz* 3-yard scoring run with a 40-yard scamper off the option. Leading 14-0 in the second quarter, the Panthers wanted more. Mark Hoffman, who is making a habit of blocking punts, blocked his second one in as many games giving Watervliet another scoring opportunity. The Panthers cashed in with Jay Danneffel doing the honors from a yard out, his second touchdown of the game and fourth of the season. Third quarter action saw Watervliet chalk up 14 more points to close out the scoring. Jeff Polashak made it 28-0 with a 6-yard touchdown run. New Buffalo, desperately trying to generate some offense, threw a pass in he flat. It was deflected by Kevin Schultz right into the arms of "Leaping" Larry Adams who raced 48 yards down the sideline for a touchdown. Bob Marvin ran off tackle for the PAT making the final score, Watervliet 34, New Buffalo 0. Jay Danneffel led Watervliet's balanced rushing attack with 83 M-140 & (1-94 Eiiit 41) Watervliet 6 : 0 0 AM-8;00 PM Seven Dayi Per W e e k 463-4217 Our Fall Tabloid FLYER SALE Now In Progress It will run for one month. If you do not receive your flyer, please stop in and pick one up. Many timely bargains. During the sale our hours will be: Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 to 5:00. Sat. 8:00 to 2:00. A M U A T H ) H O M E CENTER 127 Pleisint - Watervliet - Phone 463-5721 FRI., OCT. 2 at 3:30 pm. Located IMi miles West of Paw Paw, Mich, on Red Arrow Side by side retng Hwy. THURSDAY. S€pt.24-Ravioli. HIGH SCHOOL—Cross Country at Mattawan, 4:30 p.m. Girls Basketball, here, River Valley, 6:00 p.m. J.V. Football at Hartford. 7:00 p.m. NORTH SCHOOL—Meet the Teachers Night Pot Luck. 6:30 p.m. FRIDAY. Sept. 25-Pizza. HIGH SCHOOL—Varsity F o o t b a l l , here, Hartford, 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, Sept. 26-HIGH SCHOOL—Cross Country at Fennville. 11:00 a.m. MONDAY — Sept. 28 - Chicken Steaks - HIGH SCHOOL - 7 & 8th Grade Girls Basketball, here, Galien - 6:00 p.m. Special Board of Education Meeting - 7:30 p.m. NORTH SCHOOL - Scouts - 7:00 p.m. SOUTH SCHOOL - Girl Scouts-3:30 p.m. TUESDAY, Sept. 29 - Spaghetti - HIGH SCHOOL Girls Basketball, here, Hartford - 6:00 p.m. Middle School Football, here. LMC - 6:00 p.m. NORTH SCHOOL — Brownies - 3:30 p.m. 4H Sign up-7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. Sept. 30 - Fish Sandwich - HIGH SCHOOL - 7 & 8th Grade Girls Basketball, Here, New Buffalo - 6:00 p.m. NORTH SCHOOL — Spice Sale Starts; Baton Class-3:30 p.m. THURSDAY, October 1 GriUed Cheese - HIGH SCHOOL - J.V. Football, here. LMC - 7:00 p.m. Cross Country at Bridgman • 4:30 p.m. SOUTH SCHOOL Brownies-4:30 p.m. FRIDAY October 2 Burrittos - HIGH SCHOOL Varsity Football, at LMC - 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY. October 3 - HIGH SCHOOL - Band Marching at St. Joseph. - Cross Country at LMC 9:30 a.m. Bowling Watervliet Merchants Bowling League, September 17th. 1981. High Individual Series were Dennis Marsh. (657); Dick Fox. (626); Casey Clark. (619); Paul Elston, (601); Gary Phillipi, (593); and Joe Amt. (593). High Individual Games were Dennis Marsh. (264); Ray Eltiroth. (243); Paul Elston, (242); Dick Fox, (234); Joe Amt, (232); and Bob Sheldrake. (231). High team series (scratch) Gamble Red. (2921). High team game (scratch) Gamble Red. (1017). STEINHOFF FOR COMET YARDAGE - Coloma's Mike Steinhoff picks up five yards on this option play. Mike picked up 80 yards during the game in the Comet loss to the Lancers. Coach Irwin sees Comets improving COLOMA — Although the Coloma Comets are nothing and 2 for the young football season. Coach Bob Irvin lauded the improvement of his team, who lost to the Lakeshore Lancers, 140 last Friday evening on the Lancer field. Down by two touchdowns that Ukeshore scored in the first half on two long drives, and outgained by a 100 yards at the intermission, the Comets came back to completely outplay their Bryan Epple e a r n s honors in Adrian win Junior tackle Bryan Epple of Watervliet opened many holes for Adrian College running backs as the Bulldogs rushed for 304 yards in their season opening 31-0 victory over Defiance (Ohio) College Sept. 12. For his efforts, Epple earned Bulldog offensive lineman of the week honors. In 1980, Epple was selected as an All-Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association tackle as the Bulldogs recorded their first-ever undefeated, untied 9-0 season. Adrian ranked tenth nationally in team rushing with 272.2 yards per game. "Bryan is a key to our offensive s u c c e s s " , said Adrian head football coach Tom Heckert. The Watervliet native recorded the top blocking grade at 77 percent in the Defiance triumph Adrian's tenth straight win. Adrian shut out Manchester College 44-0 a non-conference clash last Saturday, Sept. 19. Bryan, a business major, is the son of William and Sharon Epple, Danneffel Road, Watervliet. & liewet Upright treeier 2 bedroom sets, complete Livmgroom and dimngroom furniture Small elec appliances. ANTIQUE & Cabinets C0UECT0R TV ITEMS Desk Oik commode & table Pie sale Oak rocker ^ si?e Jenny Lmd bed Brass boiler love seat Trunk Pulpit chair Needlepoint stool foot Watervliet Sports Center NOW STATE CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILE REPAIR CENTER locker Foot warmer Brown |ug Flat i r o m Lots ol misc. items 22 rifle 410 shot gun Some hand and garden .tools Pipedies & cutter & efc. etc. OWNERS: GRACE ( H U E Y ) & K. FLOYD CROCKER JOHN M. CLASSMAN, Auctiooeef (ph)Eau Claire. Mich. 461-6271 COLOMA COMET MELROSE TUCKS BALL IN ARMS - Howie Melrose takes 20-yard aerial from Comet quarterback Kevin Calloway. He had two receptions during the contest. SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS C H A I N SAW REPAIR & SHARPENING 7138 M-140 (3 Miles North of Watervliet on M-140) Phone 4 6 3 - 5 0 1 7 opponents in the last half, despite being unable to punch the ball into the end zone. The fighting Comets roared back to outgain Lakeshore. 100 to 64 y a r d s rushing in the last half, but were stopped twice deep into Lakeshore territory. The first time was in the third period when an attempted field goal from the 25-yard line missed and again in the last period, when the Comets failed on a fourth down and one yard situation on the l^ancer 12 yard line. Although the Comets didn't score, they showed they could move the ball on the ground and through the air, with 115 on the ground and 61 more yards through the air lanes. Coach Bob Irvin took the blame for the lackluster performance of the Comets in the first half. "We just weren't prepared...and that was my fault". Irvin continued, "Our offense really came to life in that last half and we played with a lot more intensity. I think we started to become a team then. If we had played like that after the intermission, it might have been a different story". Mike Steinhoff, senior, found holes in the Lancer line good for 80 yards in only nine carries. And Howie Melrose caught two passes for 45 yards. Irvin had high praise for Steinhoff, and Ray Cole, who had an interception; as well as Melrose, and Rick Biggart and Ralph Bansen on defense. The Comets will try to get on the winning track when they take on the big bad Bucks, from COLOMA VARSITY CHEERLEADERS - Members of the squad attended a Dynamic Cheerleader Association Camp last summer and received the following awards: Outstanding Spirit; Outstanding Leadership; Outstanding Crowd Involvement, Outstanding Jumps, Mounts, Stunts, Outstanding Squad Overall and in the final competition Coloma Varsity Cheerleaders received the Most Improved award. Sponsors of the cheerleaders are Carol Gardell and Julie Rennhack. Pictured above are the squad members. (First row, left to right): C a n i Herington, Beth Smith, Shelly Swears, Dina Dewey. (Back row, left to right): Jackie Brown. Shari Miller. Kathy Wilson, and Angle Arent Amateur Rttdio A h n i i . planH electronic fewt The Blossomland Amateur Radio Association will hold its 15th annual Electronics fest on October 4 from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Lake Michigan College Community Center near Benton Harbor. There is something for every electronics enthusiast at Michiana's largest swap-andshop. Dealers are very welcome. For more information, advanced ticket sales ($2). or table reservations ($5) write BARA. Buchanan, Coloma. this Friday BAKfiWvSPECIfllS SEPT. 2 5 & 2 6 : Pino C o l a d a Coke Pumpernickel Bread M a r b l e Donuts Pullapart Coffee Coke 8 " P u m p k i n Pie SPECIAL OF THE WEEK THRU SEPT. M - PECAN CARMEL 1X)AF A delicious pecan & carmel loaf, baked with a touch of cinnamon. Try it for breakfast or coffee b r e a k - G o o d eating!! Regular Price 1168 SALE PRICE 11.53 at Box 175, St. Joseph, Mich. 49085. So if you are interested in Amateur Radio, CB, HI-FI. home computers, television, or electronic in general, don't miss our BLAST. BREAKFAST SPECIALS YOUR CHOICE 2 eggs, 2 hot cakes, 2 bacon strips or 2 sausage links-OR 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast & jelly, 2 strips of bacon or 2 sausage links $1.25 Bia (Across from tram depot) Watervliet Michigan Phone 463-4000 Mqcj^igs Open 7:00 a.m. Each Morning HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 7 to 6; Sat. 7 to 1. Closed Sunday. INC Featuring "Tastee Freer" Products Open Daily 7 30 a m to 10 00 p m Friday & Saturday 7 30 a m to 11 00 p m Page Eight Watervliet % Record September SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH (MLnouii Synod) Rrv. WUIUm E. Ftorher P«rt A Marvin StrwU, Coloma Sunday Worahlp 8 •.m. 410:30 a.m. Sun. School & Bible Classes - 9:15 a.m. 261 N. Main Watervliet WATERVLIET FURNITURE 115 N. Main HOURS Monday - Friday 9 to 5:30 Saturday: 9to5 I'hone 463-3461 ROGEL MOTOR SALES St. * LINCOLN - MERCURY MONTEGO - COUGAR IMMACUI.ATE CONCEPTION South Center SL, Hartford Father John Grathwhol Satorday Mass, 7:00 p.m. Sunday. 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sat. Confessions, 4 loS&7:30 to8:30 p.m. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 13 South Haver Street, Hartford Rev. B.A. Crawford Sunday Sehool, 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service. S;00 p.m. KEELER UNITED METHODIST Church School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. KEELER GENERAL BAPTIST Rev. Charles Davis Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. RIVERSIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE KU'ctric motor rewinding up to 50 horsepower :i8W R i v e r s i d e R o a d Phone H49-1222 Put your ad here! • Roland T. Hutchins MIDWAY FLORIST Flower Shop 8c Greenhouses COl-OMA CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Paw Paw St., Coloma Sunday Service A School, II;M a.m. Evening Service. Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. PAW PAW AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST 6675 Paw Paw Ave., Coloma Loyd Stinnett. Minister Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday general worship A assemblies, 11 a.m. A 6 p.m. HOPE EV. IXTTHERAN WISC. SYNOD Bennett Sub. — Hartford Gerhard! P. Kkmka. Pastor Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. Worship Service. 10:30 a.m. HARTFORD UNITED METHODIST 425 E. Main St.. Hartford Rev. John Hlce Sunday Sehool. 9:45a.m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. HUTCHINS FUNERAL HOME f-r COLOMA S P R A Y & WASH CALVARY LIGHTHOUSE 2651E. Main Turn south on Wells of Territorial Benton Harbor Rev. Ruth Garlanger Sunday Sehool, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. Prayer, Thursday nights THE PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH A Member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches Watervliet — Rev. Harvey R. I»rd Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. HARTFORD FEDERATED CHURCH Fundamental-Pre Millenlal Pinery Rd. A Red Arrow Hwy. Sunday School 9:45 Worship Service, 11:00 Evening Service 6:00 Wed. Family Nlffat - Y.P. at 1:30 Adults Bible Study A Prayer 7:00 - Awana, 7:00 Rev. George Badger. Pastor Rev. Gus Anderson, Pastor of Visitation Mr. Tim Nyhuls, Pastor of Youth MIDWAY BAPTIST Between Wvlt. A Coloma on Red Arrow G.A.R.B.C. Affiliated Pastor Harold Knickerbocker - SundaySunday School. 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:40 a.m. Evening Service, 0:10 p.m. . Jr. HI Choir, 5:15 p.m. — Wednesday — Midweek Service, 7:00 p.m. Awana, 6:15 p.m. at Sooth School COLOMA BIBLE CHURCH, West A Wilson Rev. Estes Kenney, Pastor Sun. School 9:45 - Morn. Serv. 11 a.m. Eve. Serv. S p.m. - Youth Group, 7: JO pjn. Monday • Awana A Sparks 6:30 Coloma Middle School A 246 Wilson Wed. • Prayer meets, 10 a.m. A 7 p.m. F i t Shipmates, Youth 9-12 grade. 1:00 p.m. 1S7 Strand St. COLOMA SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 380 W. Center (Directly beyond cemetery i Pastor Ralph Darrough Sabbath School 9:30a.m.-Church Service 11 Telephone-468-3400 BJ's Crafts & Gifts Hngnr Shore Rd. 1 nlervliet. Mich. Craft Supplies A Handmade Gifts Ceramic Beads Macrsme Cord Rings • Marbella A Sled Stuffed Animals Ceramic Gift Hems HARTFORD 6214377 AUTO REPAIR 439 E. M a i n S»., Hartford — COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE- JoHeph Srheid Mnrparei IMIin^cr WATERVLIET - Joseph H. Scheid, 86, of Watervliet, died Friday, Sept. 18, at Community Hospital, Watervliet. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Watervliet. Burial was in Watervliet Cemetery. Liturgical prayer services were held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Hutchins Funeral Home, Watervliet. Mr. Scheid was bom July 12, 1895, in Kalamazoo. He was employed by Watervliet Paper Co. for 46 years before retiring in 1961. Survivors include his wife, Naomi; two daughters, Mrs. Donald (Josephine) Waldran of Kalamazoo, and Mrs. Wanda Pomeroy of Grandville; and two grandchildren. Mrs. Harold R. (Margaret) Pillinger, 84, well known local resident, expired Thursday morning, September 17th, in Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, following an illness of three weeks. Margaret Jane Pillinger was born June 17, 1897, near Twelve Comers, the daughter of John William and Lucinda Silver. Three years later the family moved to Watervliet. She graduated from Watervliet High School and Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, and spent many years teaching in the schools of Berrien and Van Buren counties. Even after her retirement she was much in demand as a substitute teacher in the local area schools. For a number of years she held the responsible position of head of the Title Department in Lansing under I>eon D. Case of Watervliet who was Secretary of State of Michigan. I ^ t e r she went to Detroit where she was employed by the Ordinance Department with the U.S. Government. RON JENSEN Owner-Operator C e r t i f i e d Master 463-3164 LAKE SHORE BIBLE U.S. 33 at Evanston Hagar Shores, Mi. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 10:45 a.m. Evening Service, 6:00 p.m. Midweek service. Wed., 7:00 p.m. Rev. Paul OLson. Pastor AWANA • Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Compliments ot Bill Stewart's PAW PAW L A K E GOLF CLUB ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOUC CHURCH Rev. Adnlph Nudrach SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Summer-8.9:30 A 11a.m. Wlnter-8:30A 10:30 a.m. Saturday Nlghl,5:30 Weekday Mass, 9:15 Confessions: Sat. 4 to5p.m. REDEEMER EVANGELICAL LUTHERANCHURCH Church of the Lutheran Confession M-152 East of Sister lakes Pastor Paul Tiefel Jr. Divine Worship, 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Class, 10:05 a.m. CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH Territorial A Benton Center Rdv Dennis L. Finnun, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. Evening Service, 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Corner of Church A I*edy Ste., Coloma Rev. Paige Birdwell FREE METHODIST Paw Paw Avenue. Watervliet Rev. Albert A. Fall Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service. 11:00 a.m. Choir Rehersal, 7:15 p.m. Evening Service, 6:00 p.m. Wednesday. All Youth Meet, 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study, 7:00 p.m. COLOMA CHURCH OF GOD Red Arrow Hwy. — Rev. James Dalton Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00a.m. Evangelistic Service, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Prayer Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Sat. Young Peoples Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. W A T E R V L I E T PAPER COMPANY, INC. Put your ad here! ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST North Bainbrldge Center Road I near Hill Road) Rev. Norman E. Meyer Sunday School. 9:15-10:15 a.m. Church Service. I0;30-IL.IOa.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD Pastor Wllma Creech Sunday Schoal, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Sunday evening service, 6:00 p.m. Midweek service. Wed., 7:00 p.m. NEWHOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor. Miss Unda Stoddard Church School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Servirc, 11:00 a.m. Summer hours, 11:00a.m. Mechanic BELFY DRUGS WATERVLIET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Church St. A Red Arrow Hwy. Rev. Lawrence Wililord Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00a.m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST Washington A Park St.. Coloma Rev. Patrick Lawson Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. B.T.C.. 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. Phone 463-3461 for information NILSON'S BODY SHOP Phone Mrs. Eva Arndt COLOMA — Mrs. Erna A. Arndt, 70, of Wilson Ave., Coloma, died Friday, Sept. 18th. at her home. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, Coloma, of which she was a member. Burial was in North Shore Memory Gardens. Memorials may be made to the church or to Berrien County Cancer Society. Mrs. Arndt was born Sept. 25, 1910, in Wisconsin. She was retired from Reinhardt's IGA Store, Coloma, where she was a cashier. Survivors include: three sons - Arnold of St. Joseph, Aubrey of Waterville, Ohio, and Allen of Coloma; two daughters Mrs. Charles (Avila) Hdsey of O'Fallon, Mo., and Mrs. Harold (Arlene) Schrade of East Detroit, Mich.; one sister, Mrs. Hertha Arndt of St. Joseph; two brothers - E r i c Hoffman, and Alfred Hoffman, both of Scottville, Mich; 15 grandchildren; and two great grandchildren. Her husband, Henry, preceded her in death in 1956. 463-6291 W pckvmi RED ARROW HIGHWAY WATERVLIET visitor here Mrs. Earl Maynard of Detroit spent the weekend with Ilo Murray of Watervliet. On Sunday, they attended a family reunion in Kalamazoo. She was married on Dec. 29, 1945 to Harold R. Pillinger of Whitehall, Michigan, and they came to Watervliet where they owned and developed the Silver T e r r a c e Subdivision. For a number of years they owned and operated the Silver Terrace Tea Room at the comer of Silver Terrace and M-140. She was active in the affairs of the community, the work of the Democratic party and served on the local election board for many years. She was a member of First United Methodist Church, Watervliet Friday Club, Michigan Education Assn., Berrien County Retired Public School Education Assn., Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel and National Retired Teachers Assn. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. William (Winifred) Fain, Fort Myers, Florida, formerly of Troy, Michigan; a daughter, Mrs. Everett (Jane) Allen, Clearwater, Florida; a son, Harry Pillinger, Whitehall, Michigan, and four grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her husband, Harold JLF FIRST UNITED METHODLSTCHURCH Flkes Road. Riverside Dr. Dwight M. Benner Rev. Elizabeth Perry Nord Morning Worship, 9:00 a.m. Church School, 10:30 a.m. t Margaret Pillinger R., who died in 1962, five sisters and a brother. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at four o'clock from the Hutchins Funeral Home, Watervliet. Rev. Emerson Minor, pastor of United Methodist Church, Plainwell, former local pastor and long time friend, conducted the services. Interment was in Watervliet Cemetery. Casket bearers were: Raymond Rogalski, Roger Rogalski, Drew Hutchins, Tony Gagliardo, Gary Phillipi, and Robert Millhouse. Lawrence Ban in Lawrence D. Baum, 68, of New Port Richey, Fla., died Sunday, Sept. 13th at New Port Richey. Mr. Baum was a frequent visitor in the Watervliet area and was the father of Mrs. Robert Stolz, County Line Road. Funeral services for Mr. Baum were held in his home town of Hastings where he was buried. Mr. and Mrs. Baum moved to Florida 11 years ago, after he received a medical retirement from E.W. Bliss in Hastings. He was a member of the Horseless Carriage Club of Grand Rapids and drove his 1914 Apperson Jackrabbit in several Blossom Parades (accompanied by his grandchildren Gary and Denise Stolz). Mr. Baum is survived by his wife, Ethel; a son, Larry R. Baum, Hastings; and daughter, Kathy Stolz, Watervliet. A daughter, Beatrice preceded him in death. FAITH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Church of the Lutheran Confession Paw Paw Ave., Coloma Pastor Jamea Sandeen Sunday School A Bible CIas«. 9:30 a.m. Divine Worship, 10:30 a.m. Confirmation Class Tues.,4 p.m.: Sat.9a.m. fhe Peoples Stale Bank SI JOS6PM MICHIGAN MEMBER F D I C 0r> O YOU may Purchase This Space Each Week For Information Phone 463-3461 Downtown S I Joseph South St Joseph Millbiifg Scottdale Napier Avenue Watervliet Coloma Watervliet Drive-In St Joseph Drive-In Hi OF 6 Monday N i t e FOOTBALL SPECIAL Pitcher of Beer Vi Price very, very tired and had been ill for many years. "On behalf of my family I would like to thank the staff at Watervliet Hospital for their attempts to revive Chuck, and I would like to tell them how verysorry we are for any personal distress caused to them by his suicide." J e r r y Lounsbury WATERVLIET Jerry Lounsbury, 72, of San Diego, Calif., formerly of Watervliet, died Friday, Sept. 18 in San Diego. Funeral services were held Monday, at 2 p.m. at the Hutchins Funeral Home, Watervliet. Burial was in Watervliet Cemetery. Mr. Ixmnsbury was bom Aug. 4, 1909, in Seattle, Wash. Survivors include: his mother, Mrs. Martha Haney of Watervliet; a brother, Frank of Watervliet, and a sister, Mrs. Ed (Arvila) Van Herman of Coloma. 'He wants a date with me?' Homeowners, tenants, & Mobilehome owners, make a date with the Don Young Agency. We have a package policy to include all your insurance needs: fire, windstorm, theft, liability, in one convenient policy. Don Young Insurance Agency... Complete Insurance Service Watervliet • 463-6773 Take time to relax and enjoy an evening at • XT ED'S CAFE PAW PAW LAKE ROAD, COLOMA Treat yourself to your choice of a GOOD SELECTION OF DINNER. SANDWICHES AND DESSERTS SATURDAY AFTERNOON - BAR AREA SPECIAL Bean Soup • 10c bowl - From noon to 4 p.m. Jo/n t/s for good food, great spirits and a happy atmosphere CHRIS A JOHN KROGEL OFF NORTH WATtRVLIET RORD WftTERVUET Charles Rawson, 48, Hartford, died Friday night at CommunityHospital in Watervliet. Mr. Rawson died in the hospital emergency room almost an hour after he shot himself in the left temple with a handgun. The shooting occurred in a hallway by the outpatient desk at 10:15 Friday night. Before the shooting Rawson walked into the hospital and attempted to give a sealed envelope to a hospital aide. She went to get a registered nurse, because she thought he acted strange. Mr. Rawson was bom March 20, 1933, in Homewood, III. Survivors include: his wife, Shirley; two sons - Jay of Upland, Calif., and Mark of Newport Beach, Calif.; one sister, Marvina Rastall of St. Joseph; and one brother, J. Michael of Sister l^akes. Mr. Flawson's brother, Michael Rawson of Sister Lakes, and his sister, Marvina Rastall of St. Joseph, said their brother chose to take his life in the hospital so that his vital organs could be donated for use by others. In a letter to the News Palladium Mrs. Rastall wrote...he had very carefully obtained donor cards, had them certified at the police department, and included them in the envelope with his suicide note which he gave to the staff at the hospital. He did not know that Watervliet Hospital does not have the advanced life support systems necessary to preserve organs for transplant and that they were, in fact, not able to use any. He simply was unable to continue his own life and hoped that other people could use his last gift to society. He also wished to spare those he loved any more pain than necessary , and would not have wanted any one of us to have found him dead in his apartment. "My brother was one of the kindest human beings I have known. He was a civil engineer in Califomia, and has many veryfine engineering projects to his credit. He was the kind of person who gave everything he had to people, and in the end took his own life because he felt that he had nothing left to give. He was * Tues. Nite - Ladies Nite - Drinks % Price PH 463-3772 Page Nine Suicide victim wanted to d o n a t e vital o r g a n s Prayer Service. Wed.. 7:30 p.m. Watervliet Papermakers Since 1910 Dov\/ntown Coloma Open 24 Hrs. 463-5796 CHURCH OF CHRIST 323 E. Main St.-Hartford MB. Mackey, Minister Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. for i n f o r m a t i o n Phone 463-3461 for informaUon ! SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTLST Pinery Road - Hartford Pastor Ralph Darrough Worship Service. 11-00 a.m. Sahath School. 9:30 a.m. Put your ad here! MM Main GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE Rev. Edgar Kent Pastor of Gmpel Light Housr Red Arrow Highway - Between Watervliet and Hartford Sunday Sehool, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. COLOMA U N I T ® METHODIST CHURCH Church St.. Coloma Dr. Dwight M. Benner Rev. Elizabeth Perry Nord Church Worship -10:45 a.m. Church School - 9:15 a.m. Record Watervliet 24, 1981 ORITI ARIES & i?* Bros. September uour problems to Church this week- GAMBLES Conrad 24. 1981 PAT A BOB GRANS Have a cocktail or a good cup of coffee Party room available - Phone 4 6 8 - 5 7 0 3 ' V/ Open daily at 5 p.m. - Sundays from 12 noon CLOSED MONDAYS September 24, 1981 September RICHCREEK WELL DRILLING COMPANY 2" lo 6" wells Drilled & Repaired Jet &• Submersible pumps Sales \ S e n ice Watervliet 463-3241 463-6659 LONG'S TV & Appliances Authorized Sales /F.MTH FRUillVAlRK ! Full line of major appliances Nelson's Barber Stylist - Roffler Styling Center — By Appointment TALA Red Arrow Highway WatervUet 463-4131 Professional Center Culoma. Mich. Alden White & Sons, Inc. Dozer & Backhoe Service Sand-Gravel-Top Soil CHINICK'S Tax Service 373 N. Main Waterviiet Phone 463-3833 Watervliet, Michigan 463-6971 " w e do all types of taxes OPEN ;Ex^HH<<ti^N Gjto'i PMUCWO Manuka Dotmu SpteacfeCVcatPtt Itakltvt Flogerw Deptet Grrrk Salad GMKOMLRTTE ORCHARDS MALL BENTON HARBOR Phone n5-SS55 Electric motor Sales & Service 7 DAYS A WEEK Gargano CiiHiom Carpet Siaitrrs Gfm-raiors A Hi i tiiitoi • Hr«luUtni% Oi'ico Siipn mr Hattrncs RIVERSIDE Electric Service 3864 Riverside Rd. Riverside - I'honc 849-1222 Welch's Wood Burners tatlatoctlon Ovarwtwd Complete Line of PITTSBURG PAINTS WALLPAPER Phone 463-6835 Ml RlJtCK BART wood A coal Fiirplac* tnwrU A (rrr itandlnf: • O" H A 2S" H. ASHl£VS - AH ModrU FURNACE ADIVONS PH'E A ACCESSORIES Red Arrow Highway (Arroa* from WatervUet High School i 1 FARM Hanqinq Baskets Green Plants Pottery Dish Gardens I 6945 East Napier Avenue Benton Harbor. Mich. 49022 BOARDING CATS 8, DOGS Silver Crook Kennels Clean. Modern Spacious Kennels Excellent care Reasonable rater 2 l t miles north ol Hartford on CR 687 Phone 621-4073 BOARDING - CLEAN New Kennels - Personal Care Reasonable Rates ST BERNARDS Phone 463-5301 (».17J4;I».UU| / K HARDWARE Pipe cut & threaded Screen & Storm Windows Repaired 33( R. Haia SL, Watantol 1 5 30 Mon.-Sat i HOWARD S ELECTRIC STORAGE HEATING Home Heating with Proven Economy 4278096 Save America s Valuable Energy 463 S461 -CARDIGAN W f ISM CORGIS M&L DISTRIBUTORS (AT COIOMA NEWS AGENCY) MUPPIES OCCASIONALLY 3 Miles S. on M-140 from 1-94 Your Family Insurance Agent SALES: Specializtng in Refurbished I f " Color Motel TV's from $169.95 RCA XL1M, Zenith, Quasar GE, etc. SERVICE: Most Makes and Models Color A B/W TV's I U N . Main Watervliet Carpet Sales & Service Installation — Cleaning Serging Doberman Acres Auto — Fire Health STATE F A R M Insurance FRED WARD AGENCY WATERVLIET TV & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE Coll 463-3630 AT WATERVLIET FURNITURE Ornrr^i Etoflnc Dav'on Universal Red Jacket pump & Fairbanks Morse pump sales Repair all makes of water pump Power tool repairs Automotive Electrical Service 468-7195 NOTICE OF MORTC.AGF. SALE Default havloK been made In (hr mnd It Ion* of oik critaln Mortgage, dated September II, 1M0, made by H. Ruaaell Deckerl and Sarah I. Deckert husband and wife, of ZSM langley. SL Joseph. Michigan 4MU. to l.aSAIJ.F FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF RICHANAN. and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds far Renien Coantv Michigan, at IJber 1134 of Mortgages, page Ml. oa the ttth day of September. A D i m . oo which Mortgage there Is claimed to be doe and unpaid at of September 17. IMl, the date of this Notice, oo principal, the sum of Eighty-two Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty and mm Dalian i i n . l « J > | phu katerett accrued thereao of Twa Thoosaod Seven Hundred Elgkty-alx and I I / I H Dollar* (tZ.7M.ll). as of September 17. IMl. with Interest accrual at Twenty-eight and II/1M Dollars it2t.ll) per day thereafter: and no proceeding at law having been tautltated to recover said debt This Notice Is glvea purauaal to C L m * Ml.3212 and C L INI •M.S24I as ameoded by A r t No. IM of the Pnblk Acts af 1M4, and Act Na. IM of the Public Acta of 1171. which establish a six maoth redempdoa period with reference to Mortgages of this dassiflcatioa. The herein detcribed property la residential, not exceeding four units, of not more than three acres; and the a m a u t claimed due at the date af this Notice la mare than IMk% af the original tndebtedneas secured by this Mortgage. Notice la hereby gtveu that as Thursday, the 22ad af October, A.D. IMl, at tea a riack la the fareoaaa sf said itay. at the Part Street entrance af the Caort House In the City af S t Joseph. Berrien County, Michigan, by virtue of the power of sale cootnlaed In said Mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provided, said Mortgage will he forerioaed by sale at public aucUou to the highest bidder of the prrtntoes described la said Mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amcnat doe. as aforesaid, and all legal costs, charges and expenses. Including an attorney's tec; which premises are described as follow*; The West 1M feet of Lot 14, Hatfield's Addition to the City af S t Joaeph, Berrien County, Michigan, being a pari of University Lats M aad tt. Sectloo M, Tewuahlp 4 South. Range II West according to the Plat thereof, recorded February M, 1IM In Book 11 of Plato, page M. DATED: This 17th day of September. A.D. 1M1. l-aSALLE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OFBUCHANAN BY: ROBERT B. BAlDWIN Its; Executive Vice-President DESENBERG. MARRS. COIJP, A CARLIN Attorneys for Mortgagee Business Address; 223 East Front Street P.O. Box 72 , Michigan 41117 WATE RVLIE T 463-5621 CASH FOR LAMO CONTRACTS Any type p r o p e r a n . M h e ' e m Michigan 24 Ho-if Dava W l l l U m a Snlldlng S a l a s FARM — COMMERCIAL 429-7611 . Gail Fr^e l 800 ?92 15*50 .First Nations' Acc eo- tnce Co STEVENSVILLE Pepil 8 pak half liter $ 1 . 9 5 MORTGAGESALE Default ha* been made In the condition* of a mortgage made by Barbara A. Phillips to Mortgage Associates. Inc., a Rhode Island Corporation, successor in Interest by merger to Mortgage Associate*. Inc., a Wisconsin Corporation. Mortgagee. Dated June 1$. 1*71. and recorded oo June II, 1171. in Uher 17$. on page 712. Berrien County Records. Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee to Amortlied Mortgages, Inc., by an assignment dated July I. II7I. and recorded on July 7, II7I. In IJber 877, oo page IM, Berrien County Records. Michigan, and further assigaed to Federal Nationnl Mortgage Aasaciation, n corporntlan organlied and existing under the laws of the United States, by an assignment dated July L 1171, aad recorded on July 7.1171, la Uber 177, an page IM, Berriea County Records, oa whkh mortgage there b claimed to be dne at the date hereof the sum of Six Thousand Sevea Hundred Twenty-Three aad M/1M Dollars (M.723.Ml, laclading interest at t.S% per aanum. Under the power af sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such cnae made and provided notice Is hereby given that said mortgage will be faredoaed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or tome part of thea, at public vendue, at the mala entrance to the County Building in St, Joaeph. Mlchlgnn, at M;M o'clock a.m., L a a l Time, an Thursday, October » , IML Said premises are situated la Ctty of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan, aad are deacrihed aa; A strip af land 434 feet la width off from and along the East side af Lot 21. Block E, Sorter aad RacUtfTs AddiUoa to Benton Hnrbor, according to the plat thereaf, recorded November 4, ISM, la Volume 1 of MlaccDaaeotta, Page IM, Berrien Couaty Records. Daring the six months immediately foUowtag the sale, the property may be Dated: September 17, IMl Federal Nattoaal Mortgage Association Assignee of Mortgagee Hecht A Cheney Ualaa Bank P l u a Grand Rapids. Michigan 4IM3 1-17,24; II-1.1. li MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made In the coodltkms of a mortgage made by Lou Jean Harris, a woman of adnlt age, to Wbltcomb A Keller Mortgage Company, aa Indiana Corporation, Mortgagee, Dated December 21,1171, and recorded on December 21,1171, In Liber 1M2, on page IMS. Berriea County Records. Michigan, aad asalgned by said Mortgagee to Mortgage Associates, lac,, a Rhode Islaad Corporation, by an assignment dated December M, 1171, aad recorded on Jane 14, 1171, In Uber 1IM, oa page 331, Berrien Couaty Records. Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be dne at the date hereof the sum of Slxteea Thousand Five Hundred Sixty aad O/IM Dollar* (tlMM,tS|. Including interest at I J % per Uader the power of sale contained tn said mortgage and the statute In such cnae made and provided, notice Is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or tome pari of them, at public vendue, at the main entrance to the County Rallding in S t Joaeph, Michigan, at II:M o'clock a.m., Local Time, on Thnraday, November 12.1M1. Said premises are situated In Township af Benton, Berrien County, Michigan, aad are described na; Lot 41, Rldgewood, in the Northwest Quarter af Secttaa U, Townahtp 4 South. Range U West Benton Townahlp, Berrien County, Mlchlgnn. according to the Plat thereof, recorded May Zt, UM, la Boak I af Plata, page M, During the alx months immedlntely following the sale, the property may be Nmpapan OriMtal Faad • Pap PtMfCMif I M r l t M B Htiumtt fay Mick ( a t liM. and Act Oapaaal BiHshara IML Mortgage Assocla tea, lac. Assignee of Mortgagee Hecht A Cheney UMaa Baak Plaxa Grand Rapkb, Michigan, 4MI3 (M4:11-14,13,22.) ARMY RESERVE. BEALLYOUCANBE. 13 W. Main 621-4067 Hartford WEDDINGS •PORTRAITS • ANNIVERSARIESON T H E A & A MACRAME & CRAFT SUPPLIES 265 Ryno • Coloma (across from Hardmgs) •Doll parts 'Beading supplies •Felt •Chenille Mon -Sat. 9-6 Much more1 The friendly - f a m i l y church at Red MARTY & LINDA 165 C H U R C H S T . C O L O M A . Ml. 4 9 0 3 8 (616) 468-6684 HARTFORD F E D E R A T E D CHURCH SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY QUIGLEY'S C R E A T I V E PHOTOGRAPHY 468-4044 FOR SALE — Alto Saxophone completely r e f i n i s h e d , and repadded. Like new. Phone 4633167, ask for Lee. lSept.l0,17,pd) BENEFIT GARAGE SALE Everything furniture, appliances, home canned goods, clothes like new, odds and ends, and misc. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25 & 26. 1120 Baldwin Ave. (V4 mile of Watervliet, V4 mile east on Baldwin.) Benefit for Redford Flanery. YARD SALE Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. At 422 Riverside Drive in WatervUet. G.E. WASHER & DRYER PAIR — New unit in washer. New unit in dryer. Heavy duty. Other washers and dryers ready to go. Convenient t e r m s . PATTON BROS. 200 E. Empire, B. H. 9251146. PARTING OUT - 450 FARM TRACTORS also farm machinery. Stamm Equipment Co., Wayland, Mi, Phone 616^774221. or 792-6204. ELECTRIC RANGE & R E F R I G E R A T O R PAIR IN ALMOND. Slightly used. New guarantee on r e f r i g e r a t o r . 90 days on range. Deliver only $625 plus s a l e s t a x . 20% down. Convenient t e r m s . PATTON BROS. 200 E. Empire, B.H. 9251146. END OF SUMMER SALE — Benches, fountains, bird baths. Many Christinas gift ideas. J . & R. Lawn Decor. Located at m miles west of M-140 on Empire. Phone 944-1967. (9-10,17,24,c) USED R E F R I G E R A T O R S S e v e r a l g u a r a n t e e d models. Ready to go. Freerer tops, side by sides, various colors. F r o m $75 to $380. PATTON BROS. 200 E. Empire, B.H. 925-1146. 30 INCH G.E. SELF CLEANING OVEN — Recent model with clock, lamp, etc. $268 and terms. Others to choose from. PATTON BROS. 200 E. Empire, B.H. 92S1146. Sunday school for all ages 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Golden Gospel Hours 6:00 Sun. evening Ads phoned in must be paid before the ad will appear in the paper A L L C L A S S I F I E D ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SMALL TWO BEDROOM HOME SURPLUS J E E P S , CARS AND TRUCKS AVAILABLE. Many sell under $200. CaU 312-742-1143 Extension 1185 for information on how to purchase. (7-30,6-13,27p) Meyer Real Estate and property m a n a g e m e n t is looking for a p a r t m e n t and c o t t a g e s to manage. CaU Don at 621-2145 or 983-1992 after six. 9-3,10,17,24 pd ON PAW PAW LAKE, furnished, well i n s u l a t e d , p r i v a t e p i e r , fishing & boating. Adult living, no pets. S e c u r i t y deposit plus utilities. Good terms for one or two qualifying adults. 466-3713 weekends, or (312) 598-1124. (9-17,24,pd) FOR RENT - TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Stove and Refrigerator. L a r g e lawn and g a r a g e . In Watervliet. $250./mo. plus deposit and utilities. Phone 4636181. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HEAT ECONOMICALLY - With a modem KUTRIEB waste on inceneration furnace. Latest c o m p u t e r technology a s s u r e s s a f e , e f f i c i e n t h e a t with a minimum of m a i n t e n a n c e . Demonstration available in your area. Realistic Energy Products, Inc., P.O. Box 117, Ellsworth, Mi. 49729. Phone 616 -588-6197. DRIVEWAY TUBES - 12" DIAMETER all lengths up to 24" in stock. A F F I L I A T E D HOME CENTERS, INC., WatervUet. USED COLOR TVS - Most with new picture tubes. Guaranteed and terms. PATTON BROS. 200 E . E m p i r e , B.H. 925-1146. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank our employees, friends and relatives for the very wonderful r e t i r e m e n t party held in our honor. It is something we wiU always remember. Stan & Jean Schmiegle " N o blessing lasts f o r e v e r . " Plautus John's Plumbing Special prices on Water Heaters MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE FOR RENT JOHN KUELBS Licensed Master Plumber Fundamental-Evangelistic Rev. G . L . B a d g e r , P a s t o r Page Eleven M i n i m u m charge of $1.25 - 5 cents a word over 20 REPAIR & NEW INSTALLATION A r r o w Highway & Pinery Road Record Twenty Words for $1.25! MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE hut Dapaaft Hours: Mon. • Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 9 8p.m.;Sat.8-6,Sun. 7 - 2 Watervliet 24. 1981 Water Softners & Water iron Filters LOSE WEIGHT with a safe diet pill a m a z i n g - high p r o t e i n S p i r u l i n a. W a t e r v l i e t Rexall Pharmacy - 356 N. Main. (9-10,17,24,10-1-p) LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the Township of Bainbridge, Berrien County, Michigan, will hold a pubUc hearing at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 19th, 1981, at the Township Hall in said Township to determine whether two acres of property located immediately east of Shanes Co. at the n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of Territorial Road and Highway M140 owned by Donald C. Weckwerth and described as: That part of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 17 West, Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan, described as beginning at a point on the South Section Une, that is 308.75 feet S. 87* 57' E. of the Southwest comer of said Section 14, thence North and p a r a l l e l with the West Section Une, 423.25 feet, thence S. 87° 57' E. and parallel with said South Section Une, 205.85 feet, thence South 423.25 feet to said South Section line, thence N. 87° 57' W. along said South Section line, 205.85 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 2.0 acres. Subject to that part being used for right of way. ShaU be retoned from Section 5.08, Agricultural District, to Section 5.06, Commercial District as provided in the Township Zoning Ordinance. At the above time and place aU parties interested will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated: September 15,1981. Harry Schueneman, Secretary Bainbridge Township Planning Commission Sept. 24, & Oct. 15,1981 Take f W ; . stocks.,.^ in^rnerica. FOR WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCE SERVICE k KENMORE WASHER A DRYER SERVICE call Otto's Sales & Service, WatervUet, 46^6411 or 944-1262. WILL BABY SIT IN MY HOME ANYTIME — (including week ends) for children ages 2 and up. I charge 45 cents an hour for each child. I Uve at 932 Peachtree Place in WatervUet (near North School). I'm 25 years old and have a child of my own. My phone number is 463-3869. (9-24-p) "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." Oscar Wilde WANTED: YOUNG MAN OR RETIRED PERSON for spare time assistance to senior citizen on a \ a r i e t y of p r o j e c t s . Compensation negotiable depending on capabiUties. Steady needs. Phone 463-8190. {9-17,24 ;10-l-c) HELP WANTED — CLERICAL maU agents urgently needed by the hundreds for Inserting sale.4 material into envelopes. P e r m a n e n t part or full t i m e opportunity. Experience unnecessary. ExceUent income p o t e n t i a l . F o r details a n d appUcation, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. SYLVESTER, Box 96, Chicago Hgts.,ni. 60411. (8-20-10-8c) WANTED - TRADE IN YOUR TV, range, refrigerator, washer, • d r y e r , on new G . E or RCA models. We urgently need your old appUance for others who are Just s t a r t i n g h o u s e k e e p i n g . PATTON BROS. 200 E. Empire, B.H. 925-1146. Yogurt has about one third the calories f o u n d in sour cream. NOW LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN COLOMA AT 155 PAW PAW AVENUE Chuck Henderson, Owner 2 doors North of Fire Station Keys Made Certified Bonded CHUCK'S Locks Rekeyed Repaired Installed Phone 468-8395 0 Lock & Key Service OPEN: 9 to 5:30 Mon. Fri^ Sat 9 to 2:00 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MOBILE SERVICE After dosing call 468 4219 Pm I I I I I I Jfliiway Chiropractic 463-5700 Chmc BOX 4 2 R t o AMROW HlOMWAl WATERVUICT M.CMICAM A 9 0 0 0 OW G R W E A V E R Res 6 3 / - 5 0 l < 4 DR W K WOOTt N RES 4 6 5 3 H O 7 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Wednesday and Friday Evenings 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon - 2:00 p.m. to 6:00' Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. i I I • I • I I I E l ^ i I I V # 1^1 • • PAW PAW LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS RE; Existing petition to forever remove the M-140 Dam. (Which was paid for originally by your tax dollars). We feel it important that all facts be presented, whether you have already signed this petition or will be asked to do so in the future. 1. It is a known fact that the M-140 Dam has functioned effectively since its inception in 1978 until the current season. Its failure to perform as in the past is due to the sabotaging* of the dam, allowing waters from Paw Paw Lake to flow freely through the gate all summer long, creating the lowest lake level since 1975. *Drain Commissioner and Sheriff's Department investigative report. An 18" by 8' section was removed. 2. Logic should tell us that we do not sign a petition to remove what is our ONLY protection to keep the waters in the lake until another solution is installed and in working order! 3. According to the petitioner, it is hoped that the Watervliet Paper Mill would repair their two dams which would offer some control to the water level of the lake. If this were true, wouldn't it be wise to verify this fact by getting a written expression of the Paper Mill's intent before we prematurely draw up a petition to remove the M-140 Dam? 4. The petitioners are well meaning in a self-serving way and naturally are concerned in their own behalf, as we all would be, but we should not be lead down a "primrose path" in order that the few people who have resented the dam since its beginning be allowed to prevail. After all, there are hundreds of property owners who have suffered initially because of the sabotage, but to suffer PERMANENTLY because of the unwise decision to remove the dam before there is a replacement is FOOLISH! 5. The petitioner has said the signatures would not be presented for official recognition until they were sure the Paper Mill would take over this responsibility. The petitioner has admitted that in order for the Mill Dams to effect any control over the water level of Paw Paw Lake, both dams that the Paper Mill owns would have to be repaired. 6. FACT: The Paper Mill has firmly and flatly stated they are NOT going to repair both of their dams. This should conclude the matter. 7. Contrary to rumors concerning the cost of raising and lowering the M-140 Dam gate each year, the actual cost will be approximately $1.20 per property owner per year, according to Frank Kotyuk, Berrien County Drain Commissioner. This will be only after the contingency fund money that was allocated in 1978 runs out. WE RESPECTFULLY ASK THAT YOU CONSIDER THESE FACTS BEFORE SIGNING THIS PETITION. DAM "DO NOT BURN YOUR-BWeefSBEHIND YOU" Paid for by the Concerned Citizens for a Better Paw Paw Lake
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